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Malaysian Journal of Medicine and Health Sciences ; : 51-61, 2023.
Artículo en Inglés | WPRIM | ID: wpr-998738


@#Introduction: Limited studies have examined the dietary intake pattern of Malaysian endurance athletes. Differences in the types of foods consumed between Malaysian and Western population leads to varying nutritional intake values. This study aimed to characterise the dietary intake of Malaysian endurance athletes as compared to sports nutrition recommendations, and to determine the associations between participants’ backgrounds and macronutrients intake status. Methods: A total of 85 endurance-trained Malaysian athletes participated in a cross-sectional study. Dietary intake for three days throughout the training season was evaluated using 24-hour dietary recall. The macronutrients and micronutrients intakes were compared to the nutritional recommendation for athletes and the Recommended Nutrient Intakes (RNI), respectively. The food serving size was compared to the Malaysian Food Pyramid 2020. Results: Of all participants, 51% met the minimum recommendations for carbohydrate (CHO) intake (6g/ kg/day). For protein intake, 88% of participants had surpassed the lower limit of 1.2g/kg/day. The lower limit of fat intake (20% of total daily energy intake) was met by 99% of the participants. Most of the participants had a suboptimal intake of calcium, vitamin A, and vitamin E, while all had inadequate vitamin D intake. The athletes’ institution was significantly associated with the CHO intake status. Also, the athletes’ institution and the highest education level were significantly associated with the protein intake status. Conclusion: Athletes who practised Asian-based diets were able to achieve the energy, protein, and fat intake recommendations. However, there was a suboptimal intake of the CHO and micronutrients as compared to the recommendations.

Podium (Pinar Río) ; 17(3): 1018-1027, sept.-dic. 2022. tab, graf
Artículo en Español | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1406286


RESUMEN Introducción: La composición corporal es un indicador fundamental para definir el estado nutricional del corredor. Objetivo: El estudio tuvo como objetivo evaluar los efectos de la intervención de periodización nutricional en la composición corporal de corredores juveniles djiboutianos de élite en distancia media. Materiales y métodos: La muestra fue de 22 corredores masculinos, en edades comprendidas entre 16 y 18 años. Para la valoración, se diseñó un experimento constituido por 11 sujetos en el grupo control y 11 en el experimental. Como mediciones antropométricas se tomaron el peso, estatura y seis panículos adiposos para evaluar el porcentaje de grasa, índices de adiposidad, índice de masa corporal y el de sustancia corporal activa pues, para llevar el seguimiento de la intervención propuesta, se realizó una entrevista de recordatorio 24 horas de siete días. Resultados: Se diseñó una dieta periodizada, con la manipulación de los carbohidratos. La periodización nutricional con alta y baja ingesta de carbohidratos durante 12 semanas disminuyó significativamente (p< 0,05) el porcentaje de grasa, sin alterar el peso corporal ni el índice de sustancia corporal activa en los corredores djiboutianos de media distancia juveniles del grupo experimental. Conclusiones: Los resultados expuestos contribuyen a mejorar el control biomédico del entrenamiento en los corredores de élite juveniles de distancia media en Djibouti, ya que existían limitaciones de datos sobre su composición corporal y el efecto que pudiera tener la nutrición periodizada sobre esos indicadores

SÍNTESE Introdução: A composição corporal é um indicador chave na definição do estado nutricional do corredor. Objetivo: O estudo visava avaliar os efeitos da intervenção de periodização nutricional sobre a composição corporal em corredores de elite júnior djibutianos de meia distância. Materiais e métodos: A amostra consistiu de 22 corredores masculinos, de 16-18 anos de idade. Para a avaliação, foi projetado um experimento com 11 sujeitos no grupo de controle e 11 no grupo experimental. Como medidas antropométricas, foram tomadas medidas de peso, altura e seis panniculi adiposos para avaliar a porcentagem de gordura, índices de adiposidade, índice de massa corporal e índice de substância corporal ativa. Para acompanhar a intervenção proposta, foi realizada uma entrevista de lembrete de sete dias, 24 horas por dia. Resultados: Foi projetada uma dieta periódica, com a manipulação de carboidratos. A periodização nutricional com alta e baixa ingestão de carboidratos por 12 semanas diminuiu significativamente (p<0,05) o percentual de gordura, sem alterar o peso corporal ou o índice de substância corporal ativa em corredores djibutianos juvenis de meia distância no grupo experimental. Conclusões: Os resultados acima contribuem para melhorar o monitoramento biomédico do treinamento em corredores de elite de distância média júnior em Djibuti, já que havia limitações de dados sobre sua composição corporal e o efeito que a nutrição periodizada poderia ter sobre esses indicadores.

