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Biosci. j. (Online) ; 34(6): 1824-1834, nov.-dec. 2018. ilus, graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: biblio-968982


One of greatest challenges of dentists is the rehabilitation of free-end Kennedy class I and class II patients due to the improper occurrence of stress around the supporting structures of conventional removable dentures during mastication. This work aimed to compare the stress distribution in different prosthetic solutions. For this analysis, four photoelastic models (PM) were produced simulating a Kennedy class I arch with the remaining teeth 34 through 44. In all models, teeth 33, 34, 43, and 44 received metal crowns. In addition to the crowns, the A model (PMA) received a conventional removable partial denture (RPD), the B model (PMB) received a RPD associated with a semi-rigid attachment, the C model (PMC) received a RPD associated with a rigid attachment, and the D model (PMD) received a RPD associated with implant and rigid attachment. Evenly distributed loads were applied on the last artificial tooth of the prostheses. Based on the results of the distributed load, the conventional prosthesis presented the best results for all regions (averages ranging from 25.70 to 17.80), followed by the prosthesis associated with the implant, the prosthesis associated with the rigid attachment, and lastly, the prosthesis associated with the semi-rigid attachment. The same result can be observed in the localized load, where the conventional prosthesis presented superior results in all regions (averages ranging from 47.35 to 8.30), followed by the prosthesis associated with the implant, the prosthesis associated with the rigid attachment and, with the prosthesis associated with the semi-rigid attachment. Based on the data obtained, it may be concluded that the conventional RPD presented a balanced stress distribution in the three regions analyzed, and when associated with the semi-rigid attachment, it presented a more favorable behavior than that associated with the rigid attachment.

Um dos maiores desafios para os cirurgiões-dentistas consiste na reabilitação de pacientes com extremidade livre classe I e classe II de Kennedy, devido à ocorrência inadequada de tensão em torno das estruturas de suporte das próteses removíveis convencionais durante o processo da mastigação. O objetivo deste trabalho foi analisar comparativamente a distribuição de tensão em diferentes soluções protéticas. Para essa análise, foram confeccionados quatro Modelos Fotoelásticos (MF) simulando um arco classe I de Kennedy, e tendo como dentes remanescentes do dente 34 ao 44. Em todos os modelos, os dentes 33, 34, 43 e 44 receberam coroas metálicas. Além das coroas, o modelo A (MFA) recebeu uma Prótese Parcial Removível (PPR) convencional, o modelo B (MFB) recebeu uma PPR associada a encaixe semirrígido, o modelo C (MFC) recebeu uma PPR associada a encaixe rígido e o modelo D (MFD) recebeu uma PPR associada a implante e encaixe rígido. Foram aplicadas cargas uniformemente distribuídas e localizadas no último dente artificial das próteses. Baseado nos resultados da carga distribuída, a prótese convencional apresentou os melhores resultados para todas as regiões (médias variando entre 25,70 e 17,80), seguida da prótese associada ao implante, a prótese associada ao encaixe rígido e, finalmente, com a prótese associada ao encaixe semirrígido. O mesmo resultado pode ser observado na carga localizada, onde a prótese convencional apresentou resultados superiores em todas as regiões (médias variando entre 47,35 e 8,30), seguida da prótese associada ao implante, a prótese associada ao encaixe rígido e, finalmente, com a prótese associada ao encaixe semirrígido. Baseado nos dados obtidos pôde-se concluir que a PPR convencional apresentou uma distribuição equilibrada de tensões nas três regiões analisadas e, quando associado à fixação semi-rígida, apresentou um comportamento mais favorável do que aquele associado à fixação rígida.

Dentadura Parcial Removible , Prostodoncia , Diente Artificial , Implantes Dentales , Dentaduras , Prótesis Dental
Dental press j. orthod. (Impr.) ; 22(1): 57-64, Jan.-Feb. 2017. tab, graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: biblio-840209


ABSTRACT Objective: The present in vitro study evaluated, by means of the photoelastic technique, the effects generated by the Connecticut Intrusion Arch (CIA), with a 90o bend on the distal surface of molar tubes and using the 4 x 2 appliance on the anterior and posterior regions of the upper dental arch. Methods: Five models were manufactured, in which two different clinical situations were correlated: 1) use of intrusion arch not cinched back and transpalatal bar for anchorage (Group 1); 2) use of intrusion arch cinched back and transpalatal bar for anchorage (Group 2). Stress generated in the apical and middle regions of tooth roots of maxillary anterior teeth and maxillary first molars was evaluated. Results: Taking a reference value of 1.0 MPa = 100%, qualitative descriptive analysis was performed, which showed uniformity between stress values in the apical region of anterior teeth of both groups (G1 and G2). In the posterior region, for models with the arch cinched back (G2), stress remained within 100%. As for G1 models (with the arch not cinched back), variations in the mesial surface of first molars were observed, with an increase of 20% in the generated stress. The apical region did not undergo any changes, while in the distal region of molars there was a decrease of 20% in stress. Conclusion: Laboratory results revealed differences in stress between Groups 1 and 2 in the molar region, thereby indicating that there was a tendency towards mesial root tipping of first molars when the distal end of the CIA was not cinched back.

