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MedUNAB ; 26(2): 272-281, 20230108.
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: biblio-1555169


Introducción. Las caídas son eventos adversos que ponen en riesgo la integridad de quien las sufre. A pesar de la evidencia limitada sobre su efectividad, se han implementado algunos dispositivos de limitación de movimiento restrictivos y no restrictivos para prevenir caídas en niños críticamente enfermos en cuidados intensivos. Este artículo tiene como objetivo describir el diseño de un arnés preventivo y no restrictivo de movimiento para caídas intrahospitalarias en niños denominado "canguro-anticaídas", creado por profesionales de enfermería en una unidad de cuidados intensivos cardiovasculares pediátricos de la Fundación Cardioinfantil ­ Instituto de Cardiología. Tema de reflexión. A través de un enfoque reflexivo se presenta una descripción del dispositivo, los materiales, el método de uso, el personal que lo administra, los criterios de elegibilidad, la implementación del dispositivo, el alcance y la percepción del personal y los familiares respecto a su uso. Conclusiones. La prevención de caídas en población pediátrica hospitalizada en unidades de cuidados intensivos es uno de los pilares de la seguridad del paciente. La construcción de un dispositivo anticaída aplicado a esta población es una estrategia novedosa diseñada por el personal de enfermería para responder a la mejora continua de la calidad de la atención institucional. Palabras clave: Niños; Accidentes por Caídas; Prevención de Accidentes; Profesionales de Enfermería Pediátrica; Restricción Física; Difusión de Innovaciones; Unidades de Cuidado Intensivo Pediátrico

Introduction. Falls are adverse events that risk the integrity of those who suffer from them. Despite the limited evidence of its effectiveness, some restrictive and non-restrictive movement limitation devices have been implemented to prevent falls in critically ill children in intensive care. This article aims to describe the design of a preventive and non-restrictive movement harness for intra-hospital falls in children called "kangaroo- antifall", created by nursing professionals in a pediatric cardiovascular intensive care unit at the Cardioinfantil Foundation-Cardiology Institute. Reflection topics. Through a reflective approach, a description of the device materials, method of use, personnel who administer it, eligibility criteria, implementation of the device, scope, and perception of personnel and family members regarding its use are presented. Conclusions. One pillar of patient safety is fall prevention in pediatric populations hospitalized in intensive care units. The construction of an anti-fall device applied to this population is an innovative strategy designed by nursing staff to answer the continuous quality improvement of institutional care. Keywords: Child; Accidental Falls; Accident Prevention; Pediatric Nurse Practitioners; Restraint, Physical; Diffusion of Innovation; Intensive Care Units, Pediatric

Introdução. As quedas são eventos adversos que colocam em risco a integridade de quem sofre. A pesar das evidências limitadas sobre a sua eficácia, alguns dispositivos restritivos e não restritivos de limitação de movimento foram implementados para prevenir quedas em crianças gravemente doentes em cuidados intensivos. Este manuscrito tem como objetivo descrever o desenho de um arnês preventivo e sem restrição de movimento para quedas intra-hospitalares em crianças denominado "canguru-proteção contra quedas", criado por profissionais de enfermagem de uma unidade de terapia intensiva cardiovascular pediátrica da Fundação Cardioinfantil ­ Instituto de Cardiología. Tema de reflexão. Através de uma abordagem reflexiva, são apresentadas a descrição do dispositivo, materiais, método de uso, pessoal que o administra, critérios de elegibilidade, implementação do dispositivo, abrangência e percepción do pessoal e familiares sobre seu uso. Conclusões. A prevenção de quedas em populações pediátricas internadas em unidades de cuidados intensivos é um dos pilares da segurança do paciente. A construção de um dispositivo anti-queda aplicado a esta população é uma nova estratégia desenhada pela equipe de enfermagem para responder à melhoria contínua na qualidade do atendimento institucional. Palavras-chave: Crianças; Acidentes por Quedas; Prevenção de Acidentes; Profissionais de Enfermagem Pediátrica; Restrição Física; Difusão de Inovações; Unidades de Terapia Intensiva Pediátrica

Accidentes por Caídas , Restricción Física , Unidades de Cuidado Intensivo Pediátrico , Niño , Difusión de Innovaciones , Profesionales de Enfermería Pediátrica , Prevención de Accidentes
Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-991274


Objective:To explore the effect of knowledge-clinical-sharing (KCS) model in humanistic care training of pediatric nurses.Methods:A total of 182 specialist nurses who were trained in Hunan Children's Hospital from June 2019 to December 2019 were selected as the research objects. Among them, 102 specialist nurses from June 2019 to August 2019 were selected as the control group, and 80 specialist nurses from September 2019 to December 2019 were selected as the intervention group. The Jefferson empathy scale was used to compare the effect of humanistic training before and after the implementation. SPSS 22.0 statistical software was used, measurement data were test by F-test and t-test, and the counting data were analyzed by Chi-square test. Results:After the implementation of humanistic care training based on KCS model, the empathy ability score of the intervention group was higher than that of the control group [(80.23±5.33) vs. (78.14±4.37)], and the difference was statistically significant ( P < 0.01). There was no significant difference between neonatal and pediatric specialist nurses before and after the training. Conclusion:The phased humanistic training based on KCS model can improve the empathy ability of pediatric nurses and enhance their confidence in the clinical implementation of humanistic care. However, the humanistic training mode of pediatric nurses should be improved according to the hospital's own situation, so as to adapt to the development of nursing industry.