ABSTRACT Introduction: Body composition is a fundamental indicator to define the nutritional status of the runner. Objective: The study aimed to evaluate the effects of the nutritional periodization intervention on the body composition of elite junior Djiboutian runners in middle distance. Materials and methods: The sample consisted of 22 male runners, aged between 16 and 18 years. For the assessment, an experiment consisting of 11 subjects in the control group and 11 in the experimental roup was designed. As anthropometric measurements, weight, height and six adipose tissue were taken to evaluate the percentage of fat, adiposity index, body mass index and active body substance index, since, in order to monitor the proposed intervention, an interview of reminder 24 hours seven days. Results: A periodized diet was designed, with the manipulation of carbohydrates. Nutritional periodization with high and low carbohydrate intake for 12 weeks significantly (p<0.05) decreased percentage fat without altering body weight or active body substance index in juvenile middle-distance Djiboutian runners from the experimental group. Conclusions: The exposed results contribute to improve the biomedical control of training in elite junior middle-distance runners in Djibouti, since there were data limitations on their body composition and the effect that periodized nutrition could have on these indicators.

Fisioter. Pesqui. (Online) ; 29(4): 386-396, Oct.-Dec. 2022. tab, graf
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1421492


RESUMO O calçado é um elemento importante para a prática de corrida. As evidências sobre os impactos das características do calçado e de sua prescrição nas lesões de corredores são restritas. Dessa forma, os objetivos deste estudo foram investigar o processo de escolha do calçado por corredores e verificar se variáveis relacionadas ao calçado e seu processo de escolha estavam associadas à presença e recorrência de lesão no último ano. Foi realizado um estudo observacional com 254 corredores que responderam um questionário autoadministrado sobre características demográficas, a prática esportiva, o calçado e o processo de sua escolha, e lesões ocorridas nos últimos 12 meses. O teste qui-quadrado foi empregado para verificar se havia diferença na distribuição das respostas de cada questão, enquanto o teste de regressão logística para verificar se as variáveis relacionadas ao calçado e ao processo de escolha predizem a presença e recorrência de lesão no último ano. Os resultados indicaram que a maioria dos corredores possui tênis específico para a prática esportiva e considera algumas características ao adquiri-lo, como o amortecimento intermediário e a diferença na altura do solado entre a parte posterior e a anterior de aproximadamente 10mm. A maioria indica conhecer seu tipo de pisada, mas não a considera na escolha do calçado. Além disso, a maioria não usa palmilha e não recebeu orientação para a escolha do calçado. O modelo obtido com a regressão não foi significativo. Assim, apesar de os corredores considerarem as características do calçado ao adquiri-lo, essas características e o processo de escolha não foram associados à presença e recorrência de lesão nos últimos 12 meses.

RESUMEN El calzado es un elemento importante para la práctica deportiva de carrera. Sin embargo, es limitada la evidencia sobre los impactos de las características del calzado deportivo y su prescripción sobre las lesiones en los corredores. Por lo tanto, los objetivos de este estudio fueron investigar el proceso de elección de calzado por los corredores y verificar si las variables relacionadas con el calzado y su proceso de elección se asociaron con la presencia y recurrencia de lesiones en el último año. Se realizó un estudio observacional con 254 corredores que respondieron un cuestionario autoinformado sobre las características demográficas, la práctica deportiva, el calzado y el proceso de elección, y las lesiones que se llevaron a cabo en los últimos 12 meses. La prueba de chi-cuadrado se aplicó para verificar la existencia de diferencias en la distribución de respuestas para cada pregunta. Y se utilizó la prueba de regresión logística para determinar si las variables relacionadas con el calzado y su proceso de elección pueden predecir la presencia y recurrencia de lesiones en el último año. Los resultados indicaron que la mayoría de los corredores tienen zapatillas adecuadas para hacer deporte y consideran algunas características a la hora de adquirirlas, como una amortiguación intermedia y la diferencia de altura de la suela entre la parte delantera y la trasera de aproximadamente 10mm. La mayoría afirma conocer el tipo de paso, pero no lo considera a la hora de elegir el calzado. Además, la mayoría no utiliza plantillas y no recibe orientación sobre la elección del calzado. El modelo que se obtuvo con la regresión no fue significativo. Por lo tanto, aunque los corredores tienen en cuenta las características del calzado a la hora de adquirirlo, esas características y el proceso de elección no se asociaron con la presencia y recurrencia de lesión en los últimos 12 meses.

