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Artículo en Español | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1535136


Introducción: La tuberculosis es una de las 10 principales causas de muerte a nivel mundial. En 2020, causó 1,5 millones muertes. Se estima que llegó a 10,0 millones de nuevos casos durante el mismo año. Reporte de caso: varón de 93 años, antecedente de TBC pulmonar hace 15 años y contacto TBC actual. Presenta disnea y dolor pleurítico por 4 meses. Toracocentesis concluye exudado, biopsia pleural compatible con pleuritis granulomatosa no caseificante. Recibe esquema antituberculoso, desarrollando RAFA hepática. Se realiza reto farmacológico para diseñar un nuevo esquema de tratamiento. Paciente logra recuperarse. Se concluye que el manejo de tuberculosis debe individualizarse según paciente.

Introduction: Tuberculosis is one of the 10 leading causes of death worldwide. In 2020, it caused 1.5 million deaths. It is estimated that it reached 10.0 million new cases during the same year. Case of report: 93-year-old male, history of pulmonary TB 15 years ago and current TB contact. He presented dyspnea and pleuritic pain for 4 months. Thoracocentesis concludes exudate, pleural biopsy compatible with non-caseating granulomatous pleurisy. Receive antituberculosis regimen, developing hepatic RAFA. Pharmacological challenge is performed to design a new treatment scheme. Patient manages to recover. It is concluded that the management of tuberculosis should be individualized.

Infectio ; 23(3): 240-245, jul.-sept. 2019. tab, graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: biblio-1002157


Background: In the diagnostic process of pleural tuberculosis, the findings from video-assisted thoracoscopy (VATS) can be highly suggestive for the diagnosis of infection. Methods: We reviewed VATS records between the years 2012 to 2016 of patients over 16 years of age with pleural effusion and suspected pleural tuberculosis. Symptoms, macroscopic and chemical characteristics of the fluid, surgical descriptions and visual diagnosis of the surgeon were recorded and were compared with the histopathology. Results: 106 patients were selected, most of them men (71.7%), of whom approximately half were active military (51.3%). The predominant symptoms were dyspnea, pleuritic pain, fever and evolution time greater than 15 days (94.3%, 80.2%, 50% and 46,2%, respectively). These symptoms, in turn, were present more frequently in pleural tuberculosis patients than in non-tuberculosis patients. The fluid was mostly turbid yellow (44%) and lymphocytic cellularity exudate (77.4%). The VATS findings in patients with confirmed TBC included nodules (96.9%), adhesions (87.5%) and thickening (78.1%). The diagnosis made by the surgeon in relation to the histopathological diagnosis showed a sensitivity of 88.6% and a specificity of 98.4%. Conclusion: There are highly suggestive characteristics of the macroscopic report of VATS that would allow a quicker diagnosis of pleural tuberculosis.

Antecedentes: Los hallazgos de toracoscopia asistida por video (VATS) durante el diagnostico de tuberculosis pleural, que son altamente sugestivos de la infección han sido poco descritos. Metodos: Se revisaron los registros de VATS entre los años 2012 a 2016 of de pacientes mayores de 16 años con efusión pleural y sospechosos de etiología tuberculosa. Se analizaron los síntomas, las características macroscópicas y bioquímicas del líquido, la descripción quirúrgica y el diagnostico visual y se compararon con los resultados de la histopatologia. Resultados: Se estudiaron los registros de 106 pacientes, la mayoría fueron sexo masculino (71.7%), y aproximadamente la mitad en servicio militar activo (51.3%). Los síntomas predominantes fueron disnea, dolor pleuritico, fiebre y tiempo de evolución mayor a 15 días (94.3%, 80.2%, 50% y 46,2%, respectivamente). Estos sintomas a su vez fueron más frecuentes en tuberculosis pleural que en no tuberculosis. El liquido fue más amarillo turbio (44%) y con exudado de tipo linfocitario (77.4%). Los hallazgos de VATS en pacientes con tuberculosis confirmada incluyeron nodulos (96.9%), adhesiones (87.5%) y engrosamiento (78.1%). El diagnóstico hecho por el cirujano con relación al histopatológico, tuvo una sensibilidad de 88.6% y una especificidad de 98.4%. Conclusion: Existen características en el VATS altamente sugestivas de tuberculosis pleural.