Enferm. foco (Brasília) ; 12(6): 1242-1248, dez. 2021. ilus
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-1369544


Objetivo: conhecer como os profissionais de enfermagem percebem o seu trabalho e os desafios do seu cotidiano em unidade de internação pediátrica. Método: pesquisa qualitativa, descritiva e exploratória, realizada com profissionais de enfermagem de uma unidade de internação pediátrica de um hospital filantrópico do Sul do Brasil. Os dados foram produzidos a partir entrevistas semiestruturadas e submetidos à análise temática de conteúdo. Resultados: a primeira categoria analítica evidenciou as percepções das profissionais sobre o trabalho de enfermagem e desafios do cotidiano em unidade pediátrica. Já a segunda categoria analítica desvelou as demandas de educação permanente para a qualificação do trabalho de enfermagem em unidade pediátrica. Conclusão: as profissionais de enfermagem se colocavam frente ao desafio de promover assistência qualificada e humanizada, apesar da imersão em um cotidiano de rotinas e acúmulo de atividades, destacando a educação permanente como uma possibilidade para potencializar sua prática profissional. (AU)

Objective: To know how nursing professionals perceive their work and the challenges of their daily lives in a pediatric inpatient unit. Methods: Qualitative, descriptive and exploratory research, carried out with nursing professionals from a pediatric inpatient unit of a philanthropic hospital in southern Brazil. The data were produced from semi-structured interviews and submitted to thematic content analysis. Results: The first analytical category showed the professionals' perceptions about nursing work and daily challenges in a pediatric unit. The second analytical category, on the other hand, revealed the demands of continuing education for the qualification of nursing work in a pediatric unit. Conclusion: Nursing professionals faced the challenge of promoting qualified and humanized care, despite the immersion in a daily routine and accumulation of activities, highlighting permanent education as a possibility to enhance their professional (AU)

Objetivo: Conocer cómo los profesionales de enfermería perciben su trabajo y los desafíos de su vida diaria en una unidad de hospitalización pediátrica. Métodos: Investigación cualitativa, descriptiva y exploratoria, realizada con profesionales de enfermería de una unidad de internación pediátrica de un hospital filantrópico del sur de Brasil. Los datos se obtuvieron a partir de entrevistas semiestructuradas y se sometieron a análisis de contenido temático. Resultados: La primera categoría analítica mostró las percepciones de los profesionales sobre el trabajo de enfermería y los desafíos diarios en una unidad pediátrica. La segunda categoría analítica reveló las demandas de la educación permanente para la calificación del trabajo de enfermería en una unidad de pediatría. Conclusión: Los profesionales de enfermería enfrentaron el desafío de promover un cuidado calificado y humanizado, a pesar de la inmersión en la rutina diaria y la acumulación de actividades, destacando la educación permanente como una posibilidad para potenciar su práctica profesional. (AU)

Enfermería , Niño Hospitalizado , Enfermería Maternoinfantil , Profesionales de Enfermería Pediátrica
Bol. méd. postgrado ; 36(2): 26-30, dic.2020. tab
Artículo en Español | LILACS, LIVECS | ID: biblio-1117896


Este estudio se sustentó en el paradigma cuantitativo orientado bajo una investigación de tipo descriptivo cuyo propósito fue describir el conocimiento sobre saberes populares del personal sanitario que labora en el Servicio de Atención Médica Inmediata del Servicio Desconcentrado Hospital Universitario Pediátrico Dr. Agustín Zubillaga. La muestra estuvo conformada por 10 médicos y 8 enfermeras a quienes se les aplicó una encuesta a través de un cuestionario con escala tipo Likert el cual fue validado por la técnica de juicio de expertos. Los resultados indican que los encuestados manifiestan una tendencia positiva en cuanto a que a la consulta llegan pacientes cuyas madres usan las creencias y costumbres de sus ancestros para tratar las enfermedades que padecen, respetando y reconociendo el saber popular que poseen las madres de los pacientes. Existe una tendencia negativa en la utilización de los saberes populares en la práctica médica, así como en la combinación del saber popular y el saber científico para tratar la enfermedad y en la posibilidad de integrar de manera pedagógica los saberes populares en la educación para la salud. Por otra parte expresan una marcada tendencia positiva en cuanto a que las madres utilizan los saberes populares por sus condiciones socioeconómicas y en el hecho de que la educación o valores recibidos por ellas influyen en el uso de dichas creencias; de igual forma, la mayoría expresa una tendencia positiva en que las creencias y costumbres maternales puedan generar intoxicaciones en los pacientes y una tendencia negativa en su habilidad para curar la enfermedad(AU)

