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CienciaUAT ; 17(2): 37-51, ene.-jun. 2023. tab, graf
Artículo en Español | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1447822


RESUMEN El Área de Protección de Flora y Fauna (APFF) Maderas del Carmen, ubicada en el estado de Coahuila, se considera un reservorio natural para el matorral rosetófilo, el cual ha sido afectado por el cambio de uso de suelo en el norte de México. El objetivo del presente trabajo fue describir el estado actual del matorral desértico rosetófilo del Área Protegida de Flora y Fauna Maderas del Carmen, con base en su estructura, composición florística y diversidad. Se evaluó la vegetación mediante 35 parcelas de 5 m x 5 m en 7 transectos lineales. Se midió altura (m), diámetro (cm) y área de copa (m2). Se determinó abundancia, dominancia y frecuencia de cada especie para obtener el índice de valor de importancia (IVI), además del índice de entropía de Shannon (H´) para conocer la diversidad, y la diversidad verdadera de Shannon (1D). Se registraron 31 familias, 61 géneros y 70 especies de plantas vasculares, incluyendo una endémica de México (Galactia brachystachys) y a 20 bajo estatus de protección, como Agave havardiana, que además, es especie vulnerable. Las familias con mayor riqueza fueron Fabaceae, Asteraceae, Asparagaceae y Cactaceae. Las formas biológicas y de vida fueron árboles y arbustos (48 %), hierbas (36 %), suculentas (13 %) y trepadoras (3 %). El H´ fue de 3.13 y la 1D de 22.87. El matorral rosetófilo del APFF Maderas del Carmen tiene una diversidad media-alta, está dominado por Agave lechuguilla Torr., con mayor abundancia e IVI. La composición florística y la diversidad encontrada permite una línea base para estudios posteriores que determinen el estatus ecológico de la zona. Especialmente para conocer con mayor detalle la dinámica poblacional de las especies endémicas y bajo estatus de protección, además del hábitat para la fauna silvestre presente en el APFF Maderas del Carmen.

ABSTRACT The Maderas del Carmen Flora and Fauna Protection Area (APFF), located in the state of Coahuila, is considered a natural reservoir for rosetophyllous scrub, which has been affected by land use change in northern Mexico. The objective of this work was to describe the current state of the rosetophilous desert scrub in the Maderas del Carmen Flora and Fauna Protected Area, based on its structure, floristic composition, and diversity. Vegetation was evaluated using 35 plots of 5 m x 5 m in 7 linear transects. Height (m), diameter (cm) and crown area (m2) were measured. Abundance, dominance and frequency of each species were determined to obtain the importance value index (IVI), in addition to the Shannon entropy index (H´) to know the diversity, and the true diversity of Shannon (1D). 31 families, 61 genera and 70 species of vascular plants were recorded, including one endemic to Mexico (Galactia brachystachys) and 20 under protection status, such as Agave havardiana, which is also a vulnerable species. The richest families were Fabaceae, Asteraceae, Asparagaceae and Cactaceae. Biological and life forms were trees and shrubs (48 %), herbs (36 %), succulents (13 %), and climbers (3 %). The H' was 3.13 and the 1D was 22.87. The rosetophilous scrub of the APFF Maderas del Carmen has a medium-high diversity, it is dominated by Agave lechuguilla Torr., with greater abundance and IVI. The floristic composition and the diversity found allow a baseline for subsequent studies that determine the ecological status of the area. Especially, they allow us to know in greater detail the population dynamics of endemic species and under protection status, in addition to the habitat for wildlife present in the APFF Maderas del Carmen.

Rev. biol. trop ; 71abr. 2023.
Artículo en Español | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1449492


Introducción: Las poblaciones del coral Orbicella annularis han mostrado bajo reclutamiento en el Caribe. Uno de los cuellos de botella demográficos es la alta mortalidad en las primeras etapas de desarrollo. El conocimiento detallado del ciclo y las tasas de supervivencia de estas fases nos permitirá ayudar en la recuperación de la población y la restauración de los arrecifes. Objetivo: Describir la embriogénesis y estadios larvarios obtenidos por fertilización asistida y medir las tasas de asentamiento y supervivencia de las larvas en sustratos artificiales, antes de ser trasplantadas al arrecife. Métodos: Seis días después de la luna llena de septiembre de 2021, se recolectaron bolsas de gametos de ocho colonias de O. annularis en el Parque Nacional Natural Los Corales del Rosario y San Bernardo, Colombia, y se llevaron al laboratorio. Se realizó fecundación cruzada, se siguió el desarrollo embrionario y larvario hasta el asentamiento larval y se registró supervivencia hasta el día 41. Las larvas se mantuvieron en tres tanques con agua de mar filtrada con 126 sustratos marcados, previamente acondicionados con algas coralináceas costrosas. Luego, los sustratos se trasplantaron al arrecife. Resultados: El inicio del desarrollo embrionario ocurrió 1.11 hAF (horas después de la fertilización), cuando las células mostraron signos de la primera división, y duró hasta 104.59 hAF cuando comenzaron a metamorfosearse. El asentamiento de larvas se observó al sexto día AF. Veintiún días después de la fecundación se encontraron zooxantelas. La supervivencia de las larvas después del asentamiento fue de 27.5 %. Conclusión: En este primer esfuerzo de propagación sexual utilizando O. annularis en Colombia, 1.4 % de larvas competentes completaron todo el proceso de desarrollo. Aunque la tasa de supervivencia fue baja, estos resultados se suman a los esfuerzos de restauración de corales en el Caribe en los que se ayuda a las especies a aumentar la supervivencia de los corales en sus primeras etapas de desarrollo.

Introduction: Populations of the coral Orbicella annularis have shown low recruitment in the Caribbean. One of the demographic bottlenecks is the high mortality in the early stages of development. Detailed knowledge of the cycle and survival rates of these phases will allow us to assist in population recovery and reef restoration. Objective: To describe the embryogenesis and larval stages obtained by assisted fertilization and measure the settlement and survival rates of larvae on artificial substrates, before being outplanted to the reef. Methods: Six days after the full moon in September 2021, gamete bundles were collected from eight O. annularis colonies in Los Corales del Rosario and San Bernardo National Natural Park, Colombia and brought to the laboratory. Cross fertilization was carried out and embryonic and larval development were followed until larval settlement and survival was recorded until day 41. The larvae were kept in three tanks with filtered sea water with 126 tagged substrates, previously conditioned with crustose coralline algae. The substrates were then outplanted to the reef. Results: The onset of embryonic development occurred 1.11 hAF (hours after fertilization), when cells showed signs of the first cleavage, and lasted until 104.59 hAF when they began to metamorphose. Larvae settlement was observed on the sixth day AF. Twenty-one days after fertilization, zooxanthellae were found. Post-settlement larval survival was 27.5 %. Conclusions: In this first sexual propagation effort using O. annularis in Colombia, 1.4 % of competent larvae completed the entire development process. Although low survival rate, these results add to coral restoration efforts in the Caribbean in which species are assisted to increase the survival of corals in their early stages of development.