ABSTRACT Running shoes are an essential element for sports practice. Evidence on the effect of the shoe characteristics and prescription in running injuries are scarce. Thus, this study aimed to investigate runners's process of choosing running shoes and to verify whether the variables related to running shoes and their selection process are associated with the presence and recurrence of injuries in the previous year. An observational study was conducted with 254 runners who answered a self-reported questionnaire about demographics, sports practice, shoe characteristics and selection criteria, and injuries in the last 12 months. The chi-square test evaluated whether there was a difference in the distribution of answers to each question. The logistic regression evaluated whether the variables related to shoes and selection criteria predicted injury's presence and recurrence in the previous year. The results showed that most runners had specific shoes for sports practice and considered some characteristics of the shoes to choose them, including intermediate cushioning and a difference in the heel-to-toe drop of approximately 10mm. Most respondents indicated knowing their foot type but not considering it when choosing shoes. Besides, most individuals did not use foot orthotics and did not receive guidance to select their shoes. The model obtained with the regression was not significant. Therefore, despite considering shoe characteristics when choosing it, these features and the selection criteria were not associated with the presence and recurrence of injuries in the previous 12 months.

Artículo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-217477


Background: Regular exercise helps us to build up the muscular fitness, that is, muscle strength and muscular endurance. The final common determinant of success in athletic event is what muscle can do for the athlete. Various research studies have been conducted exclusively in sportsmen; however, very few research studies are available in sportswomen, especially in India. With this background, the present study was conducted in sports women who are swimmers and runners. Aim and Objectives: The aim of the study was to assess and compare handgrip strength (HGS) and handgrip endurance (HGE) in control group, runners, and swimmers. Materials and Methods: Thirty runners, 30 swimmers, and height-weight matched 30 healthy female subjects of same age group were studied. HGS and HGE were measured using handgrip dynamometer. Parameters were compared among three groups using Analysis of Variance and post hoc Bonferroni’s test. Results: HGS was highly significant in sportswomen than in controls (P<0.001). HGS was significantly higher in swimmers than in runners (P<0.05). HGE was highly significant in swimmers than in controls and runners (P<0.05). Conclusion: Muscles of the upper extremity were conditioned more in swimmers than runners. However, overall muscular fitness was better in sports women than control group, because of regular exercise and training in sports women. Our study strongly recommends regular physical exercise for the control group females, to improve their muscular fitness which will help them to lead a better quality of life.

Rev. Investig. Innov. Cienc. Salud ; 4(2): 137-149, 2022. tab, ilus
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: biblio-1419014


Problem: Intensity in endurance training is important for improving race time; its optimal handling in amateur runners has not been extensively studied. The polarized training intensity distribution (TID) model emerges as a possibility to reduce race time; however, effect of this model remains to be demonstrated compared to other TID models. Objective: The objective of this study is to explore the current state of the evidence and its the gaps, according to the effect of the polarized TID model on race time in amateur runners compared to other TID models. Method: A scoping review without date restrictions was carried out in PubMed, EBSCO, SciELO, LILACS, and Google Scholar. Randomized controlled studies, quasi-experimental studies, and case studies, which comprise polarized TID model in amateur runners on race time, were include. Results: Five studies evaluated the effect on running time using the polarized TID model compared to other models in amateur runners; four of them did not show differences between groups in the race times in two, five, and ten km. Only one study showed significant diferences in the race time at 21 km. Conclusions: The model with polarized TID did not show significant differences in race time compared to other models, except for a case report in which the polarized TID was higher by 21 km compared to the threshold TID: 1 hour. 20 min. 22 seconds and 1 hour. 26 min. 34s, respectively. The scarce evidence found, the heterogeneity in the distances in the evaluated race time, the distribution of zones in the same TID, the duration of the interventions, and the monitoring of the loads, are the main limitations found in the studies. The polarized TID could contribute to adherence, lower perception of effort, and injury prevention. However, this must be tested in future studies.

