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Ter. psicol ; 42(1)abr. 2024.
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1565919


Romantic love myths refer to culturally shared beliefs about love, falling in love and relationships. Their study and evaluation are of utmost importance, given that they have been recognized as a risk factor in dating violence with serious implications for the well-being and mental health of young people. The aim of the present study was therefore to develop a scale to evaluate beliefs about romantic love, establishing evidence of reliability and validity for the interpretation of the scores obtained. An instrumental cross-sectional design was carried out, applying the Multidimensional Romantic Love Myths Scale (MRL-MS) to a sample of 1001 Chilean young people between 18 and 25 years of age. As a result, a scale composed of 40 items assessing 8 interrelated dimensions was obtained, with evidence of validity based on internal structure, adequate levels of reliability, and evidence of metric and scalar invariance between sexes. Finally, the limitations of the study are discussed and possible applications and guidelines for future research are proposed.

Los mitos del amor romántico refieren a creencias culturalmente compartidas sobre el amor, el enamoramiento y las relaciones de pareja. Su estudio y evaluación son de suma importancia, dado que se han reconocido como un factor de riesgo en la violencia en el noviazgo con graves implicancia en el bienestar y salud mental de los jóvenes. Por tanto, el objetivo del presente estudio es desarrollar una escala que permita evaluar las creencias sobre el amor romántico, estableciendo evidencias de fiabilidad y validez para la interpretación de las puntuaciones obtenidas. Se llevó a cabo un diseño transversal de tipo instrumental, aplicando la Escala Multidimensional Mitos del Amor Romántico (MRL-MS) a una muestra de 1001 jóvenes chilenos entre 18 y 25 años. Como resultado, se obtuvo una escala compuesta por 40 ítems que evalúan 8 dimensiones interrelacionadas, con evidencia de validez basada en la estructura interna, adecuados niveles de fiabilidad, y evidencias de invarianza métrica y escalar entre sexos. Finalmente, se discuten las limitaciones del estudio y se proponen posibles aplicaciones y directrices para futuras investigaciones.

Sex., salud soc. (Rio J.) ; (39): e22200, 2023. tab, graf
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: biblio-1442179


Resumo Este artigo avalia as relações afetivas/sexuais entre jovens, procurando identificar eventuais resquícios do chamado "amor romântico" a partir da comparação entre os gêneros. Entre outros, trabalhamos com valores, expectativas e comportamentos relacionados a temas diversos, tais como: amizade, casamento, família, desejo de ter filhos, reconhecimento profissional, perspectiva de permanência, estabilidade, machismo, individualismo, fluidez das relações, fidelidade. Para isso, utilizamos uma amostra de 1.282 respostas recebidas de alunos heterossexuais da Universidade de Brasília. Em geral, verificamos uma grande variação na opinião dos alunos. No entanto, ela não decorre da diferença entre gêneros: alunos e alunas apresentaram-se muito parecidos entre si.

Abstract This article evaluates the affective/sexual relations among young people, seeking to identify possible remnants of the so-called "romantic love", from the comparison between genders. Among other things, we work with values, expectations and behaviors related to several topics, such as: friendship, marriage, family, the desire to have children, professional recognition, perspective of permanence, stability, machismo, individualism, fluidity of relationships, fidelity. And for this matter, we analyzed a sample of 1,282 responses received from heterosexual students from the University of Brasília. In general, we found a wide dispersion in students´s opinions. However, it does not result from the difference between genders: male and female students presented themselves very similar to each other.

Resumen Este artículo evalúa las relaciones afectivas / sexuales entre jóvenes, buscando identificar posibles remanentes del llamado "amor romántico", a partir de la comparación entre géneros. Entre otros, trabajamos con valores, expectativas y comportamientos relacionados con diferentes temas, tales como: amistad, matrimonio, familia, deseo de tener hijos, reconocimiento profesional, perspectiva de permanencia, estabilidad, machismo, individualismo, fluidez de relaciones, lealtad, etc. Para esto, utilizamos una muestra de 1.282 respuestas recibidas de estudiantes heterosexuales de la Universidad de Brasilia. En general, encontramos una gran dispersión en la opinión de los estudiantes. Sin embargo, no resulta de la diferencia entre géneros: los estudiantes masculinos y femeninos se presentaron muy similares entre sí.

