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Artículo en Inglés | WPRIM | ID: wpr-829446


@#An elderly community may continue to serve their services to other jobs after retirement particularly in light works in accordance to their ability which can support the household income in such a challenging world. One of the professions that they could alternatively get involved is by being a taxi driver. Hence, the characteristic of elderly taxi driver is crucial to understand, primarily due to the ageing process which makes them more vulnerable towards injury. Sitting which is the working posture of a taxi driver should be properly done to avoid injuries among the elders. Improper seating posture is potentially unhealthy and considered as one of the major contributing factors for several musculoskeletal disorders (MSD) such as pain in the lower back part and shoulder. Due to increased exposures to seating posture inside the car, the proper sitting adjustment has become an important issue that demands adequate ergonomic interventions. A cross-sectional study was conducted with elderly taxi drivers using a self-administered questionnaire. It included questions on social-demographic data, Rapid Upper Limb Assessment (RULA) and Quick Exposure Check (QEC). Purposive method sampling is used according to these inclusive criteria; age 60 years old and above, self-driving taxi more than 1 year, no disabilities and registered with Ministry of Transport (MOT). Total of 443 respondents participated in the study. SPSS software version 20.0 to analyze data and RULA and QEC form was used. More than half elderly taxi driver used budget car (57.6%) type of taxi and most of elderly taxi drivers were smoking (66.0%). More than half respondents (70.0%) having felt back pain for the past 12 months and 75.4% feeling back pain the last seven days. 94.8% elderly taxi drivers complained of feeling low back pain. QEC showed higher score - neck (20.8%) and back body part (6.5%) and other factors at high score - driving (86.4%) and vibration (45.6%). RULA analysis body score at value score 7 (23.5%)- required immediate improvement and value score 5/6 (61.9%) - required investigation and needed to improve soon. Inappropriate seating posture among elderly taxi drivers may cause discomfort towards developing MSD. The implication of low awareness on ergonomics education could reflect quality lifestyle and health among elderly taxi drivers in Malaysia.

Artículo en Inglés | WPRIM | ID: wpr-829451


@#Ergonomics and design have made the greatest relation in producing an artifact or creating a workplace. A computer table is widely used in classrooms in universities. However, the problems of the current computer table have been detected through the results of RULA analysis. In this project, a survey of the questionnaire was done and the anthropometric data have also been collected. The dimensions of the current computer table are then collected and the deficiencies of the current computer table have been focused on RULA analysis. A new structural design of the computer table has been designed, in order to meet the requirements of ergonomics. A product of the new design of ergonomics computer table is made and has been focused on RULA analysis to define the improvement between both tables. The paper showed a comparison between the current computer table and the new ergonomics computer table were analyzed. The improvement of the new ergonomics computer table was identified and reduced the injuries and disorders. A further investigation on better working posture when using a computer table is required, while further improvement for the product design of a new ergonomics computer table is needed, as well as the application of the ergonomics design aspect in our life.

Artículo en Inglés | WPRIM | ID: wpr-829456


@#Work posture analysis is crucial in observing and reducing work-related musculoskeletal symptoms in the workplace. However, in a developing country, new raters are commonly assigned to conduct postural analysis to save on cost. This study aims to observe the validity and inter-rater reliability (defined as the degree of agreement among different raters) among new raters of three different commonly used work posture analysis methods: Rapid Upper Limb Assessment (RULA), Rapid Entire Body Assessment (REBA), and Ovako Workload Assessment System (OWAS). Fifty industrial engineering students, divided into five groups, who received prior training about the use of the methods, participated voluntarily in this study by observing ten different working postures in five different industries: the tofu, military equipment manufacturing, automotive maintenance and service, cracker, and milk-processing industries. One ergonomics expert also observed the working postures. Validity was observed based on the correlation between new raters’ ratings and the rating of the ergonomics expert. Inter-rater reliability within one group was calculated using the percentage of agreement and kappa value. The result shows high validity of RULA, REBA, and OWAS among new raters. There are insignificant differences in the inter-rater reliability of new raters among RULA, REBA, and OWAS. The implications of the result are discussed.

