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Interdisciplinaria ; 40(2): 409-423, ago. 2023. graf
Artículo en Español | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1448502


Resumen La familia juega un papel fundamental tanto en la socialización como en la configuración de valores en menores y adolescentes. Esta investigación estudia las percepciones del estudiantado adolescente sobre prácticas parentales y valores familiares e identifica las conductas prosostenibilidad de dicho estudiantado en una triple perspectiva: reducir, reutilizar y reciclar (3R). La población diana es el estudiantado de bachillerato de la ciudad de Cuenca (Ecuador). El análisis de datos incluye: comparación de medias, coeficiente de correlación r de Pearson y regresión lineal simple. Los resultados señalan que las mujeres y los varones adolescentes del estudio perciben un elevado apoyo parental a su autonomía y que las madres conceden mayor importancia al valor de ayuda a los demás. Adicionalmente, un alto porcentaje de los sujetos realizan al menos una acción de las 3R. Se concluye que la muestra percibe a la familia como un agente impulsor de su desarrollo como sujetos autónomos, un factor prometedor para la integración de valores y el desarrollo de competencias para la sostenibilidad; sin embargo, reconoce que la escuela es donde se fragua su compromiso con un futuro sostenible con más intensidad.

Abstract The family plays a fundamental role both in socialization and in the configuration of values in minors and adolescents; including those related to environmental care. In keeping with this premise, Unicef (2018) announced that the sustainable development of the planet requires counting on families; it pointed them out as essential collaborators of governments for the quality of life of future generations. Considered a natural and elemental unit of all modern societies and an educational agent of the first order for the development and psychosocial adjustment of its members, the family is also a primary socialization agent (Fontana-Abad, Gil y Reyero, 2013). It plays a key role in the internalization of prosocial values, such as self-transcendence (care and universalism) and conservation (conformity, safety, and tradition); values ​​closely related to pro-environmental behaviors (Barrera-Hernández, Sotelo, Echeverría y Tapia, 2020). Following this line, this research studies the perceptions that adolescents have about family values, parental support for autonomy, and environmental care practices, according to the 3R rule, in a triple perspective: reduce, reuse, and recycle. It uses a quantitative, descriptive, and relational methodology. The target population was high school adolescents from the city of Cuenca (Ecuador). The sample was made up of 122 adolescents which attended three schools: one private educational unit (36.1 %) and two public (27.9 % and 36.1 %). Of the respondents, 38.8 % were female and 61.2 % were male, and they all were between 15 and 19 years old (M = 16.4; SD = 1.2); 27 % were in their first year of high school (15-17 years), 44.3 % were in their second year of high school (16-18 years) and the 28.7 % were in their third year (17-19 years). Data analysis includes comparison of means, Pearson's r correlation coefficient and simple linear regression. The results indicate that a high percentage of the adolescents in the study carry out at least one of the following environmental care actions (these are organized from highest to lowest frequency): saving water and electricity consumption, using garbage cans, reusing bottles, separating garbage, and participating in actions in favor of environment. Likewise, it is detected that they perceive family as a driving agent for their development as autonomous subjects, and a promising factor for the process of integration of values ​​and the development of competencies for caring for the environment; however, they still recognize the school as the place where their commitment to a sustainable future is most intensely forged. Additionally, the adolescents in the study perceive a high parental support for their autonomy and, likewise, that mothers attach greater importance to the value of helping others, a central axis in the ethics of care that characterizes the paradigm of sustainability. This research corroborated, once again, the ONU's (2015) position when it indicates that the family is a main agent of change for sustainability, with a decisive influence on the preservation of life and ecosystems. It endorses the relevance of promoting educational strategies that promote family-school relations in order to enhance the role of the former in the acquisition of pro-environmental values ​​and, ultimately, its collaboration in the quality of formal education aimed at sustainability. With these results, a path is opened to improve the knowledge on the parental role in relation to the promotion of behaviors of environmental care (pro-sustainability), within the framework of adolescents' and young people's formal education.

