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Artículo en Inglés | WPRIM | ID: wpr-626290


Objective: The involvement of families in assisting health professionals in providing care for their family members who suffer a stroke during hospitalization is common in Malaysia. Family caregivers are accountable in providing for the first-ever stroke survivor’s needs, including maintaining functional improvements gained in rehabilitation and the long-term well-being of the stroke survivors. The objective of this study was to determine the predictors of life satisfaction among family caregivers of hospitalized first-ever stroke patients. Methods: This was a cross-sectional community research design study with purposive sampling. It involved 102 family caregivers of hospitalized first-ever stroke patients of two tertiary hospitals in Kelantan. The Bakas Caregiving Outcomes Score (BCOS) was used to measure life satisfaction. Multiple linear regression was used to determine the predictors of life satisfaction. Results: Out of 102 respondents, 21 were males and 81 were females with age range of 16 to 76 years. Significant predictors of life satisfaction of caregivers while caring for their hospitalized first-ever stroke family members were caregivers’ health (β: -2.875, 95%CI: -5.725, -0.025, p = 0.048), patients’ age (β: - 4.251, 95% CI: - 6.379, -2.123, p<0.001) and educational status of patients (β: 3.176, 95% CI: 1.083, 5.269, p = 0.003). Conclusion: This study highlighted predictors of life satisfaction among caregivers while caring for their hospitalized family members with stroke. The results may provide a basis for developing a support program for the family caregivers of hospitalized stroke patients in preparation for their continuing caregiving role at their homes. ASEAN Journal of Psychiatry, Vol. 15 (2): July – December 2014: 164-175.

Rev. venez. cir ; 66(1): 14-26, mar. 2013. ilus, graf
Artículo en Español | LILACS, LIVECS | ID: biblio-1392294


Objetivo: Determinar la relación entre la hipotermia y la evolución clínica de los pacientes con traumatismo penetrante por arma de fuego admitidos de enero a octubre del 2010 en el servicio de emergencia en el (HGO) "José Gregorio Hernández" de Los Magallanes de Catia, Caracas-Venezuela. Método: Estudio prospectivo, descriptivo y comparativo con una población de 109 casos y una muestra de 65 pacientes, que relaciona las variables como edad, sexo, tiempo de evolución, número y localización delos orificios, comorbilidades, uso de drogas ilícitas, hábito tabáquico, alcohol, drenaje torácico, órganos lesionados, uso de transfusiones, complicaciones, re-intervenciones y días de hospitalización con la hipotermia, para determinarla como factor predictivo de morbimortalidad. Resultados:Todas las variables estudiadas intervienen como factores asociados a la hipotermia en el pronóstico de morbimortalidad, a excepción del uso del drenaje torácico.Conclusiones:Se demostró que la hipotermia en el área de emergencia es un factor predictivo de morbimortalidad para los pacientes que ingresaron al con traumatismo penetrante por arma de fuego y se sugiere que se tome como parte del protocolo para evaluar el pronóstico de estos pacientes(AU)

Objective: Determinate the relationship between hypothermia in penetrating trauma by gunshot and the clinical outcome of patients admitted from January to October 2010 in emergency room of the Hospital General del Oeste "José Gregorio Hernández" Los Magallanes de Catia, Caracas-Venezuela. Method: A prospective, descriptive and comparative study with a population of 109 patients and a sample of 65 patients, who we are going to relate multiple variables such as age, gender, evolution time, number and location of the holes, comorbidities, illicit drug use, smoking, alcohol, chest drainage, damage organs, use of transfusions,complications, re-interventions and hospital days with hypothermia and degrees of it to determine it as a predictor of morbimortality.Results: All variables related with hypothermia and their degrees except the needed for chest drainage are involves like predictors of morbimortality. Conclusions: We demonstrated the hypothermia in the emergency room is a predictor of morbimortality for patients admitted in emergency area wirh penetrating trauma by gunshot. We suggest take this information to make a protocol for measuring prognosis of this type of patients in our hospital(AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Adulto , Heridas y Lesiones , Heridas Penetrantes , Indicadores de Morbimortalidad , Predicción , Hipotermia , Pacientes , Armas de Fuego , Servicio de Urgencia en Hospital , Hospitalización , Hospitales , Obstrucción Intestinal
Rev. colomb. obstet. ginecol ; 62(2): 148-154, abr.-jun. 2011. tab
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: lil-593107


Objetivo: determinar la incidencia de parto vaginal despues de una cesarea previa y evaluar la capacidad predictiva del puntaje predictor de parto vaginal descrito por Flamm en 1997. Materiales y métodos: estudio de cohorte retrospectivo de mujeres con antecedente de cesarea y embarazo de al menos 37 semanas, que consultaron al Hospital San Juan de Dios de Cali (HSJD) entre mayo 30 de 2007 y mayo 30 de 2008. Se calculo la tasa de parto vaginal y se evaluo la sensibilidad, especificidad, valores predictivos positivo (VPP) y negativo (VPN) y las razones de verosimilitud positiva (RVP) y negativa (RVN) del puntaje predictor de parto vaginal después de una cesárea cuando los valores de estos son de 4 o mas y de 8 o mas. Resultados: la proporcion de parto vaginal en este grupo fue del 20,3%. El 36% de las gestantes con puntajes entre 4 y 7 tuvieron parto vaginal y el 83% de las gestantes con 8 o mas puntos. Con un punto de corte >_ 4 puntos la sensibilidad fue de 85,7%, la especificidad 69,1%, VPP 41,3% y VPN 95%, RVP 2,8 y RVN 0,2. Si el punto de corte fue >_ 8 la sensibilidad fue de 83,3%, la especificidad 82,6%, VPP 17,9% y VPN 99,1%, RVP 4,8 y RVN 0,2. Conclusion: la frecuencia de parto vaginal posterior a cesarea es del 20%. Las gestantes con puntajes menores de 4 tuvieron una baja probabilidad de tener un parto vaginal...

Objective: determining the incidence of vaginal birth following a prior cesarean section and evaluating the predictive ability of the vaginal birth predictor score on the admission scoring system described by Flamm in 1997. Materials and methods: this was a retrospective cohort study of women having undergone a prior cesarean section and then a pregnancy lasting at least 37 weeks who had consulted at the San Juan de Dios hospital in Cali (HSJD) between May 30th 2007 and May 30th 2008. The vaginal birth rate was calculated and sensitivity, specificity, positive (PPV) and negative predictive values (NPV) were evaluated, as were positive (RVP) and negative verisimilitude ratios (RVN) regarding vaginal birth predictor score following a cesarean when their scores were 4 or more and 8 or more. Results: there were 20.3% vaginal births in this group; 36% of the pregnant women having scores between 4 and 7 had undergone vaginal birth and 83% of the expectant mothers scoring 8 or more. A >_ 4 points cut-off point gave 85.7% sensitivity, 69.1% specificity, 41.3% Positive Predictive Value (PPV) and 95% Negative Predictive Value (NPV) and 2.8 Positive likelihood ratio P LR(+) and 0.2 Negative likelihood ratio (NLR). If cut-off point were >_8, then this gave 83.3% sensitivity, 82.6% specificity, 17.9% PPV, 99.1% NPV, 4.8 RVP and 0.2 RVN. Conclusion: vaginal birth frequency following a cesarean section was 20%. Pregnant women having scores less than 4 had a low probability of having a vaginal birth...

Femenino , Embarazo , Cesárea , Parto