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Rev. Finlay ; 14(2)jun. 2024.
Artículo en Español | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1565175


Fundamento: como promedio se han generan tres millones de casos de cáncer de piel a nivel global en los últimos años. Esta situación ocurre entre otras razones por la constante exposición a la radiación solar y la no aplicación de fotoprotección. Objetivo: determinar la experiencia parental en fotoprotección durante la infancia. Método: se realizó un estudio etnográfico en la Unidad Educativa de la Parroquia San Juan del Cantón Riobamba, Provincia Chimborazo, durante el período de estudio de octubre 2022 a octubre 2023. Se realizaron 14 entrevistas a cuidadores de preescolares, los que fueron escogidos a través del muestreo no probabilístico. Se dispuso de dos técnicas de recolección de la información: el autorreportaje y la entrevista semiestructurada. Resultados: se describieron cada una de las categorías que emergieron en el estudio según el nivel de frecuencia: fotounidad, fotoexperiencia-conocimiento y fotosanidad. Se construyó un mapa representacional en el cual se determinó que la familia en sí representa la fotounidad, mediante la participación de todos sus miembros en la protección de los efectos nocivos del sol. La sombrilla que cubre a la familia refleja la fotoexperiencia-conocimiento adquiridos por los cuidadores, que actúan como protección al daño solar mediante medidas preventivas y de cuidado. El sol y sus rayos solares simbolizan la fotosanidad, que corresponde a la exposición a rayos solares y sus efectos nocivos para la salud. Conclusiones: la implementación de medidas de fotoprotección desde edades tempranas resulta de vital importancia para la prevención del cáncer de piel, por lo que es necesario brindarles a los padres información adecuada sobre los riesgos solares y las medidas preventivas.

Foundation: on average, three million cases of skin cancer have been generated globally in recent years. This situation occurs among other reasons due to constant exposure to solar radiation and non-application of photoprotection. Objective: determine parental experience in photoprotection during childhood. Method: an ethnographic study was carried out in the Educational Unit of the San Juan Parish of the Cantón Riobamba, Chimborazo Province, during the study period from October 2022 to October 2023. 14 interviews were carried out with preschool caregivers, who were chosen through of non-probabilistic sampling. Two information collection techniques were available: self-report and semi-structured interview. Results: each of the categories that emerged in the study were described according to the level of frequency: photounity, photoexperience-knowledge and photosanity. A representational map was constructed in which it was determined that the family itself represents photounity, through the participation of all its members in protecting themselves from the harmful effects of the sun. The umbrella that covers the family reflects the photo-experience-knowledge acquired by the caregivers, which act as protection from sun damage through preventive and care measures. The sun and its solar rays symbolize photosanity, which corresponds to exposure to sunlight and its harmful effects on health. Conclusions: the implementation of photoprotection measures from an early age is of vital importance for the prevention of skin cancer, so it is necessary to provide parents with adequate information about sun risks and preventive measure.

Rev. Finlay ; 14(1)mar. 2024.
Artículo en Español | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1565156


Fundamento: El cáncer de piel es una de las neoplasias más frecuentes, con un considerable aumento en las últimas dos décadas. Las campañas de fotoprotección han tenido un impacto positivo en la población y permiten a las personas sanas el cuidado de su piel y la prevención del cáncer. Objetivo: Describir los principales resultados obtenidos en los estudios científicos relacionados con los conocimientos, hábitos y aptitudes en fotoprotección para la prevención del cáncer de piel en población de riesgo mayor de 18 años. Método: Se realizó una revisión sistemática en las bases de datos Scopus y Pubmed en (inglés), Scielo y CUIDEN en (español), con perfil de acceso desde la biblioteca electrónica de la Universidad de Granada en el período de estudio comprendido desde mayo de 2018 hasta julio de 2022. Se elaboró la pregunta guía a través del acrónimo PICOT, términos de búsqueda y se utilizaron los descriptores en Ciencias de la Salud y del Medical Subject Headings, respectivamente. Resultados: Conocer las conductas de riesgo y de protección es útil para orientar las intervenciones individuales o a nivel comunitario para disminuir la morbilidad asociada a la exposición solar. Se ha demostrado que las campañas de prevención del cáncer de piel son eficaces y rentables. Los médicos de atención primaria juegan un papel importante en la prevención del cáncer de piel. El asesoramiento sobre factores de riesgo modificables y estrategias para evitar el sol, en pacientes con antecedentes personales o familiares de cáncer de piel, debe ser parte de la medicina preventiva. Conclusiones: Los estudios científicos que abordan conocimientos, hábitos y aptitudes en relación con la fotoprotección para la prevención del cáncer de piel, destacan entre sus principales resultados, que la principal conducta para garantizar una adecuada acción protectora saludable es direccionar programas de educación en la prevención primaria de salud.