Rev. biol. trop ; 70dic. 2022.
Artículo en Español | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1449476


Introducción: El establecimiento del Puesto Fronterizo Las Tablillas implica la segregación de 12.12 ha del Refugio Nacional de Vida Silvestre Corredor Fronterizo (RNVSCF), en el norte de Costa Rica. El sitio tiene una larga historia de uso de la tierra y su entorno natural está muy degradado. Este es un caso que se puede abordar desde el coste de oportunidad que se refiere al valor de la alternativa a la que se renuncia al tomar una decisión económica. Objetivo: En este artículo, usamos este precepto para evaluar la compensación por pérdidas en la estructura del hábitat y la biodiversidad si se interrumpiera la dinámica de sucesión dentro de un área silvestre protegida. Métodos: Para encontrar la ganancia neta en compensación requerida por dicha segregación, analizamos la diversidad y composición de la cubertura forestal cercana para pronosticar el ambiente que se perdería si se interrumpieran sus objetivos de conservación (costo de oportunidad). Compensar estas pérdidas requiere un ambiente equivalente, por lo que seleccionamos dos propiedades, entre 27 investigadas adyacentes al RNVSCF, que comparten cobertura forestal, están registradas legalmente y poseen atributos ambientales favorables para el diseño de reservas. Las dos propiedades seleccionadas y el sitio Las Tablillas fueron caracterizados a nivel de atributos geológicos e hidrológicos y de composición biológica de grupos indicadores. Resultados: Ambas propiedades son física y biológicamente favorables para el intercambio. La escogencia de cualquiera aumentaría el área del RNVSCF en más de 100 ha de un ambiente con mejor cobertura, más diversidad y mejor conexión con otras masas forestales que el observado en el sitio de segregación. Esto es una ventaja para el objetivo de conservación del refugio. Conclusión: En este caso, el coste de oportunidad favoreció la ganancia ambiental para la propuesta de compensación y podría ser utilizado para evaluar otras compensaciones que involucren ambientes sensibles o protegidos.

Introduction: The establishment of the Las Tablillas Border Post implies the segregation of 12.12 ha within the National Wildlife Refuge Border Corridor (RNVSCF) in northern Costa Rica. The site has a long land use history, so its environment is highly degraded. This case can be studied from the opportunity cost, which refers to the amount of the alternative given up when making an economic decision. Objective: In this paper, we use this precept to assess the compensation for losses in habitat structure and biodiversity if succession dynamics within a protected wilderness area were interrupted. Methods: To find the net gain in compensation required by this segregation, we analyzed the diversity and composition of nearby forest cover to forecast the environment that would be lost if its conservation objectives were interrupted (opportunity cost). Compensating for these losses requires an equivalent environment, so we selected two properties, among the 27 investigated, that shared forest cover, are located adjacent to the RNVSCF, are registered, and possess other attributes favorable to the design of reserves. The two selected properties and the Las Tablillas site were characterized at the level of geological and hydrological attributes and the composition of indicator groups. Results: Both properties are physically and biologically favorable for the exchange. It would increase the area of the RNVSCF by more than 100 ha of an environment with better coverage, more diversity, and a better connection to other forest masses than the one observed in the segregation site, which is an advantage to the conservation objective of the refuge. Conclusion: In this case, the opportunity cost favored the environmental gain for the offset proposal and could be used to evaluate other compensation involving sensitive or protected environments.

Artículo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-219372


The reproduction of Neochelon falcipinnis was studied in the Marine Protected Area (MPA) of Niamone-Kalounayes located in the Casamance estuary (Senegal) from July 2021 to June 2022. The results of this study are presented after twelve (12) months of experimental seine fishing. Reproductive parameters such as length-weight relationship, condition factor (K), sex ratio (SR), gonadosomatic index (GSI) and size at first maturity (Lm50) were determined. A total of 386 individuals (150 males, 221 females and 15 of undetermined sex) were sampled. The sex ratio was in favour of females (0.68 or 1:1.47). The length-weight relationship showed a minor allometric growth with allometric coefficient b values of 2.70 for both sexes combined, 2.60 for males and 2.79 for females. The ANOVA test showed no significant difference in condition factor in males (P > 0.05). In contrast, in females, there was a significant difference at the beginning of the cold season (P < 0.05). The monthly change in gonadosomatic index associated with the different stages of sexual maturity indicated a breeding period in the dry season (May, June and July). Peaks of sexual maturity are observed in June for both sexes. Sizes at first sexual maturity were 18 cm for males and 19 cm for females. These results, obtained provide information on the reproduction of Neochelon falcipinnis that can help in decision-making for better management of the resource.

Acta biol. colomb ; 27(1): 61-69, ene.-abr. 2022. tab, graf
Artículo en Español | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1360050


RESUMEN Las abejas sin aguijón (ASA) son organismos relevantes en los ecosistemas por su desempeño como polinizadores. En México, la mayor diversidad de ASA se encuentra en el sureste. En este estudio se determinaron las especies de ASA y densidad de nidos en dos sitios con diferente perturbación dentro de la Reserva de la Biósfera de los Petenes (RBLP) Campeche (México). Asimismo, se identificaron los sustratos y las especies arbóreas de nidificación. En total se realizaron diez muestreos en transectos entre los meses de enero a mayo de 2018. Se registraron 56 nidos pertenecientes a ocho especies diferentes de ASA (Cephalotrigona zexmeniae, Frieseomelitta nigra, Lestrimellita niitkib, Nannotrigona perilampoides, Partamona bilineata, Plebeia frontalis, Scaptotrigona pectoralis y Trígona fulviventris). Las especies con mayor número de nidos correspondieron a F. nigra (41,07 %) y S. pectoralis (28,57 %). No se encontraron diferencias significativas en la densidad de nidos entre los sitios Hecelchakán (2,15 nidos/ha) y Calkiní (0,19 nidos/ha). El sustrato preferido para anidación son las cavidades en árboles vivos (78,57 %). En total 15 especies arbóreas fueron identificadas como sustrato de nidificación y la especie más abundante correspondió a Crescentia cujete (n = 18, 40,9 %). El grado de perturbación tuvo poco efecto en el número y densidad de nidos de ASA, sin embargo, en general, la RBLP presentó una composición de especies y densidad de nidos reducida. Por lo tanto, este estudio permitió establecer las bases para futuros estudios sobre estrategias de manejo y conservación de estas especies para evitar su desaparición en la RBLP.

ABSTRACT Stingless bees (ASA) are relevant organisms in ecosystems because of their performance as pollinators. In Mexico, the higher diversity of ASA is found in the southeast. In this study, the ASA species and nest density of nests were identified at two sites with different disturbances (Hecelchakán and Calkiní) within the Petenes Biosphere Reserve (RBLP), Campeche (Mexico). Also, the substrates and the nesting tree species were identified. In total, ten sampling transects were performed between January and May 2018. In total 56 nests belonging to eight different species of ASA (Cephalotrigonazexmeniae, Frieseomelitta nigra, Lestrimellita niitkib, Nanotrigonaperilampoides, Partamona bilineata, Plebeia frontalis, Scaptotrigona pectoralis and Trigona fulviventris) were found. The species with the highest number of nests corresponded to F. nigra (41.07 %) and S. pectoralis (28.57 %). No significant differences were found in nest density between the Hecelchakán (2.15 nests/ha) and Calkiní (0.19 nests/ha) site. The preferred substrate for nesting is cavities in living trees (78.57 %). In total 15 tree species were identified as nesting substrate and the most abundant species corresponded to Crescentia cujete (n = 8, 40.90 %). The degree of disturbance had little effect on the number and density of ASA nest, however, in general, the RBLP presented low species composition and nest density. Therefore, this study allowed to establish the bases for future studies on management and conservation strategies of these species to avoid their loss in the RBLP.

