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Rev. Baiana Saúde Pública (Online) ; 47(4): 99-120, 20240131.
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1537709


O fazer da psicologia hospitalar, embora recente, abarca variadas intervenções, que, com auxílio de registros, podem ser evidenciadas por meio de processos de trabalho. Foi objetivo deste estudo caracterizar o serviço de psicologia de um hospital geral público baiano e sua assistência entre janeiro e dezembro de 2022. Foi realizada uma pesquisa de consulta documental em Boletim Diário Assistencial e documento que descreve história da psicologia no hospital usando estatística descritiva e categorização temática dos dados. Desde 1984, o hospital oferece assistência psicológica, organizada por processos de trabalho e linhas de cuidados materno-infantis, pediátricos, crônicos, cirúrgicos e neurológicos. Em termos de procedimentos, foram prestados 13.821 para pacientes e 13.249 para familiares, com destaque para o atendimento psicológico. Foram realizados 4.960 procedimentos não assistenciais, não descritos no prontuário de saúde, principalmente discussões multiprofissionais (55,82%). Tais procedimentos podem ser analisados por divisão em processos de trabalho: acolhimento, acompanhamento, avaliação, comunicação, educação, formação, atividades grupais, organizativos, orientação, acolhimento, investigação e terapêuticos. Os psicólogos do hospital são diaristas, atuando como interconsultores quando há solicitação, principalmente de médicos, por telefone, guia de solicitação, sistema de prontuário e presencialmente, tornando-se espaço propício para a prática interdisciplinar. Por fim, pode-se concluir a importância do fazer da psicologia no hospital em questão e as variadas intervenções realizadas para contribuir para a saúde biopsicossocial de pacientes e seus familiares. Assim, destaca-se a importância da informação em saúde com registro qualificado para ser instrumento de gestão visando transformar e dar visibilidade a práticas de saúde.

Hospital psychology care, although recent, encompasses various interventions that can be evinced via work processes by analyzing clinical records. This documentary research characterizes the psychological care provided by a public general hospital in Bahia, Brazil, between January and December 2022. Data were collected from the Daily Care Bulletin and from a document that describes the history of hospital psychology using descriptive statistics and thematic data categorization. The analyzed hospital provides psychological care since 1984, organized by work processes and lines of mother-infant, pediatric, chronic, surgical and neurological care. Regarding procedures, 13,821 were provided to patients and 13,249 to family members, with emphasis on psychological care. As for non-medical procedures, not described in the health records, a total of 4,960 were performed, mainly multidisciplinary discussions (55.82%). Such procedures can be analyzed by dividing them into work processes: embracement, monitoring, evaluation, communication, education, training, group activities, organization, guidance, investigation and therapy. The hospital's psychologists work on a daily basis and act as inter-consultants when requested, mainly by doctors, via telephone, request guide, medical record and in person, becoming a suitable space for interdisciplinary practice. The findings reinforce the importance of hospital psychology and the various interventions performed to collaborate with patients' biopsychosocial health. Hence, qualified recording of health information is an important management tool for transforming and giving visibility to health practices.

El trabajo de la psicología hospitalaria, aunque reciente, engloba diversas intervenciones, que se pueden evidenciar con la ayuda de los registros en los procesos de trabajo. El objetivo de este estudio fue caracterizar el servicio de psicología de un hospital general público de Bahía (Brasil) y su asistencia efectuada entre enero y diciembre de 2022. Se realizó una búsqueda documental en el Boletín de Asistencia Diaria y en un documento que describe la historia de la psicología en el hospital mediante el uso de la estadística descriptiva y la categorización temática de los datos. Desde 1984 el hospital oferta asistencia psicológica, organizada por procesos de trabajo y líneas de cuidado materno-infantil, pediátrica, crónica, quirúrgica y neurológica. Se brindaron 13.821 procedimientos a pacientes y 13.249 a familiares, con énfasis en la atención psicológica. Se realizaron un total de 4.960 procedimientos no asistenciales, no descritos en los registros de salud, principalmente discusiones multidisciplinarias (55,82%). Los procedimientos se pueden analizar mediante su división en los siguientes procesos de trabajo: recepción, seguimiento, evaluación, comunicación, educación, formación, actividades grupales, organización, orientación, recepción, investigación y terapia. Los psicólogos del hospital son jornaleros, actúan como interconsultores cuando hay una solicitud, principalmente de los médicos, vía teléfono, guía de solicitud, sistema de historia clínica y presencial, convirtiéndose en un espacio propicio para la práctica interdisciplinaria. Finalmente, se puede concluir sobre la importancia de hacer de la psicología en el hospital en cuestión y las diversas intervenciones que se realizan para colaborar con la salud biopsicosocial de los pacientes y sus familias. Asimismo, se destaca la importancia de la información en salud con registro calificado como herramienta de gestión con miras a transformar y dar visibilidad a las prácticas en salud.

