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Rev. enferm. UERJ ; 32: e79036, jan. -dez. 2024.
Artículo en Inglés, Español, Portugués | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1554445


Objetivo: analisar a produção científica brasileira, na Pós-Graduação em Enfermagem, que utilizou o método de adaptação transcultural. Método: estudo documental, com busca realizada na Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertações, que resultou em 140 dissertações e 72 teses para análise, oriundas de Programas de Pós-Graduação da região Sudeste, seguida das regiões Nordeste, Sul e Centro-Oeste, sem representação da região Norte. Resultados: os instrumentos adaptados foram, em sua maioria, procedentes do idioma inglês. Prevaleceram as pesquisas na área/campo Assistencial, destacando-se a linha de pesquisa Processo de Cuidar em Saúde e Enfermagem. Identificou-se descompasso entre o que é produzido na área e o que é recomendado internacionalmente. Conclusão: verificou-se aumento na utilização da adaptação transcultural como método de pesquisa, com persistência das assimetrias acadêmicas regionais e sem consenso sobre o referencial metodológico.

Objective: to analyze the Brazilian scientific production in Postgraduate Nursing education using the cross-cultural adaptation method. Method: documentary study with searches carried out in the Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations resulting in 140 Master's theses and 72 Doctoral dissertations for analysis originated from Postgraduate Programs carried out in the Southeast region of Brazil, followed by the Northeast, South and Midwest regions ­ there was no representation of the North region. Results: the adapted instruments were, mostly, originally written in English. Research in the Care area/field prevailed, highlighting the line of research called Health and Nursing Care Process. A gap between what is produced in the area and what is recommended internationally was identified. Conclusion: an increase in the use of cross-cultural adaptation as a research method was noticed, with the persistence of regional academic asymmetries and lack of consensus on the methodological framework.

Objetivo: analizar la producción científica brasileña, en el Postgrado en Enfermería, que utilizó el método de adaptación transcultural. Método: estudio documental, la búsqueda se realizó en la Biblioteca Digital de Tesis y Disertaciones, se obtuvieron 140 tesis de maestría y 72 tesis de doctorado para análisis, provenientes de Programas de Posgrado de la región Sudeste, seguida de las regiones Nordeste, Sur y Centro-Oeste, no se encontraron documentos de la región Norte. Resultados: los instrumentos adaptados fueron, en su mayoría, del idioma inglés. Predominaron las investigaciones en el área/campo Asistencial, se destacó la línea de investigación Proceso de Atención en Salud y Enfermería. Se identificó que lo que se produce en el área no coincide con lo que se recomienda a nivel internacional. Conclusión: se comprobó que aumentó el uso de la adaptación transcultural como método de investigación, que persisten las disparidades académicas regionales y que no hay consenso sobre el marco metodológico.

Humanidad. med ; 24(2)ago. 2024.
Artículo en Español | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1564582


Introducción: Las redes académicas adquieren elevada significación para la gestión colaborativa de la interdisciplinariedad en la educación de posgrado, de ahí que se suscite el análisis, para su optimización, en el proceso pedagógico de posgrado. El objetivo del presente estudio consistió en revelar criterios teórico-metodológicos para el empleo de las redes académicas en función de la interdisciplinariedad en la educación de posgrado. Métodos: Investigación cualitativa, comprendida entre noviembre de 2022 a septiembre de 2023. Incluyó el empleo de métodos teóricos como el análisis y síntesis, el histórico y lógico, la sistematización y la modelación. Entre los métodos empíricos se aplicó la revisión de documentos y la consulta a especialistas. También se empleó el análisis porcentual para procesar datos. Resultados: Se revelan criterios teórico-metodológicos que fundamentan el empleo de redes académicas en el posgrado, al considerar elementos asociados a la interdisciplinariedad, el trabajo colaborativo, las relaciones interprofesionales e intersectoriales y las alianzas interinstitucionales, a partir de las exigencias de ese nivel educacional. Este resultado es ampliamente generalizable al diseño y gestión de programas de posgrado en sus dos vertientes: superación profesional y formación académica. Discusión: Investigaciones precedentes evidencian un consenso sobre las potencialidades de las redes académicas para el desarrollo del aprendizaje colaborativo, la gestión de proyectos y la práctica interdisciplinaria. Los resultados de este estudio optimizan su empleo en el proceso pedagógico de posgrado. Los criterios teórico-metodológicos revelados en el presente trabajo, tienen un enfoque holístico con elevada pertinencia, según criterios valorativos de los especialistas que participaron en el estudio.

Introduction: Academic networks acquire high significance for the collaborative management of interdisciplinarity in postgraduate education, hence the analysis arises, for its optimization, in the postgraduate pedagogical process. The objective of this study was to reveal theoretical-methodological criteria for the use of academic networks based on interdisciplinarity in postgraduate education. Methods: Qualitative research, between november 2022 and september 2023. It included the use of theoretical methods such as analysis and synthesis, historical and logical, systematization and modeling. Among the empirical methods, document review and consultation with specialists were applied. Percentage analysis was also used to process data. Results: Theoretical-methodological criteria are revealed that support the use of academic networks in postgraduate studies, when considering elements associated with interdisciplinarity, collaborative work, interprofessional and intersectoral relationships and inter-institutional alliances, based on the demands of that educational level. This result is widely generalizable to the design and management of postgraduate programs in its two aspects: professional development and academic training. Discussion: Previous research shows a consensus on the potential of academic networks for the development of collaborative learning, project management and interdisciplinary practice. The results of this study optimize its use in the postgraduate pedagogical process. The theoretical-methodological criteria revealed in this work have a holistic approach with high relevance, according to the evaluation criteria of the specialists who participated in the study.