Humanos , Masculino , Adolescente , Adulto , Derrame Pleural , Toracoscopía , Tuberculosis , Biopsia , Tuberculosis Pleural , Sepsis , Técnicas y Procedimientos Diagnósticos , Infecciones
Rev. pediatr. electrón ; 16(2): 22-26, ago. 2019.
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: biblio-1021347


La tuberculosis es una enfermedad infecciosa por Mycobacterium tuberculosis conocida desde la antigüedad y con gran importancia en la actualidad ubicándose como una de las principales causas de morbimortalidad, puede tener presentación pulmonar y extrapulmonar. Se presenta el caso clínico de una adolescente inmunocompetente con tuberculosis con descripción de la historia natural, a raíz del cual se realiza y presenta una revisión de literatura actual confrontando con artículos de revisiones de temas en búsqueda electrónica en bases de datos de RIMA, MEDLINE, PUBMED, MEDSCAPE, de 2013 a 2018. CONCLUSIONES: Es primordial conocer la presentación extrapulmonar corresponde al 21% de los casos de tuberculosis puede ser asintomático o sintomático con fiebre, tos y dolor pleurítico.

Tuberculosis is an infectious disease caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis that has been known since antiquity and with great importance at present, being one of the main causes of morbidity and mortality, it can have pulmonary and extrapulmonary presentation. METHOD: review of current literature comparing articles with reviews of subjects in electronic search in databases of RIMA, MEDLINE, PUB-MED, MEDSCAPE, from 2013 to 2018 Clinical case: the clinical case of an immunocompetent adolescent with tuberculosis is represented. description of the natural history CONCLUSIONS: It is essential to know the extrapulmonary presentation corresponds to 21% of cases of tuberculosis can be asymptomatic or symptomatic with fever, cough and pleuritic pain.

Humanos , Femenino , Adolescente , Tuberculosis Pleural/diagnóstico , Inmunocompetencia
Pulmäo RJ ; 25(1): 11-16, 2016.
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: biblio-848939


Depois de introduzir os conceitos básicos da enzima adenosina desaminase (ADA), uma breve discussão sobre a estrutura, o mecanismo enzimático, terapia genética e potencial utilização terapêutica de inibidores de ADA são apresentados. O estudo da ADA é muito mais complexo do que simplesmente seu papel como biomarcador diagnóstico para tuberculose pleural que veio revolucionar o setor de diagnóstico na medicina clínica nos últimos anos. O aumento de sua atividade no líquido pleural, e em outros líquidos orgânicos, impede que o paciente na maioria dos casos com síndrome do derrame pleural por tuberculose seja submetido a procedimentos cirúrgicos invasivos com possíveis complicações potencialmente fatais AU.

After introducing the basic concepts of ADA, a brief discussion on the structure, enzymatic mechanism, gene therapy and potential therapeutic use of ADA inhibitors are presented. The study of the ADA is much more complex than simply its role as a biomarker for pleural tuberculosis that has revolutionized the diagnostic in clinical medicine in recent years. The increase in its activity in the pleural fluid, and other body fluids, prevents the patient in most cases with pleural effusion tuberculosis is subjected to invasive surgical procedures with possible life-threatening complications. AU

Humanos , Tuberculosis Pleural/diagnóstico , Adenosina Desaminasa/genética , Adenosina Desaminasa/ultraestructura , Inhibidores de la Adenosina Desaminasa/uso terapéutico
Neumol. pediátr. (En línea) ; 10(4): 160-168, oct. 2015. ilus, tab
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: lil-789383


Pulmonary tuberculosis (TB) is the most common type of TB in children. Extrapulmonary tuberculosis is also prevalent (about 30-40 percent of cases) and it can occur in a variety of anatomical sites. This study presents a review of the literature on the main clinical manifestations of extrapulmonary tuberculosis in children, its diagnosis and treatment. At the end, some reflections on the importance of BCG for prevention are presented.

