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Acta investigación psicol. (en línea) ; 13(2): 115-125, May.-Aug. 2023. tab
Artículo en Español | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1519905


Resumen La variabilidad de la frecuencia cardiaca (VFC) se utiliza como una señal fisiológica para evaluar la reactividad psicofisiológica al estrés. El análisis en el dominio de la frecuencia de esta señal se ha usado para describir el papel del sistema nervioso autónomo en los procesos de adaptación al estrés. Sin embargo, el uso de medidas de tendencia central para reportar los resultados de distintas poblaciones desestima las diferencias individuales en la reacción frente al estrés. El objetivo de esta investigación fue caracterizar la reactividad cardiaca ante la evocación de eventos estresantes en población universitaria. Participaron 94 estudiantes de nuevo ingreso a la carrera de psicología, de dos universidades de México. Los resultados indican un decremento consistente en la banda de alta frecuencia ante la evocación de eventos estresantes, en comparación con la banda de baja frecuencia. La caracterización de la respuesta autonómica al estrés presenta dos subgrupos acoplados (co-activación y co-inhibición); y uno desacoplado. Nuestros hallazgos, ratifican la viabilidad de la banda de frecuencia alta de la VFC como un indicador estable de reactividad al estrés, y resaltan la importancia de las diferencias específicas de la actividad autonómica en la caracterización de la respuesta fisiológica al estrés.

Abstract Heart rate variability (HRV) is used as a reliable physiological signal to assess psychophysiological reactivity to stress. Frequency-domain mathematical analysis of the HRV signal provides metrics that are associated with the performance of the autonomic nervous system. However, the use of measures of central tendency to report global results in different populations underestimates individual differences in the way people react to stress and the clinical importance of this response. The objective of this research was to characterize cardiac reactivity to the evocation of stressful events in a university population. The participants were 94 new psychology students from two universities in Mexico. A psychophysiological stress assessment was performed to estimate cardiac reactivity; the evaluation consisted of the following conditions: 1) Baseline; 2) Evocation of stress; and 3) Recovery. The participants were sitting with their eyes closed and without moving during every single one of the conditions. Four subgroups were created depending on the type of cardiac reactivity to stress. The results indicate a significant consistent decrease in the high-frequency band when evoking stressful events, compared to the low-frequency band. Similar responses were observed between the low-frequency band and the high-frequency band in 60.6% of the cases, suggesting that the antagonistic autonomic balance between the two divisions of the ANS was scarce. According to the autonomic space model and the type of stress reactivity of each student, there were two subgroups characterized by co-activation and co-inhibition modes; and one subgroup characterized by uncoupled response mode. Our findings confirm the viability of the high-frequency band of HRV as a stable indicator of stress reactivity. Likewise, evidence is generated in favor of using evocative stress stimuli to assess physiological reactivity like more personal stressors. Lastly, the importance of specific differences in autonomic activity to characterize the physiological response to stress and its possible clinical utility to propose interventions and select techniques that most effectively benefit vulnerable populations are highlighted.

Salud ment ; 46(2): 55-59, Mar.-Apr. 2023. tab
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1450415


Abstract Introduction University students experience multiple academic and social activities that cause enormous anxiety and stress, affecting them psychologically and physically. In this case, the psychosomatic symptoms, resulting from stress and anxiety, are part of a physical ailment and their emergence can be linked to the setting and time when they occur. Objective To determine the association between anxiety levels and the degree of psychosomatic features (PF). Method A study with a cross-sectional analytical design was developed, which included a total of 352 medical students from the city of Piura, Peru, to whom the PHQ-15 test was administered through Google Forms. Those with a previous psychiatric diagnosis were excluded. Results It was found that PF are influenced by being female (RPa = 1.45, CI 95% = [1.23, 1.71], p ≤ .001), and having mild (RPa = 1.11, CI 95% = [1.20, 1.63], p ≤ .001) and moderate anxiety levels (RPa = 1.7, CI 95% = [1.24, 2.34], p = .001). Discussion and conclusion The presence of a mental condition is necessary for the presence of PF. These stressors create selective alterations of large-scale brain networks involved in the cognitive control, regulation and processing of emotions, stress, and somatic-visceral perception. The study concludes that psychosomatic features are found in approximately 75% of medical students and anxiety in approximately 15%. Mild and moderate anxiety is an influential factor in psychosomatic features, as is being female.