Problema: La intensidad en el entrenamiento de la resistencia es importante para mejorar el tiempo de carrera; su manipulación óptima en corredores recreativos no ha sido estudiada ampliamente. El modelo de distribución de intensidad del entrenamiento (DIE) polarizado emerge como posibilidad para reducir el tiempo de carrera. Sin embargo, falta demostrar su efecto comparado con otros modelos de DIE. Objetivo: Explorar el estado actual de la evidencia científica y sus vacíos respecto al efecto del modelo de DIE polarizado sobre el tiempo de carrera en corredores recreativos, en comparación con otros modelos de DIE. Método: Se realizó una revisión de alcance sin restricción de fechas en PubMed, EBSCO, SciELO, LILACS y Google Scholar. Se incluyeron estudios controlados aleatorios, estudios cuasiexperimentales y estudios de caso, que tuvieran como DIE el modelo polarizado en corredores recreativos sobre el tiempo de carrera. Resultados: Cinco estudios evaluaron el efecto en el tiempo de carrera usando el modelo de DIE polarizado comparado con otros modelos en corredores recreativos; cuatro de ellos no mostraron diferencias entre grupos en los tiempos de carrera en dos, cinco y diez km. Solo un estudio mostró diferencias significativas en el tiempo de carrera en 21 km. Conclusiones: El modelo con DIE polarizado no mostró diferencias significativas en el tiempo de carrera comparado con otros modelos, a excepción de un reporte de caso en el cual la DIE polarizado fue superior en 21 km comparado la DIE umbral: 1 hora. 20 min. 22 s y 1 hora. 26 min. 34 s, respectivamente. La escasa evidencia encontrada, la heterogeneidad en las distancias en el tiempo de carrera evaluado, la distribución de zonas en una misma DIE, la duración de las intervenciones y la monitorización de las cargas son las principales limitaciones encontradas en los estudios. La DIE polarizado podría contribuir a la adherencia, a una menor percepción del esfuerzo y a la prevención de lesiones. No obstante, esto debe ser probado en estudios futuros.

Ejercicio Físico , Centros de Acondicionamiento , Técnicas de Ejercicio con Movimientos , Entrenamiento Aeróbico , Percepción , Carrera , Atletismo , Entrenamiento de Intervalos de Alta Intensidad , Predicción
Braz. j. med. biol. res ; 55: e12383, 2022. tab, graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1403909


The aim of this study was to describe the muscle function, architecture, and composition of long-distance master runners, and verify the association between age and these variables. Additionally, different clusters of runners were compared based on age and training variables. Forty male runners (≥50 years) reported their training routine and had their muscle function evaluated through maximum knee extensor isometric peak torque (PT) assessed with an isokinetic dynamometer. The cross-sectional area (CSA), pennation angle (PA), fascicle length (FL), muscle thickness (MT), and echo intensity (EI) were evaluated through ultrasound (muscle architecture and composition). The participants were 58.7±6.2 years old and had been training for 18.4±10.3 years, 4 sessions/week with 298.8±164.7 min/week of training. The absolute torque was 226.92±63.44 N·m, and the specific torque (PT/CSA) was 7.29±3.78 N·m/cm2. Regarding muscle architecture, the phase angle was 17.34±4°, the fascicle angle 6.78±1.04 cm, muscle thickness 2.93±0.56 cm, and the cross-sectional area 21.24±5.88 cm2. Concerning muscle composition, the master runners showed echo intensity values of 62.05±11.68 AU. The analysis demonstrated a weak and negative association between age and some muscle architecture variables (CSA and MT) and muscle function (PT). No association was verified between age and muscle composition (EI). Age partially explained CSA, MT, and muscle function changes (13, 11, and 14%, respectively). Participants' high level of physical training might have contributed to the low association between these variables and the lack of association with muscle composition.

Motriz (Online) ; 28: e10220002522, 2022. tab, graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: biblio-1386379


Abstract Aims: (i) to compare the running performance of non-professional female runners from different Brazilian states; (ii) to estimate the relationship between environmental state-related variables and running performance; and (iii) to analyze the mediation role of training commitment in the relationship between the environment and running performance. Methods: A total of 418 non-professional female runners were sampled from the five Brazilian regions. An online questionnaire was used for data collection and included self-reported information about age, body weight, body height, place of residence, training volume, and running pace. Environmental characteristics were based on the Census 2010 and included percentages of public illumination, asphalt, sidewalks, and green areas for state capital cities. Linear regression, Pearson correlation, and mediation analysis were performed using SPSS 26, at a 95% confidence interval. Results: The fastest women were from the Rio Grande do Sul. Significant differences were observed between Rio Grande do Sul and Rio Grande do Norte (β= 45.79; 95%CI = 16.86 − 74.73), Distrito Federal (β = 34.55; 95%CI = 1.87−67.24), and Sergipe (β = 35.34; 95%CI = 14.09−56.60). A negative relationship was observed between running pace with green areas (r = −0.206; 95%CI = −0.305 − −0.110) and training volume (r = −0.343; 95%CI = −0.427−0.167). Training volume explained 23% of the relationship between the percentage of green areas and running performance. Conclusion: The fastest runners were from the Rio Grande do Sul. Higher percentages of green areas can favor performance, which is partly mediated by increased training volume.

