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Ter. psicol ; 42(1)abr. 2024.
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1565919


Romantic love myths refer to culturally shared beliefs about love, falling in love and relationships. Their study and evaluation are of utmost importance, given that they have been recognized as a risk factor in dating violence with serious implications for the well-being and mental health of young people. The aim of the present study was therefore to develop a scale to evaluate beliefs about romantic love, establishing evidence of reliability and validity for the interpretation of the scores obtained. An instrumental cross-sectional design was carried out, applying the Multidimensional Romantic Love Myths Scale (MRL-MS) to a sample of 1001 Chilean young people between 18 and 25 years of age. As a result, a scale composed of 40 items assessing 8 interrelated dimensions was obtained, with evidence of validity based on internal structure, adequate levels of reliability, and evidence of metric and scalar invariance between sexes. Finally, the limitations of the study are discussed and possible applications and guidelines for future research are proposed.

Los mitos del amor romántico refieren a creencias culturalmente compartidas sobre el amor, el enamoramiento y las relaciones de pareja. Su estudio y evaluación son de suma importancia, dado que se han reconocido como un factor de riesgo en la violencia en el noviazgo con graves implicancia en el bienestar y salud mental de los jóvenes. Por tanto, el objetivo del presente estudio es desarrollar una escala que permita evaluar las creencias sobre el amor romántico, estableciendo evidencias de fiabilidad y validez para la interpretación de las puntuaciones obtenidas. Se llevó a cabo un diseño transversal de tipo instrumental, aplicando la Escala Multidimensional Mitos del Amor Romántico (MRL-MS) a una muestra de 1001 jóvenes chilenos entre 18 y 25 años. Como resultado, se obtuvo una escala compuesta por 40 ítems que evalúan 8 dimensiones interrelacionadas, con evidencia de validez basada en la estructura interna, adecuados niveles de fiabilidad, y evidencias de invarianza métrica y escalar entre sexos. Finalmente, se discuten las limitaciones del estudio y se proponen posibles aplicaciones y directrices para futuras investigaciones.

Ter. psicol ; 42(1)abr. 2024.
Artículo en Español | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1565920


En la Psicoterapia Gestalt, los asuntos inconclusos son concebidos como un conjunto de experiencias del pasado que interrumpen el presente con el fin de lograr su cierre o culminación. Se buscó desarrollar la Escala de Asuntos Inconclusos y evaluar sus propiedades psicométricas. El instrumento fue administrado a 247 universitarios de Lima, de ambos sexos y de edades entre 18 a 30 años. Como evidencias de validez se reportan las de contenido, estructura interna y relación con otras variables. Los jueces opinaron que el instrumento mide asuntos inconclusos y contribuyeron a precisar los ítems. El análisis factorial confirmatorio halló excelentes valores de ajuste para un modelo unidimensional de siete ítems, el cual se relaciona de manera directa con conductas rumiativas (reproches y reflexión) e inversa con satisfacción con la vida. Asimismo, se encontró un nivel adecuado de confiablidad por consistencia interna. Se discute el valor teórico de los hallazgos, se reconocen las limitaciones y se recomienda el uso del instrumento en investigaciones y en la práctica profesional.

In Gestalt Psychotherapy, unfinished business is conceived as a set of past experiences that interrupt the present in order to achieve closure or completion. We sought to develop the Unfinished Business Scale and to evaluate its psychometric properties. The instrument was administered to 247 university students in Lima, of both sexes and ages between 18 to 30 years old. As evidence of validity, the content, internal structure and relationship with other variables are reported. The judges were of the opinion that the instrument measures unfinished situations and they contributed to specify the items. The confirmatory factor analysis found excellent adjustment values for a one-dimensional model of seven items, which is directly related to ruminative behaviors (reproaches and reflection) and inverse with life satisfaction. Likewise, an acceptable level of reliability was found for internal consistency. The theoretical value of the findings is discussed; limitations are recognized and the use of the test in research and professional practice is recommended.

Acta Medica Philippina ; : 5-13, 2024.
Artículo en Inglés | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1032128


Background@#Even though innumerable quality of life (QOL) questionnaires have been developed in palliative care, there is no gold standard assessment tool for QOL and no single questionnaire that fits all purposes and individuals. An important challenge to QOL assessments in palliative care is the highly diverse patient population with different diagnoses, disease states/prognosis, and languages. In an outpatient palliative care clinic population, FACIT-Pal-14 proved to be a valid and reliable scale in palliative care patients.@*Objectives@#We aimed to (i) determine the psychometric properties of the Tagalog version of the Functional Assessment of Chronic Illness Therapy – Palliative Care – 14 (FACIT-Pal-14) and (ii) measure the Quality of Life (QOL) of Filipino cancer patients.@*Methods@#This was a cross-sectional study. License for the use of the Tagalog version 4 of the FACIT-Pal-14 was requested from To know the psychometric properties of the scales, Cronbach’s alpha coefficient was used to assess reliability, and exploratory factor analysis, Pearson correlations, and independent samples T-test were used to determine validity.@*Results@#The Tagalog FACIT-Pal-14 was administered to 500 Filipino cancer patients consulting at the outpatient department of a training and regional medical center. The participants were mostly female (65.5%), aged 64 years and younger (82.6%), and had breast cancer (53.2%), colorectal cancer (19.2%), and lung cancer (9.4%). The mean Tagalog FACIT-Pal-14 score was 47.35 out of 56 (SD=7.14). The Cronbach's alpha coefficient of the Tagalog version of FACIT-Pal-14 was 0.784. Significantly lower mean Tagalog FACIT-Pal-14 scores were found in patients with Karnofsky Performance Status (KPS) 70 and lower, and Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group Performance Status (ECOG-PS) 2 and above compared with patients with KPS 80 and higher and ECOG-PS 0-1. (t=3.439, p<.001). While the Tagalog FACIT-Pal-14 scores, KPS, and ECOG scores only revealed a very weak, positive correlation (r=0.095; p <0.05), this ability to distinguish between groups known to differ regarding performance status showed the construct validity of the Tagalog FACIT-Pal-14.@*Conclusions@#In an outpatient oncology clinic population, the FACIT-Pal 14 showed evidence of reliability and construct validity for evaluating palliative care-specific QOL in Filipino cancer patients. Using this measure, Filipino cancer patients have a good QOL. Therefore, it is recommended that the Tagalog FACIT-Pal-14 be used on subsequent patient follow-ups to assess how their QOL would change over time so that the palliative care services provided will be suited to their needs.