La tuberculosis (TB) pulmonar es el tipo más común de TB en niños. La tuberculosis extrapulmonar también es frecuente (alrededor de 30-40 por ciento de los casos) y se puede presentar en una gran variedad de sitios anatómicos. Se hace una revisión de la literatura sobre las principales manifestaciones clínicas extrapulmonares de la tuberculosis en niños, su diagnóstico y su tratamiento. Al final se hacen algunas reflexiones sobre la importancia de la BCG para su prevención.

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Niño , Tuberculosis/diagnóstico , Tuberculosis/fisiopatología , Tuberculosis/terapia , Antituberculosos/uso terapéutico , Vacuna BCG , Tuberculosis Cutánea , Tuberculosis Ganglionar , Tuberculosis Meníngea , Tuberculosis Miliar , Tuberculosis Osteoarticular , Tuberculosis Pleural
Pediátr. Panamá ; 44(1): 27-32, Abril-Mayo 2015.
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: biblio-848701


Un 15 a 25% de los casos de tuberculosis presentan infecciones extrapulmonares. El diagnóstico temprano y tratamiento adecuado ayuda a reducir el riesgo de complicaciones y secuelas. La implementación del tratamiento estrictamente vigilado ha mejorado el control global de la tuberculosis, sin embargo es menos efectivo en las áreas donde prevalece la infección por VIH, la tuberculosis multidrogoresistente, la pobreza y donde la baciloscopia es la herramienta diagnóstica, la cual es excluyente en niños. La falta de un método sensible retarda el diagnóstico en la infancia, se realizan esfuerzos para el desarrollo de métodos simpli cados pero aún se carece de ellos. Se reportan 2 casos de tuberculosis diseminada en pacientes pediátricos, indígenas, Vih negativos, en dos grupos etarios extremos. Un lactante de 11 meses con tuberculosis miliar, cavitaciones pulmonares, efusión pleural y neumonía bacteriana complicada agregada y un adolescente de 13 años con meningitis tuberculosa e infartos isquémicos, neumonía con efusión y engrosamiento pleural. Ambos casos de interés por la relevancia epidemiológica de esta patología en la región y la variabilidad en la presentación clínica lo que impone mantener un alto índice de sospecha clínica en presencia de cualquiera de los criterios diagnósticos de tuberculosis.

A 15-25% of cases of tuberculosis have extrapulmonary infections. The early diagnosis and appropriate treatment helps to reduce the risk of complications and sequelae. The implementation of the strictly secure treatment has improved the global tuberculosis control, however it is less e ective in areas where the infection by HIV, TB multidrugoresistant, poverty prevails and where the sputum smear is the diagnostic tool, which is exclusive in children. The lack of a sensible approach delays the diagnosis in childhood, e orts for the development of simpli ed methods, but still are lacking them. Reported 2 cases of disseminated tuberculosis in patients paediatric, indigenous peoples, HIV-negative, in two extreme age groups. An infant of 11 months with miliary tuberculosis, pulmonary cavitations, pleural e usion and added complicated bacterial pneumonia and a teenager of 13 years with tuberculous meningitis and ischemic stroke, pneumonia with e usion and pleural thickening. Both cases of interest in the epidemiological relevance of this pathology in the region and the variability in clinical presentation which imposes maintain a high index of clinical suspicion in the presence of any of the diagnostic criteria of tuberculosis.

