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Biosci. j. (Online) ; 40: e40019, 2024.
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1572005


Considering the need for more information about productivity increases and nutritional improvement of soils, the present study evaluated the effects of alternative fertilization on grain yield and nutritional levels of bean crops. It was a randomized block study with four treatments and five replicates. The treatments were the absence of nitrogen fertilization, fertilizer use, chicken litter, and cattle manure. Organic fertilization provided lower variations in soil water availability during flowering and grain filling and increased nutrient concentrations, especially phosphorus and potassium. Chicken litter promoted the highest means for the number of legumes, the number of legumes on branches, the number of six-grain legumes, the mass of a thousand grains, grain mass per plant, and the normalized green-red difference index. However, the two organic fertilizers had significantly higher differences from chemical and no fertilization, showing that organic fertilizer applications must occur when nutrient availability coincides with the phenological stages essential for producing these fertilizers. High yields combined with favorable rainfall conditions occurred during crop development, as high soil moisture allowed faster mineralization of essential organic fertilizer nutrients, directly affecting yield. Pearson's linear correlation allowed a better understanding of the participation of each plant trait in productivity, and the highest grain yield occurred with organic fertilization.

Rev. argent. microbiol ; 55(4): 4-4, Dec. 2023.
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1550711


Abstract Chromatin remodeling enzymes are important "writers'', "readers'' and "erasers'' of the epigenetic code. These proteins are responsible for the placement, recognition, and removal of molecular marks in histone tails that trigger structural and functional changes in chromatin. This is also the case for histone deacetylases (HDACs), i.e., enzymes that remove acetyl groups from histone tails, signaling heterochromatin formation. Chromatin remodeling is necessary for cell differentiation processes in eukaryotes, and fungal pathogenesis in plants includes many adaptations to cause disease. Macrophomina phaseolina (Tassi) Goid. is a nonspe-cific, necrotrophic ascomycete phytopathogen that causes charcoal root disease. M. phaseolina is a frequent and highly destructive pathogen in crops such as common beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L.), particularly under both water and high temperature stresses. Here, we evaluated the effects of the classical HDAC inhibitor trichostatin A (TSA) on M. phaseolina in vitro growth and virulence. During inhibition assays, the growth of M. phaseolina in solid media, as well as the size of the microsclerotia, were reduced (p <0.05), and the colony morphology was remark-ably affected. Under greenhouse experiments, treatment with TSA reduced (p <0.05) fungal virulence in common bean cv. BAT 477. Tests of LIPK, MAC1 and PMK1 gene expression during the interaction of fungi with BAT 477 revealed noticeable deregulation. Our results provide additional evidence about the role of HATs and HDACs in important biological processes of M. phaseolina.

Resumen Las enzimas remodeladoras de la cromatina son «escritores¼, «lectores¼ y «borradores¼ importantes del código epigenético. Estas proteínas son responsables de la localización, el reconocimiento y la remoción de las marcas moleculares sobre las terminaciones de las histonas que desencadenan cambios funcionales y estructurales en la cromatina. Es el caso de las desacetilasas de histonas (HDAC), enzimas que remueven grupos acetilo de las «colas¼ de las histonas, señalizando la formación de heterocromatina. La anterior es una actividad necesaria en los procesos de diferenciación celular de los eucariotas, y se conoce que la patogénesis fúngica en las plantas requiere de adaptaciones diversas para ocasionar enfermedad. Macrophomina phaseolina (Tassi) Goid. es un ascomiceto fitopatógeno, necrótrofo e inespecífico, causante de la pudrición carbonosa. Este es un hongo frecuente y altamente destructivo en cultivos como fríjol común (Phaseolus vulgaris L.), particularmente bajo estrés hídrico y térmico. En este trabajo evaluamos los efectos del inhibidor de HDAC clásicas tricostatina A (TSA) sobre el crecimiento in vitro y la virulencia de M. phaseolina. El TSA redujo el crecimiento de M. phaseolina en medio sólido y el tamano de los microesclerocios (p < 0,05), lo que afectó la morfología colonial. En invernadero, el tratamiento con TSA disminuyó (p<0,05) la gravedad de la infección en la variedad de frijol BAT 477. La expresión de los genes de patogenicidad LIPK, MAC1 y PMK1 durante la interacción del hongo con la planta reveló una desregulación importante. Estos resultados proporcionan evidencia adicional del papel que cumplen las HDAC en la regulación de procesos biológicos fundamentales de M. phaseolina. © 2023 Asociación Argentina de Microbiología. Publicado por Elsevier Espana, S.L.U.

