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Rev. Baiana Saúde Pública (Online) ; 48(2): 102-116, 20240726.
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1565985


Todos os procedimentos da indústria farmacêutica devem ser validados com a finalidade de garantir que os métodos demonstrem resultados confiáveis e aceitáveis pelo controle de qualidade. Assim, este estudo objetivou validar a eficácia de desinfetantes após diluição para uso em laboratório farmacêutico oficial. Foi elaborado o protocolo de validação e após sua aprovação foi iniciada a diluição dos desinfetantes para os tempos (T) 0, 7, 15 e 30 dias. Foram preparados os meios de cultura, realizada a promoção de crescimento dos microrganismos, preparada a suspensão microbiana e após a incubação foi realizada a diluição seriada de 10-1 a 10-10, o inóculo foi padronizado e a eficácia foi analisada. Os testes de eficácia foram realizados em triplicata, as colônias foram lidas nas placas e os dados planilhados eletronicamente. Do T0 ao T7, todos os microrganismos foram sensíveis aos desinfetantes, exceto Aspergillus brasiliensis, que reprovou três desinfetantes. A partir do T15, os microrganismos Pseudomonas aeruginosa e Bacillus subtilis apresentaram crescimento. No T30, Escherichia coli, Salmonella typhimurium, Staphylococcus aureus e Candida albicans continuaram sem crescimento. Foram aprovados cinco desinfetantes que inibiram o crescimento no período de até 7 dias, sendo definido o prazo de 7 dias como validade para os desinfetantes após diluição.

All procedures in the pharmaceutical industry must be validated to ensure that the methods show reliable and acceptable results according to quality control. This study aimed to validate the efficacy of disinfectants after dilution for use in official pharmaceutical laboratory. The validation protocol was elaborated and, after its approval, the dilution of the disinfectants for the times (T) 0, 7, 15, and 30 days was initiated. The culture media were prepared, the growth of the microorganisms was promoted, the microbial suspension was prepared, and after incubation the serial dilution of 10-1 to 10-10 was performed, the inoculum was standardized, and the efficacy was analyzed. Efficacy tests were performed in triplicates, the colonies were read on the plates, and the data were electronically arranged in spreadsheets. From T0 to T7, all microorganisms were sensitive to disinfectants, except for Aspergillus brasiliensis, which excluded three disinfectants. The microorganisms Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Bacillus subtilis showed growth from T15 onward. At T30, Escherichia coli, Salmonella typhimurium, Staphylococcus aureus, and Candida albicans continued to lack growth. The protocol of this study approved five disinfectants that inhibited growth in a period of up to 7 days and defined 7 days as the validity period for disinfectants after dilution.

Todos los procedimientos de la industria farmacéutica deben ser validados para garantizar que los métodos demuestren resultados confiables y aceptables por el control de calidad. Este estudio tuvo por objetivo validar la eficacia de los desinfectantes diluidos para su uso en laboratorio farmacéutico oficial. Para ello, se elaboró el protocolo de validación y, luego de su aprobación, se inició la dilución de los desinfectantes para los tiempos (T) 0, 7, 15 y 30 días. Se prepararon los medios de cultivo, se promovió el crecimiento de los microorganismos, se preparó la suspensión microbiana, y después de la incubación se realizó la dilución seriada de 10-1 a 10-10, se estandarizó el inóculo y se analizó la eficacia. Las pruebas de eficacia se realizaron por triplicado, las colonias se analizaron en las placas cuyos resultados se pusieron en hojas de cálculo en línea. De T0 a T7, todos los microorganismos fueron sensibles a los desinfectantes, excepto Aspergillus brasiliensis, que falló tres desinfectantes. A partir de T15, los microorganismos Pseudomonas aeruginosa y Bacillus subtilis mostraron crecimiento. En T30, Escherichia coli, Salmonella typhimurium, Staphylococcus aureus y Candida albicans continuaron sin crecimiento. Se aprobaron cinco desinfectantes que inhibieron el crecimiento en un período de hasta 7 días, y se definió un período de 7 días como el período de validez de los desinfectantes después de la dilución.

Semina cienc. biol. saude ; 45(1): 171-182, jan./jun. 2024. ilus; tab.
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: biblio-1554827


Trans-chalcone (TC) is a flavonoid precursor characterized by a wide spectrum of action, with anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects. However, no validated methods are available in official compendia for the analysis of this substance. Thus, the aim of this work was to develop and validate a simple, fast, and reproducible spectrophotometric method for the analysis of TC in raw material, and in topical pharmaceutical formulation containing TC. The established conditions were: methanol as extracting solvent, and detection wavelength of 309 nm by UV spectrophotometer. All tests followed the rules of Resolution RDC 166, 2017. The proposed method was selective. Linearity was demonstrated in the concentration range of 1 to 8 µg/mL (r = 0.999). Repeatability and intermediate precision were confirmed by low relative standard deviation values of 1.53% and 2.70% for TC, and of 1.73% and 2.91% for formulation containing TC. Accuracy, evaluated through recovery test, was adequate, with minimum of 98.24% and maximum of 100.23% of recovery. It was observed that the small deliberate modifications done did not interfere with the results, demonstrating the method is robust. The results showed that the method was considered suitable for the intended purpose, inexpensive, easy to apply, selective, linear, precise, accurate, and robust for the determination TC, and pharmaceutical formulation containing TC. Thus, the method developed satisfies the need for an analytical method for the determination of TC, and topical formulation containing TC, being effective, innovative and able to aid in the development of the pharmaceutical field.

