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Saúde debate ; 48(140): e8535, 2024. tab
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1560517


RESUMO Na saúde bucal, ações educativas ainda se fundamentam na transmissão de conhecimentos, com pouco diálogo com a população. Estudo transversal, descritivo e exploratório, com abordagem qualitativa. Objetivou-se analisar práticas educativas inseridas no modelo tradicional e dialógico de educação em saúde, identificando motivações e desafios dos dentistas na realização de ações efetivamente dialógicas, críticas e reflexivas. Realizaram-se entrevistas com 39 cirurgiões-dentistas de Fortaleza-CE, os dados submetidos à Análise de Conteúdo, identificando três perfis profissionais: dentista passivo, esforçado e empoderado. No passivo, a educação para adolescentes, a troca de benefícios e a valorização do atendimento clínico foram dificuldades citadas que remetem à culpabilização da população, sem fatores motivadores. A culpabilização também emergiu nos esforçados, com o desinteresse da população, sendo apresentado como motivadores a intersetorialidade, a melhoria da saúde da população e a motivação pessoal. Já os empoderados evidenciaram como desafios a vulnerabilidade e a falta de comprometimento profissional, sendo motivados por ações interprofissionais. A gestão e a pandemia da Covid-19 foram dificuldades comuns, sendo evidenciada a importância da educação permanente, que ainda possui pouco incentivo na difusão de abordagens educativas problematizadoras, além da necessidade de potencializar estratégias de motivação profissional no desenvolvimento dessas práticas.

ABSTRACT In oral health, educational actions are still based on the transmission of knowledge, without observing the real needs of the population. Cross-sectional, descriptive and exploratory study, with a qualitative approach, aiming to analyze educational practices of primary care dentists, identifying motivations and difficulties to carry them out. Data collection was carried out through interviews with 39 dentists in Fortaleza-CE, submitted to Content Analysis, identifying three professional profiles: passive, hardworking and empowered dentist. On the passive side, education for adolescents, exchange of benefits, and the valuation of clinical care were difficulties mentioned that lead to the blame of the population, without citing motivations. Blaming also emerged with the hardworking, along with the population's lack of interest, with intersectoriality, improved health of the population, and personal motivation being presented as motivators. The empowered ones, on the other hand, highlighted vulnerability and lack of professional commitment as challenges, being motivated by interprofessional actions. Management and the COVID-19 pandemic were difficulties common to the profiles, highlighting the importance of Continuing Education, which still has little incentive in the dissemination of problematizing educational approaches, in addition to the need to enhance professional motivation strategies in the development of these practices.

Artículo en Inglés | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1430554


Children with cancer commonly present oral health impairments due to lack of orientation about oral hygiene, which should be directed to caregivers since they are essential in this process. We developed and validated a guideline directed to caregivers for oral hygiene of children with cancer. This exploratory methodological study developed an educational guideline in three stages: analysis of oral health of children attended at the oncology service; literature review and development of the guideline for oral hygiene; semantic, appearance, and content validation by dentists, education professionals, and the target population. We used the Educational Content Validation Instrument in Health, and agreements of ≥ 80 % among evaluators were considered to maintain or modify the assessed items. Professionals and caregivers were mostly female; the latter were predominantly mothers with low educational level from inland areas of Pernambuco state (Brazil). Most professionals had more than ten years of experience in pediatric dentistry. Agreement was > 80 % in all items. The content of the guideline for oral hygiene was valid and relevant to be used in children with cancer.

Los niños con cáncer comúnmente presentan afecciones en la salud bucal por falta de orientación sobre la higiene bucal, la cual debe ser dirigida a los cuidadores ya que son fundamentales en este proceso. Desarrollamos y validamos una guía dirigida a cuidadores para la higiene bucal de niños con cáncer. Este estudio metodológico exploratorio desarrolló una directriz educativa en tres etapas: análisis de la salud bucal de los niños atendidos en el servicio de oncología; revisión de la literatura y desarrollo de la guía para la higiene oral; validación semántica, de apariencia y de contenido por parte de odontólogos, profesionales de la educación y población objetivo. Se utilizó el Instrumento de Validación de Contenido Educativo en Salud, y se consideraron acuerdos ≥ 80 % entre evaluadores para mantener o modificar los ítems evaluados. Los profesionales y cuidadores eran en su mayoría mujeres; estas últimas eran predominantemente madres con bajo nivel educativo del interior del estado de Pernambuco (Brasil). La mayoría de los profesionales tenían más de diez años de experiencia en odontopediatría. La concordancia fue > 80 % en todos los ítems. El contenido de la guía de higiene oral fue válido y pertinente para ser utilizado en niños con cáncer.