CienciaUAT ; 15(2): 37-67, ene.-jun. 2021. tab, graf
Artículo en Español | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1285892


Resumen El conocimiento de la biodiversidad en un área natural protegida es fundamental para el desarrollo de acciones para su manejo y conservación. El objetivo del presente trabajo fue determinar los patrones de riqueza, categorías de endemismo, así como el estatus de conservación y vulnerabilidad de las aves en la Reserva de la Biosfera Sierra del Abra Tanchipa, ubicada en el noreste del estado de San Luis Potosí, México. Se incluye la información generada por el programa de monitoreo comunitario de aves y otros esfuerzos de muestreo realizados en el área. Se desarrolló trabajo de campo con base en el método de censado de conteo por puntos, los cuales fueron establecidos a lo largo de transectos en el área de estudio. Se registraron 279 especies de aves pertenecientes a 23 órdenes y 54 familias, correspondiendo el mayor porcentaje a las especies residentes permanentes (64.16 %). Del total de especies reportadas, 37 se encuentran bajo alguna categoría de riesgo y 25 presentan alguna categoría de endemismo. El 54.12 % de las especies tienen afinidad neotropical, 26.88 % neártica y 19 % neártica/neotropical. Por otro lado, alrededor del 22.22 % de las aves registradas tienen un nivel de sensibilidad al disturbio de medio a alto, que puede incrementarse debido a los cambios en los hábitats generados por las actividades humanas en la zona de influencia de la reserva. Los monitores comunitarios aliados al programa contribuyeron significativamente en las actividades de campo y la difusión de las acciones orientadas al conocimiento de las aves en la reserva. Los datos obtenidos permiten actualizar la información en el programa de manejo del área natural protegida de la reserva, lo que favorecerá la conservación de las aves en la zona.

Abstract Knowledge about biodiversity in a natural protected area is essential for the development of actions for its management and conservation. The objective of this work was to determine the richness patterns, endemism categories, as well as the conservation and vulnerability status of birds in the Sierra del Abra Tanchipa Biosphere Reserve, located in the northeastern region of the state of San Luis Potosí, Mexico. The information generated by the community bird monitoring program and other sampling efforts in the area was included. Fieldwork was carried out based on the census method of counting by points established along transects in the study area. A total of 279 bird species belonging to 23 orders and 54 families were registered, of which the highest percentage are permanent resident species (64.16 %). Of the species recorded, 37 are under some risk category, and 25 species have some endemism category. 54.12 % of the species have a Neotropical affinity, 26.88 % a Nearctic one, and 19 % a Nearctic/Neotropical one. On the other hand, around 22.22 % of the registered birds have a medium to high sensitivity to disturbance, which may increase due to changes in habitats generated by human activities in the reserve's area of influence. The community allies linked to the monitoring program contributed significantly to the field activities and the dissemination of the actions aimed at bird awareness in the reserve. The obtained data allow the updating of information in the management program of the natural protected area, which will favor the birds' conservation in the zone.

Bol. latinoam. Caribe plantas med. aromát ; 20(3): 270-302, may. 2021. ilus, tab
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: biblio-1343475


Herbal medicine has played a leading role in the health systems of many traditional societies. The main objective is to characterize an aspect of the natural and cultural heritage of a protected area of the town of La Calera, through the documentation of medicinal plants of the Bamba Water and Recreational Nature Reserve (RNHRB), in the province of Córdoba, Argentina. Methodologies of social and natural sciences, typical of ethnoecological approaches, were combined, complementing with qualitative and quantitative analyzes. A total of 221 uses corresponding to 137 medicinal species were documented. The most relevant families in terms of quantity of species and uses are Asteraceae, Fabaceae and Lamiaceae. In all cases the native / wild status predominates. Applications associated with gastrointestinal conditions are the most frequent, followed by dermatological, pneumonological, infectological and nephrological. It is concluded that herbal medicine in protected areas provides valuable information and efforts for the conservation of biocultural heritage in intangible rural areas with urbanized spaces, as well as for the potencial knowledge and use of resources by small local producers.

La medicina herbaria ha desempeñado un papel de liderazgo en los sistemas de salud de muchas sociedades tradicionales. El objetivo principal es caracterizar un aspecto del patrimonio natural y cultural de un área protegida de la localidad de La Calera, a través de la documentación de plantas medicinales de la Reserva Natural Acuática y Recreativa de Bamba (RNHRB), en la provincia de Córdoba, Argentina. Se combinaron metodologías de las ciencias sociales y naturales, propias de los enfoques etnoecológicos, complementando con análisis cualitativos y cuantitativos. Se documentaron un total de 221 usos correspondientes a 137 especies medicinales. Las familias más relevantes en cuanto a cantidad de especies y usos son Asteraceae, Fabaceae y Lamiaceae. En todos los casos predomina el estado nativo/salvaje. Las aplicaciones asociadas a afecciones gastrointestinales son las más frecuentes, seguidas de las dermatológicas, neumonológicas, infecciosas y nefrológicas. Se concluye que la fitoterapia en áreas protegidas brinda valiosa información y esfuerzos para la conservación del patrimonio biocultural en áreas rurales intangibles con espacios urbanizados, así como para el potencial conocimiento y uso de recursos por parte de pequeños productores locales.

Plantas Medicinales , Medicina Tradicional , Argentina , Áreas Protegidas
Biota Neotrop. (Online, Ed. ingl.) ; 21(1): e20201050, 2021. tab, graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1142472


Abstract: Studies on biological diversity are essential to generate baseline information in natural protected areas. In the present study, we developed a multi-taxonomic inventory in the Sierra del Abra Tanchipa Biosphere Reserve, located northeast of San Luis Potosí, Mexico. Systematic samplings were performed between January 2017 to May 2018, for the taxonomic groups of flora, amphibians, reptiles, birds, and mammals. A total of 3 730 records of 683 species were obtained, corresponding to 427 species of flora, 10 of amphibians, 20 of reptiles, 192 of birds, and 34 of mammals, from which 47 species are threatened. The results obtained represent the critical biodiversity that can be found in this natural protected area. The information will be useful for decision-making on the management and conservation of biodiversity in the Sierra Madre Oriental's ecological corridor.

Resumo: Los estudios sobre biodiversidad son fundamentales para generar información de línea base para las áreas naturales protegidas. En el presente estudio se desarrolló un inventario multitaxonómico de la Reserva de la Biosfera Sierra del Abra Tanchipa, ubicada al noreste del estado de San Luis Potosí, México. Se realizaron muestreos sistemáticos para los grupos taxonómicos de flora, anfibios, reptiles, aves y mamíferos y se construyó una base de datos donde se incluyeron todos los registros por grupo taxonómico. Se obtuvieron un total de 3 730 registros de 683 especies, que corresponden a 427 especies de flora, 10 especies de anfibios, 20 especies de reptiles, 192 especies de aves y 34 especies de mamíferos; de las que 47 especies se encuentran en alguna categoría de riesgo. Los resultados obtenidos son una muestra representativa de la importante biodiversidad que es posible encontrar en esta Área Natural Protegida. La información será útil para la toma de decisiones sobre las acciones de manejo y conservación de la biodiversidad en el Corredor Ecológico de la Sierra Madre Oriental.

