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Rev. APS ; 24(1): 16-33, 2021-10-18.
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: biblio-1359384


Os antimicrobianos são uma classe de medicamentos capaz de inibir ou matar bactérias, fungos e protozoários mediante interações com estruturas dos micro-organismos. A crescente resistência microbiana a esses medicamentos decorrente de seu uso indiscriminado se constitui como um dos problemas de saúde pública mais relevantes da atualidade. Diante disso, o objetivo desta pesquisa foi avaliar a prescrição e o perfil de utilização de antimicrobianos na Farmácia Básica de Encanto/RN. Trata-se de um estudo transversal, quantitativo do tipo descritivo. A coleta de dados foi realizada por meio de questionário aplicado no período de julho de 2018 a janeiro de 2019. Foram entrevistados 100 usuários selecionados com base nos critérios de inclusão e exclusão. Os resultados apontaram a prevalência de pessoas do sexo feminino (70%), casadas ou em união estável (66%), com faixa etária entre 31 e 60 anos (60%). A maioria dos entrevistados tinham baixa escolaridade (45%) e renda familiar de um salário mínimo (41%). Os antimicrobianos dispensados com maior frequência foram amoxicilina (34,6%), ciprofloxacino (25,0%) e azitromicina (22,1%). Com relação às inconformidades das prescrições, 38% apresentaram falta de dados, sendo a mais recorrente a ausência da duração do tratamento. Foram identificadas possíveis interações medicamentosas em 9% das prescrições. Os resultados apresentados evidenciam a importância da atuação do farmacêutico na farmácia comunitária, tanto na sensibilização dos prescritores com relação à escolha e prescrição adequada destes medicamentos quanto na orientação dos pacientes com vistas à promoção do uso racional de antimicrobianos.

Antimicrobials are a class of medications able to inhibit or kill bacterium, fungi, and protozoa through the interactions with the structures of the microorganisms. The growing microbial resistance on these medicines resulting from their indiscriminate use constitutes one of the more relevant public health problems nowadays. In addition, the main point of this research was to evaluate the prescriptions and utilization profile of antimicrobials in the basic pharmacy of Encanto/RN. It is a cross-sectional study, quantitative of the descriptive type. The data collection was realized through a questionnaire applied in July 2018 and January 2019. We interviewed 100 selected people based on inclusion and exclusion. The results show the prevalence of females (70%), married or in a stable union (66%), with an age group between 31 and 60 years old (60%). Most interviewed people had a low education level (45%) and family income (41%). The antimicrobials dispensed most often were amoxicillin (25.0%), ciprofloxacin (25.0%), and azithromycin (22.1%). Regarding the nonconformities of the prescriptions, 38% presents a lack of data, with the absence of the treatment duration being the most recurrent. Possible drug interactions were identified in 9% of the prescriptions. The results presented evidence of the importance of the pharmacist work on the community pharmacy, both in the sensitization of the prescribers concerning the appropriate choice and the prescription of these medicines with the orientation of patients to promote the rational use of antimicrobials.

Rev. cuba. med. gen. integr ; 32(1): 0-0, mar. 2016. ilus
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: lil-791523


Introducción: la Educación Médica cubana ante la demanda de formar los recursos humanos que la sociedad necesita, precisa de contar con un currículo creativo y flexible. Objetivo: analizar el programa del curso Promoción de uso racional de medicamentos contenido en el programa de la Maestría de Farmacoepidemiología de la Escuela Nacional de Salud Pública. Métodos: se realizó un trabajo en el campo de la educación médica específicamente el diseño curricular, se tomó como unidad de análisis el curso: Promoción de uso racional de medicamentos de la Maestría de Farmacoepidemiología. Se estudió la pertinencia y nexo con el currículo, la ubicación del curso, el proceso enseñanza aprendizaje y la bibliografía. Resultados: el programa analizado tributa al perfil del egresado declarado en la maestría, que está dirigido a formar y brindar los conocimientos, hábitos y habilidades necesarios para dar solución a los principales problemas con los que se enfrenta la atención primaria de salud. Se identificaron áreas de mejora en el diseño de los objetivos y se hicieron propuestas, así como la necesidad de actualización de la bibliografía declarada. Conclusiones: se determinaron los principales problemas en su diseño y se proponen modificaciones del programa con vista a su perfeccionamiento(AU)

Introduction: Cuban medical education facing the demand for training human resources required by the society, need to have a creative and flexible syllabus. Objective: To analyze the syllabus of the course Promotion of medicine rational use of the Master's course in Pharmacoepidemiology of the National School of Public Health. Methods: A work in the field of medical education was carried out specifically regarding syllabus design. The course Promotion of medicine rational use of the Master's course in Pharmacoepidemiology was taken as unit of analysis. Pertinence and link to the syllabus was studies, together with the teaching-learning process and the bibliography. Results: The syllabus analyzed contributes with the graduate's working profile as declared in the master's degree course, directed to training and providing knowledge, habits and skills necessary for giving solution to the main problems faced by primary health care. Improvement areas were indentifies regarding the design of the objectives and proposals were made, together with the update necessity concerning the bibliography declared. Conclusions: The main problems in its design were determined and modifications were proposed to the program for its improvement(AU)