Resumen Introducción Los estudiantes universitarios viven un escenario de acumulación de actividades académicas y sociales que generan gran ansiedad y estrés, afectándolos psicológica y físicamente. En este caso, los síntomas psicosomáticos, producto del estrés y la ansiedad, forman parte de una dolencia física y pueden vincular su aparición con el escenario y el tiempo que los presenta. Objetivo Determinar la asociación entre el nivel de ansiedad y el grado de manifestación psicosomática. Método Se desarrolló un estudio con diseño analítico transversal que incluyó un total de 352 estudiantes de medicina de la ciudad de Piura, Perú, a quienes se les aplicó mediante Google forms el test de PHQ-15. Se excluyeron a aquellos con diagnóstico psiquiátrico previo. Resultados Se encontró que las MS se ven influenciadas por el sexo femenino (RPa = 1.45, IC 95% = [1.23, 1.71], p ≤ .001), nivel de ansiedad leve (RPa = 1.11, IC 95% = [1.20, 1.63],p ≤ .001) y nivel de ansiedad moderada (RPa = 1.7 IC 95% = [1.24, 2.34]; p = .001). Discusión y conclusión Es necesario la presencia de una afección mental para la presencia de la MS. Estos factores estresantes generan alteraciones selectivas de redes cerebrales a gran escala implicadas en el control cognitivo, regulación y procesamiento de emociones, estrés y percepción somático-visceral. Se concluye que las manifestaciones psicosomáticas se encuentran en 75% y la ansiedad en 15% aproximadamente, en estudiantes de medicina. La ansiedad leve y moderada es un factor influyente en las manifestaciones psicosomáticas, así como el sexo femenino.

Rev. medica electron ; 45(2)abr. 2023.
Artículo en Español | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1442028


Introducción: a pesar del empleo de indicadores fisiológicos, psicofisiológicos y psicológicos asociados al estrés académico, la comunidad científica no ha logrado definir con total claridad qué comportamiento debe seguir. Objetivo: analizar el comportamiento de indicadores relacionados con el estrés académico en estudiantes universitarios. Materiales y métodos: están referidos a la aplicación de un procedimiento que consta de tres etapas: preparatoria, experimental y resultados. Se evaluaron los indicadores variabilidad de la frecuencia cardiaca, umbral de discriminación táctil, percepción de profundidad, tiempo de reacción simple y Prueba de Yoshitake. Como herramienta para el procesamiento de la información se utilizó el software Statgraphic Centurion 15.0. Resultados: existen diferencias significativas entre el antes y el después para la muestra examinada, además de diferencias entre las variaciones obtenidas de los indicadores entre los grupos. Se detectaron discrepancias entre los resultados obtenidos en el indicador tiempo de reacción simple, en presencia de estrés académico, y los obtenidos por otros investigadores. Conclusiones: fue demostrada la presencia de diferencias significativas en el comportamiento de los indicadores seleccionados ante la presencia de estrés académico en estudiantes universitarios, al menos bajo condiciones experimentales.

Introduction: in spite of the use of physiological, psycho-physiological and psychological indicators associated to academic stress, the scientific community has not been able to totally clear define what behavior should be followed. Objective: to analyze the behavior of indicators related to academic stress in university students. Materials and methods: they refer to the application of a procedure consisting in three stages: preparatory, experimental and results. The indicators heart frequency variability, tactile discrimination threshold, depth perception, simple reaction time and Yoshitake test were evaluated. The Statgraphic Centurion 15.0 software was used as a tool for information processing. Results: there are significant differences between before and after for the examined sample, in addition to differences between the variations obtained from indicators between the groups. Discrepancies were detected between the results obtained in the indicator simple reaction time, in the presence of academic stress, and those obtained by other researchers. Conclusions: the existence of significant differences in the behavior of chosen indicators in the presence of academic stress in university students was demonstrated, at least under experimental conditions.

Artículo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-220582


The article re?ects aspects of the destructive design of the psycho-physiological portrait of the soldiers- occupiers who committed acts of violence and rape of women and children in the occupied territories of Ukraine. We believe that this problem is relevant and requires comprehensive coverage and research by modern philosophers, historians and sociologists. It is shown that during the war, the military has two kinds of feelings. The ?rst are the highest patriotic feelings and human qualities that help to endure the hardships of wartime. The second feelings are the lowest, immoral, inhuman qualities of a person. The article attempts to understand why this happens. Pushing Russian soldiers during the ?ghting to go beyond morality and commit crimes against civilians. The purpose of this article is to analyze the destructive processes that destroy the humanity and morality of a person, and in the course of hostilities lead to a state of complete devaluation of the life of the civilian population in the occupied territories. The attention is focused on the rape of women and children by the Russian military in the occupied territories of Ukraine. The immorality of the behavior of the Russian military in relation to the civilian population and a number of destructive processes that affect the worldview of the soldier-occupier of the Russian Federation is shown. The testimonies of women who survived the horrors of violence and revelry of Putin's soldiers and managed to escape are given. The conclusions drawn made it possible to highlight aspects of the destructive design of the psycho-physiological portrait of the occupying soldiers who committed acts of rape of women and children, and it was proved that the army, which does not have moral standards, commits crimes against the civilian population, because it understands that it can avoid this punishment. Scienti?c novelty consists in determining the aspects of destructive processes that affect the worldview of the occupying warrior from the Russian Federation.

