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Rev. Enferm. Cent.-Oeste Min. ; 14: 5058, jun. 2024.
Artículo en Portugués | BDENF, LILACS | ID: biblio-1561989


Objetivo: identificar os significados e estratégias adotadas pelos profissionais de enfermagem em situações de violência em uma unidade de urgência e emergência. Método: estudo descritivo, qualitativo, tendo como suporte teórico-conceitual o interacionismo simbólico, que utilizou um grupo focal de oito profissionais da equipe de enfermagem de um serviço de urgência e emergência hospitalar. Resultados: os significados foram complexos e as estratégias adotadas foram tolerância à violência para manter o controle no ambiente de trabalho, gerenciamento de conflito, tentando aplacar a situação de violência, buscar a segurança de terceiros e adotar um posicionamento de afastamento do atendimento ao paciente/acompanhante agressor. Conclusão: a violência significou diversas concepções frequentemente negativas, e as estratégias adotadas pelos profissionais de enfermagem evidenciam a tentativa de evitar o sofrimento perpetuado pelos pacientes no serviço de urgência e emergência hospitalar. Os diversos atores sociais devem sinergicamente propiciar meios para a proteção dos profissionais.

Objective: To identify the strategies adopted and meanings constructed by nursing professionals exposed to violence in an urgency and emergency unit. Method:A descriptive, qualitative study based on symbolic interactionism was conducted with eight nursing professionals from a hospital urgency and emergency service by means of a focus group. Results: The meanings were complex and the strategies adopted were tolerance towards violence to maintain control in the workplace, conflict management seeking to placate the situation, seek the safety of third parties and withdrawal from caring for the offending patient/companion. Conclusion: Violence was often conceptualized negatively and the strategies adopted by nursing professionals show an attempt to avoid the harm perpetrated by emergency patients. The various social actors implicated should synergistically provide means for protecting professionals

Objetivo: identificar los significados y estrategias adoptadas por los profesionales de enfermería en situación de violencia en una unidad de urgencia y emergencia. Método:estudio descriptivo, cualitativo, con interaccionismo simbólico como marco teórico y conceptual, que utilizó un grupo focal formado por ocho profesionales del equipo de enfermería de un servicio de urgencia y emergencia hospitalaria. Resultados: los significados fueron complejos, y las estrategias adoptadas se centraron en la tolerancia a la violencia para mantener el control en el ambiente de trabajo, el manejo de conflictos buscando aplacar la situación de violencia, la búsqueda de seguridad de terceros y la adopción de una posición de retiro de la atención al paciente/acompañante infractor. Conclusión: la violencia significó varias concepciones que muchas veces son negativas, y las estrategias adoptadas por los profesionales de enfermería muestran el intento de evitar el sufrimiento perpetuado por los pacientes en el servicio de emergencia hospitalaria. Los diversos actores sociales deben proporcionar sinérgicamente medios para la protección de los profesionales

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Violencia , Enfermería , Violencia Laboral , Exposición a la Violencia , Enfermeras Practicantes
Enferm. foco (Brasília) ; 15(supl.1): 1-6, mar. 2024.
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-1537172


Objetivo: Analisar a percepção do enfermeiro acerca das condições de trabalho no contexto da Atenção Primária à Saúde (APS) durante a pandemia de SARS-CoV-2. Métodos: Trata-se de um estudo descritivo, transversal, de abordagem qualitativa, recorte de um estudo multicêntrico e de abrangência nacional. Os dados apresentados neste estudo correspondem aos obtidos no estado do Rio Grande do Norte, onde foram entrevistados 45 enfermeiros da APS no período de dezembro de 2020 a abril de 2021. Após as entrevistas, as narrativas gravadas foram transcritas e analisadas através da Análise de Conteúdo de Bardin. Resultados: A partir da fala dos enfermeiros, evidenciou-se que a utilização de Equipamentos de Proteção Individual, a organização e desenvolvimento de novos protocolos e fluxos assistenciais trouxeram sofrimento psíquico aos profissionais, tanto pelas condições de trabalho inadequadas, quanto pela proximidade com o sofrimento de pacientes e o medo de contágio. Conclusão: Mesmo com tantas dificuldades, os enfermeiros lotados na atenção primária à saúde tiveram que reconstruir suas práticas na perspectiva de garantir, dentro dos limites impostos pela situação adversa, a melhor assistência possível, mostrando a força e resiliência das equipes da APS nos mais diversos contextos. (AU)

Objective: To analyze the perception of nurses about working conditions in the context of PHC during the COVID-19 pandemic. Methods: This is a descriptive, cross-sectional study with a qualitative approach, part of a multicenter study with a national scope. The data presented in this study correspond to those obtained in the state of Rio Grande do Norte, in which 45 nurses from primary health care were interviewed from December 2020 to April 2021. After the interviews, the recorded narratives were transcribed and analyzed through the Bardin's Content Analysis. Results: The collective discourse showed that the use of Personal Protective Equipment, the organization and development of new protocols and care flows brought psychic suffering to professionals, both due to inadequate working conditions and the proximity to the suffering of patients and the fear of Contagion. Conclusion: Even with so many difficulties, nurses working in primary health care had to rebuild their practices in order to guarantee, within the limits imposed by the adverse situation, the best possible assistance, showing the strength and resilience of PHC teams in the most diverse contexts. (AU)

Objetivo: Analizar la percepción de los enfermeros sobre las condiciones de trabajo en el contexto de la APS durante la pandemia de COVID-19. Métodos: Se trata de un estudio descriptivo transversal con enfoque cualitativo, parte de un estudio multicéntrico de alcance nacional. Los datos presentados en este estudio corresponden a los obtenidos en el estado de Rio Grande do Norte, en el que fueron entrevistados 45 enfermeros de atención primaria de salud entre diciembre de 2020 y abril de 2021. Después de las entrevistas, las narraciones grabadas fueron transcritas y analizadas a través de la escala de Bardin. Análisis de contenido. Resultados: El discurso colectivo mostró que el uso de Equipos de Protección Individual, la organización y desarrollo de nuevos protocolos y flujos de atención trajeron sufrimiento psíquico a los profesionales, tanto por las inadecuadas condiciones de trabajo como por la proximidad al sufrimiento de los pacientes y el miedo al Contagio. Conclusión: Incluso con tantas dificultades, los enfermeros que actúan en la atención primaria de salud tuvieron que reconstruir sus prácticas para garantizar, dentro de los límites impuestos por la situación adversa, la mejor asistencia posible, mostrando la fortaleza y resiliencia de los equipos de APS en los más diversos contextos. (AU)

Enfermeras Practicantes , Atención Primaria de Salud , Distrés Psicológico , COVID-19 , Condiciones de Trabajo
Enferm. foco (Brasília) ; 15(supl.1): 1-7, mar. 2024.
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-1537187