Acta colomb. psicol ; 25(1): 183-202, ene.-jun. 2022. tab, graf
Artículo en Español | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1364264


Resumen El daño ambiental que se ha venido provocando a causa de la actividad humana es preocupante, razón por la cual se ha identificado como una de las posibles soluciones tener un comportamiento proambiental. Sin embargo, se ha visto que hay barreras psicológicas que impiden o dificultan esta conducta. Por este motivo, con el fin de tener un instrumento que permita evaluar estas barreras psicológicas en nuestro contexto, el objetivo de la presente investigación fue realizar la adaptación de la escala Dragons of Inaction Psychological Barriers (DIPB) en población colombiana. La muestra estuvo compuesta por 810 estudiantes universitarios de Bogotá y Chía, Colombia; 367 hombres y 443 mujeres con edades entre los 15 y los 48 años (M = 19.67, DE = 2.414). En general, se realizó un análisis factorial exploratorio y un análisis factorial confirmatorio, con los cuales se comprobó la existencia de una estructura de cinco factores con 20 ítems; se realizaron análisis de reactivos y fiabilidad que demostraron que el instrumento tiene una alta consistencia interna; y se llevaron a cabo dos estudios de invarianza, con los que se demostró que la estructura factorial es invariante para todos los grupos de estudio. Además, se realizó la baremación del instrumento total. En conclusión, esta adaptación del DIPB presenta adecuada validez y fiabilidad, y permite guiar futuras investigaciones acerca de las barreras de inacción en el contexto latinoamericano, a la vez que aporta un insumo para realizar un primer diagnóstico de este constructo en Colombia.

Abstract The environmental damage that has been generated by human activity is a cause for concern, so pro-environmental behavior has been identified as one of the possible solutions. However, it has been seen that there are psychological barriers that prevent or hinder this behavior. For this reason, in order to have an instrument to evaluate these psychological barriers in our context, the objective of this research was to adapt the Dragons of Inaction Psychological Barriers (DIPB) scale to the Colombian population. The sample was made up of 810 university students from Bogotá and Chía, Colombia; 367 males and 443 females between 15 and 48 years of age (M = 19.67, SD = 2.414). In general, an exploratory factor analysis and a confirmatory factor analysis were carried out, which demonstrated the existence of a five-factor structure with 20 items. Item and reliability analyses were performed, which demonstrated that the instrument has a high internal consistency; and two invariance studies were carried out, which showed that the factor structure is invariant for all study groups. In addition, the total instrument was scored. In conclusion, this adaptation of the DIPB presents adequate validity and reliability, and allows guiding future research on inaction barriers in the Latin American context, while providing an input for a first diagnosis of this construct in Colombia.

Estud. psicol. (Natal) ; 27(1): 115-126, jan.-abr. 2022.
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: biblio-1433816


This article aims to analyze the relationship between practices of the self and pro-environmental behavior in the daily life of ecovillages. We rely on Foucault's notion of practices of the self to understand the changes in the behavior of the inhabitants of ecovillages regarding the environment. We made participant observations in two ecovillages in Switzerland and one in Brazil. The analyses show that the presence or absence of practices of the self in each ecovillage led to different pro-environmental subjectivation: passive-structural, active-individual, and active-structural. From these different positions, each community achieved different degrees of preservation of the environment. The results provide evidence that practices of the self are relevant factors for the inhabitants of ecovillages to develop pro-environmental behaviors.

Este artigo tem como objetivo analisar a relação entre as práticas de si e o comportamento pró-ambiental no cotidiano de ecovilas. Nos apoiamos na noção de Foucault de práticas de si para compreender as mudanças no comportamento dos habitantes das ecovilas em relação ao meio ambiente. Fizemos observações participantes em duas ecovilas na Suíça e uma no Brasil. As análises mostram que a presença ou ausência de práticas de si em cada ecovila levou a diferentes subjetivações pró-ambientais: passivo-estrutural, ativo-individual e ativo-estrutural. A partir dessas diferentes posições, cada comunidade alcançou diferentes graus de preservação do meio ambiente. Os resultados fornecem evidências de que as práticas de si são fatores relevantes para que os habitantes das ecovilas desenvolvam comportamentos pró-ambientais.