Nursing (Ed. bras., Impr.) ; 27(311): 10156-10160, maio.2024. ilus.
Artículo en Inglés, Portugués | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-1563254


Relatar a experiência vivenciada por enfermeiras mestrandas e docente de disciplina eletiva de universidade pública do interior de Minas Gerais. Método: estudo descritivo, do tipo relato de experiência, a fim de relatar reflexões críticas acerca da Política Nacional de Humanização (PNH) realizadas em disciplina de Programa de Pós-graduação stricto sensu ministrada entre agosto e novembro de 2023. Resultados: participaram sete enfermeiras, todas do sexo feminino, com vivências em instituições de saúde públicas e privadas. Foi possível compreender sobre diversos aspectos, e duas categorias foram elaboradas: Repercussões e entraves referentes à implantação plena da PNH; Humanização e ensino teórico-prático nas instituições formadoras. Também foi produzido um mapa mental sobre a temática. Conclusão: destaca-se a importância de discutir sobre humanização nas instituições de ensino para o aprofundamento do tema e disseminação do conhecimento associado ao olhar prático humanizado.(AU)

To report on the experience of master's degree nurses and a lecturer in an elective course at a public university in the interior of Minas Gerais. Method: this is a descriptive, experience-report type study, aimed at reporting critical reflections on the National Humanization Policy (NHP) carried out in a stricto sensu postgraduate program course taught between August and November 2023. Results: Seven nurses took part, all female, with experience in public and private healthcare institutions. It was possible to understand various aspects, and two categories were created: Repercussions and obstacles regarding the full implementation of the PNH; Humanization and theoretical-practical teaching in training institutions. A mind map on the subject was also produced. Conclusion: The importance of discussing humanization in educational institutions is highlighted in order to deepen the subject and disseminate knowledge associated with a practical humanized approach.(AU)

Relatar la experiencia de enfermeros de maestría y de un profesor en un curso electivo de una universidad pública del interior de Minas Gerais. Método: se trata de un estudio descriptivo, de tipo experiencia-informe, con el objetivo de relatar reflexiones críticas sobre la Política Nacional de Humanización (PNH) realizadas en una asignatura del programa de posgrado stricto sensu impartida entre agosto y noviembre de 2023. Resultados: Participaron siete enfermeras, todas del sexo femenino, con experiencia en instituciones de salud públicas y privadas. Se pudieron conocer diversos aspectos y se desarrollaron dos categorías: repercusiones y obstáculos en la plena implantación de la PNH; humanización y enseñanza teórico-práctica en las instituciones de formación. También se elaboró un mapa mental sobre el tema. Conclusión: Se destaca la importancia de discutir la humanización en las instituciones de enseñanza para profundizar el tema y difundir el conocimiento asociado a un abordaje humanizado práctico.(AU)

Transferencia de Experiencia en Psicología , Sistema Único de Salud , Enfermería , Programas de Posgrado en Salud , Humanización de la Atención
Rev. colomb. anestesiol ; 52(1)mar. 2024.
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1535714


After 70 years of the formalization of medical specialties in Colombia, very little progress has been made in the educational models for the acquisition of clinical competencies in these postgraduate programs. Furthermore, although there is already a law on human resources in health, the Colombian medical education system lacks specific regulations on the training of health professionals (physicians) in the different medical specialty programs offered in the country. Likewise, at present, factors such as the financial crisis of public hospitals, the limited number of accredited hospitals and the growing number of medical schools and specialization programs, affect the comprehensive and equal development of medical competencies of professionals who are trained as specialists in the different postgraduate medical programs offered in Colombia. In view of the above, the purpose of this article is to present a proposal for postgraduate medical education that prioritizes the adequate acquisition of competencies over compliance with the time required to complete the curricula of the different medical specialties. However, this involves several prerequisites: a regulatory body in charge of overseeing and monitoring the training of medical residents or specialists in the country; strong training in university teaching for professors practicing in medical schools and university hospitals; the standardization of the graduates profile; adequate financing of university hospitals, as well as appropriate support in the process of accreditation as such, and the self-evaluation and continuous improvement of postgraduate medical programs.

