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Rev. Flum. Odontol. (Online) ; 1(66): 40-52, jan-abr.2025. ilus, tab
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1570475


A atenção primária em saúde (APS) é o primeiro nível de atenção em saúde, sendo um elo entre a população e o setor de saúde. Tem-se buscado a humanização dos atendimentos, e essa mudança, refletida pelas mudanças da sociedade, trouxe a implementação da Política Nacional de Práticas Integrativas e Complementares (PNPIC) no SUS. O objetivo deste trabalho foi realizar uma análise da tendência da quantidade das práticas integrativas e complementares realizadas nas regionais de saúde de Sergipe de 2017 a 2023, associando com a cobertura da atenção primária. Foi realizada análise de dados secundários através do Departamento de Informática do Sistema Único de Saúde (DATASUS), como forma de organização no período de junho/2015 a junho/2023 por regional de saúde de Sergipe. As análises dos dados foram descritivas e de correlação e por meio de análise de série temporal. A regional de saúde de Lagarto foi a que mais executou as práticas integrativas e complementares no período analisado e algumas regionais não tiveram continuidade na realização destas práticas. A regional de saúde com maior cobertura de APS foi Itabaiana. Não foi possível observar associação entre o número de práticas e a cobertura de atenção primária. Com o intuito de que o atendimento aos indivíduos seja cada vez mais humanizado, e em virtude da realização das práticas integrativas ter baixo índice ou descontinuidade em algumas regiões de Saúde de Sergipe, é relevante que os profissionais de saúde busquem conhecimentos sobre essas práticas, como também, os gestores em saúde incentivem esta ação.

Primary health care (PHC) is the first level of health care, being a link between the population and the health sector. The aim has been to humanize care, and this change, reflected by changes in society, has led to the implementation of the National Policy on Integrative and Complementary Practices (PNPIC) in the SUS. The objective of this work was to carry out an analysis of the trend in the number of integrative and complementary practices carried out in the health regions of Sergipe from 2017 to 2023, associating it with primary care coverage. Secondary data analysis was carried out through the Department of Informatics of the Unified Health System (DATASUS), as a form of organization from June/2015 to June/2023 by health region in Sergipe. Data analyzes were descriptive and correlational and through time series analysis. The Lagarto health region was the one that carried out the most integrative and complementary practices in the period analyzed and some regions did not continue to carry out these practices. The health region with the highest PHC coverage was Itabaiana. Observing an association between the number of practices and primary care coverage was impossible. With the aim that care for individuals is increasingly humanized, and because the implementation of integrative practices has a low rate or discontinuity in some Health regions of Sergipe, health professionals must seek knowledge about these practices as well as health managers encourage this action.

Atención Primaria de Salud , Terapias Complementarias/tendencias , Salud Bucal , Análisis de Datos Secundarios
Artículo en Español | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1569239


Objetivo: Validar el contenido de un cuestionario de auto-reporte en español para explorar actitudes, prácticas y barreras de odontólogos no especialistas en periodoncia frente al diagnóstico y tratamiento de problemas periodontales y criterios para derivar. Materiales y métodos: Seis especialistas en periodoncia de cinco países latinoamericanos construyeron versión#1 de un cuestionario. 21 expertos de tres áreas disciplinares de 6 países valoraron de 1 a 5 (1: totalmente en desacuerdo, 5: totalmente de acuerdo) cada ítem en su pertinencia, relevancia, claridad y coherencia. Según grado de acuerdo se reformuló cada ítem y se construyó versión#2 que fue piloteada en 60 odontólogos no especialistas en periodoncia, 3 de ellos fueron entrevistados para evaluar la comprensión y semántica. Luego del análisis se elaboró la versión final (versión#3). Resultados: Los ítems formulados de versión#1 tuvieron una valoración promedio de 4,6 (rango 3.7-5). Fueron reformulados evitando palabras confusas y que tuvieran aceptación transversal en países participantes, se eliminó ítem con menor puntuación de acuerdo de expertos. La aplicación de versión#2 tuvo un tiempo de respuesta de 12 minutos, se reformularon opciones y agregaron 4 ítems para obtener la versión final con 44 preguntas. Conclusiones: Se construyó un cuestionario de auto-reporte con validez de contenido para evaluar actitudes y prácticas en salud-enfermedad periodontal en odontólogos generales o no especialistas en periodoncia de habla hispana.

Aim: T o validate the content of a self-report questionnaire in Spanish to explore attitudes, practices and barriers of dentists non-specialized in periodontics when facing the diagnosis and treatment of periodontal problems and criteria for referral. Materials and methods: Six specialists in periodontics from five Latin American countries constructed version#1 of a questionnaire. Twenty-one experts from 3 disciplinary areas from 6 countries rated each item from 1 to 5 (1: totally disagree, 5: totally agree) regarding its appropriateness, relevance, clarity, and coherence. According to the degree of agreement, the item was reformulated, and version #2 was built, which was tested on 60 dentists non-specialized in periodontics. Then, 3 of them were interviewed to assess comprehension and semantics. After analysis, the final version was prepared (version#3). Results: The items formulated in version#1 had an average score of 4.6 (range 3.7-5). Questions and options were reformulated, avoiding confusing words and having transversal acceptance in the participating countries. The items with the lowest degree of expert agreement were eliminated. The application of version#2 had a response time of 12 minutes, options were reformulated, and 4 items were added to obtain the final version with 44 questions. Conclusions: A self-report questionnaire with content validity was constructed to assess attitudes and practices in periodontal health and disease in Spanish-speaking general dentists or non-specialists in periodontics.

Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: biblio-1564704


En Bolivia, la adopción del minimalismo enfrenta obstáculos culturales y sociales importantes, en tal sentido, el estudio estuvo orientado al análisis de la factibilidad de implementación del minimalismo en la cultura boliviana, abordando los desafíos culturales que impiden su adopción. De esta forma se planteó un estudio cuantitativo, descriptivo, no experimental, de corte transversal, en el que se consideró una muestra de 384 personas entre 30 a 70 años, pertenecientes a las ciudades de mayor crecimiento, como Santa Cruz, El Alto, La Paz, Cochabamba, Sucre, Oruro, Potosí, encontrando que los principales desafíos se relacionan con la falta de conocimiento sobre sus beneficios y la presión social para consumir en exceso, se percibe al minimalismo como poco práctico y aburrido. En necesario implementar estrategias de manera gradual para lograr la adopción del minimalismo en el país.

In Bolivia, the adoption of minimalism faces significant cultural and social obstacles. Therefore, the study aimed to analyze the feasibility of implementing minimalism in Bolivian culture, addressing the cultural challenges that hinder its adoption. A quantitative, descriptive, non-experimental, cross-sectional study was proposed, considering a sample of 384 individuals aged 30 to 70, from major cities such as Santa Cruz, El Alto, La Paz, Cochabamba, Sucre, Oruro, Potosí. It was found that the main challenges are related to the lack of knowledge about its benefits and social pressure to consume excessively, perceiving minimalism as impractical and boring. It is necessary to implement strategies gradually to achieve the adoption of minimalism in the country.

Na Bolívia, a adoção do minimalismo enfrenta importantes obstáculos culturais e sociais. Nesse sentido, o estudo teve como objetivo analisar a viabilidade da implementação do minimalismo na cultura boliviana, abordando os desafios culturais que impedem sua adoção. Assim, foi proposto um estudo quantitativo, descritivo, não experimental, de corte transversal, que considerou uma amostra de 384 indivíduos com idades entre 30 e 70 anos, provenientes das cidades de maior crescimento, como Santa Cruz, El Alto, La Paz, Cochabamba, Sucre, Oruro, Potosí. Constatou-se que os principais desafios estão relacionados à falta de conhecimento sobre seus benefícios e à pressão social para consumir em excesso, sendo o minimalismo percebido como pouco prático e entediante. É necessário implementar estratégias gradualmente para alcançar a adoção do minimalismo no país.

Humanos , Adulto , Persona de Mediana Edad , Anciano , Arquitectura
Rev. bras. ativ. fís. saúde ; 29: 1-15, abr. 2024. fig, tab, quad
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: biblio-1561336


Identificar e analisar os temas presentes em artigos que relacionam, de alguma maneira, a Educação Física e o Programa Academia da Saúde é o objetivo deste manuscrito. Os dados foram coletados nos bancos de dados LILACS, SciELO, Biblioteca Virtual em Saúde, Portal dos Periódicos Eletrônicos e em 12 periódicos da Educação Física. Foram selecionados e analisados os conteúdos de 54 artigos. Os resultados mostraram que houve maior número de publicações em 2020, com destaque para pesquisas realizadas no estado de Minas Gerais. O maior número de publicações consta na Revista Brasileira de Atividade Física & Saúde. Detecta-se o interesse crescente por estudos com objetos ampliados que considerem a complexidade das condições de saúde dos grupos e das comunidades atendidas no programa, especialmente a partir das aproximações com a Saúde Coletiva.

The aim of this manuscript is to identify and analyze the themes present in articles that in some way relate Physical Education and the the Health Gym Program, of Brazil. Data was collected from the LILACS, SciELO, Virtual Health Library, Electronic Periodicals Portal and 12 Physical Education journals. The contents of 54 articles were selected and analyzed. The results showed that there was a greater number of publications in 2020, with an emphasis on research carried out in the state of Minas Gerais. The largest number of publications was in the Brazilian Journal of Physical Activity & Health. There is a growing interest in studies with broader objects that consider the complexity of the health conditions of the groups and communities served by the program, especially based on approaches to Collective Health.

Educación y Entrenamiento Físico , Ejercicio Físico , Salud Pública
Pensar Prát. (Online) ; 27: 76290, 20240417.
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1566417


Trata-se de uma pesquisa qualitativa que tem por objetivo investigar a implementação das Práticas Integrativas e Complementares no SUS na Grande Vitória. Como estratégia metodológica foram utilizadas as entrevistas semiestruturadas com três profissionais (servidoras públicas) que atuam neste contexto: uma professora de Educação Física, uma Psicóloga e uma Assistente Social. Os resultados indicam barreiras como o preconceito, a descrença e a falta de legitimidade das PIC, as quais dificultam tanto a atuação profissional, quanto a busca dos usuários por esses tratamentos.