Artículo en Inglés | LILACS-Express | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1394502


Abstract This article originated from the will to understand how Freud formulates, in his theoretical work, the importance of the word, despite how obvious it may seem to use it as a tool for psychic treatment. Therefore, we researched the basis of his thoughts to check how he elaborates it so that we could address the question appropriately. Not only did we notice that Freud thinks of the word as one of the dimensions in which the libidinal energy goes through the psychophysiological mechanism, but also, it came to our attention that we should consider the interconnection between the body and the images of the soul [seele] to understand the function of the word in his work.

Resumo Deixando de lado a aparente obviedade de utilizar a palavra como ferramenta para o tratamento psíquico, o presente artigo partiu do desejo de compreender como Freud formulou a importância da palavra em sua obra teórica. Para que a matéria fosse devidamente tratada, buscamos nas bases do pensamento freudiano sua elaboração. Esta pesquisa permitiu-nos entender que Freud formula a palavra como uma das dimensões em que a energia libidinal transita no aparelho psicofisiológico. Não só isso, proporcionou-nos a ponderação de que é preciso reconhecer a interdependência entre o corpo e alma [Seele] para que a função da palavra seja devidamente compreendida em sua obra.

Artículo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-203046


Breast cancer is a major health burden among Indian females in their young age. As the females came to know the disease isalready in advance stage. To get rid from the complications they have to undergo for mastectomy and after mastectomy they havedisturbed Psychophysiological Wellbeing. In the present methodological study researcher has developed PsychophysiologicalWellbeing Assessment Tool (PWAT) based on Roy's Adaptation Model after three rounds of item analysis and Delphi surveywith experts of different fields of nursing to assess their Psychophysiological wellbeing. After the finalization of PWAT it wasimplemented on 200 post mastectomy breast cancer patients who were under radiation therapy or chemotherapy and selected byNon- probability purposive sampling technique, in Rajinra Hospital Patiala. Data was collected and analyzed by using descriptiveand inferential statistics. Common consensus of experts was obtained from 72 pooled items to final version of PWAT with 38items. The reliability of instrument was estimated by using split half Chronbachs alpha which was r=0.87. Statistically all theitems of PWAT were found inter correlated and were compatible to each other. The mean score range of physiological well-beingwas 57.40 as compared to mean score range of the psychological well-being of breast cancer patients was 83.17.There waspositive correlation (0.347) between physiological wellbeing and psychological wellbeing at the level of 0.001. Thus it wasstatistically evident that if physiological well-being score increased then psychological wellbeing score also increased. Thus itmay be concluded that if the nurses would be equipped with PWAT, they will do quick assessment of psychophysiologicalwellbeing of post mastectomy breast cancer patients. Their timely intervention will help in decreasing re-hospitalizations ofpatients and help in cost containment for the health care industry which is the essence of quality care management.

Motriz (Online) ; 25(2): e101919, 2019. tab, graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: biblio-1002701


Abstract Aim: To determine how EMG, anthropometric, and psychological factors, and physical activity levels affect isokinetic peak torque performance (IPT) of multiple set exercise sessions. Methods: 20 participants (27±7 years old), classified as active (A=10) and inactive (I=10), performed 10x10:40secs of maximal unilateral knee flexions and extensions at 120o.s-1. The IPT, EMG, glucose, LDH, and lactate concentrations and perceptions of pain, effort, recovery. Results: Active volunteers showed higher muscularity (52±5 vs 47±4 cm; p<0.05), PTI (262±4 vs 185±4 Nm; p<0.05), relative lower drop in performance (14±2 vs 27±3% ; p<0.05), major MDF (83±1 vs 76±1 Hz; p<0.05), lower log -Fins5 (-12.9±0.3 vs -12.7 ± 0.3 Hz; p<0.05), smaller subjective perception of effort (14.8±0.3 vs 17.0±0.3) and higher subjective perception of recovery (14.2±0.2 vs 12.3±0.3). There was a significant interaction between relative fatigue and the number of sets (F=6.18; p<0.001). Stepwise multiple regressions revealed that subjective perception of recovery best explained the fatigue level generated in the active volunteers [fatigue level= 85.084-5255(SPR)] while for body mass was the best determinant for the inactive group [fatigue level = -21.560 +1.828(BMI)]. Conclusion: Data from the present analysis suggest that physically active individuals show higher torque development and a smaller fatigability index when compared to inactive individuals. Among the fatigue models studied, it is possible that alterations in biochemical components, psychophysiological and EMG are not sensitive to the direct influence of the fatigue dynamics protocol, both in active or inactive individuals.