Calidad de Vida
Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1024507


Objective To explore the content and the psychometric properties of assessment tools used for evaluating functioning and adaptive behavior in school-age children with intellectual and developmental disabilities within educational settings. Methods The most used assessment tools included Vineland Adaptive Behavior Scales(VABS),Supports Intensity Scale for Children(SIS-C),Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire(SDQ)and Repetitive Behavior Scale-Revised(RBS-R),for assessing functioning and adaptive behavior children with intellectual and developmental disabili-ties.Employing the framework and methods of the International Classification of Functioning,Disability,and Health(ICF),this research encoded and categorized the assessment dimensions and items of the four tools,and explored their psychometric properties. Results VABS's assessment content was solely focused on activities and participation,including speaking(d330),con-versation(d350),toileting(d530),eating(d550),drinking(d560),basic interpersonal interactions(d710),com-plex interpersonal interactions(d720),changing and maintaining body positions(d410-d429),carrying,moving and handing objects(d430-d449),and walking and moving(d450-d469).SIS-C assessed activities and participa-tion,and environmental factors,including washing oneself(d510),caring for body parts(d520),community life(d910),using transportation(d470),school education(d820),basic learning(d130-d159),looking after one's health(d570),basic interpersonal interactions(d710),and products and technology for education(e130).SDQ fo-cused on body functions,and activities and participation,including emotional functions(b152),global psychoso-cial functions(b122),attention functions(b140),and basic interpersonal interactions(d710).RBS-R focused on body functions,and activities and participation,including involuntary movement reaction functions(b755),invol-untary movement functions(b765),looking after one's health(d570),energy and drive functions(b130),under-taking a single task(d210),carrying out daily routine(d230),attention functions(b140),and handling stress and other psychological demands(d240).VABS was characterized by good specificity and excellent sensitivity.SIS-C demonstrated very good internal consistency,reliability and validity.SDQ was good in internal consistency,with excellent credibility and validity.RBS-R showed good internal consistency,reliability and validity. Conclusion SDQ and RBS-R cover both body functions,and activities and participation,SIS-C covers activity and par-ticipation,and environmental factors,while VABS solely assesses activities and participation.In terms of body functions,the assessment items primarily focus on mental functions(b130-b189)and movement functions(b750-b799).For activities and participation,the tools assess content across eight domains of functioning.Regarding en-vironmental factors,the assessment content mainly includes products and technology for education(e130),as well as design,construction and building products and technology of buildings for public use(e150).VABS,SIS-C,SDQ,and RBS-R are all norm-referenced measures,with moderate to excellent internal consistency,and good to excellent reliability and validity.

Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1024508


Objective To analyze the items and psychometric properties of assessment for development and adaptive behavior. Methods The standardized assessments commonly used in evaluation of children development and adaptive behavior were selected such as Pediatric Evaluation of Disability Inventory-Computer Adaptive Test(PEDI-CAT),Vine-land Adaptive Behavior Scales(VABS-Ⅱ),Adaptive Behavior Assessment System(ABAS-Ⅲ),Bayley Scales of Infant and Toddler Development(Bayley-Ⅲ)and Diagnostic Adaptive Behavior Scale(DABS).Using the ICF's classification framework,linking rules and coding methods,this study conducted a content analysis of the mea-surement dimensions and items of the five assessments,and explored the psychometric properties. Results PEDI-CAT items covered ICF categories such as washing oneself(d510),caring for body parts(d520),toileting(d530),eating(d550),drinking(d560),looking after one's health(d570),basic interpersonal interactions(d710),complex interpersonal interactions(d720),changing basic body position(d410),maintaining body position(d415),and fine hand use(d440),among others.VABS-Ⅱ items covered speaking(d330),conversation(d350),washing oneself(d510),caring for body parts(d520),using transportation(d470),acquisition of goods and ser-vices(d620),basic interpersonal interactions(d710),complex interpersonal interactions(d720),changing body position(d410),and maintaining body position(d415).ABAS-Ⅲ items covered speaking(d330),communicating with-receiving-nonverbal messages(d315),reading(d166),recreation and leisure(d920),community life(d910),handling stress and other psychological demands(d240),looking after one's health(d570),and acquiring,keep-ing and terminating a job(d845).Bayley-Ⅲ items covered memory functions(b144),thought functions(b160),speaking(d330),fine hand use(d440),walking(d450),basic interpersonal interactions(d710),carrying out daily routine(d230),and recreation and leisure(d920).DABS items covered higher-level cognitive functions(b164),reading(d166),basic economic transactions(d860),basic interpersonal interactions(d710),solving problems(d175),handling stress and other psychological demands(d240),carrying out daily routine(d230),and using transportation(d470).All the five assessments were norm-referenced measures.PEDI-CAT had high discrimina-tive validity and reliability,with computer-adaptive testing enabling more precise measurement of children's func-tional levels.VABS-Ⅱ possessed good reliability and validity,with multiple versions for different age and ability levels.ABAS-Ⅲ offered a wide range of adaptive behavior measures with medium to good reliability and validi-ty.Bayley-Ⅲ had excellent internal consistency and test-retest reliability,while DABS showed high validity and reliability indices.The five assessments had high applicability,including norms for different groups and versions for various cultural and language contexts. Conclusion The items of assessments involves multiple ICF categories at the levels of body functions,and activities and participation,mainly focusing on the areas of intellectual functions,high-level cognitive functions,and ability of daily living.All five assessments are norm-referenced and multidimensional,structured assessment tools with strong reliability,validity and applicability.

Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1024509


Objective To analyze the content and psychometric properties of measurement tools for children's gross motor function and activity. Methods Six measurement tools for children's gross motor function and activity were selected,including Gross Motor Function Measure(GMFM),Bruininks-Oseretsky Test of Motor Proficiency-Second Edition(BOT-2),Peabody Developmental Motor Scales-Second Edition(PDMS-2),Movement Assessment Battery for Children-Second Edition(MABC-2),Test of Gross Motor Development-Third Edition(TGMD-3)and Functional Movement Screen(FMS).International Classification of Functioning,Disability,and Health(ICF)linking rules,categories and coding were used to analyze the content of measurement dimensions and items of these six tools,and their psychometric properties were explored. Results For the body function,the content of these six tools primarily addressed neuromusculoskeletal and movement-re-lated functions(b7),such as mobility of joint functions(b710),stability of joint functions(b715),muscle power functions(b730),motor reflexes functions(b750),control of voluntary movement functions(b760),supportive functions of arm or leg(b7603)and gait patterns functions(b770).For the activities and participation,the content primarily addressed mobility(d4),such as changing and maintaining body positions(d410,d415),transferring oneself(d420),walking(d450),running(d4552),and jumping(d4553).GMFM was good in inter-rater and test-retest reliability;BOT-2 was good in inter-rater reliability,test-retest reliability and internal consistency;PDMS-2 was good in inter-rater and test-retest reliability;MABC-2 was good in test-retest reliability and internal consis-tency with an excellent model fit;TGMD-3 was good in internal consistency and test-retest reliability;and FMS was good in internal consistency and test-retest reliability. Conclusion The six tools for motor and activity function measurement primarily concern neuro-musculoskeletal and movement-related functions(b7)for ICF body function,and mobility(d4)for activities and participation.PDMS-2 is suggested for a comprehensive evaluation of children's motor functions and activities;TGMD-3 and GMFM for gross motor functions;and BOT-2,MABC-2 and FMS for motor development,coordination and functional movement patterns.BOT-2,PDMS-2,MABC-2 and TGMD-3 are norm-referenced measures,whereas GMFM and FMS are criterion-referenced.Norm-referenced tools,due to their established norms tailored for various ob-jectives,boast superior psychometric properties and wider applications.All the six tools exhibit good to excellent reliability,and internal consistency coefficients ranging from moderate to excellent.Their validity also spans from moderate to excellent.

São Paulo med. j ; 142(1): e2022681, 2024. tab, graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1442193


ABSTRACT BACKGROUND: Considering the ability of the health and self-management in diabetes questionnaire (HASMID-10) to verify the impact of self-management on diabetes, we highlight its relevance to scientific research and clinical applicability. However, to date, no study has been conducted to scientifically support its use in other languages. OBJECTIVE: To translate, cross-culturally adapt, and validate the HASMID-10 into the Brazilian Portuguese. DESIGN AND SETTING: A translation, cross-cultural adaptation, and validation study conducted at Ceuma University. METHODS: Study was conducted in accordance with the Guidelines for the Process of Cross-Cultural Adaptation of Self-Report Measures and Consensus-based Standards for the Selection of Health Measurement Instruments. We included participants of both sexes diagnosed with diabetes, aged between 18 and 64 years, and without cognitive deficits or any other limitations that would prevent them from answering the questionnaire. We assessed participants using the problem areas in diabetes (PAID) scale and HASMID-10. We assessed reliability using a test-retest model with a 7-day interval between assessments. We used intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC), 95% confidence interval (CI), standard error of measurement (SEM), minimum detectable difference (MDD), Spearman correlation coefficient, and floor and ceiling effects. RESULTS: Sample comprised 116 participants, most of whom were women, overweight, non-practitioners of physical activity, and nonsmokers. We observed significant correlations (P = 0.006; rho = −0.256) between the HASMID-10 and PAID, adequate reliability (ICC = 0.780) and internal consistency (Cronbach's alpha = 0.796). No ceiling or floor effects were observed. CONCLUSION: HASMID-10 has adequate measurement properties and may be used for Brazilians.

