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Rev. biol. trop ; 62(1): 308-318, ene.-mar. 2014. ilus, tab
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: lil-715431


The factors that determine the existence of tropical forests dominated by a single species (monodominated forests) have been the subject of debate for a long time. It has been hypothesized that the low frequency of disturbances in monodominated forests and the tolerance to shade of the monodominant species are two important factors explaining the prolonged dominance of a single species. We determined the role of these two factors by examining the effects of logging activities on the floristic composition and seedling dynamics in a Prioria copaifera dominated forest in Southeastern Costa Rica. We determined the floristic composition for trees ≥2.5cm DBH and the associated recruitment, survival and mortality of tree canopy seedlings in two sites logged two (L-02) and 12 years (L-12) prior to sampling and an unlogged forest (ULF). Our results showed that L-02 stands had lower species richness (25 species) than the L-12 and ULF stands (49 and 46 species, respectively). As expected, we found significant logging effects on the canopy structure of the altered forests, particularly when comparing the L-02 and the ULF stands. Seedling density was higher in ULF (0.96 seedlings/m²) than in the L-02and L-12 stands (0.322 and 0.466 seedlings/m², respectively). However, seedling mortality was higher in the ULF stands (54%) than in the L-02 (26%) and L-12 (15%) stands. P. macroloba in L-02 was the only species with abundant regeneration under P. copaifera in L-02 stand, where it accounted for 35% of the seedlings. Despite the reduction in seedling abundance observed after logging, P. copaifera seems to maintain large seedling populations in these forests, suggesting that this species maintains its dominance after logging disturbances. Our findings challenge the hypothesis that the regeneration of monodominant species is not likely to occur under heavily disturbed canopy conditions. Rev. Biol. Trop. 62 (1): 347-357. Epub 2014 March 01.

La determinación de los factores responsables de la existencia de bosques tropicales dominados por una sola especie (bosques monodominados) ha sido motivo de debate por largo tiempo. Se ha propuesto que la baja frecuencia de alteraciones en esos bosques y la tolerancia a la sombra de las plántulas de la especie monodominante son dos de los factores que contribuyen a explicar la prolongada dominancia de una sola especie en estos bosques. Se estudió el rol de estos dos factores evaluando el efecto de la extracción de madera sobre la composición florística y la supervivencia y crecimiento de plántulas en un bosque dominado por Prioria copaifera en la región sureste de Costa Rica. Para ello se determinó la composición florística de los árboles con un diámetro a la altura de pecho (DAP) ≥2.5cm y el reclutamiento, supervivencia y mortalidad de las plántulas de especies arbóreas en sitios donde se extrajo madera dos (L-02) y doce años (L-12) antes de este estudio y un sitio del que nunca se ha extraído madera (ULF). Nuestros resultados muestran que los bosques L-02 tienen una riqueza de especies menor (25 especies) que los bosques L-12 y ULF (49 y 46 especies, respectivamente). Como era de esperar, la extracción de madera tuvo efectos significativos en la estructura del dosel del bosque, particularmente al comparar los bosques L-02 y ULF. La densidad de plántulas fue mayor en bosques ULF (0.96 plántulas/m²) que en L-02 y L-12 (0.322 and 0.466 plántulas/m², respectivamente). Sin embargo, la mortalidad de plántulas fue mayor en ULF (54%) que en L-02 (26%) y L-12 (15%). Pentachletra macroloba fue la única especie que mostró abundante regeneración bajo P. copaifera en parcelas L-02, representando el 35% las plántulas encontradas. A pesar de la reducción de la abundancia de plántulas observada después de la extracción de madera, P. copaifera parece capaz de mantener grandes poblaciones de plántulas en estos bosques. Estos resultados sugieren que P. copaifera puede mantener su dominancia después de las alteraciones causadas por la extracción de madera. Nuestros resultados no apoyan la hipótesis de que la regeneración de las especies monodominates es menos probable cuando el dosel del bosque sufre fuertes alteraciones.

Fabaceae/clasificación , Plantones , Árboles , Biodiversidad , Costa Rica , Agricultura Forestal , Clima Tropical , Árboles/anatomía & histología
Acta amaz ; 43(3): 247-259, set. 2013. ilus, tab
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS-Express | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1455149


This study was carried out to characterize species composition and phytosociology of a native forest located at Caracaraí, Roraima, Brazil. All trees with breast diameter (DBH) above 10 cm in nine 1-ha-permanent plots (100 x 100 m each) were inventoried. We observed 4,724 individuals (525 trees per hectare) distributed in 42 families, 111 genera and 165 species. The families with greater number of individuals were Fabaceae (1883), Lecythidaceae (609) and Sapotaceae (434), comprising 52% of the total. The higher densities of individuals were observed in the pioneer (219 trees ha-1), followed by secondary (193 trees ha-1) and climax species (113 trees ha-1). However, species of secondary group had the highest species richness (95), followed by the climax (44) and the pioneer (26). The Shannon diversity index (H' = 3.27) and the value of Pielou equability (J = 0.64) were lower than those obtained in other floristic inventories in the Amazon, because of the high occurrence of Pentaclethra macroloba. The importance values (VI) were higher for Pentaclethra macroloba (52.1), Eschweilera bracteosa (23.7) and Pouteria caimito (8.1). The importance values of these three species alone accounted for 28% of the total VI across species. Most of the individuals (71.3% = 374 trees ha-1) were recorded in the middle stratum (12.4 m height 26.5 m) of forest. The forest community can be considered well-structured, mature and diverse, and so it is in good state of conservation.