Rev. odontol. UNESP (Online) ; 52: e20230009, 2023. tab
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1522091


Resumo: Introdução a recomendação mais atual é de que a higiene bucal deve ser iniciada após a erupção do primeiro dente. Porém, há divergência de opiniões a respeito da necessidade ou não da higiene bucal do bebê desdentado. Objetivo: avaliar as práticas maternas de higienização bucal dos bebês menores de 6 meses de idade. Material e método : foi aplicado um formulário digital contendo quatro questões sobre informações sociodemográficas e quatro questões específicas. Foi realizada análise estatística descritiva, e os resultados foram comparados estatisticamente entre as crianças que receberam e não receberam higiene bucal antes dos 6 meses de idade. Resultado: pode-se observar que a idade, a escolaridade e a renda familiar das mães que realizavam higiene bucal de seus filhos antes da erupção do primeiro dente foram maiores do que das mães que não realizavam esse tipo de higiene. A idade das crianças, a idade de erupção do primeiro dente, o recebimento de orientações profissionais e o tipo de aleitamento não diferiram entre os grupos. Conclusão: ainda há uma grande parcela de mães que realiza higiene bucal dos bebês edêntulos.

Abstract: Introduction the starts of oral hygiene after the first tooth eruption is the most current recommendation. However, there are differences of opinion regarding whether or not oral hygiene is necessary for edentulous babies. Objective: to evaluate the maternal practices of oral hygiene of babies under 6 months of age. Material and method: a digital form was applied containing 4 questions about sociodemographic information and 4 specific questions. Descriptive statistical analysis was performed and the results were statistically compared between children who received and did not receive oral hygiene before 6 months of age. Result: it can be observed that the age, education and family income of mothers who performed oral hygiene before the eruption of the first tooth was higher than that of mothers who did not perform this type of hygiene. The age of the children, age of eruption of the first tooth, whether they received professional guidance and type of breastfeeding did not differ between the groups. Conclusion: there is still a large portion of mothers who perform oral hygiene of edentulous babies.

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Lactante , Higiene Bucal , Erupción Dental , Distribución de Chi-Cuadrado , Salud Bucal , Educación en Salud Dental , Estadísticas no Paramétricas
Hacia promoc. salud ; 26(2): 23-37, jul.-dic. 2021. tab, graf
Artículo en Español | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1339945


Resumen Objetivos: el objetivo de la investigación fue implementar estrategias lúdicas para mejorar la higiene oral de la población con Síndrome de Down en la Fundación CINDES de la ciudad de Pereira en el periodo 2017-2. Métodos: la investigación adoptó un enfoque cualitativo analizando el mundo social de acuerdo con su propia realidad y experiencia de las 12 personas diagnosticadas con SD y sus padres o cuidadores observándolos en su entorno natural y analizando sus habilidades previas acerca de las técnicas de higiene oral. El método de investigación fue la investigación acción y se usaron estrategias lúdicas, la observación y diarios de campo como técnicas de investigación. Resultados: se evidenció en la mayoría de la población con SD y sus padres o cuidadores que el nivel de conocimiento inicial era regular por el tiempo insuficiente durante el cepillado, falta de uso de la seda dental y mal comportamiento durante el cepillado; con la aplicación de estrategias lúdicas se logró que las personas con síndrome de Down aprendieran a identificar las estructuras de la cavidad oral, los implementos de higiene oral y los riesgos de no realizar un cuidado bucal adecuado, además, mejoraron la ejecución de la técnica de cepillado y se generó cierta autonomía. Conclusiones: se logró mostrar la efectividad de la implementación de estrategias lúdicas como herramienta crucial para lograr un aprendizaje significativo.

Abstract Objectives: The objective of this research was to implement playful strategies to improve the oral hygiene of the population with Down Syndrome (DS) in the CINDES Foundation in the city of Pereira during the 2017-2 period. Method: The research adopted a qualitative approach analyzing the social world according to the own reality and experience of 12 people diagnosed with DS and their parents or caregivers, observing them in their natural environment and analyzing their previous skills regarding oral hygiene techniques. The method applied was action research and playful strategies. Observation and field diaries were used as research techniques. Results: In the majority of the population with DS and their parents or caregivers, it was evidenced that their initial level of knowledge was mediocre due to insufficient time during brushing, lack of use of dental floss and bad behavior during brushing. With the application of playful strategies, it was possible for people with Down Syndrome to learn to identify the structures of the oral cavity, of oral hygiene implements and the risks of not performing adequate oral care. In addition, they improved the execution of the brushing technique and some autonomy was generated. Conclusions: It was possible to show the effectiveness of the implementation of playful strategies as an crucial tool to achieve meaningful learning.