Biota Neotrop. (Online, Ed. ingl.) ; 21(3): e20200993, 2021. tab, graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1285464


Abstract: The ecological domain of the Atlantic Forest holds a remarkable diversity of anurans with a great degree of endemism, most of which are distributed in high altitude areas, mostly represented by the mountains along the Mantiqueira Complex and Serra do Mar. Despite its biological importance, the region still shows a gap of sampling concerning the amphibians. Thus, we present the first systematic survey of the anuran fauna from Área de Proteção Ambiental Boqueirão da Mira (APABM), in the region of Zona da Mata, Minas Gerais state, Brazil. Two fieldwork expeditions were performed where fifteen sample points were inventoried through active night search and day audiovisual survey in breeding and foraging sites. The anuran fauna of the APABM presented 43 species distributed in 12 families, with the Hylidae family being the richest (17 species). Besides, four species had their distribution increased due to our findings (Hylodes perere, Physalaemus rupestris, Bokermannohyla ibitipoca and Ololygon cosenzai), all of them as endemic to the Mantiqueira Complex. This study revealed that the APABM has a great diversity of anuran species, more representative than adjacent regions such as the Parque Estadual Ibitipoca and close to the richness presented for the Parque Estadual Serra Negra da Mantiqueira. This work demonstrates the great importance of the APABM for conservation, highlighting it as an area of high diversity of the regional anuran species.

Resumo: O domínio ecológico da Mata Atlântica possui uma notável diversidade de anuros com grande grau de endemismo, a maioria distribuídos em áreas de alta altitude, representadas principalmente pelas montanhas ao longo da Serra da Mantiqueira e Serra do Mar. Apesar de sua importância biológica, a região ainda mostra uma lacuna de amostragem em relação aos anfíbios. Assim, apresentamos o primeiro levantamento sistemático da anurofauna da Área de Proteção Ambiental Boqueirão da Mira (APABM), na região da Zona da Mata, Minas Gerais, Brasil. Foram realizadas duas expedições de campo, onde quinze pontos amostrais foram inventariados por meio de procura ativa noturna e diurna audiovisual em locais de reprodução e forrageio. A anurofauna da APABM apresentou 43 espécies distribuídas em 12 famílias, sendo a família Hylidae a mais rica (17 espécies). Além disso, quatro espécies tiveram sua distribuição ampliada devido aos nossos achados (Hylodes perere, Physalaemus rupestris, Bokermannohyla ibitipoca e Ololygon cosenzai), todas elas sendo endêmicas do Complexo da Mantiqueira. Este estudo revelou que a APABM possui uma grande diversidade de espécies de anuros, mais representativas do que regiões adjacentes como o Parque Estadual do Ibitipoca e próximas à riqueza apresentada pelo Parque Estadual da Serra Negra da Mantiqueira. Este trabalho demonstra a grande importância da APABM para a conservação, destacando-a como uma área de alta diversidade de espécies de anuros regionais.

Biota Neotrop. (Online, Ed. ingl.) ; 21(4): e20211229, 2021. tab, graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1350219


Abstract: The Porto Ferreira State Park (PFSP) is located in the State of São Paulo southeastern Brazil, in an intriguing transitional area between the Atlantic Forest and Cerrado - both hotspots of biodiversity - represented mainly by the cerradão (CER), and the seasonal semideciduous forest (SSF), with its alluvial variation vegetation type (riparian forest - RP). Ecotonal areas play an important role in providing ecological and phytogeographic knowledge regarding the flora and vegetation of this region. Despite various studies on the PFSP, knowledge of this region remains fragmented. In this study, we aim to conduct an updated checklist of the PFSP vascular flora, including a compilation of all the studies conducted in this protected area, plus field work carried out by the authors from 2014 to 2017. In addition, given its ecotonal characteristics, we completed a floristic similarity analysis between the PFSP and other floristic surveys that examined the same vegetation types present in this study, to gain a better understanding of their phytogeographic relationships. Overall, 684 species, belonging to 387 genera and 107 families, were recorded. The SSF presented the richest vegetation type (478 species), followed by the CER (418) and the RP (231). The most diverse families were Fabaceae (64 species), Myrtaceae (41), Orchidaceae (39), Rubiaceae (37), Asteraceae (35), Bignoniaceae (26) and Malvaceae (20). Moreover, eight threatened species, at regional and national levels, were found. To date, 412 species have been added to the floristic list produced for the PFSP. The life forms with the highest number of species were trees (286 species), herbs (176) plus shrubs and subshrubs (123). Our research findings indicate floristic patterns with higher levels of similarity among species in geographical proximity, including those in ecotonal areas encompassing different vegetation types. These results rank the PFSP among some of the most species-rich conservation units with seasonal climates, and therefore is of great importance for plant conservation in the southeast of Brazil.

Resumo: O Parque Estadual de Porto Ferreira (PEPF) está localizado no estado de São Paulo, sudeste do Brasil, em uma intrigante área de contato entre a Mata Atlântica e o Cerrado - ambos hotspots de biodiversidade -, representada principalmente pelo cerradão (CER), a floresta estacional semidecidual (FES) e pela variação dessa última, com influência aluvial (FESA). As áreas ecotonais desempenham um papel importante no conhecimento ecológico e fitogeográfico da flora e da vegetação. Mesmo com muitos estudos realizados no PEPF, as informações encontram-se dispersas. Dessa forma, produzimos um checklist atualizado da flora vascular, resultante da compilação de vouchers, estudos realizados no PEPF e de esforços de coleta realizados pelos autores entre os anos de 2014 e 2017. Além disso, para entender suas relações fitogeográficas, realizamos uma análise de similaridade florística entre o PEPF e outros levantamentos realizadas nas mesmas fitofisionomias da área estudada. Registramos 684 espécies pertencentes a 387 gêneros e 107 famílias. A FES foi a fitofisionomia mais rica (478 espécies), seguida pelo CER (418) e a FESA (231). As famílias mais ricas foram Fabaceae (64 espécies), Myrtaceae (41), Orchidaceae (39), Rubiaceae (37), Asteraceae (35), Bignoniaceae (26) e Malvaceae (20). Oito espécies ameaçadas em âmbito regional e nacional foram encontradas. Desde a última lista florística produzida para o PEPF, 412 espécies foram adicionadas. As formas de vida com maiores números de espécies foram: árvores (286 espécies), ervas (176) e arbustos mais subarbustos (123). A análise de similaridade corroborou o padrão de que áreas mais próximas geograficamente são mais similares entre si, e esse padrão foi encontrado, também, para áreas ecotonais envolvendo diferentes fitofisionomias. Os resultados encontrados colocam o PEPF entre as unidades de conservação com maior número de espécies vegetais sob o domínio de clima sazonal, possuindo, portanto, grande importância para a conservação de espécies de plantas no Sudeste do Brasil.

Neotrop. ichthyol ; 19(4)2021.
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS-Express | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1485608


ABSTRACT Few studies on fish assemblages and relations with environmental factors in aquatic systems in southeastern Amazonia have been carried out when compared to other areas in the Amazon. Therefore, which are the main environmental variables and processes responsible for structuring them remains unknown. We hypothesized that fish assemblages respond the variation in the physical-chemistry variables between seasons of the hydrological cycle in a pristine river in the Amazon. The study was performed on fish assemblages of the Tarumã River, Jaru Biological Reserve, Rondônia. Samplings were carried out in five sites along the river in March and September, 2015, which included fish collection and environmental data measurements. Principal component analysis was performed to ordinate the sites in high water and low water seasons, according to environmental variables. We used a similarity analysis in order to identify the individual contribution of species in hydrological period and a partial redundancy analysis for quantify the relative importance of environmental variables in the species composition. As predicted by our hypothesis, the species composition was influenced by dissolved oxygen and temperature. Myloplus rubripinnis, Serrasalmus compressus, and S. rhombeus were the most abundant during high water, while S. rhombeus, Myloplus lobatus, Prochilodus nigricans, and Hydrolycus armatus were the dominant species during the low water.