Este artículo tiene como objetivo analizar la relación entre las prácticas de sí y el comportamiento proambiental en la vida diaria de las ecoaldeas. Nos basamos en la noción de prácticas de sí de Foucault para comprender los cambios en el comportamiento de los habitantes de las ecoaldeas con respecto al medio ambiente. Hicimos observaciones de los participantes en dos ecoaldeas de Suiza y una de Brasil. Los análisis muestran que la presencia o ausencia de prácticas de sí en cada ecoaldea dio lugar a una subjetivación proambiental diferente: pasivo-estructural, activo-individual y activo-estructural. Desde estas diferentes posiciones, cada comunidad logró diferentes grados de preservación del medio ambiente. Los resultados proporcionan evidencia de que las prácticas de sí son factores relevantes para que los habitantes de las ecoaldeas desarrollen comportamientos proambientales.

Humanos , Práctica Privada , Asentamientos Humanos
Rev. CES psicol ; 14(1): 64-84, ene.-abr. 2021. tab, graf
Artículo en Español | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1360750


Resumen Los avances científicos, tecnológicos y los modelos de desarrollo social y económico actuales ponen de manifiesto la influencia negativa del ser humano sobre el medio ambiente. La educación universitaria resulta indispensable para la difusión de conocimientos y promoción de comportamientos más solidarios y menos perjudiciales con el medio ambiente. La presente investigación tuvo como objetivo determinar la relación del conocimiento ambiental (CA) y el comportamiento proambiental (CPA) de estudiantes universitarios y su manifestación según las áreas de conocimiento, en una institución de educación superior en Colombia. Se realizó un estudio comparativo con diseño transversal, utilizando un muestreo dirigido, conformado por 991 estudiantes de diferentes carreras universitarias. Se aplicó el Índice de Comportamiento Proambiental (ICP) que evalúa creencias, normas subjetivas e intención de comportamiento proambiental y la Escala Diagnóstica de Conocimiento Ambiental para Latinoamérica (ECLA) que evalúa conocimiento del sistema, de las acciones, de la efectividad, y de problemas ambientales. Se evidenciaron asociaciones positivas y significativas entre el CA y las escalas del ICP; y se encontraron diferencias significativas según las diferentes áreas de conocimiento (p< .05). Los estudiantes de Ciencias Sociales y Humanas presentaron mayores puntajes en CA y CPA respecto a los de otras áreas. Se concluye que los estudiantes poseen creencias, actitudes y acciones positivas hacia el medioambiente, no obstante, su nivel de CA es bajo. Las universidades cuentan con el reto de promover una formación que impacte en el bienestar humano-ambiente.

Abstract Scientific and technological advances and current models of social and economic development highlight the negative influence of human beings on the environment. Higher education is essential for knowledge dissemination and the promotion of behaviors that are more supportive and less harmful to the environment. This research aimed to determine the relationship between environmental knowledge (CA) and pro-environmental behavior (CPA) of undergraduate students and their manifestation according to the areas of knowledge in a higher education institution in Colombia. A comparative study under a cross-sectional design was carried out, using a directed sampling, made up of 991 students from different undergraduate programs. The Pro-Environmental Behavior Index (ICP) was administered, which evaluates beliefs, subjective norms and intention of pro-environmental behavior, and the Diagnostic Environmental Knowledge Scale for Latin America (ECLA), which assesses knowledge of the system, actions, effectiveness, and environmental issues. Positive and significant associations were evidenced between the AC and the ICP scales; and significant differences were found according to the different areas of knowledge (p< .05). The students of Social and Human Sciences showed higher scores in CA and CPA compared to those of other areas. It is concluded that students have positive beliefs, attitudes, and actions towards the environment, however, their AC level is low. Universities have the challenge of promoting training that impacts human-environment well-being.