Artículo en Inglés | WPRIM | ID: wpr-732215


This study is aimed at seat design optimization for high-speed train based on the Malaysians sitting anthropometrydata focusing on seat fit parameters. An analysis of anthropometry data composed of 15 dimensions that arerequired in seat design was done with 50 male subjects. These data were collected through direct measuringmethods with standard equipment. According to the Malaysian automotive seat fit parameters, the backrest width,backrest height, cushion width, and cushion length were established based on these anthropometric dimensions:interscye breadth (5th percentile female and 95th percentile male), hip breadth (95th percentile female), sittingshoulder height (5th percentile female), and buttock-popliteal length (5th percentile female), respectively. Thisstudy uses the CATIA software to design and analyse the proposed seat design. The fit parameters proposed for thenew design are seat height, 380mm; cushion width, 450mm; backrest width, 450mm and backrest height, 850mm.The CATIA human activity analysis (based on Rapid Upper Limb Analysis, RULA) was also executed. From the study,the new conceptual seat design gives the most optimized fit when compared to the current seat.

Rev. Univ. Ind. Santander, Salud ; 49(1): 57-74, Marzo 20, 2017. tab, graf
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: biblio-897090


RESUMEN Introducción: Los desórdenes musculoesqueléticos (DME) constituyen una de las principales causas de enfermedad relacionadas con el trabajo. Numerosos esfuerzos se han realizado a fin de prevenir su aparición; por tanto, múltiples instrumentos de evaluación ergonómica han sido usados. Esta revisión tiene como objetivo identificar la información disponible en bases de datos sobre evaluación del riesgo biomecánico (RULA) y percepción de DME en trabajadores de diversos sectores económicos (Cuestionario Nórdico), para el periodo 2004-2015. Materiales y Métodos: Se realizó una revisión sistemática de los estudios recientes enfocados en la evaluación del nivel de riesgo ergonómico y percepción de DME. Asimismo, fueron tenidas en cuenta las recomendaciones de la declaración PRISMA, tras obtener los artículos en las bases de datos Science direct, Scopus, Pubmed, Springer link, Embase y Ebsco. 13 estudios que cumplieron con los criterios de selección fueron incluidos; se identificaron dos tipos de estudios: de diagnóstico y de intervención. Resultados: Prevalencias altas en espalda alta-baja, cuello, tronco, hombros, mano/ muñeca y rodilla fueron evidenciadas, siendo el género femenino el más afectado. Conclusiones: Los hallazgos sugieren asociación entre índice de masa corporal, edad (≥ 25 años), antigüedad en el trabajo (≥ 3 años), trabajo por destajo, horas de trabajo diario ≥ 8 horas, número de pacientes atendidos, RULA (nivel 3 y 4) y DME en cuello, tronco, brazos, antebrazos, espalda baja y zonas corporales del grupo B.

ABSTRACT Introduction: Musculoskeletal disorders (MSD) are one of the main causes of work-related diseases; numerous efforts have been made in order to prevent its occurrence. Therefore, multiple ergonomic evaluation instruments have been used. This review aims to identify the available information in databases related to biomechanical risk assessment (RULA) and perception of DME in workers from various economic sectors, period 2004-2015 (Nordic Questionnaire). Materials and Methods: A Systematic review about the recent studies focused on the evaluation of the level of ergonomic risk and perception of DME was performed. The recommendations of the PRISMA statement were taken into account after obtaining the studies from the Science Direct, Scopus, Pubmed, Springer link, Embase and Ebsco databases. 13 studies that complied the selection criteria were included; 2 types of studies were identified: diagnosis and intervention. Results: High prevalence in upper and lower back, neck, trunk, shoulders, hand/wrist, and knee were evidenced, being the female gender the most affected. Conclusions: These findings suggest an association between body mass index, age (≥ 25 years), seniority at work (≥ 3 years), piecework, daily hours of work ≥ 8 hours, number of patients attended, RULA (level 3 And 4) and DME in the neck, trunk, arms, forearms, lower back and group B body areas.

Humanos , Ergonomía , Anomalías Musculoesqueléticas , Salud Pública , Terminales de Computador , Grupos Profesionales
Br J Med Med Res ; 2016; 12(5): 1-5
Artículo en Inglés | IMSEAR | ID: sea-182229


