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Rev. bras. ativ. fís. saúde ; 29: 1-15, abr. 2024. fig, tab, quad
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: biblio-1561336


Identificar e analisar os temas presentes em artigos que relacionam, de alguma maneira, a Educação Física e o Programa Academia da Saúde é o objetivo deste manuscrito. Os dados foram coletados nos bancos de dados LILACS, SciELO, Biblioteca Virtual em Saúde, Portal dos Periódicos Eletrônicos e em 12 periódicos da Educação Física. Foram selecionados e analisados os conteúdos de 54 artigos. Os resultados mostraram que houve maior número de publicações em 2020, com destaque para pesquisas realizadas no estado de Minas Gerais. O maior número de publicações consta na Revista Brasileira de Atividade Física & Saúde. Detecta-se o interesse crescente por estudos com objetos ampliados que considerem a complexidade das condições de saúde dos grupos e das comunidades atendidas no programa, especialmente a partir das aproximações com a Saúde Coletiva.

The aim of this manuscript is to identify and analyze the themes present in articles that in some way relate Physical Education and the the Health Gym Program, of Brazil. Data was collected from the LILACS, SciELO, Virtual Health Library, Electronic Periodicals Portal and 12 Physical Education journals. The contents of 54 articles were selected and analyzed. The results showed that there was a greater number of publications in 2020, with an emphasis on research carried out in the state of Minas Gerais. The largest number of publications was in the Brazilian Journal of Physical Activity & Health. There is a growing interest in studies with broader objects that consider the complexity of the health conditions of the groups and communities served by the program, especially based on approaches to Collective Health.

Educación y Entrenamiento Físico , Ejercicio Físico , Salud Pública
São Paulo med. j ; 142(1): e2023070, 2024. tab, graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1509215


ABSTRACT BACKGROUND: Dynapenia is a risk factor of mortality. Therefore, the development of low-cost and easy-to-apply tools is essential to optimize the health surveillance actions of older people. OBJECTIVES: To compare the time spent on habitual physical activity (HPA) and sedentary behavior (SB) among dynapenic and non-dynapenic older adults and ascertain the predictive ability of these behaviors on outcome. DESIGN AND SETTING: A cross-sectional population epidemiological survey was conducted involving 208 older adults. METHODS: HPA and SB were quantified using the International Physical Activity Questionnaire, and dynapenia was identified by handgrip strength (women: 18.37 kgf; men: 26.75 kgf). RESULTS: The prevalence was 24.50%. In both sexes, dynapenic individuals reported a HPA median time of 70.00 minutes/week (min/wk), while non-dynapenic women and men reported HPA median times of 240.00 and 280.00 min/wk, respectively (P < 0.05). For SB among dynapenic individuals, a median of 388.75 min/day was observed in women and 428.57 min/d in men. In contrast, non-dynapenic women and men had 291.42 and 274.28 min/day in SB (P < 0.05), respectively. The best cutoff HPA to discriminate the outcome was 150.00 min/wk in women (sensitivity: 73.30%; specificity: 60.67%) and 140.00 min/wk in men (sensitivity, 71.43%; specificity, 61.54%). The best cutoff SB was 381.43 min/day in women (sensitivity, 53.30%; specificity, 84.80%) and 351.43 min/day in men (sensitivity, 71.43%; specificity, 73.85%). CONCLUSION: Older individuals with dynapenia spent less time on HPA and more time in SB. Furthermore, HPA was found to be a better discriminator of dynapenic individuals, and SB better discriminated non-dynapenic individuals.

São Paulo med. j ; 141(5): e2022188, 2023. tab, graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1432458


ABSTRACT BACKGROUND: Dynapenia is characterized by mobility limitations in the older population when combined with aggravating behavioral factors that can increase the risk of morbidity and mortality. OBJECTIVE: To investigate the hypothetical effects of reallocation of time spent on sedentary behavior (SB), moderate-to-vigorous physical activity (MVPA), and sleep on dynapenia in older adults. DESIGN AND SETTING: A prospective cohort study using exploratory surveys in Alcobaça City, Bahia State, Brazil. METHODS: In total, 176 older adults (≥ 60 years) of both sexes participated in this study. Dynapenia was assessed using the handgrip strength test with cutoff points of < 27 kg for men and < 16 kg for women. MVPA and SB were assessed using the International Physical Activity Questionnaire, and sleep was assessed using the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index. RESULTS: Effects on reallocation were found for the shortest times, such as 10 minutes (odds ratio (OR) 0.92; 95% confidence interval (CI): 0.85-0.99); substituting MVPA with SB increased the chances of dynapenia by 58.0% (95% CI: 1.01-2.49). Analyzing the substitution of 60 minutes/day of SB with 60 minutes/day of MVPA revealed a protective effect, with a lower OR for dynapenia of 37.0% (OR 0.63; 95% CI: 0.40-0.99). The reallocation of sleep time did not significantly reduce dynapenia. CONCLUSIONS: Substituting the time spent sitting with the same amount of time spent on MVPA can reduce dynapenia, and a longer reallocation time confers greater health benefits in older adults.