Trans-chalcona (TC) é um precursor de flavonoides caracterizado por um amplo espectro de ação, como efeitos anti-inflamatórios e antioxidantes. No entanto, não há método validado disponível em compêndio oficial para análise deste composto. Então, o objetivo deste trabalho foi desenvolver e validar um método espectrofotométrico, simples, rápido e reprodutível para análise de TC em matéria-prima, e em formulação farmacêutica tópica contendo TC. As condições estabelecidas foram: metanol como o solvente de extração, e detecção no comprimento de onda de 309 nm por espectrofotometria no UV. Todos os testes seguiram as normas da RDC 166, 2017. O método proposto foi seletivo. A linearidade foi demonstrada na faixa de concentração de 1 a 8 µg/mL (r = 0.999). A repetibilidade e a precisão intermediária foram confirmadas pelos valores baixos de desvio padrão relativo de 1,53% e 2,70% para a TC, e de 1,73% e 2,91% para a formulação contendo TC. A exatidão, avaliada por meio de testes de recuperação, foi adequada, com mínimo de 98,24% e máximo de 100,04% de recuperação. Observou-se que pequenas modificações no método não interferiram nos resultados, demonstrando que o método é robusto. Os resultados demonstraram que o método foi adequado para a finalidade pretendida, barato, de fácil aplicação, seletivo, linear, preciso, exato e robusto para determinação de TC, e de formulação contendo TC. Então o método desenvolvido satisfaz as necessidades de um método analítico para determinação de TC, e de formulação tópica contendo TC, e é eficaz, inovador e pode contribuir para o desenvolvimento da área farmacêutica.

Invest. educ. enferm ; 42(1): 11-22, 20240408. tab
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS, BDENF, COLNAL | ID: biblio-1554599


This article deals with the particularities of the quality of qualitative research, under the double lens of valuing it and ensuring it. While achieving the quality of qualitative research concerns only those who have opted for this methodology, assessing it is everyone's business because researchers in training will encounter, in the literature reviews, qualitative studies on which they must reflect and estimate their quality. Appreciating the quality of a research work is a complex activity as it is situated within a context and conducted by individuals who use any of the means available to do so. The means they use are criteria as evaluation guides and criteria checklists. For researchers in training, I suggest some guiding criteria to evaluate qualitative publications and ensure quality during the research process, key issues that they must address.

Este artículo trata sobre las particularidades de la calidad de la investigación cualitativa, bajo la doble lente de valorarla y asegurarla. Mientras que alcanzar la calidad de una investigación cualitativa atañe solo a los que han optado por esta metodología, valorarla es asunto de todos, ya que los investigadores en formación se encontrarán en las revisiones bibliográficas con estudios cualitativos sobre los cuales deberán reflexionar y estimar su calidad. Apreciar la calidad de un trabajo de investigación es una actividad compleja ya que está situada en un contexto y llevada a cabo por personas que usan alguno de los medios disponibles para hacerlo. Los medios que usan son los criterios como guías de evaluación y los listados de verificación de criterios. Para los investigadores en formación sugiero unos criterios guía para la valoración de publicaciones cualitativas y para asegurar la calidad durante el proceso de investigación, unas cuestiones claves a las que deben atender.

Este artigo trata das particularidades da qualidade da pesquisa qualitativa, sob a dupla lente de valorizá-la e garanti-la. Embora alcançar a qualidade da pesquisa qualitativa seja do interesse de quem optou por esta metodologia, Avaliar é tarefa de todos, pois os pesquisadores em formação se encontrarão em revisões bibliográficas com estudos qualitativos, sobre os quais deverão refletir e estimar sua qualidade. Avaliar a qualidade de um trabalho de investigação é uma atividade complexa, pois está situada num context e é realizada por pessoas que utilizam qualquer um dos meios disponíveis para o fazer. Os meios que utilizam são critérios como guias de avaliação e listas de verificação de critérios. Aos pesquisadores em formação, sugiro alguns critérios norteadores para avaliar publicações qualitativas e para garantir a qualidade durante o processo de pesquisa, questões chaves que devem ser abordadas.

Humanos , Control de Calidad , Investigación , Investigación en Enfermería , Evaluación de la Investigación en Salud
Acta bioquím. clín. latinoam ; 58(1): 3-3, mar. 2024. graf
Artículo en Español | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1556652