Rev. bras. med. esporte ; 30: e2022_0430, 2024. tab
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1515067


ABSTRACT Objectives: the influence of physical activity in physical education lessons on the attention indicators of schoolchildren. Material and Methods: 141 students, aged 15-16, who studied in the 9th grade, took part in the experiment. The main research method was the "Trondyke Test", which determines the level of attention development of students. The test was used before and after the physical education lesson 1 time per month for 5 months. Results: students who did not engage in physical education in the lesson were not able to significantly improve their performance in the test, which indicates a possible adaptation to the test after its first performance before the lesson. Students who were engaged in physical exercises could significantly increase the test results. Conclusion: the results obtained determine the effectiveness of the influence of a physical education lesson at school on the indicators of students attention. This study will serve as an additional motivation for students to engage in physical culture, since the impact of physical exercises has a positive effect not only on the development of physical qualities, but also on the attention of schoolchildren. Level of Evidence III; Retrospective Comparative Study.

RESUMEN Objetivos: la influencia de la actividad física en las clases de educación física en los indicadores de atención de los escolares. Material y métodos: Participaron en el experimento 141 escolares, de 15-16 años, que cursaban el noveno grado. El principal método de investigación fue la "Prueba de Trondyke", que determina el nivel de desarrollo de la atención de los escolares. La prueba se usó antes y después de la lección de educación física una vez al mes durante 5 meses. Resultados: los jóvenes que no participaron en educación física en la lección no pudieron mejorar significativamente su rendimiento en la prueba, lo que indica una posible adaptación a la prueba después de su primera actuación antes de la lección. Los escolares que realizaban ejercicios físicos pudieron aumentar significativamente los resultados de la prueba. Conclusión: los resultados obtenidos determinan la efectividad de la influencia de una lección de educación física en la escuela sobre los indicadores de atención de los escolares. Este estudio servirá como una motivación adicional para que los estudiantes participen en la cultura física, ya que el impacto de los ejercicios físicos tiene un efecto positivo no solo en el desarrollo de las cualidades físicas, sino también en la atención de los escolares. Nivel de Evidencia III; Estudio Comparativo Retrospectivo.

RESUMO Objetivos: a influência da atividade física nas aulas de Educação Física nos indicadores de atenção dos escolares. Material e métodos: participaram do experimento 141 escolares, de 15 a 16 anos, que estudaram na 9a série. O principal método de pesquisa foi o "teste de Trondyke", que determina o nível de desenvolvimento da atenção dos escolares. O teste foi utilizado antes e depois da aula de Educação Física uma vez por mês durante 5 meses. Resultados: Os estudantes que não praticaram Educação Física na aula não conseguiram melhorar significativamente seu desempenho no teste, o que indica uma possível adaptação ao teste após sua primeira apresentação antes da aula. Os estudantes que estavam envolvidas em exercícios físicos foram capazes de aumentar significativamente os resultados do teste. Conclusão: os resultados obtidos determinam a eficácia da influência de uma aula de Educação Física na escola nos indicadores de atenção das crianças. Este estudo servirá como uma motivação adicional para os estudantes se envolverem na cultura física, uma vez que o impacto dos exercícios físicos tem um efeito positivo não apenas no desenvolvimento das qualidades físicas, mas também na atenção dos alunos. Nível de Evidência III; Estudo Comparativo Retrospectivo.

Saúde Soc ; 33(1): e230327pt, 2024. tab, graf
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1536856


Resumo A política de saúde mental infantojuvenil, implantada no Brasil no início do século XXI, estabeleceu os Centros de Atenção Psicossocial Infantojuvenis (CAPSi) como equipamentos estratégicos para priorizar os casos de maior complexidade, com destaque para os autistas. Este estudo visa cotejar duas fontes de informação sobre a percepção de familiares de autistas acerca do trabalho desenvolvido pelos CAPSi: a primeira foi colhida em pesquisa de 2011, que utilizou grupos focais; e a segunda, a partir da literatura produzida sobre o tema nos 10 anos seguintes. As narrativas foram organizadas em quatro eixos temáticos: percepção sobre os efeitos do trabalho psicossocial; compartilhamento de informações; percepção sobre os processos de cuidado; e demandas e reivindicações. A despeito da heterogeneidade entre os estudos, os resultados indicaram que o trabalho dos CAPSi produz efeitos positivos, principalmente em relação à socialização. Contudo, essa percepção não é acompanhada de melhor entendimento do quadro clínico e dos processos de cuidado. O valor do tratamento é frequentemente atribuído à atitude pessoal dos profissionais, indicando a ausência de compartilhamento e participação dos familiares. Esses aspectos devem instigar os CAPSi a envolver os familiares como parceiros do cuidado, dando atenção especial à transmissão da lógica psicossocial, suas estratégias e direção do cuidado.

Abstract The child and adolescent mental health policy, implemented in Brazil from the beginning of the 21st century, established the Centros de Atenção Psicossocial Infantojuvenis (CAPSi - Psychosocial Care Centers for Children and Adolescent) as strategic services to prioritize more complex cases, with emphasis on autism. This study aims to compare two sources of information on the perception family members of autistic people regarding the work carried out by CAPSi: the first was collected in a 2011 survey, which used focus groups; and the second, from the literature produced on the subject in the following 10 years. The family member's narratives were organized into four thematic axes: perception of the effects of psychosocial care; information sharing; perception about care processes; and demands and claims. Despite the heterogeneity between the studies, the results indicated that the work of the CAPSi produces positive effects, especially regarding socialization. However, this perception is not accompanied by a better understanding of the clinical picture and care processes. The value of treatment is often attributed to the personal attitude of professionals, indicating the lack of sharing and participation by family members. These aspects should encourage the CAPSi to involve family members as partners in care, particularly valuing the transmission of the psychosocial reasoning, its strategies and direction of care.