Podium (Pinar Río) ; 17(2): 541-556, mayo.-ago. 2022. graf
Artículo en Español | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1406254


RESUMEN En la estrategia con actividades físico-recreativas, en el uso del tiempo libre por adolescentes, se asume una concepción metodológica desde la vinculación de los enfoques cuantitativos y cualitativos, con la articulación de métodos y técnicas que posibilitaron el estudio de los antecedentes y criterios teóricos acerca de los enfoques actuales de ese fenómeno. El objetivo de este trabajo consistió en implementar una estrategia con actividades físico-recreativas que contribuirán al uso adecuado del tiempo libre por los adolescentes de las unidades particulares laicas de Sangolquí. Los resultados avalan la realización de un diagnóstico de necesidades que facilitó la concepción de la estrategia sobre una base científica, en una estructura que se consolidó en etapas y acciones con las vías de control, lo cual permitió una organicidad lógica y coherente en el uso adecuado del tiempo libre por los adolescentes. Este estudio favoreció la modificación del estado inicial del uso del tiempo libre por los adolescentes, al otorgarles un rol protagónico en la búsqueda de sus intereses y la satisfacción de sus necesidades. Esto conduce a arribar al estado deseado y el cumplimiento de los objetivos previstos, al considerar la articulación y la naturaleza cognoscitiva, práctica y axiológica de las actividades. La valoración de los expertos consideró que la estrategia es muy adecuada y ratificaron el valor de la misma, al expresar que puede ser implementada, pues tiene un marco legal y metodológico que avala la pertinencia, la factibilidad y la aplicabilidad de la misma.

RESUMO Na estratégia com atividades físico-recreativas na utilização do tempo livre pelos adolescentes, assume-se uma concepção metodológica a partir da ligação de abordagens quantitativas e qualitativas, com a articulação de métodos e técnicas que tornaram possível o estudo dos antecedentes e critérios teóricos sobre as atuais abordagens a este fenómeno. O objectivo deste trabalho consistiu em implementar uma estratégia com atividades físico-recreativas que contribuam para a utilização adequada do tempo livre pelos adolescentes nas unidades privadas leigas de Sangolquí. Os resultados apoiam a realização de um diagnóstico de necessidades que facilitou a concepção da estratégia numa base científica, numa estrutura que foi consolidada em fases e ações com os meios de controlo, o que permitiu uma organicidade lógica e coerente na utilização adequada do tempo livre pelos adolescentes. Este estudo favoreceu a modificação do estado inicial de utilização do tempo livre pelos adolescentes, dando-lhes um papel de liderança na prossecução dos seus interesses e na satisfação das suas necessidades. Isto leva a chegar ao estado desejado e ao cumprimento dos objectivos planeados, considerando a articulação e a natureza cognitiva, prática e axiológica das atividades. A avaliação dos peritos considerou a Estratégia Muito Adequada e ratificou o seu valor, expressando que pode ser implementada, uma vez que possui um quadro legal e metodológico que endossa a sua pertinência, viabilidade e aplicabilidade.

ABSTRACT In the strategy with physical-recreational activities, in the use of free time by teenagers, a methodological conception is assumed from the linking of quantitative and qualitative approaches, with the articulation of methods and techniques that made it possible to study the background and theoretical criteria about current approaches to this phenomenon. The objective of this work was to implement a strategy with physical-recreational activities that will contribute to the adequate use of free time by adolescents from the private lay units of Sangolquí. The results support the realization of a diagnosis of needs that facilitated the conception of the strategy on a scientific basis, in a structure that was consolidated in stages and actions with the control channels, which allowed a logical and coherent organization in the appropriate use. Free time for teenagers. This study favored the modification of the initial state of the use of free time by adolescents, by giving them a leading role in the pursuit of their interests and the satisfaction of their needs. This leads to arriving at the desired state and the fulfillment of the planned objectives, when considering the articulation and the cognitive, practical and axiological nature of the activities. The experts' assessment considered that the Strategy is Very Appropriate and ratified its value, expressing that it can be implemented, since it has a legal and methodological framework that supports its relevance, feasibility and applicability.

Movimento (Porto Alegre) ; 28: e28044, 2022. tab, graf
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: biblio-1406049


O estudo objetivou identificar políticas públicas federais de atividade física no contexto das universidades federais e analisar a relação com o lazer. Pautado no estudo histórico documental e na base bioecológica, evidenciou-se que as atividades físicas estiveram presentes nas universidades federais brasileiras por meio das práticas obrigatórias de Educação Física no ensino superior e programas/projetos (ProExt e Programa Segundo Tempo Universitário), estando apenas os programas/projetos vinculados às atividades físicas de lazer. Todavia, estes se mostraram incipientes e de baixo alcance, pouco contribuindo com competências favoráveis à incorporação desse tipo específico de atividade no ensino superior, a justiça social e desenvolvimento humano, com exceção do Programa Segundo Tempo Universitário, que demonstrou elementos favoráveis ao desenvolvimento humano. Conclui-se pela urgência de mudanças macrossistêmicas, por meio de política redistributiva que permita atendimento de todas as instituições federais de ensino superior, contemplando maior quantidade de discentes. (AU)