This study was based on a quantitative paradigm oriented under descriptive field research. The purpose of this study was to describe knowledge on popular beliefs of patient's parents of the medical staff who work in the Servicio de Atención Médica Inmediata of the Servicio Desconcentrado Hospital Universitario Pediátrico Dr. Agustín Zubillaga. The sample consisted of 10 doctors and 8 nurses who were given a Likert-scale questionnaire which was validated by the expert judgment technique. The results demonstrate that respondents show a positive view in regards to the fact that patients mothers with beliefs and customs of their ancestors attend the consult, respecting and recognizing their popular belief system; there is a negative view in the use of popular beliefs in medical practice, combination of popular and scientific knowledge and the possibility of integration of popular beliefs into health education. On the other hand, they express a marked positive view in regards to the use of popular belief based on socioeconomic conditions and that the education or values received by them influence the use of these beliefs; similarly, most respondents express a positive view in relation to beliefs and customs leading to poisoning in patients and a negative view in the possibility that these beliefs cure disease(AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Personal de Salud , Educación , Capacitación Profesional , Cultura Popular , Cambio Social , Participación de la Comunidad
Ribeirão Preto; s.n; 2020. 88 p. ilus, tab.
Tesis en Portugués | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-1426560


O presente estudo trata do atendimento da equipe de enfermagem à criança em situação crítica, mais especificamente em situação de emergência decorrente de choque séptico. Com o objetivo de desenvolver material educativo de treinamento para atuação da enfermagem em situação de emergência pediátrica decorrente de choque, este estudo metodológico percorreu três fases: pré-produção, produção e pós-produção. Na primeira delas, construiu-se o roteiro do vídeo, com seis páginas contendo capa e sete cenas, dentre elas a apresentação do vídeo seguido de cenas que envolveram ações da equipe de saúde para atendimento da criança em situação de emergência decorrente de choque séptico. Este roteiro foi validado na primeira rodada por 10 peritos. Depois, foi criado o storyboard que orientou as demais etapas da produção. Na produção do vídeo, selecionou-se local para filmagem, tipo de cenário, manequins, equipamentos, materiais para encenação e equipamentos de imagem e áudio. O preparo do ambiente contou com equipe especializada em atividades laboratoriais de ensino de uma instituição pública de ensino superior. Sete atores e um técnico de audiovisual contribuíram nesse momento. Na montagem do cenário (enfermaria de Pediatria), foram utilizados um manequim pediátrico, um monitor multiparamétrico com software para simulação e materiais e equipamentos necessários para atender a criança. Na pós-produção, o vídeo foi editado visando a sua qualidade e a proximidade com a realidade da assistência nele encenada. A validação do vídeo foi feita por um profissional da enfermagem que atua na assistência hospitalar pediátrica, um docente de graduação de enfermagem, ambos participantes da validação do roteiro, e também por um técnico de audiovisual, especialista em designer gráfico, com experiência em desenvolvimento de vídeos e games interativos. O projeto de pesquisa foi aprovado pelo Comitê de Ética em Pesquisa da Escola de Enfermagem de Ribeirão Preto da Universidade de São Paulo. Do roteiro do vídeo, os peritos analisaram cada cena considerando uso de jargões técnicos, vocabulário, clareza e fidedignidade das informações comparando a um cenário real. Para todas as cenas, cada um dos itens obteve valores superiores a 90% de adequação, em alguns houve total concordância entre os peritos. Como produto final, o vídeo educativo tem duração de 11 minutos e 26 segundos e contempla título, apresentação da temática, atendimento da criança em situação de choque séptico até sua estabilização, finalização e créditos. O mesmo foi validado por três juízes, dois para avaliar o atendimento à criança em situação de urgência e um para avaliar aspectos técnicos do vídeo. Esta validação contribui para que a sua oferta ao público a que se destina seja feita de forma mais aceitável e melhor compreensível. Assim, cumpre-se o propósito de entregar um dispositivo de conhecimento que favoreça a adesão dos profissionais de saúde aos protocolos de cuidado da criança em situação de emergência decorrente de choque séptico. A sua configuração permite acesso remoto e em qualquer momento, seja em estabelecimento de saúde ou de ensino. Entende-se que esse recurso tecnológico tem potencial para compor programas de aprendizado, de treinamento ou de aprimoramento para o cuidado de enfermagem à criança em situação crítica

This study approaches nursing team services for children in critical situations, more specifically in emergency situations due to septic shock. Aiming to develop educational training material for nursing practice in pediatric emergency situations due to shock, this methodological study went through three phases: pre-production, production and post-production. In the first, the video's script was developed. Six pages long with a cover and seven scenes, among them, a screening of the video followed by scenes that involved actions by the child health care service team for children in emergency situations due to septic shock. This script was validated in the first round by 10 experts. A storyboard was then created, which guided the other production stages. During the video's production, filming location, type of scenario, mannequins, equipment, staging material and image and audio equipment were selected. The environment was prepared by a team specialized in laboratory teaching activities of a public higher education institution. Seven actors and one audiovisual technician contributed at this time. When building the scenario (Pediatrics ward), a pediatric mannequin, a multiparametric monitor with simulation software and materials and equipment needed to care for a child were included. The video was edited in post-production aiming to achieve quality and a reality of the staged care. The video was validated by a nursing professional working in pediatric hospital care, a nursing undergraduate professor, both participants of the script validation, and also by an audiovisual technician, expert in graphic design, with experience in developing interactive videos and games. The Ethics Research Committee of the Ribeirão Preto School of Nursing of São Paulo University approved the research project. From the movie scripe, specialists analyzed each scene considering the use of technical jargon, vocabulary, clarity and information reliability compared to a real scenario. For all scenes, each item obtained values above 90% of adequacy, in some there was complete agreement among the experts. As an end product, the educational video lasts 11 minutes and 26 seconds and includes title, theme presentation, care of children in septic shock until their stabilization, completion and credits. The video was validated by three judges, two to assess the care of children in urgent situations and one to evaluate technical aspects of the video. This validation helps to make the video's distribution more feasible, acceptable and better understandable. Thus, it fulfills the purpose of delivering a knowledge device that favors the accession of health professionals to child care protocols in emergency situation due to septic shock. It is configuration allows remote access at any time, whether in a health or educational establishment. It is understood that this technological resource has the potential to compose learning, training or improvement programs for nursing care for critically ill children