Después de 70 años de la formalización de las especialidades médicas en Colombia, ha habido muy pocos avances en los modelos educativos para la adquisición de competencias clínicas en estos programas de posgrado. Además, a pesar de que ya hay una ley sobre el talento humano en salud, en el sistema educativo médico colombiano no hay regulaciones específicas sobre la formación de profesionales de la salud (médicos) en los diferentes programas de especialidades médicas ofrecidos en el país. Igualmente, en la actualidad factores como la crisis financiera de los hospitales públicos, el escaso número de hospitales acreditados y el creciente número de facultades de medicina y de programas de especialización afectan la adquisición integral e igualitaria de competencias médicas de los profesionales que se forman como especialistas en los diferentes programas de posgrado médico ofrecidos en Colombia. Teniendo en cuenta lo anterior, el propósito de este artículo es presentar una propuesta de educación médica de posgrado que priorice la adecuada adquisición de competencias por encima del cumplimiento del tiempo fijado para completar los planes de estudios de las diferentes especialidades médicas. Sin embargo, para esto se requieren varios aspectos: un ente regulatorio encargado de vigilar y monitorear la formación de los residentes o especialistas médicos en el país; una fuerte capacitación en docencia universitaria a los profesores que ejercen en las facultades de medicina y hospitales universitarios; la homogenización del perfil de los egresados; una adecuada financiación de los hospitales universitarios, así como un apropiado acompañamiento en su proceso de acreditación como tal, y la autoevaluación y mejoramiento continuo de los posgrados médicos.

Rev. méd. Urug ; 40(1): e207, mar. 2024.
Artículo en Español | LILACS, BNUY | ID: biblio-1560249


Introducción: centralizar estudios superiores en Montevideo implica para las familias del interior del país gastos económicos, desarraigo familiar y pérdida de recursos humanos. La formación de especialistas en Pediatría en el interior comenzó en la década de 1980. En los últimos años se ha fortalecido, agregando escenarios de aprendizaje, docentes, recursos didácticos y evaluaciones. Objetivo: describir la experiencia en la descentralización de la docencia de especialistas en Pediatría entre 2007 y 2021 en los departamentos de Maldonado, Paysandú, Rivera y Salto. Metodología: estudio descriptivo, incluyendo estudiantes del posgrado de especialistas en Pediatría que realizaron su formación en Maldonado, Paysandú, Rivera y Salto, entre 2007 y 2021. Se describe el número de especialistas formados, las características personales o familiares que incidieron en la decisión de realizar el curso en el interior, desempeño curricular, lugar de ejercicio profesional, recursos humanos docentes disponibles. Resultados: en el período analizado 88 estudiantes cursaron el posgrado en las ciudades evaluadas, 33 en régimen de residencia. Eran oriundos/residentes del lugar, 78. Egresaron 57; 19 se encontraban cursando, 4 abandonaron. Un porcentaje variable de las instancias obligatorias del curso se realizaron en el interior. El tiempo promedio para realizar todas las actividades obligatorias fue de 3,3 años. Ejercen en el lugar de formación o en ciudades cercanas, 60. Paysandú y Salto cuentan con 34 horas docentes/semana. Maldonado con 6 horas docentes/semana y docentes honorarios. Rivera cuenta con docentes/tutores honorarios. Conclusiones: la descentralización de la docencia de Pediatría es un gran logro para las ciudades del interior, que forman sus propios recursos humanos, permitiendo que se radiquen en estas ciudades. Es necesario mejorar la oferta de actividades curriculares y horas docentes.

Introduction: Centralizing higher education studies in Montevideo entails economic expenses, family uprooting, and loss of human resources for families living in the interior of Uruguay. The training of pediatric specialists outside the capital city began in the 1980s. In recent years, this innovations has been reinforced by adding learning scenarios, teachers, didactic resources, and evaluations. Objective: to describe the experience of decentralizing the teaching of pediatric specialists between 2007 and 2021 in Maldonado, Paysandú, Rivera, and Salto. Method: Descriptive study, including postgraduate students of pediatris who completed their training in Maldonado, Paysandú, Rivera, and Salto between 2007 and 2021. The study describes the number of specialists trained, personal or family characteristics that influenced the decision to take the course in the interior, academic performance, place of professional practice, and available teaching staff. Results: during the study period, 88 students undertook postgraduate studies in the evaluated cities, 33 of which studied in a residency program. Of these, 78 were native to or residents of the area. Fifty six pediatricians graduated, 18 were still enrolled, and 4 dropped out. A variable percentage of the course's mandatory components were conducted in the interior. Average time to complete all mandatory activities was 3.3 years. Sixty graduates practice in the place of training or in nearby cities. Paysandú and Salto have 34 hours of teaching per week; Maldonado has 6 hours per week and honorary teachers. Rivera has honorary teachers/tutors. Conclusions: the decentralization of pediatric teaching is a significant achievement for inland cities in the interior of the country, as it allows them to train their own human resources, enabling them to settle in these cities. There is a need to improve the offer of curricular activities and teaching hours.