Qualitative research that investigated the implementation of Integrative and Complementary Practices in SUS. As a methodological strategy, semi-structured interviews were used with three professionals (public servants) who work in this context: a physical education teacher, a psychologist and a social worker. It was identified that most of the PIC are offered in the capital city, leaving the other municipalities short of services. About these services, the professionals claim that there are barriers such as prejudice, disbelief and lack of legitimacy of the PIC, which hinder both the professional performance and the users' search for these treatments.

Investigación cualitativa que tuvo como objetivo investigar la implementación de Prácticas Integradoras y complementares en el SUS. Como estrategia metodológica, se utilizaron entrevistas semiestructuradas con tres profesionales (servidores públicos) que actúan en este contexto: una profesora de educación física, una psicóloga y una asistente social. Se identificó que la mayor parte del PIC se ofrece en la capital, quedando los demás municipios sin disponibilidad. En relación a estos servicios, los profesionales afirman que existen barreras como el prejuicio, la incredulidad y la falta de legitimidad de la PIC, que dificultan tanto la actuación profesional como la búsqueda de estos tratamientos por parte de los usuarios.

Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: biblio-1556115


Faz-se necessário abordar criticamente a promoção da saúde e os elementos que impactam o processo saúde/doença no cotidiano da formação do professor de Educação Física (EF). Portanto, este estudo tem como objetivo analisar teses e dissertações produzidas sobre a formação acadêmica em EF e sua relação com a saúde no contexto do Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS), por meio de uma revisão integrativa. O estudo encontrou seis dissertações que mostraram que apesar da percepção das universidades de que a formação acadêmica permite aos professores de EF atuar no SUS, é possível identificar a manutenção do discurso conservador e biomédico, o que afeta a compreensão, a percepção e a ação dos professores de EF em equipes multiprofissionais no contexto da Saúde Coletiva presente no SUS (AU).

It is necessary to critically approach health promotion and the elements that impact the health/disease process in the daily training of Physical Education (PE) teachers. Therefore, this study aims to analyze the theses and dissertations produced on academic training in PE and its relationship with health in the context of the Unified Health System (SUS), through an integrative review. The study found six dissertations that showed that, despite the universities' perception that academic training allows PE teachers to work in the SUS, it is possible to identify the maintenance of the conservative and biomedical discourse, which affects understanding, perception and action of PE teachers in multidis-ciplinary teams in the context of Collective Health in the present SUS (AU)

Es necesario abordar críticamente la promoción de la salud y los elementos que impactan el proceso salud/enfermedad en la formación diaria de los docentes de Educación Física (EF). Por lo tanto, este estudio tiene como objetivo analizar tesis y disertaciones producidas sobre la formación académica en EF y su relación con la salud en el contexto del Sistema Único de Salud (SUS), a través de una revisión integradora. El estudio encontró seis disertaciones que demostraron que, a pesar de la percepción de las universidades de que la formación académica permite que los profesores de EF actúen en el SUS, es posible identificar el mantenimiento del discurso conservador y biomédico, que afecta la comprensión, la percepción y la acción de los profesores de EF en equipos multidisciplinarios en el contexto de la Salud Colectiva en el SUS actual

Humanos , Capacitación Profesional
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: biblio-1560851


Trata-se de uma pesquisa qualitativa que tem por objetivo investigar a implementação das Práticas Integrativas e Complementares no SUS na Grande Vitória. Como estratégia metodológica foram utilizadas as entrevistas semiestruturadas com três profissionais (servidoras públicas) que atuam neste contexto: uma professora de Educação Física, uma Psicóloga e uma Assistente Social. Os resultados indicam barreiras como o preconceito, a descrença e a falta de legitimidade das PIC, as quais dificultam tanto a atuação profissional, quanto a busca dos usuários por esses tratamentos (AU).

Qualitative research that investigated the implementation of Integrative and Complementary Practices in SUS. As a methodological strategy, semi-structured interviews were used with three professionals (public servants) who work in this context: a physical education teacher, a psychologist and a social worker. It was identified that most of the PIC are offered in the capital city, leaving the other municipalities short of services. About these services, the professionals claim that there are barriers such as prejudice, disbelief and lack of legitimacy of the PIC, which hinder both the professional performance and the users' search for these treatments (AU).

Investigación cualitativa que tuvo como objetivo investigar la implementación de Prácticas Integradoras y complementares en el SUS. Como estrategia metodológica, se utilizaron entrevistas semiestructuradas con tres profesionales (servidores públicos) que actúan en este contexto: una profesora de educación física, una psicóloga y una asistente social. Se identificó que la mayor parte del PIC se ofrece en la capital, quedando los demás municipios sin disponibilidad. En relación a estos servicios, los profesionales afirman que existen barreras como el prejuicio, la incredulidad y la falta de legitimidad de la PIC, que dificultan tanto la actuación profesional como la búsqueda de estos tratamientos por parte de los usuarios (AU).