Humanos , Electromiografía/métodos , Monitores de Ejercicio , L-Lactato Deshidrogenasa , Psicofisiología/métodos
Artículo en Inglés | WPRIM | ID: wpr-775189


BACKGROUND@#Wood is a valuable material for interiors, and the psychophysiological relaxation effects of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) from wood chips and essential oils have been reported. However, few studies have identified the odors in full-scale wooden environment, and also, differences in gender have not been clarified. In this study, we aimed to confirm the effects of VOCs emitted from interior wood walls in both human male and female participants.@*METHODS@#We used Japanese cedar timber and analyzed VOCs in the experimental rooms with and without Japanese cedar timber by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS). The physiological effects were measured using neuroendocrinological and immunological parameters in saliva. A questionnaire was used to evaluate the subjective responses to each odor in the experimental rooms.@*RESULTS@#The main compound emitted from Japanese cedar timber was δ-cadinene, and the total volume of VOCs in the wood condition (presence of VOCs emitted from Japanese cedar) was 282.4 (μg/m). Significant differences between genders in salivary parameters were shown that there were decreases of α-amylase in wood condition and increases of cortisol in the control (absence of VOCs) condition in female participants compared to male participants. The results demonstrated that VOCs in the experimental room with Japanese cedar timber tend to suppress the activation of the sympathetic nervous activity and non-VOCs of Japanese cedar in the control room increase cortisol in female participants.@*CONCLUSIONS@#These results suggest that an indoor environment with wood interior materials has the potential to be useful for health management, especially women's health.

Adulto , Femenino , Humanos , Masculino , Adulto Joven , Contaminantes Atmosféricos , Contaminación del Aire Interior , Cryptomeria , Química , Cromatografía de Gases y Espectrometría de Masas , Hidrocortisona , Metabolismo , Saliva , Química , alfa-Amilasas Salivales , Metabolismo , Sesquiterpenos , Factores Sexuales , Compuestos Orgánicos Volátiles , Madera , Química
Rev. Bras. Psicoter. (Online) ; 20(2): 29-42, Maio-Ago 2018.
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1051433


Rebirthing-Breathwork can be described as a technique that uses the breathing rhythm to activate a somaticcognitive cycle. When allowed to unfold, this cycle spontaneously brings unresolved issues to consciousness and leads to their resolution. This is an analytic and interpretative study with the goal to present a theoretical basis for a processing model that the authors are developing to use Rebirthing-Breathwork in the treatment of traumatic stress-related disorders. In this essay we discuss Rebirthing-Breathwork in the light of a theory and an approach developed by Peter Levine and address the role psychophysiological defenses and the autonomic nervous system play in accessing suppressed and traumatic memories. Based on personal and clinical evidence we describe how Rebirthing-Breathwork activates suppressed and traumatic memories; how these activated memories activate one of two types of psychophysiological defenses; and how these defenses can be negotiated by means of mindfulness, embodiment and empowerment, so that the activated memories can be processed.(AU)

Rebirthing-Breathworkpode ser descrito como uma técnica que utiliza o ritmo respiratório para ativar um ciclo cognitivo-somático. Quando permitido o seu desenvolvimento, este ciclo traz questões não resolvidas à consciência, conduzindo-as à sua resolução. Este artigo é um estudo analítico-interpretativo com o objetivo de apresentar a base teórica para um modelo de processamento que está sendo desenvolvido pelos autores para utilização do trabalho respiratório - Rebirthing-Breathwork - no tratamento de transtornos traumáticos relacionados ao estresse. Neste ensaio discutimos o Rebirthing-Breathwork à luz de uma teoria e uma abordagem desenvolvida por Peter Levine e tratamos sobre o papel que as defesas psicofisiológicas e o sistema nervoso autônomo desempenham no acesso a memórias reprimidas e traumáticas. Com base em evidências pessoais e clínicas, descrevemos como o trabalho de Rebirthing-Breathworkativa memórias reprimidas e traumáticas e como essas memórias ativadas, por sua vez, provocam um dos dois tipos de defesas psicofisiológicas. Descrevemos, ainda, como se pode lidar com essas defesas através de mindfulness, de uma melhor conexão com o corpo e empoderamento, a fim de que essas memórias ativadas possam ser processadas.(AU)