Arq. ciências saúde UNIPAR ; 27(7): 3396-3428, 2023.
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1442940


Os objetivos deste trabalho foram avaliar o efeito da germinação no teor de macronutrientes e da desidratação em compostos bioativos, nutrientes e atividade antioxidante de farinhas das leguminosas Phaseolus lunatus L. e Cajanus cajan (L. Millsp.) germinadas. As condições de germinação foram controladas em laboratório e as amostras foram submetidas à desidratação térmica (55°C) e liofilização. Foram realizadas as análises de composição centesimal, fenólicos totais flavonoides, atividade antioxidante (DPPH, FRAP), perfil de ácidos graxos (CG-FID) e de vitâmeros de tocoferol (HPLC- DAD). A germinação das leguminosas promoveu aumento de proteínas, lipídios e carboidratos. O processamento térmico para desidratação contribuiu para perdas de proteínas, lipídios, cinzas, e maior atividade antioxidantes em ambas as espécies. O perfil de ácidos graxos e vitâmeros de tocoferol mostraram-se com variações que dependem do tipo de leguminosa e condições de processamento, podendo ser positivas ou negativas. Farinhas de leguminosas germinadas pode ser uma alternativa para a inserção na dieta ou em formulações alimentícias e as condições de processamento devem ser monitoradas com intuito de otimiza propriedades nutritivas e funcionais.

The objectives of this work were to evaluate the effect of germination on macronutrient content and dehydration on bioactive compounds, nutrients and antioxidant activity of flours from germinated Phaseolus lunatus L. and Cajanus cajan (L. Millsp.) legumes. The germination conditions were controlled in the laboratory and the samples were submitted to thermal dehydration (55°C) and lyophilization. Analyses were carried out for centesimal composition, total phenolic flavonoids, antioxidant activity (DPPH, FRAP), fatty acid profile (GC-FID) and tocopherol vitamers (HPLC-DAD). Germination of the legumes promoted an increase in proteins, lipids and carbohydrates. Thermal processing for dehydration contributed to losses of proteins, lipids, ash, and higher antioxidant activity in both species. The profile of fatty acids and tocopherol vitamers showed variations that depend on the type of legume and processing conditions, and can be positive or negative. Sprouted legume flours can be an alternative for insertion in the diet or in food formulations and the processing conditions must be monitored in order to optimize nutritional and functional properties.

Los objetivos de este trabajo fueron evaluar el efecto de la germinación sobre el contenido en macronutrientes y de la deshidratación sobre los compuestos bioactivos, los nutrientes y la actividad antioxidante de harinas de leguminosas germinadas de Phaseolus lunatus L. y Cajanus cajan (L. Millsp.). Las condiciones de germinación se controlaron en el laboratorio y las muestras se sometieron a deshidratación térmica (55°C) y liofilización. Se realizaron análisis de composición centesimal, flavonoides fenólicos totales, actividad antioxidante (DPPH, FRAP), perfil de ácidos grasos (GC-FID) y vitaminas tocoferol (HPLC-DAD). La germinación de las leguminosas promovió un aumento de proteínas, lípidos y carbohidratos. El procesado térmico para la deshidratación contribuyó a pérdidas de proteínas, lípidos, cenizas y a una mayor actividad antioxidante en ambas especies. El perfil de ácidos grasos y vitaminas tocoferol mostró variaciones que dependen del tipo de legumbre y de las condiciones de procesado, pudiendo ser positivas o negativas. Las harinas de leguminosas germinadas pueden ser una alternativa para su inserción en la dieta o en formulaciones alimentarias y las condiciones de procesado deben ser monitorizadas para optimizar las propiedades nutricionales y funcionales.

Biosci. j. (Online) ; 39: e39053, 2023.
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1555535


Comprehension of the bean responses of beans common under to water deficit is an important tool in agricultural planning, like sowing time, and deficit irrigation management strategies. The study aimed to understand the morpho-physiological responses and yield attributes of two common bean genotypes submitted to water stress at different phenological stages. The study was carried out in a greenhouse, in randomized block scheme with five repetitions. To achieve the objectives deficit irrigation of 25% of crop evapotranspiration was practiced during vegetative (DI-V), flowering (DI-F), and pod filling (DI-PF) stages. A non-deficit irrigated (NDI) and deficit irrigated through vegetative to pod filling stages (DI-VP) treatments were added for comparison. The following morphophysiological responses and yield attributes were evaluated: net assimilation of CO2, stomatal conductance, and leaf transpiration, chlorophyll index, number of trifoliate leaves, chlorophyll index, leaf area, number of grains per plant, number of grains per pod, number of pods per plant, the mass of thousand grains, harvest index, and water use efficiency. The beans genotype under DI-V exhibited acclimation, observed by the relative increment with NDI of 195%, 759%, and 231% of net assimilation of CO2, stomatal conductance, and leaf transpiration, respectively. Plants under treatment DI-PF experienced dis-stress and plastic responses as leaf losses and exhaustion of gas exchanges. Treatment DI-V received 11% less water than NDI and exhibited equal yield, resulting in higher water use efficiency. Yield attributes correlations indicated that yield penalty might be related to pods abortion, which not occurred to plants under DI-V.