Humanos , Niño , Choque Séptico/terapia , Enfermería de Urgencia , Tecnología Educacional , Película y Video Educativos , Medicina de Urgencia Pediátrica
Health Communication ; (2): 25-33, 2019.
Artículo en Coreano | WPRIM | ID: wpr-788099


BACKGROUND: This study was to identify factors affecting the job satisfaction of pediatric nurse.METHODS: The participants were the 190 nurses who worked in five pediatric ward and hospital in G city. Data were collected using structured questionnaires from August 1 to August 31 2014, and analyzed using descriptive statistics, t-test, ANOVA, Tukey, Pearson correlation analysis, and multiple linear analysis with the SPSS PC+ 21.0 program.RESULTS: The variables that affect job satisfaction of pediatric nurses were nurse-parent partnership(β=.30, p<.001), Nursing duty(β=−.24, p=.006), Lack of professional knowledge and skills(β=−.24, p=.002), treatment of nurses(β=−.22, p=.014). These factors accounted for 31.0% of the variance in the job satisfaction.CONCLUSION: This study shows that the methods for increasing nurse-parent partnership and reducing job stress are needed, so as to enhance job satisfaction of nurses who are working pediatric ward.

Satisfacción en el Trabajo , Enfermería
Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-743575


Objective To understand the current situation of pediatric nurses' perceived stress,coping style and professional burnout,analyze the influence of pediatric nurses' perceived stress and coping styles on professional burnout,and to provide references for reducing pediatric nurses' professional burnout.Methods A questionnaire survey was conducted on 415 pediatric nurses from 9 tertiary level A hospitals in Tianjin using general information questionnaires,Chinese Perceived Stress Scale(CPSS),Simplified Coping Style Questionnaire (SCSQ),and Maslach Burnout Inventory(MBI).Results Pediatric nurses'MBI scores were divided into emotional exhaustion score (25.19 ± 9.98) points,depersonalization total score (10.70 ± 4.65) points,personal achievement sense (29.72 ± 9.62) points,and higher degree of burnout.Correlation analysis showed that the perceived stress was positively correlated with emotional exhaustion and depersonalization dimensions,and negatively correlated with the dimension of personal accomplishment (r =0.398,0.236,-0.388,P <0.01);positive coping dimensions were negatively correlated with emotional exhaustion and depersonalization dimensions,and positively correlated with the dimension of personal accomplishment(r =-0.544,-0.205,0.608,P<0.01);negative coping dimensions and emotional depletion and depersonalization dimensions were positively correlated,and negatively correlated with individual achievement dimension (r =0.559,0.298,-0.652,P <0.01).Multiple stepwise regression analysis showed that perceived stress and negative coping style had influence on emotional exhaustion,depersonalization,and individual achievement dimension.Positive coping style had influence on emotional exhaustion and personal achievement dimension (R2=0.105-0.501,P<0.01).Conclusions Pediatric nurses have higher professional burnout.Perceived stress and coping styles have an impact on professional burnout.Pediatric nurses should take more active measures to relieve perceived stress and reduce burnout.

Artículo en Coreano | WPRIM | ID: wpr-220615


PURPOSE: Nurses experience burnout related to various factors. For this descriptive research job stress, compassion satisfaction, and compassion fatigue were examined as to their relationship to burnout in nurses from children's hospital. METHODS: The participants were 305 nurses working in children's hospital. Self-report questionnaires were used to measure job stress, compassion satisfaction, compassion fatigue and burnout. RESULTS: Nurses in children's hospital experienced a greater than moderate degree of job stress, compassion satisfaction, compassion fatigue and burnout, whereas differences existed according to general characteristics. Job stress, compassion fatigue and burnout showed a significant positive correlation and results of compassion fatigue and burnout were similar. Also, job stress, compassion satisfaction and compassion fatigue were associated with burnout in nurses working in children's hospital. CONCLUSION: Findings indicate that as longer work experience is accompanied by higher job stress and burnout, it is necessary to develop intervention programs to reduce burnout among career nurses exposed to greater job stress in children's hospital.