RESUMO Objetivo: o presente estudo in vitro avaliou, por meio da técnica de fotoelasticidade, os efeitos produzidos pelo Arco de Intrusão de Connecticut (CIA) com dobra de 90o na face distal dos tubos molares e usando um aparelho 4 x 2 nas regiões anterior e posterior da arcada dentária superior. Métodos: foram confeccionados cinco modelos, aos quais foram correlacionadas duas situações clínicas diferentes: 1) uso do arco de intrusão sem dobra distal, mas com barra transpalatina para ancoragem (G1); 2) uso do arco de intrusão com dobra distal e barra transpalatina para ancoragem (G2). Avaliou-se as tensões geradas nos terços apical e médio das raízes dos dentes anterossuperiores e primeiros molares superiores. Resultados: considerando-se um valor de referência de 1,0 MPa = 100%, foi realizada uma análise descritiva qualitativa, a qual demonstrou uniformidade entre os valores de tensão na região apical dos dentes anteriores nos dois grupos (G1 e G2). Na região posterior dos modelos com arcos com dobra distal (G2), a tensão foi mantida em 100%. Já nos modelos do G1 (arco sem dobra distal), foram observadas variações na face mesial dos primeiros molares, com um aumento de 20% na tensão gerada. A região apical não sofreu qualquer alteração, ao passo que, na região distal dos molares, houve uma diminuição de 20% na tensão. Conclusão: os resultados laboratoriais revelaram diferenças, entre os grupos 1 e 2, para a tensão gerada na região dos molares, indicando que houve uma tendência de mesialização da raiz dos primeiros molares quando não foi realizada a dobra na extremidade distal do CIA.

Humanos , Estrés Mecánico , Análisis del Estrés Dental , Diente Molar , Técnicas de Movimiento Dental/instrumentación , Técnicas In Vitro , Diseño de Aparato Ortodóncico , Arco Dental , Modelos Dentales , Elasticidad , Métodos de Anclaje en Ortodoncia/instrumentación
Braz. dent. j ; 24(2): 147-151, Mar-Apr/2013. tab, graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: lil-675660


Lack of passivity has been associated with biomechanical problems in implant-supported prosthesis. The aim of this study was to evaluate the passivity of three techniques to fabricate an implant framework from a Co-Cr alloy by photoelasticity. The model was obtained from a steel die simulating an edentulous mandible with 4 external hexagon analog implants with a standard platform. On this model, five frameworks were fabricated for each group: a monoblock framework (control), laser and TIG welding frameworks. The photoelastic model was made from a flexible epoxy resin. On the photoelastic analysis, the frameworks were bolted onto the model for the verification of maximum shear stress at 34 selected points around the implants and 5 points in the middle of the model. The stresses were compared all over the photoelastic model, between the right, left, and center regions and between the cervical and apical regions. The values were subjected to two-way ANOVA, and Tukey's test (α=0.05). There was no significant difference among the groups and studied areas (p>0.05). It was concluded that the stresses generated around the implants were similar for all techniques.

Resumo A falta de passividade tem sido associada a problemas biomecânicos em próteses implantossuportadas. A proposta deste estudo foi avaliar, por meio da fotoelasticidade, a influência de três diferentes de fabricação de infraestrutura em liga de Co-Cr na passividade destas. O modelo foi obtido a partir de uma matriz de aço simulando uma mandíbula edêntula com 4 análogos de implantes de hexágono externo com plataforma padrão. Neste modelo, foram confeccionados cinco amostras para cada grupo: infraestruturas em monobloco, infraestruturas soldadas a laser e soldadas a TIG. O modelo fotoelástico foi feito com uma resina epóxi flexível (GIII, Polipox Industria e Comercio Ltda.). Na análise fotoelástica, as infraestruturas foram aparafusadas no modelo para a verificação da tensão de cisalhante máxima em 34 pontos selecionados ao redor dos implantes e 5 pontos na região média do modelo. Foram comparadas as tensões em todo o modelo fotoelástico, entre as regiões direita, esquerda e centro e também entre as regiões cervical e apical. Os valores foram submetidos à análise de variância a dois critérios, seguido pelo teste de Tukey (α=0,05). Os resultados não mostraram diferença significativa entre as tensões presentes nos grupos e nas áreas estudadas. Conclui-seque as tensões geradas ao redor dos implantes foram semelhantes entre as diferentes técnicas de confecção e entre todas as regiões analisadas. .