São Paulo med. j ; 142(2): e2022444, 2024. tab
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1450520


ABSTRACT BACKGROUND: Precisely determining the aspects related to an instrument's validity and reliability measures allows for greater assurance of the quality of the results. OBJECTIVES: To analyze the psychometric properties of The Providers Survey in the Brazilian context of mental health services. DESIGN AND SETTING: The instrument validation study was conducted in Montes Claros, Minas Gerais, Brazil. METHODS: The validation study was conducted using the Consensus-based Standards for the Selection of Health Measurement Instruments checklist to analyze its validity and reliability. RESULTS: A committee of expert judges performed content validation after which the Content Validity Index was calculated. Construct validation took place through Exploratory Factor Analysis using the Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin Test criterion and Bartlett's Sphericity Test. Reliability was verified using test-retest reliability. The significance level adopted for the statistical tests was 5% (P < 0.05). The final instrument comprised 54 questions. The Content Validity Index was 97%. Exploratory Factor Analysis identified a Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin index of 0.901 and Bartlett's Sphericity Test with P < 0.001. We obtained a Cronbach's alpha coefficient of 0.95 and an intraclass correlation coefficient of 0.849. CONCLUSIONS: The Providers Survey, translated and adapted into Portuguese, was named the Work Assessment Instrument for the Recovery of Mental Health. It presented adequate psychometric properties for evaluating work-related practices for the recovery of psychosocial care network users.

Arq. bras. oftalmol ; 87(6): e2022, 2024. tab, graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1520244


ABSTRACT Purpose: As digital devices are increasingly used at work, valid and reliable tools are needed to assess their effect on visual health. This study aimed to translate, cross-culturally adapt, and validate the Computer Vision Syndrome Questionnaire (CVS-Q©) into Portuguese. Methods: A 5-phase process was followed: direct translation, synthesis of translation, back-translation, consolidation by an expert committee, and pretest. To run the pretest, a cross-sectional pilot study was conducted with 26 participants who completed the prefinal Portuguese version of the CVS-Q© and were asked about difficulties, comprehensibility, and suggestions to improve the questionnaire. To evaluate the reliability and validity of the Portuguese version of the CVS-Q©, a cross-sectional validation study was performed in a different sample (280 workers). Results: In the pretest, 96.2% had no difficulty in completing it, and 84.0% valued it as clear and understandable. CVS-Q© in Portuguese (Questionário da Síndrome Visual do Computador, CVS-Q PT©) was then obtained. Validation revealed the scale's good internal consistency (Cronbach's alpha=0.793), good temporal stability (intraclass correlation coefficient=0.847; 95% CI 0.764-0.902, kappa=0.839), adequate sensitivity and specificity (78.5% and 70.7%, respectively), good discriminant capacity (area under the curve=0.832; 95% CI 0.784-0.879), and adequate convergent validity with the ocular surface disease index (Spearman correlation coefficient=0.728, p<0.001). The factor analysis provided a single factor accounting for 37.7% of the explained common variance. A worker who scored ≥7 points would have computer vision syndrome. Conclusions: CVS-Q PT© can be considered an intuitive and easy-to-understand tool with good psychometric properties to measure computer vision syndrome in Portuguese workers exposed to digital devices. This questionnaire will assist in making decisions on preventive measures, interventions, and treatment and comparing exposed populations in different Portuguese-speaking countries.

RESUMO Objetivos: À medida que a utilização de equipamentos digitais no emprego aumenta, a avaliação do seu efeito na saúde visual necessita de ferramentas válidas e robustas. Este estudo teve como objetivo traduzir, adaptar culturalmente e validar para português o Questionário da Síndrome Visual do Computador (CVS-Q©). Métodos: O procedimento foi realizado em 5 fases: tradução direta, síntese da tradução, tradução inversa, consolidação por um painel de especialistas, e pré-teste. Para fazer o pré-teste foi realizado um estudo piloto transversal aplicado a uma amostra de 26 participantes que completaram a versão pré-final da versão portuguesa do CVS-Q©, questionando por dificuldades, compreensão e sugestões de melhoria do questionário. Para avaliar a confiança e validade da versão portuguesa do CVS-Q© foi realizado um estudo transversal de validação em uma amostra diferente (280 funcionários). Resultados: No préteste, 96.2% dos participantes não apresentaram dificuldades no preenchimento do questionário, enquanto 84.0% indicaram que era claro e compreensível. Obteve-se, então, o CVS-Q© em português (Questionário da Síndrome Visual do Computador, CVS-Q PT©). A sua validação revelou uma boa consistência interna da sua escala (Cronbach's alpha=0.793), boa estabilidade tem poral (coeficiente de correlação interclasse=0.847; 95% CI 0.764-0.902, kappa=0.839), sensibilidades e especificidades adequadas (78.5% e 70.7%, respetivamente), boa capacidade de discriminação (área abaixo da curva=0.832; 95% CI 0.784-0.879), e uma adequada validade da convergência com o índice de doença da superfície ocular (ocular surface disease index - OSDI; coeficiente de correlação de Spearman=0.728, p<0.001). A análise fatorial revelou um único fator responsável por explicar a variância comum em 37.7%. Um funcionário com uma pontuação ≥7 pontos sofria de síndrome visual do computador. Conclusão: O CVS-Q PT© pode ser considerada uma ferramenta intuitiva, de fácil interpretação e com boas pro priedades psicométricas para avaliar a síndrome visual do computador em funcionários portugueses expostos a ecrãs digitais. Este questionário facilitará as decisões sobre medidas preventivas, intervenções e tratamento, e a comparação entre as populações expostas em diferentes países de língua portuguesa.