Desgaste por Empatía , Empatía
Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-663384


Objective To probe into competence situation of the triage nurse in Children's Hospital, so as to provide the reference for the standardized management. Methods A total of 262 triage nurses in more than 20 Children's Hospital from all over the country. Results There were 255 women(97.3%,255/262);the age was(31.5 ± 3.8);among them,245 case were from the tertiary hospital and 17case from the two-levelhospital.Nearly 70.99%(186/262)of subjects had an undergraduate degree. Triage nurses(65.27%,171/262)had a working life of less than or equal to 5 years with the primary title (69.08%, 181/262). About half of the subjects (50.76%,133/262) did not receive professional training. A total of 173 subjects'workplace had a work experience requirements that was more than 2 years.After a comparison of different years of work experience in Two or three level children, the difference was statistically significant(P<0.05).Nearly 96.18%(252/262)of triage nurses agreed that they should be trained systematically and standardized.Nearly 92.75%(243/262)and 88.17%(231/262)agreed that the triage standards and National or provincial and municipal unified grading standards should be established, respectively. Conclusion It is essential that triage nurses should be trained and assessed systematically, Establishing a comprehensive, high quality and strong triage nursing team to meet the needs of practical work,which is an urgent problem for the hospital administrators.

Bogotá; s.n; 2017. 114 p. tab, ilus.
Tesis en Español | LILACS, BDENF, COLNAL | ID: biblio-1381670


La enfermedad crónica representa una cadena de acontecimientos y resultados en la vida de quien la afronta y su familia; el asma es una enfermedad que afecta en mayor proporción a la población infantil. "Quizás no se pueda considerar el asma una enfermedad única, sino la expresión común de una serie de factores genéticos y ambientales que en su conjunto producen una reacción inflamatoria, que origina la disminución del calibre bronquial y una respuesta exagerada frente a estímulos de carácter diverso (SEPAR, 1998)" (Fernández, 1997, p. 11). Existen factores tangibles e intangibles que se deben contemplar e indagar, con el fin de generar un cuidado holístico para los niños que viven con asma. Desde esta perspectiva y con esta meta, se busca un acercamiento desde la visión integrativa del mundo para conocer de manera objetiva un contexto específico de determinar cómo se relacionan el nivel de estrés, el estilo de afrontamiento y el control de la enfermedad. Objetivo: Describir la relación entre el estrés, el afrontamiento y el control de la enfermedad en el niño con asma entre los 6 y los 12 años, quien se encuentra asistiendo a consulta externa o está hospitalizado en el Hospital Infantil Universitario San José Infantil. Método: La investigación es un estudio cuantitativo de tipo correlacional. La población considerada para el presente estudio estuvo constituida por 280 niños con asma del Hospital Infantil Universitario de San José, en la ciudad de Bogotá, y se contemplaron dos grupos: el primero integrado por niños que ingresaron a consulta externa y el segundo, con niños que se encontraban hospitalizados, ambos grupos con diagnóstico de asma. De esta manera se logró describir y comparar el comportamiento y relación de las variables en cada grupo. Resultados y conclusiones: En conclusión, se evidenciaron las relaciones de las tres variables de interés y, desde la perspectiva de los niños, se puede decir que hay una correlación inversa entre estrés y afrontamiento (r=-.581), entre estrés y control del asma (r=-.545) y una relación directa entre afrontamiento y control del asma (r=.759). De manera general, se puede inferir que los niños con bajos niveles de estrés tienen un mayor control de su enfermedad y asumen un afrontamiento funcional frente a su estado de salud. De otro lado, se concluye que algunas características sociodemográficas y de salud de la población estudiada pueden constituir un factor determinante y están presentes en el niño con asma, se destacan el bajo peso al nacer, el consumo de cigarrillo en el hogar, el grado escolar que cursa el niño y el tiempo de la enfermedad.

Chronic disease represents a chain of events and outcomes in the life of those who face it and their families; Asthma is a disease that affects the child population in greater proportion. "Asthma may not be considered a unique disease, but the common expression of a series of genetic and environmental factors that together produce an inflammatory reaction, which causes the reduction of the bronchial caliber and an exaggerated response to Stimuli of diverse character (Separ, 1998) "(Fernandez, 1997, p. 11). There are tangible and intangible factors that must be considered and investigated to generate a holistic care for children living with asthma. From this perspective and with this goal, an approach is sought from the integrative vision of the world to know in an objective way a specific context, how the level of stress, the style of coping and the control of the disease are related. Objective: To describe the relationship between stress, coping and control of the disease in the child with asthma between 6 and 12 years of age, who is attending external consultation or is hospitalized in the children's Hospital Universitario San Jose Infantil. Method: Research is a quantitative study of correlational type. The population considered for the present study consisted of 280 children with asthma from the University children's Hospital of San José, in the city of Bogotá, and two groups were contemplated: the first composed of children who entered the external consultation and the second, with children who were hospitalized, both groups diagnosed with asthma. In this way, it was possible to describe and compare the behavior and relation of the variables in each group. Results and conclusions: In conclusion, the relationships of the three variables of interest were evident and, from the perspective of the children, one can say that there is a reverse correlation between stress and coping (r =-. 581), between stress and asthma control (r =-. 545) and a direct relationship between coping and asthma control (r =. 759). In general, it can be inferred that children with low levels of stress have greater control of their disease and assume a functional coping with their health status. It is concluded that some sociodemographic and health characteristics of the population studied can be a determining factor and are present in the child with asthma. It highlights the low birth weight, the consumption of cigarette by a family member, the school degree that the child and the time of the disease.