Odovtos (En línea) ; 26(1): 116-129, Jan.-Apr. 2024. tab
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS, SaludCR | ID: biblio-1558623


Abstract People with cognitive disabilities face multiple challenges concerning oral health and frequently show oral tissue decay because of the barriers society imposes upon them, and due to financial issues, professional and family lack of knowledge, limitations regarding access to services, lack of empowering-driven actions, among others. Positive knowledge, attitudes and practices regarding oral health, developed during the course of a lifetime, help in preserving good health. The aim of the current study is to describe oral health knowledge, attitudes and practices in people with cognitive disabilities participating in the Institutional Program for the Inclusion of People with Cognitive Disabilities in Higher Education at the University of Costa Rica (PROIN, in Spanish), during 2021. A descriptive study with mixed focus was performed; a representative sample comprised of 86 students enrolled in PROIN was used for the quantitative approach, while the qualitative approach used a criteria sample along with an opinion sample, limiting size due to information overload. The survey, along with its corresponding questionnaire and the semi-structured interview, were used as data gathering techniques. It was evidenced that certain issues need to be readdressed, such as bleeding gums, the importance of preserving dental pieces, as well, the practice of flossing, which many students expressed difficulties doing. Good attitudes were found, such as dentist visits; however, access barriers for this population must be overthrown. This article showed the importance of training professionals in disabilities as well as developing oral health promotion programs aimed at people with cognitive disabilities.

Resumen La población con discapacidad cognitiva enfrenta múltiples retos en cuanto a la salud oral, presentado comúnmente un deterioro de los tejidos orales; esto como consecuencia a las barreras impuestas por la sociedad, factores económicos, desconocimiento de los profesionales y familiares, limitaciones en el acceso a la atención, falta de acciones para fomentar su autonomía, entre otras. Los conocimientos, actitudes y prácticas favorables en salud oral ayudan a conservar una buena salud, los cuales se desarrollan a lo largo de la vida. El objetivo del presente estudio es describir los conocimientos, actitudes y prácticas de salud oral en las personas con discapacidad cognitiva que participaron en el Programa Institucional de Inclusión de Personas con Discapacidad Cognitiva a la Educación Superior de la Universidad de Costa Rica (PROIN) durante el año 2021. Se realizó un estudio descriptivo con un enfoque mixto, para el enfoque cuantitativo se utilizó una muestra representativa de 86 estudiantes matriculados en PROIN y para la parte cualitativa se utilizó una muestra por criterio con un muestreo opinático, estableciendo el tamaño por saturación de la información. Se utilizaron como técnicas de recolección de datos la encuesta con su respectivo cuestionario y la entrevista semiestructurada. Se evidenció que existen temas que se deben reforzar, como lo es el sangrado de encías, la importancia de conservar las piezas dentales, así como la práctica de uso de hilo dental, donde la mayoría de los estudiantes expresaron tener dificultades para su utilización. Además, se encontró buenas actitudes con respecto a la visita al odontólogo, sin embargo, se debe derribar barreras de acceso que se presentan para esta población. Este estudio demostró la necesidad de capacitar a los profesionales en el tema de discapacidad y desarrollar programas de promoción de la salud oral específicos para personas con discapacidad cognitiva.

Humanos , Salud Bucal , Atención Odontológica , Disfunción Cognitiva , Encuestas de Salud Bucal , Costa Rica
Odovtos (En línea) ; 26(1): 100-115, Jan.-Apr. 2024. tab
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS, SaludCR | ID: biblio-1558622


Abstract People's knowledge, attitudes, and practices related to health are built throughout life, particularly during childhood and adolescence, and they reflect the practices of their family and social circle. The aim of this study was to identify the levels of knowledge, attitudes, and practices related to oral health of first-year university students at the Paraíso Campus of the University of Costa Rica. This was done through a questionnaire of closed questions that would allow oral health educational strategies to be established in the future for this population group. For this purpose, a cross-sectional descriptive study was conducted, where 70 first-year students of the Paraíso Campus participated in the first semester of the year 2019. For data collection, a survey of 22 closed questions on knowledge, attitudes, and practices about oral health was applied, and a score on oral health knowledge was subsequently performed, based on the answers to the questions. According to the results, the level of knowledge shown about oral health is low, since the average knowledge score (7.02 points) was less than half of the maximum score (17 points). The greatest deficiency in knowledge was evidenced in topics, such as, dental biofilm, gingivitis, use of fluorides, and the role of saliva. In addition, several practices that affect the condition of the oral cavity were identified, such as harmful habits, inadequate nutrition, and poor oral hygiene habits. In this study, a general lack of knowledge was identified regarding basic concepts of oral health in young university students, who are not clear about the role of some protective or risk factors related to the main oral diseases.