Rev. bras. educ. espec ; 30: e0136, 2024. tab
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1559412


RESUMO: Este trabalho parte de uma aproximação entre estudos realizados no Brasil e em Portugal, cenários em que as lutas pelo reconhecimento das pessoas surdas como participantes de uma comunidade linguística minorizada vêm pautando as discussões em defesa de uma escola bilíngue. Olha-se para os dois contextos a partir do entendimento da escola como lugar do encontro com a diferença, dando atenção no que se aproximam e, também, nas suas singularidades, dadas suas condições históricas, políticas e sociais. Realizaram-se interlocuções entre os movimentos de resistência pela manutenção dos espaços "Escola" - Escolas de Surdos (Brasil) e Escolas de Referência para Educação Bilíngue de Alunos Surdos - EREBAS (Portugal) - como também aproximação aos discursos de estudantes surdos, com o objetivo de olhar as potencialidades desses espaços possibilitarem experiências de ser Escola. Os estudantes — sujeitos da experiência — perceberam que a identificação linguística proporcionada pela Escola de Surdos/ EREBAS está relacionada ao acesso ao conhecimento, que vem sendo negado — ou não garantido — nos espaços da "escola inclusiva". A defesa desses espaços precisa estar atrelada à busca de um lugar que dê significado às coisas do mundo, que abra o mundo e possibilite experiências que só acontecem nesses espaços de encontro com a diferença.

ABSTRACT: This work starts from an approximation between studies carried out in Brazil and Portugal, scenarios in which the fights for recognition of deaf people as participants of a minoritized linguistic community has been the topic of discussions defending a bilingual school. Both contexts are seen from the understanding of school as a place to meet with the difference, with an attentive look into what approximates them and also their singularities, given their historical, political, and social conditions. Interlocutions were held between resistance movements for the maintenance of "School" spaces - Schools for the Deaf (Brazil) and Reference Schools for Bilingual Education for Deaf Students - EREBAS (Portugal) -, as well as the approximation approaching the speeches of deaf students, with the aim of looking at the potentiality of these spaces to enable experiences of being a School. The students - subjects of experience - noticed that the linguistic identification offered by the School for the Deaf/EREBAS is related to access to knowledge, which has been denied - or not guaranteed - in the spaces of the "inclusive school". The defense of these spaces needs to be linked to the search for a place that gives meaning to the things in the world, that opens up the world and enables experiences that only happen in these spaces of encounter with difference.

Journal of Clinical Hepatology ; (12): 413-418, 2024.
Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1007263


Mitophagy is a type of selective autophagy during which cells specifically remove damaged mitochondria in response to nutrient deficiency or external stimulation and thus maintain the integrity of mitochondrial function and cellular homeostasis. In recent years, a large number of studies have shown that dysfunction of mitophagy is closely associated with the development and progression of various liver-related diseases such as nonalcoholic fatty liver disease, drug-related liver injury, viral hepatitis, and hepatocellular carcinoma. This article summarizes the specific mechanisms of mitophagy in regulating liver-related diseases and further elaborates on the potential therapeutic targets of mitophagy in liver-related diseases, in order to provide more effective therapeutic strategies for the clinical treatment of liver diseases.

Journal of Clinical Hepatology ; (12): 402-407, 2024.
Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1007261


Drug-induced liver injury is caused by the drug itself and/or its metabolites during drug use or occurs due to hypersensitivity or reduced tolerance to the drug in a particular body type. In the last three years of the diagnosis and treatment of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19), antiviral drugs have played a very important role, but there are many reports on liver injury caused by anti-COVID-19 drugs in China and globally, with unknown pathogenesis of liver injury caused by such drugs. This article reviews the research advances in the types of antiviral drugs for COVID-19 and their mechanism in inducing liver injury, in order to promote the rational use of antiviral drugs.

Journal of Clinical Hepatology ; (12): 157-160, 2024.
Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1006442


Primary biliary cholangitis (PBC) is a chronic autoimmune disease of cholestasis in which immune factors lead to progressive small bile duct destruction, cholestasis, and eventually liver fibrosis, liver cirrhosis, and even liver failure. Macrophages, as a group with functional heterogeneity, play different roles in the whole disease process of PBC. This article summarizes the possible ways by which macrophages are involved in the pathogenesis of PBC and discusses their impact on the disease and the potential therapeutic targets of macrophages. It is pointed out that macrophages are mainly involved in innate immunity in PBC injury and are associated with gut microbiota dysbiosis, and they are also associated with cholestasis, liver fibrosis, and liver cirrhosis in the later stages of the disease.

Journal of Clinical Hepatology ; (12): 850-856, 2024.
Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1016536


Liver failure often has rapid progression, multiple complications, and dangerous conditions. Acute pancreatitis is a common comorbidity during the progression of liver failure, and since acute pancreatitis has extremely similar clinical symptoms and signs to liver failure complicated by spontaneous peritonitis, it is often neglected in clinical practice. This article elaborates on the mechanisms of liver failure complicated by acute pancreatitis from the five aspects of inflammatory response, duodenal papillary dysfunction, gut microbiota dysbiosis, oxidative stress, and microcirculatory disturbance and proposes corresponding preventive measures based on these mechanisms.