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Niño , Asma , Estrés Psicológico , Adaptación Psicológica , Enfermería Pediátrica , Manejo de la Enfermedad , Correlación de Datos
Rev. enferm. Inst. Mex. Seguro Soc ; 24(1): 11-18, Enero.-Abr. 2016. ilus, tab
Artículo en Español | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-1031272



Introducción: los modelos de enfermería son estructuras que permiten brindar cuidado específico, individualizado y basado en la evidencia científica, el desarrollo y aplicación de los mismos es un reto dentro de las instituciones de salud pues se requiere de un proceso continuo de actualización. Objetivo: diseñar e implementar un modelo por competencias sustentado en los modelos de Benner y Silíceo para el personal de enfermería del servicio de neonatología en un hospital de especialidad. Metodología: estudio descriptivo en el servicio de neonatología, se identificaron fortalezas y debilidades en el cuidado, así como necesidades sentidas y evidenciadas de las 24 enfermeras de todos los turnos; en escala del 1 al 10 se midieron las competencias de ambiente de cuidado, cuidado de enfermería de las vías aéreas y cuidado del niño pretérmino en fases de dolor. Los métodos de recolección fueron: observación participante, guía de observación, cuestionario y lista de verificación.

Resultados: respecto a la evaluación de las tres competencias, el promedio en conocimiento fue de 6.3, habilidades 7.0, y actitudes 7.4; lo que hace evidente un déficit en el dominio de competencias profesionales y específicas para brindar cuidado al recién nacido pretérmino. Conclusiones: se propone la implementación del modelo innovador por competencias específicas para personal de enfermería que proporciona cuidados al recién nacido pretérmino en situación de cuidado.


Introduction: Nursing models are structures that allow give the person specific care, individualized and based on scientific evidence, development and application of them is a challenge within health institutions, because it requires a continuous process update.

Objective: To design and implement a competency model models supported by Patricia Benner and Alfonso Silíceo nurses for service in neonatology specialty hospital.

Methodology: Descriptive study in neonatology service in which strengths and weaknesses identified in the care and evidenced felt needs and 24 nurses from all shifts, on a scale of 1 to 10, the powers of environment were measured care, nursing care and care airways in the preterm infant stages of pain. The collection methods were participant observation, observation guide, questionnaire and checklist.

Results: Regarding the evaluation of the three powers environment care, nursing care and care airways in the preterm infant stages of grief, the average was 6.3 in knowledge, skills and attitudes 7.0 7.4, which makes it obvious one deficit in the domain of professionals and specific skills to deliver preterm newborn care.

Conclusions: The implementation of innovative model for specific competencies for nurses who provide care to the preterm newborn care situation is proposed.

Competencia Clínica , Competencia Profesional , Enfermería , Enfermería Neonatal , Rol de la Enfermera , Personal de Enfermería , México , Humanos
Artículo en Coreano | WPRIM | ID: wpr-118317


PURPOSE: Child Health nurse practitioners (CHNPs) in Korea have important roles in disease management and health promotion for children and adolescents. Yet, practices of CHNPs licensed and employed in hospitals have not been adequately identified. Thus, in this study the scope of practice by CHNPs and job satisfaction and stress were investigated and compared according to the CHNPs' position in the working place. METHODS: A descriptive cross-sectional survey design was used. All 53 licensed CHNPs participated in the mail survey which included a 71-item questionnaire on job performance and job satisfaction and a job contents questionnaire. Descriptive statistics, chi2 test, independent t-test and Mann-Whitney U test were used to compare CHNPs employed as nurse practitioner (NP) and CHNPs employed as staff nurses. RESULTS: Compared to CHNPs employed as staff nurses, CHNPs employed as NPs more frequently provided education, environment management, coordination and research in their practice areas. No significant difference was found in job satisfaction between the two groups except for the administration and income subdomains. Only the physical exertion subdomain in job stress was stressful to CHNP employed as staff nurse. Conclusions: Job performance of CHNPs in Korea needs to be revised to include more practical practice in education, coordination, and research related areas. CONCLUSIONS: Job performance of CHNPs in Korea needs to be revised to include more practical practice in education, coordination, and research related areas.

Adolescente , Niño , Niño , Humanos , Protección a la Infancia , Estudios Transversales , Manejo de la Enfermedad , Educación , Promoción de la Salud , Satisfacción en el Trabajo , Corea (Geográfico) , Enfermeras Practicantes , Profesionales de Enfermería Pediátrica , Esfuerzo Físico , Servicios Postales , Estadísticas no Paramétricas , Análisis y Desempeño de Tareas , Lugar de Trabajo
Artículo en Coreano | WPRIM | ID: wpr-209516