Humanos , Femenino , Atletismo/fisiología , Eficiencia/fisiología , Ambiente , Atletas , Brasil , Encuestas y Cuestionarios
Japanese Journal of Physical Fitness and Sports Medicine ; : 319-331, 2022.
Artículo en Japonés | WPRIM | ID: wpr-936729


The purpose of this study was to examine the risk factors of stress fractures in terms of training distance and intensity in young male Japanese high school long-distance runners. Nine hundred and twenty-five runners from high schools, colleges, and work teams responded to our questionnaire. Our analysis of the questionnaire found that the onset rates of stress fractures in males were 25.0%, 40.2%, and 55.3% in high school runners, collegiate runners, and work team runners, respectively, suggesting that young Japanese long-distance runners are more likely to suffer from stress fractures than European and American runners. Stress fractures occurred in male high school and collegiate runners after training that had increased running distance (24.7% and 33.1%, respectively) or running intensity (17.0% and 9.6%), or both increased running distance and increased running intensity (29.8% and 34.6%), suggesting that an increase in running distance at moderate intensity might be a major risk factor in stress fractures in young male long-distance runners. Data from college and work team runners that ran all three years of high school show that stress fractures are most likely to occur in May of the high school freshman year. These results suggested a need to reconsider training programs for freshmen to prevent stress fractures in young runners.

Rev. bras. ciênc. esporte ; 43: e008020, 2021. tab
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1251108


ABSTRACT Urinary incontinence (UI) is defined as the involuntary leakage of urine and stress urinary incontinence (SUI) is a common type of UI, characterized by the loss of urine during physical effort, including running. Objective Analyze UI and associated factors in female road runners in the Brazilian Federal District (DF). Method Cross-sectional descriptive study that investigated UI by applying an adapted questionnaire to female road runners in DF. Results 94 runners, 3.2% of whom reported UI and 56.6% complained of SUI. Body mass index (BMI), birth weight of largest baby and episiotomy were factors associated of SUI. Conclusion Although few women reported UI while running, the results suggest that SI needs to be addressed, especially when associated with risk factors.

RESUMO A incontinência urinária (IU) é definida como a perda involuntária de urina, e a incontinência urinária de esforço (IUE) é um tipo comum de perda urinária, caracterizada pela perda de urina durante esforço físico, como, corrida. Objetivo Analisar a prevalência e fatores associados de IU em corredoras de rua do Distrito Federal (DF). Método Estudo transversal descritivo, com aplicação de questionário adaptado, em mulheres, corredoras no DF. Resultados De 94 corredoras, 3.2% apresentaram IU, sendo IUE, 56.6% mais comum entre 40 a 49 anos. Índice de massa corporal (IMC), peso do maior bebê e episiotomia foram fatores associados à IU. Conclusão Embora poucas mulheres relatem IU, os resultados sugerem que a IU precisa ser abordada, ainda quando associada aos fatores de risco.

RESUMEN La incontinencia urinaria (IU) se define como la pérdida perdida involuntaria de orina, y la incontinencia urinaria de esfuerzo (IUE) es un tipo común de pérdida urinaria, caracterizada por la pérdida de orina durante el esfuerzo fisico, como correr. Objetivo Analizar la prevalencia y sus factores asociados de IU en corredoras de la calle en el Distrito Federal (DF). Método Estudio descriptivo de corte transversal, com aplicación de un cuestionario adaptado, en mujeres, en DF. Resultados De 94 corredoras, 3.2% tenían UI, con IUE más común entre 40 y 49 años. Índice de masa corporal (IMC), partos de fetos grande y la episiotomía fueros factores associados con la IU. Conclusión Aunque pocas mujeres informan IU, los resultados sugieren que es necesario abordar la IU, incluso cuando se associa com factores de riesgo.