Cienc. Salud (St. Domingo) ; 8(1): [10], 2024. graf, tab
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: biblio-1551339


Introducción: La encefalopatía hepática mínima (EHM), es una enfermedad definida por la existencia de varias alteraciones neurofisiológicas, indetectables a la exploración neurológica y el examen clínico. Dentro de las estrategias diagnosticas para la EHM se contemplan las pruebas psicométricas (PHE), pero para su aplicación es indispensable la estandarización previamente en la población de estudio. Objetivo: El estudio se propuso determinar la tabla de la normalidad de las PHE para diagnosticar la encefalopatía hepática subclínica en una muestra de la población dominicana. Método: Se realizó un estudio descriptivo, prospectivo y transversal en un hospital de referencia nacional. Se analizaron 134 personas clasificados por grupos de edades (18-70 años de edad) y años de escolaridad. Se diseñó una tabla de 5x5. Se estudió la influencia de la edad, sexo, uso de espejuelo y de los años de escolarización en el rendimiento de cada uno de las PHE, para lo cual se utilizaron las siguientes pruebas estadísticas: análisis de varianza (ANOVA), prueba t de Student y regresión lineal. Resultado: La escolaridad y la edad fueron variables determinantes en el desempeño de las 5 pruebas psicométricas. Pero, la correlación univariable de la edad con el desempeño de la prueba TMS no hubo diferencias intra e inter grupos estadísticamente significativas (p>0.171). Conclusión: se confecciono la fórmula de predicción de resultados de los test psicométricos. Ninguno sobrepasó el punto de corte de la puntuación que oscila entre los -4 y los +2 puntos.

Introduction: Minimal hepatic encephalopathy (MHE) is a disease defined by the existence of several neurophysiological alterations, undetectable by neurological examination and clinical examination. Among the diagnostic strategies for EHM, psychometric tests (PHE) are contemplated, but for their application, prior standardization in the study population is essential. Objective: The study will need to determine the normality table of PHE to detect subclinical hepatic encephalopathy in a sample of the Dominican population. Method: A descriptive, prospective and cross-sectional study was carried out in a national reference hospital. 134 people classified by age groups (18-70 years of age) and years of schooling were analyzed. A 5x5 board is recommended. The influence of age, sex, use of glasses and years of schooling on the performance of each one of the PHEs was studied, for which the following statistical tests were used: analysis of variance (ANOVA), Student's t test and linear regression. Result: Schooling and age were determining variables in the performance of the 5 psychometric tests. But, the univariate coincidence of age with the performance of the TMS test, there were no statistically significant intra and inter group differences (p>0.171). Conclusion: the formula for predicting the results of the psychometric tests was made. None exceeded the cut-off point of the score that oscillates between -4 and +2 points.

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Adolescente , Adulto , Persona de Mediana Edad , Anciano , Encefalopatía Hepática/diagnóstico , Cirrosis Hepática , República Dominicana , Pruebas Neuropsicológicas/estadística & datos numéricos
Rev. Assoc. Med. Bras. (1992, Impr.) ; 70(7): e20240362, 2024. tab
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1565038


SUMMARY The Sexual Desire Inventory 2 is a self-report instrument for assessing sexual desire in men and women. In Brazil, there is no validated sexual desire self-report for the adult population. Objective: The aim of this study was to determine the evidence of validity for the content and construct of the Brazilian online version of the Sexual Desire Inventory 2. Methods: This was a cross-sectional study with Brazilian men and women. The sample size was calculated using the criterion of more than 20 participants per item. The invitation to participate in the study was conducted online by the platform Survey Monkey®. The Sexual Desire Inventory 2 was evaluated for content, construct, reliability, and invariance. Results: A total of 818 female and male adults participated in the study. The two-dimensional factorial solution represented 71% of the total variance explained by the model, and the factorial loads of the model were ≥0.40; commonalities presented values ≥0.23. Reliability was measured by the coefficients of Cronbach's alpha with a total score of 0.87, McDonald's of 0.87, Omega, and greatest lower bound with a total score of 0.95. The metric invariance was tested for the sex variables ΔCFI (comparative fit index) and ΔRMSEA (root mean square error of approximation) with a total score of 0.01. Conclusion: The analyses indicate evidence of robust validity in the Brazilian online version of the Sexual Desire Inventory 2.

Artículo en Español | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1565427


Introducción: La violencia de pareja es un fenómeno que tiene importantes implicancias sociales y para la salud de las personas agredidas, y que requiere de instrumentos debidamente validados para su aplicación en el contexto forense. Objetivo: El presente estudio tiene por objetivo analizar las propiedades psicométricas de la Escala para medir Creencias que Perpetúan la Violencia Intrafamiliar. Método: se trabajó con una muestra de 1.977 mujeres de la ciudad de Arequipa (en Perú), que fueron seleccionadas mediante métodos no probabilísticos. Resultados: Los resultados han confirmado la estructura de tres factores de la Escala para medir Creencias que Perpetúan la Violencia Intrafamiliar, mediante análisis factorial confirmatorio, que cuentan con óptimos índices de confiabilidad: Creencias perturbadoras de maltrato físico (ω= .895), Creencias perturbadoras de violencia doméstica (ω= .865), y Creencias perturbadoras de abuso sexual en menores (ω=.848). Conclusión: Se concluye que la Escala para medir Creencias que Perpetúan la Violencia Intrafamiliar presenta evidencias de validez y confiabilidad.

Introduction: The couple violence is a phenomenon with relevant social and health implications for the victims, and requires validated instruments for its application in forensic context. Objective: The present study has as aim to analyze the psychometric properties of the Scale for Measuring Beliefs that Perpetuate Intrafamiliar Violence. Method: A sample of 1977 women from Arequipa (in Peru) were selected by mean of non-probabilistic methods. Results: The results has confirmed the three factors structure of the Scale for Measuring Beliefs that Perpetuate Intrafamiliar Violence, by confirmatory factor analysis, that count with optimal reliability indexes: Disturbing beliefs of physical maltreatment (ω= .895), Disturbing beliefs of domestic violence (ω= .865), and Disturbing beliefs of sexual abuse in minors (ω= .848). Conclusion: It is concluded that the Scale for Measuring Beliefs that Perpetuate Intrafamiliar Violence has evidence of validity and reliability.