Biosci. j. (Online) ; 39: e39005, 2023. tab, graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: biblio-1415869


The aim was to evaluate the agronomic and qualitative attributes of early-cycle common bean cultivars with different grains types grains in response to top-dressing nitrogen (N) doses. The experiment was carried out using a randomized block design, in a split-plot scheme, with 4 replicates. The plots consisted of the cultivars IAC Nuance, IAC 1849 Polaco and IAC Veloz, with speckled, Carioca and black grains, respectively. The subplots were formed by N doses applied as top-dressing: 0 kg ha-1, 60 kg ha-1 (applied in the stage of third trifoliate leaf), 120 kg ha-1 (1/2 applied at third trifoliate leaf stage + 1/2 applied at the floral bud stage) and 180 kg ha-1 (1/3 applied at the first trifoliate leaf stage + 1/3 applied at the third trifoliate leaf stage + 1/3 applied at the floral bud stage). IAC Veloz stood out for grain yield, showing the highest grain yield in the lowest N doses, being classified as efficient to the use of N. The cultivars IAC Nuance and IAC 1849 Polaco reached maximum yields with 155 and 163 kg ha-1 of N. The IAC Nuance was the most responsive, increasing grain yield by up to 25.3% due to nitrogen fertilization. Increasing N doses applied as top-dressing increased the sieve yield and crude protein content of the common bean cultivars, with IAC Nuance standing out. The cultivars showed good grain quality, and IAC 1849 Polaco and IAC Veloz had the shortest cooking time and IAC Veloz also had the fastest hydration.

Fitohemaglutininas , Genotipo , Nitrógeno , Productos Agrícolas
Biosci. j. (Online) ; 39: e39082, 2023.
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1567045


In Brazil, the common bean is a crop with significant social and economic importance. The prospecting of N2 fixing bacteria is crucial since biological nitrogen fixation (BNF) is an eco-friendly technique. This work aimed to obtain and characterize rhizobium isolates based on morpho-physiological, molecular, and symbiotic efficiency parameters, using the strains SEMIA 4077, SEMIA 4080, and SEMIA 4088 as references. The characteristics of the isolates and colonies, their tolerance to salinity and temperature, as well as their utilization of carbon sources, served as the basis for the morpho-physiological characterization. BOX-PCR, REP-PCR, and ERIC-PCR markers were used for genotypic characterization. Assessment of the symbiotic efficiency was carried out in a greenhouse, determining the number of nodules (NN), nodule dry weight (NDW), shoot dry weight (SDW), and total-N (Total-N) accumulation in the shoot. Among the isolates, those exhibiting: neutral culture medium pH, fast growth, colony diameter <2 mm, opaque transparency, homogeneous appearance, and cream color were predominant. Compared to temperature, salinity was the most restrictive factor to the growth of the isolates. Most of the isolates grew on sucrose (88.43%) and mannitol (87.28%). Genotypic analysis revealed that 90% of the isolates clustered in the same group as the reference strain SEMIA 4080. The TaMsG2R1 and BaDeG4R2 isolates showed higher Total-N in the shoot than the reference strains and should be evaluated in future studies under field conditions.

Biosci. j. (Online) ; 39: e39084, 2023.
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1567047


The positioning of pods in common bean directly affects grain losses in mechanized harvesting. However, only few studies have assessed facttors that can affect pods positioning. The objective of this work was to determine the effect of plant density, nitrogen fertilization, and fertilization depth on the distribution of pods of the common bean. The field experiments were carried out in two cropping seasons, 2017 and 2018, during the winter period in the Cerrado region. The experimental design was randomized blocks in a 4x2 factorial scheme, with four replications. The treatments consisted of the combination of four sowing densities (5, 10, 15, and 20 plants m-1) with two depths of fertilizer application (6 and 12 cm). The results allowed inferring that the depth of the fertilization does not affect the distribution of pods in the common bean. Plant density does not affect common bean grain yield. More than a quarter of the common bean pods of the BRS FC104 are positioned close to the ground, below 100 mm, in the area where harvester machines operate. Nitrogen fertilization and plant density affect the distribution of pods in common bean plants. At higher doses of N (90 kg ha-1), plant density should be increased. On the other hand, at lower doses (45 kg ha-1), plant density must be reduced. It is concluded that the sowing density can be an efficient strategy to provide the highest positioning of pods in the upper part of the common bean plants, reducing harvest loss.

Biosci. j. (Online) ; 39: e39099, 2023.
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1567598


Anthracnose is the primary disease in Phaseolus lunatus cultures, causing severe losses. Inoculation techniques are vital for assessing genotype resistance and control methods at the early stages of seedling development. This study aimed to compare inoculation methods and exposure times of a lima bean seed variety to Colletotrichum truncatum using a completely randomized 4x5 factorial design with five replications. Seed inoculation methods by direct contact with mycelium, mannitol water restrictor, and sucrose water restrictor and immersion in conidia suspension were compared and submitted to substrates containing the developed pathogen or not at exposure times of 0, 36, 60, 84, and 108 hours. Evaluations were made by analyzing the severity, incidence, and disease index for anthracnose and seedling physiological quality under greenhouse conditions. The inoculation method by direct contact with sucrose solute for 36 hours was the most suitable for C. truncatum inoculation in lima bean seeds, providing a higher transmission rate but slightly affecting their physiological parameters. C. truncatum damage to lima bean seed performance increased with longer exposure times, regardless of the inoculation method.

rev. udca actual. divulg. cient ; 25(1): e2252, ene.-jun. 2022. tab, graf
Artículo en Español | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1395189