Dental clinicians are routinely exposed to various occupational hazards; chemical, biological and legal as well as ergonomic, which contribute to musculoskeletal disorders (MSD). The aim of the present study was to evaluate the prevalence of musculoskeletal disorders among dentists in South Kanara population and to determine the specialties associated with the highest risk of developing MSD. A total of 100 clinicians participated in the study which included a self assessed questionnaire to determine the site of pain and symptoms associated with it which was followed by the clinician assessed RULA questionnaire (Rapid Upper Limb Disorder Assessment) to determine the posture during their work, the risks associated and finally the need to improve the condition. According to the questionnaire survey, MSD’s were more prevalent among prosthodontists, endodontists, pedodontists & orthodontists compared to the other departments. According to RULA assessment endodontists and prosthodontists were at the maximum risk of developing MSD’s. Severe pain was due to high level of the RULA score; indicating that dentists with higher RULA scores needed to affirm to appropriate working postures. The study concluded that appropriate measures need to be taken into consideration to reduce the prevalence of musculoskeletal disorders to educate the dentists about the right ergonomic positions, awareness about work related risk factors and taking measures to lead a healthy life.

Artículo en Inglés | WPRIM | ID: wpr-626740


This cross-sectional study aimed to serve as a pilot investigation to identify the level of discomfort and awkward posture among the workers of a garments manufacturing industry. The study was conducted for both male (54) and female (26) workers working in two different departments - stitching and finishing. Data were collected using both questionnaire and direct observation. As discomfort cannot be measured directly, a questionnaire was used to measure it based on subjective ratings by the workers. For analyzing posture, two objective assessment tools were used – rapid upper limb assessment (RULA) to analyze sitting posture and rapid entire body assessment (REBA) for standing posture. The cumulative scores of discomfort for different body parts were measured. The lower back was found to be at the highest risk as compared to other body parts. Female workers had higher score of discomfort (mean = 2.9615, S.D. = 1.3931) as compared to their male counterparts (mean = 1.2693, S.D. = 0.6538). Similarly, standing workers suffered more discomfort (mean = 2.7272, S.D. = 1.3090) as compared to sitting workers (mean = 1.0909, S.D. = 0.3784). No worker received ergonomically acceptable score for both of postural assessment tools. The mean RULA score was 5.25 and mean REBA score was 5. The results of this study necessitate a company-wide ergonomic assessment immediately.

Investig. andin ; 17(31)dic. 2015.
Artículo en Español | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1550311


Objetivo: Evaluar la asociación entre el grado de riesgo biomecánico (carga postural estática) y la percepción de desórdenes músculo esqueléticos en funcionarios administrativos en una Universidad en Bogotá (Colombia) entre Julio y Noviembre del año 2013. Métodos: Estudio de corte transversal; se tomó una muestra con 96 trabajadores de la población de la Universidad, quienes tenían un puesto fijo en video terminales (VDT); los datos sobre percepción de desórdenes músculo esquelético se identifican de la aplicación del Cuestionario Nórdico y grado de riesgo ergonómico de la aplicación del método RULA. Resultados: Tras aplicar el Cuestionario Nórdico se muestra presencia de molestia o dolor en algún segmento corporal con un aumento en la prevalencia de punto final (P.F) y la Incidencia (I). Los segmentos con mayor presencia de sintomatología fueron: espalda baja, espalda alta, cuello, mano muñeca derecha. Los resultados de aplicación del método RULA indican excesiva carga postural; no se observaron en los trabajadores posturas aceptables (todas las puntuaciones ≥3). Los segmentos con mayor puntuación fueron: muñeca, giro de muñeca, antebrazo y cuello. Conclusión: los resultados sugieren la existencia de asociación entre la carga postural estática y la percepción de molestia a nivel de miembros inferiores en los funcionarios de la Universidad.

Objective: evaluate the degree of biomechanical risk regarding (the static postural load) and musculoskeletal disorders perception of administrative staff at a University in Bogotá between July and November 2013. Methods: a sample of 96 employees of the University population; Those with a permanent position held in VDT video terminals, data on perception of musculoskeletal disorders arise from the application of the Nordic Questionnaire and the ergonomic risk degree of implementing the RULA. Results: the results obtained after applying the Nordic Questionnaire show a presence of discomfort or pain in any body part with an increase in Final Prevalence (PF) and the incidence (I), segments with greater presence of symptoms were: lower back, upper back, neck, hand and right wrist. The results of application of the RULA method indicate an excessive postural load there were no acceptable positions in workers (all scores ≥ 3). Segments with higher scores were: wrist, wrist rotation, forearm and neck. Conclusion: the results suggest the existence of an association between static postural loading and perceived discomfort level lower limbs in university administrative.