RESUMO Poucos estudos sobre assembleias de peixes de sistemas aquáticos do sudeste da Amazônia foram realizados quando comparado a outras áreas na Amazônia. As principais variáveis ambientais e processos responsáveis por sua estruturação permanecem desconhecidas. Nossa hipótese é que as assembleias de peixes respondem as variações das variáveis físico-químicas entre as estações do ciclo hidrológico em um rio preservado na Amazônia. O estudo analisou as assembleias de peixes do rio Tarumã, na Reserva Biológica do Jaru, Rondônia. As amostragens foram realizadas em cinco pontos amostrais ao longo do rio, em março e setembro de 2015, que incluiu coleta de peixes e medições de dados ambientais. A Análise de Componentes Principais ordenou os pontos amostrais nos períodos de cheia e seca, de acordo com as variáveis ambientais. Utilizamos uma análise de similaridade afim de identificar a contribuição individual de cada espécie em cada período hidrológico e uma análise de redundância parcial com o objetivo de quantificar a importância relativa das variáveis ambientais na composição das espécies. Conforme previsto por nossa hipótese, a composição de espécies do rio Tarumã é influenciada pelo oxigênio dissolvido e temperatura. Myloplus rubripinnis, Serrasalmus compressus e S. rhombeus foram mais abundantes durante o período de cheia, enquanto S. rhombeus, Myloplus lobatus, Prochilodus nigricans e Hydrolycus armatus foram as espécies dominantes no período de seca.

Rev. biol. trop ; 69(1)2021.
Artículo en Español | LILACS, SaludCR | ID: biblio-1507820


Introducción: La selección de refugios diurnos es un proceso crucial para los murciélagos debido a su influencia en la ecología, organización social y supervivencia de sus poblaciones. El murciélago narigón (Rhynchonycteris naso) es una especie protegida por leyes de México, cuyos refugios y zonas de forrajeo, están estrictamente asociados a cuerpos de agua, principalmente ríos. Por lo tanto, cambios en la calidad del agua suponen un riesgo para sus poblaciones. Sin embargo, el conocimiento sobre el estado actual de sus poblaciones y refugios diurnos en México, es escaso. Objetivo: Ubicar y describir los refugios diurnos de R. naso y evaluar la relación del tamaño del grupo de murciélagos con las características de los refugios, la salinidad y el pH del agua donde habitan. Métodos: De marzo a octubre 2015, se realizaron búsquedas de refugios diurnos mediante recorridos en lancha a lo largo de ríos, arroyos y lagunas, en once sitios del Área de Protección de Flora y Fauna Laguna de Términos, Campeche México. Por cada refugio localizado se registró el tamaño del grupo y su acomodo en el refugio, el tipo de refugio, el tipo de vegetación, la cobertura, la distancia entre refugios, el diámetro del tronco, la salinidad y el pH. Para investigar el efecto de las variables registradas en los refugios sobre el tamaño de cada grupo, se ajustaron Modelos Lineales Generalizados. Resultados: Encontramos 48 refugios en troncos secos, cortezas de árboles y puentes, asociados a cuerpos de agua dulce y oligohalina, principalmente en vegetación de manglar. El promedio (± EE) del tamaño del grupo fue de 5.3 ± 0.48 para los refugios naturales y de 22.6 ± 9.54 para los artificiales. Encontramos una relación significativa con el tipo de refugio, el tipo de vegetación y el diámetro del tronco. Los refugios con tamaño de grupo mayores presentaron un acomodo agregado. Se localizaron 40 refugios sobre cuerpos de agua dulce y ocho en oligohalina con alto nivel de agrupamiento. Conclusiones: La mayor incidencia de refugios en sitios de agua dulce y ligeramente ácida, es explicada bajo la teoría del óptimo forrajeo. Debido a que el área de estudio se encuentra en el límite de su distribución, el manglar representa el tipo de vegetación más importante para garantizar la permanencia de las poblaciones de R. naso. Adicionalmente, debido a que en algunas porciones de la zona de estudio no fue posible encontrar refugios, es crucial llevar a cabo estudios sobre la calidad del agua y los niveles de contaminación en la región. Este estudio proporciona información relevante sobre las poblaciones del murciélago Rhynchonycteris naso con implicaciones directas sobre su conservación en zonas ribereñas y humedales costeros.

Introduction: The selection of day-roost is a crucial process for bats because it influences the ecology, social organization, and survivorship aspects of their populations. Proboscis bat (Rhynchonycteris naso) is a protected species by Mexican law, whose foraging and roosting areas are strongly associated with bodies of water, primarily rivers. Therefore, alterations in the water quality pose a risk to their populations. However, knowledge of the current state of their populations and roosting ecology is very poor in Mexico. Objectives: To locate and to describe R. naso's diurnal roosts, and to evaluate the relationship of the group size per roost with the characteristics of the diurnal roost, the salinity and pH of the water where they inhabit. Methods: From March to October 2015, we searched diurnal roost through boat tours along rivers, streams, and lagoons, in eleven sites in the Laguna de Términos Flora and Fauna Protection Area, Campeche, Mexico. For each localized roost, we recorded the group size, and their spatial distribution, the type of roost and vegetation, the distance between roosts, the diameter of trunk, the salinity, and pH. In order to investigate the effect of the variables recorded in diurnal roost on size group, generalized linear models were adjusted. Results: We found 48 diurnal roost in dead tree-trunks, tree bark and bridges, associated with freshwater, and oligohaline bodies, mainly in mangrove vegetation. The average size of the groups was 5.3 ± 0.48 and 22.6 ± 9.54 in natural and artificial roosts, respectively. We found a significant relationship with the type of roost, type of vegetation and diameter of trunk. Roosts with larger groups of bats presented an aggregated distribution. We located 40 diurnal roosts on freshwater bodies and eight in oligohaline with a high grouping level. Conclusions: Greater incidence of roost in fresh and lightly acid water is explained under optimal foraging theory. Because the study area is found in the limit of their distribution, mangrove is a very important vegetation type to guarantee the establishment of R. naso populations. Also, due no roosts were found in some portions of the study zone, quality of water, and contaminant level studies are crucial. This study provides relevant information on their populations with direct implications for the conservation in coastal areas.

Animales , Quirópteros/anatomía & histología , Refugio de Fauna , México
Biota Neotrop. (Online, Ed. ingl.) ; 20(3): e20200958, 2020. tab, graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1131926


Abstract The altitudinal gradient found in the Atlantic Forest may play a role in establishing sympatry areas between congeneric species of sigmodontine rodents. For some genera with cryptic species, the elucidation of spatial patterns of distribution may be useful to understand reproductive isolation and speciation patterns, as well as spatial and temporal factors determining the boundaries of species' geographical distributions. Here we evaluated the occurrence of sympatry between Juliomys species along an altitudinal gradient in the Serra da Bocaina National Park (SBNP). Additionally, we review the occurrence of J. rimofrons and add new records of species occurrence in the SBNP, aided by karyological and molecular data. The study was carried out at four sites in the SBNP, which ranged between 770 and 1,200 m a.s.l. We captured 24 Juliomys specimens. Six out of 24 specimens were collected and karyotyped. For J. pictipes, the karyotype had a 2n of 36 and a FN of 34, and for J. ossitenuis 2n of 20 and FN of 36. Seventeen out of 24 Juliomys specimens were used in the cytochrome b phylogeny: 12 specimens grouped with J. pictipes and five with J. ossitenuis. Additionally, a specimen previously identified as J. rimofrons (MN 77793) clustered together with J. pictipes. Juliomys pictipes and J. ossitenuis were found in sympatry in two out of four sites in altitudes higher than 1,000 m a.s.l.. Our karyological and molecular data provided the detection of two Juliomys species in the SBNP for the first time (J. pictipes and J. ossitenuis) and disregarded the previous record of J. rimofrons. Our record of sympatry between J. pictipes and J. ossitenuis represents the fifth known record of sympatry between these species up to date.

