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Indian J Exp Biol ; 2016 Nov; 54(11): 753-757
Artículo en Inglés | IMSEAR | ID: sea-178841


In spite of the advances in drug development and research against human lymphatic filariasis following the WHO mandate to address the disease-associated socioeconomic burden, diethylcarbamazine (DEC, N, N-diethyl-4-methyl-1-piperazine carboxamide) is the only available antifilarial drug to date. The major obstacle for further development of antifilarial drugs is the lack of validation of candidate drugs in the experimental animal models. Both, green tea extract and a synthetic heterocyclic thiazolidine derivative (Im8; 2-chloro-N-(4-phenylthiazol-2-yl), showed efficacy of antifilarial action in our earlier in vitro study and hence, they were screened in the present study for their antifilarial potential in the BALB/c mouse filariasis model. Mice were treated with 25 mg/kg dose of either Im8 or green tea extract or DEC or only with their respective vehicles. The untreated mice served as controls. Following insertion of the micropore chamber laden with microfilariae (Mf) of Brugia malayi, the drug or vehicle was administered s.c. in mice at 12 h intervals as 4 doses. After 12 h of administration of the last dose, the micropore chambers were removed to determine the action of the treatments as the loss of Mf motility. The green tea extract showed a significant antifilarial action and Im8 showed relatively less but significant antifilarial action as compared to the respective vehicle controls. Both the green tea extract and Im8 showed higher activity than that was exerted by DEC. These results revealed a greater efficacy of green tea and thiazolidine derivative, Im8 as the novelantifilarial agents in the experimental mouse model of filariasis.

Rev. bras. educ. méd ; 40(1): 151-159, jan.-mar. 2016. graf
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: lil-781435


RESUMO Objetivo Desenvolver e avaliar um software educacional com base em imagens parasitológicas de helmintos, abordando de forma ilustrativa e interativa os nematelmintos de transmissão passiva, o que poderá ser útil a professores, profissionais e alunos de graduação das diferentes profissões da saúde na compreensão e identificação dessas verminoses, aproximando-os também da prática profissional. Metodologia O software foi construído com base em um banco de imagens do próprio autor, utilizando o multimídia Flashâ, que permite elaborar animações e simulações em linguagem vetorial, resultando em arquivos pequenos, que podem ser disponibilizados através da web ou em mídias ópticas e magnéticas. A avaliação do produto final foi feita por estudantes de Medicina. Resultados O software foi concluído e bem avaliado pelos estudantes do curso de Medicina (n=97) da Faculdade de Ciências Médicas e da Saúde (FCMS) da PUC/SP. Os pré e pós-testes do material mostraram consistente crescimento do conhecimento, seja por autoavaliação ou por questões objetivas fechadas. Conclusão Os resultados atuais permitem concluir que o software é de grande interesse educacional e poderá ser útil a estudantes, profissionais e docentes da área da saúde.

ABSTRACT Object The main objective of this project is to evaluate and develop educational software utilizing Helminth parasitological images to interactively illustrate the passive transmission of roundworms. This can be useful to teachers, professionals and graduate students from various health professions understand and identify these worms as well as for use by professionals in their practice. Methodology The software was built using Multimedia Flashâ and a database of images. This enabled the creation of animations and simulations in vector language, resulting in smaller files that can be made available through the web or provided on other storage media. The final product was evaluated by medical students. Results The software has been completed and has been favorably evaluated by medicine students (n = 97) of the PUC/SP Medical Science and Health School. Their tests compared results before use of the software with results obtained after using the software. A consistent growth of knowledge was demonstrated either by self-assessment or closed objective questions. Conclusion The results obtained allow us to conclude that the software is of great educational interest and should be useful to students, teachers and professionals in the health field.

Artículo en Inglés | WPRIM | ID: wpr-963382


A short review of the reports of Ascaris lumbricoides and foreign bodies found in the biliary tract is given and two cases of the presence of the ascaris worm in the common bile-duct are reported, one of a patient that lived (reported in detail) and one of a patient that died. These are, to our knowledge, the first reports of Ascaris lumbricoides found in the common bile-duct on the operating table. (Summary)

Acta amaz ; 23(1)jan.-mar. 1993.
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS-Express | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1454482


Studies were made of the intestinal parasites of Amerindian populations of the Uaupes River basin of Brazil. Three groups were sampled: 1) Tukano fisher-agriculturalists who live in permanent riverine villages; 2) Maku hunter-horticulturalists who live in close contact with the Tukano fishing villages; and 3) Maku who inhabit the forest interior and have little contact with permanent settlements. Fecal samples were collected from 498 individuals of which 220 were from the first group, 135 from de second and 143 from the third. The samples were analyzed by means of microflotation and centrifugal sedimentation. A total of 18 protozoan and helminth species were recorded based on the presence of cysts or eggs. These included five nematode species that could not be identified. The three common pathogenic nematodes were found to be prevalent: the hookworm, Necator americanus(96%); the whipworm, Trichuris trichiura(77%) and the large roundworm, Ascaris lumbricoides(75%). The prevalence of Ascarisamong the villages was found to vary from 56 to 100%. Individuals living in, or associated with, permanent settlements had higher prevalence and intensity rates than those living in the nomadic hunter-gatherer way. This is shown to be directly related to fecal contamination of the environment in and around permanent settlements. The prevalence of Ascarisin a population can be used as an indicator of such environmental contamination.

Estudos foram feitos dos parasitas intestinais de populações de ameríndios da bacia do Rio Uaupes no Brasil. Três grupos foram amostrados: 1) Tukano pescadores-agricultores que vivem em aldeias ribeirinhas permanentes; 2) Maku caçadores-horticultores que vivem em contato próximo com as aldeias pescadoras dos Tukano; e 3) Maku que habitam o interior da selva e têm pouco contato com aldeias permanentes. Amostras fecais foram obtidas de 498 indivíduos dos quais 220 foram do primeiro grupo, 135 do segundo e 143 do terceiro. As amostras foram analisadas pelos métodos de microflutuação e por sedimentação centrífuga. Um total de 18 espécies de protozoários e helmintos foram assinaladas com base na presença de cistos ou ovos. Entre estas, cinco espécies de nematóides não puderam ser identificadas. As três espécies de nematóides patogênicas comuns foram prevalentes: Necator americanus(96%); Trichuris trichiura(77%) e Ascaris lumbricoides(75%). A prevalência de Ascarisentre as aldeias variou entre 56 e 100%. Indivíduos morando em, ou associados com, aldeias permanentes apresentaram taxas de prevalência e intensidade mais elevadas do que as pessoas que continuavam vivendo como caçadores nômades. Isto tem uma relação direta com a contaminação fecal do ambiente dentro e ao redor das aldeias permanentes. A prevalência de Ascarisnuma população pode ser utilizada como uma indicadora deste tipo de contaminação ambiental.