Introdução: a centralização do ensino superior em Montevidéu implica custos econômicos para as famílias do interior do país, o desenraizamento familiar e a perda de recursos humanos. A formação de especialistas em Pediatria no interior do país começou na década de 1980. Nos últimos anos foi fortalecida acrescentando cenários de aprendizagem, professores, recursos didáticos e avaliações. Objetivo: descrever a experiência de descentralização do ensino de especialistas em Pediatria entre 2007 e 2021 nos departamentos de Maldonado, Paysandú, Rivera e Salto. Metodologia: estudo descritivo, incluindo estudantes de pós-graduação em Pediatria que se formaram em Maldonado, Paysandú, Rivera e Salto, no período 2007-2021. Descrevemos o número de especialistas formados, as características pessoais ou familiares que influenciaram a decisão de fazer o curso no interior do país, o desempenho curricular, o local de prática profissional e recursos humanos docentes disponíveis. Resultados: no período analisado, 88 alunos fizeram a pós-graduação nas cidades avaliadas, 33 deles em regime de residência. Eram nativos/residentes no local, 78. 57 terminaram a pós-graduação, 19 ainda estavam em formação e 4 desistiram. Uma porcentagem variável das disciplinas obrigatórias do curso foi cursada no interior do país. O tempo médio para a realização das atividades obrigatórias foi de 3,3 anos. Sessenta trabalham no lugar de pós-graduação ou en cidades próximas. Paysandú y Salto tem 34 horas docentes/semana, Maldonado 6 horas docentes/semana e docentes honorários. Rivera tem docentes/tutores honorários. Conclusões: a descentralização do ensino de Pediatria é uma grande conquista para as cidades do interior, que formam seus próprios recursos humanos, permitindo que se estabeleçam nessas cidades. É necessário melhorar a oferta de atividades curriculares e a carga horária de ensino.

Pediatría/educación , Educación de Postgrado , Enseñanza/organización & administración
Basic & Clinical Medicine ; (12): 276-280, 2024.
Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1018609


Objective To explore the practice and significance of the new course of"Enhanced Recovery after Sur-gery(ERAS)and Perioperative Management"for graduate students under multidisciplinary cooperation.Methods The Department of Anesthesiology collaborated with the Department of Clinical Nutrition,Department of Geriatrics and six related surgical departments to develop a course of 30 credit hours on"ERAS and Perioperative Manage-ment"in Peking Union Medical College Hospital.Researchers analyzed the teaching effectiveness of the course by collecting survey questionnaires and evaluating scheme report of ERAS case.Results Researchers found that ten graduates joined this course and they believed that learning improved their understanding of ERAS related knowl-edge,such as preoperative nutrition and functional state optimization,intraoperative volume and temperature man-agement,prevention of postoperative nausea and vomiting,and perioperative pain management.Students had high satisfaction with the course and believed that it would help improve their clinical literacy.Conclusions The new course of"ERAS and Perioperative Management"for graduates may support capacity building in terms of clinical logic and thinking about ERAS and promotion of skills for perioperative management.Our experience of graduates′training with"Enhanced Recovery after Surgery and Perioperative Management"course can be shared by other trainers of health institution of China.

Basic & Clinical Medicine ; (12): 412-417, 2024.
Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1018631


Objective To explore the anxiety status and coping strategies of clinical postgraduates,and to provide practical approaches to promote their mental health.Methods Using the phenomenological research method of qualitative research,12 subjects were interviewed in a semi-structured way.Using the 7-step analysis method of Co-laizzi phenomenology,the original data were analyzed and summarized.Results Five themes were extracted,in-cluding stress sources and psychological condition,interpersonal relationship,adjustment to cope with stress,self-understanding,career understanding and future vision.Clinical work,scientific research and economic pressures were the main causes of anxiety to the interviewees,who made cognitive,psychological,attitudes and behaviors ad-justments,they hope to achieve a good work-life balance in the future.Conclusions Effective measures should be taken in view point of individual,school,family and social dimensions to alleviate anxiety and promote their physi-cal and mental health.

Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1023382


Objective:To establish an indicator system of entrustable professional activities (EPAs) for entering residency, and to provide support for targeted training and ability evaluation of entering residency.Methods:Based on the existing indicator systems of EPAs for entering residency in China and globally, two rounds of Delphi consultation were performed to identify and optimize the indicators for EPAs. The scores of indicators were evaluated using means and coefficient of variation, and the degree of expert authority and Kendall's W coefficient were used to test the reliability of results.Results:A total of 17 indicators for EPAs were established, which defined the entrustable level of each EPA that residents should reach at the time of entry and at the end of the first year.Conclusions:This study preliminarily establishes an indicator system of EPAs for entering residency.

Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1023402


Laboratory medicine is an important subject of auxiliary clinical diagnosis, and the postgraduate education of clinical laboratory diagnostics is the key to cultivating high-end laboratory talents. This study analyses the differences in the postgraduate education model of clinical laboratory diagnostics between China and Australia from the four aspects of academic degree system, curriculum setting, teaching methods, and autonomous learning ability training and discusses the postgraduate education reform of laboratory medicine in China. With reference to the advanced experience of countries with a well-developed education system, the education reform in China can improve the comprehensive quality of postgraduate student in laboratory medicine and enhance the medical level of China.

Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1023418


Objective:To investigate the cognition and learning habits of different types of postgraduates and evaluate learning effect and its potential risk factors on clinical epidemiology in a medical college, so as to provide relevant data for improving the teaching method and learning effect of clinical research methods for postgraduates.Methods:A cross-sectional study design was conducted to enroll all the postgraduates of Grade 2020 in a military medical school. A self-filled questionnaire was adopted to collect data. The discrepancy of cognition and learning habits between different types of postgraduates was evaluated by univariate analysis. Discussion was conducted to clarify the potential risk factors of learning effect. t tests or Mann-Whitney U tests were conducted to test the differences between groups for continuous variables. Chi-squared tests or McNemar tests were applied to evaluate the difference between groups for categorical variables. Results:A total of 652 postgraduate students were enrolled for analysis, including 409 master students (62.7) and 243 doctoral students (37.3). The proportion of doctoral students who have heard of clinical epidemiology ( χ2=19.99, P<0.001), who have learned clinical epidemiology ( χ2=9.20, P=0.002), who are interested in ( χ2=11.41, P=0.001) and think the course is important ( χ2=10.71, P=0.001), who previewed before class( χ2=11.21, P=0.001), reviewed after class ( χ2=3.29, P=0.001) and actively discuss in class ( χ2=11.64, P=0.001) is significantly higher than that of master students, the difference was statistically significance. The average score of all the postgraduates was (5.50±1.62) points before teaching and (7.47±1.90) points after teaching, the difference was statistically significant ( t=-23.49, P<0.001). After teaching, the grades of full-time students improved more than that of part-time graduate students, there was statistical significance in the master group ( t=4.41, P<0.001), while not in the doctor group ( t=0.94, P=0.351). Conclusions:The mastery of key points on clinical epidemiology have significantly improved after teaching among the postgraduates of different types. Different teaching methods and processes should be adopted to the variety of postgraduates according to their knowledge foundations and shortcomings. Besides, standardizing their learning habits are of certain significance to improve the learning effect.

Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1029896


It is of great significance to reposition the development of inspection discipline, vigorously promote the construction of talents and improve the overall scientific quality of industry personnel by training laboratory medicine postgraduate students with the combination strategies of medicine and engineering. Here, a series of explorations and practices was performed in the training process of graduate students in medical and industrial laboratory medicine in our department. This study has adopted a series of training measures for graduate students of laboratory medicine with characteristics of combination of medicine and engineering, including the construction of characteristic training concept, the construction of graduate tutor team, the targeted curriculum, and the exchange study in the institute of engineering. Significant teaching achievements have been made in personnel training and scientific research output, which is of great value for exploring the cultivation of new laboratory medicine professionals.

Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1030232


[Objective]To explore the construction measures of a new pattern of tutor-postgraduate relationship under the background of striving for"double first-class"traditional Chinese medicine(TCM)university,in order to continuously improve the quality of postgraduate training in TCM universities.[Methods]Under the background of striving for"double first-class"TCM universities,this paper introduces the practical significance of building a good mentoring relationship,and analyzes the outstanding problems existing in the mentoring relationship in the current TCM universities from the perspective of tutors and postgraduates-the two main subjects.[Results]Through the establishment of a good mentoring relationship,the tutor-postgraduate relationship has generally been positively influenced,and the communication between teachers and students has become closer and more efficient.Through a series of positive incentive mechanisms,tutors are more active in providing support and help to postgraduates in academic guidance,academic guidance and life care,and postgraduates are more active in cooperating with tutors in various scientific research work.The quantity and quality of academic papers published by postgraduates have been significantly improved,and the scientific research and teaching work of the tutor team have been carried out more efficiently with remarkable progress.[Conclusion]Starting from the three aspects of strengthening the positive core value of"respecting teachers and medicine",perfecting the relevant system and correcting the imbalance of the tutor-postgraduate relationship,the School of Basic Medicine of Zhejiang Chinese Medical University focuses on exploring the new mode of building a good tutor-postgraduate relationship,and puts forward feasible suggestions through a series of measures.This mode has significantly improved the tutor-postgraduate relationship.It not only plays a positive role in improving postgraduates'professional level and communication-scientific research-innovation ability,but also provides a guarantee for tutors to complete teaching and scientific research work successfully,which is worthy of further improvement and promotion.

Acta Medica Philippina ; : 93-98, 2024.
Artículo en Inglés | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1032136


Background@#Teachers in medicine do not only teach scientific facts about health and disease to their learners but they are also looked up to as role models. Little is known about the qualities of consultant-faculty members who are regarded as role models by Filipino internal medicine residents.@*Objective@#This study aimed to determine the reasons why consultant-faculty members are considered role models by Filipino internal medicine residents.@*Methods@#A cross-sectional survey was conducted among internal medicine residents at a tertiary national university hospital in the Philippines. Participants were asked to give the reasons for citing consultant-faculty members who they consider as role models.@*Results@#There were 81 residents who participated (93% response rate) who gave a total of 332 qualities as reasons for citing them as role models. The most commonly cited quality category was those of personal qualities (35.84% of all responses). This was followed by academic, clinical, teaching, leadership and research qualities. Physical qualities were the least cited (0.30% of all responses). Across the four batches of residents, personal qualities were consistently cited the most number of times, while physical qualities were consistently cited the least.@*Conclusion@#Filipino internal medicine residents identified personal qualities as the most frequent reason for considering their consultant-faculty as role models.