The study aimed to identify federal public policies on physical activity in the context of federal universities and to analyze the relationship with leisure. Based on the historical documentary study and on the bioecological basis, it was evidenced that physical activities were present in Brazilian federal universities through the mandatory practices of Physical Education in higher education and programs/projects (ProExt and Programa Segundo Tempo Universitário), with only the programs/projects linked to physical leisure activities. However, these proved to be incipient and of low scope, contributing little with skills favorable to the incorporation of this specific type of activity in higher education, social justice and human development, with the exception of the Segundo Tempo Universitário Program, which showed elements favorable to human development. It concludes by the urgency of macrosystemic changes, through a redistributive policy that allows attendance of all federal institutions of higher education, contemplating a greater number of students. (AU)

El estudio tuvo como objetivo identificar políticas públicas federales sobre actividad física en el contexto de las universidades federales y analizar su relación con el ocio. Fundamentado en el estudio histórico documental y en la base bioecológica, se evidenció que las actividades físicas estuvieron presentes en las universidades federales brasileñas a través de las prácticas obligatorias de Educación Física en la educación superior y de programas/proyectos (ProExt y Programa Segundo Tempo Universitário), donde solo los programas/proyectos estuvieron vinculados a actividades físicas de ocio. Sin embargo, estos se mostraron incipientes y con bajo alcance, con pocos aportes de competencias favorables a la incorporación de este tipo específico de actividad en la educación superior, a la justicia social y al desarrollo humano, excepto el Programa Segundo Tempo Universitário, que mostró elementos favorables al desarrollo humano. Se concluye que son urgentes los cambios macrosistémicos, a través de una política redistributiva que permita atender a todas las instituciones federales de educación superior, contemplando un mayor número de estudiantes. (AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino
Actual. psicol. (Impr.) ; 35(131)dic. 2021.
Artículo en Español | LILACS, SaludCR, PsiArg | ID: biblio-1383504


Resumen Objetivo. Comparar la calidad de vida (CdV) evaluada a través del Inventario de Calidad de Vida y Salud, así como depresión y ansiedad entre pacientes con asma controlada y asma no controlada. Método. Es un estudio transversal, ex post facto en el que participaron 149 adultos mexicanos con asma. Resultados. Se muestran diferencias significativas con tamaños del efecto de moderados a grandes en las sub-escalas de desempeño físico, aislamiento, tiempo libre, vida cotidiana, ansiedad y depresión. Las áreas que correlacionaron significativa y positivamente fueron vida cotidiana con aislamiento y tiempo libre, depresión con aislamiento y vida cotidiana. Pacientes con asma no controlada presentaron afectación en las sub-escalas de CdV relacionadas con actividades físicas y sociales, intervenciones psicológicas deben atender a estas áreas.

Abstract Objective. Compare quality of life (QoL) evaluated through the Quality of Life and Health Inventory, as well as depression and anxiety between subjects with controlled asthma and uncontrolled asthma. Method. This is a Cross-sectional, ex post facto study involving 149 Mexican adults with asthma. Results. Significant differences with moderate to large effect size were found in these sub-scales such as physical performance, isolation, free time, daily life, anxiety, and depression. The areas that correlated significantly and positively were daily life with isolation and free time, depression with isolation, and daily life. Subjects with uncontrolled asthma are affected in the QoL subscales related to physical and social activities, psychological treatments must attend to these areas.

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Calidad de Vida , Asma/psicología , Psicología Social , Ejercicio Físico , México
Shanghai Journal of Preventive Medicine ; (12): 52-2021.
Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-873562


Objective To explore the association between daily diet and physical activity with myopia in middle school students in Shanghai, so as to provide evidence for the prevention of myopia. Methods A stratified cluster random sampling of 795 students from two middle schools and one high school in Jiading District of Shanghai was selected. Data was extracted from 2017 adolescent health related behaviors surveillance in Shanghai. Results The reported rate of myopia among middle and high school students was determined to be 57.2%. The proportion of middle school students reporting no drinking soda, no eating desserts and no eating fried foods during the past week were 45.2%, 16.4% and 31.1%, respectively. The proportion of reporting eating fresh fruit, eating vegetables, drinking a cup of milk or yogurt among middle school students every day were 45.8%, 73.2% and 40.7%, respectively. The proportion of physical activity over 60 minutes and moderate intensity exercise over 30 minutes every day were 25.6% and 15.4%, respectively. The proportion of no drinking soda, no eating fried foods, eating fresh fruit every day, eating vegetables every day, and physical activity over 60 minutes during the past week in the non-myopia group were significantly higher than those in the myopia group(P < 0.01). Middle school students eating fresh fruit every day and physical activity over 60 minutes every day were determined to be protective factors for myopia(P < 0.01). Conclusion The proportions of Middle and high school students in Shanghai reporting healthy diet and physical activity are relatively low. Healthy diet and sufficient physical activity may be protective against myopia.