China Pharmacy ; (12): 647-652, 2024.
Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1013096


OBJECTIVE To sort out reform policy for basic medical insurance designated retail pharmacy (referred to as designated retail pharmacy) in China, and to provide reference for the improvement of the policy under the new situation of mutual- aid mechanism for covering outpatient bills. METHODS The policy texts on designated retail pharmacies issued by ministries and commissions of the State Council and departments directly under the State Council were collected from December 1998 to June 2023. The content analysis and social network analysis were adopted to construct a three-dimensional analytical framework based on the policy subject, the policy tool, and the policy process, in order to quantitatively analyze the policies on reforming designated retail pharmacies. RESULTS & CONCLUSIONS The reform policy of designated retail pharmacies can be roughly divided into three stages: germination, exploration and development, and in-depth promotion. The use of policy tools is dominated by environment-oriented tools, and the cooperation network of policy subjects presents a “head-body-tail” chain structure. With the advancement of policy reforms, the number of policy subjects showed a trend of decline followed by growth, the number of policy documents showed an upward trend, emphasizing the use of tools such as the construction of the pharmacist system, the flow of prescriptions, the payment of medical insurance, and the management of “dual-channels” and “outpatient co-ordination”. It is suggested that in terms of policy formulation, all policy subjects should adhere to top-level design, grasp the characteristics of the stage of policy development, and adjust the use of policy tools according to local and timely conditions; we should also strengthen cooperation and communication, improve policy formulation efficiency, achieve policy coordination, and continuously improve policies for designated retail pharmacies.

Chinese Journal of School Health ; (12): 87-90, 2024.
Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1011352


Objective@#To explore the influence of group psychological counseling on the mental health of children with mother s authoritarian parenting.@*Methods@#From November 2022 to February 2023, 76 students from grades 4 to 6 whose mother showed authoritarian parenting style, while fathers adopted no authoritative, authoritarian or democratic parenting style and who scored ≥65 on the total MHT were selected using the Parenting Style Questionnaire (PBI) and the Mental Health Diagnostic Test (MHT). All the participants and their mothers were randomly assigned to the intervention and control groups. Before and after the intervention, participants filled out questionnaires on parental bonding instrument and mental health test. Control group: regular delivery of mental health education information, 2 times per week, for 8 weeks, without any other intervention. Intervention group: group counseling activities were conducted once a week. Each intervention lasted 1.5-2 hours and lasts for 8 weeks. Before and after the intervention, participants filled in the family parenting style and mental health screening questionnaires.@*Results@#After the intervention, compared with the control group, students in the intervention group showed a significant decrease in the total scale score of the MHT, learning anxiety, social anxiety, allergic tendency, physical symptoms, fear tendency, and impulsive tendency ( t=-0.43, -1.04 , -0.81, P >0.05). After intervention, the intervention group students showed a significant decrease in psychological diagnosis test scores, learning anxiety, anxiety towards others, allergic tendencies, physical symptoms, phobic tendencies, and impulsive tendencies compared to the control group students ( t=-20.00, -5.06, -2.09, -3.36, -6.15, -4.76, -5.15, P <0.05).@*Conclusion@#Rregular group psychological counseling can effectively improve the academic anxiety, social anxiety, allergic tendencies, physical symptoms, fearful and impulsive tendencies of students whose mothers with authoritarian parenting style, and greatly improve their mental health.

Rev. Bras. Neurol. (Online) ; 59(4, supl.1): 9-16, out.- dez. 2023. ilus
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1552536


This narrative review addresses the intersection between neuroculture and aesthetics, exploring the intricate relationship between neuroscience and the perception of beauty. The presentation begins by mentioning the philosophical foundations of aesthetics and moves on to the neural basis behind the sensory and emotional processing of beauty. Progressing further, it presents the intricate networks involved in interactions and responses to art, elucidating the brain's mechanisms for appreciating artistic stimuli. Finally, it investigates the neural networks associated with deriving personal and symbolic meaning from art forms, shedding light on how our brains deduce meaning and value from aesthetic experiences. Thus, there is an integration of studies based on the connectome with neuroaesthetics, on how the complete network of neural connections in the brain influences and shapes the way we perceive, interpret, and appreciate beauty. Furthermore, the article addresses the impact of virtual reality and artificial intelligence on traditional concepts of creativity, challenging existing paradigms. Concluding, it explores the potential educational and therapeutic applications of 'Visual Thinking Strategies' in promoting artistic engagement with potential educational and therapeutic applications.

Esta revisão narrativa aborda a intersecção entre neurocultura e estética, explorando a intrincada relação entre neurociência e a percepção da beleza. A apresentação começa mencionando os fundamentos filosóficos da estética e avança para a base neural por trás do processamento sensorial e emocional da beleza. Progredindo ainda mais, apresenta as intrincadas redes envolvidas nas interações e respostas à arte, elucidando os mecanismos do cérebro para apreciar estímulos artísticos. Por fim, investiga as redes neurais associadas à obtenção de significado pessoal e simbólico das formas de arte, esclarecendo como nossos cérebros deduzem significado e valor de experiências estéticas. Assim, há uma integração de estudos baseados no conectoma com a neuroestética, sobre como a rede completa de conexões neurais cerebrais influencia e molda a maneira como percebemos, interpretamos e apreciamos a beleza. Além disso, o artigo aborda o impacto da realidade virtual e da inteligência artificial nos conceitos tradicionais de criatividade, desafiando os paradigmas existentes. Concluindo, explora as potenciais aplicações educativas e terapêuticas das 'Estratégias de Pensamento Visual' na promoção do envolvimento artístico com potenciais aplicações educativas e terapêuticas.

