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Ciênc. rural ; 45(7): 1198-1204, 07/2015. graf
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: lil-749761


Apresentam-se resultados de monitoramento da dinâmica de regeneração de Merostachys skvortzovii Send. (taquara-lixa), englobando dados de recrutamento, crescimento e mortalidade de plântulas (Floresta Ombrófila Mista, General Carneiro, Paraná, 26˚ 25′ S e 51˚ 18′ W). Foram avaliadas duas clareiras de tamanhos (aprox. 40mx40m) e situações de abertura do dossel similares, resultantes da morte de touceiras de taquara-lixa entre 2003-2005, utilizando-se 80 parcelas (1mx1m) em cada clareira (2007). Mensalmente, registrou-se a inclusão, permanência e mortalidade de plântulas de M. skvortzovii nessas parcelas. Evidenciou-se densidade média de plântulas diferenciada, mas similar padrão de distribuição espacial dessas plântulas nas clareiras avaliadas. As médias mensais de recrutamento, crescimento em altura e mortalidade foram significativamente diferentes em ambas as clareiras. Não se detectou correlação significativa entre as variáveis biológicas observadas (crescimento, recrutamento e mortalidade) e a variabilidade de pluviosidade e temperatura registradas no período de monitoramento. Em termos gerais, pode-se inferir que a taquara-lixa apresentava a capacidade de recolonizar as áreas abertas após o evento sincrônico de mortalidade, sendo que as características ambientais de cada clareira podem influenciar essa ocupação. A concentração das plântulas nas bordas das clareiras pode determinar a ampliação da área de ocupação da espécie no local de estudo. Entretanto, somente o monitoramento a médio e longo prazo das clareiras geradas pela morte da taquara-lixa permitirá compreender melhor o ciclo de vida dessa espécie e seu efetivo papel no fechamento dessas clareiras e dinâmica da floresta que a abriga.

The results of monitoring the Merostachys skvortzovii Send. regeneration dynamics, including seedling recruitment, growth and mortality (Araucarian Forest, General Carneiro, Paraná, 26˚ 25′ S e 51˚ 18′ W, 1000m a.s.l.) are presented. Two gaps with similar size (40mx40m) and opening situation, resulting from M. skvortzovii dye-off s in 2003-2005, on which 80 small plots (1mx1m) were evaluated (2007). Monthly, it were registered the inclusion, permanence and mortality of seedlings of M. skvortzovii in these plots. It was evidenced different seedling average density among gaps, but similar seedlings spatial distribution pattern in both gaps. The monthly averages of recruitment, growth in height and mortality were significantly different in both gaps. Significant correlation was not detected between the biological observed variables (growth, recruitment and mortality) and the variability of pluviosity and temperature registered in during the monitoring. In general terms, it is possible to infer that the M. skvortzovii representative were capable of re-colonizing the areas opened after the synchronous dye-off event, but the environmental characteristics of each gap can influence this occupation. The concentration of the seedlings in the edges of the gaps can determine the enlargement of the species occupation area. Meantime, only middle to long term monitoring of the clearings produced by the M. skvortzovii dye-off will allow the understanding of the this species life cycle and its effective paper in the closure of these gaps as well as in the dynamic of the forest that shelters it.

Artículo en Inglés | WPRIM | ID: wpr-20259


OBJECTIVES: The use of chitosan nanoparticles (CNPs) in endodontics is of interest due to their antibiofilm properties. This study was to investigate the ability of bioactive CNPs to remove the smear layer and inhibit bacterial recolonization on dentin. MATERIALS AND METHODS: One hundred bovine dentin sections were divided into five groups (n = 20 per group) according to the treatment. The irrigating solutions used were 2.5% sodium hypochlorite (NaOCl) for 20 min, 17% ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA) for 3 min and 1.29 mg/mL CNPs for 3 min. The samples were irrigated with either distilled water (control), NaOCl, NaOCl-EDTA, NaOCl-EDTA-CNPs or NaOCl-CNPs. After the treatment, half of the samples (n = 50) were used to assess the chelating effect of the solutions using portable scanning electronic microscopy, while the other half (n = 50) were infected intra-orally to examine the post-treatment bacterial biofilm forming capacity. The biovolume and cellular viability of the biofilms were analysed under confocal laser scanning microscopy. The Kappa test was performed for examiner calibration, and the non-parametric Kruskal-Wallis and Dunn tests (p < 0.05) were used for comparisons among the groups. RESULTS: The smear layer was significantly reduced in all of the groups except the control and NaOCl groups (p < 0.05). The CNPs-treated samples were able to resist biofilm formation significantly better than other treatment groups (p < 0.05). CONCLUSIONS: CNPs could be used as a final irrigant during root canal treatment with the dual benefit of removing the smear layer and inhibiting bacterial recolonization on root dentin.

