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CoDAS ; 35(6): e20220189, 2023. tab, graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1514022


ABSTRACT Purpose The purpose of this study is to characterize the phonological skills of low-income preschool children in a city in the Natal in the Northeast, Brazil. Methods The researchers assessed the phonological skills of 90 children (from 5 to 6:11) in early childhood education in three public schools located in regions of social and economic vulnerability. The evaluators used the phonology subtests of the Test of Childhood language (ABFW) children's language test. In addition to performing the standard analysis they examined the following: Phonological Processes (PP), Percentage of Correct Consonants (PCC), Percentage of Correct Consonants Revised (PCC-R), and Process Density Index (PDI). The Spearman's Correlation Coefficient test was used to analyze for correlations among the PCC, PCC-R, and PDI. Results According to the cutoff values of children who speak Brazilian Portuguese (BP), adequacy of the PCC and PCC-R values was observed in most participants (PCC: 82 children - 91.1%; PCC-R: 87 children - 94.6%). The processes of liquid simplification (LS), consonant clusters simplification (CCS), final consonant simplification (FCS) were productive of which the CCS (32.2%) and FCS (20%) are still expected for age and LS are not. There was a robust negative correlation between the variables PCC x PDI and PCC-R x PDI. Conclusion Most children showed adequate phonological development. Variations were observed in syllabic segments, especially in the coda, which reflect the influence of regional linguistic differences. The evidence obtained regarding the phonological performance of children within this region contributes to a more accurate speech-language diagnosis.

RESUMO Objetivo Caracterizar o sistema fonológico de crianças pré-escolares de baixa renda da cidade de Natal, Nordeste do Brasil. Método Foi analisado o nível fonológico de 90 crianças da educação infantil de três escolas públicas localizadas em regiões de vulnerabilidade social. Foi utilizado o instrumento ABFW, nomeação e imitação, por meio da análise tradicional e das medidas de Porcentagem de Consoantes Corretas (PCC), Porcentagem de Consoantes Corretas Revisado (PCC-R) e Índice de Ocorrência de Processos (PDI). Para análise estatística inferencial foi utilizado o teste do Coeficiente de Correlação de Spearman para analisar a correlação entre as variáveis PCC, PCC-R e PDI. Resultados De acordo com os valores de corte das crianças que falam Português Brasileiro (PB), a adequação dos valores da PCC e PCC-R foi observada na maioria dos participantes (PCC: 82 crianças - 91,1%; PCC R: 87 crianças - 94,6%). Os processos de simplificação de líquidas (SL), simplificação de encontros consonantais (SEC), simplificação de consoante final (SCF) foram produtivos dos quais o CCS (32,2%) e FCS (20%) ainda são esperados para a idade e SL não. Houve correlação negativa muito forte entre as variáveis PCC x PDI e PCC-R x PDI. Conclusão A maioria das crianças apresentou desenvolvimento fonológico adequado. Foram observadas variações nos segmentos silábicos, principalmente na coda, que refletem a influência das diferenças linguísticas regionais. As evidências obtidas sobre o desempenho fonológico das crianças dessa região contribuem para um diagnóstico fonoaudiológico mais preciso.

CoDAS ; 34(3): e20200439, 2022. tab, graf
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1356163


RESUMO Objetivo Apresentar e analisar a curva de aquisição segmental do Português Brasileiro em onset simples, complexo e coda. Método Participaram 857 crianças com aquisição fonológica típica, com idades entre 3:0 e 8:11, divididos em faixas etárias de 6 em 6 meses. Os participantes foram avaliados, por meio do software INFONO de avaliação fonológica. Após a análise dos resultados foram elaboradas curvas de aquisição dos segmentos analisados nas diferentes estruturas (onset simples, complexo e coda). Resultados Observou-se que, em onset simples, alguns segmentos estavam adquiridos antes dos 3:0 (plosivas, nasais e fricativas /f, v, s, z/). Os segmentos /ʃ/ e /l/ foram adquiridos aos 3:0, /ʒ/ e /x/ aos 3:6, /ʎ/ aos 4:0, /ɾ/ aos 4:6; em coda, /N/ e /L/ foram adquiridos antes dos 3:0, /S/ aos 3:6 e /ɾ/ aos 4:6; em onset complexo, as estruturas compostas por Fricativa+/ɾ/ e Plosiva+/ɾ/ foram adquiridas aos 5:0, Plosiva+/l/ aos 5:6 e Fricativa + /l/ aos 6:0. Conclusão Analisar a curva de aquisição é fundamental, pois fornece referência sobre a idade de aquisição dos segmentos nas diferentes estruturas silábicas. A curva de aquisição contribui para a identificação precoce de atrasos no processo de aquisição fonológica possibilitando um encaminhamento oportuno para a intervenção fonoaudiológica.