Medicina Interna
Medical Education ; : 183-188, 2024.
Artículo en Japonés | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1039988


Background: The AO entrance examination for the Medical Course at Kochi Medical School aims to select candidates who are not only knowledgeable but also exhibit strong interpersonal and presentation skills. This study sought to determine the impact of the AO exam’s group work and presentation components on students’ success post-graduation.Methods: Clinical training supervisors’ evaluations of interpersonal and presentation abilities were compared between AO entrance exam candidates and other selected candidates.Results: AO entrants showed superior performance in establishing patient-physician relationships, participating in team medicine, and delivering case presentations compared to their counterparts.Discussion: The AO entrance examination at Kochi Medical School proves to be an effective tool for assessing candidates’ interpersonal and presentation skills, which are essential for medical practitioners.

Medical Education ; : 8-12, 2024.
Artículo en Japonés | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1040142


[Introduction] In accordance with the 2018 revision of the Medical Care Act, prefectures have established career development programs for regional quota physicians aimed at both securing physicians committed to regional medical care and fostering their career development. We have surveyed and reviewed these programs across each prefecture.[Methods] The authors gathered information on the programs, which includes the acquisition of medical specialties, as well as the timing and duration of regional assignments, from the websites of each prefecture. The analysis of start timing and duration was limited to internal medicine.[Results] All prefectures have formulated programs. In more than 30% of the prefectures, regional quota physicians can choose any specialty from all available specialties. The regional assignment typically begins three years post-graduation, with a duration of four years in most cases.[Discussion] This nationwide trend provides a resource to evaluate the state of post-graduate education for regional quota physicians and to consider the future enhancement of these programs.

Cad. Saúde Pública (Online) ; 40(2): e00209222, 2024. tab
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1534115


Resumo: O objetivo do estudo é analisar o perfil de egressos e identificar fatores associados ao desempenho positivo relativo à trajetória de formação e de inserção profissional entre aqueles que concluíram cursos presenciais de mestrado e doutorado acadêmico da Fundação Oswaldo Cruz (Brasil). Participaram do estudo 2.462 egressos (1.402 de mestrado e 1.060 de doutorado) que responderam um questionário digital, contendo questões sobre perfil do egresso e inserção profissional antes do ingresso no curso e após a conclusão. Foi criada uma medida sobre "desempenho positivo pós-curso". Os resultados revelam que egressos de mestrado com impacto positivo do curso tendem a ser homens; ter especialização antes de ingressar no curso; ter emprego remunerado após o término do curso nas áreas de pesquisa, educação, assistência e gestão; e ser servidor público. No doutorado o seguinte perfil é evidenciado: egressos com emprego remunerado após o término do curso nas áreas de pesquisa ou educação; contratados por Regime Jurídico Único ou contrato temporário de pessoa jurídica; e com publicação científica ou patente. A avaliação/acompanhamento de egressos deve se instaurar como uma importante política pública educacional, incorporada no processo de autoavaliação institucional, o que possibilita rever rumos e prioridades na agenda educacional e pedagógica da instituição.

Abstract: This study aims to analyze the profile of graduates and identify factors associated with positive performance regarding training and professional insertion among those who have completed face-to-face master's and doctoral courses at the Oswaldo Cruz Foundation (Brazil). A total of 2,462 graduates participated in the study (1,402 master's and 1,060 doctoral graduates), who answered a digital questionnaire containing questions about individual characteristics and professional insertion before entering the course and after completion. A measure on "positive post-course performance" was created. The results show that Master's graduates with a positive impact from the course tend to be men; to have a specialization degree before entering the course; to have paid employment after finishing the course in the areas of research, education, assistance, and management; and to be civil servants. In the Doctorate, the following profile is evident: graduates with paid employment after finishing the course in the areas of research or education; hired under a single legal regime or temporary contract as a legal entity; and with a scientific publication or patent. Evaluating/monitoring graduates must be established as an important public educational policy, incorporated into the institutional self-evaluation process, which makes it possible to review directions and priorities in the institution's educational and pedagogical agenda.

Resumen: El objetivo del estudio es analizar el perfil de egresados e identificar factores asociados al desempeño positivo relacionado a la trayectoria de formación e inserción profesional entre aquellos que concluyeron cursos presenciales de maestría y doctorado académico de la Fundación Oswaldo Cruz (Brasil). Participaron del estudio 2.462 egresados (1.402 de maestría y 1.060 de doctorado) que contestaron el cuestionario de manera digital, con preguntas sobre el perfil del egresado y la inserción profesional antes del ingreso al curso y tras su conclusión. Se creó una medida sobre "desempeño positivo tras el curso". Los resultados muestran que los egresados de la maestría con un impacto positivo del curso tienden a ser hombres; tener especialización antes de ingresar al curso; tener trabajo remunerado tras concluir el curso en las áreas de investigación, educación, asistencia y gestión; y ser funcionario público. Se evidencia el siguiente perfil en el doctorado: egresados con trabajo remunerado tras el término del curso en las áreas de investigación o educación; contratados bajo un régimen jurídico único o un contrato temporal de persona jurídica; y con publicación científica o patente. La evaluación/seguimiento de egresados se debe establecer como una importante política pública educativa, incorporada en el proceso de autoevaluación institucional, lo que permite revisar direcciones y prioridades en la agenda educativa y pedagógica de la institución.