Chinese Journal of Rehabilitation Theory and Practice ; (12): 1038-1047, 2021.
Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-905173


Objective:To systematically review and develop the categories in the fields of recreational physical activities and rehabilitation exercise for adults based on the concept and method of the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF). Method:The literatures about recreational or leisure time physical activities and mental health for adults were retrieved with subject retrieval method, from the database of PubMed, Web of Science, CNKI and Wanfang Data, until June 30, 2021. The effects of leisure physical activities on mental health, quality of life and well-being of adults were extracted. Results:A total of 1856 literatures were returned, and 24 out of them were enrolled, which were published mainly from the journals of medicine, public health, exercise and rehabilitation. The researches mainly used questionnaire survey, interview and measurement methods. The types of physical activities involved were leisure time physical activities, leisure time recreational activities, non-leisure time physical activities and non-leisure time recreational activities. According to the framework of ICF, the effects of leisure time physical activities and recreational physical activities on mental health of adults were mainly reflected in body functions, including bl mental function, b152 emotion function, b140 attention function, b144 memory function, b163 basic cognition function, b126 temperament and personality function, b134 sleep function, b130 energy and drive function, b122 overall psychology and society function, b180 self-experience and time experience function, b139 other general mental functions specified and not specified; and activities and participation, including d6 family life, d7 interpersonal communication and interpersonal relationship, d8 main area of life, and d9 community, social and civic life; in terms of burnout, depression, anxiety, perceived stress, risk of depression, attention fatigue, life vigor, self-esteem, positive and negative emotions, mental disorders, insomnia, subjective well-being, life satisfaction and quality of life, etc. Leisure time physical activities and recreational physical activities might improve health-related quality of life and well-being. Some environmental and personal factors might affect the participation and performance in leisure time and recreational physical activities for the adult, including e3 support and interpersonal relationships, e4 attitude, e5 service system and policy, in terms of workload, positive emotion, social support, emotional support, etc. Conclusion:Adults can benefit from leisure time physical activities and recreational physical activities for promoting mental health, quality of life and well-being. These activities are beneficial to emotion, cognition, sleep, happiness, satisfaction and quality of life, etc. It is critical for rehabilitation to integrate leisure time and recreational physical activities into health care, recreation and relaxation, physical and mental health. And it is effective to expand mental health care to improve quality of life and well-being and achieve the United Nations 2030 Sustainable Development Goal 3: Good Healthy and Well-being.

An Official Journal of the Japan Primary Care Association ; : 68-73, 2021.
Artículo en Japonés | WPRIM | ID: wpr-886192


Introduction: Our aim was to examine the changes in the self-rated frequency of activities among elderly residents living in communities during the self-restraint period associated with the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic.Methods: Regular outpatients aged 75 years or older who visited the hospital or clinic at the Center for Community Medicine in north-western Gifu prefecture between May 11 and May 22, 2020 were selected as participants. The frequency of outings, walks, outdoor exercise, indoor exercise, farm work, communication and interaction, such as at community salons, direct communication with friends and estranged family members, and remote communication by telephone and video calls was surveyed using a questionnaire method at four levels: "0 days", "1-2 days", "3-4 days", and "5 days to every day" per week in the two weeks prior to the visit and in the same period in the previous year.Results: In total, 292 people aged 75-95 years participated in the study. There was an increase in the number of respondents who reported a lower frequency of going out, walking, farming, outdoor exercise, home exercise, visiting community salons, and direct conversation than in the previous year. There was a significant difference between the two groups (P<0.05).Conclusion: In this study, the self-rated frequency of physical activity and social activity decreased among community-dwelling elderly due to the COVID-19 epidemic, suggesting a reduction in these activities.

Rev. bras. med. esporte ; 26(6): 517-522, Nov.-Dec. 2020. graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1144198


ABSTRACT Introduction: Interactions of Facebook users led to a study of the influence that users can exert on behavioral changes for a healthier life. Objective: To analyze the behavior of Facebook users in order to define the Users' Behavioral Patterns, by monitoring the practice of physical activities shared online, aided by a social competition among users, with the aim of combating sedentarism through the modern attraction of technology and gamification. Methods: A computational tool was developed to extract data from physical activity shared online. The tool, named FitRank, has permissions to access users' data. Tables and classifications were generated based on an analysis of the data in the database, using decision tree algorithms and descriptive statistical analysis. Results: users were classified according to sociodemographic data, and data on the creation of competitive rankings and the practice of physical activities, including the definition of the User's Behavioral Pattern. Conclusion: The study suggested the importance of technological innovations to combat sedentarism, in line with current social entertainment technologies to make them more enjoyable and motivating for the regular practice of physical activities and to provide a better quality of life. Level of Evidence II; Retrospective study.