RESUMEN El uso de microorganismos benéficos en conjunto con bioestimulantes vegetales puede ser una alternativa eficiente para mejorar la productividad del fríjol. El objetivo de este estudio fue determinar el efecto de la aplicación individual y combinada entre los bioestimulantes ME-50® y FitoMas-E® en el incremento agroproductivo del fríjol en época de siembra tardía. La investigación, se desarrolló en la Cooperativa de Créditos y Servicios "Mártires de Taguasco", Sancti Spíritus, Cuba. Se realizó un experimento en condiciones de campo con el cultivar ʻVelazco largoʼ. Los tratamientos, se distribuyeron en bloques al azar, en esquema factorial 2×2, con cinco réplicas, dos niveles ausencia y presencia del consorcio ME-50® y su combinación con la no aplicación y aplicación de FitoMas-E. Los efectos de los bioestimulantes se observaron en los parámetros de i) crecimiento: hojas por planta, área foliar y la masa seca y ii) productivos: número de vainas por planta, granos por vaina, masa de 100 granos y el rendimiento. Los resultados revelaron que la aplicación conjunta de ambos bioestimulantes fue más eficiente en el aumento del crecimiento y la productividad, que la aplicación individual y la no aplicación de bioestimulantes, al incrementar el rendimiento en 10 y 71 %, respectivamente. Los hallazgos de este estudio sugieren que la combinación entre el ME-50® y el FitoMas-E® constituye una alternativa eficiente, económica y viable, para aumentar la productividad del fríjol en época de siembra tardía.

ABSTRACT The use beneficial of microorganisms jointly with vegetal biostimulants can be an efficient alternative to improve the productivity of beans. The purpose of this research was to determine the effect of individual and joined application of the biostimulants ME-50® and FitoMas-E® in the agroproductive increase of the bean in the late sowing season. The research was conducted at the collective farmer "Martires de Taguasco", Sancti Spiritus, Cuba. An experiment was carried out under field conditions with the cultivar ʻVelazco Largoʼ. The treatments were distributed in random blocks, in a 2×2 factorial scheme, with five replications, two levels absence and presence of the ME-50® consortium and its combination with no application and application of FitoMas-E®. The biostimulants effects were observed in i) growth parameters: leaves per plant, leaf area and dry mass; ii) production parameters: number of pods per plant, grains per pod, the mass of 100 grains and yield. The results revealed that the joint application of both biostimulants was more efficient in increasing growth and productivity than the individual application and the non-application of biostimulants, due to the yield increase of 10 and 71 %, respectively. The findings of this study suggest that the join application between ME-50® and FitoMas-E® constitutes an efficient, economical and viable alternative to increase bean productivity in the late sowing season.

Artículo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-219421


Aims: Bacillus species is used as starter culture to improve quality of the fermented product. Thus, the purpose of this study is to identify Bacillus species during the spontaneous fermentation of Phaseolus lunatus with prospective selection as starter cultures. Study Design: Spontaneous fermentation of Phaseolus lunatus flour was allowed to proceed at ambient temperature (29±2°C) for three days under anaerobic condition. Methodology: The Bacillus counts were determined and 100 isolates were identified by PCR and the sequencing of 16S rDNA domain. Results: In unfermented sample the Bacillus count was 3.14 log CFU/mL. During fermentation the count being between 2.68 and 2.88 log CFU/mL. Based on PCR and the sequencing of 16S rDNA domain, Bacillus isolates were assigned to four species Bacillus sp, Bacillus subtilis, Brevibacillus agri and Bacillus xiamensisis. Bacillus spp, Bacillus subtillis and Bacillus cereus were detected at all the fermentation times. Their frequencies were between 14.29 and 45.83%, 25 and 35.71%, 25 and 50% respectively. Conclusion: Among these species Bacillus subtillis could be used as starter culture to improve quality of the fermented product.

Rev. chil. nutr ; 49(1)feb. 2022.
Artículo en Español | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1388583


RESUMEN El frijol petaco (Phaseolus coccineus L.) es una leguminosa cultivada en Colombia, con baja producción y consumo. En esta investigación se determinaron las características fisicoquímicas y antioxidantes del frijol petaco en dos estados de madurez fisiológica, semilla verde y seca. El análisis de composición proximal en el frijol seco presentó el incremento en todos sus macronutrientes con pérdida de humedad. El contenido de fibra dietaria total e insoluble fue mayor en el frijol verde, pero la fibra insoluble se incrementó en semilla seca. El frijol verde tiene mayor contenido de Na y K, aunque en el frijol seco aumentó el contenido de Ca, Fe, Zn, Mn y P. El valor FRAP y contenido de fenoles totales fueron mayores en el frijol seco, el valor ORAC fue similar en ambas semillas. Los resultados indican que el frijol petaco es una leguminosa con potencial antioxidante, compuestos bioactivos y nutrientes para la salud.

ABSTRACT The petaco bean (Phaseolus coccineus L.) is a legume cultivated in Colombia, with low production and consumption. In this research, physicochemical and antioxidant characteristics of petaco beans at two physiological maturity stages, green and dry seed, were determined. The proximate composition analysis of dry beans showed an increase in all macronutrients with moisture loss. Total, and insoluble dietary fiber content was higher in the green bean, while insoluble fiber was higher in dry seed. The green bean had higher Na and K content and dry bean had higher Ca, Fe, Zn, Mn and P. FRAP value and total phenol content were higher in the dry bean and ORAC value was similar in both seeds. The results indicate that the petaco bean is a legume with antioxidant potential, bioactive compounds and nutrients for health.