Humanos , Aleaciones de Cromo/química , Prótesis Dental de Soporte Implantado , Soldadura Dental/métodos , Rayos Láser , Gases em Plasma , Técnica de Colado Dental , Diseño de Implante Dental-Pilar , Implantes Dentales , Modelos Dentales , Soldadura Dental/instrumentación , Resinas Epoxi/química , Arcada Edéntula/rehabilitación , Ensayo de Materiales , Mandíbula/patología , Estrés Mecánico , Propiedades de Superficie , Soldadura/instrumentación , Soldadura/métodos
Artículo en Inglés | IMSEAR | ID: sea-147368


Objective: To analyze the effect of different combinations of post and core materials on stress distribution in dentin of an endodontically treated tooth. Materials and Methods: This was an experimental stress analysis study. Models were made in photoelastic material, i.e., epoxy resin. Different combinations of post and core materials used were: Glass fiber post with composite core, stainless steel post with composite core, and cast metal post and core. Stresses generated were frozen, models were sliced and viewed under circular polariscope, and photographs were taken. Stress was calculated by counting the number of fringes. Results: For the combination of glass fiber post with composite core, the shear stresses calculated were 1.196, 1.196, and 2.898 MPa in the apical, mid-root, and cervical region, respectively. For the combination of stainless steel post with composite core, the apical, mid-root and cervical stresses were 1.534, 0.511, and 2.557 MPa, respectively. For cast metal post and core, the apical, mid-root, and cervical stresses were 0.852, 0.511, and 1.534 MPa, respectively. Conclusion: The cervical region of the teeth is subjected to the highest stresses irrespective of the material used. The stainless steel post with the composite core generated the highest stress concentration in different regions. A glass fiber post generated a uniform stress distribution. A cast metal post and core combination generated lesser stress than the other combinations. The vast difference in the elastic modulus of the restorative materials can lead to nonuniform stress distribution and concentration of stresses in different areas which can have deleterious effect on the survival of already compromised teeth and restoration. Such combinations should be avoided and the material which has an elastic modulus close to that of dentin should be preferred.

Dental press j. orthod. (Impr.) ; 16(5): 89-97, set.-out. 2011. ilus, graf, tab
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: lil-610765


OBJETIVO: o presente estudo analisou a distribuição de tensões, em modelo fotoelástico, gerada por arco base de intrusão de incisivos inferiores. Compararam-se as tensões entre os terços radiculares de cada incisivo e, ainda, verificou-se a existência de diferenças de concentrações de tensões entre incisivos. MÉTODOS: foram confeccionados 15 arcos base de intrusão e a força de ativação foi mensurada em 50gf na região da linha média. O modelo fotoelástico foi observado em polariscópio circular, na configuração de campo escuro, e fotografado. As fotografias frontais foram analisadas e as ordens de franjas em cada região registradas. A análise de Kappa ponderado identificou a repetibilidade do método. A comparação entre as tensões foi realizada pelo teste de Kruskal-Wallis complementado com teste de Dunn com nível alfa de 5 por cento. RESULTADOS E CONCLUSÕES: os resultados identificaram que as maiores magnitudes de tensões foram observadas nas regiões cervicais. Ao se comparar as ordens de franjas entre os dentes, as maiores magnitudes de tensões foram observadas nos incisivos centrais. Portanto, a região cervical pode estar mais sujeita a reabsorções, assim como os incisivos centrais, por concentrarem maiores tensões.

OBJECTIVE: This study aimed to investigate stress distribution in a photoelastic model generated by Ricketts Utility Arch (RUA), also known as Ricketts base arch, for intrusion of mandibular incisors. Stresses in the root thirds of each incisor were compared and the existence of differences in the concentration of stresses between the incisors was also examined.METHODS: Fifteen intrusion RUAs were fabricated. Activation force was set at 50 gf in the midline region. The photoelastic model was observed in a circular polariscope in dark field configuration and photographed. Frontal view photographs were analyzed and fringe orders recorded in each region. Weighted Kappa analysis was used to identify method repeatability. Comparison between stresses was performed by Kruskal-Wallis test and complemented by Dunn's test at 5% alpha level.RESULTS AND CONCLUSIONS: Results showed that the major stress magnitudes were found in cervical regions. By comparing fringe orders between teeth the major stress magnitudes were found to be in the central incisors. Cervical regions and central incisors may therefore be more prone to resorption given their greater stresses.