Foundation: Skin cancer is one of the most common neoplasms, with an increase in the last two decades. Photoprotection campaigns have had a positive impact on the population and allow healthy people to care for their skin and prevent cancer. Objective: To describe the main results obtained in scientific studies related to knowledge, habits and skills in photoprotection for the prevention of skin cancer in a population at risk over 18 years of age. Method: A systematic review was carried out in the databases Scopus and Pubmed in (English), Scielo and CUIDEN in (Spanish), with access profile from the electronic library of the University of Granada in the study period from May 2018 to July 2022. The guiding question was developed through the PICOT acronym, search terms and the descriptors in Health Sciences and Medical Subject Headings were used, respectively. Results: Knowing risk and protective behaviors is useful to guide individual or community-level interventions to reduce morbidity associated with sun exposure. Skin cancer prevention campaigns have been shown to be effective and cost-effective. Primary care physicians play an important role in skin cancer prevention. Counseling on modifiable risk factors and strategies to avoid the sun, in patients with a personal or family history of skin cancer, should be part of preventive medicine. Conclusions: Scientific studies that address knowledge, habits and skills in relation to photoprotection for the prevention of skin cancer, highlight among their main results that the main conduct to guarantee adequate healthy protective action is to direct education programs in primary prevention of health.

Rev. Finlay ; 14(1)mar. 2024.
Artículo en Español | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1565161


La periodontitis es un trastorno inmunoinflamatorio de etiología microbiana causado por gérmenes únicos en la cavidad bucal que pueden diseminarse a través del torrente sanguíneo, activan la respuesta inflamatoria del huésped y favorecen la formación, maduración y exacerbación de la placa de ateroma. Varios estudios clínicos han investigado la posible relación entre la enfermedad periodontal y las enfermedades consecuentes de la aterosclerosis como la cardiopatía isquémica y la enfermedad cerebrovascular isquémica. Se realizó una revisión bibliográfica exhaustiva de artículos científicos publicados en las bases de datos: Pubmed, Medline, LILACS, Scielo, en el período comprendido entre el 2012 y el 2022, en idioma español e inglés. Se utilizaron como descriptores: periodontitis, enfermedad cerebrovascular y aterosclerosis. Los reportes incluidos indican que la enfermedad cerebrovascular y la enfermedad aterosclerótica presentan las alteraciones con mayores asociaciones con la periodontitis, sin embargo, se necesitan estudios más amplios para determinar el papel de la severidad y extensión de la periodontitis en estas enfermedades.

Periodontitis is an immunoinflammatory disorder of microbial etiology caused by unique germs in the oral cavity that can spread through the bloodstream, activate the host's inflammatory response and promote the formation, maturation and exacerbation of atheromatous plaque. Several clinical studies have investigated the possible relationship between periodontal disease and diseases resulting from atherosclerosis such as ischemic heart disease and ischemic cerebrovascular disease. An exhaustive bibliographic review of scientific articles published in the databases: Pubmed, Medline, LILACS, Scielo, in the period between 2012 and 2022, in Spanish and English was carried out. The following were used as descriptors: periodontitis, cerebrovascular disease and atherosclerosis. The included reports indicate that cerebrovascular disease and atherosclerotic disease present the alterations with the greatest associations with periodontitis, however, larger studies are needed to determine the role of the severity and extent of periodontitis in these diseases.

Medisur ; 22(1)feb. 2024.
Artículo en Español | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1558543


Fundamento el aumento de la incidencia del cáncer bucal constituye un problema de salud mundial, por ello surge la necesidad de realizar acciones educativas que tributen a la prevención de la enfermedad desde edades tempranas. Objetivo evaluar la efectividad de una intervención educativa sobre cáncer bucal y su prevención en estudiantes de un centro preuniversitario. Métodos se realizó un estudio preexperimental, de intervención educativa, con diseño preprueba/posprueba, en el periodo comprendido entre noviembre de 2021 a mayo de 2022. Se trabajó con la totalidad del universo, el cual estuvo constituido por 125 estudiantes de la escuela Roberto Rodríguez, del municipio Morón, Ciego de Ávila. Se utilizó estadística descriptiva e inferencial. Resultados el 52,0 % de los participantes perteneció al sexo femenino. La media de edad para ambos sexos fue de 15,86 ± 1,053 años. El 36,8 % cursaba el onceno grado. Se determinaron inadecuados niveles de información en la etapa diagnóstica en cuanto a: generalidades (96,0 %), factores de riesgo (91,2 %), autoexamen bucal (96,0 %) y medidas de promoción y prevención (95,2 %). Después de aplicada la intervención se logró elevar el nivel cognoscitivo hasta un 97,6 %, 99,2 %, 96,8 % y 99,2 % respectivamente. El test de McNemar arrojó resultados significativos (p = 0,000; p < 0,05). Conclusiones se logró una modificación estadísticamente significativa de la información en cada uno de los encuestados, por lo que se pudo inferir que la intervención educativa resultó efectiva.

Foundation the increase in the incidence of oral cancer constitutes a global health problem, there is a need to carry out educational actions that contribute to the prevention of the disease from an early age. Objective to evaluate the effectiveness of an educational intervention on oral cancer and its prevention in students from a pre-university center. Methods a pre-experimental educational intervention study was carried out, with a pre-test/post-test design, from November 2021 to May 2022. The entire universe was studied, 125 students from the Roberto Rodríguez School in Morón municipality, Ciego de Ávila. Descriptive and inferential statistics were used. Results 52.0% of the participants were female. The mean age for both sexes was 15.86 ± 1.053 years. 36.8% were in eleventh grade. Inadequate levels of information were determined in the diagnostic stage in terms of: generalities (96.0%), risk factors (91.2%), oral self-examination (96.0%) and promotion and prevention measures (95.2%). %). After applying the intervention, the cognitive level was raised to 97.6%, 99.2%, 96.8% and 99.2% respectively. The McNemar test showed significant results (p = 0.000; p < 0.05). Conclusions a statistically significant modification of the information was achieved in each of the respondents, so it could be inferred that the educational intervention was effective.

