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Serv. soc. soc ; 146(3): e6628331, 2023. tab
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1522998


Resumo: Este artigo objetiva retomar as contribuições de Rui Mauro Marini para o pensamento crítico latino-americano. Apresentamos três temas candentes contemporâneos da realidade brasileira como expressões do capitalismo dependente: 1. O padrão de especialização produtiva e a reprimarização da economia brasileira; 2. A transferência de valor por meio das dívidas públicas;3. O aprofundamento da superexploração.

Abstract: This article aims to review Rui Mauro Marini's contributions to Latin American critical thought. We present three burning contemporary themes in the Brazilian reality as expressions of dependent capitalism: 1. The pattern of productive specialization and the reprimarization of the Brazilian economy; 2. The transfer of value through public debts;3. The deepening of superexploitation

Agora USB ; 22(2): 693-714, jul.-dic. 2022. graf
Artículo en Español | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1420020


Resumen La deuda pública en Colombia entre el periodo de 1990 a 2020 se ha convertido en un eje estructurante de la economía política del país y bajo su manutención se ha generado un sin número de Leyes, Decretos y Normas que han determina do en gran parte las dinámicas de inversión y gasto social. Así mismo, se han su bordinado los derechos de la población colombiana a la estabilidad macroeco- nómica establecida bajo la teoría neoclásica. Si bien la deuda pública tiene una gran relevancia en la configuración del Estado en Colombia, los análisis sobre la problemática de la deuda pública y el servicio de esta es vago y no estructura la crisis fiscal del Estado con la del endeudamiento público, por lo cual en este artí culo se pretende evidenciar la configuración de la deuda pública en los últimos 30 años y su relación con la crisis fiscal del Estado.

Abstract The public debt in Colombia between 1990 and 2020 has become a structuring axis of the country's political economy and under its maintenance has generated a number of laws, decrees, and norms, which have largely determined the dyna mics of investment and social spending. Likewise, the rights of the Colombian population have been subordinated to the macroeconomic stability established under neoclassical theory. Although the public debt has a great relevance in the configuration of the State in Colombia, the analysis of the problem of public debt and its service is vague, and it does not structure the fiscal crisis of the Sta te with that of public indebtedness. Thus, this article aims to show the configu ration of the public debt in the last 30 years and its relationship with the fiscal crisis of the State.

Barbarói ; (47,n.esp): 251-270, jan.-jul. 2016. graf
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: biblio-868764


A proposta do presente artigo é analisar em que medida o fundamentalismo do superávit primário afeta a concretização dos direitos fundamentais sociais. A hipótese que serve de norte à presente análise é a de que o Estado brasileiro está estruturado para propiciar lucro ao capital financeiro e não para garantir a concretização dos direitos fundamentais sociais previstos na Constituição Federal de 1988. Para tanto, sob uma perspectiva de prioridade econômica e fiscal, buscamos mensurar o impacto das despesas com o serviço e o refinanciamento da dívida pública no Orçamento Geral da União, confrontando-as com os gastos em saúde, educação e assistência social. A conclusão possível é a de que, independentemente da concepção ideológica do governo, o Estado brasileiro se encontra capturado pelo capital financeiro, prejudicando seriamente a concretização dos direitos fundamentais sociais. O objetivo é incitar o debate sobre a dívida pública brasileira a partir de um enfoque interdisciplinar, demonstrando a partir de elementos econômicos e fiscais o descumprimento do compromisso social estatuído na Constituição Federal.

The purpose of this article is to analyze to what extent fundamentalism primary surplus affects the achievement of fundamental social rights. The hypothesis that serves north to this analysis is that the Brazilian State is structured to provide income to finance capital and not to ensure the achievement of fundamental social rights under the Federal Constitution of 1988. Thus, from the perspective of economic priority and tax, we seek to measure the impact of the costs of the service and the public debt refinancing in the Federal Budget, confronting them with spending on health, education and social assistance. The possible conclusion is that regardless of the ideological conception of government, the Brazilian State is captured by financial capital, seriously jeopardizing the achievement of fundamental social rights. The aim is to encourage the debate on the Brazilian public debt from an interdisciplinary approach, demonstrating from economic and fiscal elements the failure of social commitment requirements established in the Federal Constitution.

Humanos , Política Pública
Dados rev. ciênc. sociais ; 51(4): 983-1014, 2008. graf, tab
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: lil-598450


The aim of this study was to test whether political influence comes into play in the approval of loans to State governments by the Brazilian National Senate. Although all the requests for loans submitted to the Senate during the period under study were approved, we demonstrate that the time required for approval depends on the political relationship between the applicant (State Governor) and the Senate members occupying key positions in the review process. Using "survival analysis" technique, we observed that when the State Governor requesting the loan and the Senator reporting on the matter belong to the same party coalition that helped elect the Governor, loans are approved in less time. On the other hand, approval takes longer if the partisan relationship is broken during the loan review process. Finally, we observed that the more loan applications from a single State in the previous six months, the longer the approval time for a new request. This analysis considered all State loan applications reviewed by the Brazilian Senate from 1989 to 2001.

Dans cet article, on cherche à vérifier s'il y a une influence politique dans le processus d'octroi de prêts à des gouvernements sous-nationaux (les États brésiliens) à l'intérieur du Sénat. Bien que toutes les demandes soumises au Sénat pendant la période de 1989 et 2001 aient été approuvées, il reste le fait que le délai pour cette approbation dépend des relations politiques entre le demandeur (le Gouverneur) et les sénateurs qui se trouvent aux postes-clé de l'acheminement de ces demandes. En utilisant la technique "d'analyse de survie" (Survival Analysis), on a pu constater que, si le gouverneur demandeur et le sénateur chargé de son dossier appartiennent à la même coalition ayant élu le gouverneur, le délai d'approbation en sera d'autant plus court. Par contre, ce même délai pourra s'étirer si, pendant le processus, ces rapports sont rompus. On a aussi vérifié que les États qui présentent un grand nombre de demandes pendant une période donnée auront plus de difficultés à se voir approuver une nouvelle demande. On a pris en compte dans cette analyse les autorisations parvenues au Sénat entre 1989 et 2001.