ABSTRACT Purpose To present and analyze the acquisition segmental curve of Brazilian Portuguese in simple and complex onset position and coda position. Methods 857 children with typical phonological acquisition participated in it, aged between 3:0 and 8:11, divided into age groups every 6 months. Participants were assessed using INFONO phonological assessment software. After analyzing the results, acquisition curves were drawn up for the segments analyzed in the different structures (simple and complex onset position and coda position). Results It was noted that, in simple onset position, some segments were acquired before 3:0 (stops, nasal and fricative, /f, v, s, z/. The /ʃ/ and /l/ segments were acquired at 3:0, /ʒ/ and /x/ at 3:6, /ʎ/ at 4:0, /r/ at 4:6; in coda position /N/ and /L/ were acquired before of 3:0, /S/ at 3:6 and /r/ at 4:6; in complex onset position, the structures composed by Fricative + /r/ and Stop + /r/ were acquired at 5:0, Stop + /l/ at 5:6 and Fricative + /l/ at 6:0. Conclusion Analyzing the acquisition curve is essential, as it provides a reference on the age of acquisition of segments in different syllabic structures. The acquisition curve contributes to the early identification of delays in phonological acquisition process enabling a timely referral for speech therapy intervention.

Rev. Fac. Cienc. Méd. (Quito) ; 46(2): 5-10, Jul 01, 2021.
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: biblio-1526540


Introducción: El desarrollo fonológico es un componente importante en el proceso de adquisición del habla, por eso es indispensable evaluar su desarrollo mediante el porcentaje de dominio de fonemas, diptongos y grupos consonánticos en niños prescolares para obtener información sobre la capacidad del niño para articular y pronunciar correctamente los sonidos del lenguaje, además sirve para monitorear el progreso del niño a lo largo del tiempo y adaptar las intervenciones y estrategias para su tratamiento.Objetivo: Establecer el porcentaje de dominio de fonemas, diptongos y grupos consonánticos en niños prescolares de la ciudad de Quito. Material y métodos: es un estudio de diseño epidemiológico descriptivo transversal, en el que participaron 867 niños de 3 a 6 años, a los cuales luego de verificar que cumplían con los criterios de selección, se les realizó, previo consentimiento de sus padres y de las autoridades escolares una historia clínica fonoaudiológica, evaluación auditiva, antropometría, evaluación de los órganos bucofonatorios, evaluación de praxias orofaciales y articulación y la Prueba de Exploración del Lenguaje Comprensivo y Expresivo, Revisada (ELCE-R). Las variables de estudio se analizaron mediante estadística descriptiva. Resultados: El porcentaje de dominio de los fonemas, diptongos y grupos consonánticos fue de 95.07%.Conclusión: Los niños que viven en Quito de 3 a 6 años poseen un alto nivel de desarrollo fonológico, con dominio de los fonemas, diptongos y grupos consonánticos por encima del porcentaje esperado para su edad cronológica, a pesar de que la prueba utilizada no está contextualizada a su realidad lingüística.

Introduction: Phonological development is an important component in the process of speech acquisition, that is why it is essential to evaluate its development through the percentage of phoneme, diphthong and consonant group mastery in preschool children to obtain informa-tion about the child's ability to articulate and correctly pronounce the sounds of language, it also serves to monitor the child's progress over time and adapt interventions and strategies for their treatment.Objective: To establish the percentage of mastery of phonemes, diphthongs and consonant groups in preschool children in the city of Quito. Material and methods: This is a cross-sectional descriptive epidemiological design study, in which 867 children between 3 and 6 years of age participated. After verifying that they met the selection criteria, they underwent a phonoaudiological clinical history, auditory evalua-tion, anthropometry, evaluation of the orophonatory organs, evaluation of orofacial praxias and articulation, and the Comprehensive and Expressive Language Exploration Test, Revised (ELCE-R), with the consent of their parents and school authorities. The study variables were analyzed using descriptive statistics. Results: The percentage of mastery of phonemes, diphthongs and consonant clusters was 95.07%.Conclusion: Children from 3 to 6 years of age living in Quito have a high level of phonologi-cal development, with mastery of phonemes, diphthongs and consonant clusters above the percentage expected for their chronological age, despite the fact that the test used is not contextualized to their linguistic reality.