Rev. Finlay ; 13(4)dic. 2023.
Artículo en Español | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1550663


14. El ejercicio físico terapéutico proporciona múltiples beneficios en los pacientes con insuficiencia renal crónica al reducir los mediadores inflamatorios y aumentar la síntesis de hemoglobina, la biodisponibilidad de óxido nítrico, los efectos antioxidantes, el hematocrito y las proteínas musculares, y con ello, el número y tamaño de las fibras musculares. El ejercicio físico ha demostrado en el enfermo renal beneficios a nivel cardiovascular, respiratorio, musculoesquelético, incluso, efectos positivos en el orden psicosocial, además de que no se han evidenciado complicaciones graves ni fallecimientos relacionados con el ejercicio físico en estos pacientes durante la diálisis.

18. Therapeutic physical exercise provides multiple benefits in patients with chronic kidney failure by reducing inflammatory mediators and increasing hemoglobin synthesis, nitric oxide bioavailability, antioxidant effects, hematocrit and muscle proteins and thus the number and size of the muscle fibers. Physical exercise has shown in kidney patients benefits at the cardiovascular, respiratory, and musculoskeletal levels, including a positive psychosocial effect. In addition, no serious complications or deaths related to physical exercise have been observed in these patients during dialysis.

Rev. colomb. psiquiatr ; 52(3)sept. 2023.
Artículo en Español | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1536147


Introducción: El fenómeno de la migración genera una serie de experiencias en el ser humano que se traducen en emociones, sentimientos, procesos de adaptación, duelos y procesos psicopatológicos, hasta expresiones patológicas representadas por cuadros clínicos de diferente índole. Objetivo: La intención de este artículo es realizar una reflexión conceptual y clínica de la semiología en torno al concepto y la experiencia de la migración, para con ello ilustrar la complejidad que entraría como fenómeno humano. Método: Revisión narrativa reducida, circunscrita y restringida a los aspectos semiológicos, psicopatológicos y clínicos de la migración. Discusión: La separación, las rupturas y las pérdidas que se derivan de la migración no pasan inadvertidas al individuo, se inscriben en su corporalidad como lesiones fisiológicas que afectan a su vida y como lesiones simbólicas que afectan a su existencia. Conclusiones: La migración supone una ruptura de la totalidad del ser. El contexto, el otro y las relaciones quedan cercenados de la unidad total que es el individuo, como si perdiera la mitad de sí mismo.

Introduction: The phenomenon of migration generates a series of experiences in the human being that are translated into emotions, feelings, adaptation processes, grief and psycho-pathological processes, and even pathological expressions, represented by clinical pictures of different kinds. Objective: The purpose of this article is to carry out a conceptual and clinical reflection on the semiology around the concept and experience of migration, in order to illustrate the complexity that it entails as a human phenomenon. Methods: A reduced narrative review, circumscribed and restricted to the semiological, psychopathological and clinical aspects of migration. Discussion: The separation, ruptures and losses that derive from migration do not go unnoticed by the individual. They are inscribed in his/her corporality as physiological injuries that affect his/her life and as symbolic injuries that affect his/her existence. Conclusions: Migration supposes a rupture of the totality of being. The context, the perception of others and relationships are cut off from the total unity that is the individual, as if he/she lost half of him/herself.

Rev. Fac. Med. UNAM ; 66(4): 8-19, jul.-ago. 2023. tab, graf
Artículo en Español | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1514818


Resumen Las proteínas de choque térmico se describieron como una respuesta intracelular al estrés calórico; sin embargo, al paso del tiempo, se observó que estas proteínas tienen múltiples funciones y que participan de manera relevante tanto en los procesos fisiológicos como patológicos. Las actividades que realizan las proteínas de choque térmico se relacionan con su localización, que puede ser intra o extracelular, al momento fisiológico y a las diferentes asociaciones estructurales, que pueden ser desde péptidos derivados de estas, hasta dímeros o multímeros. Con base en estas características funcionales, se les ha denominado proteínas multiempleo o "moonlighting proteins". En este artículo se describen algunas de las actividades de estas proteínas con relación al sistema inmunológico y las infecciones virales, en particular con los procesos inflamatorios.

Abstract Heat shock proteins (HSP) were first described as a cell response to heat stress. However, over time, it has become clear they have multiple functions inside and outside cells, and that they actively participate in different physiological and pathological processes. They perform functions related to their cellular location or physiological moment, which is why they have been called multi-use proteins or "moonlighting proteins". Furthermore, HSP activity is associated with different structural conformations, from peptides derived from them or as dimers or multimers, to mention a few. This article describes these functions and their relationship with the immune system, and their relationship with viral infection, particularly with inflammatory processes.