Braz. j. med. biol. res ; 55: e12314, 2022. tab, graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1403915


Seminal studies stated that bean proteins are efficient neuronal tracers with affinity for brain tissue. A low molecular weight peptide fraction (<3kDa) from Phaseolus vulgaris (PV3) was previously reported to be antioxidant, non-cytotoxic, and capable of reducing reactive oxygen species and increasing nitric oxide in cells. We evaluated the effects of PV3 (5, 50, 100, 500, and 5000 µg/kg) on behavior and the molecular routes potentially involved. Acute and chronic PV3 treatments were performed before testing Wistar rats: i) in the elevated plus-maze (EPM) to assess the anxiolytic-like effect; ii) in the open field (OF) to evaluate locomotion and exploration; and iii) for depression-like behavior in forced swimming (FS). Catecholaminergic involvement was tested using the tyrosine hydroxylases (TH) enzyme inhibitor, α-methyl-DL-tyrosine (AMPT). Brain areas of chronically treated groups were dissected to assess: i) lipid peroxidation (LPO); ii) carbonylated proteins (CP); iii) superoxide dismutase (SOD) and catalase (CAT) enzymatic activities. Neuronal nitric oxide synthases (nNOS) and argininosuccinate synthase (ASS) protein expression was evaluated by western blotting. Acute treatment with PV3 increased the frequency and time spent in the EPM open arms, suggesting anxiolysis. PV3 increased crossing episodes in the OF. These PV3 effects on anxiety and locomotion were absent in the chronically treated group. Acute and chronic PV3 treatments reduced the immobility time in the FS test, suggesting an antidepressant effect. TH inhibition by AMPT reverted acute PV3 effects. PV3 decreased LPO and CP levels and SOD and CAT activities, whereas nNOS and ASS were reduced in few brain areas. In conclusion, PV3 displayed central antioxidant actions that are concomitant to catecholaminergic-dependent anxiolytic and antidepressant effects.

Ciênc. rural (Online) ; 52(10): e20210282, 2022. tab, graf
Artículo en Inglés | VETINDEX, LILACS | ID: biblio-1375115


Photoassimilate partition and allocation among plant organs varies throughout their development and is also influenced by factors inherent to the genotype and the environment. Nodulation in the soybean-diazotrophic bacteria interaction is more effective than in the bean-diazotrophic bacteria interaction. This investigation studied growth and photoassimilate partitioning throughout the bean and soybean cycles and inferred how much it could affect the nodulation of the roots. For this purpose, an experiment with two treatments was carried out, soybean (cultivar BRS GO - 7760 - RR) and bean (cultivar BRS Estilo), with four replications, conducted in pots and entirely randomized. The seeds were inoculated with commercial rhizobia specific for bean and soybean LeguMax® (Novozymes-Turfal). Plants were analyzed throughout their cycles based on leaf area and dry mass of all organs, including nodules. Mathematical models were fitted to the data and based on them, the instantaneous physiological indicators of growth were estimated, and the percentages of photoassimilate partition among organs were evaluated. Crop growth rate, relative growth rates, net assimilation rate as well as net photosynthesis rate had higher values in soybean compared to bean, following the pattern of leaf area and total dry mass. For both species, the highest rates occurred at the beginning of the cycle, decreasing with age. Unlike the bean, soybean has a high capacity to supply photosynthates to all of its organs throughout its entire cycle, favoring the maintenance of nodule growth and explaining its greater capacity for nitrogen assimilation.

Durante o desenvolvimento das plantas a partição e alocação de fotoassimilados variam entre os seus órgãos, e dependem de fatores inerentes ao genótipo e ao meio ambiente. A nodulação é mais efetiva na interação soja-bactéria diazotrófica do que na interação feijão-bactéria diazotrófica. Esta pesquisa tem como objetivo estudar o crescimento e a partição de fotoassimilados ao longo dos ciclos do feijão e da soja e inferir o quanto isso pode afetar a nodulação das raízes. Para tanto, foi instalado um experimento com dois tratamentos, soja (cultivar BRS GO - 7760 - RR) e feijão comum (cultivar BRS Estilo), com quatro repetições, conduzido em vasos e inteiramente ao acaso. As sementes foram inoculadas com inoculantes comerciais específicos para feijão e soja LeguMax® (Novozymes-Turfal). Plantas foram coletadas ao longo de seus ciclos e medidas as áreas foliares e as massas secas de todos os órgãos, incluindo nódulos. Modelos matemáticos foram ajustados aos dados e, com base neles, foram estimados os indicadores fisiológicos instantâneos do crescimento e, também, foram avaliadas as porcentagens de partição de fotoassimilados entre os órgãos. A taxa de crescimento das culturas (CGR), as taxas de crescimento relativo (RGR), a taxa líquida de assimilação (NAR) e a taxa líquida de fotossíntese (Pn) apresentaram maiores valores na soja em relação ao feijoeiro. Para ambas as culturas as maiores taxas ocorreram no início do ciclo, decrescendo ao longo do ciclo cultural. Diferentemente do feijoeiro a soja tem alta capacidade de suprir de fotoassimilados a todos os seus órgãos ao longo de todo o seu ciclo, o que favorece o maior crescimento dos seus nódulos, justificando a sua maior capacidade na captura do N2 atmosférico.