Artículo en Coreano | WPRIM | ID: wpr-28198


Malignant mesothelioma is a common, primary tumor that can invade pleura, and is associated with previous exposure to asbestos. However, it poses considerable difficulties regarding its diagnosis and treatment, and thus, accurate history taking with respect to exposure to asbestos, and radiologic and pathologic examinations are essential. In addition, the involvement of a multidisciplinary team is recommended in order to ensure prompt and appropriate management using a framework based on radiotherapy, chemotherapy, surgery, and symptom palliation with end-of-life care. Because lymphocyte-dominant, exudative pleural effusion can occur in malignant mesothelioma, adenosine deaminase values may be elevated, which could be mistaken for tuberculous pleurisy, and lead to an incorrect diagnosis and suboptimal treatment. The authors describe a case of malignant mesothelioma initially misdiagnosed as tuberculous pleurisy. As evidenced by the described case, malignant mesothelioma should be considered during the differential diagnosis of patients with lymphocyte-dominant, exudative pleural effusion with a pleural lung lesion.

Humanos , Adenosina Desaminasa , Amianto , Diagnóstico , Diagnóstico Diferencial , Quimioterapia , Pulmón , Mesotelioma , Pleura , Derrame Pleural , Radioterapia , Tuberculosis Pleural
Medisan ; 17(11): 9009-9014, nov. 2013.
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: lil-696691


Se presenta el caso clínico de un paciente de 19 años de edad, quien había sido ingresado en la provincia de Cienfuegos bajo el diagnóstico de derrame pleural paraneumónico, por lo que se administraron antibióticos de amplio espectro, que le produjeron una ligera mejoría clínica, de modo que fue egresado. Debido a la persistencia de los síntomas respiratorios y el derrame pleural -- observado a través del estudio radiográfico -- fue admitido en el Servicio de Neumología del Hospital General Docente "Dr. Juan Bruno Zayas Alfonso" de Santiago de Cuba, y allí se determinó que el afectado presentaba coinfección de tuberculosis pleural con el virus de inmunodeficiencia humana/sida, para lo cual se le indicó la categoría 1 del tratamiento establecido a los efectos.

The case report of a 19 year-old patient is presented. He had been admitted in Cienfuegos province under the diagnosis of pleural parapneumonic effusion, for which wide spectrum antibiotics were administered which produced him a mild clinical improvement, so he was discharged. Due to the persistence of the breathing difficulties and of the pleural effusion -- observed through the radiographic study -- he was admitted in the Pulmonology Service of "Dr. Juan Bruno Zayas Alfonso" Teaching General Hospital from Santiago de Cuba, and there it was determined that this affected patient presented a confections of pleural tuberculosis with the human immunodeficiency virus/aids, for which the category 1 of the established treatment to the effects was indicated.

Rev. Soc. Bras. Med. Trop ; 46(5): 594-599, Sept-Oct/2013. tab, graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: lil-691419


Introduction This study evaluated the performance of an in-house nested-PCR system for the detection of the Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex in pleural fluid, blood and urine samples from pleural effusion tuberculosis patients by health services physicians in Pernambuco, Brazil. Methods A prospective double-blind study with 37 hospitalized patients of both sexes, aged over 15, was used to investigate the diagnosis of pleural effusion. The criteria used to define the cases included the demonstration of bacillus in biological samples by smear or culture or by a granulomatous finding in the histopathological examination, associated with an evident response to specific treatments to each clinical situation. Pleural fluid, blood and urine samples were collected and subjected to routine tests and the nested PCR technique to assess for M. tuberculosis amplification. Results In total, 37 pleural effusion patients took part in the study, of whom 19 (51.3%) had tubercular etiologies and 18 (48.7%) had etiologies from other causes. When the pleural fluid, blood and/or urine sample in-house nested-PCR sensitivities were evaluated simultaneously, the results were positive regardless of the biological specimen (the sensitivity was 84.2%); however, when the blood and/or urine samples were analyzed together, the sensitivity was 72.2%. When the pleural fluid samples were evaluated alone, the sensitivity was only 33.3%. Conclusions The performance of the diagnostic pleural tuberculosis nested-PCR was directly related to the diversity of the samples collected from the same patient. Additionally, this study may identify a need to prioritize non-invasive blood and urine collection for this diagnosis. .