Resumen La mayor accesibilidad a los tratamientos de reproducción asistida (RA) y los avances de la criobiología produjeron cambios en los laboratorios de andrología. El objetivo de este trabajo fue analizar la demanda y evolución de las variables seminales en las últimas dos décadas, caracterizar el laboratorio andrológico actual, evaluar el impacto de la incorporación del aseguramiento de la calidad y la inclusión de los sistemas computarizados (CASA). Se utilizaron datos de las medias mensuales del control de calidad interno (n=22 528) y encuestas a profesionales de laboratorios andrológicos (n=65) y a médicos especialistas en fertilidad (n=33). La demanda global se redujo significativamente con el aumento de las solicitudes de primera vez. El volumen y recuento, variables dependientes de andrógenos, disminuyeron con los años. El criterio estricto en morfología disminuyó el porcentaje de normales; la mitad de los médicos encuestados recibieron resultados entre 0 y 10% y el 40% consideró que ponía en riesgo el valor clínico de la variable. El sistema CASA permitió objetivar la cinética espermática e incrementar el porcentaje de progresivos rápidos, pero pocos laboratorios lo incorporaron. El 66% de los médicos resuelven el factor andrológico severo por tratamientos clínicos y el 95% utiliza técnicas de RA. El análisis de semen es ejecutado fundamentalmente por bioquímicos especializados, con baja adhesión a la automatización y acreditación del laboratorio, pero con participación en programas de evaluación externa de calidad. La demanda disminuyó como consecuencia del aumento del tratamiento por RA. La reducción del porcentaje de formas normales compromete su utilidad clínica.

Abstract Increasing availability to assisted reproduction (AR) treatments in Argentina and advances in cryobiology resulted in changes in andrology laboratories. The aim of this study was to evaluate the demand and evolution of seminal variables in the last two decades, characterise the current andrology laboratory, evaluate the impact of the incorporation of quality assurance and the introduction of computer assisted semen analysis (CASA). Data were taken from internal quality control (IQC) monthly means (n=22 528) and professionals in charge of laboratories (n=65) and fertility physicians' (n=33) surveys. Overall demand decreased significantly while first-time orders increased. Sperm volume and sperm count -androgen dependent parameters- decreased over the years. Strict morphology criteria reduced the percentage of normal results; half of the physicians received results between 0 and 10% and 40% considered that it compromised the clinical value of the variable. The CASA system made it possible to objectify sperm kinetic, increasing the percentage of fast progressives, but few laboratories have incorporated it. Sixty-six percent of physicians resolve severe andrological factor by clinical treatments and 95% use AR techniques in those cases. Semen analysis is mainly performed by specialised biochemists, with low adherence to laboratory automatisation and accreditation, but with participation in external quality assessment programmes. The demand decreased because of the increase in AR treatment. The lower percentage of normal forms compromises their clinical utility.

Resumo O aumento do acesso aos tratamentos de reprodução assistida (RA) e os avanços na criobiologia levaram a mudanças nos laboratórios de andrologia. O objetivo deste trabalho foi analisar a demanda e a evolução das variáveis de sêmen nas últimas duas décadas, caracterizar o laboratório de andrologia atual, avaliar o impacto da incorporação da garantia da qualidade e a inclusão dos sistemas computadorizados (CASA). Foram utilizados dados das médias mensais do controle de qualidade interno (n= 22 528) e pesquisas a profissionais de laboratórios andrológicos e a médicos especialistas em fertilidade (n=33). A demanda geral diminuiu significativamente com o aumento das solicitações de primeira vez. O volume e a contagem de esperma, parâmetros dependentes de andrógenos, diminuíram ao longo dos anos. O critério morfológico rigoroso diminuiu a porcentagem de normais; metade dos médicos entrevistados recebeu resultados entre 0 e 10% e 40% considerou que isso comprometía o valor clínico do parâmetro. O sistema CASA, permitiu objetivar a cinética espermática e aumentar o percentual de progressões rápidas, mas poucos laboratórios o incorporaram. 66% dos médicos resolvem o fator andrológico grave por tratamentos clínicos e 95% utilizam técnicas de RA nesses casos. A análise do sêmen é realizada principalmente por bioquímicos especializados, com baixa aderência à automação e acreditação laboratorial, mas com participação em programas de avalação externa de qualidade. A demanda diminuiu como consequência do aumento do tratamento por RA. A diminuição em percentagem de formas normais compromete sua utilidade clínica.

Acta bioquím. clín. latinoam ; 58(1): 8-8, mar. 2024. graf
Artículo en Español | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1556657


Resumen La participación en programas de evaluación externa de la calidad (PEEC) dirigidos al diagnóstico de enfermedades genéticas permite obtener una medida objetiva del desempeño técnico y analítico de los laboratorios y es un requisito para la acreditación de los laboratorios clínicos bajo la norma ISO 15189. El objetivo de este estudio fue evaluar retrospectivamente el desempeño en los esquemas EMQN (European Molecular Genetics Quality Network) y CF Network (Cystic Fibrosis European Network) en el período 2014-2022. Se participó en un total de 88 esquemas. Se recolectó la información de nuestros puntajes y las medias de los laboratorios participantes en las categorías genotipificación, interpretación y exactitud de la información del paciente/informe. Se informó en forma completa el 90,9% (n=80) de los esquemas. El desempeño en genotipificación mostró puntajes superiores a la media en el 89,3% de los esquemas; 0,8% de los informes correspondieron a falsos negativos. En interpretación, el 66,7% de los esquemas evidenció un desempeño superior a la media y el 33,3% debajo de la media. La exactitud de la información del paciente/informe presentó puntajes superiores a la media en el 97,6% de los esquemas. Se observó una diferencia estadísticamente significativa en el porcentaje de esquemas con puntaje por encima de la media en el año 2022 (10/12 esquemas) respecto al año 2014 (1/6 esquemas) en la categoría interpretación (p=0,0128). En conclusión, la participación regular en PEEC tuvo impacto positivo en la calidad de los estudios y permite realizar mejoras continuas a partir de las recomendaciones sugeridas por estos programas.