El Rebirthing-Breathwork se puede describir como una técnica que usa el ritmo respiratorio para activar un ciclo cognitivo-somático. Cuando el ciclo se desarrolla, espontáneamente lleva a la consciencia problemas no resueltos y los conduce a su resolución. Este es un estudio analítico-interpretativo con el objetivo de presentar una base teórica para el modelo de procesamiento que los autores están desarrollando, cuya finalidad es la utilización del trabajo respiratorio - Rebirthing Breathwork - en el tratamiento de los trastornos traumáticos relacionados con el estrés. En este ensayo discutimos el Rebirthing Breathwork con base en una teoría y un enfoque desarrollado por Peter Levine, y abordamos el papel que desempeñan las defensas psicofisiológicas y el sistema nervioso autónomo en el acceso a memorias reprimidas y traumáticas. Con base en evidencias personales y clínicas, describimos cómo el trabajo de Rebirthing-Breathwork activa memorias reprimidas y traumáticas; cómo estos recuerdos activados, a su vez, activan uno de los dos tipos de defensas psicofisiológicas; y cómo podemos tratar esas defensas por medio del mindfulness, de una mejor conexión con el cuerpo y del empoderamiento, con la finalidad de procesar las memorias activadas.(AU)

Terapias Somáticas Psiquiátricas , Sistema Nervioso Autónomo , Trabajo Respiratorio , Trastornos Relacionados con Traumatismos y Factores de Estrés
Rev. Fac. Med. (Bogotá) ; 65(2): 183-188, Apr.-June 2017. tab, graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: biblio-896703


Abstract Introduction: The psychophysiology of emotional response in adolescence is a crucial factor for understanding risk and deviant behaviors. Objective: To compare specific characteristics of psychophysiological emotional response between risk behavior adolescents and controls. Materials and methods: Characterization of risk behaviors (RB), variations in the heart rate (HR), electromyography (EMG), skin conductance (SC) and temperature during the presentation of visual emotional stimuli. The emotional valence parameters, activation and dominance of such stimuli were qualified as well. Results: Significant differences were found among RB adolescents compared to the non-risk group, as well as signs of major psychophysiological response to emotionally loaded stimuli in RB when compared to the control group. The control group was characterized by initial bradycardia, which was more evident than in the risk behavior group. Conclusions: The control group presented more expressive initial bradycardia in comparison to the RB group. Both groups showed more pronounced cardiac deceleration when experiencing unpleasant stimuli, higher levels in EMG to pleasant stimuli in the RB group, and higher CP indicators for the three types of stimulus. A cohort study is required in order to compare current findings in RB versus physiological emotional response among adolescent groups.

Resumen Introducción. La psicofisiología de la respuesta emocional en la adolescencia es un factor clave en la comprensión de conductas de riesgo y desadaptación. Objetivo. Comparar especificidades de la reacción psicofisiológica emocional entre adolescentes con y sin conductas de riesgo. Materiales y métodos. Las medidas consistieron en la caracterización de conductas de riesgo (CR), variaciones en la frecuencia cardiaca (FC) electromiografía (EMG), conductancia de la piel (CP) y temperatura durante la presentación de estímulos emocionales visuales, así como la calificación en parámetros de valencia emocional, activación y dominancia de dichos estímulos. Resultados. Se encontraron diferencias significativas entre los adolescentes con CR comparados con aquellos que no las presentaban: se detectaron signos de mayor reacción psicofisiológica a los estímulos emocionales. Conclusiones. El grupo control se caracterizó por una bradicardia inicial más expresiva en comparación con el grupo con CR, ambos grupos mostraron desaceleración cardíaca más pronunciada ante estímulos desagradables, niveles más altos en EMG ante estímulos agradables en el grupo con RB e indicadores más elevados de CP ante los tres tipos de estímulo. Se requiere un estudio de cohorte a fin de comparar los hallazgos actuales en CR frente a la reacción fisiológica emocional entre los grupos de adolescentes.

Artículo en Inglés | WPRIM | ID: wpr-58957


OBJECTIVE: In the current study we investigated neurodevelopmental changes in response to social and non-social reinforcement. METHODS: Fifty-three healthy participants including 16 early adolescents (age, 10–15 years), 16 late adolescents (age, 15–18 years), and 21 young adults (age, 21–25 years) completed a social/non-social reward learning task while undergoing functional magnetic resonance imaging. Participants responded to fractal image stimuli and received social or non-social reward/non-rewards according to their accuracy. ANOVAs were conducted on both the blood oxygen level dependent response data and the product of a context-dependent psychophysiological interaction (gPPI) analysis involving ventromedial prefrontal cortex (vmPFC) and bilateral insula cortices as seed regions. RESULTS: Early adolescents showed significantly increased activation in the amygdala and anterior insula cortex in response to non-social monetary rewards relative to both social reward/non-reward and monetary non-rewards compared to late adolescents and young adults. In addition, early adolescents showed significantly more positive connectivity between the vmPFC/bilateral insula cortices seeds and other regions implicated in reinforcement processing (the amygdala, posterior cingulate cortex, insula cortex, and lentiform nucleus) in response to non-reward and especially social non-reward, compared to late adolescents and young adults. CONCLUSION: It appears that early adolescence may be marked by: (i) a selective increase in responsiveness to non-social, relative to social, rewards; and (ii) enhanced, integrated functioning of reinforcement circuitry for non-reward, and in particular, with respect to posterior cingulate and insula cortices, for social non-reward.