Objetivo: avaliar a associação entre o grau de risco biomecânico (carga postural estática) e a percepção da desordem músculo esquelética em funcionários administrativos numa Universidade em Bogotá (Colômbia) entre Julho e Novembro de 2013. Métodos: estudo de corte transversal; amostragem de 96 trabalhadores da população da Universidade, que tinham um posto fixo em vídeo terminais (VDT); os dados da percepção da desordem músculo esquelética identificam se com a aplicação do Questionário Nórdico e o grau de risco ergonômico da aplicação do método RULA. Resultados: após aplicar o Questionário Nórdico, aparece a presença da moléstia ou dor em algum segmento corporal com aumento na prevalência de ponto final (P.F) e a Incidência (I). Os segmentos com maior presença de sintomatologia foram: costas baixas, costa alta, pescoço, mão e munheca direita. Os resultados de aplicação do método RULA indicam excessiva carga postural; não se observaram nos trabalhadores posturas aceitáveis (todas as pontuações ≥ 3). Os segmentos com maior pontuação foram: munheca, giro do pulso, antebraço e pescoço. Conclusão: os resultados sugerem a existência de associação entre a carga postural estática e a percepção de moléstia em nível de membros inferiores nos funcionários da Universidade.

Artículo en Inglés | WPRIM | ID: wpr-628358


Automotive industry in Malaysia is one of the booming industries which encompass the design, development and manufacturing of motor vehicles. However, it has its own setback as the interaction between complex tools, machines, and instruments, coupled with humans as workers pose several health hazards. A cross-sectional study was conducted to determine the prevalence of musculoskeletal disorders (MSD) and the association with awkward posture among automotive assembly line workers. A simple random sampling method was adopted and data were collected based on Standardized Nordic Questionnaire (SNQ) and Rapid Upper Limb Assessment (RULA) method for analysing awkward posture. With a response rate of 83%, a total of 232 assembly line workers with at least one year job tenure participated in this study. The fi ndings revealed that 78.4% of workers reported MSD while the highest percentage of complaints concerned the lower back (50.9%). Three factors were found to be signifi cantly associated with MSD: age (χ2 =5.61, p=0.018), job tenure (χ2 = 8.26, p=0.004) and awkward posture (χ2 = 65.37, p < 0.001). Logistic regression analysis indicated that signifi cant risk factors for MSD symptoms were workers aged ≥ 25 years old (OR= 2.25, 95%CI 1.14-4.46) and those workers with equal and more than three years job tenure (OR= 2.44, 95%CI 1.04-5.63). In addition, workers in the very high and high RULA action level who were 69 times (OR = 69.38, 95%CI 14.51- 331.73) and 12 times (OR = 12.42, 95%CI 5.21-29.58), respectively, also had higher odds of complaints of MSD. The high prevalence of MSD shows that MSD symptoms is a signifi cant problem among automotive assembly line workers while age, job tenure and awkward posture based on RULA action level are the signifi cant factors for MSD. In particular, this study proves that the prevalence of MSD increases as the RULA action level and job tenure increases. Thus, this problem could be reduced by decreasing RULA action level through appropriate ergonomic workstation design and ergonomic training for workers.

Calidad de Vida
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: lil-574521


O processo de seleção dos métodos observacionais de avaliação do risco de LER/DORT é complexo, mas fundamental para a gestão do risco. Em Setúbal, no período de 2004 a 2005, numa empresa portuguesa da indústria automobilística, onde a avaliação do risco foi previamente efetuada, reaplicou-se o método OCRA checklist (avaliação do risco de LER/DORT ao nível dos membros superiores) em postos de trabalho (n=152) montagem final e pintura classificados de risco moderado/elevado (OCRA ?16,5). Nas situações em que se reconfirmou a presença de risco (n=71), aplicaram-se três outros métodos: RULA, SI e HAL. Registraram-se sequências em vídeo da atividade de trabalho para avaliar a validade preditiva dos métodos. Revelam-se divergências entre os métodos na classificação dos postos de trabalho de risco elevado: OCRA 34 postos; HAL 35 postos; SI 31 postos; RULA 7 postos. A análise do efeito de cada variável independente (fator de risco) nos scores finais dos métodos (regressão linear multivariada) revela distintos contributos e processos de ponderação/avaliação do risco de LER/DORT. A análise dos registros em vídeo evidencia diversas validades preditivas relativamente aos fatores de risco integrantes dos métodos aplicados. Os resultados indicam a necessidade de uma seleção do método de avaliação do risco de LER/DORT adequada a cada situação (real) de trabalho, baseada no maior conhecimento dos métodos.

