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Agora USB ; 16(2): 623-642, jul.-dic. 2016.
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: lil-793098


Cuatro economistas marxistas desenvolvieron en la posguerra importantes estudios de la relacióncentro-periferia. Mientras que Paul Baran y Paul Sweezy fueron precursores de ese abordaje, SamirAmín y Ernest Mandel aportaron desarrollos más elaborados del mismo tema. Todos investigaron en un período de reconstrucción pos-bélica y expansión capitalista, que amplió la brecha entre las economías avanzadas y atrasadas. ¿Cuál fue su visión de esa asimetría?.

Important studies of the downtown-periphery relationship were developed by four Marxist economists in the postwar. While Paul Baran and Paul Sweezy were precursors to this approach, Samir Amín and Ernest Mandel provided more elaborate developments of the same subject. All of them investigated in a post-war reconstruction and a capitalist expansion period, which widened the gap between the advanced and the lagged economies. What was your vision of this asymmetry?.

Conflictos Armados , Comunismo/economía , Factores Socioeconómicos , Poder Judicial , Poder Público
Rev. bras. estud. popul ; 31(1): 151-167, jan.-jun. 2014. tab
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: lil-714756


O presente trabalho se insere no âmbito da história social da imigração para São Paulo, focalizando especificamente o período comumente classificado como a retomada da imigração, no pós-Segunda Guerra Mundial, quando as entradas se dividem basicamente em dois momentos: 1947-1951, com o apoio da Organização Internacional das Migrações (OIR); e 1952-1980, com o apoio do Comitê Intergovernamental para as Migrações Europeias (Cime). O estudo enfoca a nacionalidade polonesa no quadro da imigração dos chamados "deslocados de guerra", provenientes dos campos de refugiados da Alemanha e da Áustria. Com base na documentação do Memorial do Imigrante, sistematizada em um banco de dados, e nos artigos publicados na Revista de Imigração e Colonização (RIC), procura-se contextualizar a discussão do período, sobre a necessidade e conveniência ou não da entrada desses imigrantes deslocados que foram introduzidos graças a acordos entre o Brasil e a OIR, além de traçar o perfil desses imigrantes, que formavam o maior grupo entre as nacionalidades entradas no período. O foco na imigração polonesa do pós-guerra ressalta a especificidade desse fluxo, cujo perfil se diferencia das levas anteriores num contexto marcado, preferencialmente, pela proteção ao trabalhador nacional e ao migrante interno...

This paper deals with the social history of the immigration to São Paulo. It focuses specifically on the period that is usually known as the resumption of immigration after World War II, when the arrivals of immigrants were divided basically into two periods: 1947-1951, with backing from the International Organization for Migration (IOM), and from 1952 to 1980, with the support of the Intergovernmental Committee for European Migration (ICEM). This paper focuses on the so-called "displaced persons" of Polish nationality, one among many groups of different nationalities who were freed from the refugee camps in Germany and Austria. This study was supported by documentation from the Immigrant Memorial, which has been systemized into a database, and is based on articles published in the Journal of Immigration and Colonization (JIC). The aim of this study is to contextualize the discussion on the need and convenience of the arrival of these displaced Polish immigrants, who were taken in through agreements between Brazil and the IRO at that time. This paper also outlines the profile of these immigrants, characterized as the largest group among the nationalities that arrived in Brazil during that period. The focus on post-war Polish immigration indicates the specific character of this group, whose profile differed from previous waves of immigrants to Brazil in a context strongly marked by movements to protect Brazilian workers and internal migrants...

El presente artículo se inserta en el ámbito de la historia social de la inmigración hacia São Paulo, enfocando específicamente el periodo que se suele clasificar como la retomada de la inmigración, en la pos Segunda Guerra Mundial, cuando las entradas se dividen básicamente en dos periodos: 1947-1951, con el apoyo de la Organización Internacional de las Migraciones (OIR) y 1952-1980, con el apoyo del Comité Intergubernamental para las Migraciones Europeas (CIME). Enfoca la nacionalidad polonesa en el marco de la inmigración de los chamados "desplazados de guerra", constituidos por personas provenientes de distintas ciudades en los campos de refugiados de Alemania y Austria. Apoyado en la documentación del Memorial del Inmigrante, sistematizada en un banco de datos, y en los artículos publicados en la Revista de Imigração e Colonização (RIC), tiene el objetivo de contextualizar la discusión del periodo, sobre la necesidad y la conveniencia del ingreso de dichos inmigrantes desplazados que fueron introducidos gracias a acuerdos entre Brasil y la OIR, además de trazar el perfil de estos inmigrantes, que se caracterizaban como el mayor grupo entre las nacionalidades que ingresaron en el mencionado periodo. El enfoque en la inmigración polonesa de la posguerra destaca la especificidad de este flujo, cuyo perfil se diferencia de los flujos anteriores en un contexto marcado preferentemente por la protección al trabajador nacional y al migrante interno...

Humanos , Emigrantes e Inmigrantes , Emigración e Inmigración/historia , Refugiados , Grupos Profesionales , Brasil/etnología , Polonia/etnología , Segunda Guerra Mundial
Korean Journal of Medical History ; : 119-161, 2011.
Artículo en Coreano | WPRIM | ID: wpr-150651


This paper deals with cerebral paragonimiasis and cerebral hemispherectomy conducted as a treatment of cerebral paragonimiasis by Bo Sung Sim in Korea in 1950s-1960s. He demonstrated that cerebral hemispherectomy could be used for unilateral diffuse cerebral paragonimiasis. Sim learned cerebral hemispherectomy from Dr. L. A. French. at the University of Minnesota from 1955 to 1957 in America. The authors argues that Bo Sung Sim's introduction of cerebral hemispherectomy to Korea was not a simple application of an advanced medical technology, but a complicated and active process in that Sim used the technique to intervene intractable complications from cerebral paragonimiasis such as generalized convulsions, spastic hemiplegia and mental deterioration. Bo Sung Sim, one of the neurosurgeons of the first generation in Korea, was trained in neurology, neuropathology, neuroradiology and animal experiments as well as in neurosurgery at the University of Minnesota. After returning to Korea, Sim faced parasitic diseases, one of the most serious public health problems at that time, which were far different from what he learned in America. As a neurosurgeon, Sim tackled with parasitic diseases of the central nervous system with various diagnostics and therapeutics. In 1950s, more than one million populations suffered from pulmonary paragonimiasis acquired by eating raw crabs or by feeding juice of crushed crayfish for the treatment of measles in Korea. About 26.6 percent of people with paragonimiasis had cerebral paragonimiasis. Before bithionol therapy was introduced in 1962, neurosurgery was the only available treatment to control increased intracranial pressures, intractable epilepsy, paralysis and mental deterioration. Between 1958 to 1962, Bo Sung Sim operated on 24 patients of cerebral paragonimiasis. In two of them, he performed cerebral hemispherectomy to control intractable convulsions when he found diffuse cerebral paragonimiasis and cerebral atrophy at the operating table. The two patients were recovered dramatically after the operation. The first patient became a part of medical campus for 20 years after hemispherectomy, doing chores at the hospital and helping Bo Sung Sim for his teaching neuroanatomy. The presence of the hemispherectomized patient in the classroom impressed the students deeply. Furthermore, the hemispherectomized patient stimulated Sim and his school to perform research upon the neuroanatomy and neurophysiology of the brain with hemispherectomized animals.

Animales , Humanos , Encéfalo/parasitología , Hemisferectomía/historia , Historia del Siglo XX , Paragonimiasis/historia , Enfermedades Parasitarias/historia , Trematodos