Humanos , Preescolar , Niño , Desarrollo Infantil , Fonoaudiología , Desarrollo del Lenguaje , Trastornos del Desarrollo del Lenguaje , Patología del Habla y Lenguaje , Ecuador , Trastorno Fonológico
Rev. chil. fonoaudiol. (En línea) ; 18: 1-17, nov. 2019. tab, graf
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: biblio-1095034


El Desarrollo Fonológico Prolongado (DFP) presenta patrones de simplificación que persisten más allá de la edad esperada, disminuyendo la inteligibilidad en los niños (Dubasik & Ingram, 2013). En el presente trabajo se describen los patrones fonológicos, según la Fonología No Lineal, en niños chilenos de entre 3.0 y 3.11 años con DFP. Este objetivo surgió de la necesidad de conocer los patrones suprasegmentales y segmentales de niños chilenos con DFP, puesto que no se ha realizado un estudio basado en la Teoría No Lineal en la población chilena. La muestra estuvo conformada por cinco niños pertenecientes a jardines infantiles de la Región de Valparaíso, Chile. A estos niños se les aplicó la Lista de Palabras del Español, obteniendo un corpus de 500 palabras. Este fue analizado a través de las medidas suprasegmentales Whole Word Match (WWM) o coincidencia de la palabra completa, Word Shape Match (WSM) o coincidencia de la estructura de la palabra, patrones acentuales; y medidas segmentales, en Porcentaje de Consonantes Correctas (PCC). Como resultado se obtuvo que los niños con DFP presentan puntajes altos en patrones acentuales (99.2%), pero muestran una alteración en las medidas de WWM, con un 52.2% de aciertos; WSM, con un 73.4%, y PCC, con un 89.2%. En consecuencia, se evidenció alteración suprasegmental y segmental en niños con DFP, pues los valores obtenidos no coinciden con el Desarrollo Típico (DT) observados en otras investigaciones.

Protracted Phonological Development (PPD) features phonological patterns that persist beyond expected during development, decreasing intelligibility (Dubasik & Ingram, 2013). This study aims at describing the phonological patterns in Chilean children (3.0 to 3.11 years of age) with PPD, within the Nonlinear Phonology background. This objective sprung from the need to study the suprasegmental and segmental patterns of Chilean children with PPD, given that no research has been conducted based on the Nonlinear Theory among Chilean children. The sample consisted of 5 Chileanchildren. They had all been diagnosed with PPD and attended kindergartens in Valparaíso, Chile. These children were administered the Spanish Word List, which allowed to obtain a corpus of 500 words. The corpus was later analyzed by means of the suprasegmental measures: i.e.: Whole Word Match (WWM), Word Shape Match (WSM) and segmental measures, expressed in Percentage of Correct Consonants (PCC). Results showed that these children with PPD performed high on accent patterns (99.2%), but at deficit levels on the WWM measures (with 52.2% of correct answers), on the WSM measures (with 73.4%), and on PCC measures (with 89.2%). Consequently, this research provides empirical evidence regarding suprasegmental and segmental alterations in children with PPD, since the values herein obtained are not aligned with the Typical Development (TD) observed in other studies.

Humanos , Preescolar , Fonética , Desarrollo del Lenguaje
Rev. chil. fonoaudiol. (En línea) ; 18: 1-16, nov. 2019. ilus, tab
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: biblio-1095039


En los últimos años, dentro del ámbito clínico se ha pugnado por la integración de un marco teórico inter/multidisciplinar que permita explicar de forma integral las alteraciones del lenguaje. Esto adquiere mayor relevancia cuando se proponen categorías disgnósticas que se limitan a describir el daño y no a explicar las causas subyacentes. Así, los objetivos de este trabajo son: (1) identificar los factores neurofisiológicos y neuropsicológicos alterados, a partir de la perspectiva neuropsicológica de Luria, en un niño con problemas de lenguaje y (2) realizar un análisis lingüístico de los errores fonológicos para determinar la relación existente entre ambos elementos. El método que se siguió fue un estudio de caso ­de tipo descriptivo­donde se realizó un análisis cualitativo de los déficits fonológicos del paciente. Los resultados muestran que el niño presentaba un amplio rango de alteraciones fonológicas: asimilación, sustitución, omisión e inserción, todos ellos relacionados con el mecanismo de análisis y síntesis cinestésico y la organización secuencial de movimientos y acciones. Estos resultados sugieren que existe una relación entre los factores neuropsicológicos alterados y el tipo de error fonológico presentado. Se propone aquí, que los déficits del lenguaje pueden explicarse en mayor medida si se considera un enfoque neuropsicológico y lingüístico. Finalmente, la inclusión de la lingüística al campo clínico fonoaudiológico permitiría explicar los fenómenos observados de manera más integral.