Resumen Los conocimientos, actitudes y prácticas relacionados a la salud en las personas se construyen a través de la vida, particularmente durante la infancia y la adolescencia y reflejan las prácticas de su círculo familiar y social. El objetivo de este estudio fue identificar los niveles de conocimiento, las actitudes y las prácticas relacionadas a la salud bucodental en estudiantes universitarios de primer ingreso en el Recinto de Paraíso de la Universidad de Costa Rica, mediante un cuestionario de preguntas cerradas que permitirá a futuro establecer estrategias educativas en salud bucal para este grupo de población. Se trató de un estudio descriptivo transversal de tipo observacional en 70 estudiantes de primer ingreso del Recinto de Paraíso en el I semestre del año 2019. Para la recolección de datos se aplicó una encuesta de 22 preguntas cerradas sobre los conocimientos, las actitudes y las prácticas sobre la salud oral. A partir de las preguntas sobre conocimiento en salud bucal se creó un puntaje de conocimiento. Se pudo evidenciar que el nivel de conocimiento sobre la salud bucal es bajo, ya que el promedio del puntaje de conocimiento (7,02 puntos) es menos de la mitad del puntaje máximo (17 puntos). La mayor deficiencia en el conocimiento se evidenció en temas como el biofilm dental, gingivitis, uso de fluoruros y el rol de la saliva. Además, se identificaron varias prácticas que afectan la condición de la cavidad bucal, como los hábitos nocivos, una alimentación inadecuada y hábitos de higiene oral deficiente. En este estudio se identificó en general una falta de conocimiento respecto a conceptos básicos de salud bucal en personas jóvenes universitarias, quienes no tienen claro la función de algunos factores protectores o de riesgo relacionados con las principales enfermedades bucales.

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Adulto , Estudiantes , Encuestas de Salud Bucal/estadística & datos numéricos , Salud Bucal , Costa Rica
Arq. Asma, Alerg. Imunol ; 7(4): 331-338, abr.jun.2024. ilus
Artículo en Inglés, Portugués | LILACS | ID: biblio-1552681


O que é preciso para abrir o consultório do especialista em Alergia e Imunologia? Esta é uma preocupação frequente dos jovens especialistas, que muitas vezes fica sem resposta. A Comissão de Estatuto, Regulamentos e Normas da Associação Brasileira de Alergia e Imunologia (CERN-ASBAI) propõe a publicação de uma série de artigos com o objetivo de orientar sobre os passos essenciais para o estabelecimento de boas práticas no atendimento clínico de pacientes alérgicos.

What do I need to start a practice in Allergy & Immunology? This has been a frequent concern for young specialists, one that often goes unanswered. The Statute, Regulations, and Standards Committee of the Brazilian Association of Allergy and Immunology (CERN-ASBAI) proposes the publication of a series of articles to provide guidance on the essential steps for establishing good practices in the clinical care of allergic patients.

Humanos , Sociedades Médicas
Pensar Prát. (Online) ; 27: 75285, 20240417.
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1566813


Faz-se necessário abordar criticamente a promoção da saúde e os elementos que impactam o processo saúde/doença no cotidiano da formação do professor de Educação Física (EF). Portanto, este estu-do tem como objetivo analisar teses e dissertações produzidas sobre a formação acadêmica em EF e sua relação com a saúde no contexto do Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS), por meio de uma revisão integrati-va. O estudo encontrou seis dissertações que mostraram que apesar da percepção das universidades de que a formação acadêmica permite aos professores de EF atuar no SUS, é possível identificar a manutenção do discurso conservador e biomédico, o que afeta a compreensão, a per-cepção e a ação dos professores de EF em equipes multiprofissionais no contexto da Saúde Coletiva presente no SUS

It is necessary to critically approach health promotion and the elements that impact the health/disease process in the daily training of Physical Education (PE) teachers. Therefore, this study aims to analyze the theses and dissertations produced on academic training in PE and its relationship with health in the context of the Unified Health System (SUS), through an integrative review. The study found six dissertations that showed that, despite the universities' perception that academic training allows PE teachers to work in the SUS, it is possible to identify the maintenance of the conservative and biomedical discourse, which affects understanding, perception and action of PE teachers in multidis-ciplinary teams in the context of Collective Health in the present SUS.

Es necesario abordar críticamente la promoción de la salud y los elementos que impactan el proceso salud/enfermedad en la formación diaria de los docentes de Educación Física (EF). Por lo tanto, este estudio tiene como objetivo analizar tesis y disertaciones producidas sobre la formación académica en EF y su relación con la salud en el contexto del Sistema Único de Salud (SUS), a través de una revisión integradora. El estudio encontró seis disertaciones que demostraron que, a pesar de la percepción de las universidades de que la formación académica permite que los profesores de EF actúen en el SUS, es posible identificar el mantenimiento del discurso conservador y biomédico, que afecta la comprensión, la percepción y la acción de los profesores de EF en equipos multidisciplinarios en el contexto de la Salud Colectiva en el SUS actual.

Acta Medica Philippina ; : 1-15, 2024.
Artículo en Inglés | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1006393