Objetivo: Analisar a percepção de enfermeiras sobre a autonomia no exercício de suas práticas no contexto da atenção primária à saúde. Métodos: Estudo descritivo de abordagem qualitativa que analisou 108 entrevistas realizadas com enfermeiras(os) das quatro capitais da região sudeste do Brasil. As entrevistas, guiadas por roteiro semiestruturado, foram gravadas e transcritas. Os dados produzidos foram tratados e explorados com auxílio do software NVIVO®. Resultados: A maior parte das participantes eram mulheres, brancas, residiam na mesma cidade onde trabalham, graduaramse em instituições privadas. Foram organizadas duas categorias: repercussões da autonomia e seus desdobramentos para a resolutividade das necessidades em saúde dos usuários; e (des)conhecimento sobre a regulamentação das práticas da enfermeira: desafios para a autonomia. Conclusão: As enfermeiras compreendem a importância da autonomia para suas práticas, mas enfrentam interferências no cotidiano do trabalho, tanto por parte da gestão, da estrutura dos serviços ou da necessidade do uso de protocolos que garantam o exercício de sua atividade profissional de modo autônomo. (AU)

Objective: To analyze nurses' perception of autonomy to exercise their practices in the context of primary health care. Methods: A descriptive study with a qualitative approach that analyzed 108 interviews carried out with nurses from the four capitals of the southeastern region of Brazil. The interviews, guided by a semi-structured script, were recorded and transcribed. The data produced were processed and explored with the help of the NVIVO® software. Results: Most of the participants were women, white, lived in the same city where they work, and graduated from private institutions. Two categories were organized: repercussions of autonomy and its consequences for solving users' health needs; and (lack of) knowledge about the regulation of nursing practices: challenges for autonomy. Conclusion: Nurses understand the importance of autonomy for their practices, but they face interference in their daily work, either by management, the structure of services or the need for protocols that guarantee the exercise of their professional activity. (AU)

Objetivo: Analizar la percepción de autonomía de los enfermeros para ejercer sus prácticas en el contexto de la atención primaria de salud. Métodos: Estudio descriptivo con enfoque cualitativo que analizó 108 entrevistas realizadas con enfermeros de las cuatro capitales de la región sureste de Brasil. Las entrevistas, guiadas por un guión semiestructurado, fueron grabadas y transcritas. Los datos producidos fueron procesados y explorados con la ayuda del software NVIVO®. Resultados: La mayoría de los participantes eran mujeres, de raza blanca, vivían en la misma ciudad donde trabajan y egresaron de instituciones privadas. Se organizaron dos categorías: repercusiones de la autonomía y sus consecuencias para la solución de las necesidades de salud de los usuarios; y (falta de) conocimiento sobre la regulación de las prácticas de enfermería: desafíos para la autonomía. Conclusión: Los enfermeros comprenden la importancia de la autonomía para sus prácticas, pero enfrentan interferencias en su trabajo diario, ya sea por parte de la dirección, la estructura de los servicios o la necesidad de protocolos que garanticen el ejercicio de su actividad profesional. (AU)

Autonomía Profesional , Atención Primaria de Salud , Enfermería de Atención Primaria , Enfermeras de Familia
Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1018415


Objective To summarize the prescription and medication rules for the treatment of diabetes mellitus by contemporary Lingnan famous Chinese medical practitioners through data mining analysis.Methods The literature on treating diabetes mellitus by contemporary Lingnan famous Chinese medical practitioners were retrieved from the databases of CNKI,Wanfang and VIP,and the collections of clinical experience and medical cases of contemporary Lingnan famous practitioners were also reviewed to screen the relevant medical records of diabetes mellitus treated by Lingnan famous practitioners.The information of Chinese medicine prescriptions for diabetes mellitus in the medical records was input to Excel to establish a database,and then the frequency analysis was performed in terms of the nature,flavors and meridian tropism,therapeutic-action classification of the Chinese herbal medicines and traditional Chinese medicine(TCM)syndrome types.Moreover,the association rule analysis and cluster analysis were carried out using IBM SPSS Modeler 18.0 and SPSS Statistics 26.0.Results A total of 62 medical records of diabetes mellitus treated by the 24 contemporary Lingnan famous Chinese medical practitioners such as DENG Tie-Tao,LIU Shi-Chang,XIONG Man-Qi,LI Sai-Mei,ZHU Zhang-Zhi,LIU Min,and FAN Guan-Ji were screened out for the analysis.And a total of 101 prescriptions involving 210 Chinese herbal medicines were included.There were 29 commonly-used Chinese medicines with a frequency being or more than 15 times,and they were Glycyrrhizae Radix et Rhizoma Praeparata cum Melle,Astragali Radix,Bupleuri Radix,Puerariae Lobatae Radix,Poria,Atractylodis Macrocephalae Rhizoma,Codonopsis Radix,Scutellariae Radix,etc.According to the therapeutic action,the Chinese medicines were mainly classified into the categories of drugs for supplementing the deficiency,drugs for clearing heat,and drugs for dispelling wind-damp.The primary syndrome types were syndrome of deficiency of both spleen and kidney and syndrome of liver stagnation and spleen deficiency,and the syndromes were usually complicated with the syndrome elements of qi deficiency,yin deficiency,yang deficiency,cold-damp,phlegm-damp,and damp-heat.The association rule analysis yielded 28 core drug combinations consisting of 2-4 herbs,and the cluster analysis yielded 5 new candidate prescriptions,which were mainly derived from the modification of classical formulas such as Xiao Chaihu Decoction,Fuzi Lizhong Decoction,Yuquan Pills plus Zengye Decoction,and Zuogui Pills.Conclusion For the treatment of diabetes mellitus,contemporary Lingnan famous Chinese medical practitioners primarily adopt the methods of invigorating spleen and warming kidney,and soothing liver,draining dampness and resolving turbidity,which has more distinctive regional characteristics of Lingnan and can provide a reference for syndrome differentiation and treatment of diabetes mellitus in the Lingnan area.

Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1019080


Objective To explore the public's cognition and attitude towards general medicine,general practitioners,and pre-hospital first-aid knowledge in Ludian County,Yunnan Province,to find out the training and learning methods that are more acceptable to the public for this kind of related knowledge,and to propose targeted solutions.Methods A complete random sampling survey was conducted among the nucleic acid collection office at the gate of the vegetable market from October 15,2022,to December 30,2022,and the outpatient clinic of Wenping Street Health Center from January 1,2023,to February 28,2023,by using electronic questionnaire and paper questionnaire.Results Nearly 50%of the people in Ludian County of Yunnan Province lack the knowledge of general medicine and pre-hospital emergency care,especially the knowledge of electrical defibrillation.People with higher education and the medical profession have a higher understanding of general medicine,and people with a higher understanding of general medicine are more willing to participate in pre-hospital emergency care.The average Ridit value is:very familiar with general medicine(0.774)>Knowledge of some general practices(0.565)>Never heard of general practice(0.400).The higher education level and the more comprehensive understanding of general medicine had a positive impact on participation in pre-hospital emergency care,with B values of 0.624 and 0.619,OR 95%CI of 1.867(1.544~2.257)and 1.857(1.298~2.657),respectively.Taking medical staff as a reference,the B value of medical students was = 0.942,P = 0.234,the difference was not significant,and the B value of non-medical professional population was all less than 0,the effect is negative.In addition,most people have a positive attitude towards learning pre-hospital first aid,and more than 70%of people are willing to learn and train related knowledge of pre-hospital first aid.Conclusions People in urban areas of Ludian County,Yunnan Province have poor understanding of general practice,low recognition of general practitioners,low demand for general practitioners,and lack of awareness of the importance of pre-hospital emergency treatment.Because of the cognitive differences among different groups,it is necessary to conduct specific training for different groups.

Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1029077


A 6-month primary care quality improvement (QI) project was conducted for 63 general practice residents at Union Hospital Affiliated to Tongji Medical College of Huazhong University of Science and Technology from November 2021 to April 2022. The effectiveness of the QI project on the post competency of general practice residents was comprehensively assessed by three dimensions: self-satisfaction, objective evaluation and teacher-evaluation. The overall satisfaction score of general practice residents was significantly increased after the implementation of QI project((3.83±0.67) vs. (3.41±0.63), t=3.35, P=0.009). The total score of objective assessment was increased from (73.48±8.04) before the project implementation to (78.14±5.24) after the implementation ( t=3.37, P=0.001). The total score of training effectiveness significantly increased from (57.57±11.84) before the project implementation to (79.27±8.40) after the implementation ( t=30.07, P<0.001). The results indicate that the primary care QI project can improve the post competency of general practice residents, and also improve the self-satisfaction of residents for active learning and participation in the training.

Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1029085


Objective:To construct an evaluation system for clinical thinking ability of general practitioners in the treatment of multimorbidity.Methods:This was a cross-sectional study. The draft of evaluation indexes for clinical thinking ability of general practitioners in treatment of multimorbidity was preliminary developed through literature review, collation, analysis and discussion. Nineteen clinical and teaching experts of general practice were selected for consultation via anonymous convenient sampling. From January to June 2022, 2 rounds of expert consultation were conducted using the Delphi method. During the first round of consultation, according to the survey feedback, we modified and improved the evaluation system of general practitioners′ clinical thinking ability for multi-disease co-treatment. During the second round, experts were asked to assess the importance of each index, and to calculate the weight of each index accordingly. Questionnaires were sent to experts via letters. The content of the questionnaires encompasses the basic information of experts, evaluation for various indexes and relevant opinions. The mean value of importance assignment ≥3.5, coefficient of variation ≤0.25 and the full score frequency ≥30% were taken as the criteria. Indexes unsatisfying the criteria were removed, so that the final index system could be constructed.Results:The average age of 19 experts was 50.2 years old, 9 of them were male. A total of 2 rounds of expert consultation were conducted, 19 questionnaires were issued in each round, and 19 effective questionnaires were received afterwards. In the first round of consultation, 10 experts put forward revised opinions, and some indexes were adjusted according to the definition criteria and the discussion of the research group. In the second round of consultation, 3 experts put forward suggestions for modification. According to the definition criteria, no need to delete the indexes. After discussion by the research group, some indexes were adjusted, and finally an evaluation system of clinical thinking ability for multi-disease co-treatment of general practitioners was established, including 4 first-level indexes and 30 second-level indexes. The weights of the 4 first-level indexes in descending order were "overall thinking ability" (38.01%), "diagnostic thinking ability" (33.96%), "evidence-based thinking ability" (14.75%), and "critical thinking ability" (13.28%). Among the 30 secondary indexes, the top 5 were "ability to identify and handle priority emergency incidents" (5.04%), "risk assessment and critical illness identification ability" (4.63%), "emergency referral ability" (4.61%), "communication and expression ability" (4.57%), and "standardized diagnosis and treatment ability" (4.23%).Conclusion:This study successfully constructed an evaluation system for clinical thinking ability of general practitioners in the treatment of multimorbidity.

Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1029098


Objective:To investigate the status quo of educational and teaching research in community bases for general practice standardized residency training in China.Methods:The studies related to education research in community bases for general practice standardized residency training were searched from Chinese Journal Full Text Database (CNKI), Wanfang Database and China Science and Technology Journal Database (VIP) from inception to November 30, 2023. The keywords of "standardized training of general practitioner residents" or "general practice standardized training" or "general practitioner standardized training" or "general practice training" and "community-based teaching " or "community training" "community base" or "community teaching" were used for search, and affiliations of authors should contain"community health service center". The literature was read and summarized using Endnote and Excel software.Results:A total of 171 articles were retrieved that met the criteria, and 130 articles were finally selected for analysis according to the quality review criteria of the literature. The authors of articles were distributed in 78 institutions of 17 provinces or regions, with 9 provinces or regions having a total of 123 articles (94.6%) with 2 published articles or more, of which the highest number was found in Beijing and Shanghai. Seventeen institutions published 2 or more articles with a total of 69 articles (53.1%), including 67 articles (51.5%) were co-authored by 2 units. The ranking top ten institutions in terms of the number of articles published were 5 community health service centers in Beijing, 4 in Shanghai (co-authored with Shanghai Zhongshan Hospital). There were 46 articles (35.4%) published in core journals and 55 articles (42.3%) with fund-supported projects. The studies presented teaching methods, teaching and training contents, teaching evaluation and effects, teacher training, teaching base construction and information technology application.Conclusion:The educational and teaching research in community bases for general practice standardized training in China has gradually received attention, the researches were mainly carried out by community medical institutions, but the overall quality of research needs to be further improved.

Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1029099


Objective:To investigate the application effect of production-oriented approach (POA) for consulting ability teaching in general practice standardized residency training.Methods:Eighteen third-year general practice residents in the Second Affiliated Hospital of Harbin Medical University received a special training course on the consulting ability based on POA with the situational simulation teaching from September 2021 to March 2022. The consulting ability of residents was evaluated with Objective Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE) and Leichester Assessment Package (LAP) before and after the training, and the results were compared. Meanwhile, a questionnaire survey and semi-structured interviews were conducted to assess residents′ satisfaction with the course.Results:All 18 resident trainees (11 females and 7 males) aged 25 to 34 (27.3±2.4) years successfully completed the training. Both OSCE scores and LAP scores after the training were significantly higher than those before training (66.25±5.84 vs. 44.44±12.80, t=8.46, P<0.001; 65.78±7.05 vs. 38.33±14.2, t=1.47, P<0.001, respectively). The ability of medical history collection, physical examination, patient management, problem solving, doctor-patient relationship, preventive care and medical record writing were all significantly improved after the training compared with those before training ( t=2.464, 4.278, 8.997, 2.385, 10.35, 5.212, 7.578, all P<0.05). The questionnaire survey showed that all the 18 residents were satisfied with the reasonableness of the teaching content, the class time arrangement, the teaching progress arrangement and the instructors. In the dimension of training effectiveness, 18 participants all believed that the course was helpful to improve their humanistic quality and confidence in reception. In terms of self-promotion, all respondents believed that this course was able to promote their reflection ability and stimulate their learning interest. By coding and analyzing the contents of the semi-structured interviews with the residents, nine main themes were constructed, namely course deficiencies, course characteristics, course advantages, course suggestions, trainees′ deficiencies, trainees′ gains, trainees′ goals, previous teaching deficiencies, and instructor′s role. The results showed that all residents had a high degree of satisfaction with the course, and they thought the course was vivid and interesting and it is able to mobilize the enthusiasm of learning, promote learner to reflect. The residents also suggested to increase the teaching hours and to enrich teaching cases. Conclusion:The consulting ability training of general practice based on POA can effectively improve consulting ability, stimulate learning interest and improve independent learning ability of residents, which gains recognition from both faculty and trainees.

Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1025321


Objective:Utilizing a seven-year panel data set of a targeted admission medical student cohort,this study aims to examine their career development and provide insights for retaining healthcare talent in township health centers and village clinics in the central and western rural areas of China.Method:Starting from 2015,cohorts of targeted and general clinical graduates from four medical colleges in central and western China were selected and tracked for their career progression.Results:The targeted graduates'standardized residency training and medical licensing examination pass rates were similar to those of general clinical graduates.They advanced more quickly in professional titles and positions,with 82.5%becoming attending physicians and 16.2%obtaining positions in the seventh year after graduation.However,their monthly income was significantly lower than that of general clinical graduates,and this income discrepancy expanded annually.As of December 2022,among the 493 targeted graduates who completed their contracts,38.5%stayed in grassroots positions.Of those who left,60%moved to county-level or higher public hospitals,7.9%pursued further studies,and 27.7%were unemployed.Conclusion:Targeted graduates are well-trained and advance rapidly in their careers,but their lower income significantly impacts their willingness to remain at the grassroots level.After completing their service period,about one-third of the targeted graduates choose to stay in grassroots positions.

Rev. bras. oftalmol ; 83: e0014, 2024. tab
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: biblio-1550776


RESUMO Objetivo: Avaliar a acurácia de médicos generalistas em reconhecer a retinopatia diabética por meio da retinografia colorida, com um curso de capacitação com duração de 2 horas, comparando a capacidade de rastrear e classificar a retinopatia diabética em relação ao exame presencial com oftalmologista. Métodos: No primeiro braço do estudo, de 142 pacientes diabéticos incluídos, avaliaram-se 274 olhos, em que esses pacientes foram examinados com oftalmoscópio binocular indireto e classificados quanto ao grau da retinopatia diabética. No segundo braço do estudo, 14 médicos não especialistas em oftalmologia receberam um treinamento de 2 horas para o diagnóstico de retinopatia diabética com a retinografia colorida e se aferiu a acurácia desses profissionais em rastrear a retinopatia diabética antes e depois do curso de capacitação, utilizando as retinografias obtidas na primeira frente do estudo. Resultados: Verificou-se aumento significativo da sensibilidade (82% para 99%) e da especificidade (44% para 83%) na detecção da retinopatia diabética pelos médicos generalistas, com o curso de capacitação. Conclusão: O médico generalista capacitado pode avaliar a retinopatia diabética por meio da retinografia colorida, sendo o programa de rastreamento dessa complicação do diabetes uma proposta viável e benéfica ao país.

ABSTRACT Objective: To assess the accuracy of general practitioners in recognizing diabetic retinopathy through color retinal retinography, with a two-hour training course, by comparing the capacity of screening and classifying diabetic retinopathy. Methods: In the first arm of the study, of 142 diabetic patients included, 274 eyes were evaluated, and these patients were examined with an indirect binocular ophthalmoscope and classified according to the degree of diabetic retinopathy. In the second arm of the study, 14 physicians who are not specialists in ophthalmology received two-hour training to diagnose diabetic retinopathy with color retinography, and the accuracy of these professionals in screening for diabetic retinopathy before and after the training course was measured using the photographic images obtained on the first front of the study. Results: There was a significant increase in sensitivity (82% to 99%) and specificity (44% to 83%) in detecting diabetic retinopathy by general practitioners, after attending the training. Conclusion: Qualified general practitioners can assess diabetic retinopathy through color retinography, and the screening program for this diabetes complication is a viable and beneficial proposal for the country.

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Adolescente , Adulto , Persona de Mediana Edad , Anciano , Anciano de 80 o más Años , Tamizaje Masivo/métodos , Retinopatía Diabética/diagnóstico por imagen , Técnicas de Diagnóstico Oftalmológico , Médicos Generales/educación , Atención Primaria de Salud , Brasil , Diabetes Mellitus
Rev. eletrônica enferm ; 26: 75608, 2024.
Artículo en Inglés, Portugués | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-1555137


Objetivos: avaliar os fatores geradores do estresse ocupacional dos enfermeiros e técnicos de enfermagem atuantes no cuidado direto aos pacientes acometidos pela COVID-19, durante a pandemia, e verificar sua relação com estratégias de coping adotadas pela equipe de enfermagem. Métodos: estudo transversal analítico, realizado em um hospital no interior do estado de São Paulo. A amostra de conveniência (n = 112) foi constituída por profissionais de enfermagem que responderam ao Inventário de Estresse de Enfermeiros e Inventário de Respostas de Coping no Trabalho. Para as análises inferenciais foram utilizados os testes Qui-quadrado ou Exato de Fisher, o teste de Mann-Whitney e o teste de Spearman (p < 0,05). Resultados: verificou-se elevado nível de estresse ocupacional em enfermeiros (M = 106,0; DP ± 23,1) e técnicos de enfermagem (M = 98,5; DP ± 25,1), com maior pontuação de enfermeiros para fatores intrínsecos ao trabalho, em comparação com técnicos de enfermagem. As relações interpessoais foram a principal fonte de estresse. As estratégias de coping com maiores médias foram as respostas de enfrentamento tanto para enfermeiros (M = 43,2; DP ± 8,5) quanto para os técnicos de enfermagem (M = 41,4; DP ± 9,1). Conclusões: a identificação dos fatores de estresse ocupacional e das estratégias de coping, bem como, suas repercussões no contexto laboral trouxeram contribuições importantes para entender a realidade contextual.

Objectives: to assess the factors that generate occupational stress among nurses and nursing technicians working in direct care for patients affected by COVID-19 during the pandemic and verify their relationship with coping strategies adopted by the nursing staff. Methods: an analytical cross-sectional study, carried out at a hospital in the countryside of the state of São Paulo. The convenience sample (n = 112) consisted of nursing professionals who answered the Nurses' Stress Inventory and the Coping Responses Inventory for Working Settings. For inferential analyses, chi-square test or Fisher's exact test, Mann-Whitney test and Spearman test were used (p < 0.05). Results: there was a high level of occupational stress in nurses (M = 106.0; SD ± 23.1) and nursing technicians (M = 98.5; SD ± 25.1), with higher scores among nurses for factors intrinsic to work compared to nursing technicians. Interpersonal relationships were the main source of stress. The coping strategies with the highest means were coping responses for both nurses (M = 43.2; SD ± 8.5) and nursing technicians (M = 41.4; SD ± 9.1). Conclusions: the identification of occupational stress factors and coping strategies and their repercussions at work brought important contributions to understanding the contextual reality.