Biopelículas , Calibración , Quitosano , Cavidad Pulpar , Dentina , Ácido Edético , Endodoncia , Microscopía , Microscopía Confocal , Nanopartículas , Capa de Barro Dentinario , Hipoclorito de Sodio , Agua
Biosci. j. (Online) ; 28(2): 312-324, mar./apr. 2012. graf, tab
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: biblio-912569


A diversidade de anfíbios no Cerrado é ameaçada principalmente pelo aumento das atividades antrópicas. A legislação vigente exige de empreendimentos potencialmente impactantes a implantação de programas ambientais que incluem a recuperação de áreas degradadas e o estudo dos mecanismos ecológicos associados à recolonização de áreas alteradas. Os objetivos deste estudo foram: avaliar possíveis diferenças na composição de espécies em assembléias de anuros entre áreas de topografia modificada (ATM) e áreas de topografia não modificada (ATNM); e comparar a riqueza de anuros entre ATM e ATNM. Apesar do maior número de espécies registradas na ATM (28 espécies) em relação à ATNM (22 espécies), não houve diferença na riqueza quando comparamos as curvas de rarefação ou a riqueza estimada (jackknife1). Entretanto, as duas assembléias diferiram quanto às curvas de abundância relativa, especialmente quanto ao padrão das espécies mais abundantes. Localmente, a análise de co-ocorrência demonstrou que as espécies na ATM co-ocorrem menos do que o esperado ao acaso, o que indica a partilha dos ambientes para reprodução mediada por interações competitivas. A presença de corpos d'água artificiais com alta heterogeneidade estrutural, associados a fragmentos florestais em bom estado de conservação são fatores que contribuem para a manutenção de uma alta diversidade de anfíbios na área.

Anuros , Ambiente , Biodiversidad , Eucalyptus , Restauración y Remediación Ambiental
Rev. biol. trop ; 56(3): 1023-1041, sep. 2008. graf, tab
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: lil-637844


Plant populations may experience local extinction and at the same time new populations may appear in nearby suitable locations. Species may also colonize the same site on multiple occasions. Here, we examined the impact of local extinction and recolonization on the genetic structure of wild populations of lima beans (Phaseolus lunatus) in the Central valley of Costa Rica. We compared genetic diversity from the samples taken from the populations before and after extinction at 13 locations using microsatellite markers. Locations were classified according to the occurrence of extinction episodes during the previous five years into three groups: 1) populations that experienced extinction for more than one year, and were later recolonized (recolonized), 2) populations that did not experience local extinction (control), and 3) populations that did not experience local extinction during the study, but were cut to experimentally simulate extinction (experimental). Our data did not show a clear tendency in variation in allele frequencies, expected heterozygosity, and effective number of alleles within and between groups of populations. However, we found that the level of genetic differentiation between samples collected at different times at the same location was different in the three groups of populations. Recolonized locations showed the highest level of genetic differentiation (mean Fst= 0.2769), followed by control locations (mean Fst= 0.0576) and experimental locations (mean Fst= 0.0189). Similar findings were observed for Nei’s genetic distance between samples (di,j= 0.1786, 0.0400, and 0.0037, respectively). Our results indicate that genetic change in lima beans depends on the duration and frequency of local extinction episodes. These findings also showed that control populations are not in equilibrium. Implications of these results for the establishment of conservation strategies of genetic resources of lima beans are discussed. Rev. Biol. Trop. 56 (3): 1023-1041. Epub 2008 September 30.