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Adulto , Adulto Joven , Conducta Sexual , Responsabilidad Parental , Heterosexualidad , Amor , Brasil , Individualidad
Suma psicol ; 29(1): 77-90, jan.-jun. 2022. tab, graf
Artículo en Español | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1395170


Resumen Introducción: En Colombia, la violencia de pareja es una importante causa de agresión contra las mujeres. Sus principales detonantes son el machismo, los celos y la infidelidad. Algunas investigaciones señalan que los "mitos románticos" podrían contribuir a esta violencia, al reafirmar roles de género desiguales y patriarcales. Método: El trabajo es una revisión sistemática cualitativa, orientada a sintetizar los estudios empíricos sobre el amor romántico en Colombia. Siguiendo el protocolo Prisma, la muestra estuvo conformada por los artículos de mayor impacto, publicados en bases de datos especializadas de ciencias sociales, con énfasis en la psicología, se seleccionaron 26 estudios. Resultados: Los resultados señalan que los mitos románticos se encuentran relacionados con la violencia de pareja. En particular, los celos y la infidelidad constituyen los detonantes prioritarios de la agresión. Conclusión: Se concluye que el marco de creencias sociales sobre el amor en la cultura colombiana es fuertemente patriarcal, marco que se sustenta en un relacionamiento desigual, dominador y controlador entre los sexos, conducente a la violencia en la pareja.

Abstract Introduction: In Colombia, domestic violence is an important cause of aggression against women with machoism, jealously, and infidelity being the key triggers. Some research indicates that romantic love and related myths may be contributing factors towards the emergence or persistence of domestic violence, as they reaffirm unequal and patriarchal gender roles. Method: This work is a systematic review aimed to synthase the empirical studies about romantic love in Colombia. Following the Prisma protocol, the sample was made up of high-impact articles published in specialized databases about social science with a focus on psychology and 26 were selected. Results: The results pointed that in the Colombian context, the romantic myths are found related to domestic violence, and jealousy and infidelity appearing as signs of aggression. Conclusion: It is concluded that the background of the social beliefs about romantic love in the Colombian culture is highly patriarchal, holding is an unequal, dominating and controlling relationship between the sexes that conduces the gender violence in relationships

Suma psicol ; 26(1): 46-54, ene.-jun. 2019. tab
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: biblio-1043421


Resumen El presente estudio tiene como objetivo analizar la prevalencia y las diferencias en la frecuencia y cronicidad del abuso online en el noviazgo de acuerdo con distintas variables sociodemográficas. Además, se analiza su relación con los mitos del amor romántico, el abuso del móvil y la aceptación de la violencia. Usando una muestra de 1657 estudiantes universitarios, los resultados revelaron que el 43.3% de los encuestados fueron perpetradores y el 42% víctimas de al menos un comportamiento de abuso online en el noviazgo durante los últimos doce meses. Se encontraron diferencias significativas en el abuso online de acuerdo con el sexo, la edad, la orientación sexual, ingresos medios anuales familiares y el nivel educativo de los padres. Final mente, los resultados revelaron una relación significativa entre el abuso online en el noviazgo con el abuso del móvil, los mitos del amor romántico, y la aceptación de la violencia.

Abstract The present study aimed to analyze the prevalence, and the differences in the fre quency and chronicity of cyber dating abuse according to different sociodemographic variables. Additionally, the relationship of cyber dating abuse with the myths of romantic love, mobile abuse and acceptance of violence was analyzed. Using a sample of 1,657 university students, the results revealed that 43.3% of the respondents were perpetrators and 42% were victims of at least one behavior of dating online abuse during the last 12 months. Significant differences were found in cyber dating abuse according to sex, age, sexual orientation, family income and parent's educational level. Finally, the results revealed a significant relationship between cy ber dating abuse, mobile abuse, the myths of romantic love, and the acceptance of violence.