Adolescente , Humanos , Adulto Joven , Amígdala del Cerebelo , Fractales , Giro del Cíngulo , Voluntarios Sanos , Aprendizaje , Imagen por Resonancia Magnética , Oxígeno , Corteza Prefrontal , Refuerzo Social , Recompensa
Chinese Journal of Forensic Medicine ; (6): 593-595,602, 2017.
Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-665746


Objective To explore the application value of psychophysiological test technique in identification of artificial injury and malingering. Methods CQT test was conducted on 50 students with camouflaged pain and tympanic membrane perforation, respectively, using Tongfang Shenhuo Polygraph Tester (TH T-test and χ2 test were adopted for data analysis. Results The accuracy rate of honest group was higher than that of lying group (P<0.01). There were no significant differences in accuracy rates between automatic scoring and manual scoring,and so were that between mask pain problems' testing and tympanic membrane perforation problems' testing. Conclusion This experiment provides a good research basis for the subsequent real case test.

Motriz (Online) ; 23(4): e1017138, 2017.
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: biblio-895016


In the last 20 years, there was a growing interest in the study of the theoretical and applied issues surrounding psychophysiological processes underlying performance. The psychophysiological monitoring, which enables the study of these processes, consists of the assessment of the activation and functioning level of the organism using a multidimensional approach. In sport, it can be used to attain a better understanding of the processes underlying athletic performance and to improve it. The most frequently used ecological techniques include electromyography (EMG), electrocardiography (ECG), electroencephalography (EEG), and the assessment of electrodermal activity and breathing rhythm. The purpose of this paper is to offer an overview of the use of these techniques in applied interventions in sport and physical exercise and to give athletes, coaches and sport psychology experts new insights for performance improvement.(AU)

Humanos , Rendimiento Atlético/fisiología , Electrocardiografía/métodos , Electroencefalografía/métodos , Electromiografía/métodos , Ejercicio Físico/fisiología , Deportes/fisiología
Acta bioeth ; 21(1): 61-63, jun. 2015.
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: lil-749413


Several disciplines converge on current psychiatric practice and research. Each one is a discourse with its defining objects, its audience and its socialization as specialized text. The psychophysiological triad includes studies of mentation (language), behavior and physiology. Each text is a context for the others. Thus, in and by itself, each one in isolation lacks explanatory power. The basic science of psychiatry is a metatext including those partial texts in a constructive fashion. Such an attempt is more a linguistic enterprise than an empirical one. It should supersede all reductionisms, including those presented in the form of juxtaposition of disciplines (bio-psycho-social, psycho-somatic, etc.).

Diversas disciplinas convergen en la práctica psiquiátrica actual. Cada una es un discurso con objetos que le definen, audiencia y su socialización como texto especializado. La tríada psicofisiológica incluye estudios sobre la enunciación (lenguaje), conducta manifiesta y fisiología. Cada texto es contexto para los otros. Así, cada uno tomado aisladamente carece de poder explicativo. La ciencia básica de la psiquiatría es un metatexto que incluye tales textos parciales de modo constructivo. Tal intento es más una empresa lingüística que una empírica. Debería superar todos los reduccionismos, incluidos aquellos que se presentan bajo la forma de yuxtaposición de disciplinas (bio-psico-social, psico-somático, etc.).

Várias disciplinas convergem para as atuais prática e pesquisa psiquiátricas. Cada uma é um discurso com seus objetos definidos, seu público e sua socialização como texto especializado. A tríade psicofisiológica inclui estudos da atividade mental (linguagem), comportamento e fisiologia. Cada texto é um contexto para outros. Assim, em por si mesmo, cada um isoladamente não tem poder explicativo. A ciência básica da psiquiatria é um metatexto incluindo os textos parciais de uma forma construtiva. Tal tentativa é mais um empreendimento linguistico do que empírico. Ele deverá substituir todos os reducionismos, incluindfo aqueles apresentados sob a forma de justaposição de disciplinas (bio-psico-social, psico-somática etc.).

Conducta , Lenguaje , Psiquiatría , Psicofisiología
Artículo en Inglés | WPRIM | ID: wpr-36853