Background and Objective@#Colorectal cancer (CRC) has the third highest incidence in the Philippines. Currently, there is a paucity in literature that is focused on the knowledge, attitudes, and perceptions of Filipinos regarding CRC screening. This is the first study in the Philippines that describes this. @*Methods@#This is a cross-sectional study that validated a 52-item Filipino questionnaire on the knowledge on colorectal cancer, willingness to undergo CRC screening, and perceived benefits and barriers to fecal occult blood test (FOBT) and colonoscopy. The study enrolled household heads more than 20 years of age residing in both urban and rural communities in the Philippines. @*Results@#The UP-PGH CRC KAP (University of the Philippines – Philippine General Hospital Colorectal Cancer Knowledge, Attitudes, and Practices) and Rawl Questionnaire’s validity and internal consistency were established in a pilot study of 30 respondents. A total of 288 respondents were then enrolled to the main study group with a median age of 54.0. Knowledge scores for prognosis and utility of CRC screening were modest (6.3/12 and 8.4/20, respectively). Perceived benefit scores to FOBT and colonoscopy were high (9.9/12 and 13.9/16, respectively).Median scores to barriers to FOBT and colonoscopy were intermediate (22.5/36 and 35.8/60, respectively). Notably, a vast majority (86.1%) were willing to participate in CRC screening programs initiated by the government, and 46.9% agreed to undergo screening tests even as out-of-pocket expense. @*Conclusion@#The UP-PGH CRC KAP Questionnaire as well as the Filipino translation of the Rawl Questionnaire are reliable and valid tools in extensively assessing the knowledge of Filipinos on CRC and willingness to undergo screening, as well as the benefits of and barriers to FOBT and colonoscopy. Knowledge scores were modest suggesting that directed educational campaigns and awareness programs can aid in increasing awareness about CRC and its screening. Household income and highest educational attainment were significantly positively correlated with knowledge scores, and perceived benefits of and barriers to CRC screening. Scores were generally comparable between urban and rural communities.

Conocimiento , Actitud
Acta Medica Philippina ; : 142-151, 2024.
Artículo en Inglés | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1016818


Objective@#We aimed to evaluate the impact of maternal COVID-19 infection and separation of the mother-baby dyad on feeding practices by determining modes of feeding upon discharge and following up at 2-3 days, 14 days, and 1 month post-discharge.@*Methods@#This was a prospective observational cohort study conducted at the Philippine General Hospital, a tertiary government COVID-19 referral center in Manila. Mothers who delivered between the months of July and August 2021, and whose COVID-19 status was known were followed up on their baby’s mode of feeding at 2-3 days, 14 days, and 1 month post-discharge via phone call. For babies of COVID-19 positive mothers, presence of any symptoms (up to the 14-day time point only) as well as adherence to infection prevention and control practices were also identified.@*Results@#For all time points post-discharge, breastfeeding rates were higher in babies born to COVID-19-negative mothers and in those who were roomed in. However, the differences were not statistically significant. Of the 108 infants, 72.90% remained exclusively breastfed by 1 month of age, with 4.67% formula-fed and 22.43% on mixed feeding. Perception of insufficient milk supply was the most common reason for shifting to formula or mixed feeding. We found a significantly higher direct breastfeeding rate upon discharge in the roomed-in population compared to those admitted to the NICU. Risk factors affecting breastfeeding at 1 month of age was the presence of COVID-19 infection in the mother and mother-baby separation due to NICU admission COVID-19-positive mothers were 66.02% less likely (p=0.016, 95% CI 0.1411 to 0.8183) to still be breastfeeding at 1 month, and separation was not found to be a significant risk factor.@*Conclusions@#Feeding practices can be affected not only by COVID-19 infection in the mother and its attendant difficulties such as prolonged hospital stay and physical and social isolation, but also by limitations in the hospital environment that can have an impact on breastfeeding education, support, and opportunities for mother-child bonding.

Lactancia Materna , COVID-19
Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1030125


Medical insurance fund is the foundation for the healthy operation of the medical insurance system, which is related to the well-being of the people and social stability. Medical institutions, as important entities in the implementation of medical insurance policies and the use of medical insurance funds, should continuously improve and optimize their self-management, and strengthen the prevention and control of clean risks in the use of medical insurance funds. This is not only a necessary response measure in the context of strict supervision of national medical insurance funds, but also an inevitable choice for hospitals under the trend of high-quality development. This article took a certain hospital as an example to illustrate the practice of sorting out the relevant authority directory for the use of medical insurance funds, analyze the integrity risk points of doctors, patients, and medical insurance reimbursement auditors; And introduced the practice of using a clean risk prevention and control grid to strengthen the hospital′s medical insurance fund, including improving the medical insurance management system, cultivating a sustainable culture of integrity, optimizing process design, improving information system construction, and improving medical insurance service modes, so as to provide reference for other medical institutions.