Artículo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-215135


The definitive efficacy and long-term effects of Instrument Assisted Soft Tissue Mobilization (IASTM) have not been firmly established, due to a lack of research examining lasting fascia structural changes and patient outcomes. We wanted to evaluate as to whether the use of topical muscle relaxant along with M2T® blade would have any effect on the Tissue Extension Disability in recreational runners. Methods100 subjects were randomly allocated to group A and group B. Group A was asked to perform active stretching whereas group B was given IASTM with topical muscle relaxant. Post-intervention data was recorded. ResultsThe active knee extension test scores for both the groups were determined. A statistically significant improvement (p<0.0001*) was seen in both the groups but the mean of post intervention scores of group B (21.64) showed more improvement and were more uniform than group A. ConclusionsThe present study concluded that IASTM using M2T blade® when given in combination with a topical skeletal muscle relaxant like Volteran® showed significantly better results in cases of tissue extensibility dysfunction of hamstring muscles in recreational runners.

Artículo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-215020


There is a sudden rise in the participation of middle-aged women in marathons across India without proper knowledge about how to prepare for these marathons. This leads to rise in injuries in them like low back pain, knee pain, stress fractures, urinary incontinence etc., some of which can easily be avoided. There is a need to find out a suitable conditioning program for these participants that will target problems affecting this age group and gender specifically. The objective of this study was to determine the effect of conditioning program on post run physical functioning in female amateur marathon runners. Pain Assessment, DOMS, Modified Borg Scale were used for assessing the individuals. METHODSIn this comparative study, 52 amateur female marathon runners, were randomly allocated into two groups with 26 runners in each group. We evaluated pain and exertion using pain assessment and Borg Scale. Occurrence of incontinence was assessed by asking a simple ‘yes’ or ‘no’ question. Delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS) was assessed using pain pressure threshold (PPT) 24 hrs. post run. RESULTSThere was a significant effect of the conditioning program on these female runners compared to administration of no conditioning at all. There was a reduction of pain in all the components of the pain scale (p= <0.001). Exertion of the trained runners was also less (p= <0.001) as well as in the occurrence of incontinence (p= <0.0430). PPT was also substantially increased in them (p= <0.001). CONCLUSIONSThe conditioning program administered to amateur female marathon runners was effective in reducing their risk of injuries and problems related to women’s health that occur while running a marathon.

Artículo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-205777


Background: It is essential to find out the presence of shin splint in recreational marathon runners to prevent the injury from causing more damage. This study was conducted to identify shin splint in recreational marathon runners in Krishna Hospital, Karad. This study was designed to provide meaningful insight into the cause of shin splint in recreational marathon runners. Objectives of the study were to find out the impact of shin splint in recreational marathon runners and to assess the severity of shin splint in recreational marathon runners of age group 20-30 years both males and females in Krishna Hospital, Karad. Material and Methods: 190 recreational marathon runners who fit in the criteria were given Runner’s Questionnaire and were asked to fill it. Result: There was marked significance pain was present during(p=0.04) and running throughout(p<0.0001) in recreational marathon runners. Conclusion: It was concluded from the present study that there is a prevalence of shin splint in marathon runners. Shin splint was found more in females (55.3%)than in males (44.7%). Based on the duration of pain and shoe surface was found to be more prevalent to cause shin splint in marathon runners.

Rev. Ciênc. Méd. Biol. (Impr.) ; 18(3): 367-371, dez 20, 2019. tab
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: biblio-1359172


Introdução: cerca de 5% da população brasileira pratica corrida de rua, e a falta de preparo físico das pessoas para esse esporte contribui para o aumento no índice de lesões, sendo o joelho uma das articulações mais acometidas. Sabendo que os parâmetros musculares interferem diretamente no desempenho e que a destreza de membros pode suscitar inferências relativas ao aumento de força no membro dominante, torna-se importante avaliar a força e a relação de equilíbrio muscular do joelho destes atletas tanto no membro dominante quanto no contralateral. Objetivo: verificar o equilíbrio muscular dos extensores e flexores de joelho dominante e não dominante em corredores recreacionais. Metodologia: foram incluídos 111 indivíduos com idade entre 18 e 65 anos, de ambos os sexos, praticantes de corrida há pelo menos 4 meses contínuos, sem histórico de lesão nos últimos 3 meses. Os participantes foram entrevistados e encaminhados para a coleta da força muscular isocinética dos grupos extensor e flexor do joelho com protocolo de 60°/s, 180°/s e 300°/s. As variáveis de interesse estudadas foram: membro dominante, tempo de prática de corrida, torque máximo, trabalho total e potência. Foram calculados os Índices de Deficiência Muscular (IDM) sendo admitido como referencial de equilíbrio até 10% na diferença entre os membros. A pesquisa foi aprovada pelo Comitê de Ética em Pesquisa do Instituto de Ciências da Saúde da Universidade Federal da Bahia, sob parecer de nº 2.621.166. Resultados: o IDM indicou que 54,1% dos extensores de joelho estavam equilibrados e que 55,9% dos flexores de joelho encontravam-se numa relação de desequilíbrio muscular. Conclusão: a dominância de membros não é um fator ligado ao desequilíbrio de forças no membro inferior. Este achado de desequilíbrio de força entre joelhos pode estar ligado à predisposição de lesão e deve orientar as equipes multiprofissionais de saúde a definir um trabalho preventivo de treinamento muscular e esportivo.