OBJECTIVES: To compare the sleep quality in the view of polysomnography (PSG) and cardiopulmonary coupling (CPC) analysis in subjects with restless legs syndrome (RLS) versus with psychophysiological insomnia (PPI). METHODS: The PSG data of 109 subjects with RLS and 86 with PPI (apnea-hypopnea index <5 /h) were collected. All subjects reported sleep onset and maintenance insomnia. CPC parameters were obtained using CPC analyzer in RemLogic. Sleep spectrogram by CPC analyses categorized sleep as "stable" [high-frequency coupling (HFC), 0.1-0.4 Hz] and "unstable" [low-frequency coupling (LFC), 0.1-0.01 Hz], independent of sleep stages. We compared PSG and CPC parameters between two groups and performed correlation analyses to find the PSG parameters to affect CPC parameters. RESULTS: In PSG parameters, subjects with PPI showed significantly longer sleep latency (14.2+/-20.06 vs. 27.5+/-34.96, p<0.001), and decreased sleep efficiency (SE, 80.5+/-14.96 vs. 76.5+/-14.45, p=0.009) than RLS. CPC parameters were not significantly different between groups. In both groups HFC was positively correlated with total sleep time and SE and was negatively associated with time of wake after sleep onset in both groups. Meanwhile, very LFC showed the opposite results to HFC with the same PSG parameters. CONCLUSIONS: Although subjects with RLS or PPI present sleep onset and maintenance insomnia, objective sleep quality was worse in PPI than RLS. It suggests that CPC as a factor to differentiate sleep quality between the RLS and the PPI has a limited role.

Polisomnografía , Síndrome de las Piernas Inquietas , Trastornos del Inicio y del Mantenimiento del Sueño , Fases del Sueño
Estud. psicol. (Natal) ; 18(3): 487-495, jul.-set. 2013.
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: lil-690032


Objetiva-se identificar referenciais teóricos que elucidem o conceito de ambientes restauradores (restorative environment). Examinam-se sua definição, contextualização histórica, as diferentes abordagens teóricas, os avanços nas pesquisas. Foram analisados artigos publicados entre os anos de 1991 e 2011 em periódicos científicos disponíveis no portal da CAPES. Verifica-se a atualidade do tema pelo aumento de estudos publicados nos últimos três anos. Pesquisas sobre ambientes restauradores investigam os fatores que auxiliam na promoção do bem-estar do ser humano, e reforçam o movimento interdisciplinar entre a psicologia e, por exemplo, a saúde e prevenção, a educação, a arquitetura e o planejamento urbano.

This article aims to identify theoretical references, which elucidate the concept of restorative environments; examines its definition, historical background, different theoretical approaches and advances in research. Articles published between 1991 and 2011 in scientific journals available on the website of CAPES were analyzed. The current interest in the field was verified through an increase of studies published over the last three years. Studies on restorative environments seek to investigate the factors that help to promote the well-being of people and reinforce the interdisciplinary movement between psychology and, for example, health and prevention, education, architecture and urban planning.

Se tiene como objetivo identificar los referenciales teóricos que aclaran el concepto de ambientes restauradores (restorative environment). Se examinan su definición, contextualización histórica, los diversos enfoques teóricos, los avances en la investigación. Se analizaron los artículos publicados entre los años de 1991 y 2011 en revistas científicas disponibles en el sitio de CAPES. Se verifica la actualidad del tema por el aumento de los estudios publicados en los últimos tres años. Investigaciones sobre ambientes restauradores estudian los factores que asisten a la promoción del bienestar del humano, y refuerzan el movimiento interdisciplinar entre la psicología y, por ejemplo, la salud y la prevención, la educación, la arquitectura y el planeamiento urbano.

Psicología , Estrés Fisiológico
Rev. mex. trastor. aliment ; 2(1): 33-41, ene.-jun. 2011.
Artículo en Español | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: lil-714489


Los estándares sociales del modelo de belleza prodelgadez, está llevando a que algunas mujeres jóvenes se preocupen, especialmente aquellas más susceptibles a estos modelos. A partir de esto la internalización del ideal de delgadez representa un factor de riesgo en el desarrollo de la preocupación por la imagen corporal. Por ello, fue importante realizar un estudio que contemplara el tipo de pensamientos hacia la imagen corporal y la reacción psicofisiológica ante imágenes de mujeres delgadas. Para tal efecto se realizó una evaluación psicofisiológica a 40 mujeres de 19 a 25 años estudiantes de Licenciatura. La muestra se dividió en dos grupos: el grupo con pensamientos negativos hacia la imagen corporal y el grupo con pensamientos positivos. Se utilizó un diseño exploratorio. Los resultados del estudio indican que no hay diferencias estadísticamente significativas en la reacción psicofisiológica ante imágenes de mujeres delgadas en el grupo con pensamientos positivos y negativos hacia la imagen corporal. Dichos resultados señalan que la exposición a estas imágenes no provoca variaciones en la reacción psicofisiológica de las mujeres, probablemente debido a que ellas no tienen insatisfacción corporal significativa, lo que muestra que es necesario emplear mejores métodos para evaluar la imagen corporal.