Abstract Participation in external quality assessment programmes focused on rare genetic diseases makes it possible to assess the laboratory technical and analytical performance and it is a prerequisite for accreditation according to ISO 15189. The objective of this study was to perform a retrospective evaluation of our performance in the EMQN (European Molecular Genetics Quality Network) and the CF Network (Cystic Fibrosis European Network) programmes in the 2014-2022 period. The laboratory performance on genotyping, interpretation and clerical accuracy and patient identifiers in a total of 88 schemes were assessed. The information of our scores and the mean scores of all participating laboratories in the three categories were collected. A total of 90.9% of the schemes were fully completed. The performance in genotyping showed scores above the mean scores in 89.3% of the schemes; 0.8% of the reports correspond to false negative results. Regarding interpretation category, 66.7% of the schemes presented scores above the mean scores and 33.3% below the mean scores. The clerical accuracy and patient identifiers were above the mean scores in 97.6% of the schemes. A statistically significant difference in the percentage of schemes with a score above the mean for the interpretation category in the year 2022 (10/12 schemes) was observed compared to the year 2014 (1/6 schemes) (p=0.0128). In conclusion, regular participation in external quality assessment programmes had a positive impact on the quality of the studies and allows for continuous improvements based on the recommendations suggested by these programmes.

Resumo A participação em programas de avaliação externa da qualidade (PEECs) voltados para o diagnóstico de doenças genéticas permite obter uma mensuração objetiva do desempenho técnico e analítico dos laboratórios e é requisito para a acreditação dos laboratórios clínicos sob a norma ISO 15189. O objetivo desse estudo foi avaliar retrospectivamente o desempenho nos esquemas EMQN (European Molecular Genetics Quality Network) e CF Network (Cystic Fibrosis European Network) no período 2014-2022. Participou-se em um total de 88 esquemas. Foram coletadas informações de nossos escores e das médias dos laboratórios participantes nas categorias genotipagem, interpretação e precisão da informação do paciente/laudo. 90,9% (n=80) dos esquemas foram informados em sua totalidade. O desempenho na genotipagem apresentou escores acima da média em 89,3% dos esquemas; 0,8% dos laudos corresponderam a falsos negativos. Na interpretação, 66,7% dos esquemas apresentaram desempenho acima da média e 33,3% abaixo da média. A precisão das informações do paciente/laudo apresentou escores acima da média em 97,6% dos esquemas. Observou-se diferença estatisticamente significativa no percentual de esquemas com pontuação acima da média no ano de 2022 (10/12 esquemas) em relação ao ano de 2014 (1/6 esquemas) na categoria interpretação (p=0,0128). Em conclusão, a participação regular em PEECs teve um impacto positivo na qualidade dos estudos e permite fazer melhorias contínuas com base nas recomendações sugeridas por esses programas.

Journal of Medical Informatics ; (12): 77-81,91, 2024.
Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1023495


Purpose/Significance Through the establishment of a quality control system for electronic medical record(EMR)con-tent,the standardization and normalization of medical record writing is realized,and the quality of hospital medical record is improved.Method/Process The intelligent medical data center is built based on hospital medical data,and the knowledge base and rule base with tumor specialty characteristics are formed by combining natural language processing(NLP)and machine learning technology.The new quality control mode of"pre-audit,comprehensive coverage,process supervision and closed-loop management"of EMR is realized.Result/Conclusion After the application of the medical record quality control system based on NLP,the quality control coverage rate in-creased from 1%to 100%,and the rate of class A medical records increased to more than 96%,with good real-time and accuracy,providing a solid information foundation for the high-quality development of hospital medical records.

Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1023497


Purpose/Significance To establish an informatization platform for nursing quality control in tertiary hospitals of Qinghai province,and to analyze its influence on nursing quality.Method/Process According to the needs of nursing quality management in Qing-hai province,based on the nursing quality data platform,a nursing quality index monitoring module is established.A tertiary hospital is selected as a pilot hospital,and the nursing quality data of this hospital from January to June 2021 is selected as the control group by u-sing the historical comparative study method,and the nursing quality data collected by the informatization platform from January to June 2022 is selected as the observation group.The changes of nursing quality before and after the application of informatization platform are compared.Result/Conclusion After the application of the informatization platform for nursing quality control,the rate of physical restraint and unplanned extubation of endotracheal intubation of hospitalized patients decreases significantly,and the score of patients'satisfaction with nursing work increases significantly.The informatization platform has strong operability and clinical application value.