Objetivos: evaluar los factores que generan estrés ocupacional entre enfermeros y técnicos de enfermería que actúan en el cuidado directo de pacientes afectados por COVID-19, durante la pandemia, y verificar su relación con las estrategias de afrontamiento adoptadas por el equipo de enfermería. Métodos: estudio analítico transversal, realizado en un hospital del interior del estado de São Paulo. La muestra por conveniencia (n = 112) estuvo compuesta por profesionales de enfermería que respondieron el Nurses' Stress Inventory y el Coping at Work Response Inventory. Para los análisis inferenciales, se utilizaron las pruebas de chi-cuadrado o exacta de Fisher, Mann-Whitney y Spearman (p < 0,05). Resultados: hubo un alto nivel de estrés ocupacional en enfermeros (M = 106,0; DE ± 23,1) y técnicos de enfermería (M = 98,5; DE ± 25,1), con puntuaciones más altas entre los enfermeros para factores intrínsecos al trabajo, en comparación con los técnicos de enfermería. Las relaciones interpersonales fueron la principal fuente de estrés. Las estrategias de afrontamiento con mayores promedios fueron las respuestas de afrontamiento tanto de enfermeros (M = 43,2; DE ± 8,5) como de técnicos de enfermería (M = 41,4; DE ± 9,1). Conclusiones: la identificación de factores de estrés ocupacional y estrategias de afrontamiento, así como sus repercusiones en el contexto laboral, trajeron importantes aportes para la comprensión de la realidad contextual.

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Agotamiento Profesional , Adaptación Psicológica , COVID-19 , Enfermeras Practicantes
Rev. bras. enferm ; 77(3): e20230476, 2024. tab
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS-Express | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-1559488


ABSTRACT Objectives: to assess the physical and mental components of nursing professionals' quality of life and associate them with individual, health and work characteristics. Methods: cross-sectional research, with nursing professionals from a university hospital in São Paulo. Own questionnaire and validated instruments were applied. Results: the overall quality of life was compromised. The physical component was lower in relation to low family income and among those who perceived greater control/pressure at work, and better for those who practiced physical activity and had support of leader and organization. The mental component was lower in professionals who reported dissatisfaction with work, worse self-rated physical health and were older. Scores for both components reduced due to work-related illnesses, worse work ability and increased daytime sleepiness. Conclusions: quality of life was statistically associated with controllable institutional factors and individual resources that, except age, can be promoted.

RESUMEN Objetivos: evaluar los componentes físicos y mentales de la calidad de vida de los profesionales de enfermería y asociarlos con características individuales, de salud y laborales. Métodos: investigación transversal, con profesionales de enfermería de un hospital universitario de São Paulo. Se aplicó cuestionario propio e instrumentos validados. Resultados: la calidad de vida general se vio comprometida. El componente físico fue menor en relación con bajos ingresos familiares y entre quienes percibieron mayor control/presión en el trabajo, y mejor para quienes practicaban actividad física y contaban con apoyo de la dirección y organización. El componente mental fue menor en los profesionales que refirieron insatisfacción con el trabajo, peor salud física autovalorada y mayor edad. Las puntuaciones de ambos componentes se redujeron debido a enfermedades relacionadas con el trabajo, peor capacidad laboral y aumento de la somnolencia diurna. Conclusiones: la calidad de vida se asoció estadísticamente con factores institucionales controlables y recursos individuales que, excepto la edad, pueden ser promovidos.

RESUMO Objetivos: avaliar os componentes físico e mental da qualidade de vida de profissionais de enfermagem e associá-los às características individuais, de saúde e do trabalho. Métodos: pesquisa transversal, com profissionais de enfermagem de um hospital universitário de São Paulo. Aplicados questionário próprio e instrumentos validados. Resultados: a qualidade de vida geral mostrou-se comprometida. O componente físico foi menor em relação à baixa renda familiar e entre os que percebiam maior controle/pressão no trabalho, e melhor para quem praticava atividade física e tinha apoio da chefia e organização. O componente mental foi menor nos profissionais que referiram insatisfação com o trabalho, pior autoavaliação de saúde física e com idade elevada. Escores de ambos componentes reduziram mediante doenças relacionadas ao trabalho, pior capacidade para o trabalho e aumento da sonolência diurna. Conclusões: a qualidade de vida foi estatisticamente associada a fatores institucionais controláveis e recursos individuais que, exceto idade, podem ser promovidos.

Rev. bras. enferm ; 77(supl.1): e20230142, 2024.
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS-Express | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-1565293


ABSTRACT Objective: To analyze the uncertainties experienced by nursing professionals who contracted COVID-19. Methods: This qualitative research was conducted with 20 nursing professionals who fell ill from COVID-19. Data collection was carried out through semi-structured interviews; the data were then organized using thematic analysis and discussed in the context of Merle Mishel's Reconceptualized of Uncertainty in Illness Theory. Results: The antecedents of the disease had a strong influence on how nursing professionals who contracted COVID-19 perceived uncertainty. The media coverage of the increasing number of cases, the collapse of the healthcare system, and the high mortality rate contributed to associating the disease with fear and panic. Final Considerations: Viewing it from the perspective of the disease's antecedents, the illness of a nursing professional from COVID-19 underscores that before being professionals, they are human beings just like anyone else, undergoing adversities and facing the possibilities associated with being ill.

RESUMEN Objetivo: Analizar las incertidumbres experimentadas por profesionales de enfermería que enfermaron por COVID-19. Métodos: Investigación cualitativa realizada con 20 profesionales de enfermería que enfermaron por COVID-19. La recolección de datos se llevó a cabo mediante entrevista semiestructurada; los datos se organizaron a partir del análisis temático y se discutieron a la luz de la Teoría Reconceptualizada de la Incertidumbre en la Enfermedad de Merle Mishel. Resultados: Los antecedentes de la enfermedad tuvieron una fuerte influencia en la apreciación de la incertidumbre de los profesionales de enfermería que enfermaron por COVID-19. La difusión mediática del aumento de casos, el colapso del sistema de salud y el alto número de muertes contribuyeron a que la percepción de la enfermedad se asociara con el miedo y el pánico. Consideraciones Finales: Desde la perspectiva de los antecedentes de la enfermedad, el padecimiento de los profesionales de enfermería por COVID-19 mostró que, antes de ser profesionales, son seres humanos como cualquier otro, enfrentando adversidades y potencialidades de personas enfermas.

RESUMO Objetivo: Analisar as incertezas vivenciadas por profissionais de enfermagem que adoeceram pela Covid-19. Métodos: Pesquisa qualitativa realizada com 20 profissionais de enfermagem que adoeceram pela Covid-19. A coleta de dados ocorreu por meio de entrevista semi-estruturada; os dados foram organizados a partir da análise temática e discutidos à luz da Teoria Reconceptualizada da Incerteza da Doença de Merle Mishel. Resultados: Os antecedentes da doença tiveram forte influência na apreciação da incerteza dos profissionais de enfermagem que adoeceram pela Covid-19. A veiculação midiática do aumento de casos, o colapso do sistema de saúde e o grande número de mortes contribuíram para que a percepção da doença fosse associada ao medo e ao pânico. Considerações Finais: Na perspectiva dos antecedentes da doença, o adoecimento do profissional de enfermagem pela Covid-19 mostrou que, antes de ser profissional, ele é um ser humano como qualquer outro, passando por adversidades e potencialidades de pessoas adoecidas.