Artículo en Español | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1536316


Introducción: Las funciones sustantivas universitarias constituyen claves en el análisis de los procesos de calidad de la universidad. Objetivo: Caracterizar la repercusión de la presencia de la COVID-19 en los procesos sustantivos desarrollados en el Departamento Docente de la Universidad de Ciencias Médicas del municipio Los Palacios durante el curso 2020-2021. Métodos: Investigación aplicada, que tuvo una fase descriptiva-evaluativa y una de evaluación de resultados. Se estudiaron los procesos sustantivos de la universidad (docente, investigativo y extensión); además, participaron 86 estudiantes de Medicina y 42 profesores aportando información. Se realizó revisión documental, entrevistas abiertas e intercambios virtuales y semipresenciales, se utilizó matriz DAFO estableciéndose prioridades por método de ranqueo. Resultados: Se identificaron dos prioridades por el área de docencia e investigación y una prioridad por el área de extensión, se acometieron acciones; entre los resultados positivos se destacaron: la culminación de estudios del 100 por ciento de los estudiantes previstos, uso intensivo de los recursos tecnológicos y de la educación a distancia, mayor adquisición de habilidades investigativas y fortalecimiento del proceso de extensión universitaria. Se identifica la necesidad de fortalecer la infraestructura tecnológica. Conclusiones: La repercusión de la COVID-19 sobre los procesos sustantivos se ha caracterizado por los cambios de la enseñanza presencial a la virtual, un uso intensivo de los recursos tecnológicos y una consolidación del proceso de extensión universitaria que ha fortalecido las relaciones universidad-sociedad(AU)

Introduction: University fundamental functions constitute keys in the analysis of university quality processes. Objective: To characterize the impact of the presence of COVID-19 on the substantive processes developed in the Teaching Department of the University of Medical Sciences of Los Palacios municipality during the academic year 2020-2021. Methods: Applied research, which had a descriptive-evaluative phase and a results evaluation phase. The substantive processes of the university (teaching, research and extension) were studied; in addition, 86 medical students and 42 professors participated and provided information. A documentary review, open interviews and virtual and semi-presential exchanges were carried out. In addition, the SWOT matrix was used to establish priorities by ranking method. Results: Two priorities were identified for the teaching and research area and one priority for the extension area and actions were undertaken. Among the positive results, the following stand out: completion of studies by 100percent of the expected students, intensive use of technological resources and distance education, greater acquisition of research skills and strengthening of the university extension process. The need to strengthen the technological infrastructure was identified. Conclusions: The impact of COVID-19 on substantive processes has been characterized by changes from face-to-face to virtual teaching, an intensive use of technological resources, and a consolidation of the university extension process that has strengthened university-society relations(AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Adulto Joven , COVID-19/epidemiología , Universidades , Epidemiología Descriptiva
Med. infant ; 30(2): 198-203, Junio 2023.
Artículo en Español | LILACS, UNISALUD, BINACIS | ID: biblio-1443803


A lo largo de la historia, el rol del bioquímico en el laboratorio clínico ha ido mutando, adaptándose a nuevos paradigmas, consecuencia del avance de la tecnología1 y la informática, de la presión externa ejercida por las empresas proveedoras de reactivos que reducen el tiempo útil de los equipos, aumentando su tasa de recambio, de una medicina más compleja que impone nuevos desafíos diagnósticos y de los cambios sociales que se ven reflejados en una alteración en el orden de los valores adoptado por las nuevas generaciones de profesionales que conviven con otras, provocando "turbulencia generacional" en los lugares de trabajo. Los laboratorios necesitan hoy someterse a una reingeniería de sus procesos, descartar aquellos que no agreguen valor, que causan fugas innecesarias de insumos, personas y tiempo e intervenir la cultura organizacional de manera integral, para adaptarse a las exigencias que la actualidad requiere, donde la calidad, la seguridad y la sostenibilidad son los principales protagonistas )AU)

Over time, the role of the biochemist in the clinical laboratory has been changing, adapting to new paradigms, as a consequence of the advance of technology and informatics, of the external pressure exerted by the companies supplying reagents that reduce the useful time of the equipment, increasing its replacement rate, of a more complex medicine that imposes new diagnostic challenges, and of social changes that are reflected in an alteration in the values adopted by the new generations of professionals who coexist with others, causing "generational turbulence" in the workplace. Laboratories today need to reengineer their processes, eliminate those that do not add value, that cause unnecessary waste of supplies, people and time, and intervene in the organizational culture in a comprehensive manner, in order to adapt to the demands of today's world, where quality, safety, and sustainability are the main drivers (AU)

Humanos , Laboratorios de Hospital/tendencias , Personal de Laboratorio Clínico/tendencias , Rol Profesional , Servicios de Laboratorio Clínico/tendencias , Gestión de la Calidad Total
Estud. pesqui. psicol. (Impr.) ; 23(1): 312-328, maio 2023.
Artículo en Portugués | INDEXPSI, LILACS | ID: biblio-1434540