Over the last years, the need of an inter/multidisciplinary framework has been advanced within clinical contexts that might integrally explain language alterations. This need is even more relevant when diagnostic categories that have been proposed describe mostly the damage, but they do not explain underlying causes. Thus, the aims of this work are: (1) identifying the altered neurophysiological and neuropsychological factors, from a Lurian neuropsychology perspective, in a child with language deficits and, (2) carry out a linguistic analysisof phonological errors to determine the relation between both facts A single-case study was implemented, and qualitative analysis was conducted to describe the child's phonological deficits. Results showed that the child had a wide range of phonological alterations: assimilation, substitution, omission, and insertion, all of them related with a deficit in kinesthetic analysis and synthesis mechanism, and sequential organization of movements and actions. These findings suggest that there is a relation between altered neuropsychological factors and type of phonological error observed. We propose that language deficits can be explained better if we consider a neuropsychologic and linguistic approaches. Finally, if a linguistic approach is including in the speech pathology clinical context, we can expect explain the observed phenomenon in a more integral way.

Humanos , Masculino , Niño , Electroencefalografía , Trastornos del Lenguaje/fisiopatología , Neurofisiología , Neuropsicología
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: biblio-966356


Desde el punto de vista lingüístico, son conocidas las repercusiones del Trastorno del Espectro Autista (TEA) en la comunicación y el lenguaje, sin embargo, existen pocos estudios específicos para el nivel Fonético-Fonológico. El objetivo de este estudio fue analizar el desempeño Fonético-Fonológico de niños con TEA de los niveles pre-kínder, kínder, primero, segundo y tercero básico, mediante el uso de la Clasificación de Ajustes Fonético-Fonológicos del habla infantil (CLAFF). Para ello, se utilizó un enfoque descriptivo transversal y un diseño no probabilístico de tipo consecutivo. Los principales resultados mostraron que los niños con TEA realizan como Ajuste Fonético-Fonológico (AFF) a los rasgos del fonema el Ajuste de Modo y en los AFF a la sílaba, la Síncopa. Además, mediante la prueba de chi-cuadrado se determinó que existía una asociación entre las variables Nivel escolar y Categoría de ajuste. Para investigar más a fondo esta relación, se procedió a realizar un análisis de Regresión Logística Multinomial (RLM), el que reveló que Nivel escolar predice la probabilidad de aparición de AFF que afecten al Rasgo, en oposición a Sílaba, en los niveles estudiados.

From a linguistic standpoint, the consequences of Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) in both communication and linguistic skills are relatively well known. However, few studies have been conducted to observe the phonetic and phonemic domain. The aim of this study is to analyse the phonetic and phonemic performance of children with ASD from pre-primary school to third grade. This was accomplished by using the CLAFF, a guideline for classifying phonetic and phonemic adjustments. This study presents a cross-sectional approach and the sample was obtained via a consecutive non-probabilistic model. The main results showed that children with ASD prefer adjustments in manner of articulation and syncope. A Chi-squared analysis revealed a significant statistical association between School grade and Category of adjustment. To further observe this association, a multinomial logistic regression analysis was run, which showed that School grade predicted the probability of occurrence of adjustments that affect phonemic features rather the syllable.