Las poblaciones de plantas pueden experimentar extinción local, y al mismo tiempo, pueden surgir a sus alrededores nuevas poblaciones. Algunas especies pueden colonizar el mismo sitio en múltiples ocasiones. Aquí examinamos el impacto de la extinción local y recolonización en la estructura genética de poblaciones silvestres del frijol lima (Phaseolus lunatus) en el valle Central de Costa Rica. Comparamos la diversidad genética de muestras tomadas en poblaciones, antes y después de la extinción, en 13 sitios, usando marcadores de microsatélite. Según los episodios de extinción durante los cinco años previos, clasificamos los sitios así: 1) poblaciones que han experimentado extinción por más de un año, y después han recolonizado (recolonizado), 2) poblaciones que no han experimentado extinción local (control), y 3) poblaciones que no han experimentado extinción local durante el estudio, pero fueron cortadas experimentalmente, simulando una extinción (experimental). Nuestros datos no mostraron una clara tendencia en la variación de las frecuencias alélicas, heterozigosidad, o número efectivo de alelos en y entre grupos de poblaciones. Los niveles de diferenciación genética entre muestras recolectadas en diferentes momentos en el mismo sitio fueron diferentes en los tres grupos de poblaciones. Los sitios recolonizados mostraron el mayor nivel de diferenciación genética (Fst = 0.2769), seguidos de los sitios control (Fst= 0.0576) y sitios experimentales (Fst= 0.0189). Obtuvimos resultados similares en la distancia genética Neis entre muestras (d i,j = 0.1786, 0.0400, y 0.0037, respectivamente). Los cambios genéticos en los frijoles lima dependen de la duración y frecuencia de los episodios de extinción local. Las poblaciones "control" no están en equilibrio. Las implicaciones de estos resultados para el establecimiento de estrategias de conservación de los recursos genéticos de habas se encuentran en discusión.

Extinción Biológica , Frecuencia de los Genes/genética , Estructuras Genéticas/genética , Variación Genética/genética , Phaseolus/genética , Costa Rica , ADN de Plantas/genética , Repeticiones de Microsatélite/genética
Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-670527


Objective:To investigate the effect of local application of the water soluble protein fraction,containing specific egg yolk antibody,on the recolonization of Streptococcus mutans.Methods:Whole cells of inactivated streptococcus mutans were used as antigen to immunize bens,then water soluble protein fraction(WSF) was extracted from the eggs. Mouth wash containing 0.1 mg/ml of WSF was prepared and administered to 8 volunteers.The mouth wash was used once every two days for 2 weeks.Vehicle solution was used in other 6 volunteers as the control.S.mutans in saliva was monitored for 100 days.Results:Before using the mouth washes,S.mutans level in saliva of the volunteers was 36.4%.S.mutans was removed by hibitane,it kept less than 3% in 100 days in the tested individuals,while 23%~37% in the controls.Conclusion:The WSF containing specific egg yolk antibody can effectively prevent the recolonization of streptococcus mutans.

Acta amaz ; 28(3)1998.
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS-Express | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1454651


Two canopies of a widely distributed Amazonian tree species, Goupia glabra Aubl. (Celastraceae, height 38 and 45m) were fogged several times with 1% natural pyrethrum during the rainy and dry seasons (1991-1994) in the Adolpho Ducke Forest Reserve near Manaus/Brazil. Between 50 and 158 ind./m2 of arthropods were obtained per tree and fogging event. Hymenoptera, mostly Formicidae, and Diptcra dominated. A total of 95 ant species occurred on a single tree. Most ants were permanently foraging in the canopy and their recolonization after fogging seems to follow stochastic pathways. Data indicated an interaction between - 1) predating Formicidae and gall building Cecidomyiidae and - 2) Cecidomyiidae and the parasitic Hymenoptera.

Duas copas de uma espécie de árvore amplamente distribuída na Amazônia, Goupia glabra Aubl. (Celastraceae, altura 38 e 45m) foram renebulizadas várias vezes com píretro natural 1%, durante o período chuvoso e seco (1991-94) na Reserva Florestal Adolpho Ducke próximo de Manaus/Brasil. Entre 50 e 158 ind./m2 de artrópodos foram obtidos por árvore e evento de nebulização. Hymenoptera, na sua maioria Formicidae, e Diptera dominaram. Um total de 95 espécies de formigas ocorreram numa única árvore. A maioria das formigas estava permanentemente forrageando na copa e a sua recolonização depois a nebulização parece seguir vias estocásticas. Os dados sugerem uma interação entre Formicidae e Cecidomyiidae (construindo galhas) e Cecidomyiidae e Hymenoptera parasítica.