Rev. latinoam. enferm. (Online) ; 32: e4278, 2024. tab
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS-Express | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-1569973


Abstract Objective: analyzing the effectiveness of an educational intervention on the knowledge of nursing professionals regarding the immunization of people with the human immunodeficiency virus. Method: a quasi-experimental study evaluated professionals' knowledge through a knowledge test applied before and after the development of an online training course. The data was analyzed using frequency, median, mean, standard deviation, and association tests. Results: the sample consisted of 77 nursing professionals whose mean age was 43.2 years (SD+/-8.2). More than half of the individuals worked in basic health units (58.4%), 22.1% worked in specialized services that provide clinical monitoring for people with the human immunodeficiency virus, and 42 (54.5%) were nursing assistants or technicians. The professionals' performance improved after the intervention, with an increase in the median number of correct answers from 23.0 to 27.0 (p<0.001). Conclusion: offering an online training course on the immunization of people with the human immunodeficiency virus, as a continuing education activity, proved to be effective in improving nursing professionals' knowledge on this subject.

Resumo Objetivo: analisar a efetividade de uma intervenção educativa no conhecimento de profissionais de enfermagem em relação à imunização de pessoas com o vírus da imunodeficiência humana. Método: estudo quase-experimental que avaliou o conhecimento dos profissionais por meio de um teste de conhecimento aplicado antes e depois do desenvolvimento de um curso de capacitação online. Os dados foram analisados mediante frequência, mediana, média, desvio-padrão e testes de associação. Resultados: a amostra foi constituída por 77 profissionais de enfermagem, cuja média de idade foi de 43,2 anos (DP+/-8,2). Mais da metade dos indivíduos trabalhava em unidades básicas de saúde (58,4%), 22,1% trabalhavam nos serviços especializados que realizam o acompanhamento clínico de pessoas com o vírus da imunodeficiência humana, 42 (54,5%) exerciam a função de auxiliar ou técnico de enfermagem. O desempenho dos profissionais melhorou após a intervenção, com aumento na mediana de acertos de 23,0 para 27,0 (p<0,001). Conclusão: o oferecimento de um curso de capacitação online acerca da imunização de pessoas com o vírus da imunodeficiência humana, como uma atividade de educação permanente, se mostrou efetivo para melhorar o conhecimento dos profissionais de enfermagem nesta temática.

Resumen Objetivo: analizar la efectividad de una intervención educativa sobre el conocimiento de los profesionales de enfermería con respecto a la inmunización de personas con el virus de la inmunodeficiencia humana. Método: estudio cuasiexperimental que evaluó los conocimientos de los profesionales mediante una evaluación de conocimiento aplicada antes y después del desarrollo de un curso de capacitación online. Los datos se analizaron mediante frecuencia, mediana, media, desviación estándar y pruebas de asociación. Resultados: la muestra estuvo compuesta por 77 profesionales de enfermería cuya edad promedio fue de 43,2 años (DE+/-8,2). Más de la mitad de los individuos trabajaba en unidades básicas de salud (58,4%), el 22,1% trabajaba en servicios especializados que realizan seguimiento clínico a personas portadoras del virus de la inmunodeficiencia humana, 42 (54,5%) trabajaban como auxiliar o técnico en enfermería. El desempeño de los profesionales mejoró después de la intervención, la mediana del número de respuestas correctas aumentó de 23,0 a 27,0 (p<0,001). Conclusión: dictar un curso de capacitación online sobre la inmunización de personas con el virus de la inmunodeficiencia humana, como actividad de educación continua, demostró ser eficaz para mejorar el conocimiento de los profesionales de enfermería sobre el tema.

Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: biblio-1566356


Introdução: na atenção primária à saúde, a atuação de médicos generalistas é importante no rastreamento e no acompanhamento dos estágios iniciais da doença renal crônica devido à alta prevalência, à falta de especialistas, ao impacto na morbimortalidade e qualidade de vida e ao elevado custo aos sistemas de saúde. O uso de aplicativos móveis tornou-se importante na medicina contemporânea por facilitar o acesso à informação, o que otimiza a prestação de cuidados à saúde.Objetivos: desenvolver e validar um aplicativo móvel sobre testes laboratoriais na doença renal crônica para médicos generalistas. Métodos: estudo na modalidade de produção tecnológica, com desenvolvimento de software a partir de revisão da literatura, com validação por especialistas (nefrologistas) e por médicos generalistas. A validação se deu através de respostas a questionários, que avaliaram conteúdo, compreensão, linguagem e apresentação gráfica do aplicativo. Para a análise da consistência interna dos questionários foi utilizado o coeficiente alfa de Cronbach e para avaliar a concordância dos médicos sobre aspectos do aplicativo utilizou-se o Índice de Validade de Conteúdo. O valor adotado para o Índice de Validade de Conteúdo foi maior do que 80%. Resultados: as respostas dos nefrologistas (n=9) e dos médicos generalistas (n=13) foram, respectivamente, medianas de idade de 40 (35-71) anos e 45 (30-50) anos; sexo feminino 5 (55%) e 7 (54%); coeficiente alfa de Cronbach de 0,8025 e 0,9145; Índice de Validade de Conteúdo Global de 95,6% e 92,1%. Conclusão: a confiabilidade das respostas aos questionários mostrou-se boa e houve excelente concordância entre os juízes sobre os aspectos do aplicativo móvel

Introduction: in primary health care, the performance of general practitioners is important in tracking and monitoring the early stages of chronic kidney disease, due to the high prevalence, lack of specialists, impact on morbidity and quality of life and the high cost to health systems. The use of mobile applications has become important in contemporary medicine because it facilitates access to information, which optimizes the provision of health care. Objectives: to develop and validate a mobile application on laboratory tests in chronic kidney disease, for general practitioners. Methods: study in the technological production modality, with software development based on a literature review, with validation by specialists (nephrologists) and by general practitioners. Validation took place through answers to questionnaires, which evaluated content, understanding, language and graphic presentation of the mobile application. Cronbach's alpha coefficient was used to analyze the internal consistency of the questionnaires, and the Content Validity Index was used to assess physicians' agreement on aspects of the app. The value adopted for the mobile application was greater than 80%. Results: the responses of nephrologists (n=9) and general practitioners (n=13) were, respectively, median age 40 (35-71) years and 45 (30-50) years, 5 (55%) and 7 (54%) were female, Cronbach's alpha coefficient of 0.8025 and 0.9145, Global Content Validity Index of 95.56% and 92.13%. Conclusion: the reliability of the responses to the questionnaires was good and there was excellent agreement between the judges on aspects of the mobile application

Rev. latinoam. enferm. (Online) ; 31: e3795, Jan.-Dec. 2023. tab
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-1424040


Abstract Objective: to analyze the factors related to sleep disorders reported by Nursing professionals during the COVID-19 pandemic. Method: this is a cross-sectional and analytical study conducted with Nursing professionals from all Brazilian regions. Sociodemographic data, working conditions and questions about sleep disorders were collected. The Poisson regression model with repeated measures was used to estimate the Relative Risk. Results: 572 answers were analyzed, which revealed that non-ideal sleep duration, poor sleep quality and dreams about the work environment were predominant during the pandemic, with 75.2%, 67.1% and 66.8% respectively; as well as complaints of difficulty sleeping, daytime sleepiness and non-restorative sleep during the pandemic were reported by 523 (91.4%), 440 (76.9%) and 419 (73.2%) of the Nursing professionals, respectively. The relative risk of having such sleep disorders during the pandemic was significant for all variables and categories studied. Conclusion: non-ideal sleep duration, poor sleep quality, dreams about the work environment, complaints regarding difficulty sleeping, daytime sleepiness and non-restorative sleep were the predominant sleep disorders among Nursing professionals during the pandemic. Such findings point to possible consequences on health, as well as on the quality of the work performed.