Adolescente , Adulto , Anciano , Femenino , Humanos , Masculino , Persona de Mediana Edad , Adulto Joven , Mycobacterium tuberculosis/genética , Reacción en Cadena de la Polimerasa/métodos , Tuberculosis Pleural/diagnóstico , ADN Bacteriano/análisis , Método Doble Ciego , Valor Predictivo de las Pruebas , Estudios Prospectivos , Derrame Pleural/microbiología , Reproducibilidad de los Resultados , Sensibilidad y Especificidad , Tuberculosis Pleural/sangre , Tuberculosis Pleural/orina
Gac. méd. Caracas ; 120(3): 187-196, jul.-sept. 2012. tab
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: lil-706246


El diagnóstico de la tuberculosis pleural es difícil usando solo los métodos convencionales. El objetivo de este trabajo es demostrar la eficacia de la adenosina deaminasa, interferón gamma y biopsia pleural para el diagnóstico de tuberculosis pleural y si estos biomarcadores podrían obviar la práctica de la biopsia. Se realizó el estudio prospectivo de 52 muestras de líquido pleural y 54 biopsias pleurales de 52 pacientes (M/F: 30/22). La edad promedio fue 38,8 ± 20,6 años. Los derrames fueron: tuberculosis pleural, 33 (63,46%), asociados a infección respiratoria baja. 10 (19,23%) y 9 neoplásicos (17,30%). La sensibilidad de interferon gamma, adenosina deaminasa y biopsia fue de: 88,0%, 76,0% y 65,0%, respectivamente y especificidad de: 78,0%, 63,0% y 100,0% respectivamente. Conclusiones: la adenosina deaminasa no es util aislada como método diagnóstico para la tuberculosis pleural. Se recomienda no obviar el cultivo ni la biopsia plaural y siendo Venezuela un país de alta prevalencia de tuberculosis, hacer de rutina, la medición de interferón gamma y la toracoscopia.

The diagnosis of pleural tuberculous is difficult using only conventional methods. The aim of this paper is to demostrate the efficacy of the adenosine deaminase Interferon gamma and pleural biopsy for the diagnosis of pleural tuberculosis and if these biomarkers could ignore the practice of the biopsy. The prospective study of 52 samples of pleural fluid and 54 pleural biopsies of 52 patients was conducted. The median age was 38.8 (20.6 years.). Tuberculosis etiology spills were 33 (63.46%): associated with low respiratory infection 10 (19.23%) and 9 neoplastic (17,30%). The sensitivity of Interferon gamma, adenosine deaminase and biopsy was 88.0%, 76.0% to 65.0% respectively and the specificity was 78.0% and 63.0% 100.0% respectively. Conclusions: the adenosine deaminase is not useful only as a diagnostic method for the pleural tuberculosis. It is recommended to not override the cultivation or do the pleural biopsy and being Venezuela as a country of high prevalence of tuberculosis. make routine, the measurement of gamma interferon and the thoracoscopy it is recommended.

Humanos , Masculino , Adolescente , Femenino , Adenosina Desaminasa , Infecciones del Sistema Respiratorio/etiología , Inhibidores de la Adenosina Desaminasa/administración & dosificación , Interferón gamma , Toracoscopía/métodos , Tuberculosis Pleural/diagnóstico , Tuberculosis Pleural/terapia , Biopsia/métodos , Derrame Pleural/fisiopatología , Esputo/citología , Técnicas y Procedimientos Diagnósticos/tendencias
Clinical Medicine of China ; (12): 161-163, 2011.
Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-407138