Interdisciplinaria ; 36(2): 1-1, dic. 2019. tab, graf
Artículo en Español | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1056536


Resumen El objetivo del presente estudio fue establecer las características del comportamiento proambiental de los estudiantes universitarios colombianos, esto es, identificar las actitudes, creencias, valoraciones, prácticas y conocimientos ambientales de estudiantes colombianos de diferentes carreras universitarias. Para ello se realizó un estudio descriptivo-correlacional de corte transversal con una muestra de 1503 estudiantes de diferentes carreras universitarias en cinco ciudades colombianas, con una probabilidad de incidencia de .5, 95 % de confianza y un error del 2.5 %. Los participantes fueron seleccionados aleatoriamente al interior de cada universidad y seles aplicaron el Inventario de Comportamiento Proambiental (ICP) y el Test de Conocimiento Ambiental (TCA), este último desarrollado específicamente para propósitos de la presente investigación. Se encontró que los estudiantes encuestados poseen actitudes y creencias ambientales positivas en la mayoría de las dimensiones. El nivel de conocimiento ambiental de los estudiantes en las cinco ciudades seleccionadas es bajo. Si bien no se observaron diferencias significativas entre las carreras respecto a las creencias, valoraciones, acciones y conocimientos ambientales, paradójicamente los estudiantes de ciencias ambientales ocuparon lugares inferiores a los que estudian ciencias económicas y administrativas. Se puede concluir que existen diferencias según la ciudad en las creencias, valoración, conocimiento y acciones ambientales de los estudiantes encuestados. El reporte de acciones ambientales presenta un perfil controversial pues al mismo tiempo las personas realizan comportamientos proambientales y antiambientales. Las instituciones universitarias y el gobierno tienen el desafío de lograr que la educación ambiental muestre los resultados esperados para el cumplimiento de las metas ambientales del país y del mundo.

Abstract The objective of the present study was to establish the characteristics of the pro environmental behavior of Colombian university students; that is, to identify the attitudes, beliefs, valuations, practices and environmental knowledge of Colombian students from different university careers. For this purpose, a cross-sectional descriptive-correlational study was carried out with a sample of 1503 students from different university careers in five Colombian cities, with an incidence probability of .5, 95 % confidence and an error of 2.5 %. The participants were randomly selected within each university and the questionnaires applied were the Pro environmental Behaviour Inventory (ICP) and the Environmental Knowledge Test (TCA); the latter was developed specifically for the purposes of this research. The students surveyed were found to have positive environmental attitudes and beliefs in most dimensions. The level of environmental awareness of students in the five selected cities is low. Although no significant differences were observed between the careers with respect to beliefs, valuations, actions and environmental knowledge, paradoxically the students of environmental sciences occupied inferior places to those who study economic and administrative sciences. Thus, in the analysis of specific items it was evidenced that the students of environmental sciences develop diverse anti environmental actions, in a similar way to the behavior patterns of the students of the other researched careers. With respect to the region, the results show that it is possible to conclude that there are differences according to the city with respect to the beliefs, valuation, knowledge and environmental actions of the students surveyed. Among the findings it is worth highlighting the results of Bucaramanga in terms of the report of environmental actions and the highest average in the TCA observed in that city. Similarly, Cali stands out along with Bucaramanga in its results, while Medellín obtained the lowest scores in environmental knowledge. Finally, in the report on environmental actions in university students, contradictory results are observed, given that it presents a controversial profile because people perform pro-environmental and anti-environmental behaviors at the same time, with positive environmental attitudes and beliefs in accordance with these attitudes. Regarding the knowledge about the environment, in the descriptive results the average of the test was 12 points, which means that the students failed the test. The multivariate analysis showed that the theoretical model on which the construction of the ICP was based and the instruments from which items were selected for its conformation, apparently has great predictive power with respect to the verbal report of environmental actions; however, the TCA, a test constructed specifically for this research, would covariate with almost all the factors of the ICP but does not predict causally the actions reported by the students. In general, this study shows that university institutions and the Colombian government have the challenge of ensuring that environmental education achieves the expected results for the fulfillment of both the country and the world's environmental goals. The results also demonstrates the need to articulate policies, actions and regulations to improve the quality of environmental education in universities, as well as to implement citizen behavior programs that promote responsible consumption, given that knowledge does not correlate with effective actions in terms of public services, green brands and solid urban waste management, among other areas.