The process for selecting observational methods for evaluating work-related upper limb musucloskeletal disorders (WRULMSDs) is complex, but essential to risk management. In a Portuguese automotive industry plant (Setúbal, 2004-05), where all jobs had been previously analyzed, OCRA checklist was reapplied (final assembling and painting) in workstations (n=152) classified as moderate/ high risk (score 16.5 OCRA). In all risk confirmed cases (n=71) three other methods were applied: RULA, SI, and HAL. Sequences of working activities were recorded on video to estimate the predictive validity of the methods. The results show differences in the final scores of the methods in the same workstations: OCRA reveals 34 workplaces with high risk; SI only ranked 31 positions with high risk; HAL has 35 high risk workplaces, and RULA only 7. Analysis of the effect of each independent variable (risk factor) in the final scores of the methods, based on linear regression analysis, reveals different contributions and, consequently, different ways of assessing WRULMSD risk. The video analysis also highlights different predictive validities for the risk factors in each method. These results indicate the need to select the appropriate WRULMSD risk assessment instrument adequate to each real work situation.

Trastornos de Traumas Acumulados , Industrias , Enfermedades Profesionales , Medición de Riesgo , Métodos
Artículo en Coreano | WPRIM | ID: wpr-155962


OBJECTIVES: This study was conducted to evaluate the association between upper extremity musculoskeletal symptoms and Rapid Upper Limb Assessment(RULA) in vehicle assembly line workers. The goal of this study is to show the feasibility of RULA as a checklist for work related musculoskeletal symptoms (WMSDs) in Korean workers. METHODS: The total number of 199 people from the department of assembly and 115 people from the department of Quality Control(QC) in automotive plant were subjects for this cross sectional study. A standard symptom questionnaire survey has been used for the individual characteristics, work history, musculosketal symptoms and non-occupational covariates. The data were obtained by applying one-on-one interview for the all subjects. RULA has been applied for ergonomic work posture analysis and the primary ergonomic risk score was computed by RULA method. Association between upper extremity musculoskeletal symptoms and RULA were assessed by multiple logistic regression analysis. RESULTS: A total of 314 workers was examined. The prevalence of musculoskeletal symptoms by NIOSH case definition was 62.4%. The distribution of musculoskeletal symptoms by the part of the body turned out to be following; back:41.4%, neck: 32.8%, shoulder: 26.4%, arm: 10.5% and hand:29.3%. The relationship of the individual RULA scores were statistically significant for the prevalence of musculoskeletal symptoms. As the result of the multiple logistic regressioin analysis, grand final score (OR=2.250 95% CI: 1.402-3.612) was associated with musculoskeletal symptoms in any part of the body.; upper arm score(OR=1.786 95% CI: 1.036-3.079) and posture score A(OR=1.634 95% CI: 1.016-2.626) in neck; muscel use score(OR=3.076 95% CI:1.782-5.310) and posture score A(OR=1.798 95% CI: 1.072-3.017) in shoulder; upper arm score(OR=1.715 95% CI: 1.083-2.715) and muscel use score(OR=2.057 95% CI:1.303-3.248) in neck & shoulder; muscle use score(OR=10.662 95% CI: 3.180-35.742) in arm; writst/twist score(OR=2.068 95% CI: 1.130-3.786) and muscle use score(OR=2.215 95% CI: 1.284-3.819) in hand & wrist.; muscle use score of trunk (OR=2.601 95% CI: 1.147-5.901) in back. CONCLUSIONS: Musculoskeletal symptoms of the upper extremities were strongly associated with individual RULA body score. These results show that RULA can be used as a useful assessment tool for the evaluation of musculoskeletal loading which is known to contribute to work-related musculoskeletal disorders. RULA also can be used as a screening tool or incorporated into a wider ergonomic assessment of epidemiological, physical, mental, environmental and organizational factors. As shown in this study, complement of the analysis system for the other risk factors and characterizing between the upper limb and back part will be needed for future work.

Brazo , Lista de Verificación , Proteínas del Sistema Complemento , Mano , Modelos Logísticos , Tamizaje Masivo , Cuello , Plantas , Postura , Prevalencia , Encuestas y Cuestionarios , Factores de Riesgo , Hombro , Extremidad Superior , Muñeca