De acordo com a visão vigente, aprende-se a ser psicoterapeuta comportamental em cursos, onde se ensinam teoria, intervenções e técnicas; e na supervisão, onde a atuação do terapeuta é aprimorada. O objetivo deste estudo foi examinar uma terceira via de aprendizagem. O que os terapeutas aprendem na relação com seus clientes? Foram entrevistados 14 terapeutas analítico-comportamentais, cognitivo comportamentais ou comportamentais contextuais, a respeito do que aprenderam com seus clientes para sua prática clínica. A análise das transcrições foi pautada nos preceitos da grounded theory analysis. Os resultados sugerem que os terapeutas aprendem sobre algumas coordenadas importantes do processo terapêutico: a singularidade de cada cliente, a responsabilidade do cliente e do terapeuta para o processo e sobre as suas limitações como terapeuta. Expandem suas competências clínicas: como enxergar além de rótulos e julgamentos, assumir uma postura terapêutica, flexibilidade e autenticidade. Adquirem estratégias clínicas, aprendem a ceder espaço para o cliente, a respeitar o tempo do cliente e responder às suas necessidades. Finalmente, aprendem a manejar riscos e contrariedades, a lidar com a proximidade no relacionamento, como usar dos seus equívocos a favor da terapia e conduzir aspectos burocráticos da sua profissão.

According to the current view, the role of a behavioral therapist is trained in courses which theory, interventions and techniques are taught and in clinical supervision supervision where the beginner's performance is shaped. The aim of this study was to explore a third learning pathway. What do therapists learn in their relationship with their clients? Fourteen behavioral and cognitive-behavioral therapists were interviewed about what they learned from their clients. The transcripts were examined according to the precepts of grounded theory analysis. The results suggest that therapists learn about important coordinates of the therapeutic process: the uniqueness of each client, the client's and therapist's responsibility in the process, and also about therapists limitations. They expand their clinical competencies: how to see beyond labels and evaluations, to assume a therapeutic stance, be flexible and authentic. They acquire clinical strategies, learning to allow due space to the client, to respect the client's time and to respond to their needs. Finally, they learn how to manage risks and setbacks, to deal with closeness in the relationship, take advantage of their errors in favor of therapy and how to manage bureaucratic aspects of their profession.

Según la visión actual, la profesión de psicoterapeuta se aprende de los profesores que imparten teoría, intervenciones y técnicas y de los supervisores que acompañan la actuación. El objetivo de este estudio fue identificar una tercera vía de aprendizaje: ¿qué aprenden los terapeutas con sus clientes? Se entrevistó a catorce terapeutas conductuales y cognitivo-conductuales sobre lo que aprendieron con sus clientes. El análisis de datos se basó en los preceptos del análisis de teoría fundamentada. Los resultados sugieren que los terapeutas aprenden sobre las coordenadas importantes del proceso terapéutico: la singularidad de cada cliente, la responsabilidad del cliente y del terapeuta por el proceso y sus limitaciones como terapeuta. Los terapeutas amplían sus competencias clínicas: cómo ver más allá de las etiquetas y los juicios, adoptar una postura terapéutica, desarrollar flexibilidad y autenticidad. Adquirir estrategias clínicas, aprender a darle espacio al cliente, respetar el tiempo del cliente y responder a sus necesidades. Finalmente, aprenden a gestionar los riesgos y contratiempos, a lidiar con la proximidad al cliente, a aprovechar los conceptos erróneos a favor de la terapia y a gestionar los aspectos burocráticos de su profesión.

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Pacientes , Terapia Conductista , Procesos Psicoterapéuticos , Psicoterapeutas/educación , Relaciones Interpersonales
Rev. biol. trop ; 71abr. 2023.
Artículo en Español | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1449491


Introducción: Enfrentar la acelerada degradación de arrecifes coralinos requiere una acción integrada en múltiples niveles sociales y ecológicos. A escala local se debe incluir la participación activa de los usuarios de los recursos. Objetivo: evaluar el conocimiento y percepción local sobre los arrecifes coralinos en Golfo Dulce, y así generar bases para la integración social en la restauración coralina. Métodos: se realizaron 183 entrevistas en siete comunidades costeras del Golfo Dulce entre septiembre del 2016 y marzo del 2017. Los entrevistados se clasificaron en: (1) Pesca artesanal (PA) = 57 entrevistados, (2) Turismo (T) = 62, y (3) Otros (O) = 64. La primera parte de la entrevista fue de conocimiento y se asignó una nota basada en respuestas correctas. Según la nota se clasificó como informado, información media o desinformado. La segunda parte se basó en escalas de percepción sobre: (I) visitación, (II) factores que dañan los arrecifes coralinos, (III) medidas de manejo y (IV) salud de recursos marinos en Golfo Dulce. Resultados: El grupo T tuvo el mayor porcentaje de entrevistados informados = 42 % y el grupo O de desinformados = 37 %. La segunda parte fue percepción, más del 50 % de PA y T consideran que la visita es frecuente. La sedimentación y contaminación por agroquímicos fueron identificados por más del 60 % de PA y T como la principal amenaza. El 35 % de PA y el 40 % de T perciben las boyas fijas como la mejor medida para el Golfo Dulce. La restricción de visitas fue la medida con menor aceptación. El 60 % de los entrevistados de PA y T consideran que los recursos marinos del golfo estarán peor que en la actualidad. Conclusiones: Estos resultados confirman la importancia de comprender el conocimiento y la percepción de los usuarios de los arrecifes de coral en los procesos participativos y educativos en la restauración y conservación de los arrecifes de coral.