Objective To investigate the clinical diagnostic evidences of pleural tuberculosis (PT).Methods One hundred and eighty patients with pleural effussion, whom were admited into our hospital from December 2007 to December 2009 ,were enrolled into this study. The clinical data of patients confirmed with PT ( n = 90) or Non-PT ( n = 90) were analyzed retrospectively. The likelihood ratios( LR), sensitivity, specificity,positive predictive value,and nagative predictive value of six indices including pleural ADA, IFN-γ, sIL-2R ,TB-antibody in blood and pleural effusion, age and fever status were calculated. Results The variable with the hightest LR+ was ADA optimal threshold, followed by TB-antibody, IFN-γ, age, sIL-2R, fever status, If all six variables reached the optimal threshold,the probabilities of PT exceeded 99.9%. However,if all variables didn't reached the optimal threshold, the probabilities of PT were less than 1%. Among all the six variables, any four or over four variables reached the optimal threshold, the probabilities of PT exceeded 97%. Conclusion The combination use of these six variables can aid the clinical analysis, early detection, and therapy instruction,complication prevention of PT.

Braz. j. infect. dis ; 14(2): 183-185, Mar.-Apr. 2010. ilus, tab
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: lil-548471


Pleural tuberculosis occurs in 30 percent of patients with tuberculosis, and the percentage of patients with tuberculosis pleural effusions is comparable to human immunodeficiency virus HIV-positive and HIV-negative individuals, although pleural tuberculosis is rare in HIV-positive patients with CD4+ counts < 200 cells/mm³. Pleural tuberculosis in HIV-positive patients is likely to happen in young patients, and is more frequent in intravenous drug abusers, with more acid-fast bacilli identifiable in pleural tissue. We report a rare case of pleural tuberculosis in a severely immunosuppressed HIVpositive patient, presented as two parasternum pleural-cutaneous fistula.

Adulto , Humanos , Masculino , Infecciones Oportunistas Relacionadas con el SIDA/diagnóstico , Fístula Cutánea/diagnóstico , Tuberculosis Pleural/diagnóstico , Infecciones Oportunistas Relacionadas con el SIDA/tratamiento farmacológico , Resultado Fatal , Tomografía Computarizada por Rayos X , Tuberculosis Pleural/tratamiento farmacológico
Braz. j. phys. ther. (Impr.) ; 14(2): 127-132, Mar.-Apr. 2010. ilus, tab
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: lil-549352


BACKGROUND: Tuberculosis (TB) remains as an important public health problem worldwide. The most common type is pulmonary TB, and the most prevalent form of extra-pulmonary disease among HIV-negative patients is pleural disease. OBJECTIVE: The objective of the present study was to determine the effect of continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) on fluid absorption among patients with pleural effusion due to TB. METHODS: Twenty patients were randomized into two groups. The interventional group (n=10) received CPAP three times a week during the initial four weeks of anti-TB treatment, and the control group (n=10) received anti-TB drugs only. The primary endpoint was the volume of pleural fluid after four weeks of treatment. Both groups were submitted to thoracic computed tomography using three-dimensional image reconstruction. The Mann-Whitney test for independent samples and the Wilcoxon paired samples test were used for statistical analysis. The normal distribution samples were analyzed using the unpaired t test. RESULTS: The reduction of pleural effusion volume was significantly greater in the intervention group (83.5 percent±SD 3.6) than in the control group (36.9 percent±SD 2.9; p<0.001), and the final dyspnea index was lower in the Intervention group than in the control group (p=0.002). CONCLUSION: Our findings indicate that CPAP during the first month of TB treatment accelerates the absorption of pleural effusion, however, additional studies are needed to confirm these findings and evaluate the impact of CPAP on pleural sequelae after the end of anti-TB treatment.