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Preescolar , Niño , Habla/fisiología , Fonética , Trastorno del Espectro Autista/fisiopatología , Modelos Logísticos , Estudios Transversales
Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-688047


<p><b>OBJECTIVE</b>To analyze the training technique, intervention timing, and other related factors involved in the speech therapy delivered to cleft patients with velopharyngeal competence after surgery.</p><p><b>METHODS</b>A retrospective study was conducted on 32 patients who received phonology-articulation speech therapies during 2012 to 2013 in Dept. of Cleft Lip and Palate, West China Hospital of Stomatology, Sichuan University. All patients achieved normal speech one year after therapy. Information collected included the types and number of consonant articulation error, the overall period of training, the interval between surgery and speech training, and the age during speech training. Statistical analyses were performed in SPSS 16.0.</p><p><b>RESULTS</b>Ten patients received less than five sessions of training, seventeen received six to ten sessions, and five received eleven to twenty sessions. The number of sessions was positively correlated with the number of errors (r(s)=0.394, P=0.026). On the average, each additional error cost another 0.570 session for correction (confidence interval: 0.137-1.004). Moreover, the number of sessions was negatively correlated with age (P=0.055). Patients between 5 to 10 years old took significantly lesser sessions than those above 10 years. No correlation was found between the number of sessions and the interval between surgeries and trainings.</p><p><b>CONCLUSIONS</b>Appropriate speech therapy efficiently rehabilitate the speech condition of cleft patients with velopharyngeal sufficiency after surgery. The number of errors is directly proportional to the number of sessions needed. Patients above 10 years require more sessions than those less than 10 years.</p>

Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-616345


Objective To study the phonological characteristics and rehabilitation methods of abnormal velar consonants in operated patients with cleft palate.Methods A total of 110 patients (60 males and 50 females, aged 4 to 27 years with the mean age as 9.01±4.12) with abnormal velar consonants after cleft palate treatment over one month were involved in this study.According to the severity of articulation disorders, the patients were divided into mild, moderate and severe groups who received 1 to 5 weeks of targeted rehabilitation training.The phonological characteristics of abnormal velar consonants and the correction between velar consonant misarticulation and age/gender were analyzed.Results The error rate of /g/ was 96.36%(106/110) which was the highest, then /k/ and /h/ was 74.55%(82/110) and 19.09%(21/110), respectively.Both /g/(80.19%, 85/106) and /h/(76.19%, 16/21) mainly showed omission while /k/ was mainly substituted by /h/(54.88%, 45/82) and /t/(29.27%, 24/82).95 cases were cured and 12 cases improved after specific rehabilitation.The overall cure rate was 86.36%.The cure rates for the mild, moderate and severe groups were 96.00%(24/25), 90.91%(30/33), and 78.85%(41/52),respectively.Males accounted for 51.76%(44/85) and females for 48.24%(41/85) among omission cases;males accounted for 51.47%(35/68) and females for 48.53%(33/68) among substitution cases.There was no significant correction among the number of incorrect words and age(r=-0.140, P>0.05) as well as gender(r=0.090, P>0.1).Conclusion Abnormal velar consonants in operated patients with cleft palate mainly had problems with /g/ and /k/./g/ showed mainly omission errors and /k/ mainly substitution.The targeted rehabilitation methods established in the study are significantly beneficial.

Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-492398


@#Objective To explore the phonological characteristics of lateral misarticulation in children with functional articulation disor-ders and the rehabilitation approaches for them. Methods From June, 2013 to December, 2014, 44 children with lateral misarticulation were assessed and the phonological characteristics of lateral misarticulation were analyzed. They accepted targeted rehabilitation training. The cor-relation was analyzed between lateral misarticulation and age as well as severity of disorder. Results The frequency of lateral misarticulation was the most in Blade-palatals (75.00%), and then the dentals (65.91%), lingua-palatals (56.82%) and blade-alveolar consonant (20.45%). Thirty-eight cases were cured and 4 cases improved after 1 to 5 courses of rehabilitation. The overall cure rate was 86.36%(38/44), and it was 100%(11/11), 86.67%(13/15), 77.78%(14/18) in those with mild, moderate and severe disorder, respectively. There was no significant correlation between lateral misarticulation and age (r=0.100, P=0.752) as well as severity (r=0.257, P=0.092). Conclusion Lateral misarticu-lation in children with functional articulation disorders mainly occurs on blade-palatals, dentals and lingua-palatals. The targeted speech re-habilitation training is beneficial.