RESUMO Introdução: As interações dos usuários do Facebook permitem o estudo da influência que os usuários podem exercer na mudança comportamental para uma vida mais saudável. Objetivo: Analisar o comportamento dos usuários do Facebook para definir o Padrão Comportamental do Usuário, por meio do monitoramento da prática de atividades físicas compartilhadas, auxiliado pela competição social entre usuários, de forma a combater o sedentarismo com o atrativo moderno da tecnologia e da gamificação. Métodos: Foi desenvolvida uma ferramenta computacional de extração de dados dos compartilhamentos de atividades físicas, denominada FitRank, com permissões de acesso aos dados dos usuários. Os quadros e classificações foram gerados a partir da análise das informações coletadas no banco de dados, com o uso de algoritmos de árvores de decisões e aplicando análise estatística descritiva. Resultados: Os usuários foram classificados de acordo com os dados sociodemográficos, os dados de criação de rankings competitivos e com os dados da prática de atividades físicas, incluindo a definição do Padrão Comportamental do Usuário. Conclusão: O estudo sugeriu a importância de inovações tecnológicas no combate ao sedentarismo, de forma sintonizada com as atuais tecnologias de entretenimento social, para tornar mais prazerosa e motivadora a prática regular de atividades físicas e proporcionar qualidade de vida melhor. Nível de evidência II; Estudo retrospectivo.

RESUMEN Introducción: Las interacciones de los usuarios de Facebook permiten el estudio de la influencia que los usuarios pueden ejercer en el cambio comportamental para una vida más saludable. Objetivo: Analizar el comportamiento de los usuarios de Facebook para definir el Patrón Comportamental del Usuario, a través de la monitorización de la práctica de actividades físicas compartidas, auxiliado por la competición social entre usuarios, de forma que se combata el sedentarismo con el atractivo moderno de tecnología y de la gamificación. Métodos: Fue desarrollada una herramienta computacional para la extracción de datos de las publicaciones de actividades físicas, denominada FitRank, con autorizaciones de acceso a los datos de los usuarios. Los cuadros y clasificaciones fueron generadas a partir del análisis de las informaciones colectadas en el banco de datos, con el uso de algoritmos de árboles de decisión y aplicando análisis estadístico descriptivo. Resultados: Los usuarios fueron clasificados de acuerdo con los datos sociodemográficos, los datos de creación de rankings competitivos y datos de la práctica de las actividades físicas, incluyendo la definición del Patrón Comportamental del Usuario. Conclusión: El estudio sugirió la importancia de innovaciones tecnológicas en el combate al sedentarismo, de forma sincronizada con las actuales tecnologías de entretenimiento social, para que sea más placentera y motivadora la práctica regular de actividades físicas y proporcionar calidad de vida mejor. Nivel de evidencia II; Estudio retrospectivo.

Investig. andin ; 22(40)jun. 2020.
Artículo en Español | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1550424


Introducción: Patologías de base limitan a la persona desde diversas dimensiones y estas por temor no realizan actividad física, pero una intervención autorregulada desde la actividad física beneficia tanto al aspecto físico como mental. Métodos: Estudio tipo ensayo aleatorio controlado de carácter longitudinal, con 34 mujeres con artritis reumatoide a quienes se les aplicó un programa de actividad física durante 6 semanas; las evaluaciones estuvieron a cargo de personal médico de apoyo al proyecto y se diligenciaron formatos propios para catalogar el tipo de flexibilidad, la presión arterial, respuesta cardiorrespiratoria ante el ejercicio y se determinaron variables antropométricas. Resultado: Se evidenció que el grupo experimental mejoró significativamente (p=0,00) en todas las variables y el grupo control presentó variaciones en su agrupación. Permanecieron valores que pueden afectar la salud a futuro. Conclusiones: La actividad física regulada y mantenida es un notable coadyuvante a limitar procesos patológicos de base, facilitando la regulación del dolor y síntomas asociados.

Introduction: Base pathologies limit people from different dimensions, and because of fear, they do not do any physical activity, but a self-regulated intervention is beneficial to the physical as the mental aspect. Method: Randomized and longitudinally controlled study with 34 women who have rheumatoid arthritis. They were in a physical activity program for 6 months and were evaluated by specialized medical staff who were supporting the project. The flexibility type, blood pressure, cardiorespiratory response to exercise were cataloged and anthropometric variables were established. Results: It was evident that the experimental group improved significantly (p = 0,00) in all variables, while the control group shows variations that could affect their health. Conclusions: Regulated and constant physical activity is a great contributor to limit the base pathology process, helping to regulate pain and associated symptoms.

Shanghai Journal of Preventive Medicine ; (12): 751-2020.
Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-876186


Objective To investigate the effects of parental support for the moderate-to-vigorous physical activity (MVPA) of their children and to promote physical activity for children and adolescents. Methods A total of 622 students were selected by stratified clustering sampling methods.Physical activity and parental support factors were assessed by self-report questionnaire survey.Logistic regression was used to analyze determinants of physical inactivity. Results Nearly 58.7% of the parents purchased sports equipment for their children and 57.6% of the parents accompanied their children to do exercise.The rate of parental explicit modeling was 22.8%.The students who received parental logistic support and explicit modeling did longer MVPA on weekends.The students with parental logistic support were prone to be in activity (OR=1.51, 95%CI:1.01-2.27). Conclusion Family-based interventions from parental logistic support and explicit modeling could promote middle-to-high-intensity activities for junior high school students.