Resumo O gradiente altitudinal encontrado na Mata Atlântica pode desempenhar um papel no estabelecimento de áreas de simpatria entre espécies congêneres de roedores sigmodontíneos. Para alguns gêneros com espécies crípticas, a elucidação de padrões espaciais de distribuição pode ser útil para entender os padrões de isolamento reprodutivo e de especiação, bem como fatores espaciais e temporais que determinam os limites das distribuições geográficas das espécies. Aqui, avaliamos a ocorrência de simpatria entre as espécies de Juliomys ao longo de um gradiente altitudinal no Parque Nacional da Serra da Bocaina (SBNP). Além disso, revisamos a ocorrência de J. rimofrons e adicionamos novos registros de ocorrência de espécies no SBNP, auxiliados por dados cariológicos e moleculares. O estudo foi realizado em quatro locais no SBNP, que variaram entre 770 e 1.200 m a.n.m.. Foram capturados 24 espécimes de Juliomys. Seis dos 24 espécimes foram coletados e cariotipados. Para J. pictipes, o cariótipo tinha 2n de 36 e um NF de 34, e para J. ossitenuis 2n de 20 e NF de 36. Dezessete dos 24 espécimes de Juliomys foram utilizados na filogenia do citocromo b: 12 espécimes agruparam com J pictipes e cinco com J. ossitenuis. Além disso, um espécime previamente identificado como J. rimofrons (MN 77793) se agrupou com J. pictipes. Juliomys pictipes e J. ossitenuis foram encontrados em simpatria em dois dos quatro locais em altitudes superiores a 1.000 m a.n.m.. Nossos dados cariológicos e moleculares forneceram a detecção de duas espécies de Juliomys no SBNP pela primeira vez (J. pictipes e J. ossitenuis) e desconsideraram o registro anterior de J. rimofrons. Nosso registro de simpatria entre J. pictipes e J. ossitenuis representa o quinto registro de simpatria entre essas espécies conhecido até o momento.

Biota Neotrop. (Online, Ed. ingl.) ; 20(supl.1): e20190915, 2020. tab, graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1131965


Abstract: The lack of implementation of well-designed public policies aimed at the conservation of natural ecosystems has resulted, at a global level, in the decline of ecosystem functioning and, consequently, of the contributions they make to people. The poor enforcement of important environmental legislation in Brazil - for instance, the "Atlantic Forest Law" (Law n.11.428/2006) and the "Forest Code" (Law n.12.651/2012) - could compromise the overall maintenance of ecosystems and the services they provide. To explore the implications of different levels of federal laws' enforcement within the Cantareira System Protected Area (PA) - a PA in southeastern Brazil that provides fresh water for 47% of the Sao Paulo Metropolitan Area -, we developed a conceptual framework to identify indirect and direct drives of biodiversity and ecosystem changes. We also projected four land-use scenarios to 2050 to test the effects of deforestation control and forest restoration practices on biodiversity and ecosystem services maintenance: the "business-as-usual" scenario (BAU), which assumes that all trends in land-use cover changes observed in the past will continue in the future, and three alternative exploratory scenarios considering the Atlantic Forest Law implementation, the partial implementation of the Forest Code and the full implementation of the Forest Code. Using the land-use maps generated for each scenario, we assessed the impacts of land-use changes on biodiversity conservation and soil retention. Our results revealed all alternative scenarios could increase biodiversity conservation (by 7%; 12%; and 12%, respectively), reduce soil loss (by 24.70%; 34.70%; and 38.12%, respectively) and sediment exportation to water (by 27.47%; 55.06%; and 59.28%, respectively), when compared to the BAU scenario. Our findings highlight the importance of restoring and conserving native vegetation for the maintenance and improvement of biodiversity conservation and for the provision of ecosystem services.

Resumo: A falta de implementação de políticas públicas voltadas para a conservação ambiental, tem resultado, em nível global, em impactos sobre a biodiversidade e o funcionamento dos ecossistemas e, consequentemente, na contribuição da natureza para as pessoas. A aplicação inadequada de importantes de leis ambientais no Brasil, como por exemplo, a "Lei da Mata Atlântica" (Lei nº 11.428 / 2006) e o "Código Florestal" (Lei nº 12.651 / 2012), podem comprometer a manutenção dos ecossistemas e dos serviços que eles fornecem. Neste estudo, nós desenvolvemos um mapa conceitual que busca identificar causas diretas e indiretas de mudanças - agentes de mudança - na biodiversidade e na provisão de serviços ecossistêmicos relacionados ao solo e à água, na Área de Proteção Ambiental (APA) Sistema Cantareira. A APA Sistema Cantareira, localizada no sudeste do Brasil, fornece água potável para 47% da Região Metropolitana de São Paulo. Além da abordagem conceitual, nós projetamos quatro cenários de mudança no uso da terra para o ano de 2050, a fim de analisar o impacto de diferentes níveis de aplicação de leis federais: o cenário "business-as-usual" (BAU), que pressupõe que as tendências na mudança de uso da terra observadas no passado continuarão no futuro, e três cenários alternativos, considerando a implementação da Lei da Mata Atlântica, a implementação parcial do Código Florestal e a implementação completa do Código Florestal. A partir dos mapas de uso da terra gerados, avaliamos os impactos de cada cenário na conservação da biodiversidade, na retenção de solos e na exportação de sedimentos para os corpos d'água. Nossos resultados mostraram que os três cenários alternativos podem aumentar a conservação da biodiversidade (em 7%; 12%; e 12%, respectivamente), reduzir a perda de solo (em 24,70%; 34,70%; e 38,12%, respectivamente) e reduzir a exportação de sedimentos para a água (em 27,47 %; 55,06%; e 59,28%, respectivamente), quando comparados ao cenário BAU. Este estudo destaca a importância da restauração e conservação da vegetação nativa para a manutenção da biodiversidade e melhoria na provisão de serviços ecossistêmicos relacionados ao solo e à água, em uma região estratégica para o abastecimento de água no Brasil.