Artículo en Inglés | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1030966


@#Objective: To determine the global level of knowledge, attitudes, and practices towards dengue fever among the general population. Methods: To complete this systematic review and meta-analysis, a thorough search for pertinent English-language literature was undertaken during the study's extension until October 2023. The search used Google Scholar, Scopus, PubMed/MEDLINE, Science Direct, Web of Science, EMBASE, Springer, and ProQuest. A quality assessment checklist developed using a modified Newcastle- Ottawa Scale for the cross-sectional study was used to evaluate the risk of bias in the included papers. Inverse variance and Cochran Q statistics were employed in the STATA software version 14 to assess study heterogeneity. When there was heterogeneity, the Dersimonian and Liard random-effects models were used. Results: 59 Studies totaling 87 353 participants were included in this meta-analysis. These investigations included 86 278 participants in 55 studies on knowledge, 20 196 in 33 studies on attitudes, and 74 881 in 29 studies on practices. The pooled estimates for sufficient knowledge, positive attitudes, and dengue fever preventive behaviors among the general population were determined as 40.1% (95% CI 33.8%-46.5%), 46.8% (95% CI 35.8%-58.9%), and 38.3% (95% CI 28.4%-48.2%), respectively. Europe exhibits the highest knowledge level at 63.5%, and Africa shows the lowest at 20.3%. Positive attitudes are most prevalent in the Eastern Mediterranean (54.1%) and Southeast Asia (53.6%), contrasting sharply with the Americas, where attitudes are notably lower at 9.05%. Regarding preventive behaviors, the Americas demonstrate a prevalence of 12.1%, Southeast Asia at 28.1%, Western Pacific at 49.6%, Eastern Mediterranean at 44.8%, and Africa at 47.4%. Conclusions: Regional disparities about the knowledge, attitude and preventive bahaviors are evident with Europe exhibiting the highest knowledge level while Africa has the lowest. These findings emphasize the importance of targeted public health interventions tailored to regional contexts, highlighting the need for regionspecific strategies to enhance dengue-related knowledge and encourage positive attitudes and preventive behaviors.

Artículo en Inglés | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1036435


@#Introduction: Overweight and obesity have emerged as significant global health concerns among children. Previous studies have provided evidence that children with intellectual and learning disabilities (LD) are at a higher risk of obesity compared to their peers without disabilities. Methods: This study aimed to predict body weight status of children with LD who attended Special Education Integration Program in Kelantan, located on East Coast of Peninsular Malaysia. Parents completed a self-administered questionnaire in Malay language, which included “Screening Tool of Feeding Problems” children’s version (STEP-CHILD) and Comprehensive Feeding Practice Questionnaire (CFPQ). The children’s body weight and height were measured to determine body mass index (BMI). Research hypothesis was tested through stepwise multiple linear regression analysis. Results: This study recruited 245 subjects with mean age of 10.5±1.7 years and mean BMI of 18.5±4.9 kg/m2. Prevalence of underweight, thinness and severe thinness was 12.2%, while overweight and obesity was 29.0%. Male children with LD (β=0.109, p<0.044), older age (β=0.226, p<0.001), higher child birth weight (β=0.119, p<0.029), lack of parental modelling (β=-0.170, p=0.004), lower parental pressure (β=-0.266, p<0.001), and higher restriction for weight control (β=0.361, p<0.001) were found to predict higher BMI values. Conclusion: Positive parental feeding practices during mealtime are crucial for addressing the poor nutritional status of children with LD.

Artículo en Inglés | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1012684


@#Introduction: The consumption of sugar-sweetened beverages (SSBs) among young adults in Malaysia has witnessed a notable increase in recent years, giving rise to concerns regarding the potential adverse health effects, including obesity and diabetes. Despite the urgent need for targeted interventions, there is a dearth of research examining the knowledge, attitudes, and practices (KAP) related to SSBs among Malaysian young adults. To address this research gap, the present study aims to assess the level of KAP concerning SSB intake and its associated factors in this specific population. Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted involving 408 Malaysian young adults aged between 15 and 29 years. Respondents completed an online questionnaire survey, which encompassed the assessment of socio-demographic characteristics and KAP regarding SSB consumption. The collected data were analyzed using IBM’s Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) version 22.0. Spearman correlation tests were performed at a significance level of 0.05. Results: The majority of respondents demonstrated moderate knowledge (60%) and practices (60%), while exhibiting a high positive attitude (100%) towards reducing SSB consumption. Significant correlations were observed between knowledge and attitude (p = 0.003, rs = 0.148) and between knowledge and practice (p = 0.005, rs = 0.138). Moreover, the attitude scores were found to be significantly associated with gender (χ2 (1, N = 408) = 10.421, p = 0.001) and locality (χ2 (1, N = 408) = 4.106, p = 0.043), while the practice scores exhibited a significant association with ethnicity (p = 0.006). Conclusion: This study provides valuable insights into the relationship between KAP related to SSB consumption and socio-demographic factors among Malaysian young adults. The findings underscore the importance of utilizing these insights to develop strategic interventions that aim to curtail SSB consumption and promote a healthy lifestyle, ultimately contributing to the reduction of non-communicable diseases. Health authorities are encouraged to capitalize on these findings to design targeted interventions tailored to the unique needs and circumstances of this population.

PAMJ clin. med ; 142024. figures, tables
Artículo en Inglés | AIM | ID: biblio-1537460


Introduction: oral diseases (OD), commonly dental caries and periodontitis are a major public health problem. Poor oral hygiene has been associated with OD, causing tooth loss, which leads to disability and compromised patients' oral health. In Rwanda, OD is among the leading causes of morbidity at the health center level. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to assess the knowledge, attitude, and oral health practices among adult participants in Rwanda Methods: a descriptive cross-sectional study was done among participants attending public health facilities in Nyarugenge District, Rwanda. Participants were interviewed using a structured questionnaire. The data were analyzed using frequency distribution, percentage distribution, and bivariate and multivariate logistic regression at a 5% significant level. Results: among 426 participants who were interviewed, 39.44% (n=168) were 18-27 years old and the majority, 61.5% (n=262) were female. Poor oral health knowledge was found in 42% (n=179) of the participants, whilst 12.44% (n=53) showed poor oral health attitudes, and 67.37% (n=287) were found to have poor oral health practice. Participants with a high school level of education were more likely to have better oral health knowledge and the results were statistically significant aOR: 1.79, 95% CI 1.14; 2.82; p = 0.011 Conclusion: the findings of our study showed that almost half of the participants had poor oral health knowledge. Oral health attitude and oral hygiene practices were also lacking. There is a need to enhance oral health education in this community to improve their oral health knowledge, attitudes, and practices.