Resumo Objetivo: analisar os fatores relacionados às alterações no sono relatadas pelos profissionais de enfermagem durante a pandemia de COVID-19. Método: trata-se de um estudo transversal e analítico, realizado com profissionais de enfermagem de todas as regiões do Brasil. Foram coletados dados de caracterização sociodemográfica, condições de trabalho e questões sobre alterações de sono. Para estimar o Risco Relativo foi utilizado o modelo de regressão de Poisson com medidas repetidas. Resultados: foram analisadas 572 respostas, as quais revelaram que a duração não ideal do sono, a má qualidade do sono e os sonhos com o ambiente de trabalho foram predominantes durante a pandemia, com 75,2%, 67,1% e 66,8% respectivamente, assim como as queixas de dificuldade ao dormir, sonolência diurna e sono não restaurador durante a pandemia foram relatadas por 523 (91,4%), 440 (76,9%) e 419 (73,2%) dos profissionais de enfermagem, respectivamente. O risco relativo de apresentar tais alterações de sono, durante a pandemia foi significativo para todas as variáveis e as categorias estudadas. Conclusão: duração não ideal do sono, má qualidade do sono, sonhos com o ambiente de trabalho, queixas de dificuldade ao dormir, sonolência diurna e sono não restaurador foram as alterações do sono predominantes entre os profissionais de enfermagem durante a pandemia. Estes achados apontam para possíveis consequências na saúde, bem como na qualidade do trabalho realizado.

Resumen Objetivo: analizar los factores relacionados con los trastornos del sueño que informaron los profesionales de enfermería durante la pandemia de COVID-19. Método: se trata de un estudio transversal y analítico realizado con profesionales de enfermería de todas las regiones de Brasil. Se recolectaron datos sobre caracterización sociodemográfica, condiciones de trabajo y preguntas sobre trastornos del sueño. Para estimar el Riesgo Relativo se utilizó el modelo de regresión de Poisson con medidas repetidas. Resultados: se analizaron 572 respuestas, que revelaron que durante la pandemia predominaron la duración del sueño no ideal, la mala calidad del sueño y los sueños sobre el ambiente laboral, con 75,2%, 67,1% y 66,8% respectivamente, además 523 (91,4%), 440 (76,9%) y 419 (73,2%) profesionales de enfermería manifestaron quejas de dificultad para conciliar el sueño, somnolencia diurna y sueño no reparador durante la pandemia, respectivamente. El riesgo relativo de padecer trastornos del sueño durante la pandemia fue significativo para todas las variables y categorías estudiadas. Conclusión: la duración del sueño no ideal, la mala calidad del sueño, los sueños sobre el ambiente laboral, las quejas de dificultad para conciliar el sueño, la somnolencia diurna y el sueño no reparador fueron los trastornos del sueño predominantes en los profesionales de enfermería durante la pandemia. Estos hallazgos indican posibles consecuencias para la salud, así como para la calidad del trabajo realizado.

Humanos , Trastornos del Sueño-Vigilia/etiología , Trastornos del Sueño-Vigilia/epidemiología , Estudios Transversales , Encuestas y Cuestionarios , COVID-19/epidemiología , Enfermeras Practicantes
Ciênc. Saúde Colet. (Impr.) ; 28(10): 2785-2796, out. 2023. tab, graf
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1520611


Resumo A pesquisa tem por objetivo descrever o perfil sociodemográfico e de saúde dos profissionais de enfermagem no contexto da pandemia da COVID-19 e propõe uma análise reflexiva sobre a essencialidade da categoria frente às demandas intrínsecas dos pacientes e do sistema de saúde brasileiro, especialmente, no contexto da emergência de saúde pública deflagrada pelo avanço exponencial do vírus SARS-CoV-2. O estudo revela a relação entre as injustiças históricas e os diferentes tipos de desigualdade que afetam e causam a vulnerabilidade da profissão, com fulcro na apresentação de potenciais perspectivas decorrentes desse processo histórico e dos acontecimentos recentes.

Abstract The present study aims to describe the sociodemographic and health profile of nursing professionals in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic and propose a reflective analysis on the essentiality of the category facing the intrinsic demands of patients and the Brazilian health system, especially in the context of the public health emergency triggered by the exponential advance of the SARS-CoV-2 virus. This study reveals the relationship between historical injustices and the different types of inequality that impacted and caused the vulnerability of the profession, with an emphasis on the presentation of potential perspectives arising from this historical process and recent events.

Ciênc. Saúde Colet. (Impr.) ; 28(10): 2867-2877, out. 2023. tab, graf
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1520618


Resumo O artigo analisa a associação entre níveis de fadiga por compaixão e engajamento no trabalho com a COVID-19 em profissionais de enfermagem. Estudo longitudinal, tipo antes e depois, realizado com profissionais de enfermagem da linha de frente, nos períodos pré-pandêmico e pandêmico. Utilizou-se as versões brasileiras da Professional Quality of Life Scale e da Utrecht Work Engagement Scale. Observou-se altos níveis de satisfação por compaixão (≥43,0), baixos níveis de burnout (<23,0) e estresse traumático secundário (<23,0); e níveis altos de vigor (≥4,0 e ≤4,99), absorção (≥4,0 e ≤4,99) e escore geral (≥4,0 e ≤4,99). Houve correlação moderada, negativa e significativa do burnout com vigor (r: -0,505; p-valor: <0,001), no pré-pandemia; e com o escore geral, no pré-pandemia (r: -0,543; p-valor: <0,001) e período pandêmico (r: -0,458; p-valor: <0,001). Não houve alterações nos níveis de engajamento no trabalho. Profissionais com fadiga por compaixão tiveram redução do vigor, absorção e escore geral, classificados como médios no período pandêmico (≥2,0 e ≤3,99); e aumento da dedicação, que era baixa (≥1,0 e ≤1,99) no pré-pandemia. Concluiu-se não haver associação danosa entre fadiga por compaixão e engajamento no trabalho com a COVID-19 nos profissionais de enfermagem.