Estud. Psicol. (Campinas, Online) ; 36: e180032, 2019. tab
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: biblio-1039869


This study verified the predictive relationships between social skills, beliefs about love and marital satisfaction in the family life cycle. The participants of this study were 446 married adults, of both sexes, living in the metropolitan area of the city of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. The explanatory variables that contributed most to the marital satisfaction of men were passion, proactive self-control, decision/commitment, and for women they were commitment, affective sensitivity, decision/commitment, and passion. It was concluded that the dimensions related to love constructs were more explanatory of marital satisfaction, except at the stage of couples with small children whose social skills were more prominent. These results may contribute to preparatory programs and therapies related to marital life.

Este estudo verificou as relações preditivas entre habilidades sociais, empatia, amor e satisfação conjugal no ciclo vital familiar. Os participantes deste estudo foram 446 adultos casados, de ambos os sexos, residentes na região metropolitana do Rio de Janeiro/RJ. As variáveis explicativas que mais contribuíram para a Satisfação Conjugal de homens foram a Paixão, o Autocontrole Proativo e a Decisão/Compromisso; e, para as mulheres, o Compromisso, a Sensibilidade Afetiva, a Decisão/Compromisso e a Paixão. Concluiu-se que as dimensões do construto do amor foram mais explicativas da Satisfação Conjugal no ciclo familiar geral, exceto na etapa de casais com filhos pequenos, em que habilidades sociais foram mais proeminentes. Esses resultados podem contribuir para programas preparatórios e terapias relativas à vida conjugal.

Familia , Esposos , Habilidades Sociales , Amor
Suma psicol ; 25(2): 162-170, jul.-dic. 2018. tab, graf
Artículo en Español | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1004732


Resumen El objetivo del estudio es evaluar las propiedades psicométricas de la versión reducida de la Escala de Mitos sobre el Amor en una muestra de estudiantes colombianos. Participaron 443 estudiantes con una edad media de 20.64 años. El análisis factorial confirmatorio reporta un ajuste adecuado para un modelo bifactorial. Las dos dimensiones coinciden con la literatura y tienen una fiabilidad apropiada: idealización del amor y vinculación amor-maltrato. Los resultados, al comparar las puntuaciones de mujeres y hombres, muestran diferencias estadísticamente significativas. Se concluye que el instrumento es válido y fiable para evaluar los mitos románticos en el contexto colombiano.

Abstract The main aim of this study is to assess the psychometric properties of the reduced version of the Myths Scale toward Love in a sample of Colombian students. The research sample consists of 443 university students and their mean age is 20.64 years old. The confirmatory factor analysis shows an adequate fit for a two-factor model. Both dimensions correspond to the literature and the reliability is appropriate: Idealized love and Relation between abuse and love. The results show statistically significant differences between men and women. In conclusion, this paper verifies the validity and reliability of this scale in the Colombian background.

Rev. bras. psiquiatr ; 39(4): 323-329, Oct.-Dec. 2017. tab
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: biblio-899377


Objective: Experiencing romantic love is an important part of individual development. Here, we investigated stability and change in romantic love and psychological correlates, including mood states, anxiety, and sleep, among Iranian adolescents over a period of 8 months. Method: Two hundred and one adolescents who had taken part in a previous study were contacted; 157 responded. Participants completed a questionnaire covering sociodemographic data, current state of love, and mood, including symptoms of depression, anxiety (state and trait), and hypomania. They also completed a sleep and activity log. Results: Of 64 participants formerly in love, 45 were still in love; of 86 participants not in love at baseline, 69 were still not in love (overall stability, 76%); 17 had fallen in love recently while 19 were no longer in love. Significant and important changes in mood and anxiety were observed in that experiencing romantic love was associated with higher anxiety scores. Hypomania scores increased in those newly in love, and decreased in those in a longer-lasting romantic relationship. Sleep and sleep-related variables were not associated with romantic love status. Conclusion: These findings suggest that, among Iranian adolescents, the state of love is fairly stable, and that love status seems to be associated with specific states of mood and anxiety.