Braz. j. med. biol. res ; 57: e13258, 2024. tab, graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1528102


Screener, a board game supplemented with online resources, was introduced and distributed by the Brazilian Society of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics to postgraduate programs as an instructional tool for the process of drug discovery and development (DDD). In this study, we provided a comprehensive analysis of five critical aspects for evaluating the quality of educational games, namely: 1) description of the intervention; 2) underlying pedagogical theory; 3) identification of local educational gaps; 4) impact on diverse stakeholders; and 5) elucidation of iterative quality enhancement processes. We also present qualitative and quantitative assessments of the effectiveness of this game in 11 postgraduate courses. We employed the MEEGA+ online survey, comprising thirty-three close-ended unipolar items with 5-point Likert-type response scales, to assess student perceptions of the quality and utility of Screener. Based on 115 responses, the results indicated a highly positive outlook among students. In addition, we performed a preliminary evaluation of learning outcomes in two courses involving 28 students. Pre- and post-quizzes were applied, each consisting of 20 True/False questions directly aligned with the game's content. The analysis revealed significant improvement in students' performance following engagement with the game, with scores rising from 8.4 to 13.3 (P<0.0001, paired t-test) and 9.7 to 12.7 (P<0.0001, paired t-test). These findings underscore the utility of Screener as an enjoyable and effective tool for facilitating a positive learning experience in the DDD process. Notably, the game can also reduce the educational disparities across different regions of our continental country.

Psicol. USP ; 352024. ilus
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1537769


A Psicologia como campo de saber é chamada para compreender processos de invisibilização e subalternização de experiências, tais como o processo de masculinização de homens. A partir da análise de pesquisas em masculinidade(s) e sobre homens realizadas pelos programas de Pós-Graduação em Psicologia no Brasil disponíveis no Catálogo de Teses e Dissertações da Fundação Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior, compreendemos a importância de se introduzir critérios socioculturais como filtros em catálogos de indexação de pesquisas. Essa estratégia possibilita entender quem tem pesquisado sobre determinado campo teórico e dialogar de maneira mais afinado com as(os) interlocutoras(es) em uma pesquisa, auxiliando na promoção da inserção social, critério de avaliação estabelecido por essa fundação

Psychology as a field of knowledge is called upon to understand processes of invisibilization and subalternization of experiences, such as the process of masculinization of men. Based on an analysis of research into masculinity(ies) and men carried out by Postgraduate Programs in Psychology in Brazil, available in the Theses and Dissertations Catalog of the Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel (CAPES) Foundation, we understood the importance of introducing sociocultural criteria as filters in search indexing catalogs. This strategy makes it possible to understand who has been researching a given theoretical field and to engage in a more attuned dialogue with the interlocutor(s) in a piece of research, helping to promote social inclusion, an evaluation criterion established by CAPES

La Psicología como campo de conocimiento se utiliza para comprender los procesos de invisibilidad y subordinación de experiencias, como el proceso de masculinización de los hombres. A partir del análisis de estudios sobre masculinidad(es) y sobre hombres realizados por los Programas de Posgrado en Psicología en Brasil, disponibles en el Catálogo de Tesis de la Coordinación para el Perfeccionamiento del Personal de Educación Superior, entendemos la importancia de introducir criterios culturales, como filtros en los catálogos de indexación de búsqueda. Esta estrategia permite comprender a quienes vienen investigando sobre un determinado campo teórico y dialogar más de cerca con el(los) interlocutor(es) en una investigación, contribuyendo a promover la inclusión social, criterio de evaluación establecido por esta entidad

La Psicología como campo de conocimiento se utiliza para comprender los procesos de invisibilidad y subordinación de experiencias, como el proceso de masculinización de los hombres. A partir del análisis de estudios sobre masculinidad(es) y sobre hombres realizados por los Programas de Posgrado en Psicología en Brasil, disponibles en el Catálogo de Tesis de la Coordinación para el Perfeccionamiento del Personal de Educación Superior, entendemos la importancia de introducir criterios culturales, como filtros en los catálogos de indexación de búsqueda. Esta estrategia permite comprender a quienes vienen investigando sobre un determinado campo teórico y dialogar más de cerca con el(los) interlocutor(es) en una investigación, contribuyendo a promover la inclusión social, criterio de evaluación establecido por esta entidad

Humanos , Masculino , Metaanálisis como Asunto , Educación de Postgrado , Masculinidad , Hombres , Psicología , Actividades Científicas y Tecnológicas
Artículo en Español | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1564473