Social standards of beauty profitness model is leading some young women to worry, especially those that are more susceptible to these models. The thin ideal internalization is a risk factor in development of body image concern. Therefore it was important to conduct a study that contemplate thoughts through body image and psychophysiological reaction to images of thin women. Psychophysiological assessment was conducted with 40 women between 19 and 25 age college students. The sample was divided in two groups: the group with negative thoughts toward body image and group with positive thoughts. We used a exploratory design. The statistical analysis found non statistically significant differences in the psychophysiological reaction to images of thin women in the group with positive and negative thoughts toward body image. These results indicate that exposure to these images does not cause variations in the psychophysiological reaction of women, because they have no significant body dissatisfaction, indicating the need to employ better methods to assess body image.

Psychiatry Investigation ; : 155-160, 2011.
Artículo en Inglés | WPRIM | ID: wpr-35973


OBJECTIVE: Smoking related cues may elicit smoking urges and psychophysiological responses in subjects with nicotine dependence. This study aimed to investigate the effect of repeated virtual cue exposure therapy using the surround-screen based projection wall system on the psychophysiological responses in nicotine dependence. METHODS: The authors developed 3-dimensional neutral and smoking-related environments using virtual reality (VR) technology. Smoking-related environment was a virtual bar, which comprised both object-related and social situation cues. Ten subjects with nicotine dependence participated in 4-week (one session per week) virtual cue exposure therapy. Psychophysiological responses [electromyography (EMG), skin conductance (SC), and heart rate] and subjective nicotine craving were acquired during each session. RESULTS: VR nicotine cue elicited greater psychophysiological responses and subjective craving for smoking than did neutral cue, and exposure to social situation cues showed greater psychophysiological responses in SC and EMG than did object-related cues. This responsiveness decreased during the course of repeated therapy. CONCLUSION: The present study found that both psychophysiological responses and subjective nicotine craving were greater to nicotine cue exposure via projection wall VR system than to neutral cues and that enhanced cue reactivity decreased gradually over the course of repeated exposure therapy. These results suggest that VR cue exposure therapy combined with psychophysiological response monitoring may be an alternative treatment modality for smoking cessation, although the current findings are preliminary.

Señales (Psicología) , Corazón , Terapia Implosiva , Nicotina , Piel , Humo , Fumar , Cese del Hábito de Fumar , Tabaquismo
Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-394779


Objective To investigate the psycho-physiological characteristics of experimental tonic cold and heat pain in a behavioral study. Methods Sixty healthy subjects went through the tonic cold and tonic heat stimulation in a counter-balanced order. Psychological traits were measured before the experiment. Pain intensity ratings were recorded together with continuous Infrared thermal imaging recording. SF-MPQ was employed to assess pain intensity and affective measures. Results Anxiety and fear were positively correlated with cold pain intensity on SF-MPQ,while GESE was negatively correlated with that of heat pain (r =0.57,P <0.05; r =0.45,P <0.05,respectively). Verbal descriptors chosen from SF-MPQ for cold and heat pain significantly differed(χ2=18.6,P =0.04). Infrared thermal imaging results showed after stimulation,heat pain intensity ratings decreased simultaneously with skin surface temperature recovery to baseline. In contrast,skin surface temperature began to return to baseline well before the cold sensation began to diminish(t =34.57,P <0.05; t =23.66,P <0.05). Conclusion Experimental tonic cold and heat pain are not psychophysically identical,but may be predicted by different psychological traits,and may reside in differential peripheral and central processing in human.

Acta colomb. psicol ; 10(2): 95-105, dic. 2007. ilus, tab
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: lil-635179


En la presente investigación se empleó un diseño cuasi-experimental de caso único AB para evaluar la consistencia del reporte verbal basado en Unidades Subjetivas de Ansiedad (USAS) y los efectos psicofisiológicos registrados en la aplicación de la técnica de la Desensibilización Sistemática, empleando el componente imaginario de ésta en un caso de fobia específica a las aves. Los resultados no mostraron una consistencia entre el informe verbal del sujeto, en el cual reportó, tanto cero USAS para 10 escenas ansiógenas, como una disminución en la activación fisiológica, y las medidas obtenidas en los equipos que registraban el pulso y la RGP. El pulso mostró una tendencia al aumento mientras que la RGP una tendencia a mantener los mismos niveles.

In the present research a quasi- experimental AB single case research design was used to assess the consistency of a verbal report based on Subjective Units of Discomfort (SUDS) and the psycho-physiological measures of pulse and galvanic skin response (GSR) when applying the systematic desensitization technique and using only its imaginary component in the treatment of a specific phobia to birds. The results found didn’t show a consistency between the participant’s verbal report, in which both cero SUDS were reported for 10 ansiogenic scenes and a decrease in the physiological arousal, and the measurements obtained by the equipment that registered pulse and GSR. In contrast, the pulse showed an increasing tendency and the GSR registered a tendency to maintain the same levels.

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Trastornos Fóbicos , Conducta Verbal , Biorretroalimentación Psicológica , Control de la Conducta