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Artículo en Inglés | WPRIM | ID: wpr-979350


Aims@#Molecular identification of yeast has been conducted on various fermentation products. However, the identification of yeast in fermented Sumbawa mare’s milk based on the genotyping method has not been carried out. This study was aimed to determine the diversity profile of yeasts in fermented Sumbawa mare’s milk using phenetic characters and PCR-RFLP analysis technique based on the ITS region.@*Methodology and results@#Yeast isolates were phenotypically characterized and visualized in a dendrogram using CLAD97 software. Then, the yeast DNA was extracted using heat treatment and amplified using ITS1 and ITS4 primers. The amplicons were analyzed by RFLP using HindIII and HaeIII enzymes. The phylogenetic tree was constructed using MEGA 7.0. Based on the result of grouping by phenetic analysis and PCR-RFLP, the 12 isolates were divided into four groups with different members. The results of the phenetic analysis were divided into group I (all isolates of Dompu), group II (isolate B3, B4, S3), group III (isolate B5) and group IV (isolate S1). The types of yeast that were identified molecularly and represented each group of PCR-RFLP results included in group I were Kluyveromyces marxianus D1A and K. marxianus D1B, group II: K. marxianus D7, group III: Kazachstania humilis D4, while milk from Bima and Sumbawa has one yeast species as a member of group IV, namely Pichia kudriavzevii B3. Kluyveromyces marxianus was the yeast frequently found in Sumbawa fermented mare’s milk.@*Conclusion, significance and impact of study@#Various yeast species as a consortium of the milk samples can contribute to the increasing quality of fermented Sumbawa mare’s milk.

Levaduras , Kumis
Acta biol. colomb ; 26(3): 365-373, sep.-dic. 2021. tab, graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1360031


ABSTRACT Lutzomyia intermedia (Diptera: Psychodidae) features as one of the main vectors that are involved in the transmission of American cutaneous leishmaniasis (ACL) in the Neotropical region. However, genetic studies involving this taxon are still incipient and important for understanding the level of variability of different populations, their role, and implications as vectors. The aim of this study was to determine the level of genetic diversity of L. intermedia present in the Ribeira River Valley, an area of ACL transmission in the state of Paraná, Brazil, through the Random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD). Two municipalities were chosen to collect sand flies: Cerro Azul (new transmission area of the ACL) and Adrianópolis (endemic area of the ACL). The insects were captured in the house, in the peridomicile and in the wild (forest). Two of the used markers made it possible to estimate the polymorphism of the studied populations, resulting in 40 genotypes, most of them from peridomicile. The dendrogram generated by the analysis with the primer A10 showed different degrees of similarity, suggesting that there may be gene flow in the studied populations. The Principal Coordinate Analysis (PCO) with the A2 primer, was useful in grouping L. intermedia according to its ecological and geographical origin. There was no distinction between the lineages composing the L. intermedia complex. The results of this study, with the record of great genotypic diversity in L. intermedia, may contribute to explain the maintenance of the life cycle of Leishmania braziliensis (Kinetoplastida: Trypanosomatidae) in the region.

RESUMEN Lutzomyia intermedia (Diptera: Psychodidae) es uno de los principales vectores que participan en la transmisión de leishmaniasis cutánea americana (LCA) en la región Neotropical. A pesar de que aún los estudios genéticos que involucran a este taxón son incipientes, tienen una gran importancia para comprender el nivel de variabilidad de las diferentes poblaciones y sus implicaciones en su papel vectorial. El objetivo de este estudio fue determinar el nivel de diversidad genética de L. intermedia presente en el Valle del Río Ribeira, área de transmisión de LCA en el estado de Paraná, Brasil, mediante RAPD (ADN polimórfico amplificado aleatoriamente). Los flebótomos fueron recolectados en los municipios Cerro Azul (nueva área de transmisión de LCA) y Adrianópolis (área endémica de LCA), donde fueron capturados en ambientes residenciales, en el peridomicilio y en el bosque. Dos de los marcadores utilizados permitieron estimar el polimorfismo en las poblaciones estudiadas con la obtención de 40 genotipos, la mayoría de ellos en el peridomicilio. El dendrograma generado por el análisis con el cebador A10 mostró diferentes grados de similitud, lo que sugiere que puede haber flujo gènico en las poblaciones. El Análisis de Coordenadas Principales (PCO) con el cebador A2 fue útil para agrupar L. intermedia según su origen ecológico y geográfico. No hubo distinción entre los linajes que componen el complejo L. intermedia. Los resultados de este estudio, con el registro de gran diversidad genotipica en L. intermedia, pueden contribuir a explicar el mantenimiento del ciclo biológico de Leishmania braziliensis (Kinetoplastida: Trypanosomatidae) en la región.

Braz. arch. biol. technol ; 64(spe): e21210095, 2021. tab, graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1350283


Abstract Leishmania enriettii has only been found in Curitiba metropolitan region, southern Brazil were it was first observed in Cavia porcellus from the vivarium of Instituto de Biologia e Pesquisas Tecnológicas (IBPT - today named TECPAR) by Medina, 1944. Despite more than a half century from its discovery and several research articles on this species, the natural clinical signs in guinea pigs and the parasite genetic variability is still unclear. The aims of this study were to describe the clinical features, investigate the potential wild reservoirs and, in addition, we intended to understand the polymorphism trait of the species. We analyzed 26 naturally infected guinea pigs from eight Paraná state cities. All animals showed lesions compatible with leishmaniosis, such as skin nodules or ulcers on body extremities. Direct examination of the lesion samples obtained by fine-needle aspiration or punch biopsy was conducted followed by isolation and identification of parasite DNA by random amplification of polymorphic DNA (RAPD)-PCR. Through the direct exam, a large number of intracellular amastigote forms were observed in the lesions. Different strains of the parasite, isolated from the 26 animals, were grouped in 5 clusters of approximately 65% similarity. We looked for L. enriettii in other potential reservoir hosts but the parasite was not observed. These results confirm that distinct strains of L. enriettii circulate in guinea pigs from Paraná state, more specifically in the Atlantic forest region, where we believe it serves as the center for dispersion of the species.