Alerta (San Salvador) ; 7(1): 88-95, ene. 26, 2024.
Artículo en Español | BISSAL, LILACS | ID: biblio-1526720


La Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS) define el estrés laboral como una reacción que puede manifestarse ante exigencias y presiones laborales que ponen a prueba la capacidad que tiene cada persona para afrontar ciertas situaciones y que se agravan en el personal de salud que atiende pacientes con la COVID-19. Es decir, lo que resulta del desequilibrio entre las presiones y exigencias a las que se enfrenta el individuo, por una parte, y los conocimientos adquiridos por otra parte. El Síndrome de desgaste profesional, conocido también como síndrome de agotamiento emocional o psicológico, o por el anglicismo burnout, es un tipo de estrés laboral que engloba un estado de agotamiento físico, emocional y mental que conlleva a consecuencias individuales y sociales. El objetivo de esta revisión narrativa es identificar los factores de riesgo para el desarrollo del Síndrome de desgaste profesional en el personal de salud relacionado con la atención de pacientes con la COVID-19. Se realizó una búsqueda en la base de datos PubMed, se incluyeron artículos originales, estudios aleatorizados, revisiones sistemáticas y otros textos en español e inglés, publicados durante el periodo 2020-2023. Los principales factores de riesgo identificados en la literatura para el desarrollo de Síndrome de desgaste profesional fueron la juventud, sexo femenino, la soltería, la carga de trabajo y el nivel de satisfacción laboral de los profesionales.

The WHO defines occupational stress as a reaction that may occur when a person is faced with work-related demands and pressures that test the individual's ability to cope with certain situations, and it exacerbates in healthcare personnel who provide care to patients with COVID-19. That is, what results from the imbalance between the pressures and demands that the individual faces, on the one hand, and the knowledge acquired on the other hand. Burnout syndrome is a type of work-related stress that encompasses a state of physical, emotional and mental exhaustion that leads to individual and social consequences. The objective of this systematic review is to identify the risk factors for the development of Burnout Syndrome in health personnel related to the care of patients with COVID-19. A search was carried out in the PubMed database, including original articles, randomized studies, systematic reviews, and textbooks in Spanish and English, published during the period 2020-2023. The main risk factors for the development of Burnout Syndrome identified in the literature were youth, female sex, singleness, workload and the level of job satisfaction of the professionals

El Salvador
Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1006572


ObjectiveThis paper aims to analyze the clinical characteristics and medication rationality of liver injury related to Epimedii Folium preparation (EP) and explore the possible risk factors of liver injury, so as to provide a reference for the safe clinical application of Epimedii Folium (EF). MethodA retrospective analysis was conducted on liver injury cases related to EP from 2012 to 2016. ResultThe number of reported liver injury cases and the proportion of severe cases related to the use of EP show an increasing trend, indicating the objective existence of liver injury caused by EP. There are more cases of liver injury related to EP in women than in men, with an onset age range of 15-91 years old and a median onset age of 60 years old (median onset ages for men and women are 59 and 60 years old, respectively). The time span from taking EP alone to the occurrence of liver injury is 1-386 days, with a median of 38 days. The time span from taking both EP and Western medicine to the occurrence of liver injury is 1-794 days, with a median of 34 days. EF-related liver injury preparations are mostly composed of traditional Chinese medicines that promote immunity and tonify the liver and kidney, indicating that immune stress in the body may be the mechanism of liver injury caused by the use of EP alone or in combination. There is no increasing trend of toxicity with time or dose in the liver injury caused by EP. By further exploring its risk factors, it is found that patients have unreasonable medication methods such as excessive dosage, repeated use, and multi-drug combination, which may also be one of the important risk factors for EF-related liver injury. ConclusionEP has a certain risk of liver injury and should be emphasized in clinical diagnosis and treatment. Immune stress may be the mechanism of liver injury caused by EP, and in clinical use, it is necessary to be vigilant about the risk of liver injury caused by unreasonable use and combined use with Western medicine.

Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1007283


ObjectiveTo investigate risk factors for postoperative sore throat in patients with double-lumen endotracheal intubation. MethodsThe data used in this post-hoc analysis were prospectively collected from a randomized, controlled trial. Age from 18 to 65 years old, ASAI-Ⅲ patients undergoing general anesthesia with a double-lumen endotracheal tube were enrolled. The perioperative data collected retrospectively were as follows: gender, age, smoking history, endotracheal tube diameter, duration of endotracheal tube, dose of Sufentanil, use of Flurbiprofen Axetil, cough after extubation, etc..Dynamometer was applied to assess extubation force. According to occurrence of postoperative sore throat, patients were divided into two groups: those who experienced sore throats and those who did not. Comparative analysis and multivariate logistic regression analysis were performed to screen the risk factors. ROC curve was used for predicting the predictive value of risk factors. ResultsAmong the 163 patients , 74 (45.4%) had postoperative sore throat vs 89 (54.6%) not had. Multivariate logistic regression showed female [OR95%CI=3.83(1.73, 8.50), P=0.000 1] and extubation force [OR95%CI=1.78(1.45, 2.17), P<0.001] were independent risk factors for postoperative sore throat. AUC value showed the extubation force was 0.773[95%CI(0.701, 0.846), P<0.001]. Youden index was 0.447, and the cut-off valve of extubation force was 13N. ConclusionFemale and extubation force were risk factors for sore throat in patients with double lumen endotracheal intubation.

Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1009892


OBJECTIVES@#To investigate the clinical characteristics and risk factors of delayed bleeding after intestinal polypectomy in children, and to provide a theoretical basis for clinical surgical intervention of intestinal polyps.@*METHODS@#A retrospective analysis was conducted on the clinical data of 2 456 children with intestinal polyps who underwent endoscopic high-frequency electrocoagulation loop resection in the Endoscopy Center of Children's Hospital Affiliated to Zhengzhou University from January 2014 to December 2021. According to the presence or absence of delayed bleeding after surgery, they were divided into bleeding group with 79 children and non-bleeding group with 2 377 children. A multivariate logistic regression analysis was used to investigate the risk factors for delayed bleeding. The receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve was used to investigate the value of various indicators in predicting delayed bleeding.@*RESULTS@#Of all 2 456 children, 79 (3.22%) experienced delayed bleeding, among whom 5 children with severe delayed bleeding underwent emergency colonoscopy for hemostasis and 74 received conservative treatment, and successful hemostasis was achieved for all children. There were significant differences between the bleeding and non-bleeding groups in age, body mass index, constipation rate, location of lesion, time of endoscopic procedure, resection method (P<0.05). Children with a diameter of polyps of 6-10 mm and >20 mm were more likely to develop delayed bleeding after resection (P<0.05). The multivariate logistic regression analysis showed that endoscopic operation time, polyp diameter, and resection method were significantly associated with delayed bleeding (P<0.05). The ROC curve analysis showed that the endoscopic operation time, polyp diameter, and resection method had a good value in predicting delayed bleeding after intestinal polypectomy, with an area under the ROC curve of 0.706, 0.688, and 0.627, respectively.@*CONCLUSIONS@#Endoscopic high-frequency electrocoagulation loop resection has a lower incidence of delayed bleeding in children with intestinal polyps, and the endoscopic operation time, polyp diameter, and resection method are closely associated with the occurrence of postoperative delayed bleeding.

Niño , Humanos , Estudios Retrospectivos , Intestinos , Hemorragia , Pólipos Intestinales/cirugía , Factores de Riesgo
Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1009894


OBJECTIVES@#To investigate the risk factors for diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA) in children/adolescents with type 1 diabetes mellitus (T1DM) and to establish a model for predicting the risk of DKA.@*METHODS@#A retrospective analysis was performed on 217 children/adolescents with T1DM who were admitted to General Hospital of Ningxia Medical University from January 2018 to December 2021. Among the 217 children/adolescents,169 cases with DKA were included as the DKA group and 48 cases without DKA were included as the non-DKA group. The risk factors for DKA in the children/adolescents with T1DM were analyzed, and a nomogram model was established for predicting the risk of DKA in children/adolescents with T1DM.@*RESULTS@#For the 217 children/adolescents with T1DM, the incidence rate of DKA was 77.9% (169/217). The multivariate logistic regression analysis showed that high levels of random blood glucose, hemoglobin A1c (HbA1c), blood ketone body, and triglyceride on admission were closely associated with the development of DKA in the children/adolescents with T1DM (OR=1.156, 3.2031015, 20.131, and 9.519 respectively; P<0.05). The nomogram prediction model had a C-statistic of 0.95, with a mean absolute error of 0.004 between the risk of DKA predicted by the nomogram model and the actual risk of DKA, indicating that the model had a good overall prediction ability.@*CONCLUSIONS@#High levels of random blood glucose, HbA1c, blood ketone body, and triglyceride on admission are closely associated with the development of DKA in children/adolescents with T1DM, and targeted intervention measures should be developed to reduce the risk of DKA.

Niño , Adolescente , Humanos , Diabetes Mellitus Tipo 1/complicaciones , Glucemia , Hemoglobina Glucada , Estudios Retrospectivos , Cetosis , Factores de Riesgo , Cuerpos Cetónicos , Triglicéridos
Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1024082


Objective To explore the antimicrobial resistance of carbapenem-resistant Klebsiella pneumoniae(CRKP)isolated from blood and the related risk factors for infection in patients.Methods Clinical data of 383 KP-infected patients from whose blood Klebsiella pneumoniae(KP)were isolated during hospitalization period in a hos-pital from January 2018 to December 2021 were retrospectively analyzed.Patients were divided into CRKP group(n=114)and non-CRKP group(n=269)based on antimicrobial resistance.According to the prognosis,114 patients in the CRKP group were subdivided into the death group(n=30)and the survival group(n=84).General informa-tion,underlying diseases,antimicrobial use,and infection outcomes of two groups of patients were compared,and risk factors for infection and death after infection were analyzed.Results The resistance rates of KP to tigecycline and compound sulfamethoxazole showed upward trends,with statistically significant differences(both P=0.008).The CRKP group had higher resistance rates to amikacin,aztreonam,compound sulfamethoxazole,ciprofloxacin,cefepime,cefoperazone/sulbactam,piperacillin/tazobactam,tigecycline,ceftazidime,tobramycin,and levofloxacin,as well as higher in-hospital mortality than the non-CRKP group,with statistically significant differences(all P<0.05).Acute pancreatitis prior to infection(OR=16.564,P<0.001),hypoalbuminemia(OR=8.588,P<0.001),stay in in-tensive care unit prior to infection(OR=2.733,P=0.017),blood transfusion(OR=3.968,P=0.001),broncho-scopy(OR=5.194,P=0.014),surgery within 30 days prior to infection(OR=2.603,P=0.010),and treatment with carbapenems(OR=2.663,P=0.011)were independent risk factors for the development of CRKP blood-stream infection(BSI).Cardiac insufficiency before infection(OR=11.094,P=0.001),combined with pulmonary infection(OR=20.801,P=0.010),septic shock(OR=9.783,P=0.002),disturbance of consciousness(OR=11.648,P=0.001),and receiving glucocorticoid treatment(OR=5.333,P=0.018)were independent risk factors for mortality in patients with CRKP BSI.Conclusion The resistance rate of KP from BSI to tigecycline and com-pound sulfamethoxazole presents upward trend.Underlying diseases,invasive procedures,and carbapenem treat-ment are closely related to CRKP BSI.Cardiac insufficiency,pulmonary infection,septic shock,disturbance of con-sciousness,and glucocorticoid treatment can lead to death of patients with CRKP BSI.

Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1024089


Objective To analyze the characteristics and influencing factors of healthcare-associated bloodstream infection(HA-BSI)of carbapenem-resistant Enterobacterales(CRE).Methods Retrospective nested case-control study was adopted.Fifty-six patients with CRE HA-BSI in a tertiary general hospital from January 2020 to Decem-ber 2022 were selected as the CRE group.With a 1:1 ratio,56 patients with carbapenem-sensitive Enterobacterales(CSE)BSI during the same period was selected as the CSE group.Distribution of infection strains and departments was analyzed,and the relevant factors for CRE BSI were analyzed by univariate and multivariate logistic regression analyses.Results The distribution of CRE BSI was mainly in intensive care unit(ICU,n=23,41.07%)and de-partment of hematology(n=17,30.36%).The main infection strains were Klebsiella pneumoniae(n=32,57.14%)and Escherichia coli(n=16,28.57%).Univariate analysis showed that malignant tumor,hospitalization history within 60 days,stay in ICU for>48 hours before infection,mechanical ventilation,indwelling central venous cathe-ter,combined use of at least two kinds of antimicrobial agents,and duration of antimicrobial use ≥10 days were all related to CRE BSI(all P<0.05).Multivariate logistic regression analysis found that stay in ICU>48 hours before infection and duration of antimicrobial use ≥10 days before infection were independent risk factors for CRE HA-BSI(P<0.05).Conclusion Clinical departments,especially ICU,should pay attention to the epidemiological history of patients,identify patients with high-risk factors for CRE BSI as early as possible,use antimicrobial agents ratio-nally and standardize invasive procedure,so as to reduce the occurrence of CRE HA-BSI.

Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1024094


Objective To analyze the influencing factors for intestinal colonization and secondary infection of car-bapenem-resistant Klebsiella pneumoniae(CRKP)in neonates,and provide a basis for formulating prevention and control strategies for CRKP infection.Methods Neonates who were admitted to the neonatal ward of a hospital from January 2021 to October 2022 were selected as the study subjects,and the first screening of CRKP was con-ducted within 48 hours after admission.In addition,active anal swab screening for carbapenem-resistant Ente-robacterales(CRE)was performed weekly during hospitalization,and the infection status of CRKP strains was mo-nitored.Clinical data of neonates in the colonization group,non-colonization group,and infection group were ana-lyzed.Intestinal colonized strains and the non-repetitive CRKP strains isolated from clinical specimens of neonates with secondary infection after colonization were performed carbapenemase gene detection,multilocus sequence ty-ping(MLST)and pulsed-field gel electrophoresis(PFGE)analysis.Results A total of 1 438 neonates were active-ly screened for CRE,174 were CRKP positive,CRKP colonization rate was 12.1%.Among 174 neonates,35 were with secondary infection,with the incidence of 20.1%.The independent risk factors for neonatal CRKP intestinal colonization were cesarean section(OR=2.050,95%CI:1.200-3.504,P=0.009),use of cephalosporins(OR=1.889,95%CI:1.086-3.288,P=0.024),nasogastric tube feeding(OR=2.317,95%CI:1.155-4.647,P=0.018).Protective factors were breast-feeding(OR=0.506,95%CI:0.284-0.901,P=0.021),oral probiotics(OR=0.307,95%CI:0.147-0.643,P=0.002),and enema(OR=0.334,95%CI:0.171-0.656,P=0.001).Independent risk factors for secondary infection after intestinal colonization of neonatal CRKP were carbapenem anti-biotic use(OR=19.869,95%CI:1.778-222.029,P=0.015)and prolonged hospital stay(OR=1.118,95%CI:1.082-1.157,P<0.001).The detection results of drug resistance genes showed that carbapenemase-producing genes of CRKP strains were all blaKPC-2,all belonged to type ST11.Homologous analysis showed that intestinal CRKP colonization was highly homologous with the secondary infection strains after colonization.Conclusion CRKP intestinal colonization during neonatal hospitalization may increase the risk of CRKP infection.Risk and pro-tective factors of neonatal intestinal colonization and secondary infections after colonization should be paid attention,and corresponding preventive and control measures should be taken,so as to reduce the occurrence and transmission CRKP healthcare-associated infection.

Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1024097


Objective To assess the risk factors for carbapenem-resistant Acinetobacter baumannii(CRAB)bloodstream infection(BSI)and 28-day short-term mortality in elderly patients,and provide reference for the pre-vention and treatment of CRAB BSI.Methods Clinical data of patients aged ≥60 years and diagnosed with AB BSI in a hospital in Yulin City from January 2013 to December 2022 were retrospectively analyzed,including demogra-phic and microbiological characteristics,as well as clinical outcomes of the patients.Variables which were significant in univariate analysis were selected for multivariate analysis using binary logistic regression model and Cox propor-tional hazards model.Independent risk factors for infection were further determined,and survival analysis was per-formed using Kaplan-Meier curve.Results A total of 150 patients were included in the study,out of which 16 pa-tients(10.7%)had CRAB BSI and 134 had carbapenem-sensitive AB(CSAB)BSI.The 28-day short-term mortali-ty of AB BSI in elderly patients was 15.3%(23/150,95%CI:9.6%-21.1%),and the short-term mortality of CRAB BSI was higher than that of CSAB([56.3%,9/16]vs[10.4%,14/134]).Deep venous catheterization(OR:15.598,95%CI:1.831-132.910)and combined infections of other sites(OR:15.449,95%CI:1.497-159.489)were related to CRAB BSI in elderly patients.The independent risk factors for 28-day mortality in elderly patients with AB BSI were hemodialysis(OR:11.856,95%CI:2.924-48.076),intensive care unit admission(OR:9.387,95%CI:1.941-45.385),and pulmonary infection being suspected source of bacteremia(OR:7.019,95%CI:1.345-36.635).Conclusion The occurrence of CRAB BSI in elderly patients is related to the combined infection of other sites and deep vein catheterization.Hemodialysis,admission to ICU,and pulmonary infection being suspected source of bacteremia are independent risk factors for the prognosis of AB BSI in elderly patients.

Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1024102


Objective To systematically evaluate the influencing factors for pulmonary infection after cardiac sur-gery.Methods Literatures were retrieved from PubMed,Embase,Web of Science,the Cochrane Library,CBM,Wanfang,CNKI and VIP databases.The retrieval time was from the establishment of databases to November 22,2022.Meta-analysis was performed with RevMan 5.4 and Stata 15.0 softwares.Results A total of 20 literatures were included in the analysis.Meta-analysis showed that age(≥65 years),mechanical ventilation time(≥5 days),smoking,acute renal damage,perioperative blood transfusion,operation time(≥240 minutes),secondary thora-cotomy,and oxygenation index(PaO2/FiO2≤300 mmHg)were risk factors for postoperative pulmonary infection.Conclusion The existing evidence shows that all of the above 8 factors are risk factors for pulmonary infection after cardiac surgery,which can provide a theoretical basis for health care workers to prevent and treat infection.

Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1024356


Objective To analyze the incidence and risk factors of hypothermia in elderly patients with malnutrition during proximal femoral nail antirotation(PFNA)internal fixation under general anesthesia.Methods A total of 139 elderly patients underwent PFNA internal fixation under general anesthesia were selected,and the nutritional status scores 1 day before surgery ranged from 0 to 11 points.Univariate and multivariate Logistic binary regression analysis was performed to analyze the related factors that may lead to intraoperative hypothermia.Results Among 139 elderly patients with preoperative nutritional scores of 0 to 11 points,79 cases(56.83%)developed intraoperative hypothermia.The results of univariate and multivariate Logistic binary regression analysis suggested that age≥75 years old,mini nutritional assessment short form(MNA-SF)nutritional score 0 to 7 points,BMI<18.5 kg/m2,duration of general anesthesia≥2 hours,intraoperative flushing fluid volume≥1 000 mL and intraoperative fluid volume≥1 000 mL were the risk factors for the occurrence of intraoperative hypothermia in elderly patients(OR>1,P<0.05).The use of warm blanket insulation was the protective factor against the occurrence of intraoperative hypothermia(OR<1,P<0.05).Conclusion The incidence of intraoperative hypothermia during PFNA internal fixation under general anesthesia in elderly patients with mainutrition before operation is high,and patients with poor nutritional status are more likely to develop intraoperative hypothermia.Patients with older age,poor nutritional status,lower BMI,longer duration of general anesthesia,and more intraoperative flushing fluid volume and intraoperative fluid volume are likely to lead to intraoperative hypothermia.The use of warm blanket can reduce the incidence of intraoperative hypothermia.

Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1024939


Objective To analyze and compare the clinical manifestations and imaging features of children with secondary massive cerebral infarction after acute subdural hematoma(ASDH),and to evaluate its potential risk factors in order to provide evidence for the prevention,early diagnosis and early treatment of secondary massive cerebral infarction after ASDH.Methods The clinical data of children with ASDH aged 4~12 years were retrospectively studied.All the children received routine operation.The diagnosis of post-traumatic secondary massive cerebral infarction(MCI)was based on low-density areas on CT images and clinical signs.Clinical and radiographic findings related to patient outcomes were reviewed and statistically compared.Univariate and multifactor Cox regression analysis was used to evaluate the MCI after operation to obtain the factors affecting MCI.Results A total of 67 cases were included in the study,with 32 cases included in the MCI group and 35 cases included in the non-MCI group.There were significant differences between MCI and non-MCI groups in age(t=2.016,P= 0.048),body mass(t=2.389,P=0.020),multiple injuries(χ2=11.121,P=0.001),GCS(Z=-4.730,P<0.001),hematoma volume(χ2=12.890,P=0.002),MLS(χ2=12.261,P=0.002)and perioperative shock(χ2= 14.417,P<0.001).GCS(OR=0.322,P=0.002),perioperative shock(OR=10.992,P=0.007),multiple injury(OR= 6.547,P=0.046)and MLS score(OR= 46.974,P=0.025)were major risk factors for MCI in children with ASDH.Conclusion Perioperative shock,multiple injuries,low GCS and MLS greater than 10mm are risk factors for MCI.The incidence of MCI is significantly increased in children with multiple risk factors.