Abstract This article examines the association between levels of compassion fatigue and work engagement with COVID-19 in nursing professionals. A longitudinal, before-and-after study was conducted with nursing professionals working in the frontline in the pre-pandemic and pandemic periods. Our study applied the Brazilian versions of the Professional Quality of Life Scale and the Utrecht Work Engagement Scale. High levels of compassion satisfaction (≥43.0), low levels of burnout (<23.0) and secondary traumatic stress (<23.0), as well as high levels of vigor (≥4.0 and ≤4.99), absorption (≥4.0 and ≤4.99), and overall score (≥4.0 and ≤4.99) were observed. Moderate, negative, and significant correlations of burnout with vigor (r: -0.505; p-value: <0.001), in the pre-pandemic period; and with overall score, in the pre-pandemic (r: -0.543; p-value: <0.001) and pandemic periods (r: -0.458; p-value: <0.001), were also observed. No changes in levels of work engagement were found. Professionals with compassion fatigue showed decreased vigor, absorption, and overall score, rated as medium in the pandemic period (≥2.0 and ≤3.99), and an increased dedication, which was low (≥1.0 and ≤1.99) in the pre-pandemic period. It was concluded that there is no harmful association between compassion fatigue and work engagement with COVID-19 in nursing professionals.

Artículo en Portugués | LILACS, BDENF, SaludCR | ID: biblio-1430295


Introdução: Ao desempenhar e promover práticas que visam a melhoria da saúde, a equipe de enfermagem se assumiu como protagonista e linha de frente em tempos de pandemia de COVID-19. Logo, fica evidente a exposição pessoal-profissional-familiar; a carência de pessoal e a insegurança laboral-emocional, além das consequências que vão recair sobre os contextos de saúde e de trabalho destes profissionais. Objetivo: Analisar os contextos de saúde e trabalho de profissionais de enfermagem durante a pandemia de COVID-19. Metodologia: Estudo de método misto, combinando as abordagens por meio da estratégia de incorporação concomitante - QUAN(qual), realizado em Minas Gerais, Brasil, entre agosto e dezembro de 2020. Aplicou-se, via ligação telefônica, um roteiro de perguntas a 58 profissionais enfermeiros, técnicos e auxiliares de enfermagem. O roteiro continha perguntas abertas e fechadas ligadas a questões sociodemográficas e aos contextos e condições de saúde, trabalho e COVID-19. Realizou-se análise quantitativa descritiva e Análise de Conteúdo Temática. Resultados: A maioria mulheres (93,1%) técnicas de enfermagem (69%). 39,7% trabalhavam em plantão noturno; 58,6% relataram terem sofrido violências no trabalho e 48,3% relataram diagnósticos de transtorno mental. Os contextos de trabalho na pandemia evidenciaram necessidade de estímulos e valorização profissional e relações com fatores institucionais, a dinâmica e organização do trabalho, condições adequadas de trabalho e ao favorável relacionamento interpessoal, enquanto que contextos de saúde evidenciaram relação com interesses, oportunidades, rotina, normalidade, esperança e tenacidade que seriam trazidos pelo fim da COVID-19. Conclusão: A pandemia de COVID-19 fortaleceu um contexto de saúde e de trabalho crítico, amedrontado e inseguro da equipe de Enfermagem brasileira, exacerbando a necessidade de providências, ações e políticas que considerem a Saúde do Trabalhador como estruturantes para a organização dos serviços.

Introducción: Al realizar y promover prácticas que tienen como objetivo la mejora de la salud, el equipo de enfermería asumió el protagonismo en los tiempos de la pandemia por COVID-19. Por tanto, es evidente la exposición personal-profesional-familiar, la falta de personal y la inseguridad laboral-emocional, además de las consecuencias que recaerán sobre la salud y los contextos laborales de este grupo profesional. Objetivo: Analizar el contexto sanitario y laboral de profesionales de enfermería durante la pandemia por COVID-19. Metodología: Estudio de método mixto, combinando los abordajes a través de la estrategia de incorporación concomitante - QUAN(qual), realizado en Minas Gerais, Brasil, entre agosto y diciembre de 2020. Se aplicó un guion de preguntas, mediante llamada telefónica, a 58 profesionales, personal técnico y auxiliares de enfermería. El guion contenía preguntas abiertas y cerradas relacionadas con cuestiones sociodemográficas y los contextos y condiciones de salud, trabajo y COVID-19. Se realizó un análisis cuantitativo descriptivo y un análisis de contenido temático. Resultados: La mayor parte de la muestra estuvo compuesta por mujeres (93.1 %) y personal técnico de enfermería (69 %). El 39.7 % trabajaba en turno de noche, el 58.6 % declaró haber sufrido violencia en el trabajo y el 48.3 % informó de diagnósticos de trastorno mental. Los contextos de trabajo en la pandemia mostraron la necesidad de estímulo y valoración profesional y las relaciones con los factores institucionales, la dinámica y la organización del trabajo, las condiciones adecuadas de trabajo y la relación interpersonal favorable. Los contextos de salud, mientras tanto, mostraron una relación con los intereses, las oportunidades, la rutina, la normalidad, la esperanza y la tenacidad que se produciría al final de la COVID-19. Conclusión: La pandemia de la COVID-19 fortaleció un contexto de salud y trabajo crítico, atemorizado e inseguro del equipo de enfermería brasileño, exacerbando la necesidad de providencias, acciones y políticas que consideren la salud de la persona trabajadora como estructurante para la organización de los servicios.

Introduction: By performing and promoting practices that aim to improve health, the nursing team has assumed itself as a protagonist during the COVID-19 pandemic. Therefore, the personal, professional, and family exposure is evident; the lack of personnel and occupational security, in addition to the consequences on the health and work contexts of these professionals. Objective: To analyze the health and work contexts of nursing professionals during the pandemic of COVID-19. Methodology: This is a mixed-method study that combines approaches through the concurrent incorporation strategy - QUAN(qual), conducted in Minas Gerais, Brazil, between August and December 2020. A script of questions was applied over the phone to 58 professional nurses, nursing technicians, and nursing assistants. The script included open and closed questions related to sociodemographic issues and health, work, and COVID-19 contexts and conditions. A descriptive quantitative analysis and thematic content analysis were performed. Results: The majority were women (93.1%) nursing technicians (69%). The 39.7% of the participants worked the night shift; the 58.6% reported experiencing violence at work and the 48.3% was diagnosed with mental disorders. The work contexts during the pandemic showed that there was a need for encouragement and professional evaluation; they also portrayed the relationships with the institutional factors, the work dynamics and the organization, the appropriate working conditions and the favorable interpersonal relationships. On the other hand, health contexts showed the relationship between interests, opportunities, routine, normality, hope and tenacity that would occur at the end of COVID-19. Conclusion: The pandemic of COVID-19 strengthened a critical, fearful, and insecure health and work context of the Brazilian nursing team, exacerbating the need for provisions, actions and policies that consider worker's health crucial for the organization of services.

Humanos , Personal de Salud/psicología , COVID-19/psicología , Brasil , Infecciones por Coronavirus , Condiciones de Trabajo , Perfil Laboral