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Adulto , Higiene Bucal , Salud Bucal , Rwanda , Adulto
Mali méd. (En ligne) ; 39(1): 34-39, 2024. tables
Artículo en Inglés | AIM | ID: biblio-1554268


Introduction : La vaccination de routine est une stratégie clé dans la prévention des maladies évitables par la vaccination. L'objectif de l'étude est d'apprécier les connaissances, attitudes des mères vis-à-vis de la pratique de la vaccination en milieu rural et urbain. Méthodes : Il s'agit d'une étude transversale descriptive comparative qui a eu lieu dans deux aires de santé (urbaine et rurale) sur une période de trois (3) mois d'octobre à décembre 2022. Elle a concerné les mères ou gardiennes d'enfants venus pour la vaccination de routine. Résultats : La moyenne d'âge des femmes était de 28, 76±6,85 ans en milieu urbain et 26,51±7,37 ans en milieu rural. Environ72, 00% et 43,00% des femmes respectivement en milieu urbain et rural avaient donné une bonne définition de la vaccination. 88,00% des femmes en milieu urbain connaissaient au moins une maladie cible du PEV contre 55,00% en milieu rural. Le calendrier vaccinal n'était connu que par 31,00% des femmes en milieu urbain contre 12,00% en milieu rural. La majorité des femmes en milieu urbain (97,00%) et rural (67,00%) trouvaient nécessaire de rattraper un rendez-vous de vaccination manqué les séances prochaines. Elles jugeaient majoritairement d'envoyer les enfants au centre de santé en cas de manifestations post- vaccinale (urbain : 80,00%, rural : 53,00%). Conclusion : Une bonne connaissance et pratique de la vaccination permettrait ainsi de protéger les enfants contre les maladies évitables par la vaccination

Background: Routine immunization is a key strategy in the prevention of vaccine-preventable diseases. The objective of the study was to assess the knowledge and attitudes of mothers regarding the practice of vaccination in rural and urban areas. Methods: This is a comparative descriptive cross-sectional study that took place in two health areas (urban and rural) over a period of three (3) months from October to December 2022. It involved mothers or guardians of children who came for routine vaccination. Results: The mean age of the women was 28.76±6.85 years in urban areas and 26.51±7.37 years in rural areas. About 72.00% and 43.00% of the women in urban and rural areas, respectively, had given a good definition of vaccination. 88.00% of women in urban areas knew at least one EPI target disease, compared to 55.00% in rural areas. Only 31.00% of women in urban areas knew the vaccination schedule, compared to 12.00% in urban areas. Majority of women in urban (97.00%) and rural (67.00%) areas found it necessary to make up for missed immunization appointments in next sessions. Majority of them considered it necessary to send their children to the health center in the event of postimmunization symptoms (urban: 80.00%, rural: 53.00%). Conclusion: A good knowledge and practice of vaccination would allow to protect children against vaccine preventable diseases

Humanos , Femenino
African journal of emergency medicine (Print) ; 14: 70-74, 2024. figures, tables
Artículo en Inglés | AIM | ID: biblio-1554801


Introduction: It's approximated that 60% of the population globally experience epistaxis during lifetime. Despite epistaxis being prevalent in Tanzania, there are limited studies that have explored experience of participants on epistaxis. This study aims to determine knowledge on the causes, first aid management and practices of epistaxis among patients attending a health facility in Eastern Tanzania Methods: A descriptive cross-sectional study was conducted where 371 participants aged 15 years and above were interviewed using structured questionnaires. Data was analyzed using Statistical Package of Social Sciences version 23. Chi-square tests were performed and a p-value <0.05 was considered to be statistically significant Results: About two-thirds (60.9%) of the study participants had good knowledge of the causes of epistaxis. Majority of participants knew excessive nose manipulation (95.1%) to be the commonest cause of epistaxis and the least cause mentioned was chronic liver disease (24.8%). On the other hand, 77.6% of the participants had good knowledge while 22.4% had poor knowledge regarding first aid management of epistaxis. In this study, 328 (88.4%) participants knew pressing the nose could stop epistaxis, while 164(44.2%) knew the best position to stop epistaxis and that is to tilt the head forward and those who had history of epistaxis, 150 (73.2%) out of 205 pinched the nose as the first aid. Similarly, 133(35.8%) participants thought cessation of smoking has effect on decreasing the occurrence of epistaxis. A significant association was noted between knowledge of first aid management of epistaxis and some socio-demographic characteristics such as age and educational level. There was also a significant association between knowledge of the causes of epistaxis and educational level. Conclusion: Majority of the participants had good knowledge of the causes and first aid management of epistaxis.

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Conocimiento