CONTEXTUALIZAÇÃO: A tuberculose (TB) permanece como um importante problema de saúde pública no mundo. A forma mais comum de apresentação é a pulmonar e, em pacientes soronegativos, a forma de doença extrapulmonar mais prevalente é a pleural. OBJETIVO: O objetivo deste estudo foi determinar o efeito da pressão positiva contínua em vias aéreas (CPAP) na absorção do derrame pleural em pacientes com tuberculose. MÉTODOS: Vinte pacientes foram randomizados em dois grupos. O grupo intervenção (n=10) recebeu CPAP três vezes por semana durante as quatro primeiras semanas do tratamento anti-TB, e o grupo controle (n=10) recebeu somente droga anti-TB. O ponto final de avaliação foi o volume de líquido pleural após quatro semanas de tratamento. Ambos os grupos foram submetidos à tomografia computadorizada, usando a reconstrução tridimensional (3D) da imagem. A análise estatística foi realizada por meio do teste de Mann-Whitney para amostras independentes e Wilcoxon para amostras pareadas, e as que apresentaram distribuição normal foram analisadas por meio do teste t de Student não pareado. RESULTADOS: A redução do volume de derrame pleural foi significativamente maior no grupo intervenção (83,5 por cento±DP 3,6) que no grupo controle (36,9 por cento±DP 2,9) (p<0,001), e o índice de dispnéia final foi menor no grupo CPAP que no grupo controle (p=0,002). CONCLUSÃO: Tais achados indicam que a CPAP, durante o primeiro mês de tratamento anti-TB, acelera a absorção do derrame pleural, no entanto estudos adicionais são necessários para confirmar estes achados e avaliar o impacto da CPAP na sequela pleural após o término do tratamento anti-TB.

Adulto , Femenino , Humanos , Masculino , Presión de las Vías Aéreas Positiva Contínua , Derrame Pleural/etiología , Derrame Pleural/terapia , Tuberculosis Pulmonar/complicaciones , Absorción , Estudios Prospectivos , Método Simple Ciego
Med. interna (Caracas) ; 26(2): 81-90, 2010. tab
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: lil-772236


El derrame pleural es una complicación frecuente de afecciones pulmonares que involucran a la pleura, como el cáncer y la tuberculosis pulmonar, entre otros. El líquido pleural puede ser trasudado o exudado. La historia clínica es fundamental en el estudio del derrame pleural. La Rx de tórax, el ultrasonido torácico y la TC de tórax, ayudan a confirmar la sospecha clínica. Los aspectos macroscópicos más comunes del líquido pleural son el seroso y el hemorrágico. El análisis bioquímico completo y los criterios de Light clasifican el derrame pleural y orientan gran parte del diagnóstico. El cultivo bacteriológico, micológico y para micobacterias, tanto del líquido como del tejido pleural, deben practicarse de rutina. El estudio citomorfológico y la citología del mismo, así como la biopsia de pleura, siguen siendo herramientas claves. En la tuberculosis pleural, deben realizarse los estudios convencionales para el líquido, así como la Adenosina deaminasa, como método eficaz que debería ser utilizado de rutina en nuestro medio. El interferón gamma en el líquido pleural, es una prueba sensible y específica y las pruebas de amplificación de ácidos nucleicos son útiles, pero deben ser realizadas e interpretadas en el contexto de la historia clínica y los estudios convencionales

Pleural effusion is a common complication of pulmonary disorders, such as lung cancer and tuberculosis, among others. The medical history is crucial in the study of pleural effusion. The chest X-ray, ultrasound and chest CT scan of the chest will help confirm the clinical suspicion. The most common macroscopic aspects of the pleural fluid are serous and hemorrhagic. The full biochemical analysis and the Light criteria will classify pleural effusion and to lead the diagnosis. The bacteriological culture, while mycological mycobacteria and fluid as pleural tissue, must be practiced routinely. The survey of cytological cytomorphology as well as the pleural biopsy are key tools. In pleural tuberculosis, conventional studies should be practised for the pleural fluid, as well as adenosine deaminase, which is effective and should be used routinely. Gamma interferon test in the pleural fluid is sensitive and specific and nucleic acid amplification is useful but should be used and interpreted in the context of the clinical history and conventional studies

