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Rev. peru. biol. (Impr.) ; 30(2)abr. 2023.
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1515496


The study focused on the assemblage of 'living' benthic foraminifera (stained with Rose Bengal) in the surface sediments of El Ferrol Bay (Chimbote, 9°S). Twelve sampling sites were selected at depths ranging from 4.5 to 27 meters in September 2015. Water samples were collected near the seafloor to determine dissolved oxygen (DO), pH, and nutrient (nitrate and phosphate). Sediment samples were analysed for total organic matter (TOM) and the chlorophyll-a to phaeopigment ratio (chl-a/phaeo. Our findings confirm that this bay experiences hypoxic conditions at the seafloor (~2 mL/L) in addition to high dissolved nitrate levels. The assemblage was primarily composed of hyaline calcareous species, a porcelaneous calcareous species, and a soft-shelled foraminiferal species. Densities ranged from moderate to high, with the calcareous species Bolivina costata being the dominant species and B. elegantissima co-dominant in most sites. Based on our analysis, no significant differences were observed between the assemblages of living benthic foraminifera in the inner and outer bay. However, the influence of bottom nitrates on shallow-water foraminiferal species was notable. These results provide a baseline reference for future monitoring and calibration studies.

Se estudió el ensamble de foraminíferos bentónicos 'vivos' (teñidos con Rosa de Bengala) en los sedimentos superficiales de la bahía El Ferrol (Chimbote, 9 °S). Se muestrearon 12 sitios con profundidades entre 4.5 y 27 m, en setiembre de 2015. Se colectaron muestras de agua cerca al fondo para determinar la concentración de oxígeno disuelto, pH y nutrientes (nitratos y fosfatos); muestras de sedimentos para analizar el tamaño de grano, la materia orgánica total (MOT) y la razón clorofila-a feopigmentos (cl-a/feop). Nuestros resultados confirman que esta bahía está sometida a concentraciones hipóxicas de fondo (~2 mL/L), además de un alto contenido de nitratos disueltos. El ensambe estuvo compuesto mayoritariamente por el grupo de los calcáreos hialinos, una especie de calcáreo porcelanado y una especie de foraminíferos de pared blanda. Las densidades fueron de moderadas a elevadas, la especie calcárea Bolivina costata fue la especie dominante y B. elegantissima fue la codominante en la mayoría de los sitios. En base a nuestro análisis, no se observaron diferencias entre el ensamble de foraminíferos bentónicos vivos de la bahía interior y la exterior, pero destacan la importancia de los nitratos del fondo para las especies de foraminíferos de aguas poco profundas. Nuestros resultados proporcionan una línea de base de referencia para futuros estudios con fines de seguimiento y calibración.

Rev. biol. trop ; 64(1): 177-188, ene.-mar. 2016. tab, ilus
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: biblio-843269


AbstractHypoxia is the depletion of dissolved oxygen below 2 mg O2/L. Relatively few studies on hypoxia and its effects on benthic macrofauna have been done in tropical marine ecosystems. This study describes the temporal response of the water column, sediments and macrofauna to seasonal hypoxia in a semi-enclosed bay (Cienfuegos, Caribbean Sea). The Calisito site was sampled monthly from June 2010 until February 2012, yielding 21 sampling times. At each sampling event water and sediment samples were collected for measuring the abiotic variables (temperature, salinity, dissolved oxygen, nutrients, redox potential discontinuity, silt/clay and organic matter content) and macrofauna (abundance and species richness). Temperature and surface salinity followed a typical temporal pattern during the summer/rainy and the winter/dry periods. Salinity stratification occurred in the rainy period, lasting three months in 2010 and six months in 2011. The bottom water dissolved oxygen indicated hypoxic and anoxic events during the wet periods of 2010 and 2011 associated with salinity stratification, low hydrodynamics and oxidation of the accumulated organic matter. Over the study period, 817 individuals were collected and identified. Polychaetes were the dominant group in terms of abundance (57 % of total) followed by mollusks (41%). Hypoxia (and occasionally anoxia) caused strong deleterious effects on the abundance and species richness of macrofaunal communities in the study site. The most abundant polychaetes were opportunistic species with high tolerance to hypoxic conditions: Prionospio steenstrupi, Polydora sp.and Paraprionospio pinnata. Most of them colonized relatively fast once hypoxia ended. Persistent species such as Caecum pulchellum and Parvanachis obesa were present during hypoxia with fluctuating densities and apparently recover to higher abundances when normoxic conditions are re-established. Macoma tenta and Tellina consobrina colonized approximately 1-2 months later than the first polychaete peak during normoxia. Probably, the deleterious effects of hypoxia on the macrofauna were intensified by negative interspecific relationships such as competition by suitable space and predation. The recolonization of macrofauna depended possibly on local transport by currents within the bay because the connection with the Caribbean Sea is relatively limited. In summary, seasonal hypoxia in Cienfuegos Bay influences the water and sediment geochemistry and reduces both the abundance and diversity of macrofauna.