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Adolescente , Ansiedad/psicología , Conducta del Adolescente/psicología , Afecto , Depresión/psicología , Relaciones Interpersonales , Amor , Sueño/fisiología , Encuestas y Cuestionarios , Irán
Arch. Clin. Psychiatry (Impr.) ; 44(3): 63-66, May-June 2017. tab
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-903025


Abstract Background Passionate love involves physiological, emotional, and cognitive features that greatly changes behavior. This phenomenon seems universal or near universal. Even other animal species choose partners. An intense state of passionate love is associated with activity in dopamine pathways of the brain 'reward system', and recently has been regarded as a 'natural addiction'. Instruments or tools to evaluate romantic love during childhood is still scarce. Objective To perform the translation and cultural adaptation of the Juvenile Love Scale (JLS) for use in the Brazilian context targeted for adolescents between 14 and 18 years old. Methods The translation and cultural adaptation of JLS followed international recommendations, and its content validity was analyzed by a panel of experts in different areas of knowledge. Results The final version of the JLS for use in the Brazilian context showed high content validity (> 90%). Discussion To our knowledge, this is the first scale for measuring romantic or passionate love in adolescents adapted to the Brazilian context. This instrument is a significant contribution to the study of the dimensions of love, as well as to understand the impact of love on the psychiatric phenomena that pervade life in this stage of development.

Univ. psychol ; 14(spe5): 1681-1694, Dec. 2015.
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: biblio-830940


El presente artículo analiza la relación existente entre el repertorio interpretativo del amor romántico y la violencia machista. Se realizaron ocho relatos de vida con jóvenes de entre 25 y 35 años (3 chicos y 5 chicas), centrados en sus relaciones erótico-afectivas. Se recurrió al análisis del discurso, concretamente al de los repertorios interpretativos. Esta aproximación ha permitido identificar, caracterizar y analizar el repertorio interpretativo del amor romántico cuyos resultados orientan las formas adecuadas de sentir, favoreciendo las relaciones heterosexuales, románticas, monógamas y duraderas, que constituyen la base del patriarcado, generando las condiciones de posibilidad para la aparición y mantenimiento de la violencia machista.

The present article analyzes the relationship between the interpretative repertoire of romantic love and gender violence. We conducted eight life stories with young people between 25 and 35 years old (3 boys and 5 girls), focused on their relationships. We have resorted to discourse analysis, specifically the analysis of interpretative repertoires. This approach has allowed us to identify, characterize and analyze the interpretative repertoire of romantic love. The results show how romantic love's interpretative repertoire guides to appropriate ways of feeling, helping heterosexual, romantic, monogamous and long lasting relationships that are the basis for patriarchy, generating the conditions of possibility for the emergence and maintenance of gender violence.

Metáfora , Violencia contra la Mujer
Estud. psicol. (Natal) ; 19(3): 179-188, jul.-set. 2014.
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: lil-731115


A regra pós-moderna sugere ausência de discursos e práticas normatizadores, apontando ser possível a homens e mulheres não somente reproduzir modelos sociais, mas inventar formas de parcerias amorosas, o que chamamos de customizar as relações. Consideramos a diversidade das configurações conjugais coexistentes em nossa sociedade e a família moderna que permanece como modelo ideal para a maioria. A partir destas considerações, discutimos em que medida um casal homossexual feminino e um heterossexual das camadas médias de Belo Horizonte estariam repetindo valores mais próximos do modelo conjugal moderno e do ideário romântico, e/ou reinventando formas. Concluímos que a combinação dos ideais e valores assumidos pelos casais não só reflete a ideia de customização, pois cada casal assume um modo singular de se relacionar, como diz também de uma capacidade adaptativa aos nossos tempos...