Psicol. reflex. crit ; 37: 15, 2024. tab, graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1558766


Background Depression and anxiety are two of the most prevalent and disabling mental disorders worldwide, both in the general population and in outpatient clinical settings. Objective This study aimed to analyze the psychometric properties of the Patient Health Questionnaire-4 (PHQ-4) based on network analysis metrics. Methods A total of 911 Paraguayans (23.71% women and 76.29% men; mean age 31.25 years, SD = 10.63), selected by non-probabilistic convenience sampling, participated in the study. Network analysis was used to evaluate the internal structure, reliability, and measurement invariance between men and women. Results The results revealed that the PHQ-4 is a unidimensional measure through Exploratory Graph Analysis (EGA). Reliability, through structural consistency, identified that 100% of the time, only a single dimension was obtained, and all items remained stable, as they were always replicated within the empirical dimension. The unidimensional structure has shown evidence of configural invariance; therefore, the network structure functioned equally among the different sex groups. Conclusion The PHQ-4 presented optimal preliminary evidence of validity based on its internal structure, reliability, and invariance between sexes. Therefore, it may be useful as an accurate and brief measure of anxiety and depressive symptoms in the Paraguayan context. (AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Adulto , Ansiedad , Traducciones , Encuestas y Cuestionarios , Reproducibilidad de los Resultados , Depresión , Paraguay/epidemiología , Psicometría , Salud Mental
Psicol. reflex. crit ; 37: 3, 2024. tab
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1558764


Background Entrapment is the feeling of wanting to leave an unbearable situation but believing that there are no options to do so. An Arabic entrapment Scale will assist healthcare professionals in the region in the prevention of suicide as the tool is tailored to the specific sociocultural context, which would enhance entrapment detection. Objective In the current study, we aim to evaluate the psychometric properties of a translated Arabic version of the Entrapment Scale Short Form (E-SF). Methods Three hundred eighty-nine Lebanese citizens were enrolled in this cross-sectional study. Results The mean age of participants was 23.03 years (SD = 2.93), 69.4% being women. To examine the factor structure of the entrapment scale, we used an exploratory-to-confirmatory factor analysis (EFA-to-CFA) strategy. EFA and CFA results indicated that the fit of the unidimensional model of the Arabic Entrapment Scale (A-ES) was generally acceptable. Composite reliability of scores was adequate in the total sample (ω = .87). All indices suggested that configural, metric, and scalar invariance was supported across genders. Entrapment was positively and significantly correlated with suicidal ideation, alcohol use disorder, psychological distress, and orthorexia nervosa, suggesting convergent and divergent validity. Conclusion The A-ES was found to be a valid and reliable tool to assess the degree of entrapment in Lebanese young adults. The A-ES will assist healthcare professionals in the region in the prevention of suicide as the tool is tailored to the specific sociocultural context, which would enhance entrapment detection. (AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Adolescente , Adulto , Psicometría , Traducciones , Encuestas y Cuestionarios , Ideación Suicida , Encarcelamiento/psicología , Salud Mental , Estudios Transversales , Prevención del Suicidio , Líbano
CoDAS ; 36(3): e20230180, 2024. tab, graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1557606


ABSTRACT Purpose To address the paucity and potential of context-based prospective memory (PM) assessment tasks suitable to Indian ethnicity, the study aimed to develop a novel context-based PM task and determine its psychometric properties among neurotypical adults. Methods Rendered images in 2-D were extracted from a 3-D shopping mall, where PM and ongoing tasks were embedded within them to provide participants with a semi-immersive experience. The design and scoring of the novel task were constructed in alignment with the Memory for Intentions Screening Test. Fifty neurotypical adults in and around Mangaluru were recruited. The Memory of Intentions Test (MIST) and novel context-based PM task were administered. Results The validity of the novel task was established with a Content Validity Index of 0.98. The intraclass correlation for the test-retest reliability of the novel context-based PM task was 0.92 (p<0.001) and the inter-rater reliability was 0.98 (p<0.001). The internal consistency of the six subscales was high (Cronbach's α= 0.86), and the Spearman-Brown coefficient indicated a strong split-half reliability of 0.87. Spearman's correlation showed that the trials exhibited strong connections to the dichotomic characteristics of the subscales to which they belonged. Further, McNemar's test suggested similar profiles of the participants for the MIST and novel task. Conclusion The results of the present study suggest that the novel context-based PM task offers good validity and reliability measures, providing valuable insight into the mechanisms of PM, and therefore, could be ideal for inclusion in a battery of cognitive assessments.

Acta colomb. psicol ; 26(2)dic. 2023.
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1533380


Social networks, particularly Facebook, influence romantic relationships, as they can generate jealousy and conflict between members of the couple. The Facebook Jealousy Scale (FJS) is an instrument that assesses jealousy about using Facebook, but no similar instrument is available in Colombia. The main aim was to examine the psychometric properties of the FJS in a Colombian sample of 485 men and 727 women. Participants answered the socio-demographic questionnaire, the adaptation of the Facebook Jealousy Scale, Romantic Partner Conflict Scale, Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale and Romantic Jealousy Scale. The final version of the FJS was made up of 15 items which were distributed across three dimensions: Partner's Activity, Partner's Surveillance, Partner's Romantic and Sexual relationship. Ordinal's alpha values from its three factors ranged between .90 and .95. Concurrent validity was also provided, as the measure was associated with dimensions from partner conflict, self-esteem, and romantic jealousy. An invariance test by gender was also performed, resulting in compliance with metric invariance. Therefore, the FJS is a useful tool for clinicians and researchers who work on issues related to romantic relationships. Research analyzing Facebook jealousy provides an interesting indicator of couple's monitoring and controlling behaviors, which are features of psychological abuse, a subtype of intimate partner violence.