Chinese Critical Care Medicine ; (12): 124-130, 2024.
Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1025360


Objective:To investigate the epidemiological characteristics of sepsis-associated encephalopathy (SAE) in patients with sepsis, analyze its risk factors and build a prediction model, which provides evidence for early clinical identification of SAE patients and improvement of clinical outcomes.Methods:A retrospective observational study was conducted. Sepsis patients admitted to the critical care medical center of the First Affiliated Hospital of Xinjiang Medical University from February 2022 to February 2023 were enrolled. According to whether SAE occurred, the patients were divided into sepsis group and SAE group. The 24 patients without sepsis in the same period were used as controls (non-sepsis group). Demographic data, relevant scores and laboratory test indicators at admission to intensive care unit (ICU), and prognostic indicators were collected. Univariate and multivariate Logistic regression analysis was used to analyze the risk factors for sepsis and SAE. Receiver operator characteristic curve (ROC curve) was drawn. The predictive value of each risk factor for sepsis and SAE.Results:A total of 130 patients with sepsis were included, of which 52 had SAE, and the incidence of SAE was 40.00%. There were significant differences in the length of ICU stay and total length of stay among all groups, while there were no significant differences in hospitalization cost and mechanical ventilation time. Multivariate Logistic regression analysis showed that pulmonary infection [odds ratio ( OR) = 46.817, 95% confidence interval (95% CI) was 5.624-389.757, P = 0.000], acute physiology and chronic health evaluation Ⅱ (APACHEⅡ: OR = 1.184, 95% CI was 1.032-1.358, P = 0.016), sequential organ failure assessment (SOFA: OR = 9.717, 95% CI was 2.618-36.068, P = 0.001), Charson comorbidity index (CCI: OR = 4.836, 95% CI was 1.860-12.577, P = 0.001), hemoglobin (Hb: OR = 0.893, 95% CI was 0.826-0.966, P = 0.005), glutamyltranspeptidase ( OR = 1.026, 95% CI was 1.008-1.045, P = 0.006) were independent risk factors for sepsis in ICU patients. Pulmonary infection ( OR = 28.795, 95% CI was 3.296-251.553, P = 0.002), APACHEⅡ score ( OR = 1.273, 95% CI was 1.104-1.467, P = 0.001), SOFA score ( OR = 8.670, 95% CI was 2.330-32.261, P = 0.001), CCI ( OR = 5.141, 95% CI was 1.961-13.475, P = 0.001), Hb ( OR = 0.922, 95% CI was 0.857-0.993, P = 0.031), glutamyltranspeptidase ( OR = 1.020, 95% CI was 1.002-1.038, P = 0.030) were independent risk factors for SAE in sepsis patients. ROC curve analysis showed that the area under the curve (AUC) of pulmonary infection, APACHEⅡ score, SOFA score, CCI, Hb, and glutamyltranspeptidase for predicting sepsis were 0.792, 0.728, 0.987, 0.933, 0.720, and 0.699, respectively; the AUC of the combined prediction of the above 6 variables for sepsis was 1.000, with a sensitivity of 100% and a specificity of 100%. The AUC predicted by pulmonary infection, APACHEⅡ score, SOFA score, CCI, and Hb for SAE were 0.776, 0.810, 0.907, 0.917, and 0.758, respectively; the AUC of the combined prediction of the above 5 variables for SAE was 0.975, with a sensitivity of 97.3% and a specificity of 93.1%. Conclusions:Sepsis is more severe when accompanied by encephalopathy. Pulmonary infection, Hb, APACHEⅡ score, SOFA score and CCI were independent risk factors of SAE. The combination of the above five indicators has good predictive value for early screening and prevention of the disease.

Chinese Critical Care Medicine ; (12): 183-188, 2024.
Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1025371