Resumo Objetivos: o objetivo da pesquisa foi realizar estratégias lúdicas para melhorar a higiene oral num grupo com Síndrome de Down na Fundação CINDES da cidade de Pereira no período 2017-2. Métodos: a pesquisa adoptou um enfoque qualitativo analisando o mundo social de acordo com sua própria realidade e experiência das 12 pessoas diagnosticadas com SD e seus pais ou cuidadores observando-os em seu ambiente natural e analisando suas habilidades previas acerca das técnicas de higiene oral. O método de pesquisa foi a pesquisa ação e se usaram estratégias lúdicas, a observação e diários de campo como técnicas de pesquisa. Resultados: evidenciou-se na maioria deste grupo com SD e seus pais ou cuidadores que no nível de conhecimento inicial era regular pelo tempo insuficiente durante o escovado, falta de uso do fio dental e mal comportamento durante a escovação; com a aplicação de estratégias lúdicas se conseguiu que as pessoas com síndrome de Down aprenderam a identificar as estruturas da cavidade oral, o kit de higiene oral e os riscos de não realizar um cuidado bucal adequado, além disso melhora a execução da técnica de escovação e se gerou certa autonomia. Conclusões: conseguiu-se amostrar a efetividade da implementação de estratégias lúdicas como ferramenta crucial para lograr uma aprendizagem significativa.

Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-837463


Objective@#To assess the effect of caries management based on risk assessment in children and to provide the basis for the government to develop strategies to prevent and treat oral diseases.@*Methods@# From March 2018 to March 2019, 512 3-year-old children and 502 6-year-old children were selected by cluster sampling from kindergartens and primary schools, respectively, in the Minhang district of Shanghai, and oral examinations and questionnaires were carried out to assess baseline status. Then, the children were divided into 3 groups, including low-, middle- and high-risk groups, according to caries risk assessment. In each caries risk group, the children were randomly divided into an experimental group and a control group. The experimental groups were managed by risk assessment, and the control groups were provided basic oral public health services by the Shanghai government. The effect of caries prevention was evaluated 12 months later.@*Results@#Among the children with a high risk of caries, the incidence of caries was 51.22% in the 3-year-old control group, 34.17% in the experimental group, 51.27% in the 6-year-old control group and 33.15% in the experimental group, with statistical significance (P < 0.05). Among the children with a middle risk of caries, the incidence of caries was 38.71% in the 3-year-old control group and 7.32% in the experimental group, with statistical significance (P < 0.05). However, there was no significant difference in caries incidence between the control group and the experimental group for the children with low risk in the 3-year-old or 6-year-old groups and middle risk caries risk in the 6-year-old group. Both 3-year-old and 6-year-old children in the experimental group had a lower risk of caries than those in the observation group in 2019.@*Conclusion@#The caries prevention effect is remarkable in high-risk children, and caries management by risk assessment is probably recommended for children with high caries risk.

Artículo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-192255


Objective: To evaluate the effectiveness of school dental health education on the oral health status, oral health-related knowledge, and practice behavior of 6–12-year-old children. Methods: Hand search and electronic search based on the keywords on school dental health education in seven search engines till 2017 identified 7434 articles. Trials involving school-based dental health education with a minimum follow-up period of 6 months were screened. Risk of bias assessment was done independently by two authors. Results: Among the 18 articles which fulfilled the eligibility criteria, six were randomized controlled trials (RCTs) and 12 were non-RCTs. Quality assessment showed that 12 trials had a low risk of bias. Oral health-related knowledge improved in children. Oral health-related practice behaviors such as frequency and duration of brushing improved. Use of fluoridated toothpaste was increased. Plaque scores and gingival bleeding scores reduced. Conclusion: School dental health education had a positive impact on the oral health status, knowledge, and practice behavior of children. There is a definite need for high-quality RCTs analyzing the effectiveness of school dental health education on specific oral health outcomes.

Artículo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-210096


Background:School teachers can play an important role in helping to instill good health habits in their students. Consequently, teachers need to have an adequate knowledge and a proper attitude regarding oralhealth.Method and Materials:This is a cross sectional study conducted among public primary school teachers in Al-Madinah city. A questionnaire was distributed in 10 randomly selected schools. All teachers were asked to participate. Data was analyzed using SPSS software.Results: 200 teachers were asked to participate all of them responded.81% of the teachers were aware that caries are caused by bacteria in the oral cavity. 69.5% of teachers thinks that fluorides strength teeth. 44.5 % of the teachers brushed their teeth twice a day. Only 15% of the teachers regularly discuss oral health topics with their students. 74.5% of them think that it is necessary to treat tooth caries in primary teeth. 70.5% think that dental health education should be includedin the primary school curriculum. 64% of them believed that schools should restrict the consumption of caries causing snacks during school hours.Conclusion:Teachers’ knowledge regarding oral health needs improvement. Their own oral health practices are fair; however, their attitude towards oral health is very positive.Original Research Article