Fenómenos Biomecánicos , Elasticidad , Resorción Radicular , Incisivo , Resistencia a la Tracción
Rev. dent. press ortodon. ortopedi. facial ; 14(4): 123-128, jul.-ago. 2009. ilus, tab
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: lil-520202


INTRODUÇÃO: em alguns casos, a extração de pré-molares torna-se necessária e nem sempre os espaços são completamente fechados após o alinhamento e nivelamento. O arco de dupla chave, ou Double Key Loop (DKL), é um arco retangular de aço para retração, com duas alças - uma mesial e outra distal ao canino. OBJETIVOS: este trabalho propôs-se a estudar o local onde a força é exercida, após a ativação desse arco, utilizando ativação na alça distal, ativação entre as alças e na alça distal, e ativação com Gurin®. MÉTODOS: foram montados nove modelos fotoelásticos de um arco dentário inferior, sem os primeiros pré-molares e os terceiros molares, com braquetes In-Ovation e arco DKL. O arco foi ativado e a região de incisivos, caninos e dentes posteriores foi fotografada, com interposição de filtros polarizadores de luz. RESULTADOS E CONCLUSÕES: após a análise do modelo fotoelástico, concluiu-se que a ativação com Gurin® pode produzir movimento de retração anterior com componente extrusivo; a ativação na alça distal pode produzir movimento de retração anterior sem componente extrusivo; e a ativação entre as alças e na alça distal pode produzir movimento de retração anterior com componente intrusivo.

INTRODUCTION: There are clinical situations in which the extraction of bicuspids becomes necessary and, eventually, the extraction spaces are completely closed after aligning and leveling the teeth. The Double Key Loop (DKL) is a stainless steel arch for retraction, with two loops (keys), one mesial and another distal to the canine. AIM: This study aims to study the area where the force is exerted after the activation of the distal loop, the activation of the loops among themselves and the distal loop, and the activation with Gurin®. METHODS: Nine photoelastic models of the inferior arch were made, without the first bicuspids and the third molars, with In-Ovation brackets and the DKL. With the interposition of polarizing filters, pictures of incisors canines and posterior teeth were taken, after the activation of the arch. RESULTS AND CONCLUSIONS: Based on the analysis of the photoelastic model, we concluded that the activation in the distal loop can produce an anterior retraction movement without an extrusive component, while the activation with Gurin® produces an extrusive component; besides that, the activation of the keys among themselves and the distal loop activation can produce an anterior retraction movement with an intrusive component.

Aparatos de Tracción Extraoral , Ortodoncia , Extracción Dental
Acta odontol. venez ; 45(4): 524-527, dic. 2007. ilus
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: lil-630025


El presente trabajo tiene por objetivo evaluar la respuesta de dientes pré-molares superiores sanos y preparados a través de la análisis cualitativo de la distribución y concentración de las tensiones, de la luz polarizada en modelos fotoelásticos de los mismos. Fueron creados modelos fotoelásticos con diferentes configuraciones de preparación cavitaria y esos cuerpos se sometieron a carga oclusal en maquina de ensayo universal asociado al polariscopio circular para el análisis de una distribución de las tensiones. Los resultados obtenidos demuestran que, en los dientes sanos, las tensiones están concentradas en el esmalte de la cúspide palatina, diferentemente de los modelos con preparaciones cavitarias donde la concentración de las tensiones se produjo en regiones diversas del modelo fotoelástico. La configuración cavitaria influye directamente en la distribución de las tensiones, pues cuan mayor sea la remoción de la estructura dentaría, peor será el comportamiento mecánico del remanente

The aim of this study was evaluate the behavior of upper first premolars with different cavity configurations using a qualitative analysis of distribution and stress concentration through polarized light in photoelastic models. Photoelastic models were created with different cavity preparations and these samples were submitted to oclusal stress using an universal testing machine associated to circular polariscope that analyzed the stress distribution. The results showed that stress is concentrated in enamel of palatal cuspid in sound teeth. Differently, in the prepared models, stress concentration occurred in different areas of the photoelasticity model. The cavity configuration has a direct influence on the stress distribution. As much tooth structure is removed, worst is the mechanical behavior of the reminiscent