Las redes sociales, particularmente Facebook, influyen en las relaciones sentimentales, ya que pueden generar celos y conflictos entre los miembros de la pareja. La Escala de Celos de Facebook (FJS) es un instrumento que evalúa los celos por el uso de Facebook, y no hay ningún instrumento similar disponible en Colombia. El objetivo principal fue examinar las propiedades psicométricas del FJS en una muestra colombiana de 485 hombres y 727 mujeres. Los participantes completaron un cuestionario sociodemográfico, la adaptación de la Escala de Celos de Facebook, la Escala de Conflicto de Pareja Romántica, la Escala de Autoestima de Rosenberg y la Escala de Celos Románticos. La versión final de la FJS estuvo conformada por 15 ítems que, a su vez, conformaron tres dimensiones: Actividad de la pareja, Vigilancia de la pareja, Relación romántica y sexual de la pareja. Los valores de alfa ordinal de los tres factores oscilaron entre .90 y .95. También se demostró validez concurrente con otras dimensiones relacionadas con conflicto en la pareja, autoestima y celos románticos. El análisis de invarianza según género resultó en un nivel de invarianza métrica. El FJS es una medida que puede ser útil para la práctica clínica y los investigadores que trabajan en temas relacionados con las relaciones románticas. La investigación que analice los celos asociados al Facebook ofrecerá un interesante indicador de la supervisión en el contexto de pareja y las conductas de control, elementos clave del abuso psicológico, un subtipo de la violencia de pareja.

Artículo en Inglés | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1536582


Introduction: This work represents the first attempt to obtain evidence of the validity of an entrepreneurial intention questionnaire in the adolescent population of a Latin American or Caribbean country. The objectives are to study the factor structure, the reliability, the external validity and to test the gender invariance of the Entrepreneurial Intention Questionnaire, in its adaptation for adolescents. Method: The sample consisted of 708 adolescents from the Dominican Republic with a mean age of 15.49, 65.2% of whom were women and 35.8% were men. Analyses included confirmatory factor analysis, Cronbach's Alpha and Omega scores for reliability, correlations, and a gender invariance routine. Finally, latent means of females and males are compared. Results: The confirmatory factor analysis showed a good fit to the data and the reliability results were adequate. In addition, the correlations with the Entrepreneurial Attitudes Scale for Students were positive and statistically significant. Also, strict gender invariance was successfully verified. Although males presented a higher subjective norm, females showed higher entrepreneurial intentions. Conclusions: The Entrepreneurial Intention Questionnaire shows adequate psychometric properties and proves useful in conducting research on the promotion of entrepreneurship in early stages.

Introducción: Este trabajo supone el primer intento de obtener evidencias de validez de un cuestionario de intención emprendedora en adolescentes en un país de Latinoamérica y el Caribe. Tiene como objetivos reportar la estructura interna, fiabilidad, validez externa y probar la invarianza de género del Cuestionario de Intención Emprendedora en su adaptación para adolescentes. Método: La muestra está formada por 708 adolescentes de República Dominicana con una media edad de 15.49, un 65.2% de mujeres y un 35.8% hombres. Los análisis incluyeron análisis factorial confirmatorio, resultados de Alfa de Cronbach y Omega para la fiabilidad, correlaciones y una rutina de invarianza por género. Finalmente se compararon las medias latentes de hombres y mujeres. Resultados: El análisis factorial mostró un buen ajuste a los datos y los resultados de fiabilidad fueron adecuados. Además, las correlaciones con la Escala de Actitudes Emprendedoras para Estudiantes fueron positivas y estadísticamente significativas. También, se comprobó satisfactoriamente la invarianza estricta por género. Aunque los hombres presentaron mayor norma subjetiva, las mujeres mostraron una mayor intención emprendedora. Conclusiones: El Cuestionario de Intención Emprendedora muestra adecuadas propiedades psicométricas para que sea de utilidad en las investigaciones sobre la promoción del emprendimiento en etapas tempranas.

Artículo en Inglés | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1536586


Introduction: Considering the current controversy regarding the factorial structure of the SDQ, this paper aimed to analyse the dimensionality and reliability of the parents' version for children from 4 to 16 years of age, and to present descriptive data according to sociodemographic variables. Method: The factor structure of the original five- and three-factor models, and the reliability of the SDQ were examined among a sample of 621 parents of Uruguayan children between 7 and 12 years of age (52% girls) from different socioeconomic levels. Results: Confirmatory factor analyses did not provide support for the five- and three-factor models. Data adjusted to three factors (prosociality, externalising symptoms, internalising symptoms) in an exploratory analysis with adequate reliability indices. Conclusions: The results of this study show the relevance of continued investigation of the SDQ internal structure, and further analysis of the behaviour of several of its items.