Univ. psychol ; 17(2): 49-58, abr.-jun. 2018. tab, graf
Artículo en Español | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: biblio-979495


Resumen El propósito del estudio fue desarrollar una escala que mida la expectativa de comportamiento ambiental de otros y observar si hay relación con la conducta proambiental autorreportada. Se generaron 13 reactivos de respuesta tipo Likert, aplicados a una muestra de 218 adultos jóvenes mexicanos. El análisis factorial exploratorio muestra una estructura bifactorial, que distingue entre la expectativa de comportamiento proambiental y antiambiental, cuyos índices de consistencia interna fueron alfa = 0.77 y alfa = 0.79, que explican el 57.65% de la varianza. Se les aplicó también una escala de conductas proambientales. Mediante un modelo de ecuaciones estructurales se mostró que el factor de expectativa de comportamiento en estudio tuvo un efecto significativo sobre la conducta proambiental. Los resultados muestran evidencia de una escala bifactorial con propiedades psicométricas aceptables.

Abstract The purpose of this study was to develop an instrument to measure expectation of others' environmental behavior, and notice if there is a relationship between this variable and self-report of pro-environmental behaviors. Thirteen items Likert-type were development, and was applied to a sample of two hundred eighteen Mexican young adults. The exploratory factor analysis shows a bi-factorial structure distinguishes between, expectation of pro-environmental behavior, and expectation of anti-environmental behavior. Their Cronbach's alpha score was 0.77 and 0.79; both factors accounted for 57.65% of the variance. A scale of pro-environmental actions was applied too. A structural equation model showed that the factor expectation of pro-environmental behavior has a significant effect on pro-environmental actions. The result shows evidence for bi-factorial scale with acceptable psychometrics properties.

Conducta del Adolescente , Conservación de los Recursos Naturales , México
Suma psicol ; 24(1): 42-58, ene.-jun. 2017. tab
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: biblio-904059


RESUMEN La discrepancia entre el decir-hacer ha estado en el centro del debate al estudiar el comportamiento proambiental. Este artículo hace una revisión sistemática sobre la literatura disponible alrededor del estudio de las actitudes ambientales en donde se pone en evidencia la inconsistencia en los resultados de este enfoque para generar cambios duraderos en el comportamiento de las personas. Se propone como alternativa un cambio en la orientación de la investigación y la práctica educativa ambiental a partir de la regulación verbal y en particular del seguimiento de reglas proambientales para reducir la brecha entre lo que se dice y lo que se hace en pro de la resolución de los problemas vinculados al medio ambiente. Se analizan las implicaciones de esta propuesta en la educación ambiental y se plantean algunos derroteros para su desarrollo metodológico.

ABSTRACT The discrepancy between what people say and what people do has been at the centre of debate in the study of pro-environmental behaviour. This article presents a systematic review of the available literature on the study of attitudes to the environment, which shows an inconsistency in the results of this approach to generate lasting changes in people's behaviour. A change is proposed in the orientation of research and environmental educational practice from verbal regulation, in particular the following of pro-environmental rules to reduce the gap between what is said and what is done in order to resolve problems related to the environment. The implications of this proposal on environmental education are analysed, as well as some paths for methodological development of this proposal.