PURPOSE: To provide basic data to improve the practice environment of pediatric nurses by identifying their recognition of nursing professionalism and self-efficacy, and to examine the pediatric nurse parent partnership. METHODS: Participants in the study were 165 nurses with 6 months of work experience in a university children's hospital in Seoul. Data were collected using a self-report questionnaire. Research tools measuring nursing professionalism, self-efficacy, and pediatric nurse parent partnership were used. The collected data were analyzed using SPSS PASW statistics 19.0. RESULTS: There were statistically significant positive correlations for nursing professionalism and self-efficacy (r=.359, p<.001), nursing professionalism and the pediatric nurse parent partnership (r=.487, p<.001), and self-efficacy and the pediatric nurse parent partnership (r=.442, p<.001).According to the general characteristics of the participants, nurses who were married, practiced religion and had children tended to have higher nursing professionalism. Higher self-efficacy was exhibited by nurses who were older, married and raising children and the pediatric nurse parent partnership tended to have higher scores for nurses who practiced religion and worked in a general ward. CONCLUSION: The findings indicate that higher nursing professionalism and self-efficacy result in a better pediatric nurse parent partnership which should improve the practice environment of pediatric patients.

Niño , Humanos , Padres , Encuestas y Cuestionarios
Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-429619


Objective To explore the relationship between emotional intelligence and job performance by investigating the level of them in pediatric nurses,and to provide a basis for improving job performance and the implementation of“quality care.Methods 335 pediatric nurses were investigated by using emotional intelligence scale and job performance scale.And the result of the investigation was analyzed statistically.Results The average score of the emotional intelligence of the pediatric nurses were (3.63±0.52),the highest score was interpersonal latitude (3.87± 0.69),the lowest score was management of emotions latitude (3.25±0.90); titles,the form of post and degree of nurses had a certain influence on the emotional intelligence.The score of job performance was(3.65±0.75).By Pearson correlation analysis,the emotional intelligence score and job performance score were obtained a significant positive correlation,self-motivation latitude and job performance were the most related,the management of emotional latitude job performance was the lowest.Conclusions Nursing managers should take corresponding measures to improve nurses' emotional intelligence and job performance levels,and promote the implementation of quality care effectively.

Artículo en Portugués | LILACS, BDENF | ID: lil-763921


Adolescentes e jovens são, hoje, grandes utilizadores do computador e os diversos estudos realizados mostramque o seu uso tem efeitos no sistema musculoesquelético dos utilizadores. O objetivo deste artigo é descrever asalterações musculoesqueléticas nos que utilizam o computador. Para tal, pesquisou-se nas bases de dados Cinahl eMedline, de janeiro de 2006 a dezembro de 2011, pelo método PI[C]O, onde se obtiveram 33 artigos, selecionando--se 13 após a aplicação dos critérios de inclusão e exclusão. Os resultados demonstraram que as principais alteraçõesmusculoesqueléticas situam-se no pescoço, ombros e membros superiores; as mulheres relataram mais queixas.O tempo de uso do computador aumenta a prevalência de disfunções. Concluiu-se ser pertinente a existência deorientações no uso do computador, tendo o enfermeiro de saúde infantil um papel importante na sua transmissão,ao prevenir essas alterações, maximizando a saúde dos adolescentes e jovens.

Adolescents and young people are nowadays great users of computers. However, several studies show that the use ofcomputers has effects on the users? musculoskeletal system.The objective of this study is to describe the musculoskeletalchanges in adolescents and young people that use computers. Therefore, the research was conducted through the useof Medline and Cinahl databases from January 2006 to December 2011. Through the use of PI[C]O method therewhere were obtained 33 articles, 13 articles were selected after using the inclusion and exclusion criteria. The resultsshowed that the main musculoskeletal changes are situated on the neck, shoulders and upper limbs.Women reportedmore complaints than men. The bigger the time of computer use the bigger the prevalence of disorders. Thus, it isrelevant to create guidelines for the computer use. A nurse practicioner has an important role in guiding it in orderto prevent these changes, maximizing adolescents and young?s health.

En la actualidad, los adolescentes y los jóvenes son usuarios habituales del ordenador y, diversos estudios muestranque, su uso, tiene efectos sobre el sistema musculoesquelético de los mismos. Por lo tanto, el objetivo de este artículo esdescribir los cambios en el sistema musculoesquelético en los usuarios del ordenador. La investigación se realizó en las bases de datos Cinahl y Medline, de enero de 2006 a diciembre de 2011, a través del método PI[C]O, obteniéndose33 artículos que, después de la aplicación de los criterios de inclusión y exclusión, se seleccionaron13. Los resultadosmostraron que los principales cambios musculoesqueléticos se sitúan en el cuello, en los hombros y en las extremidadessuperiores, entre tanto, las mujeres reportaron más quejas. El tiempo de uso del ordenador aumenta la prevalencia delos trastornos. Se concluye que las orientaciones sobre el uso del ordenador son pertinentes y, el enfermero de saludinfantil, desempeñaa un rol importante en la transmisión de las mismas, previniendo los trastornos y maximizandola salud de los adolescentes y jóvenes.