Introduction: about 5% of the Brazilian population practices street running and the lack of physical fitness for this sport contributes to the increase in the injury rate, with the knee being one of the most affected joints. Knowing that muscle parameters directly interfere performance and that limb dexterity may lead to inferences regarding strength increase in the dominant limb, it is important to evaluate the strength and balance ratio of these athletes' knee in both dominant and contralateral limbs. Objective: to verify muscle balance of dominant and non-dominant knee extensors and flexors in recreational runners. Methodology: 111 individuals aged between 18 and 65 years old, male and female, who have been running for at least 4 continuous months, with no history of injury in the last 3 months, were included. Participants were interviewed and referred for the collection of isokinetic muscle strength of the knee extensor and flexor groups with a protocol of 60°/s, 180°/s and 300°/s. The variables of interest studied were: dominant limb, running practice time, maximum torque, total work and power. Muscle deficiency indices (MDI) were calculated and accepted as a balance reference up to 10% in the difference between the limbs. The research was approved by the Research Ethics Committee of the Institute of Health Sciences of the Federal University of Bahia, under technical advice no 2.621.166. Results: the MDI indicated that 54.1% of the knee extensors were balanced and 55.9% of the knee flexors were in a muscular imbalance ratio. Conclusion: limb dominance is not a factor related to lower limb imbalance of forces. This finding of strength imbalance between knees may be associated to injury predisposition and should guide multidisciplinary health teams to define preventive work on muscle and sports training

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Adulto , Persona de Mediana Edad , Anciano , Fuerza Muscular , Rodilla
Rev. Pesqui. Fisioter ; 9(3): 331-338, ago.2019. tab, ilus
Artículo en Inglés, Portugués | LILACS | ID: biblio-1151555


INTRODUÇÃO: Os corredores têm uma grande incidência de lesões em membros inferiores, sendo o joelho a articulação mais acometida. A mesma sofre influência direta do quadril e das articulações adjacentes. Fraqueza muscular de extensores, rotadores laterais e abdutores de quadril levam a uma alteração biomecânica chamada valgo dinâmico, que é um mecanismo compensatório, onde o centro da articulação do joelho se desloca medialmente. OBJETIVO: Esse estudo teve como objetivo correlacionar o valgo dinâmico com lesões, ângulo Q e nivelamento da pelve. MATERIAL E MÉTODOS: Tratase de uma Pesquisa de campo, descritiva, investigativa e quantitativa. Os dados foram coletados nos meses de abril de 2019, na Federação de Atletismo do Piauí com 14 corredores homens, com idade acima de 18 anos. Para obtenção dos dados foi utilizado um questionário e o teste step down que foi submetido ao software para avaliação postural (SAPO) e um questionário. Os mesmos foram analisados quanto a sua normalidade de distribuição das amostras, pelo teste de Kolmogov-Sminorv, e teste de Pearson para analises de dados numéricos, foi tabulado no excel para posterior analise no GraphPad Prism 7.1. O nível de significância para análise estatística foi considerada como p< 0,05. O trabalho foi executado após aprovação no comitê de ética (CAAE: 11001219.5.0000.5193). RESULTADOS: Os resultados obtidos não mostraram correlação do valgo dinâmico com lesões, com ângulo Q (R2=-0.200) e com nivelamento da pelve(R2=0.253) e p>0,05. CONCLUSÃO: Neste estudo não foi encontrada correlação entre o valgo dinâmico, lesões de joelho, ângulo Q e nivelamento da pelve.