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Derrame Pleural/diagnóstico , Radiografía/métodos , Tuberculosis Pleural/complicaciones , Medicina Interna , Selección de Paciente , Neumología
Gac. méd. Caracas ; 117(3): 231-242, sep. 2009. ilus, tab
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: lil-630579


El diagnóstico etiológico del derrame pleural tuberculoso, es difícil. La clínica y los ensayos paraclínicos suelen ser inespecíficos. El objetivo de este trabajo fue evaluar la sensibilidad y especificidad de la reacción en cadena de la polimerasa en tejido pleural para el diagnóstico de tuberculosis en comparación con el cultivo e histopatología, en pacientes con derrame pleural que ingresaron al servicio de Medicina Interna del Hospital “Dr. Domingo Luciani”, Caracas, Venezuela, entre abril de 2005 y agosto de 2006. Se estudiaron 52 pacientes, M/F (30 (57,7 por ciento)/22 (42,3 por ciento), con una edad promedio de 39 años. El valor de sospecha clínica fue del 69,2 por ciento. El cultivo resultó positivo en 6 casos (11,5 por ciento) y se identificaron lesiones granulomatosas tuberculoides en 40,4 por ciento. La reacción en cadena de la polimerasa mostró una sensibilidad del 50 por ciento y especificidad del 61 por ciento. Se concluyó que es una prueba eficaz para el diagnóstico de tuberculosis pleural

The diagnosis of tuberculous pleural effusion is difficult. The clinical trials and paraclinical essays are often nonspecific. The aim of this study was to evaluate the sensitivity and specificity of the polymerase chain reaction in pleural tissue for the diagnosis of tuberculosis in comparison with the culture and histopathological studies in patients with pleural effusion admited to the service of Internal Medicine Hospital Dr. Domingo Luciani, Caracas, Venezuela, between April 2005 and August 2006. We studied 52 patients, M/F (30 (57.7 percent)/22 (42.3 percent), with an average age of 39 years. The value of clinical suspicion was 69.2 percent. The culture was positive in 6 cases (11.5 percent) and tuberculoides granulomatous lesions were identified in 40.4 percent. Polymerase chain reaction showed a sensitivity of 50 percent and specificity of 61 percent. It was concluded that it is an effective test for the diagnosis of pleural tuberculosis

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Adulto , Disnea/diagnóstico , Infecciones por VIH/mortalidad , Pérdida de Peso/fisiología , Tuberculosis Pleural/diagnóstico , Tuberculosis Pleural/etiología , Biopsia/métodos , Cultivo de Virus/métodos , ADN
Rev. costarric. cienc. méd ; 26(3/4): 45-50, jul.-dic.2005. ilus
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: lil-581117


La tuberculosis pleural es una condición prevalente en hasta un 30 por ciento de los pacientes con tuberculosis, y de hecho constituye una de las manifestaciones más frecuentes de la presentación inicial. El diagnóstico de la tuberculosis pleural usualmente presenta la dificultad característica de demostrar la infección por Mycobacterium tuberculosis mediante confirmación directa en tinciones y cultivos, lo que ha impulsado el establecimiento de nuevos criterios y el desarrollo de intervenciones dirigidas a mejorar la sensibilidad de los métodos diagnósticos. Se reporta el caso de un paciente con derrame pleural unilateral cuya presentación clínica satisface los criterios diagnósticos de tal condición.

Pleural tuberculosis is a condition present in more than 30% of patients with tuberculosis, in fact it is a rather common initial presentation. Pleural tuberculosis diagnostic is often difficult by direct confirmation of Mycobacterium tuberculosis in cultures and stains, it has lead the development of new criteria and interventions focused in the improvement of the sensibility diagnostic methods. We describe a patient with unilateral pleural effusion who met the criteria of this clinical condition.

Humanos , Masculino , Adulto , Tuberculosis Pleural