Herald of Medicine ; (12): 196-202, 2024.
Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1023698


Objective To establish a quality control method for monitoring the blood concentrations of cyclosporin A and tacrolimus by HPLC-MS/MS,and to evaluate the quality control samples using the Westgard multi-rule theory.Methods HPLC-MS/MS was used to determine the concentration of cyclosporin A and tacrolimus in human whole blood.The quality control samples of low,medium and high concentration levels in the therapeutic drug monitoring process were statistically analyzed,Levery-Jennings and Z-score quality control charts were drawn,and the Westgard multi-rule theory was applied for in-house quality control evaluation.Results The established method was fully validated with linear ranges of 10.40-1 040.00 ng·mL-1 and 0.50-49.50 ng·mL-1,the quantification limits were 10.40 and 0.50 ng·mL-1,respectively.The extraction recoveries were 108.61%-113.24%and 101.99%-109.37%,respectively.The matrix factors normalized by internal standard were 106.68%-111.27%and 95.70%-97.81%for cyclosporin A and tacrolimus,respectively.The intra-day and inter-day accuracy and precision were less than 15.0%.Other parameters were also validated and met the acceptance criteria.Levery-Jennings and Z-score quality control charts showed that there were 4 warnings(violation of the 12s rule)in the results of the 26 groups of quality control samples in the third quarter of 2022,and no phenomenon was observed to be out of control.Conclusion The established in-house quality control system for therapeutic drug monitoring of cyclosporin A and tacrolimus can effectively ensure the accuracy of blood drug concentration detection.

Chinese Journal of Endemiology ; (12): 141-147, 2024.
Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1024000


Objective:To analyze the external quality control assessment results of fluoride testing laboratories in endemic disease prevention and control institutions nationwide from 2006 to 2023, investigate the quality control capabilities of these laboratories in various provinces, prefectures, cities, and counties nationwide, and ensure the accuracy and reliability of surveillance data on endemic fluorosis nationwide.Methods:Using retrospective analysis, the external quality control assessment results of all participating fluoride testing laboratories of national endemic disease prevention and control institutions from 2006 to 2023 were summarized and analyzed. The assessment results from 2006 to 2008 were tested for outliers using Grubbs method, homogeneity of variance using Cochran method, excluding the assessment data of unqualified laboratories, calculating the total mean and total standard deviation, Z-score method was used to test the assessment of laboratories, and statistical analysis and judgment were done when the result of │Z│ < 3. The assessment results from 2009 - 2023 were obtained from all laboratories. In 2010, two tests were conducted in the first and second half of the year, and the Z-ratio scores of each laboratory were calculated using robust statistics. When │Z│≤2, the assessment was qualified; when 2 < │Z│ < 3, the assessment was basically qualified; when│Z│≥3, the assessment was unqualified, and the consensus value came from all participating laboratories in the assessment.Results:From the beginning of quality control operation in 2006 to 2023, the number of laboratories participated in external quality control assessments had significantly increased. The number of laboratories participated in water fluoride assessment increased from 30 in 2006 to 1 277 in 2023, and the number of laboratories participated in urine fluoride assessment increased from 29 to 497. The number of laboratories participated in the brick tea fluorine assessment had increased from 43 in 2014 to 193 in 2023. The assessment results showed that when │Z│ < 3, the total qualified rate of fluoride external quality control in fluoride testing laboratories of national endemic disease control institutions was 95.2%, with the lowest being 87.1% (27/31) in 2008 and the highest being 100.0% (394/394) in 2014. When │Z│≤2, the total feedback pass rate was 88.4%, with the lowest being 79.3% (288/363) in the first half of 2010 and the highest being 99.5% (392/394) in 2014. The assessment results showed that when │Z│ < 3, the total pass rate of urine fluoride external quality control in fluoride testing laboratories of national endemic disease control institutions was 98.0%, with the lowest being 86.2% (25/29) in 2006 and 2007, respectively, and the highest being 100.0% (68/68) in 2014. When │Z│≤2, the total qualification rate was 93.7%, with the lowest being 86.5% (64/74) in the second half of 2010 and the highest being 100.0% (68/68) in 2014. The assessment results showed that when│Z│ < 3, the total pass rate of extra-fluoride quality control of brick tea in fluoride testing laboratories of national endemic disease control institutions was 95.4%, with the lowest being 85.0% (164/193) in 2023, and the highest being 100.0% (43/43, 51/51, 79/79) in 2014, 2015 and 2016, respectively. When │Z│≤2, the total pass rate was 89.2%, with the lowest being 72.7% (32/44) in 2017 and the highest being 100.0% (43/43) in 2014. From 2009 to 2023, there were a total of 21 provincial-level laboratories that passed the water fluoride detection assessment, including 3 provinces where all prefecture level and county-level laboratories were qualified. The assessment results of urinary fluorine showed that there were 11 qualified provincial-level laboratories and 1 prefecture-level laboratory. From 2014 to 2023, the assessment results of brick-tea fluorine showed that there were 5 provincial-level laboratories that passed the tea fluorine testing assessment and no prefecture-level laboratory.Conclusions:Conclusion: From 2006 to 2023, the number of fluoride testing laboratories participating in external quality control assessment has increased year by year, and most provincial, municipal and county-level laboratories have good fluoride testing capabilities, which can meet the testing needs of endemic disease prevention and monitoring. For some laboratories with problems, targeted rectification should be carried out to improve the quality of detection, in order to provide better technical support for the monitoring of endemic fluorosis areas.