Artículo en Coreano | WPRIM | ID: wpr-787378


This study was performed to determine the effectiveness of oral health education program with a home-using portable device according to the individual oral health status in children.58 children who were 6 – 12 years old were included in this study. All subjects were affiliated to moderate or high caries risk group based on caries risk test. They were divided into 2 groups: (I) home-using portable device group (II) control group. Both groups were evaluated with simple plaque score (SPS) using camera type quantitative light-induced fluorescence device and educated with identical oral health education methods. Subjects in group I were demanded to use a home-using portable device. After 1 month, both groups were re-evaluated.Cariview score that can reflect the acidogenic potential of plaque bacteria was statistically reduced in both groups (p < 0.001). There was a statistically significant difference between two groups in the change of Cariview score (p = 0.022). In group I, the decrease was larger than that in group II. There was no statistically significant difference in the change of SPS (p = 0.937).Oral health education improved oral hygiene status in children. However, this study confirmed that it was much more effective to improve oral health status in children with a home-using portable device in their daily oral hygiene care.

Niño , Humanos , Bacterias , Educación , Fluorescencia , Salud Bucal , Higiene Bucal
Rev. bras. ciênc. saúde ; 23(2): 215-222, 2019. tab.
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: biblio-1015137


Objetivo: Avaliar a eficácia de uma atividade de educação em saúde bucal realizada na Escola de Ensino Fundamental Nemésio Bezerra no Município de Quixadá ­ Ceará sobre o conhecimento e o comportamento de higiene bucal de escolares. Material e Métodos: Foi realizado um estudo descritivo e prospectivo com abordagem quantitativa. A amostra na primeira etapa foi de 86 escolares de 12 a 16 anos e de 79 na segunda etapa do estudo. Na primeira etapa do estudo, foi aplicado um questionário estruturado antes da atividade educativa e na segunda etapa, o questionário foi aplicado um mês depois, com a finalidade de avaliar se ocorreu mudanças nos hábitos e conhecimentos sobre a saúde bucal dos alunos. Os dados coletados por meio dos questionários foram submetidos à análise estatística descritiva. Resultados: Antes da atividade educativa, somente 78% (n=67) dos alunos tinham ouvido falar em saúde bucal, enquanto um mês depois, 96% (n=76) dos estudantes responderam já terem ouvido falar. Antes da atividade educativa, somente 17% (n=15) dos estudantes responderam que a hora mais importante de escovar os dentes era antes de dormir. Depois de um mês, aumentou 43% (n=34). Conclusão: Após a atividade proposta, verificou-se um aumento expressivo na quantidade de alunos que melhoram seu conhecimento e seus hábitos de saúde bucal. O estudo mostra o quão importante se configuram as atividades de promoção de saúde bucal que podem ser capazes de proporcionar mudanças consideráveis no perfil de saúde e na qualidade de vida das populações.(AU)

Objective: To evaluate the efficiency of an oral health education activity carried out at Nemésio Bezerra Elementary School in the city of Quixadá - Ceará on oral hygiene knowledge and behavior of school children. Material and Methods: We carried out a descriptive and prospective study with a quantitative approach. The sample in the first stage was 86 students aged 12 to 16 years and 79 in the second stage of the study. In the first stage of the study, a structured questionnaire was applied before the educational activity and in the second stage the questionnaire was applied one month later with the purpose of evaluating if there were changes in the habits and knowledge about the oral health of the students. The data collected through the questionnaires were submitted to descriptive statistical analysis. Results: Before the educational activity, only 78% (n = 67) of the students had heard about oral health, while a month later, 96% (n = 76) of the students answered they had heard. Before the educational activity, only 17% (n = 15) of the students answered that the most important time to brush their teeth was before bed. After one month, it increased 43% (n = 34). Conclusion: After the proposed activity, there was an expressive increase in the number of students who improved their knowledge and their oral health habits. The study shows how important are the activities of oral health promotion that may be able to provide considerable changes in the health profile and quality of life of populations.(AU)

Niño , Adolescente , Higiene Bucal , Servicios de Odontología Escolar/educación
Interface (Botucatu, Online) ; 23: e180441, 2019. tab
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1040179