Humanos , Bibliografía de Medicina , Educación de Postgrado/ética , Educación de Postgrado/métodos , Educación en Salud/métodos , Programas de Posgrado en Salud , Curriculum
Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-464391


Objective To provide references for clinical rational use of Chinese patent medicine. Methods Totally 387 specifications of Chinese patent medicine in our hospital were analyzed, and were judged by pregnancy contraindication according to China Pharmacopeia (2010 edition). Results The 387 Chinese patent medicines involved 32 prohibited pregnancy ingredients, 1 taboo ingredient. In 89 Chinese patent medicines contraind prohibited ingredients, 33 marked prohibited ingredients, 18 marked contraindicated ingredients, 14 marked cautious ingredients, and 24 marked without-contraindication ingredients. 68 Chinese patent medicines contained pregnancy contraindication labels but without prohibited ingredients. Conclusion A unified standard of pregnancy contraindication should be established;researches on pregnancy contraindication should be strengthened;medicine specifications should be standardized and perfected.

Artículo en Inglés | IMSEAR | ID: sea-163348


Aims: Misuse of antimicrobial medicines is a major contributory factor to development of resistant strains of micro-organisms, therapeutic failure and increased healthcare costs in many countries. To identify pattern of antimicrobial use among undergraduate students of the University of Sierra Leone and to determine possible gaps in their understanding of appropriate use of these therapeutic agents. Study Design: A cross-sectional survey of the students using a structured questionnaire and a stratified random sampling method to obtain the respective number of students from each college. Place and Duration of Study: Registered undergraduates in the three Colleges of the University of Sierra Leone, between March and June 2012. Methodology: A 25-item structured questionnaire was administered on a random sample of four hundred and eighteen (418) undergraduates of the University. The instrument explored respondents’ pattern of self-medication with antimicrobials, knowledge of the indications for use and sources of supply. Results: Most students reported having self-medicated with antimicrobials at various times and there were gaps in their understanding of the medicines; with about 67% having some knowledge of correct indications for use. Majority of them (70%) obtained the medicines on demand from open drug markets without prescriptions and the medicines were used for such ailments as common colds and diarrhea. Previous experiences of treating similar symptoms ranked highest as the factor affecting demand and penicillins topped the list of commonly used antimicrobials. Most of the students did not complete full regimen of the medication for reasons of cost, long duration of treatment and side effects. Conclusion: There were knowledge gaps in the proper use of antimicrobial medicines and unrestricted access to prescription drugs was a major factor of misuse. The existing drug laws in the country should be strengthened to control indiscriminate sale and distribution. Basic courses on rational medicine use may need to be incorporated in the general studies programme of the University; with emphasis on the consequences of indiscriminate use of antimicrobial medicines.

Arch. venez. farmacol. ter ; 28(1): 28-30, ene. 2009.
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: lil-630351


El gasto en productos farmacéuticos viene creciendo de forma notable en todo el mundo y se estima que es una tendencia que va en aumento. La publicidad se dirige, cada vez más, a la incitación del consumo de drogas de venta libre; generando expectativas poco realistas sobre los beneficios de la medicación y una demanda inapropiada de ésta. Un problema difícil de abordar y solucionar. Pacientes, profesionales de la salud y obras sociales debemos trabajar en conjunto para implementar medidas con el fin de maximizar un aspecto positivo de la publicidad, aumentar el uso de los medicamentos de los que más se beneficiarían probablemente, y a la vez minimizar las preocupaciones sobre la seguridad y los gastos innecesarios en usos inapropiados

The cost in pharmaceutical products comes anywhere in the world growing from remarkable form and esteem that is a tendency that increases. The publicity goes, more and more, to the incitación of the drug consumption of free sale; generating realistic expectations little on the benefits of the medication and one it demands unsuitable of this one. A problem difficult to approach and to solve. Patients, social professionals of the health and works we must work altogether to implement measures with the purpose of maximizing a positive aspect of the Publicity, increasing the use of the medicines from which they would benefit more probably, and simultaneously to diminish risks

Femenino , Utilización de Medicamentos , Comercialización de Medicamentos , Automedicación , Legislación Farmacéutica , Farmacología
China Pharmacy ; (12)2001.
Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-533687


OBJECTIVE: Description the practice and interdependence of essential drug system, primary heath care and rational medicine use. The authors further emphasize the necessity of carry out essential drug system and rational medicine use simutaneously, provide a reference for the country’s new medical reform. METHODS: According to the defined connoctation of essential drug system and primary health care by the government and cited with the WHO idea, combined with lessons learned from past unsuccessful health care reform,introduced current drug research and evaluation index system, analyzed the practice and interdependence of essential drug system, primary heath care and rational medicine use. RESULTS & CONCLUSION: Now, in the crucial time of launching new health care reform, we must attach important to the WHO experience of promoting essential drug system, primary health care and rational medicine use as a whole and equally emphasize them, especially to promote essential drug system and rational medicine use concurrently.