ResumenLa hipoxia es la disminución del oxígeno disuelto por debajo de 2 mg O2/L. Relativamente pocos estudios sobre la hipoxia y sus efectos en la macrofauna bentónica han sido realizados en ecosistemas marinos tropicales. Este estudio describe la respuesta temporal de la columna de agua, los sedimentos y la macrofauna a la hipoxia estacional en una bahía semicerrada en Cienfuegos, Mar Caribe. La estación de Calisito fue muestreada mensualmente de Junio 2010 a Febrero 2012, resultando en 21 eventos de muestreo. En cada oportunidad se recolectaron muestras de agua y sedimento para la medición de las variables abióticas (temperatura, salinidad, oxígeno disuelto, discontinuidad del potencial redox, contenido de limo/arcilla y materia orgánica) y macrofauna (abundancia y riqueza de especies). La temperatura y la salinidad superficial presentaron un patrón temporal típico durante los periodos de verano/ lluvia e invierno/seca. Ocurrió estratificación por salinidad en el periodo lluvioso, que duró tres meses en 2010 y seis en 2011. El oxígeno disuelto de fondo indicó eventos de hipoxia y anoxia durante los periodos lluviosos de 2010 y 2011 asociados con la estratificación de la columna de agua, la hidrodinámica lenta y la oxidación de la materia orgánica acumulada. Esto causó efectos deletéreos en la abundancia y diversidad de la macrofauna. Los poliquetos más abundantes fueron especies oportunistas con alta tolerancia a condiciones hipóxicas: Prionospio steenstrupi, Polydora sp. y Paraprionospio pinnata. La mayoría de estos colonizaron relativamente rápido una vez que terminó la hipoxia. Especies persistentes como Caecum pulchellum y Parvanachis obesa estuvieron presentes durante la hipoxia con densidades fluctuantes y aparentemente recuperaron sus abundancias cuando las condiciones normóxicas fueron re-establecidas. Macoma tenta y Tellina consobrina colonizaron 1-2 meses después que el primer pico de poliquetos durante la normoxia.Probablemente, los efectos deletéreos de la hipoxia en la macrofauna fueron intensificados por relaciones interespecíficas negativas como la competencia por espacio y la depredación. La recolonización de la macrofauna dependió probablemente del transporte local por las corrientes dentro de la bahía pues la conexión con el mar Caribe es relativamente limitada. En resumen, la hipoxia estacional en la bahía de Cienfuegos influencia la geoquímica del agua y los sedimentos y reduce la abundancia y diversidad de la macrofauna.

Animales , Oxígeno/análisis , Monitoreo del Ambiente , Biodiversidad , Invertebrados/clasificación , Estaciones del Año , Densidad de Población , Sedimentos Geológicos , Cuba , Eutrofización
Ciênc. rural ; 43(6): 970-977, jun. 2013. ilus
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: lil-675741


O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a atividade de enzimas fermentativas em raízes e nódulos de soja (Glycine max) sob condições de hipóxia e pós-hipóxia. Os genótipos Fundacep 53 RR e BRS Macota foram cultivados em vasos de 3L contendo vermiculita como substrato em associação com Bradyrhizobium elkanii em casa de vegetação. No estádio R2, o sistema radicular das plantas foi submetido à hipóxia pelo encaixe de um segundo vaso sem perfurações e inundado com solução nutritiva diluída a 1/3 da concentração original, por 8 dias. Posteriormente, foram retirados os vasos sem perfurações para avaliação da recuperação. O material vegetal foi coletado no 2º, 4º, 6º e 8º dias após a inundação ou recuperação, juntamente com os controles para a dosagem da atividade das enzimas álcool desidrogenase (ADH), piruvato descarboxilase (PDC) e lactato desidrogenase (LDH) em raízes e nódulos. Os dados foram submetidos à ANOVA e comparados pelo teste de Tukey a 5% de probabilidade. As atividades da ADH, PDC e LDH foram fortemente estimuladas com a inundação, especialmente em nódulos, e diminuíram com a recuperação, em ambos os genótipos. Fundacep 53 RR respondeu de forma mais efetiva aos efeitos dos tratamentos.