Rev. latinoam. psicol ; Rev. latinoam. psicol;46(2): 111-116, mayo-ago. 2014. ilus, tab
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: lil-735143


En este trabajo se analiza la eficacia de las tácticas de influencia social basadas en principios psicológicos (compromiso/coherencia) y culturales (identitario, conspicuo, estatutario) para el favorecimiento de la intención de conducta proambiental. Se realizó un estudio experimental mediante un diseño factorial 2 × 5 donde las variables fueron el tipo de táctica de influencia discursiva manipulada en cada grupo experimental y el género. La variable dependiente midió la intención de conducta proambiental relacionada con la reducción del desperdicio, gasto desmedido o innecesario de agua, gas y electricidad en el hogar. Se comprobó la eficacia de las tácticas para el favorecimiento de la intención de comportamiento proambiental y se encontraron diferencias significativas entre hombres y mujeres en los mensajes basados en los principios de coherencia y consumo conspicuo.

This paper analyzes the effectiveness of social influence tactics based on both psychological (commitment/consistency), and cultural principles (identitarian, conspicuous, statutory), for favoring the intention of pro-environmental behavior. An experimental study was conducted using a 2x5 factorial design, where the variables were the type of influence tactics manipulated by discourse in each experimental group and gender. The dependent variable measured the intention of pro-environmental behavior related to reducing waste, wasteful or unnecessary expense of water, gas and electricity at home. The effectiveness of the tactics for favoring the intention of pro-environmental behavior is verified, and significant differences are found between males and females in messages based on principles of coherence and conspicuous consumption.

Fractal rev. psicol ; 26(1): 89-106, jan.-abr. 2014. tab
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: lil-709728


Objetivou-se conhecer as vertentes pró-social e pró-ambiental do desenvolvimento moral na área da Psicologia. Realizou-se um levantamento bibliográfico (2005-2010) em uma base de dados internacional referenciada (PsycINFO). Constatou-se que a vertente pró-social aborda o desenvolvimento moral em quase todo o ciclo vital humano, analisando a aquisição de virtudes e julgamentos morais. A vertente pró-ambiental foca na idade adulta, buscando correlações entre variáveis psicossociais e a emissão do comportamento desejado. As vertentes se assemelham quando consideram as motivações altruístas para o comportamento moral. Discutiu-se o quanto a vertente pró-ambiental se beneficiaria do olhar investigativo da vertente pró-social em seus estudos.(AU)

This study aimed to investigate the pro-social and pro-environmental approaches of the moral development in Psychology. Therefore, a literature review (2005-2010) from studies found in a worldwide referenced database (PsycINFO) was performed. The pro-social approach discussed the moral development in almost the whole human life cycle, analyzing acquisition of virtues and moral judgments. In contrast, the pro-environmental approach focused on adult age, searching for relations between psychosocial variables and the occurrence of a desired behavior. Both approaches are similar in considering altruistic motivations for moral behavior. It was discussed how the pro-environmental approach would benefit from the investigative view of the pro-social approach.(AU)

Conducta , Desarrollo Moral , Ambiente
Rev. latinoam. psicol ; Rev. latinoam. psicol;45(3): 387-398, sep.-dic. 2013. ilus, tab
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: lil-703899


Resumen La educación ambiental reconoce entre sus metas la promoción de factores individuales como las motivaciones y conocimientos para incentivar el cuidado del ambiente. El objetivo de este trabajo fue identificar los valores personales que guían una conducta pro-ambiental en dos países latinoamericanos. Mediante el uso de encuestas se evaluaron los valores biosféricos, altruistas, egoístas y hedonistas y las conductas de ahorro energético en Argentina (Estudio 1) y Colombia (Estudio 2). Los resultados apoyaron empíricamente la distinción teórica entre las cuatro orientaciones de valor. Fundamentalmente, indicaron que los valores biosféricos tienen un papel relevante en la explicación del comportamiento pro-ambiental en ambos países. Se discuten las implicancias de estos resultados para la educación ambiental formal e informal.