Chinese Journal of Endemiology ; (12): 243-246, 2024.
Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1024018


Objective:To analyze the external quality control assessment results of salt iodine, urine iodine, and water iodine in iodine deficiency disorders (IDD) laboratories at all levels in Shandong Province, and provide reliable quality assurance for monitoring and prevention of IDD.Methods:The external quality control assessment of salt iodine, urine iodine and water iodine in provincial, municipal and county levels IDD laboratories in Shandong Province from 2017 to 2021 were conducted, and feedback rate and qualification rate were calculated.Results:From 2017 to 2021, the feedback rates and qualification rates of external quality control assessment of salt iodine, urine iodine and water iodine at provincial and municipal levels IDD laboratories in Shandong Province were all 100.0%. The feedback rates of county level laboratories participating in the salt iodine external quality control assessment were all 100.0%. The qualification rate in 2021 was 99.3% (135/136), and the other four years were all 100.0%. The feedback rates of county level laboratories participating in the urine iodine external quality control assessment were all 100.0%. The qualification rates in 2017 and 2021 were 98.4% (122/124) and 97.1% (132/136), respectively, and the other three years were all 100.0%. In 2021, the county level laboratories in Shandong Province participated in the water iodine external quality control assessment for the first year, and the feedback rate and qualification rate of 69 laboratories were both 100.0%.Conclusion:From 2017 to 2021, the detection capacity of IDD laboratories at the provincial and municipal levels in Shandong Province remains at a high level, and the detection capacity of salt iodine and urine iodine in some county level laboratories still needs to be further improved.

Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1024131


Intestinal flora plays an important role in the process of resisting infectious diseases.Fecal microbiota transplantation(FMT)is an important method for reconstructing intestinal microbiota,mainly includes washed mi-crobiota transplantation,transendoscopic enteral tubing,and spore group transplantation.In 2022,the Standardiza-tion Administration of China released the technical standards for Quality control of fecal microbiota washing and grading of fecal microbiota specimens,aiming to reduce adverse events related to FMT and improve the acceptance of FMT by patients and medical personnel.After the success of FMT in the treatment of recurrent Clostridioides difficile infection,its application in the treatment of other infectious diseases has also become a global research hotspot.This paper reviews the development of FMT and its application in various infectious diseases.

China Journal of Endoscopy ; (12): 1-8, 2024.
Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1024810


Objective To investigate the effect of the timing of pronase on the quality of magnetically controlled gastric capsule endoscope(MCE).Methods 225 patients from February 2021 to March 2022 were randomly assigned to 3 groups,40 000 u of oral pronase 40 min before examination in Group A,20 000 u of oral pronase for 60 and 40 min before the examination in Group B,20 000 u of oral pronase for 40 and 20 min before examination in Group C.Gastric cavity cleanliness and gastric mucosa visualisation scores(1 to 4)were recorded for the six regions of the stomach and the sum of the scores was calculated.The detection rate of gastric lesions such as gastric polyps and the time of gastric examination were also recorded.Results 221 patients completed the study.In the mucosal visualization score,group C scored(23.56±1.37)points,which was higher than that in group A's(22.56±1.28)points and group B's(23.00±1.33)points.The difference was statistically significant(P<0.05).In the gastric cavity cleanliness score,group C scored(21.44±2.35)points,which was higher than that in group A's(20.11±2.04)points.The difference was statistically significant(P<0.01).In the total score of cleanliness and mucosal visualization score of the proximal stomach(cardia and fundus),group C was higher than group A and group B,and the difference was statistically significant(P<0.05).In the detection rate of lesions,the detection rates of gastric polyps and erosion in group C were 17.8%and 49.3%,respectively,which were higher than group A's(6.8%and 29.7%)and group B's(9.5%and 31.1%).The differences were statistically significant(P<0.05).The gastric observation time in group C was shorter than that in group A and group B,and the difference was statistically significant(P<0.05).Conclusions Oral administration of 20 000 u of pronase in divided doses 40 and 20 min before the examination can enhance the quality of magnetically controlled gastric capsule endoscope.

Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1024981


【Objective】 This study endeavors to introduce the statistical process control (SPC) method to analyze the quality control index concerning red blood cells in additive solution with leukocytes reduced, with the aspiration to advance the effective utilization of blood quality control data, thereby providing empirical foundations for the continual enhancement of blood quality. 【Methods】 Between 2020 and 2022, test data pertaining to the quality control index of red blood cells in additive solution with leukocytes reduced were amassed from six blood stations in Chongqing area. Utilizing Minitab software, the SPC analysis was carried out, p-control charts were delineated, the non-conformance rates of each quality control index along with their 95% confidence intervals were computed, as well as the Process Capability Index (Z value). 【Results】 In accordance with the Whole Blood and Blood Components Quality Requirements, the appraisal of the quality control indexes for red blood cells in additive solution with leukocytes reduced manifested a conformity rate of 100% for appearance, end-of-storage hemolysis rate and sterility test. Nonetheless, the conformity rates for volume, hemoglobin, hematocrit and residual leukocytes did not attain 100%, albeit all were ≥75%. Through the employment of binomial distribution-based p-control charts, the controlled state of the production process was discerned. Although the overarching conformity rate satisfied the national standard stipulations, it was discerned that there were out-of-control points concerning volume, hemoglobin, hematocrit, and residual leukocytes across different institutions, exhibiting palpable trends. The non-conformance rates of all quality control indexes were less than 25%, yet at a 95% confidence level, the residual leukocyte counts from institutions B, C, E, and F did not adhere to the stipulations (exceeding 25%). By architecting the ability evaluation index Z value for count data process capability analysis, it was unveiled that the volume of institution E, the hematocrit of institutions B, C, and F, and the residual leukocytes Z values of all six blood collection and supply institutions were below 2, hinting at avenues for amelioration. 【Conclusion】 The SPC method anchored in binomial distribution exhibits substantial application merit in blood component quality management, facilitating real-time surveillance of blood collection, preparation, and storage procedures.

Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1024991


【Objective】 To establish an effective quality monitoring indicator system for blood quality control in blood banks, in order to analyze the quality control indicators for blood collection and supply, and evaluate blood quality control process, thus promoting continuous improvement and standardizing management of blood quality control in blood banks. 【Methods】 A quality monitoring indicator system covering the whole process of blood collection and supply, including blood donation services, component preparation, blood testing, blood supply and quality control was established. The Questionnaire of Quality Monitoring Indicators for Blood Collection and Supply Process was distributed to 17 blood banks in Shandong, which clarified the definition and calculation formula of indicators. The quality monitoring indicator data from January to December 2022 in each blood bank were collected, and 20 quality control indicators data were analyzed by SPSS25.0 software. 【Results】 The average pass rate of key equipment monitoring, environment monitoring, key material monitoring, and blood testing item monitoring of 17 blood banks were 99.47%, 99.51%, 99.95% and 98.99%, respectively. Significant difference was noticed in the pass rate of environment monitoring among blood banks of varied scales(P<0.05), and the Pearson correlation coefficient (r) between the total number of blood quality testing items and the total amount of blood component preparation was 0.645 (P<0.05). The average discarding rates of blood testing or non-blood testing were 1.14% and 3.36% respectively, showing significant difference among blood banks of varied scales (P<0.05). The average discarding rate of lipemic blood was 3.07%, which had a positive correlation with the discarding rate of non testing (r=0.981 3, P<0.05). There was a statistically significant difference in the discarding rate of lipemic blood between blood banks with lipemic blood control measures and those without (P<0.05). The average discarding rate of abnormal color, non-standard volume, blood bag damage, hemolysis, blood protein precipitation and blood clotting were 0.20%, 0.14%, 0.06%, 0.06%, 0.02% and 0.02% respectively, showing statistically significant differences among large, medium and small blood banks(P<0.05).The average discarding rates of expired blood, other factors, confidential unit exclusion and unqualified samples were 0.02%, 0.05%, 0.003% and 0.004%, respectively. The discarding rate of blood with air bubbles was 0.015%, while that of blood with foreign body and unqualified label were 0. 【Conclusion】 The quality control indicator system of blood banks in Shandong can monitor weak points in process management, with good applicability, feasibility, and effectiveness. It is conducive to evaluate different blood banks, continuously improve the quality control level of blood collection and supply, promote the homogenization and standardization of blood quality management, and lay the foundation for comprehensive evaluation of blood banks in Shandong.

Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1025354


Hemorrhagic shock (HS) is one of the leading causes of death among young adults worldwide. Multiple organ dysfunction in HS is caused by an imbalance between tissue oxygen supply and demand, which is closely related to the poor prognosis of patient. Mitochondrial dysfunction is one of the key mechanisms contributing to multiple organ dysfunction in HS, while mitochondrial quality control regulates mitochondrial function through a series of processes, including mitochondrial biogenesis, mitochondrial dynamics, mitophagy, mitochondrial-derived vesicles, and mitochondrial protein homeostasis. Modulating mitochondrial quality control can improve organ dysfunction. This review aims to summarize the effects of mitochondrial dysfunction on organ function in HS and discuss the potential mechanisms of mitochondrial quality control, providing insights into the injury mechanisms underlying HS and guiding clinical management.

Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1026200


Objective To evaluate the quality of treatment planning(TP)and re-optimization planning(RP)of radiotherapy for rectal cancer using PlanIQ software,thereby providing methods and tools for the screening and optimization of radiotherapy plans.Methods Twenty patients with rectal cancer who received radiotherapy were selected retrospectively,with 10 cases of intensity-modulated radiotherapy(IMRT)and 10 of volumetric modulated arc therapy(VMAT).(1)TP:IMRT plan involved 5-field irradiation,and VMAT plan involved two 360°arcs.The prescription doses were 50 Gy/25 f for PTV1 and 45 Gy/25 f for PTV2.All plans underwent direct machine parameter optimization and required 95%isodose lines to cover 100%of the target volume.Organs-at-risk(OAR)were limited by reference to tolerated dose standards.After the planning was completed,the plans were reviewed and confirmed by a physician,and the treatment was implemented after dose verification.(2)RP:a physicist with 10 years of experience re-optimized the 20 TP plans,with the irradiation technique and field setting unchanged.The re-optimization involved adjusting planning conditions and parameters based on individual experience until the dose to OAR was minimized while without affecting PTV coverage.The quality of TP plans and RP plans were quantitatively evaluated using PlanIQ software.Non-parametric Wilcoxon signed rank test was performed for dose-volume histogram parameters and plan quality index between two groups.Results The dose-volume histogram parameters in RP plans were superior to those in TP plans,and the differences in the Dmax of PTV1,the V45 Gy and Dmax of small intestine,and the V45 Gy of colon were statistically significant(P<0.05).The quality scores of RP plans for IMRT group,VMAT group and all patients were significantly higher than those of TP plans(P<0.05),with plan quality index of 88.55±3.35 vs 86.61±4.63(P=0.005),89.72±3.15 vs 87.21±3.04(P=0.028),and 89.14±3.22 vs 86.91±3.22(P=0.001),respectively.Conclusion RP can further improve the quality of radiotherapy plan for rectal cancer.PlanIQ software serves as an effective tool for quality control and screening of radiotherapy planning.

Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1026319


Objective To observe the value of quality control system based on artificial intelligence(AI)for improving imaging quality of chest CT.Methods Totally 1 726 CT images obtained from 415 patients were retrospectively collected,among which 1 414 images were used for convolutional neural network(CNN)training and the rest 312 images were used for validation.Precision,Recall,F1-Score,mean average precision(mAP)and intersection over union(IOU)of quality control system based on AI for chest CT scanning were calculated.Meanwhile,21 patients with unsatisfactory chest CT who would undergo re-examination were prospectively enrolled,and chest CT scanning with quality control system based on AI were performed.The results of 2 examinations were compared.Results Precision,Recall,F1-Score,mAP and IOU of quality control system based on AI for chest CT were all good.All 21 cases were diagnosed correctly with re-examination CT based on quality control system.Among 21 cases,the first CT misdiagnosed 19 cases,the displaying of the area,volume and display quality of pulmonary nodules were not significantly different,but the morphology,boundaries,spiny protrusions,vacuolar signs,inflatable bronchial signs of nodules as well as the thickened and twisted blood vessels were obviously different between 2 times examination.The first CT missed 1 case while correctly diagnosed 1 case.Conclusion The quality control system based on AI was helpful for improving imaging quality of chest CT and increasing diagnostic efficacy.

China Medical Equipment ; (12): 7-11, 2024.
Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1026476


Objective:To investigate the quality control of magnetic resonance enterography(MRE)in the diagnosis of intestine diseases,and analyze the factors that affected the imaging quality of MRE,and enhance the imaging quality of MRE through adopted the measures of quality control.Methods:The documents of MRE examinations of 167 patients with intestinal disease who admitted to the 900th Hospital of People's Liberation Army Joint Service Support Force from May 2018 to March 2023 were retrospectively analyzed.The image qualities of all patients were evaluated after they completed clinical and image examinations.The reasons that image quality could not meet the requirement of diagnosis were analyzed.And then,the measures of quality control were proposed.Results:In 167 patients with intestinal disease,the MRE images of 153 patients(91.62%)could meet the requirement of diagnosis.In 14 patients(8.38%)whose MRE images could not meet the requirement of diagnosis,the reason of 3 cases(1.80%)was poor respiratory coordination,and that of 2 cases(1.20%)was there were more severe magnetic sensitive artifacts in images,and that of 1 case(0.60%)was severe intestinal peristalsis leaded to blurred images,and that of 2 cases(1.20%)was the flow void effect from intestinal peristalsis inside of intestinal cavity could not meet the requirement of diagnosis,and that of 4 cases(2.40%)was the intestinal tube without incomplete dilation caused by poor oral filling contrast agent,and that of 2 cases(1.20%)was many residues in intestine due to poor preparation for intestine.Aimed at the factors that MRE images could not meet requirement of diagnosis,we proposed the following quality control measures:①the biphasic contrast agents with favorable safety,without severe adverse reactions,which can fully dilate intestinal cavity,should be selected.②we should do well for the dilation of intestinal tube,and inhibit the intestinal peristalsis and conduct respiratory training.③we should conduct scan with wide field at coronal site,so as to display panorama image of intestine.④The scans of conventionally anatomical sequence and functional imaging sequence on axis position were performed on lesions.Conclusion:MRE technique should choose appropriate contrast agent in the quality control of the diagnosis of intestine diseases,and do well the preparation for patients before examination.Using intraluminal contrast agents,conducting intestinal dilation and optimal imaging technique are essential for obtaining intestinal MRE images with high quality.

China Medical Equipment ; (12): 189-192, 2024.
Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1026510


According to the high failure rate and high maintenance cost of SIF-Q260 enteroscope in Endoscopy Center of Zhongnan Hospital of Wuhan University,the causes for the failure of SIF-Q260 enteroscope were analyzed by the Reason model from four aspects of environmental impact,unsafe supervision,unsafe behavior precursor and unsafe behavior.In view of the analyzed causes of failures at all levels,measures should be proposed from three aspects of regular training to standardize the decontamination and use of endoscopes,appointment of special personnel to manage endoscopes,regular supervision and evaluation of the standardization of endoscopic decontamination,and improvement of the supervision system of endoscopes to block the"loopholes"in the system and provide a basis for the formulation of endoscopic quality control measures,which can prevent and reduce the occurrence of endoscopic failures.