Introducción: Considerando la controversia vigente respecto a la estructura factorial del SDQ, este trabajo tuvo como objetivo analizar la validez de constructo y fiabilidad de la versión para padres de niños de 4 a 16 años y presentar datos descriptivos según variables sociodemográficas. Método: Se examinó la estructura factorial de los modelos originales de cinco y tres factores y la fiabilidad del SDQ en una muestra de 621 padres de niños uruguayos entre 7 y 12 años (52 % niñas) de distintos niveles socioeconómicos. Resultados: Los análisis factoriales confirmatorios no pudieron dar apoyo a los modelos de cinco y tres factores. Los datos se ajustaron a tres factores (prosocialidad, síntomas externalizantes y síntomas internalizantes) en un análisis exploratorio con adecuados índices de fiabilidad. Conclusiones: Los resultados de este estudio muestran la pertinencia de continuar investigando la estructura interna del SDQ y analizar con mayor profundidad el comportamiento de algunos de sus ítems.

rev. psicogente ; 26(50)dic. 2023.
Artículo en Español | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1536981


Objetivo: El presente estudio tuvo como objetivo establecer las propiedades psicométricas de la escala de prosocialidad de Caprara et al. (2005) en Colombia, tomando como referencia su adaptación con estudiantes chilenos (Mieres-Chacaltana et al., 2020), dada la reciente relevancia investigativa que ha tenido el comportamiento prosocial en los escenarios educativos y sociales y la ausencia de un instrumento que evalúe este constructo en adolescentes colombianos. Método: Se realizó un análisis de confiabilidad, análisis factorial exploratorio y análisis factorial confirmatorio. Participaron 501 estudiantes universitarios de dos Instituciones de Educación Superior (IES) ubicadas en los departamentos de Magdalena y Tolima con edades comprendidas entre 15 y 18 años (M=17,12 años, DE=0,766), que voluntariamente decidieron vincularse a esta investigación. Resultados: La validez de constructo se estableció mediante un análisis factorial confirmatorio y ajuste del modelo con límites estándares de aceptación: RMSEA=0,070, CFI = 0,923 y TLI = 0,905. El análisis de consistencia de fiabilidad evidenció un índice adecuado de fiabilidad Alfa de Cronbach (α=0,880). Conclusiones: Este instrumento presenta propiedades psicométricas que lo constituyen en una adecuada herramienta para evaluar la prosocialidad en adolescentes colombianos. Su relevancia radica en que permite el empleo de una escala normalizada para Colombia con el fin de medir la prevalencia de comportamientos prosociales reportados por esta población y se une a otras validaciones para poblaciones latinoamericanas ampliando las posibilidades de estudiar este constructo en relación con otras variables propias de la región.

Objective: The present study aimed to establish the psychometric properties of the prosociality scale of Caprara et al. (2005) in Colombia, taking as a reference its adaptation with Chilean students (Mieres-Chacaltana et al., 2020), given the recent research relevance that prosocial behavior has had in educational and social settings and the absence of an instrument that evaluates this construct in Colombian adolescents. Method: A reliability analysis, exploratory factor analysis, and confirmatory factor analysis were performed. 501 university students from two Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) located in the departments of Magdalena and Tolima with ages between 15 and 18 years old (M=17,12 years, SD=0,766) participated, who voluntarily decided to join this research. Results: Construct validity was established through confirmatory factor analysis and model adjustment with standard acceptance limits: RMSEA=0,070, CFI=0,923, and TLI=0,905. The reliability consistency analysis showed an adequate Cronbach's Alpha reliability index (α=0,880). Conclusions: This instrument presents psychometric properties that make it an adequate tool to assess prosociality in Colombian adolescents. Its relevance lies in the fact that it makes it possible to measure the prevalence of prosocial behaviors reported by this population and broadens the possibilities of studying this construct in relation to other variables.

Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: biblio-1535452


Introducción: Los cuidadores de pacientes con enfermedad crónica experimentan sobrecarga en actividades de cuidado. Existen diferentes instrumentos que miden la sobrecarga, en Latinoamérica se han validado diferentes instrumentos. Objetivo: Evaluar la calidad metodológica de las propiedades psicométricas de los instrumentos que miden la sobrecarga del cuidador en el contexto latinoamericano. Metodología: Revisión sistemática psicométrica. La búsqueda incluyó la combinación de 3 aspectos: estudios de validación; idioma: español, portugués o inglés, lugar de validación: Latinoamérica. Resultados: Un total de 24 artículos se identificaron e incluían 10 instrumentos. El idioma de los artículos con mayor representación fue el español (n = 15). El país con mayor número de estudios de validación fue Brasil (n = 15). El instrumento con mayor número de validaciones fue la Encuesta de Zarit (n = 11). Conclusión: Los instrumentos identificados cuentan con buena calidad metodológica, sin embargo, se requieren futuros estudios que evalúen las propiedades psicométricas faltantes, en especial la validez de contenido.

Introduction: Caregivers of patients with chronic disease experience overload when carrying out continuous care tasks. In the world there are different instruments that measure this overload, in the Latin American context different instruments have been validated. Objetive: To evaluate the methodological quality of the psychometric properties of the instruments that measure caregiver burden in the Latin American. Methodology: Systematic psychometric review. The search included the combination of 3 aspects: validation studies; language: Spanish, Portuguese or English, and place of validation: Latin American. Results: A total of 24 articles were identified and included 10 instruments. The language of the articles with the highest representation was Spanish (n = 15). The country with the highest number of validation studies was Brazil (n = 15). The instrument with the highest number of validations was the Zarit Survey (n = 11). Conclusion: The identified instruments have methodological quality; however, future research is necessary to evaluate the missing psychometric properties, especially content validity

Humanos , Estrés Psicológico , Enfermedad Crónica , Cuidadores , Psicometría , Estudio de Validación , América Latina