The postmodern rule suggests absence of norms, practices and discourses pointing possible men and women not only reproduce social models, but invent ways of loving partnerships, what we call customizing relationships. We consider the diversity of coexisting conjugal settings in our society and the modern family that remains as ideal model for most. From these considerations, we discussed the extent to which a homosexual couple and a heterosexual Belo Horizonte medium layers were repeating values closer to the model of the modern romantic ideal marital, and/or reinventing ways. We discussed the extent to which couples would be repeating values closer to the model of the modern romantic ideal marital, and/or reinventing ways. We conclude that the combination of the ideals and values assumed by married couples not only reflects the idea of customization, because every couple takes a singular way to relate, as also an adaptive capacity to our time...

La regla postmodernista sugiere ausencia de normas, prácticas y discursos señalando posibilidades a hombres y mujeres no sólo reproducir modelos sociales, sino inventar formas de asociaciones amorosas, lo que llamamos relaciones "customizadas". Consideramos la diversidad de configuraciones conyugales coexistentes en nuestra sociedad y la familia moderna que permanece como modelo ideal para la mayoría. De estas consideraciones, hemos hablado de la medida en que una pareja homosexual y un heterosexual de capas medianas de Belo Horizonte estaban repitiendo valores cercano al modelo del ideal romántico moderno marital, o reinventar maneras. Hablamos de la medida en que las parejas sería ser repitiendo valores más cercano al modelo del ideal romántico moderno o reinventar formas. Concluimos que la combinación de ideales y valores asumidos por las parejas no sólo refleja la idea de personalización, porque cada pareja toma una forma singular de relacionarse, como también una capacidad de adaptación a nuestros tiempos...

Humanos , Matrimonio/tendencias , Homosexualidad , Amor
Physis (Rio J.) ; 22(2): 755-778, abr.-jun. 2012.
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: lil-643781


Discute-se largamente, na literatura psicanalítica e no meio acadêmico, de modo geral, sobre o declínio das tradições, do respeito às e respaldo social das instituições, e sobre a desqualificação da autoridade paterna na contemporaneidade. Tributário do romantismo e do individualismo forjados na modernidade, o amor romântico enquanto valor cultural e último refúgio subjetivo também se encontra em ruínas. A sexualidade enquanto absoluto prazer, multiplicidade e busca de sensações, é projetada cada vez mais como condição para as relações ditas amorosas. Diante desse cenário, partimos de uma discussão teórica e de vinhetas clínicas, a fim de argumentar que o ciúme é um afeto "fora de moda", cujas manifestações sintomáticas podem ser associadas ao modo como o erotismo é regido na atualidade. A ausência de ciúme desponta como um novo ideal para o amor, não mais apenas romântico, porém, antes de mais nada, narcísico, erótico, múltiplo e excessivo. A partir de estudos psicanalíticos sobre o amor e o ciúme, pretendemos então refletir como o modelo cultural narcísico atual permeado pelos restos de um romantismo recrudescente afeta a subjetividade. De modo ambíguo, a "ausência de ciúme" e seu oposto correlato "ciúme primitivo" oscilam entre si como expressões marcantes da fragilidade nas relações amorosas atuais.

The decline of traditions, institutions and paternal authority in present times has been largely discussed in psychoanalytical literature. Heir of Romanticism and Individualism forged in modernity, romantic love as a cultural value and the last subjective refugee, has ruined. Sexuality understood as absolute pleasure and multiplicity of sensations has been more and more considered as a condition for love relationships. Considering this state of affairs, and based on a theoretical discussion and clinical vignettes, we argue that jealousy is "old-fashioned". The absence of jealousy points at a new ideal for love, not so much romantic, but most of all narcissistic, erotic, multiple and excessive. Based on psychoanalytical studies about love and jealousy, in this paper, we intend to reflect about how today´s narcissistic cultural model, still permeated by the remains of Romanticism, continues to interfere with contemporary subjectivity. In an ambiguous way, the absence of jealousy and its opposite correlate "primitive jealousy" take turns in the field of contemporary love relationships.