Pessoas que vivem com HIV/Aids (PVHA) possuem saúde bucal vulnerável. A formação do dentista - tradicionalmente tecnicista e procedimento-centrada - não é sensível a demandas subjetivas dessa população. O objetivo foi compreender como PVHA lidam com a saúde bucal, identificando subsídios para cuidado humanizado e integral. Realizou-se uma pesquisa qualitativa com 12 PVHA adultos em um serviço de Infecções Sexualmente Transmissíveis - IST/Aids sobre saúde bucal e expectativas quanto à assistência. Foram realizados grupos focais e entrevistas em profundidade. Os discursos foram categorizados pelo método de análise de conteúdo temática. Observou-se necessidade de formação dos dentistas para além das técnicas e guidelines , destacando importância da escuta e relações dialógicas para ampliar e complexificar a relação de cuidado. Espera-se que este trabalho com base na Educação Permanente (EP) em Saúde possa subsidiar ações educativas em saúde bucal que contemplem vivências e pontos de vista singulares de PVHA.(AU)

Las personas que viven con VIH/Sida (PVHA) tienen una salud bucal vulnerable. La formación del dentista - tradicionalmente tecnicista y centrada en procedimiento - no es sensible a demandas subjetivas de esta población. El objetivo fue comprender cómo las PVHA enfrentan la salud bucal, identificando subsidios para el cuidado humanizado e integral. Se realizó una encuesta cualitativa con 12 PVHA adultos en un servicio de IST/Sida, sobre salud bucal y expectativas con relación a la asistencia. Se realizaron grupos focales y entrevistas en profundidad. Los discursos fueron categorizados por el método de análisis de contenido temático. Se observó la necesidad de formación de dentistas más alla de las técnicas y guidelines, destacando la importancia de saber escuchar y de las relaciones dialógicas para ampliar y complejificar la relación de cuidado. Se espera que este trabajo con base en la Educación Permanente en Salud pueda dar subsidio a acciones educativas en salud bucal que incluyan vivencias y puntos de vista singulares de PVHA. (AU)

People living with HIV/Aids (PLWHA) are vulnerable regarding oral health. Dentists' education, traditionally technical and procedure-centered, may not be sensitive to subjective demands. The objective was to understand how PLWHA deal with their oral health, in order to promote humanized and integral care. A qualitative study was carried out with 12 PLWHA adults analyzing the perception of oral health and care expectations through thematic focus groups and in-depth interviews. The discourses were categorized by the thematic content analysis method. It was observed the need for dentists' training that goes beyond techniques and guidelines, highlighting the importance of listening and dialogic relations - a fundamental action to enhance and deepen care relationships. It is expected that this article based on the Continuing Education in Health, will provide contributions to the educational actions in oral health that may fully contemplate the unique point of view of PLWHA.(AU)

Ciênc. Saúde Colet. (Impr.) ; 23(3): 823-835, Mar. 2018. tab, graf
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: biblio-890562


Resumo Objetivou-se investigar os fatores associados à falta de acesso à informação em saúde bucal entre adultos. Trata-se de um estudo transversal, conduzido entre 831 adultos (35-44 anos). A variável dependente foi o acesso a informações sobre como evitar problemas bucais e as independentes foram reunidas em subgrupos conforme modelo teórico de Alfabetização em saúde. Conduziu-se Regressão Logística Binária com correção pelo efeito de desenho. Observou-se que 37,5% não tiveram acesso a informações sobre problemas bucais. A falta de acesso foi maior entre os adultos que possuíam renda per capita menor, estavam insatisfeitos com os serviços odontológicos utilizados, não utilizavam fio dental, apresentavam o domínio físico da qualidade de vida insatisfatório e que autopercebiam a saúde bucal como regular/ruim/péssima. A chance de não ter recebido informações sobre com evitar problemas bucais entre os insatisfeitos com os serviços odontológicos utilizados foi 3,28 vezes aquela observada entre os satisfeitos com os serviços odontológicos utilizados. Assim, o menor acesso esteve relacionado a condições desfavoráveis entre adultos. Os serviços de saúde devem garantir informações adequadas a seus usuários, a fim de aumentar os níveis de Alfabetização em saúde, maior satisfação e equidade.

Abstract This study sought to investigate factors associated with the lack of access to information on oral health among adults. It is a cross-sectional study, carried out among 831 adults (35-44 years of age). The dependent variable was access to information on how to avoid oral problems, and the independent variables were gathered into subgroups according to the theoretical model for literacy in health. Binary logistic regression was carried out, and results were corrected by the design effect. It was observed that 37.5% had no access to information about dental problems. The lack of access was higher among adults who had lower per capita income, were dissatisfied with the dental services provided, did not use dental floss, had unsatisfactory physical control of the quality of life, and self-perceived their oral health as fair/poor/very poor. The likelihood of not having access to information about dental problems among those dissatisfied with the dental services used was 3.28 times higher than for those satisfied with the dental services used. Thus, decreased access to information was related to unfavorable conditions among adults. Health services should ensure appropriate information to their users in order to increase health literacy levels and improve satisfaction and equity.