Humanos , Adolescente , Aplicaciones de la Informática Médica , Conducta del Adolescente , Salud del Adolescente , Sistema Musculoesquelético , Computadores , Atención de Enfermería/tendencias
Rev. eletrônica enferm ; 10(3)set. 2008. tab
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS, BDENF | ID: lil-580908


Estudo exploratório descritivo, com abordagem quantitativa, realizado no Hospital da Criança Santo Antônio (HCSA), em Boa Vista ? RR. A população constou de 235 profissionais de saúde e os dados foram coletados de junho a agosto de 2006. Teve como objetivos conhecer os tipos de violência identificados pelos profissionais de saúde nos casos confirmados ou suspeitos de crianças hospitalizadas; identificar as condutas adotadas pelo profissional de saúde; identificar os profissionais que mais ajudaram a tomar as decisões das condutas adotadas. Os resultados mostram que os principais tipos de violência identificados foram as físicas (29%) seguida da negligência (25,8%) Sobre a suspeita ou confirmação dos casos de violência, 25,8% dos profissionais informaram ao enfermeiro e 20,3% ao serviço social. Os profissionais que mais ajudaram a tomar a decisão das condutas adotadas nos casos confirmados ou suspeitos de violência infantil foram os assistentes sociais (26,3%), os psicólogos (20,8%) e os médicos (18,2%). Inferimos, pois, que os profissionais de saúde estudados não utilizam adequadamente os caminhos preconizados para notificar os casos suspeitos ou confirmados de violência contra a criança atendidos no ambiente hospitalar.

Exploratory descriptive study, quantitative approach, performed in Hospital da Criança Santo Antônio (HCSA), in Boa Vista ? RR. The population was composed of 235 health professionals and the data was collected from june to august 2006. Aiming to acknowledge the type of violence identified by the health professionals in the confirmed or suspected cases of violence on hospitalized children and identify the conducts adopted by the health professionals; identify the health professionals? that most help to take the decision. The results show that 29% considered physical violence the most common kind followed by negligence (25,8%); 25,8 % take the attitude of reporting to the nurse and 20,3% to the social service; 26,3% of the professionals consider that the social assistants helped the most on deciding which conduct to adopt following by psicologists (20,8%) e and the physicians (18,2%). Thus we infer that the studied health professionals do not adequately utilize the prescribed ways for notification of suspected or confirmed cases of violence against children attended by hospital care.

Estudio exploratório descriptivo, con una abordaje cuantitativa, llevada a cabo en el Hospital da Criança Santo Antônio (HCSA), en Boa Vista ? RR. La población se constituyó de 235 profesionales de la salud y los datos fueron colectados de junio a agosto de 2006. La finalidad es reconocer el tipo de violencia identificadas por los profesionales de la salud en los casos confirmados o sospechosos de la violencia en los niños hospitalizados e identificar las conductas adoptadas por los profesionales de la salud; identificar los profesionales de la salud que más ayudaron a tomar la decisión. Los resultados demuestran que los tipos identificados principales de violencia habían sido la física (29%) seguida del negligencia (25,8%); 25,8% adoptar la actitud de informar a la enfermera y el 20,3% para el servicio social; 26,3% de los profesionales consideran que los asistentes sociales ayudó a la mayoría de decidir qué conducta adoptar siguiente de psicologists (20,8 %) E y los médicos (18,2%). Deducimos, por lo tanto, que los profesionales estudiados de la salud no utilizan elogiado notifique los casos sospechosos o las maneras confirmadas adecuadamente de la violencia contra el niño tomado cuidado en del ambiente del hospital.

Humanos , Niño , Niño Hospitalizado/psicología , Salud Infantil , Violencia Doméstica , Enfermería Pediátrica
Artículo en Coreano | WPRIM | ID: wpr-190143


Empathy is an essential factor for establishing therapeutic relationship. Especially for pediatric nursing, the nurses need to know how to perceive children's feeling and thought and to express her understanding about them affectively. So, empathy is considered as an important concept in pediatric nursing. This study was attempted to measure the empathic ability of pediatric nurses by pediatric nurse and mothers of hospitalized children. The subject of this study consisted of 83 pediatric nurses and 106 mothers of hospitalized children in 4 hospitals in Seoul and 1 hospital in Kyung-Gi. Data were collected from Jan. 14 to Feb. 6, 1997, by the questionnaire method. The instrument for this study was the Empathic Construct Rating Scale : ECRS(60-item, 5 point scale). Data Were analyzed by descriptive statistics, t-test and ANOVA. Result of this study are summarized as follows : 1. Pediatric nurses perceived their empathic ability to be moderately high(Mn=3.71) The level of perceived empathic ability of the pediatric nurses showed no significance by general characteristics. 2. The mothers of hospitalized children perceived nurses' empathic ability to be moderate(Mn=3.27). The level of perceived nurses' empathic ability of the mothers of hospitalized children showed significant differences by the experience of hospitalization of the children and the age of the mothers. 3. The perceived nurses' empathic ability of the mothers was significantly low than of the pediatric nurses(t=6.50, P<.001). From the above results, it can be concluded. that the empathic ability of the pediatric nurses is not sufficient for caring children and mothers efficiently. So, the pediatric nurses' empathic ability is needed to improve through facilitative relationship training as refreshment in-service education program.

Niño , Humanos , Niño Hospitalizado , Educación , Empatía , Hospitalización , Madres , Enfermería Pediátrica , Seúl , Salud Infantil , Encuestas y Cuestionarios