Humanos , Relaciones Interpersonales , Celos , Amor , Psicoanálisis , Controles Informales de la Sociedad , Sexualidad/psicología
Artículo en Inglés | WPRIM | ID: wpr-191793


OBJECTIVE: Previous neuroimaging studies on romantic love have focused on determining how the visual stimuli that serve as a representation of loved ones induce the neural activation patterns of romantic love. The purpose of this study was to investigate the temporal changes in romantic love over a period of 6 months and their correlated neurophysiological changes. METHODS: Five heterosexual couples (n=10, mean age 21.1+/-1.97) who started dating not less than 100 days previously were recruited to measure their blood oxygen level dependent (BOLD) signals using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) while showing them pictures of their loved ones and their previously identified, opposite-sex friends. Subsequently, the subjects were scanned under the same experimental conditions to assess possible changes in their brain activities after 180 days. RESULTS: We found that their Passionate Love Score (PLS) values (M: 118.6+/-9.1, F: 120.2+/-7.0) were significantly reduced after 6 months (M: 110.8+/-4.0, F: 106.2+/-3.0). Furthermore, significantly increased activations were found in the cingulate gyri, inferior frontal gyri, supramarginal gyri, etc., after 6 months, whereas the head and tail of the right caudate nucleus were deactivated, which is indicative of the inhibition of expression and sensory neglect. CONCLUSION: These findings suggest that dynamic neural processes in the cortical-subcortical regions are involved in temporal changes in romantic love.

Humanos , Encéfalo , Núcleo Caudado , Composición Familiar , Amigos , Cabeza , Heterosexualidad , Amor , Imagen por Resonancia Magnética , Espectroscopía de Resonancia Magnética , Magnetismo , Imanes , Neuroimagen , Oxígeno , Trastornos de la Percepción
Psicol. rev. (Belo Horizonte) ; 14(2): 153-170, dez. 2008.
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: lil-572790


Este texto analisa a violência conjugal por meio de um fato de grande repercussão na imprensa: o sequestro de um ônibus no Rio de Janeiro. Acompanhando as notícias de vários periódicos do Estado, o acontecimento é apresentado, e a análise se detém sobre as formas de interpretar, sob duas perspectivas, o episódio: a do íntimo, em que se destacam os ideais românticos a respeito do amor, e do público, a qual se remete à necessidade de intervenção institucional sobre a violência. Alguns meses após a ruptura com a violência, por intermédio da separação conjugal e da intervenção institucional, o casal reaparece nas manchetes, desta vez para anunciar a sua reconciliação motivada pelo amor. Essa trajetória mostra-nos toda a complexidade e ambivalência desse fenômeno, impedindo-nos de lançar mão de fórmulas prontas ao buscarmos compreendê-lo.

This is an analysis of conjugal violence based on a fact of great repercussion in the press: the kidnapping of a bus in Rio de Janeiro. Following the news on various newspapers in the State, one notices that, as the fact is presented, the analysis focuses on ways of interpreting it in the perspective of private life, with emphasis on the romantic ideal of love, as well as of public life, with the need of institutional intervention on violence. Some months after the rupture with violence, through conjugal separation and institutional intervention, the couple reappeared on the headlines, this time to announce their reconciliation motivated by love. This path points out all the complexity and ambivalence of the phenomenon, preventing us from using ready-made formulas in our attempt to understand it.

Este texto analiza la violencia conyugal a través de un hecho de gran repercusión en la prensa: el secuestro de un autobús en Río de Janeiro. Si observamos las noticias de varios periódicos (del estado), el evento se presenta y el análisis se sostiene sobre las formas de interpretar el episodio desde dos perspectivas: la de lo íntimo, en la que se destacan los románticos ideales de amor, y la de lo público, en la que se remite a la necesidad de una intervención institucional ante la violencia. Pocos meses después de la ruptura violenta, a través de la separación matrimonial y de la intervención institucional, la pareja vuelve a aparecer en los titulares, esta vez para anunciar su reconciliación motivada por el amor. Esta trayectoria nos muestra toda la complejidad y ambivalencia de este fenómeno, que nos impide echar mano de formulas preconcebidas cuando tratamos de comprenderlo.

Violencia contra la Mujer , Mujeres , Amor