O presente estudo teve como objetivo caracterizar a composição florística e fitossociológica de uma floresta nativa no município de Caracaraí, Roraima, Brasil. Foram inventariadas todas as árvores com DAP > 10 cm em 9 parcelas permanentes de 100 x 100 m (1 ha cada). Foram observados 4.724 indivíduos (525ind.ha-1), distribuídos em 42 famílias botânicas, 111 gêneros e 165 espécies. As famílias com maior número de indivíduos foram Fabaceae (1.883), Lecythidaceae (609) e Sapotaceae (434), perfazendo 52% do total de indivíduos amostrados. O grupo composto por espécies pioneiras apresentou maior número de indivíduos (219ind.ha-1), seguido das secundárias (193ind.ha-1) e climácicas (113ind.ha-1). No entanto, as secundárias obtiveram maior número de espécies (95), em detrimento de climácicas (44) e pioneiras (26). O índice de diversidade de Shannon (H' = 3,27) e o valor de equabilidade de Pielou (J = 0,64) foram inferiores aos obtidos em outros inventários florísticos na Amazônia Legal, contribuindo para isso o tamanho populacional de Pentaclethra macroloba. As espécies Pentaclethra macroloba (52,1), Eschweilera bracteosa (23,7) e Pouteria caimito (8,1) apresentaram os maiores valores de importância, perfazendo 28% do VI total. A maior parte dos indivíduos amostrados (71,3% = 374ind.ha-1) foram registrados no estrato médio (12,4 m altura 26,5 m) da floresta. A comunidade florestal pode ser considerada bem estruturada, madura e diversa, portanto em bom estado de conservação.

Rev. bras. farmacogn ; 21(6): 991-999, Nov.-Dec. 2011. ilus, graf, tab
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: lil-602283


The ethanol extract of the vegetal species Pentaclethra macroloba (Willd.) Kuntze, Fabaceae, was fractioned and the antibacterial activity was determined. The active ethyl acetate (ea) fraction showed activity against Gram-positive (Staphylococcus spp. and Enterococcus spp.) and Gram-negative (Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Acinetobacter spp. and Klebsiella pneumoniae) multiresistant bacteria. Gallic acid derivatives were identified as the main compounds in inactive subfractions from the ea fraction, while the active one afforded ellagic acid as the major constituent when submitted to acid hydrolysis reaction, which suggests the presence of hydrolysable tannins. The minimum bactericidal concentration analysis showed a bactericide mechanism of action for the tannin subfraction found. The antibacterial mechanism of action of the active tannin subfraction against S. aureus reference strains (ATCC 29213 e 33591) was proposed adopting an in vitro assay of protein synthesis inhibition. For this, bacterial cells were labeled with [35S] methionine in the presence of the subfraction. The protein synthesis inhibition was observed at 256 µg/mL of this subfraction. At this concentration it did not present cytotoxicity in eukaryotic cells by the neutral red technique, suggesting selective toxicity. The present study is the first in vitro investigation of the antibacterial properties of tannin fractions obtained from a polar extract of P. macroloba.

Rev. bras. farmacogn ; 15(3): 187-190, jul.-set. 2005. ilus, tab
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: lil-570909


A atividade larvicida de quatro saponinas monodesmosídicas (1-4) isoladas de Pentaclethra macroloba e de uma saponina bidesmosídica (5) isolada de Cordia piauhiensis foi avaliada sobre larvas de estágio 3 de Aedes aegypti. As larvas foram expostas a várias concentrações (500, 250, 100, 50, 25 e 12,5 mg/mL) das saponinas por um período de 24 h. Os resultados indicam que somente as saponinas 1-3 mostraram alta atividade larvicida, com CL50 variando de 18,6 a 27,9 mg/mL. Estes resultados ressaltam as potencialidades destas saponinas como possíveis agentes larvicidas naturais.

The larvicidal activity of the four monodesmoside saponins (1-4) isolated from Pentaclethra macroloba and one bidesmoside saponin (5) from Cordia piauhiensis was evaluated on 3rd instar larvae of Aedes aegypti. The larvae were exposed to serial concentrations (500, 250, 100, 50, 25 and 12.5 mg/mL) saponins for a period of 24 h. The results indicate that, only the saponins 1-3 showed high larvicidal activity, with LC50 ranging of 18,6-27,9 mg/mL. These results suggest that these can be used as natural larvicidal agents.