Introducción: Para las ciencias médicas resulta clave el papel del presidente del Comité Académico de la especialidad por lo complejo que resulta la conducción de los procesos de formación de los residentes, dada la diversidad de las especialidades, los escenarios docentes y la creciente matrícula. Objetivo: Identificar las potencialidades y debilidades en el comportamiento humano de los presidentes de los comités académicos de las especialidades médicas en la Facultad de Ciencias Médicas Calixto García. Métodos: Se realizó un estudio de desarrollo de corte educacional. Se emplearon métodos teóricos y empíricos, acompañados por un conjunto de procesos lógicos del pensamiento: análisis, síntesis, abstracción, generalización, entre otros. Resultados: Mediante la triangulación de los resultados de los indicadores evaluados, se identificaron como potencialidades el dominio de la lógica del plan de estudio y los elementos que integran el programa de formación; entre las debilidades educativas, el nivel para realizar la preparación de los profesores sobre el sistema de evaluación en el régimen de residencia; y, dentro de las debilidades organizativas, el nivel de aplicación de los documentos rectores para la formación de residentes. Conclusiones: Se realizó la identificación del estado del comportamiento humano de los presidentes de los comités académicos de las especialidades médicas en la Facultad de Ciencias Médicas Calixto García, lo que constituye el punto de partida para el diseño de actividades educativas continuas, permanentes y contextualizadas a la práctica pedagógica de los presidentes, encaminados al mejoramiento del comportamiento humano.

Introduction: For medical sciences, the role of a Chairperson to the Academic Committee of any specialty is paramount, due to the complexity of conducting the training of residents, given the diversity of specialties, the teaching scenarios and the growing enrollment. Objective: To identify the potentialities and weaknesses in the human behavior of the chairpersons to the academic committees of medical specialties at Facultad de Ciencias Médicas Calixto García. Methods: An educational development study was carried out. Theoretical and empirical methods were used, accompanied by a set of logical thought processes: analysis, synthesis, abstraction, generalization, among others. Results: Through the triangulation of the results of the evaluated indicators, the mastery of the logic of the study plan and the elements making up the training program were identified as potentialities; together with, among the educational weaknesses, the level to carry out the training of professors concerning the evaluation system in the residence regime; as well as, within the organizational weaknesses, the level of application of the guiding documents for the training of residents. Conclusions: The state of human behavior in the chairpersons to the academic committees of medical specialties at Facultad de Ciencias Médicas Calixto García was identified, being the starting point for the design of continuous and permanent educational activities contextualized according to the pedagogical practice of the chairpersons, aimed at the improvement of human behavior.

Artículo en Español | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1564479


Introducción: La educación de posgrado es uno de los componentes del modelo de formación continua de la educación superior y da seguimiento al pregrado. Objetivo: Caracterizar las formas organizativas de la formación académica y la superación profesional de la Facultad de Ciencias Médicas Manuel Fajardo durante el curso lectivo 2022. Métodos: Se realizó un estudio observacional descriptivo transversal en el que se describieron los resultados más significativos de las formas organizativas de la formación académica y la superación profesional. Resultados: Se realizaron 359 (68,6 %) y 164 (31,3 %) cursos de superación profesional y capacitación, respectivamente, para un total de 523 actividades. De los 359 cursos de superación, 37,3 % correspondieron a la atención primaria de salud. Se autorizaron 34 especialidades, de ellas 30 médicas, tres de enfermería y una de psicología. A nivel de los institutos existieron nueve especialidades (26,5 %), a nivel de los hospitales 23 especialidades (67,6 %) y dos en la atención primaria de salud (5,9 %). Existieron nueve maestrías aprobadas por la Comisión para la Educación de Posgrado (COPEP) y 13 nuevos expedientes en desarrollo. En relación con las maestrías aprobadas, 8 (88,8 %) pertenecían a los institutos. La estrategia doctoral fue dirigida a 21 residentes. Hubo 93 doctorandos y 85 doctores en ciencias. Conclusiones: A pesar de los avances que ha experimentado la Facultad de Ciencias Médicas Manuel Fajardo en relación con la superación profesional, y la formación académica del posgrado en cada uno de sus procesos sustantivos, se deben perfeccionar los procedimientos, viabilizar los caminos e incentivar el capital humano.

Introduction: Postgraduate education is one of the components of the continuous education model in higher education and follows the undergraduate. Objective: To characterize the organizational forms of academic training and professional development at Facultad de Ciencias Médicas Manuel Fajardo during the academic year 2022. Methods: A cross-sectional, descriptive and observational study was carried out, in which the most significant results of the organizational forms of academic training and professional improvement were described. Results: 359 (68.6%) and 164 (31.3%) professional development and training courses were carried out, respectively, for a sheer number of 523 activities. Of the 359 professional development courses, 37.3 % corresponded to primary health care. Thirty-four specialties were authorized, including 30 medical specialties, 3 nursing specialties and 1 psychology specialty. At the institute level, there were 9 specialties (26.5 %); at the hospital level, 23 specialties (67.6 %); and 2 specialties in primary health care (5.9 %). There were 9 approved master's degree programs by the Comisión para la Educación de Posgrado (COPEP) and 13 new programs under development. Of the approved master's degrees, 8 (88.8%) belonged to institutes. The doctoral strategy was targeted at 21 residents. There were 93 PhD students and 85 PhDs. Conclusions: Despite the advances experienced by Facultad de Ciencias Médicas Manuel Fajardo regarding professional improvement, as well as within postgraduate academic training in each of its substantive processes, procedures must be perfected, paths must be made viable and human capital must be encouraged.