Neotrop. ichthyol ; 18(4): e200050, 2020. tab, graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1143349


Abstract Although several studies on the ichthyofauna of the Fernando de Noronha Archipelago have been carried out, its mesophotic fish diversity has never been surveyed before. Here we used SCUBA and technical rebreather diving, baited remote underwater videos and remotely operated vehicle to record shallow (≤ 30 m depth) and mesophotic (31 to 150 m depth) fishes. Nineteen fish species belonging to 14 families are reported here as new records, representing an increase of 8.2% in marine fish richness for the region, which now has a total of 250 species and 77 families. These new records include four potential new species and highlight the importance of surveying mesophotic ecosystems, even in well studied sites. Our results also emphasize the need for protection and attention to the unique ichthyofauna found at mesophotic depths.(AU)

Resumo Apesar de muitos estudos sobre a ictiofauna do Arquipélago de Fernando de Noronha terem sido realizados, sua diversidade de peixes mesofóticos nunca foi estudada antes. Neste estudo utilizamos mergulho autônomo e mergulho técnico, vídeos subaquáticos remotos com isca e veículo operado remotamente para registrar peixes de ecossistemas rasos (≤ 30 m de profundidade) e mesofóticos (31 a 150 m de profundidade). Dezenove espécies de peixes pertencentes a 14 famílias são apresentadas aqui como novos registros, representando um aumento de 8,2% na riqueza de peixes marinhos da região, que agora possui um total de 250 espécies e 77 famílias. Esses novos registros incluem quatro prováveis novas espécies e reforçam a importância de estudos em ecossistemas mesofóticos. Nossos resultados também enfatizam a necessidade de proteção e atenção à essa ictiofauna única encontrada nesses ecossistemas profundos.(AU)

Animales , Ecosistema , Peces , Recursos Audiovisuales , Reserva Marina/análisis
Acta sci., Biol. sci ; 42: e49958, fev. 2020. map, tab, ilus, graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1460952


Less than 10% of the original Atlantic Forest cover now remains standing in the Brazilian state of Sergipe, although few scientific studies have focused on its mammalian diversity. The present study describes the diversity of non-volant mammals found in the Ibura National Forest (INF), based on live trapping, and direct and indirect observations. We sampled the IBF on six days per month between June 2012 and August 2013, using live-traps (Sherman-type) positioned in pairs (ground and understory). We equally sampled semideciduous forest and an abandoned Eucalyptusplantation with dense understory (over 30 years). We also used non-systematics methods (direct observations, vestiges, camera-trap, and opportunistic captures). We recorded 18 species, from 12 families and 7 orders considering all the applied methods. Among recorded species, Bradypus torquatusand Lontra longicaudisare considered threatened of extinction. Considering only the live-trapping (totaling 3,240 trapping nights), we captured 125 individuals (3.85% success) from four species, Marmosa demerarae(52%), Didelphis albiventris(19.2%), Cerradomys vivoi(15.2%), and M. murina(13.6%). Estimated and observed richness was the same, suggesting a satisfactory effort. Didelphis albiventrisand M. demeraraeshowed significantly higher captures in the dry seasons. Didelphis albiventrisand C.vivoishowed significantly higher captures in the substratum, and M. demeraraehigher in the understory. Cerradomysvivoishowed significantly higher captures in the Eucalyptusphytophysiognomy. Non-Metric Multidimensional Scaling and the ANOSIM showed a significant difference in the captured species among semidecidual forest and Eucalyptus. Despite the small area (144 ha), the INF still houses a relatively high mammalian diversity. Further investigations may help to understand the role of habitat reduction in the diversity and habitat partitioning among mammal species in the Atlantic Forest of Northeastern Brazil.

Animales , Biodiversidad , Ecosistema , Mamíferos/anatomía & histología , Áreas Protegidas/análisis
Rev. biol. trop ; 67oct. 2019.
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1507475


Introduction: The first open-sea (non-coastal) Marine Protected Area in Argentina, named "Namuncurá I" (NMPA), was created in 2013 at Burdwood Bank (BB), an undersea plateau located about 200 km south from Malvinas Islands (Falkland Islands) and 150 km east from Staten Island, SW Atlantic Ocean. It comprises three different management areas: the central one ("core", strict protection, only control and monitoring activities), surrounded by a "buffer" area (authorized activities, e.g. scientific research) and an external "transition" area (productive and extractive activities contemplated in the Management Plan). Beyond the transition area, only the southern shelf-break is protected, after the creation of the "Namuncurá II" MPA in December 2018. Objective: Provide the inventory of polychaetes collected during 2016 and 2017 at the core (98 m depth), buffer (128 m depth), transition (133 m-189 m depth) areas of the Namuncurá I MPA, together with slope areas (220 m-798 m depth). Methods: Taken with a trawl net used to characterize the faunal assemblages and to compare results with other Magellan areas. Multidimensional Scaling (MDS) and Cluster Analysis (CA) were applied to a Bray-Curtis similarity index to assess polychaete assemblages in the NMPA - BB slope and Magellan region respectively; SIMPER (Similarity Percentage Analyses) and ANOSIM (Analysis of Similarities) were performed. Results: A total of 918 individuals, which correspond to 39 taxa distributed in 22 families, were recorded in samples from NMPA and BB slope, mainly epibenthic or associated with the large corals collected. Ampharete kerguelensis McIntosh, 1885; Hyalinoecia artifex Verrill, 1880; Idanthyrsus macropaleus (Schmarda, 1861); Laetmonice producta Grube, 1877; Onuphis pseudoiridescens Averincev, 1972; Pista mirabilis McIntosh 1885 and Terebellides malvinensis Bremec & Elias, 1999 constitute new records for Burdwood Bank. A similar polychaete assemblage characterized the three areas of NMPA and slope locations, while H. artifex characterized locations at the NW deepest slope of the bank. Conclusions: These results indicate strong connections between the fauna collected at NMPA and the polychaetes assemblage in other Magellan areas dominated by soft bottoms. The biogeographic importance of the BB as connection for benthic polychaete species between South America and the Antarctic Peninsula merits future investigation.

Introducción: La primera Área Marina Protegida de mar abierto (no costera) en Argentina, llamada "Namuncurá I" (AMPN), fue creada en 2013 en el Banco Burdwood (BB), una plataforma sumergida ubicada unos 200 km al sur de las Islas Malvinas y 150 km al Este de la Isla de los Estados. En el Océano Atlántico SO. El área comprende tres diferentes áreas de manejo: la central ("el núcleo", con protección estricta, solo Control y actividades de monitoreo), rodeada por un área "de amortiguación" (solo actividades autorizadas, como investigación científica) y un área externa de "transición" (se contemplan actividades productivas y extractivas en el Plan de Manejo). Más allá del área de transición, el talud y las áreas adyacentes no presentan medidas de protección. Objetivos: Proporcionar un inventario de poliquetos colectados durante 2016 y 2017 en el Núcleo (98 m de profundidad), de Amortiguación (128 m), de Transición (133 m-189 m) y Talud (220 m-798 m). Métodos: Las muestras fueron obtenidas con una red de arrastre para caracterizar las asociaciones faunísticas y para compararlas con otras áreas Magallánicas. Análisis de Escalamiento Multidimensional y de agrupamiento aglomerativo jerárquico fueron aplicados a una matriz de similaridad de Bray-Curtis para determinar las asociaciones de poliquetos en el AMP - Talud del BB y región Magallánica, respectivamente. Resultados: Un total de 918 individuos, que corresponden a 39 taxones distribuidos en 22 familias, fueron registrados en las muestras del AMPN y talud del BB, mayormente epibentónicos o asociados a grandes corales. Ampharete kerguelensis McIntosh, 1885; Hyalinoecia artifex Verrill, 1880; Idanthyrsus macropaleus (Schmarda, 1861); Laetmonice producta Grube, 1877; Onuphis pseudoiridescens Averincev, 1972; Pista mirabilis McIntosh 1885 y Terebellides malvinensis Bremec & Elias, 1999 constituyen nuevos registros para el Banco Burdwood. Un ensamble de poliquetos similar caracteriza a las tres áreas del AMPN y talud, mientras que H. artifex caracteriza los sitios más profundos del talud del banco. Conclusiones: Estos resultados indican una fuerte conexión entre la fauna colectada en el NMPA y los ensambles de poliquetos de sustratos blandos de otras áreas Magallánicas. La importancia biogeográfica del BB como una conexión entre Sudamérica y la Península Antártica justifican futuras investigaciones.

