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Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-969950


In order to specify the information expression of acupuncture effect and realize the knowledge reuse and sharing, in view of animal experiments and clinical trials, the relevant knowledge of acupuncture effect is allocated. Using seven-step method and Protégé5.5.0 tool, the ontology of acupuncture effect is constructed on the base of ISO/TS 16843-6: 2022. A total of 199 classes are constructed, including 7 categories (acupuncture point, acupuncture therapy, needling method, biological process, genes and gene products, disorder, and anatomic structure), 12 object properties, 1 108 instances and 5 123 axioms. A semantic network with the characteristics of acupuncture and moxibustion is established and the structured expression for the knowledge of acupuncture effects is obtained, which lays the foundation for the innovation and development in the field of acupuncture and moxibustion.

Terapia por Acupuntura , Acupuntura/educación , Moxibustión , Puntos de Acupuntura , Conocimiento
Res. Biomed. Eng. (Online) ; 31(1): 70-77, Jan-Mar/2015. tab, graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: biblio-829419


Introduction The lack of a terminology to compare medical devices together with the arbitrary and opaque nature of product registration systems are major obstacles to a more informed decision process regarding the use and acquisition of new medical devices. This paper describes the systematization of information to help in the identification of similar cardiovascular implantable devices. Methods The systematization was developed in four stages: definition of the technical attributes of each device group; classification of a sample of devices; implementation of the proposed systematization in Protégé; and evaluation of the application. The systematization dealt with a set of common attributes – indication of use, anatomic location, manufacturer, device model and lifetime; and a set of attributes specific for each type of device. Results The systematization was performed by means of a hierarchy of classes with the respective properties in Protégé, which support three basic functions: data entry, query, and maintenance. 38 queries were designed to allow the identification of similar devices according to their technical characteristics. The users’ evaluation showed that the application fulfilled the requirements to monitor the price of these devices on the market. Conclusions Protégé was a useful tool for the systematization of cardiovascular implantable devices that can be used for the post-market vigilance of medical device safety. To better fulfill this aim, other attributes may be incorporated to better characterize the safety aspects of these devices.

Rev. mal-estar subj ; 12(1/2): 265-292, jun. 2012. ilus
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: lil-747911


Este estudo teve como objetivo identificar a imagem que educadores sociais têm da criança em situação de acolhimento institucional e relacioná-la com as ações propostas por estes em espaços de convivência institucional. A investigação ocorreu em uma instituição abrigo (Diadema / SP) que atende crianças vítimas de negligência e / ou maus tratos. Os instrumentos utilizados foram: Teste do Desenho Temático e Observação. A técnica foi aplicada individualmente nas seis educadoras que integravam a instituição. Já a observação foi realizada nos momentos nos quais havia uma única educadora acompanhando o grupo de crianças em atividades de rotina do abrigo. Os dados obtidos com cada uma das educadoras foram analisados separadamente e posteriormente integrados aos registros da Observação. Na continuidade, uma síntese conclusiva foi elaborada para cada uma das participantes do estudo. Os resultados denotam falta de energia vital e ausência de contato afetivo com as crianças. Observa-se a predominância de educadoras com uma concepção do abrigo como um lugar provisório e inapropriado para o desenvolvimento da criança e descomprometidas com a tarefa de educá-las...

This study aimed to identify the image that social educators have about children in shelter institutions and relate it to their proposed actions for institutional coexistence spaces. The research took place at a shelter institution (Diadema / SP) that works with children victims of negligence and / or abuse. The techniques used were Thematic Drawing Test and Observation. The technique was applied individually in six educators who worked for the institution. The observation was conducted in moments when only one educator was accompanying the group of children in routine activities in the shelter. The data obtained with each educator were analyzed separately and subsequently incorporated in the observation registries. In continuity, a conclusive synthesis was elaborated for each one of the study participants. The results show a lack of vital energy and emotional contact with the children. There is a predominance of educators with an image of the shelter as a temporary place, inappropriate for a child's development, and not committed to the task of children's education...

Este estudio tuvo como objetivo identificar la imagen que los educadores sociales tienen del niño en un albergue y se refieren a las acciones propuestas por ellos en los espacios de vida institucional. La investigación se llevó a cabo en una institución refugio (Diadema / SP), que sirve a los niños víctimas de abandono y / o maltrato. Los instrumentos utilizados fueron: Test de Dibujo y Nota temática. La técnica se aplicó de forma individual en seis educadores que formaban parte de la institución. Puesto que la observación se realizó en momentos en que sólo había un profesor que acompaña al grupo de los niños en las actividades rutinarias de la vivienda. Los datos obtenidos por cada uno de los maestros se analizaron por separado, seguido de un análisis de la integración de la producción gráfica de la Nota de los registros. Más tarde, una conclusión como resumen fue preparado para cada uno de los participantes en el estudio. Los resultados muestran una falta de energía vital y la falta de contacto emocional con los niños. Tenga en cuenta el predominio de los maestros con un dibujo de la vivienda como un hogar temporal e inadecuado para el desarrollo del niño, aparecen comprometidos en la tarea de educarlos...

Cette étude visait à identifier l'image que les éducateurs sociaux que l'enfant dans un abri et de le relier aux actions proposées par ceux qui dans les espaces de vie institutionnels. La recherche a eu lieu dans un établissement sous (Diadema / SP), qui sert aux enfants victimes de négligence et / ou de mauvais traitements. Les instruments utilisés étaient: test du dessin et de la note thématique. La technique a été appliquée individuellement dans six éducateurs qui faisaient partie de l'institution. Depuis l'observation a été effectuée à des moments où il n'y avait qu'un seul enseignant accompagnant le groupe d'enfants dans les activités de routine de l'abri. Les données obtenues par chacun des enseignants ont été analysés séparément, suivie d'une analyse intégrant la production graphique de la note dossiers. Plus tard, un résumé a été préparé pour la conclusion de chacun des participants à l'étude. Les résultats montrent un manque d'énergie vitale et le manque de contact émotionnel avec les enfants. Notez la prédominance des enseignants avec une conception de l'abri comme un lieu temporaire et inappropriée pour le développement de l'enfant, semblent ne pas s'engager dans la tâche de les éduquer...

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Niño , Refugio , Niño Abandonado/educación , Desarrollo Infantil , Maltrato a los Niños , Responsabilidad Social