Objective:To analyze the pathogen distribution and prognostic risk factors of catheter-related bloodstream infection (CRBSI) in patients with maintenance hemodialysis (MHD) during non-hospitalization.Methods:A retrospective comparative study was conducted. Thirty-four patients of MHD with semi-permanent catheter admitted to the department of nephrology of Gansu Provincial Hospital from January 2020 to May 2023 due to CRBSI during non-hospitalization were enrolled. The distribution characteristics of pathogens causing CRBSI in MHD patients during non-hospital period were analyzed. All patients were actively given anti-infection treatment after admission. The general data, laboratory indicators and prognosis during hospitalization were collected through the electronic medical record system. Patients were divided into poor prognosis group (14 cases) and good prognosis group (20 cases) according to the treatment results during hospitalization. Univariate and binary Logistic regression were used to analyze the risk factors affecting the prognosis of patients, and receiver operator characteristic curve (ROC curve) was drawn to evaluate its predictive value for prognosis.Results:A total of 28 pathogenic bacteria were isolated from 34 patients, of which 25 were Gram-positive, Staphylococcus was the most common pathogen, accounting for 82.15% of the total, and 16 strains of Staphylococcus aureus (57.15%), including 6 methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA, 21.43%). There were 7 strains of Staphylococcus epidermidis (25.00%), including 3 strains of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus epidermidis (MRSE, 10.71%). There were 3 strains of Gram-negative bacteria, 1 strain each of Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Escherichia coli and Acinetobacter baumannii. Univariate analysis showed that the fever duration of MHD patients with CRBSI in the poor prognosis group was significantly longer than that in the good prognosis group [days: 8.50 (3.75, 45.00) vs. 2.50 (1.00, 4.75), P < 0.01], serum erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR), C-reactive protein (CRP) and random blood glucose (GLU) were significantly higher than those in the good prognosis group [ESR (mm/1 h): 82.36±24.98 vs. 56.95±35.65, CRP (mg/L): 123.45±74.10 vs. 67.35±55.22, GLU (mmol/L): 8.74±3.66 vs. 6.42±1.95, all P < 0.05]. Binary Logistic regression analysis showed that serum CRP was an independent risk factor for poor prognosis in MHD patients with CRBSI [odds ratio ( OR) = 1.020, 95% confidence interval (95% CI) was 1.002-1.038, P = 0.025]. ROC curve analysis showed that the area under the curve (AUC) of serum CRP in predicting poor prognosis of MHD patients with CRBSI was 0.711; when the optimal cut-off value was 104.65 mg/L, the sensitivity was 64.3% and the specificity was 85.0%, indicating that it has good predictive value. Conclusions:Gram-positive bacteria are the main pathogens of CRBSI in MHD patients during non-hospital period. The poor prognosis is mainly related to the high level of serum CRP. Serum CRP level can effectively screen the high-risk group of MHD patients with CRBSI with poor prognosis.

Chinese Critical Care Medicine ; (12): 320-325, 2024.
Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1025395


Cardiac arrest (CA) is a serious cardiac event, which has a high incidence and low survival rate at home and abroad. In order to predict the risk of CA in advance, a large number of studies have been conducted by relevant researchers. This paper mainly summarizes the characteristics and research status of the existing analysis and prediction of CA from three aspects: the risk prediction factors of CA, the evaluation index of risk prediction of CA and the early warning scoring system of CA. We hope it can help medical staff to understand the current progress in this field, and provide new ways and methods for predicting the risk of CA.

Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1025608


Objective:To investigate the cognitive function and its influencing factors among residents in Qingdao city.Methods:The 5 311 research subjects over 65 years old were selected from Qingdao by simple random sampling and stratified sampling. All subjects were investigated by AD8 dementia early screening questionnaire and community screening instrument dementia (CSI-D) to evaluate the prevalence of cognitive decline in this study.The score of AD8 dementia early screening questionnaire ≥2 points or the score of CSI-D ≤7 points was considered to be cognitive decline. Mann-Whitney U test, Chi-square test, Fisher exact probability method, univariate and multivariate Logistic regression analysis and Bootstrap verification were performed using SPSS 26.0 software. Results:Among 5 311 subjects, 1 899 subjects had normal cognitive function (35.76%) and 3 412 subjects had cognitive decline (64.24%). The age of the cognitive decline group was significantly higher than that of the normal group ( P<0.01). There were significant differences in gender, educational level, rural residents, marital status, chronic medical history, hypertension, rheumatoid arthritis, cerebrovascular disease, intervertebral disc disease, ischemic heart disease, monthly household income and alcohol consumption between the two groups (all P<0.05). Univariate Logistic regression analysis showed that female ( β=0.313, OR=1.367, 95% CI=1.221-1.530), age ( β=0.052, OR=1.053, 95% CI=1.043-1.063), rural residents ( β=0.850, OR=2.340, 95% CI=2.042-2.682), widowed ( β=0.557, OR=1.745, 95% CI=1.500-2.029), chronic medical history ( β=0.290, OR=1.336, 95% CI=1.191-1.498), hypertension ( β=0.134, OR=1.143, 95% CI=1.020-1.281), rheumatoid arthritis ( β=0.458, OR=1.581, 95% CI=1.222-2.046), cerebrovascular disease ( β=0.584, OR=1.794, 95% CI=1.352-2.380), intervertebral disc disease ( β=0.578, OR=1.782, 95% CI=1.370-2.319), ischemic heart disease ( β=0.501, OR=1.651, 95% CI=1.272-2.143) were the risk factors for cognitive decline. Higher education level, higher monthly household income and abstinence ( β=-0.244, OR=0.783, 95% CI=0.619-0.992) were protective factors for cognitive decline. Multivariate logistic regression analysis showed that age ( β=0.035, OR=1.036, 95% CI=1.025-1.047), rural residents ( β=0.215, OR=1.239, 95% CI=1.047-1.468), chronic medical history ( β=0.191, OR=1.210, 95% CI=1.067-1.372), cerebrovascular disease ( β=0.480, OR=1.616, 95% CI=1.195-2.187), intervertebral disc disease ( β=0.456, OR=1.578, 95% CI=1.190-2.094) were risk factors for Alzheimer's disease. Higher education level and higher monthly household income were protective factors for Alzheimer's disease. Conclusion:The elderly with chronic diseases, low income and low education level may be at the high risk of cognitive function decline, which should be paid attention to in early screening and intervention.