Chinese Journal of Rehabilitation Theory and Practice ; (12): 631-636, 2020.
Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-905492


Objective:To investigate and analyze the status and related factors of participation in physical activities for adults with disabilities (AWDs). Methods:A total of 2 302 833 AWDs in 2019 were included. Multiple response was used to analyze the status of participation and logistic regression was used to analyze the related factors. Results:The participative rate of AWDs was low (7.0%), in which, males (7.3%) were higher than females, AWDs aged 18 to 59 years (7.6%) were higher than other ages, AWDs with agricultural household (7.1%), speech disabilities (7.7%), and mild disability (8.6%) were the largest groups. For the reasons for not participating in physical activities, AWDs with agricultural household reported no suitable programs (14.4%), places and facilities (12.3%), which were higher than that with city household. The genders (B = 0.048, P < 0.001), ages (B = 0.178, P < 0.001), household registrations (B = 0.078, P < 0.001) related with participation of physical activities. However, types (Bvision= 0.055, P < 0.01; Bhearing= 0.133, P < 0.001; Bspeech= 0.282, P < 0.001; Bintelligence = -0.159, P < 0.001; Bpsychosis= -0.062, P < 0.01) and severity of disability were more significant (P < 0.001). AWDs with extremely severe disability reported 0.571 times of participation of physical activities than that with mild disability (B = -0.561, OR = 0.571), and AWDs with severe disability reported 0.659 times of that with mild visual disability (B = -0.417, OR = 0.659). Conclusion:The participation rate of AWDs in physical activities is low. Implement physical activities programs would be tailored to the unmet needs of physical activities as AWDs had functioning oriented unmet needs. It proposed to develop individualized and structured physical activities services to promote the participation of disabilities in physical activities.

Podium (Pinar Río) ; 14(3): 355-371, sept.-dic. 2019. tab, graf
Artículo en Español | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1091720


Resumen Actualmente el número de personas obesas aumenta considerablemente, lo que se convierte en una preocupación, debido a los problemas de salud que genera esta enfermedad. Aunque la actividad física es considerada como beneficiosa, en personas con sobrepeso puede tener algunos efectos negativos. La presente investigación se llevó a cabo en la circunscripción 34 del Consejo Popular Centro Histórico, de Nueva Gerona, en la Isla de la Juventud, Cuba, con el objetivo de proponer una metodología de actividades físicas para adultos mayores obesos con hábitos sedentarios de 65 años y más, de dicha comunidad, aprovechando el medio acuático marino. Para ello, se utilizó una metodología mixta, basada en métodos descriptivos: analítico-sintético y lógico-abstracto, así como mediante el análisis experimental como: observación científica, encuestas, entrevistas; se emplearon además los estadísticos para el procesamiento de la información obtenida, moda y mediana. Como resultado de esta metodología, se elevó el estilo de vida lo que contribuyó a la disminución de grasas en los adultos mayores obesos de esta comunidad, con el aprovechamiento del medio acuático marino.

Abstract Currently the number of obese people increases considerably, becoming a concern because of the health problems caused by this disease. Although physical activity is considered beneficial, in overweight people it can have some negative effects. This research was carried out in the 34th circumscription of the Consejo Popular Centro Histórico, of Nueva Gerona in the Isla de la Juventud, Cuba with the objective of proposing a methodology of physical activities for obese older adults with sedentary habits of 65 years of age and older from this community taking advantage of the marine aquatic environment. For this purpose, a mixed methodology was used, based on descriptive methods: analytical-synthetic and abstract logic, as well as through experimental analysis such as: scientific observation, surveys, interviews; statistic methods were also used to process the information obtained, mode and median. As a result of this methodology, the lifestyle was improved and contributed to the reduction of fat in obese older adults in this community taking advantage of the marine aquatic environment.

Osong Public Health and Research Perspectives ; (6): 368-375, 2019.
Artículo en Inglés | WPRIM | ID: wpr-786509


OBJECTIVES: The purpose of this study was to investigate the physical activities, mental health, and health-related quality of life (HRQOL) of osteoarthritis patients.METHODS: This study was conducted using data from the first year of the 7th Korea National Health and Nutritional Examination Survey. There were 8,150 participants included in the survey, and 665 participants had been diagnosed with osteoarthritis. This study analyzed the measurements of physical activities, depression, and HRQOL in participants with osteoarthritis.RESULTS: The mean age of the participants was 67 ± 9.9 years and 83.1% were female. Participants rarely engaged in work-related physical activity, and engaged in leisure-related physical activities infrequently. Most of the participants (85.9%) did not do regular exercise, but 1/3 of the participants walked for over 10 minutes a day. “Pain/discomfort” had the least impact upon HRQOL, and among the depression subcategories, “difficult to sleep and tiredness” had the most impact. Multiple logistic regression analysis showed that an adverse HRQOL score was statistically significantly associated with “location changes/physical activities” (p < 0. 01), “depression” (p < 0.001) and “age” (p < 0.001).CONCLUSION: Exercise programs should be in place which are manageable in everyday life for the elderly (> 65 years). Changes in daily routine so that patients become more active, should be supported by the family and community, together with assistance in managing psychological problems such as depression.