Rev. peru. biol. (Impr.) ; 26(1): 41-48, ene.-mar. 2019. ilus
Artículo en Español | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1094351


Achatina fulica es un gasterópodo terrestre invasivo, conocido como una de las 100 especies invasoras más dañinas del mundo. Achatina fulica fue reportado en Ecuador en el 2008, pero no se ha evaluado aún su impacto sobre los ecosistemas nativos. El objetivo principal fue determinar el área de vida (AV) promedio de esta especie en dos zonas con distinto grado de intervención en el Bosque Protector Cerro Blanco, un remanente de bosque seco tropical. La fase de campo consistió en la captura, marcaje, recaptura, toma de medidas morfométricas y georreferenciación de los individuos; para el análisis de datos se calculó el AV mediante el método de polígono convexo mínimo, y se lo correlacionó con variables ambientales a través de un análisis de componentes principales (ACP). El AV promedio en la zona alterada fue de 3.58 m² (±0.93, n=30), y en el sendero ecoturístico fue 3.27 m² (±0.48, n=40); se determinó que la humedad fue el parámetro ambiental que influyó directamente sobre el AV y la densidad poblacional en ambas zonas de estudio. El manejo de esta especie invasora no consta como un asunto clave de manejo para esta reserva privada, por lo que se recomienda ejecutar acciones de control para su erradicación.

Achatina fulica is an invasive terrestrial gastropod known as one of the 100 most harmful invasive species in the world. Achatina fulica is known in Ecuador since 2008, but the impact over their native ecosystems has not evaluated. The main objective was to determine the home range (HR) of this species in two zones with different levels of intervention in the Cerro Blanco reserve. The field work consisted in the capture, marking, recapture, taking of morphometric measurements and georeferencing of the individuals; for the analysis of data, HR was calculated using the convex polygon method, and environmental variables were correlated through a principal component analysis (PCA). The average HR in the altered zone was 3.58 m2 (± 0.93, n = 30), and on the ecotourist trail was 3.27 m2 (± 0.48, n = 40); the humidity was the environmental parameter that directly influences the life area and the population density in both zones study. The management of this invasive species does not appear as a key management issue for this private reserve, so it is recommended a control actions for its eradication.

Artículo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-204769


In Africa, the important agro-pastoral activity and poverty in rural areas lead to strong anthropogenic pressures on protected areas and to their quick degradation. Therefore the efficient conservation and sustainable exploitation of protected areas require adaptive and dynamic management that integrates peripheral interactions with regard to their changing spatial and temporal dimensions. They call for the deployment of appropriate management indicators capable of translating all the issues raised into concrete and practical terms. To this end, a new conceptual and analytical approach to assess pressure indicators is needed to take into account the spatio-temporal oscillation or mobility of the area of ​​socio-economic dependence that must henceforth provide the basis for sustainable management in the context of adaptation to climate change. The study responds to this concern through rigorous conceptualization, characterization and validation of original peripheral pressure indicators focused on a global and dynamic socio-economic framework. The method used consisted of an interpretative analysis of theoretical bibliographic data, measurements and field observations using GPS, ArcGIS 10.1 and Envi 4.5 and semi-structured interviews for the characterization of defined pressure indicators and their field validation. The five pressure indicators designed and applied on the basis of the criteria of direct dependence on protected areas are the coefficient of asymmetry (Kc), the periphery (Ψ), the dependent population (Dπ), the distance-access time (DAT) and the field daily working time (FDWT). The approach and pressure indicators were successfully applied to the Rusizi National Park (Burundi) for the period 1984-2015. The results showed that the park has a coefficient of asymmetry of 2.64 which represents a three times higher level than its circular equivalent, a periphery of 13.23 km radius composed of 35 localities characterized by distance-access times comprise between 0 to 2 h 30 and field daily working times ranging from 7 to 11 hours. They revealed that nearly 70% of peripheral populations are concentrated within 6 km from the boundaries and have distance-access times of less than one hour. The peripheral dependence on Rusizi Park reaches 100% for woody resources, 97% for livestock products, 88% for agricultural resources and 83% for animal protein products. The modeling of potential pressures and field observations showed that peripheral localities are the more threatening that they are more dependent, more populated and closer to the park. As a consequence, the important anthropogenic pressures led to a very significant degradation of the park during the study period.

Neotrop. ichthyol ; 17(1): e180165, 2019. tab, graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-990195


Studies of mixed-species groups of animals can reveal emergent complexities of collective behaviors. In this study we collected data on mixed-species hunting groups composed primarily of piscivorous fishes (species composition, abundance, behavioral interactions) and used both multivariate and network analyses to quantify pair-wise and guild level behavioral relationships. Our results indicate that such collective behaviors exhibit consistent patterns of associations (33 species with 282 pair-wise links within the observed network) with 10 dominant species accounting for 60% of pair-wise interactions. Species richness within groups varied (mean = 2.4, range 2-6 species) as did group size (mean = 8.1 individuals, range 2-80). Mixed-species groups, in general, were composed of species representing morphologically diverse forms that appeared to enhance access to shelter sites and implement diverse strategies for prey capture. It is noteworthy that the composition of groups did not reflect the relative abundances of their component species within the overall community of fishes, suggesting that group membership was an elective choice. The identification of these patterns, assuming they are persistent features of these communities, can be used as a foundation for studies to assess dynamics of mixed-species relationships, rates of predator success based on group membership, demographic consequences, and responses to variations in habitat attributes and associated prey resources. Such information could be used to interpret the nature of multispecies interactions within predator communities and potentially aid in conservation and management.(AU)

Estudios de grupos mixtos de animales puede revelar complejidades y sutilezas del comportamiento colectivo. En este estudio recolectamos datos sobre depredación de grupos mixtos de especies, compuestos principalmente por piscívoros (composición de especies, abundancia, interacciones) y usamos tanto análisis multivariado como de redes para cuantificar relaciones de comportamiento entre pares de especies y a nivel de gremios. Nuestros resultados indican que los comportamientos colectivos exhiben patrones consistentes de asociaciones (33 especies con 382 interacciones entre pares de especies dentro de la red) con 10 especies dominantes que constituyen el 60% de las interacciones entre dos especies. La riqueza de especies dentro de grupos varió (media = 2.4, ámbito 2-6 especies) cómo también el tamaño del grupo (media = 8.1, ámbito 2-80). Los grupos de especies mixtas, en general, estaban compuestos por especies con diversas morfologías que aparentemente aumentan el accesos a lugares estrechos y además, implementa diversas estrategias de captura de presas. Vale la pena resaltar que la composición de los grupos no reflejaba la abundancia relativa de las especies en la comunidad total de peces, sugiriendo que la membresía en el grupo era algo electivo. La identificaión de estos patrones, asumiendo que son características persistentes de la comunidad, se podrán usar en estudios para determinar la dinámica de las relaciones de grupos mixtos, tasa de éxito de depredación basado en la membresía del grupo, consecuencias demográficas y respuestas a varicaciones en las habitat y presas. Esta información servirá para interpretar la naturaleza de las interacciones multiespecíficas dentro de la comunidad de depredadores y potencialmente ayudar en la conservación y manejo de recursos.(AU)

Animales , Conducta Predatoria , Simbiosis , Conducta Animal , /análisis