This study aimed to evaluate the activity of fermentative enzymes in soybean (Glycine max) roots and nodules under hypoxia and post-hypoxia conditions. The soybean genotypes Fundacep 53 RR and BRS Macota associated with Bradyrhizobium elkanii were grown in 3L pots containing vermiculite as substrate under greenhouse conditions. Root system of plants at the R2 stage was subjected to hypoxia by blocking drainage of the pot, by fitting a second one without holes and flooded with nutrient solution diluted one-third of the original. The flooding of the plants was carried out for eight days and after, the pot without drilling was removed for recovery assessment. Non-waterlogged plants were kept as control. Activities of the fermentation enzymes alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH), pyruvate decarboxylase (PDC) and lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) were quantified in roots and nodules collected at 2, 4, 6 and 8 days after flooding or recovery. Data were analyzed by ANOVA and compared by the Tukey test (P ≤ 0,05). Activities of ADH, PDC and LDH were hardly stimulated during flooding, especially in nodules, in both genotypes and decreased with recovery. Fundacep 53 RR responded more effectively to treatment effects.

Artículo en Coreano | WPRIM | ID: wpr-89503


Two autopsy cases of asphyxia due to oxygen deficiency are reported. The first case is that a 38-year-old man died in a storehouse. Many pears were stored in a storehouse and the its atmosphere was strictly controlled. The second case is that a 42-year-old man died in the boiler room of a fishing ship. Much amount of Freon gas escaped due to a defect of the refrigerator in the boiler room. The victim entered the boiler room because he repaired the refrigerator. But, the victim died when he entered the boiler room immediately. In this article, the autopsy findings and the contents of the investigation of scene of two cases are described.

Adulto , Humanos , Hipoxia , Asfixia , Atmósfera , Autopsia , Clorofluorocarburos , Oxígeno , Pyrus , Navíos , Naciones Unidas
Artículo en Coreano | WPRIM | ID: wpr-140118


Oxygen deficiency has been frequent in a closed space. Wood consumes oxygen and discharges carbon dioxide instead of photosynthesis in closed space without light, so do some microorganisms on the surface. We experienced a case that a healthy insect-proofer fell down and died of asphyxia on stair-board at 7 m below the hatch of the cargo-hold shipping wood. Analysis of gases in cargo-hold revealed O2; 12.3%, CO; 105 ppm, CH4; 2.7%, and H2S; 1.9% at 1 m below the hatch, and then O2; 6.1%, CO; 220 ppm, CH4; 2.9%, and H2S; 2.3 ppm at 2.5 m below the hatch. Autopsy findings were unremarkable. We justiced the cause of death asphyxia due to oxygen deficiency. As seen in this case, the serious oxygen deficiency was accounted for oxygen consumption by wood and microorganisms.

Hipoxia , Asfixia , Autopsia , Dióxido de Carbono , Causas de Muerte , Gases , Consumo de Oxígeno , Oxígeno , Fotosíntesis , Navíos , Madera
Artículo en Coreano | WPRIM | ID: wpr-140119


Oxygen deficiency has been frequent in a closed space. Wood consumes oxygen and discharges carbon dioxide instead of photosynthesis in closed space without light, so do some microorganisms on the surface. We experienced a case that a healthy insect-proofer fell down and died of asphyxia on stair-board at 7 m below the hatch of the cargo-hold shipping wood. Analysis of gases in cargo-hold revealed O2; 12.3%, CO; 105 ppm, CH4; 2.7%, and H2S; 1.9% at 1 m below the hatch, and then O2; 6.1%, CO; 220 ppm, CH4; 2.9%, and H2S; 2.3 ppm at 2.5 m below the hatch. Autopsy findings were unremarkable. We justiced the cause of death asphyxia due to oxygen deficiency. As seen in this case, the serious oxygen deficiency was accounted for oxygen consumption by wood and microorganisms.

Hipoxia , Asfixia , Autopsia , Dióxido de Carbono , Causas de Muerte , Gases , Consumo de Oxígeno , Oxígeno , Fotosíntesis , Navíos , Madera