Introduction: Addressing the accelerated coral reefs degradation requires integrated action at multiple social and ecological scales. At local level, active participation of the main users must be included. Objective: To evaluate local knowledge and perception about coral reefs in Golfo Dulce to generate bases for social integration in coral restoration. Methods: 183 interviews were conducted in coastal communities in Golfo Dulce, between September 2016 and March 2017. The interviewees were classified as: (1) Artisanal fishing (PA) = 57 interviewees, (2) Tourism (T) = 62, and (3) Others (O) = 64. The first part of the interview was about knowledge and a grade was assigned based on correct answers. According to the grade, they were classified as informed, medium information or uninformed. The second part was based on perception scales on: (I) visitation, (II) factors that damage coral reefs, (III) management measures, and (IV) health of marine resources in Golfo Dulce. Results: Group T had the highest percentage of informed interviewees = 42 % and group O uninformed = 37 %. The second part was perception, more than 50 % of PA and T consider that the visit is frequent. Sedimentation and contamination by agrochemicals were identified by more than 60 % of PA and T as the main threat. 35 % of PA and 40 % of T perceive permanent buoys as the best measure for the Golfo Dulce. The visitation restriction was the measure with the least acceptance. 60 % of the interviewees of PA and T consider that the marine resources of the gulf will be worse than today. Conclusions: These results confirm the importance of understading coral reefs users knowledge and perception in participatory and educational processes in coral reef restoration and conservation.

Cogitare Enferm. (Online) ; 28: e91099, Mar. 2023. tab
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS-Express | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-1520775


RESUMO: Objetivo: construir e validar um cenário de simulação clínica voltado para o ensino do gerenciamento de conflitos para estudantes de graduação em enfermagem. Método: estudo metodológico no qual construiu-se um cenário de gerenciamento de conflitos, na cidade de São Paulo, SP, Brasil, em 2022, a partir da revisão de literatura e da experiência pedagógica dos pesquisadores. Realizou-se validação de conteúdo com juízes da área por meio da técnica Delphi. Os dados foram analisados com Índice de Validade de Conteúdo (IVC>80%). Resultados: o cenário descreve a cena de um estagiário de enfermagem que solicita ao técnico de enfermagem realizar um banho no leito de um paciente. Tal fato é permeado por conflitos interpessoais. A validação de conteúdo contou com oito experts em simulação clínica e dois estudantes de enfermagem. Houve três "rounds", chegando ao IVC 100%. Conclusão: o cenário construído foi validado e contribuirá para o ensino prático desta competência na graduação.

ABSTRACT Objective: Develop and validate a clinical simulation scenario for undergrad nursing students to learn conflict management. Method: Methodological study in which a conflict management scenario was constructed in the city of São Paulo, SP, Brazil, in 2022, based on the literature review and the pedagogical experience of the researchers. Content validation was carried out with judges in the field using the Delphi technique. The data was analyzed with a Content Validity Index (CVI>80%). Results: The scenario describes the scene of a nursing trainee asking the nursing technician to bathe a patient in bed. This is permeated by interpersonal conflicts. The content validation involved eight experts in clinical simulation and two nursing students. There were three "rounds," reaching IVC 100%. Conclusion: The scenario was validated and will contribute to the practical teaching of this skill in undergraduate courses.

RESUMEN Objetivo: Construir y validar un escenario de simulación clínica destinado a enseñar la gestión de conflictos a estudiantes universitarios de enfermería. Método: Estudio metodológico en el que se construyó un escenario de gestión de conflictos en la ciudad de São Paulo, SP, Brasil, en 2022, a partir de la revisión bibliográfica y de la experiencia pedagógica de los investigadores. La validación del contenido se llevó a cabo con jueces sobre el terreno mediante la técnica Delphi. Los datos se analizaron con un Índice de Validez del Contenido (IVC>80%). Resultados: el escenario describe la escena de un practicante de enfermería que pide al técnico de enfermería que bañe a un paciente en la cama. Esto está impregnado de conflictos interpersonales. En la validación del contenido participaron ocho expertos en simulación clínica y dos estudiantes de enfermería. Hubo tres rondas, alcanzando el IVC al 100%. Conclusión: el escenario fue validado y contribuirá a la enseñanza práctica de esta habilidad en los cursos de licenciatura.

Rev. Finlay ; 13(1)mar. 2023.
Artículo en Español | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1441010


La detección precoz de la fragilidad y el empleo oportuno de técnicas diagnósticas, terapéuticas y rehabilitadoras pueden modificar positivamente la expresión esperada de la discapacidad en el anciano. Las intervenciones tempranas, que incluyan ejercicio y movilización, ayudan a disminuir la gravedad de complicaciones asociadas y facilitan la recuperación funcional de este grupo etáreo. Los ejercicios de resistencia, flexibilidad, equilibrio y fuerza reducen la incidencia y el riesgo de caídas, la morbilidad y la mortalidad y previenen el deterioro funcional.

Early detection of frailty and the timely use of diagnostic, therapeutic and rehabilitative techniques can positively modify the expected expression of disability in the elderly. Early interventions, which include exercise and mobilization, help reduce the severity of associated complications and facilitate the functional recovery of this age group. Resistance, flexibility, balance and strength exercises reduce the incidence and risk of falls, morbidity and mortality and prevent functional deterioration.