Fotosíntesis , Glycine max/crecimiento & desarrollo , Biomasa , Phaseolus/crecimiento & desarrollo , Nódulos de las Raíces de las Plantas
Ciênc. rural (Online) ; 52(2): e20200894, 2022. ilus, tab, graf
Artículo en Inglés | VETINDEX, LILACS | ID: biblio-1339655


Seed germination is a complex process controlled by many factors, in which physical and biochemical mechanisms are involved and the mobilization of reserves is crucial for this process to occur. Although, seed reserve mobilization is usually thought to be a post-germination process, seed reserve proteins mobilization occurs during germination. This study quantified seed proteins of bean genotypes during different hydration times, in order to understand the process of protein mobilization and whether there is relationship of this biochemical component with seed vigor. This study was conducted using seeds with different levels of vigor, genotypes with highest (13, 42, 55 and 81) and lowest (07, 23, 44, 50, IPR-88-Uirapurú and Iapar 81) physiological quality. High vigor genotypes showed greater efficiency in hydrolysis and mobilization of protein component, because they presented low globulins content in cotyledons at radicle protrusion in relation to low vigor genotypes (07, 23 and 50). The protein alpha-amylase inhibitor, observed in all genotypes, is involved with the longer time needed for radicle protrusion, according to the band intensity difference in genotypes 07, 44 and Iapar 81.

A germinação de sementes é um processo complexo controlado por muitos fatores, nos quais mecanismos físicos e bioquímicos estão envolvidos e a mobilização de reservas é decisiva para que esse processo ocorra. Embora a mobilização de reservas de sementes seja considerada um processo pós-germinativo, a mobilização das proteínas de reserva de sementes ocorre durante a germinação. Este estudo teve como objetivo quantificar as proteínas de sementes de genótipos de feijão durante os diferentes tempos de hidratação, a fim de compreender o processo de mobilização proteica e se há relação desse componente bioquímico com o vigor das sementes. Este estudo foi realizado utilizando sementes com diferentes níveis de vigor, genótipos com maior (13, 42, 55 e 81) e menor (07, 23, 44, 50, IPR-88-Uirapurú e Iapar 81) qualidade fisiológica. Os genótipos de alto vigor apresentaram maior eficiência na hidrólise e mobilização do componente proteico, pois apresentaram baixo teor de globulinas nos cotilédones na protrusão radicular em relação aos genótipos de baixo vigor (07, 23 e 50). A proteína inibidora da alfa-amilase, observada em todos os genótipos, está envolvida com o maior tempo necessário para a protrusão da radícula, de acordo com a diferença de intensidade da banda nos genótipos 07, 44 e Iapar 81.

Semillas/química , Variación Genética/genética , Proteínas/análisis , Phaseolus/embriología , Espectrometría de Masas , Electroforesis en Gel de Poliacrilamida
Rev. méd. Maule ; 36(2): 8-19, dic. 2021. graf
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: biblio-1377868


Skeletal muscle appears to play a central role in the development of insulin resistance (IR) and consequently the metabolic syndrome due to high-fat diets, obesity, and aging. Recent evidence suggests that some bioactive compounds present in natural products can affect blood glucose, possibly due to interactions between the compounds and glucose transporters. As an objective, to evaluate the effect of the extract of the green bean (PV, Phaseolus vulgaris) and apple of small fruit of thinning (Malus domestica, MAF and MIT extracts) on the incorporation of glucose in C2C12 muscle cells. For this, the cytotoxic effect of the extracts on the cells was determined by detecting formazan. Subsequently, glucose incorporation was determined using a fluorescent glucose analog in cells treated with the extracts. Finally, the effect of the extracts on IL-6 and TNFα production was evaluated by ELISA. Results: PV and MAF decreased 50% of viability at 1000µg / mL while MIT only decreased 10% at that concentration. PV had no significant effect on glucose incorporation and the MAF and MIT extract extracts significantly increased glucose incorporation at 100 µg / mL (13500 and 18000 URF respectively). PV increases the secretion of IL-6 and TNF-α, MAF and MIT only increase the expression of IL-6. Conclusion: These results make it possible to establish natural extracts derived from thinning small fruit apple can be used as a possible treatment for pathologies with high blood glucose levels.