O presente trabalho tem por objetivo avaliar a resposta de dentes pré-molares superiores hígidos e preparados através da análise qualitativa da distribuição e concentração das tensões através da luz polarizada em modelos fotoelásticos dos mesmos. Foram criados modelos fotoelásticos com diferentes configurações de preparo cavitário e esses corpos foram submetidos a carregamento oclusal em maquina de ensaio universal associado ao polariscopio circular para análise da distribuição das tensões. Os resultados obtidos demonstram que, nos dentes hígidos, as tensões estão concentradas no esmalte da cúspide palatina, diferentemente dos modelos com preparos cavitários onde a concentração das tensões se deu em regiões diversas do modelo fotoelástico. A configuração cavitária influencia diretamente a distribuição das tensões, pois quanto maior a remoção da estrutura dentária, pior se torna o comportamento mecânico do remanescente

Femenino , Preparación de la Cavidad Dental , Fracturas de los Dientes , Odontología
Artículo en Coreano | WPRIM | ID: wpr-769498


In spite of large volume of reports, surprisingly little information is avail-able about the function of the foot in standing and there are still many controversies about the exact proportion of the weight distributed in discrete areas of the foot. The purpose of this study is to evaluate about the exact proportion of the weight distribution in discrete areas of the foot through the photoelastic technique. In the results of this study according to the 10 regional division method, 4.4% of the total load of one foot was loaded on the toes(1 st toe, 2.2% ;2nd toe, 0.8%; lateral toes, 1.4%), 27.4% on the metatarsal area(lst metatarsal, 6.6%; 2nd metatarsal 8.7% ; lateral metatarsals, 12.5%), 8.6% on the midfoot(medial midfoot, 1.4%; lateral midfoot, 7.3%) and 59.2% on the heel(medial heel, 31.9%; lateral heel, 27.%), respectively. As in other reports, the toes played little role in weight bearing and the midfoot suggested the presence of the longitudinal arch. The metatarsal area received considerable amount of weight but the priority of the first metatarsal area was not demonstrable, rendering the presence of the transverse metatarsal arch doubtful. The heel received more than half of total weight given in one foot(p < 0.005). No significant difference was demonstrable between the dominant side and the nondominant side other than in midfoot.

Pie , Talón , Huesos Metatarsianos , Métodos , Dedos del Pie , Soporte de Peso
Artículo en Coreano | WPRIM | ID: wpr-769135


To observe the change in the status of stresses according to size of the meniscus, a 3-dimensional photoelasticity model of the knee joint was made of epoxy. Three kinds of meniscus models were made of rubber. Through the axial application of a vertical compressive load of 8kg equivalent to the joint reaction of 3,000N in the human knee joint, the peculiar patterns of the isochromatic fringes were observed and stresses around the knee joint were analyzed according to the size of the defect in the medial meniscus. Even distribution of the photoelasticity fringe patterns were observed in the normal knee joint model with both menisci intact. Stress concentration was increased at the margin of the medial side of the knee joint model with the medial menicus removed partially in about 30-50% of its central portion. In addition, the magnitude of stresses were also noted as increased in the lateral part of this type model. In the knee joint model with nearly all of the medial meniscus removed, strssess were concentrated markedly in the central portion of the knee joint just outside of both tibial spines. Stress was increased in its magnitude according to the size of the defect of the meniscus, and was focalized after menisectomy. In the model for partial menisectomy, the maximum stress concentration point of the removed side migrated to the margin of the same side of the joint. But in the model of total menisectomy, maximum stress concentration points of both side were more centralized. Not only an increment of stresses in magnitude but also centralization of the maximum stress concentration point in its location could contribute to the degenerative process of the knee joint after menisectomy. In addition, articular cartilage can be easily damaged with a relatively small amount of external force.

Humanos , Cartílago Articular , Articulaciones , Rodilla , Articulación de la Rodilla , Meniscos Tibiales , Goma , Columna Vertebral
Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-516108


The smooth-surface columnar,tepered and screw-shafed eddodontic endosseous stabilizers were separately placed into the maxillary central incisors'root canal and through apical foramen into alveolar bone.The stress distribution in the apical region and the region close to the tip of the implants in the alveolar bone of tooth models were studied by means of three-dimensional photoelastic technique.The screw-shafted implants were inserted into the mandibular canine and the influence of the implanting embedment depth lextruded out off the apical foramen 5mm,7mm(Omm) to the stress distribution were also studied.The results of the experimental investigation showed that the retentive function and the stress distribution of screw-shafted implants were better than that of others;the implanting depth should be se- lected within 5.8-8.6mm.