Anciano , Femenino , Humanos , Depresión , Corea (Geográfico) , Modelos Logísticos , Salud Mental , Actividad Motora , Osteoartritis , Calidad de Vida
Chinese Journal of Rehabilitation Theory and Practice ; (12): 1241-1247, 2019.
Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-905693


Objective:To explore the community-based physical activities using ICF and the WHO Guideline of Community-based Rehabilitation (WHO CBR guideline) to develop framework and guidance service at community level to promote community health. Methods:The ICF theory and approach of functioning, disability and health, and the matrix of WHO CBR guideline was adopted as a framework of community-based physical activities and inclusive development. Results:Participants can improve their physical functioning and exercise ability, also promote the development of healthy behaviors, mental health and wellbeing through community-based physical activities. There are benefits of community-based physical activities for the participants for their health, rehabilitation, education, career development and empowerment. Health service system in modern community will be established with the integration of community-based physical activities, health care and rehabilitation. Family-based physical activities for people with disabilities include kinds of community-based exercises in the form of Community-Family-Individual. It is important to provide activity guidance for people with disabilities at community and family. With the approach of individualized guidance, the specialized services, such as counseling, skill training, modification of sport environment and psychological counseling, and guidance, will be provided to promote the people with disabilities to develop healthy behaviors. Conclusion:A framework of community-based physical activities has been established model tailored to functioning and wellbeing using ICF. WHO CBR guideline has been adopted to promote inclusive development of community-based physical activities, health, rehabilitation, education, career development and empowerment to achieve community inclusive development and overall health. Family or dwelling based physical activities are kinds of community-based physical activities, which are proposed to provide individualized guidance for people with disabilities.

Chinese Journal of Rehabilitation Theory and Practice ; (12): 1248-1254, 2019.
Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-905694


Objective:To explore the developmental model of physical activities and function of older adults in the perspective of ICF to research the influence of physical activities on their body function, activity and participation, including related environmental factors and personal health behavior. Methods:Theory and methods of ICF had been implemented. Results:A framework of physical activities and overall function for aging people was developed based on ICF. Physical activities positively affected on the overall function, activities of daily living and participation for aging people. Different exercises played different roles on fitness, motor function and cognitive function. Conclusion:The theoretical framework of physical activities and functional health for aging people has been established based on the bio-psycho-social model of ICF. For aging people, physical activities contribute to improvement of functioning and health, such as overall function, functional independence and activities of daily living, as well as physical fitness, and cognitive function. There are different effects of different types of sports on the body function for aging people. Moderate to moderate-vigorous aerobic (endurance) exercise could reduce 30% or more the risks of morbidity and mortality. Exercise and sports may delay or prevent the impairment of cognitive function. Long-term resistance exercise and aerobic exercise can reduce the risk of dementia.

Rev. Pesqui. Fisioter ; 8(4): 478-488, nov., 2018. tab
Artículo en Inglés, Portugués | LILACS | ID: biblio-968806


INTRODUÇÃO: A análise conjunta dos hábitos de vida que podem predispor ao aparecimento de doenças cardiovasculares na idade adulta tem papel importante para o conhecimento do perfil de risco cardiovascular de crianças e adolescentes. OBJETIVO: Investigar hábitos alimentares inadequados e fatores de risco cardiovascular associados à Hipertensão Arterial Sistêmica em escolares de 7 a 14 anos de idade, domiciliados no Cabula/Beiru na cidade do Salvador, Bahia, Brasil. MÉTODOS: Estudo transversal com 162 escolares matriculados na rede pública do Ensino Fundamental I, residentes no Distrito Sanitário Cabula Beiru (DSCB), na cidade do Salvador, Bahia. Regressão logística multivariada, não-condicional, hierarquizada, foi usada para avaliar a associação, após ajustes por fatores sociodemográficos e de saúde, entre a HAS, hábitos alimentares inadequados e fatores de risco cardiovascular. RESULTADOS: A prevalência de hipertensão arterial entre os escolares foi estimada em 23,0% e o excesso de peso (OR=4,08; IC95% 1,75 ­ 9,55), assim como a inatividade física (< 300 min/semana) (OR=5,69; IC95% 1,56 ­ 20,69), consumo inadequado de doces (OR=2,65; IC95%: 1,01 ­ 7,00) e de refrigerantes (OR=3,61; IC95%: 1,28 ­ 10,13) foram os fatores associados com pressão arterial elevada. CONCLUSÕES: Os dados evidenciam hábitos inadequados de alimentação e fatores de risco cardiovasculares, em especial, sobrepeso ou obesidade e ser insuficientemente ativo. Estes resultados reforçam a necessidade de programas de promoção de saúde e prevenção dos riscos direcionados à parcela mais jovem da população. Recomendamos a adoção de estratégias para o controle do peso e estímulo à prática regular de atividade física nas escolas, bem como ações de educação em saúde no Ensino Fundamental. [AU]