Humanos , Diferenciación Celular/fisiología , Obesidad/epidemiología , Resistencia a la Insulina , Interleucina-6 , Factor de Necrosis Tumoral alfa , Phaseolus , Malus , Glucosa
Acta biol. colomb ; 26(1): 62-71, ene.-abr. 2021. tab
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1152669


ABSTRACT The botanical family Solanaceae has many species producing compounds with insecticidal properties, e.g. nicotine and capsaicin, which are used for pest management in agriculture. This fact provides perspectives to identify insecticidal compounds in Brazilian native species of Solanaceae. In this study, we performed a screening with 25 ethanolic extracts from 17 Solanaceae species in order to evaluate their bioactivity against the Mexican bean weevil, Zabrotes subfasciatus (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae: Bruchinae). The bioactivity of Solanaceae ethanolic extracts (2,500 mg kg-1) was tested with residual contact bioassays. Adults of Z. subfasciatus were exposed to treated bean grains, and adult mortality, oviposition, F1 progeny and damages on grains were quantified. Most of the ethanolic extracts from Solanaceae reduced the number of eggs per sample, the egg-adult viability, the F1 progeny and the damages on bean grains promoted by Z. subfasciatus, but none of them interfered on its sex ratio. Ethanolic extract from leaves of Solanum lycocarpum A. St.-Hil promoted the most promissory effects on Z. subfasciatus. This ethanolic extracts can be a suitable alternative to control Z. subfasciatus in stored beans, mainly for small farmers and organic farmers.

RESUMEN La familia botánica Solanaceae tiene muchas especies que producen compuestos con propiedades insecticidas, e.g. nicotina y capsaicina, que se utilizan para el control de plagas en la agricultura. Este hecho proporciona perspectivas promisorias para identificar compuestos insecticidas en especies nativas brasileñas de Solanaceae. En el presente estudio se llevó a cabo un cribado con 25 extractos etanólicos de 17 especies de Solanaceae con el propósito de evaluar su bioactividad sobre el gorgojo pinto del frijol, Zabrotes subfasciatus (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae: Bruchinae). La bioactividad de los extractos etanólicos se evaluó por experimentos de contacto residual. Los adultos de Z. subfasciatus se expusieron a los frijoles tratados con los extractos y se midió la mortalidad de los adultos, la ovoposición, la progenie F1 y el daño en los granos. La mayoría de los extractos etanólicos redujeron el número de huevos, la viabilidad de los huevos, la progenie y el daño en los granos, pero ninguno de ellos interfirió en la proporción sexual de los insectos. El extracto etanólico de las hojas de Solanum lycocarpum A. St.-Hil promovió los efectos más prometedores sobre Z. subfasciatus. Este extracto puede ayudar a controlar a Z. subfasciatus en frijoles almacenados, principalmente a los pequeños agricultores y a los agricultores orgánicos.

Arq. Inst. Biol ; 88: e00312020, 2021. ilus, tab
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1348973


Phytonematodes are among the main pathogens of the common bean. In general, control practices that aim to control these pathogens have not been regularly adopted in Brazil. The objectives of the present study were to evaluate the occurrence of phytonematodes in dry bean fields in Paraná and São Paulo states and estimate the pathogenicity of Pratylenchus brachyurus to dry bean in glasshouse experiments. Root and soil were sampled for nematode extraction, identification and estimation of population density. Four glasshouse experiments with different initial population densities were carried out to evaluate the effect of P. brachyurus on the growth of dry bean plants. Six species of phytonematodes were detected, namely Helicotylenchus dihystera, P. brachyurus, Pratylenchus crenatus, Meloidogyne javanica, Meloidogyne incognita and Rotylenchulus sp. The spiral nematode H. dihystera was found in all samples and was the most abundant species in both states. The lesion nematode P. brachyurus was also frequent, reaching 94% in Paraná and 100% in São Paulo. The root-knot nematodes and Rotylenchulus sp. were reported only in São Paulo fields (45% and 18% frequency, respectively), and P. crenatus only in Paraná (12%). The most abundant nematode in the soil was H. dihystera, and in roots was P. crenatus. It was demonstrated that densities of 6.66 specimens of P. brachyurus per cm3 of soil provoke visible and measurable root decay. In conclusion, survey data showed low phytonematode densities and pathogenicity tests demonstrated that densities above 6.67 specimens of P. brachyurus per cm3 of soil cause damage to the dry bean roots.

Fabaceae , Nematodos/patogenicidad , Tylenchoidea , Plagas Agrícolas , Phaseolus
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS-Express | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1461037


Salinity is a major abiotic stress that adversely affects several physiological and biochemical aspects of plants. Antioxidants can be used as a potential remediation mechanism to promote plant resilience. Therefore, the objective of the present study was to evaluate increasing doses of the antioxidant lycopene on the germination and initial growth of common bean seedlings under conditions of salt stress. Seeds were treated with the following lycopene concentrations: 0.018; 0.036; 0.072; 0.144; and 0.288 g L-1 and two controls (negative and positive) and evaluated under two growth conditions (without and with salt stress) for physiological quality and pigment content. Data were analyzed by completely randomized design, in 2 x 7 factorial (two growth conditions, with paper towel moistened with water or salt solution x seven treatments, including five lycopene doses and two controls), in four replicates of 50 seeds by concentration. With the results of the analysis of variance, growth conditions (without and with salt stress) were compared by the Tukey test (5%), and the effects of lycopene doses were analyzed by polynomial regression. Lycopene promoted tolerance of bean seeds to salt stress and had a positive influence on the attenuation of salt harmful effects to the initial growth of seedlings, mainly at the doses of 0.072 g L-1 and 0.144 g L-1.