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Adulto , Salud Bucal , Acceso a la Información , Alfabetización en Salud , Modelos Teóricos , Calidad de Vida , Modelos Logísticos , Estudios Transversales , Encuestas y Cuestionarios , Atención Odontológica/estadística & datos numéricos , Satisfacción del Paciente , Renta
Artículo en Coreano | WPRIM | ID: wpr-787336


The purpose of this study was to improve efficacy of oral health education in children and adolescents based on the experience and perception of oral health education in young adults who graduated from high school within 10 years.Questionnaires were given to 412 people, and among them, 388 completed survey forms were selected. The questionnaire included categories which examined one's experience and perception of oral health education, oral health knowledge, dental history, and oral health behavior.The results showed that the respondents perceived elementary school as the most effective period of oral health education. Oral examination with direct explanation was the most preferred method of oral health education, but web search was the main source of oral health information. And knowledge of fluoride and sealant about caries preventive effect was still lacking. Considering these results, oral examination with direct explanation and web search would be useful to improve efficacy of oral health education in children and adolescents.

Adolescente , Niño , Humanos , Adulto Joven , Diagnóstico Bucal , Educación , Fluoruros , Métodos , Salud Bucal , Encuestas y Cuestionarios
Artículo en Coreano | WPRIM | ID: wpr-740578


OBJECTIVES: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the periodontal status of adolescents aged 15 years in Jinju city. METHODS: The study subjects were 506 adolescents aged 15 years in Jinju city. We investigated the prevalence and severity of periodontal disease using the Community Periodontal Index (CPI) recommended by the WHO. Data on the frequency of daily tooth-brushing were collected through self-reported questionnaires. The information obtained on both the periodontal health status and frequency of daily toothbrushing of adolescents in Jinju city was compared with the data from the 6th Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey 2013-2015 (KNHANES-VI). The software utilized in the analysis was SPSS version 23. Statistical significance was set at P < 0.05. RESULTS: The rate of healthy periodontal status in Jinju city was lower compared to KNHANES-VI (57.7% versus 63.7%). The rate of gingival bleeding in Jinju city and KNHANES-VI was 11.3% and 10.8%, respectively. The rate of calculus in Jinju city and KNHANES-VI was 31.0% and 25.6%, respectively. The rates of gingival bleeding and calculus were not significantly different between Jinju city and KNHANES-VI. The healthy periodontal segments in Jinju city were more than those in KNHANES-VI (5.43 versus 5.25). The bleeding periodontal segments in Jinju city were less than those in KNHANES-VI (0.25 versus 0.45). However, the periodontal segments with calculus in Jinju city were not significantly different from those of KNHANES-VI (0.31 versus 0.30). The frequency of daily tooth-brushing in Jinju city was more than that in KNHANES-VI (2.67 versus 2.47). CONCLUSIONS: These findings suggest that appropriate oral health education should be widely conducted to promote periodontal health in adolescents.

Adolescente , Humanos , Cálculos , Educación , Hemorragia , Corea (Geográfico) , Encuestas Nutricionales , Salud Bucal , Enfermedades Periodontales , Índice Periodontal , Prevalencia , Cepillado Dental
Modern Hospital ; (6): 704-706,709, 2018.
Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-698905


This paper discusses the practical significance of oral health education in disease prevention, treatment, prognosis and medical cost control in terms of caries, periodontal disease, denture repair, orthodontic treatment, dental implantation, pre pregnancy and pregnancy oral problems and so on.

Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: biblio-894376


ABSTRACT Pregnancy is a transient physiological state which brings about different hormonal changes in a woman's body. These effects are generalized and there are various oral changes as well. There are a number of especially important alterations in the periodontal conditions within the oral cavity. These changes have important implications as they have been known to cause adverse pregnancy outcomes. Better knowledge about these scenarios among health care professionals and women would go a long way toward avoiding or minimizing these adverse outcomes. Health education is an important tool in creating awareness among pregnant women regarding improvement of their oral health. Awareness among the health professionals and good inter-departmental collaboration would help toward a more efficient treatment of these pregnancy related conditions.

RESUMO A gravidez é um estado fisiológico transitório que produz uma série de alterações hormonais no corpo da mulher. Esses efeitos são generalizados e incluem várias alterações orais. Uma destas afeta condições periodontais. Essas mudanças têm implicações importantes, pois sabe-se que causam resultados adversos na gravidez. Um melhor conhecimento sobre esses cenários entre os profissionais de saúde e entre as mulheres seria um passo importante para evitar ou minimizar tais resultados adversos. A educação para a saúde é uma ferramenta importante na conscientização das mulheres grávidas em relação à melhoria da saúde bucal. A consciência entre os profissionais de saúde e a boa colaboração interdisciplinar ajudaria a efetivar tratamento mais eficiente dessas condições relacionadas à gravidez.