Rev. colomb. rehabil ; 15(1): 4-11, 2016. ilus, graf
Artículo en Español | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: biblio-912729


Los postulados del enfoque de carácter universal de la fonología natural, enfatizan el desarrollo fonológico como un sistema innato que se manifiesta en la emisión de palabras simplificadas fo-nológicamente del habla del adulto. El artículo describe los procesos de simplificación fonológica en un grupo de niños de 3 a 5 años. El estudio fue descriptivo de corte transversal, con un muestreo intencional, en el que participaron 26 niños distribuidos en tres grupos. La identificación de los procesos de simplificación fonológica se hizo a través del Test de Procesos Fonológicos de Simplifi-cación de Maggiolo y Pavez. Se utilizó el programa estadístico Statgraphics, aplicando Pruebas de Rangos Múltiples. Los resultados mostraron que los procesos más frecuentes por edades fueron los sustitutorios a los 3 años, de estructura de la sílaba a los 4 años y en el grupo de 5 años los procesos de estructura de la sílaba y sustitutorios. El análisis de varianza unidireccional ANOVA simple (p < 0.05), mostró una diferencia significativa entre los procesos de simplificación fonológica de los grupos de 3 años y 4 años; y entre 3 años y 5 años. No se halló una diferencia estadísticamente signi-ficativa entre los grupos de 4 y 5 años. Los resultados del estudio coinciden con los postulados de la fonología natural con relación a la disminución de los procesos fonológicos de simplificación según la edad, constatando que estos disminuyeron a medida que aumentaba la edad de los sujetos de la muestra, no obstante la presentación de procesos residuales persiste a los 5 años.

The postulates on the universal character approach of natural phonology emphasize on the pho-nological development as an innate system manifested in the emission of phonologically simpli-fied words of the adult speech. This article describes Phonological Simplification Processes in a group of children aged between 3 and 5 years. This was a descriptive, cross sectional type study, with an intentional sampling that included 26 children divided into three groups. The identifi-cation of Phonological Simplification Processes was carried out through the Maggiolo and Pavez Test of Phonological Simplification Processes and the statistical program Statgraphics, applying Multiple Range Test. The results shown by age are the following: the most common processes for 3-year-olds were substitute processes; syllable structure at the age of 4 and finally, syllable struc-ture and substitute processes in the 5-year-old group. The one-way analysis of variance ANOVA simple (p <0.05), showed a significant difference in the Phonological Simplification Processes from groups of 3 and 4 years old; and between the 3-year-old and the 5-year old group. A statis-tically significant difference in the Phonological Simplification Processes between groups of 4 and 5 years old was not found. Finally, the results of the study correspond with the principles of natural phonology in relation to decreasing phonological simplification processes by age, noting that they decreased with the increasing age of the subjects of the sample, however some residual phonological processes at 5 years persist.

Humanos , Lenguaje Infantil , Audiología , Lingüística , Fonoaudiología
Psicol. reflex. crit ; 28(2): 378-387, abr.-Jun. 2015. tab
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: lil-746598


Este estudo teve como objetivos caracterizar e comparar o desempenho de escolares com bom desempenho acadêmico do 3º ao 6º ano do Ensino Fundamental I e II nas Provas de Habilidades Metafonológicas (PROHFON). Participaram 169 escolares do 3º ao 6º ano do ensino fundamental, de ambos os gêneros, com faixa etária entre sete e 13 anos de idade, divididos grupos (GI: 52 escolares do 3º ano; GII: 51 escolares do 4º ano; GIII: 42 escolares do 5º ano; GIV: 24 escolares do 6º ano). Os resultados deste estudo demonstraram que os escolares, independente da seriação escolar, apresentaram dificuldades principalmente nas habilidades fonêmicas de contagem, de síntese e análise e na habilidade suprassegmental (rima). Concluímos que o PROHFON possibilitou a caracterização e a comparação dos escolares com bom desempenho acadêmico, sendo que não foram todas as habilidades metafonológicas que os escolares deste estudo apresentaram domínio de acordo com o aumento da escolarização, sugerindo falha no domínio das competências necessárias para a aquisição do principio alfabético da Língua Portuguesa. (AU)

This study aimed to characterize and to compare the performance of students with good academic performance from 3rd to 6th grade of Fundamental Education I and II in Metalinguistic Skills Tests (PROHFON). The study was composed of a total of 169 students from 3rd to 6th grade, of both genders, aged between 7 and 13 years, divided into two groups (GI: 52 students from 3rd grade; GII: 51 students from 4th grade; GIII: 42 students from 5th grade; GIV: 24 students from 6th grade). Results showed that students, regardless of their progress across grades, presented difficulties particularly in phonemic abilities of count, synthesis and analysis and the suprassegmental skills (rhyme). We concluded that PROHFON allowed for the characterization and comparison of students with good academic performance, and the students in this study did not present full domain in all metalinguistic skills as they progressed through grades, suggesting failure in the mastery of skills necessary for the acquisition of the alphabetic principle of the Portuguese language. (AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Niño , Éxito Académico , Escritura Manual , Lingüística , Lectura , Educación Primaria y Secundaria , Psicometría , Estudiantes
Investig. psicol ; 18(3): 87-96, dez. 2013.
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: lil-708379