INTRODUCTION: The joint analysis of lifestyles that could cause a predisposition to the occurrence of cardiovascular diseases in adulthood has an important role towards understanding the cardiovascular risk profile of children and teenagers. OBJECTIVE: Investigate the cardiovascular risk factors associated to Systemic Arterial Hypertension (SAH) in schoolchildren of ages between 7 and 14, domiciled in the Cabula/Beiru neighborhood, in Salvador, Bahia, Brazil. METHODS: A cross-sectional study with 162 schoolchildren registered in the public education network of Elementary School I, residents of Distrito Sanitário Cabula Beiru (DSCB), in the city of Salvador, Bahia. Non-conditional, hierarchical multivariate logistic regression analysis was used to evaluate the association between the SAH and cardiovascular risk factors, after adjustments for socio-demographic and health factors. RESULTS: The prevalence for arterial hypertension among the schoolchildren was estimated at 23.0% and overweight (OR=4.08; IC95% 1.75 ­ 9.55), as well as physical inactivity (< 300 min/week) (OR=5.69; IC95% 1.56 ­ 20.69), inadequate consumption of sugar (OR=2.65; CI95%: 1.01 ­ 7.00) and soft drinks (OR=3.61; CI95%: 1.28 ­ 10.13) were the cardiovascular risk factors associated to high blood pressure. CONCLUSIONS: Our data show inadequate eating habits and cardiovascular risk factors, especially being overweight or obese and being insufficiently active. These results reinforce the need for health promotion and risk prevention programs guided towards the younger population. We recommend the adoption of weight control strategies and the stimulation of regular practice of physical activities in schools, as well as health education actions in Elementary Schools. [AU]

Obesidad , Enfermedades Cardiovasculares , Factores de Riesgo
Rev. bras. ativ. fís. saúde ; 23: 1-9, fev.-ago. 2018. tab, fig
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: biblio-1026671


The objective of this cross-sectional study was to estimate the self-reported prevalence of falls among elderly users (older than 60 years) of the Ribeirão Preto, São Paulo, Brazil, primary healthcare servic-es in the past six months and to identify associated factors. Data were collected from five healthcare districts by means of personal interviews with the users while they waited for the appointment. Log-binomial regression models adjusted for confounding variables and prevalence ratios were used to measure the association between independent and dependent variables. The International Phys-ical Activity Questionnaire (IPAQ), adapted to elderly, was used to assess their physical activity. A total of 357 adults were interviewed, with 62.7% being women and mean age of 69.9 years old. The prevalence rates of falls in the past six months were 19.6% (95%CI: 13.2­27.3) and 32.6% (95%CI: 26.4­39.2), respectively, for men and women. The prevalence of falls among users with lower level of physical activity was 2.3 times higher than that among those with higher level of physical activity (RP = 2.3; 95%CI: 1.4­3.8) after adjustment for gender, age group and socio-economical class. In conclusion, falls are frequent among the elderly and the practice of physical activities can improve their health condition, thus preventing the occurrence of fall

O objetivo deste estudo transversal foi estimar a prevalência autorreferida de quedas nos últimos seis meses em idosos (60 anos ou mais) usuários dos serviços de atenção primária à saúde de Ribeirão Preto, São Paulo, Brasil, e identificar os fatores associados. Os dados foram coletados nas cinco Unidades Básicas e Distritais de Saúde do município, por meio de entrevistas individuais face-a-face, enquanto os usuários aguardavam uma consulta. Modelos log-binomial de regressão ajustados as variáveis de confundimento e razões de pre-valência foram usadas como medidas de associação entre as variáveis independentes e as dependentes. Para avaliar do nível de atividade física foi aplicado o Questionário Internacional de Atividade Física ­ IPAQ adaptado para idosos. Foram entrevistados 357 adultos (62,7% mulheres, com idade média de 69,9 anos). A prevalência de quedas nos últimos seis meses foi de 19,6% (IC95%: 13,2-27,3) nos homens e de 32,6% (IC95%: 26,4-39,2) nas mulheres. Usuários com menor nível de atividade física apresentaram prevalência de quedas 2,3 vezes maior comparada àqueles com elevado nível de atividade física (RP = 2,3; IC95%: 1,4-3,8), após ajuste para sexo, faixa etária e classe econômica. Em conclusão, as quedas são frequentes entre os idosos, e a prática regular de atividade física pode lhes proporcionar uma melhor condição de saúde e uma menor ocorrência de quedas

Atención Primaria de Salud , Accidentes por Caídas , Anciano , Estudio Observacional , Servicios de Salud , Actividad Motora