Humanos , Femenino , Embarazo , Higiene Bucal/métodos , Salud Bucal , Educación en Salud Dental , Caries Dental/prevención & control , Mujeres Embarazadas
Braz. dent. sci ; 21(1): 71-78, 2018. tab
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-881868


Objective: The aim of this study was to assess the knowledge, behaviour and practices regarding caries lesions, periodontal disease, preventive measures, diet and oral hygiene among public school students by using specific questionnaire and then guide them on the main educational and preventive methods for oral health. Material and Methods: A total of 376 students aged between 11 and 15 years old were evaluated. The students answered a questionnaire and watched a 10-minute educational video on tooth-brushing techniques, use of dental floss and diet. All the participants were given toothbrushes, dentifrice and dental floss. The resulting data were submitted to descriptive statistical analysis. Results: It was found that 54.26% of the school students were female, 95.21% had knowledge on caries lesions and only 15.96% know about periodontal disease. The surgeon-dentist was pointed out by 66.34% of the students as the responsible for guiding them on oral hygiene, with lack of hygiene being accounted for caries lesions and periodontal disease (64.09% and 38.30%, respectively). Toothbrush, dentifrice and dental floss were the most used resources for oral hygiene by 72.34% of the participants. Dental floss was used by 42.29% of the students, whereas 38.64% fail in doing so claiming they do not know how to use it. Conclusion: The school students showed knowledge on educational and preventive methods for oral health, but with some deficiencies; the majority of them were given guidelines on how to avoid oral problems by a surgeondentist; it is necessary to emphasise the importance of using dental floss in educational programs aimed at modifying the students' behaviour and practices regarding oral health. (AU)

Objetivo: O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar o conhecimento, comportamento e práticas de escolares da Rede Pública de Ensino sobre cárie, doença periodontal, medidas preventivas, dieta e higiene bucal por meio de um questionário específico e, posteriormente orientá-los sobre os principais métodos educativos e preventivos em saúde bucal. Material e Métodos: Foram avaliados 376 estudantes com idade entre 11 e 15 anos. Os escolares responderam um questionário e assistiram um vídeo educativo com duração de 10 minutos sobre técnicas de escovação, utilização do fio dental e dieta. Todos os alunos participantes receberam uma escova, creme dental e fio dental. Os dados obtidos foram submetidos à análise estatística descritiva. Resultados: Os resultados mostraram que 54,26% dos escolares eram do gênero feminino, 95,21% apresentaram conhecimento sobre cárie e apenas 15,96% sobre doença periodontal. O Cirurgião Dentista foi apontado como responsável pela orientação sobre higienização bucal por 66,34% dos escolares, sendo a falta de higiene responsabilizada tanto pela etiologia da cárie como da doença periodontal (64,09% e 38,30%, respectivamente). Escova, creme dental e fio dental são os recursos mais utilizados para higienização bucal por 72,34% dos entrevistados. O fio dental é utilizado por 42,29% dos alunos, e 38,64% não o utilizam alegando que não sabem utilizar. Conclusão: Os escolares avaliados apresentam conhecimento sobre métodos educativos e preventivos em saúde bucal, com algumas deficiências; a maioria dos escolares teve acesso a orientações sobre como evitar problemas bucais por meio do Cirurgião Dentista; é necessário enfatizar a importância do uso do fio dental nos programas educativos para modificar o comportamento e as práticas dos escolares em relação à saúde bucal.(AU)

Salud Infantil , Caries Dental , Educación en Salud Dental , Salud Pública
Pesqui. bras. odontopediatria clín. integr ; 17(1): e3188, 13/01/2017. tab
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-914207


Objective: To compare the effectiveness of a traditional educational intervention with other two based on the implementation intentions psychological model on clinical and cognitive aspects related to the oral health of schoolchildren. Material and Methods: A sample of 160 children aged 7-10 years was divided into three groups: control (CG), Intervention 1 (IG1) and Intervention 2 (IG2). Plaque index (PI), gingival bleeding index (GBI) and knowledge on the oral health of schoolchildren were collected at baseline, 30, 60 and 120 days. All groups participated in educational lectures and had individual tooth brushing supervision and children from IG1 and IG2 participated in a self-regulatory strategy called implementation intentions aimed at facilitating behavior of brushing teeth at least three times a day. In addition, children from IG2 participated in a collaborative implementation intentions strategy with their parents in order motivate them to develop the behavior with their children. Results: All groups showed reductions in PI and GBI values and improvements in oral health knowledge, but IG1 and IG2 showed statistically significant differences in these variables compared to CG. Conclusion: The use of the Implementation Intentions psychological model in oral health educational programs showed a greater impact on the knowledge about oral health and plaque index of schoolchildren compared to traditional educational programs.