Se trata de una revisión del Prólogo de Amado Alonso, al Curso de Lingüística General de F. De Saussure, donde se muestran las dificultades en la constitución de su objeto, la crítica de la Escuela de Praga y la revalorización del habla. A partir de allí, las incidencias en antropología y psicoanálisis, en éste, paso necesario para formular su teoría del sujeto. Especialmente la trama del lenguaje y la división del sujeto.

This is a review of the Prologue of Amado Alonso, General Linguistics Course F. De Saussure, showing the difficulties in the constitution of the object, criticism of the Prague School speech and presentation. From there, the incidences in anthropology and psychoanalysis, in this, a necessary step to formulate his theory of the subject. Especially the plot of the language and the division of the subject.

Humanos , Antropología , Lingüística , Teoría Psicoanalítica , Psicoanálisis , Habla
Rev. colomb. rehabil ; 12(1): 70-75, 2013. ilus, graf
Artículo en Español | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: biblio-910881


El objetivo del trabajo fue determinar la validez y confiabilidad de la prueba tamiz del lenguaje en preescolares de 2 a 3 años del municipio de Juan De Acosta del Departamento del Atlántico. Fue un estudio descriptivo, cuantitativo, realizado a treinta preescolares del plan de atención "Educación y Desarrollo Integral para cada Colombiano". Se evaluó la validez del instrumento por parte de los jueces expertos, en relación a cada uno de los aspectos del lenguaje que contiene la prueba. La confiabilidad del instrumento, fue hallada mediante el estadístico ALPHA DE CRONBACH, aplicado al total de la muestra. Se encontró que el 66,7% están de acuerdo con que el aspecto pragmático es válido y el 33.3% que este aspecto es pertinente, claro y completo. Referente a los aspectos semántico y morfosintáctico en un 8.43, 8.46 y8.75 respectivamente. El aspecto fonético-fonológico de la prueba obtuvo una confiabilidad de 4.49, lo que determina que dicho aspecto presentó una baja consistencia interna. Se concluyó que los índices obtenidos en la validación del instrumento generados por el coeficiente de correlación, demuestran que la prueba tamiz de lenguaje diseñada para preescolares de 2 a 3 años es válida, pertinente, clara y completa.

The purpose was determinate the validity and reliability of the screening test of language in pres-choolers 2 to 3 years in Juan de Acosta town located in the department of Atlántico. A descriptive and quantitative approach to the validity and reliability of a test about language assessment was done to thirty (30) preschool from the ages 2 to 3. Based on the " Education was determined and for each Colombian Integral development " plan, applied Juan de Acosta in the department of the Atlantic. These aspects (validity and reliability) of the test made to the children from Juan de Acosta were endorsed by expert judges that determined, and validated each of the aspects of language related to the contains in the test. The values show that 66.7 % of the experts agreed that the pragmatic aspect is valid adding that is relevant, and the other 33.3 % ensure that is clear and complete. Regarding to the semantic aspect, the results show that 100 % of the judges agree that this aspect is valid 66.7 % affirm is relevant, clear and complete, while 33.3% somehow agreed with this judgments. In the morphosyntactic aspect, the results show that 11% of judges ensure this aspect is valid, relevant, clear and complete. As for the phonetic-phonological aspect, the results gave a 100% validation from the judges in its validation and relevance, 66.7% agreed that is clear and complete while 33.3 % somewhat agree with this. The reliability of the instrument, which was found by Cronbach's alpha, after it was applied to a sample of 30 preschool students established that this test is reliable in the pragmatic, semantic and morphosyntactic aspects a 8.43, 8.46 and 8.75 respectively . The phonetic - phonological aspect of the test obtained a reliability of 4.49, which determines that this aspect has low internal consistency

Humanos , Lenguaje Infantil , Lenguaje , Semántica , Fonoaudiología
Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-971925


@#Visual processing was an important approach to study brain's higher functions such as information process,study,memory,linguistic process,etc.As a major visual area,occipital region became a research focus,and the authors would talk about the working mechanism of occipital region in brain according to the progresses of neuroscience.