Abstract One of the objectives which underlies environmental education is the promotion of individual factors as motivations and knowledge to encourage environmental protection. The objective of this study was to determine the personal values which drive a pro-environmental behavior in two Latin American countries. By means of surveys, biospheric, altruistic, egoistic and hedonic values - as well as power saving behaviors - were evaluated in: Argentina (Study 1) and Colombia (Study 2). Results empirically supported the theoretical distinction between the four value orientations. Fundamentally, indicated that biospheric values play an important role in explaining pro-environmental behavior in both countries. We discuss implications of these results for formal and informal environmental education.

Psico (Porto Alegre) ; 42(1): 116-123, jan.-mar. 2011. tab, graf
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: lil-743268


O voluntariado ambiental é um exemplo de confluência dos comportamentos pró-sociais e pró-ambientais. A presente pesquisa objetivou identificar categorias temáticas do discurso e funções do voluntariado em uma organização voluntária. Foi aplicado o Inventário das Funções do Voluntariado (IFV) junto a quatro voluntários e conduzidas entrevistas semi-estruturadas com três deles. Foram identificados quatro eixos temáticos: características e perfil do voluntário, organização voluntária, crise ambiental e percepção da sociedade. O IFV permitiu identificar semelhanças e diferenças quanto ao gênero e idade. Discute-se a importância das gratificações para a inserção e manutenção do voluntariado e apontam-se sugestões para gestores e para futuras pesquisas.

Environmental volunteerism is an example of prosocial behavior and pro-environmental behavior confluence. The objective was to characterize the volunteer in the organization: thematic categories of speech, and functions of volunteering. The Volunteer Function Inventory (VFI) was applied to four volunteers and semi-structured interviews were conducted with three of them. Four thematic axis were identified: characteristics and profile of volunteering, volunteer organization, environmental crisis and society perception. The VFI has identified similarities and differences regarding gender and age. The importance of monetary rewarding for the insertion and maintenance of volunteerism is discussed. Suggestions are provided for managers and for future research.

El voluntariado ambiental es un ejemplo de la confluencia de dos comportamientos: prosociales y proambientales. Este estudio tuvo como objetivo identificar categorías temáticas del discurso y funciones del voluntariado en una organización. Se aplicó un Inventario de las Funciones del voluntariado (IFV), a cuatro personas y se realizaron entrevistas semi-estructuradas con tres de ellos. Se identificaron cuatro hechos temáticos: características y perfil de los voluntarios, organización voluntaria, crisis ambiental y la percepción en la sociedad. El IFV ha identificado similitudes y diferencias entre género y edad. Se discute la importancia de dar gratificaciones para la inserción y mantenimiento de voluntarios e se apuntaron sugerencias para gestores y futuras investigaciones.

Humanos , Programas Voluntarios , Voluntarios
Psicol. teor. prát ; 12(2): 127-143, fev. 2010. ilus
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: lil-603579


O objetivo deste estudo foi verificar se a sinalização (legenda) e a organização espacial das lixeiras influenciam o modo de utilizá-las pelos usuários de um restaurante universitário. Participaram 600 usuários, de ambos os sexos, que frequentavam o restaurante, cuja idade variava entre 16 e 25 anos. Foram realizadas três sessões de observação direta. Na primeira sessão estabeleceu-se uma linha de base, na segunda interviu-se na configuração das lixeiras com a colocação de legendas para indicar o tipo de lixo a ser depositado e, na terceira, as condições foram iguais às da linha de base. Os resultados mostram que as legendas colocadas nas lixeiras influenciaram o comportamento de separar lixo, ou seja, as porcentagens de comportamentos apropriados aumentaram consideravelmente no período de intervenção e os inapropriados diminuíram. A intervenção aponta para a necessidade de mudar o ambiente de maneira que facilite o comportamento desejado. Mostra-se também a necessidade de construir programas de educação ambiental que gerem mudanças efetivas e duradouras nos comportamentos pró-ambientais.