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Niño , Niño , Efectividad , Educación en Salud Dental/métodos , Teoría Psicológica , Psicología Experimental/métodos , Análisis de Varianza , Brasil , Ensayos Clínicos Controlados Aleatorios como Asunto/métodos , Encuestas y Cuestionarios , Cepillado Dental
Artículo en Coreano | WPRIM | ID: wpr-653657


The purpose of this study was to understand the effectiveness of oral health education (OHE) or oral hygiene instruction (OHI) involving professional plaque control/removal, as compared to conventional plaque control/removal. By means of a systematic review of the literature, in the review of literature by using systematic method, Korean articles of plaque control including OHE or OHI, were studied in order to analyze and conclude the literature to enhance oral health. We found that self and professional plaque control/removal, in addition to tooth brushing instructions, decreased incidence and prevalence of loss of teeth. Taken together, professional mechanical plaque removals were most effective 4~5 visits every 1~2 weeks. Use of disclosing agent was more effective than oral education or model education. In line with oral hygiene education, professional brushing, oral prophylaxis, scaling and root planing, it was advisable to repeat the training according to the characteristics of the patient. Routine OHE or OHI would be help to increase to oral health. For a quality of life related oral health, reliability and validity of data are needed to develop and its data should be applied to dental health insurance policy.

Humanos , Placa Dental , Educación , Educación Profesional , Incidencia , Seguro de Salud , Corea (Geográfico) , Métodos , Salud Bucal , Higiene Bucal , Prevalencia , Calidad de Vida , Reproducibilidad de los Resultados , Aplanamiento de la Raíz , Diente
Artículo en Inglés | WPRIM | ID: wpr-645132


This study aimed to investigate the effect of repeated oral health education on the oral health of preschool children. This study classified the control group of children of 5~6 years of age where the oral health education was conducted one time, and the experiment group where the oral health education was conducted 4 times. The oral health conditions of each group and their risk of developing dental caries were also assessed. No significant difference was observed in the participants in terms of general characteristics, oral health conditions, risk of developing dental caries, and oral health behavior after oral health education. The two groups did not show a significant difference (p<0.001) in dental plaque index before and after oral health education, and showed a significant difference (p<0.001) according to the number of education sessions. Before oral health education, the participants in both groups were brushing their teeth incorrectly. However, after the third session, 56.7% of the participants in the experimental group and 9.4% in the control group used the correct method of tooth brushing. A significant difference was observed between the two groups (p<0.05). In addition, when the tooth-brushing time was compared, the two groups showed a significant difference (p<0.001), and a significant difference was observed in terms of the number of education sessions (p<0.05). In summary, repeated oral health education had significant influences on the dental plaque index, tooth-brushing method, brushing occlusal surfaces, and tooth-brushing time. Therefore, when oral health education is carried out, repeated oral health education in children is more effective than one-time oral health education as reflected in the changes in dental plaque index and oral health behavior. Moreover, oral health education is considered effective in changing the oral health behavior of children when conducted at least 3 times.

Niño , Preescolar , Humanos , Caries Dental , Pruebas de Actividad de Caries Dental , Índice de Placa Dental , Educación , Métodos , Salud Bucal , Diente , Cepillado Dental
Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-820880


Objective@#To investigate the situation of dental fluorosis and residents awareness of dental flourosis in rural area of Tianjin, providing the basis for control of dental fluorosis prevalence level and continuous supervise of dental fluorosis prevalence.@*Methods@#The objectives were selected by stratified cluster sampling method. Health interview survey and oral examination were perfor med. @*Results @#The prevalence of dental fluorosis was 5.2% in 3-5 years children group, 68.6% in 12-14 years youth group, 64.5% in 15 years youth group, and 68.2% in 35-74 years group. The prevalence of dental fluorosis in 12-14 years group was lower than that in 2005 (χ2=21.62, P < 0.001). The community index of dental fluorosis (CFI ) was 0.1 in 3-5 years children group, 1.48 in 12-15 years youth group, 1.85 in 35-74 years old group. 47.7% students knew nothing about dental fluorosis, and 54.2% adult dental fluorosis patients did not know they were suffering from dental fluorosis. 47.4% of the subjects knew the relationship between dental fluorosis and fluoride in drinking water, and 18.8% subjects considered dental fluorosis was related with tooth cleaning. @*Conclusion @#The prevalence of dental fluorosis in 12-14 years old students was lower than 12 years old at 2005, but the increase of prevalence of dental fluorosis in 3-5 years children indicates the intake of fluorosis should be more strictly controlled. The awareness of dental fluorosis in rural area residents is poor and oral health education about fluorosis should be enhanced.