Psicol. rev. (Belo Horizonte) ; 13(2): 383-398, dez. 2007. tab, graf
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: lil-492075


Objetivo: Descrever o desenvolvimento fonológico de crianças emidade pré-escolar falantes da variante mineira do PortuguêsBrasileiro. Metodologia: 95 crianças que freqüentavam escolasinfantis da rede particular de ensino da região Noroeste de BeloHorizonte foram submetidas a uma triagem de fala. As criançasforam classificadas de acordo com o número e o tipo de processosfonológicos. Além disso, foi calculado o Índice de DensidadeFonológica – PDI (Edwards, 1992). Resultados: Apenas 35crianças não realizaram qualquer processo fonológico. Os processosfonológicos mais freqüentes foram os de substituição de consoanteslíquidas e redução de encontro consonantal. Finalmente, variaçõesno desenvolvimento fonológico correlacionaram-se com variaçõesna idade das crianças. Conclusões: Os resultados do presente estudotêm implicações importantes para o diagnóstico de distúrbiosfonológicos em crianças no final dos anos pré-escolares e falantesda variante mineira do Português Brasileiro.

The aim of this study is to describe the phonological developmentamong Brazilian Portuguese (Minas Gerais variant)-speakingpreschoolers. The methodology assessed the speech of 95 childrenattending preschool classes in private schools in the Northwest region of the city of Belo Horizonte. The children were classifiedaccording to the number and type of phonological processes. Inaddition, the Phonological Density Index - PDI (Edwards, 1992)was calculated. Results indicated a relatively small number ofchildren (N=35) who did not show any phonological process.Liquid replacements and cluster reductions were the most frequentphonological processes in the children’s speech. Finally, variationsin the phonological development were correlated with agevariations. As a conclusion, the results have important implicationsto the diagnosis of phonological impairments among children inthe last years of preschool speaking the Mineiro variant of Brazilian Portuguese.

Humanos , Preescolar , Niño , Desarrollo del Lenguaje , Crianza del Niño
Estud. pesqui. psicol. (Impr.) ; 2(1): 26-50, jan.-jun. 2002. ilus, graf
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: lil-768893


The degree of success in the explanation, assessment and treatment of deficits depends on the existence of robust and experimentally tested theoretical models. In trying to explaincognitive problems pertaining to reading-writing acquisition, three theoretical models compete attributing them to deficits of speech perception, phonological memory, or cognitiveprocessing speed. After assessing reading skills of 103 public-school first and second graders, this study compared good readers (+1sd) and poor readers (-1sd) in their discrimination,memory and processing speed during a task of judging pairs of spoken syllables as being equal or different. First-grade poor readers presented greater difficulty in discriminating between syllables having subtle differences (poor phonological discrimination). Theirdifficulty was greater when the inter-syllabic interval was very short (low processing speed) or very long (poor phonological memory). Results corroborate the Phonological DeficitHypothesis in explaining reading-writing acquisition problems, thus suggesting the effectiveness of educational and clinical procedures based on it.

O sucesso na compreensão, avaliação e tratamento de distúrbios depende de modelos teóricos robustos, testados experimentalmente. Três modelos competem para explicar problemascognitivos na aquisição de leitura-escrita, atribuindo-os a distúrbios de: discriminação fonológica, memória fonológica, ou velocidade de processamento. Neste estudo testou-se o efeito dos três fatores. Após avaliar habilidades de leitura de 103 escolares de 1a. e 2a. séries de ensino público, compararam-se 16 bons leitores (+1dp) e 16 maus (-1dp) em discriminação, memória e velocidade numa tarefa de julgar pares de sílabas ouvidas comoiguais ou diferentes. Maus leitores de 1a. série apresentaram maior dificuldade em discriminar entre sílabas sutilmente diferentes (discriminação fonológica pobre), sendo a dificuldademaior com intervalos entre sílabas muito curtos (baixa velocidade de processamento) ou muito longos (memória fonológica pobre). Os resultados corroboram a Hipótese do Déficit Fonológico para explicar problemas de leitura-escrita, sugerindo eficácia de procedimentos educacionais e clínicos nela baseados.

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Niño , Dislexia , Escritura Manual , Lectura