This study shows the influence of signaling through captions behavior separate waste at a restaurant in a public university. Attended by 600 users of both sexes, who frequented the restaurant, whose age ranged between 16 and 25 years. Were three sessions of direct observation. In the first session established a baseline, in the latter intervened in the configuration of the dumps with the placement of captions to indicate the type of waste to be deposited, and the third, the conditions were the same as the baseline. The results show that the key is placed in landfills influenced the behavior of separating garbage, ie, the percentage of appropriate behaviors increased significantly during the intervention and decreased inappropriate. The intervention points to the need to change the environment so as to facilitate the desired behavior. We also show the need to build environmental education programs that manage effective and lasting changes in pro-environmental behaviors.

El objetivo de este estúdio fue verificar si la señalización (legenda) y la organización espacial de los basureros influencian el modo de utilizarlos por los usuarios de un restaurante universitario. Participaron 600 usuarios de los dos sexos que frequentabam el restaurante, cuya edad variaba entre 16 y 25 años. Fueron realizadas tres sesiones de observación directa. En la primera sesión se estableció una línea de base, en la segunda se intervino en la configuración de los basureros con la colocación de legendas para indicar el tipode basura a ser depositado y en la tercera, las condiciones fueron iguales a las de la línea de base. Los resultados muestran que las legendas colocadas en los basureros influenciaron el comportamiento de separar la basura, es decir, los porcientos de comportamientos apropiados aumentaron considerablemente en el período de intervención y los inapropiados disminuyeron. La intervención apunta para la necesidad de cambiar el ambiente de manera a facilitar el comportamiento deseado. Se muestra tambiém la necesidad de construir programas de educación ambiental que generem câmbios efectivos y duradoros en los comportamientos pró-ambientales.

Psicol. soc. (Impr.) ; Psicol. soc. (Online);20(1): 134-143, jan.-abr. 2008. tab
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: lil-485320


Trata-se do estudo de definições de desenvolvimento sustentável, elemento fundamental de repertórios interpretativos para a relação entre desenvolvimento e natureza. As definições respondiam a um questionário aplicado a 355 estudantes de vários cursos de uma universidade federal. Realizou-se uma análise de conteúdo que buscou a concepção de natureza e sua relação com desenvolvimento nessas definições. Foram encontradas três matrizes discursivas: (a) "economicista") - a necessidade de desenvolvimento subordina a necessidade de preservação da natureza, cujo sentido é "recursos naturais"; (b) discurso "bem intencionado" - a necessidade de desenvolvimento subordina a de preservação da natureza, cujo sentido é "fragilidade"; (c) "esvaziado" - desenvolvimento e natureza são disjuntos. Conclui-se sobre a importância do estudo da atribuição de significado à natureza para explicar como as pessoas pensam a relação entre desenvolvimento e natureza, e sobre como essas matrizes discursivas podem justificar práticas sociais.

This study presents the analysis of definitions of sustainable development, as a basic element of interpretative repertoires for the relation between development and nature. Three hundred and fifty five students of several courses of a federal university answered a questionnaire, providing the definitions, thereafter submitted to content analysis to examine the concept of nature and its relation with development. Three discursive matrixes were found: (a) the "economic bias" one - the necessity of development subordinates the need of nature preservation nature is a "natural resources"; (b) the "good intentions" discourse - the necessity of development subordinates the necessity of preservation - nature is "fragility"; (c) the "empty" - one development and nature are separate. It is concluded that the attribution of meaning to nature is important to explain how people think about the relation between development and nature, and that these discursive matrixes may justify social practices.

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Adulto , Conducta , Naturaleza , Psicología , Desarrollo Sostenible , Universidades , Estudiantes