Salinity is a major abiotic stress that adversely affects several physiological and biochemical aspects of plants. Antioxidants can be used as a potential remediation mechanism to promote plant resilience. Therefore, the objective of the present study was to evaluate increasing doses of the antioxidant lycopene on the germination and initial growth of common bean seedlings under conditions of salt stress. Seeds were treated with the following lycopene concentrations: 0.018; 0.036; 0.072; 0.144; and 0.288 g L-1 and two controls (negative and positive) and evaluated under two growth conditions (without and with salt stress) for physiological quality and pigment content. Data were analyzed by completely randomized design, in 2 x 7 factorial (two growth conditions, with paper towel moistened with water or salt solution x seven treatments, including five lycopene doses and two controls), in four replicates of 50 seeds by concentration. With the results of the analysis of variance, growth conditions (without and with salt stress) were compared by the Tukey test (5%), and the effects of lycopene doses were analyzed by polynomial regression. Lycopene promoted tolerance of bean seeds to salt stress and had a positive influence on the attenuation of salt harmful effects to the initial growth of seedlings, mainly at the doses of 0.072 g L-1 and 0.144 g L-1.

Ciênc. rural (Online) ; 51(3): e20200246, 2021. graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1153850


ABSTRACT: This study evaluated the activity of rhizobia isolates inoculated in large (18 mm) and small (11 mm) seeds on lima bean growth, nodulation and N fixation. Selected rhizobia isolates were compared with a reference strain CIAT899 and two controls without inoculation. Large seeds contributed for highest plant growth, nodulation and N fixation than small seeds. The isolates UFPI-59, UFPI-18 and UFPI-38 promoted the highest values of shoot and root dry weight, respectively. The isolates UFPI-32 promoted the highest values of nodule number, while UFPI-59 promoted the highest values of nodule dry weight. The isolates UFPI-38 and UFPI-59 promoted the highest accumulation of N. This study showed that seed size really influences lima bean growth, nodulation and BNF. Considering rhizobia isolates, UFPI-59, UFPI-38, and UFPI-18 contributed for plant growth, promoted better nodulation and effectiveness on biological N fixation.

RESUMO: Este estudo avaliou a atividade de isolados de rizóbios inoculados em sementes pequenas (11 mm) e grandes (18 mm) sobre o crescimento, nodulação e fixação de N de feijão-fava. Isolados selecionados de rizóbios foram comparados com uma estirpe de referência CIAT899 e dois controles sem inoculação. Sementes grandes contribuíram para maior crescimento de plantas, nodulação e fixação de N do que sementes pequenas. Os isolados UFPI-59, UFPI-18 e UFPI-38 promoveram os maiores valores de massa seca de parte aérea e raízes. Os isolados UFPI-32 e UFPI-59 promoveram os maiores valores de número e massa de nódulos, respectivamente. Os isolados UFPI-38 e UFPI-59 promoveram maior acúmulo de N. Este estudo mostrou que o tamanho de sementes influencia o crescimento, nodulação e fixação de N em feijão-fava. Considerando os isolados de rizóbios, UFPI-59, UFPI-38 e UFPI-18 contribuíram para o crescimento de plantas, promoveram melhor nodulação e eficiência na fixação de N.

Ciênc. rural (Online) ; 51(3): e20200347, 2021. tab, graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1153867


ABSTRACT: The objective of this study was to design two diagrammatic scales for the evaluation of black node disease (Stagonosporopsis hortensis and Boeremia spp.) in common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.). The developed scales corresponded to logarithmic intervals (SADL) of seven levels and equal intervals (SADE) of nine levels. These scales were compared to the scale developed by the International Center for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT), which corresponds to a descriptive scale (NoSAD). In the scale validation the accuracy, precision, and concordance of repeatability were determined using Lin's concordance correlation coefficient, whereas inter-rater reproducibility was determined by the overall concordance correlation coefficient (OCCC). It was observed that with the use of the proposed scales, reproducibility and repeatability were significantly improved for inexperienced raters, and reproducibility was improved in the case of experienced raters. Thus, the designed standard area diagrams with equal and logarithmic intervals are a useful tool for estimating severity under field and experimental conditions as part of the study of this patho-system.

RESUMO: O objetivo deste estudo foi delinear duas escalas diagramáticas para avaliação da doença do nó preto (Stagonosporopsis hortensis e Boeremia spp.) em feijoeiro (Phaseolus vulgaris L.). As escalas desenvolvidas corresponderam a intervalos logarítmicos (SADL) de sete níveis e intervalos iguais (SADE) de nove níveis. Essas escalas foram comparadas com a escala desenvolvida pelo Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical (CIAT), que corresponde a uma escala descritiva (NoSAD). Na validação da escala, a exatidão, precisão e concordância da repetibilidade foram determinadas usando o coeficiente de correlação de concordância de Lin, enquanto a reprodutibilidade entre avaliadores foi determinada pelo coeficiente de correlação de concordância geral (OCCC). Observou-se que, com o uso das escalas propostas, a reprodutibilidade e a repetibilidade foram significativamente melhoradas para os avaliadores inexperientes, e a reprodutibilidade foi melhorada no caso dos avaliadores experientes. Assim, as escalas diagramáticas projetadas são uma ferramenta útil para estimar a severidade em condições experimentais e de campo como parte do estudo desse sistema patológico.