INTRODUCTION: Runners have a high incidence of lower limb injuries, with the knee being the most affected joint. It is directly influenced by the hip and adjacent joints. Muscle weakness of extensors, lateral rotators, and hip abductors leads to a biomechanical change called dynamic valgus, which is a compensatory mechanism, where the center of the knee joint moves medially. OBJECTIVE: This study aimed to correlate dynamic valgus with lesions, Q angle and pelvic leveling. MATERIAL AND METHODS: This is a field research, descriptive, investigative and quantitative. Data were collected in April 2019 at the Piauí Athletics Federation with 14 male runners over 18 years old. To obtain the data, a questionnaire was used and the step down test was submitted to the software for postural evaluation (SAPO) and a questionnaire. They were analyzed for their normal distribution of samples by the Kolmogov-Sminorv test and Pearson's test for numerical data analysis, tabulated in excel for further analysis in GraphPad Prism 7.1. The significance level for statistical analysis was considered as p <0.05. The work was performed after approval by the ethics committee (CAAE: 11001219.5.0000.5193). RESULTS: The results showed no correlation between dynamic valgus and lesions, with Q angle (R2 = -0.200) and pelvic leveling (R2 = 0.253) and p> 0.05. CONCLUSION: In this study no correlation was found between dynamic valgus, knee injuries, Q angle and pelvic leveling.

Traumatismos de la Rodilla , Genu Valgum , Entrenamiento Aeróbico
Rev. bras. ciênc. esporte ; 41(1): 66-72, jan.-mar. 2019. tab
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: biblio-990584


Resumo O objetivo do presente artigo é analisar como corredores de rua experientes compreendem o discurso da prática da corrida como busca pela saúde. O estudo, qualitativo, foi feito com o uso de entrevistas semiestruturadas como instrumento de pesquisa. Foram entrevistados oito corredores de rua do sexo masculino com mais de 15 anos de experiência na Prova Rústica Tiradentes. O grupo pesquisado apontou que o discurso da saúde colaborou para o aumento no número de praticantes, fato que acarretou numa alteração do perfil dos corredores, além de que o principal elemento motivador dos participantes passou de uma vertente competitiva para uma busca de uma vida saudável. Conclui-se que o discurso está disseminado no pensamento dos corredores, ele é apresentado em alguns momentos com elementos positivos e em outros com negativos.

Abstract The purpose of this article is to analyze how experienced runners understand the speech of running as quest for Health. The qualitative study, was carried out using as research instruments semi structured interviews. Were interviewed 8 male runners with at least 15 years of experience. The researched group pointed out that the discourse of Health contributed to the increase in the number of practitioners, factor which resulted in changing the profile of the runners, besides that changed the main motivator of the participants, from a competitive aspect to a search for healthy lifestyle. It is concluded that the speech is widespread in the thought of the runners, being presented at some moments as positive elements already in another as negative.

Resumen El objetivo de este artículo es analizar cómo los corredores experimentados conciben el discurso de la práctica de carreras como búsqueda de la salud. El estudio cualitativo se ha realizado utilizando entrevistas semiestructuradas como instrumento de investigación. Se entrevistó a 8 corredores del sexo masculino con más de 15 años de experiencia. El grupo de investigación encontró que el discurso de la salud contribuyó al aumento del número de practicantes, factor que ha cambiado el perfil de los corredores, además de cambiar la motivación principal de los participantes desde un aspecto competitivo hacia la búsqueda de una vida saludable. Se concluye que el discurso está muy extendido en el pensamiento de los corredores, que se presenta, a veces, como elemento positivo y, a veces, como negativo.

Rev. bras. cineantropom. desempenho hum ; 21: e58285, 2019. tab, graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: biblio-1042016


Abstract Training near or at ventilatory threshold (VT) is an adequate stimulus to improve the thresholds for sedentary subjects, but a higher intensity is necessary for conditioned subjects. The choice of cardiopulmonary exercise testing (CPx) protocol has an influence on VTs identification and can reduce their reliability for exercise prescription. This study tested if VO2 and heart rate (HR) corresponding to first (VT1) and second ventilatory threshold (VT2) determined during a ramp protocol were equivalent to those observed in rectangular load exercises at the same intensity in runners elite athletes (EA) and non-athletes (NA). Eighteen health subjects were divided into two groups: EA (n = 9, VO2max 68.6 mL·kg-1·min-1) and NA (n = 9, VO2max 47.2 mL·kg-1·min-1). They performed CPx and 48h and 96h later, a continuous running lasting 1 h for VT1 and until exhaustion for VT2. The results showed that EA at VT1 session, presented delta differences for VO2 (+9.1%, p = 0.125) vs. NA (+20.5%, p = 0.012). The Bland-Altman plots for VT1 presented biases of (4.4 ± 6.9) and (5.5 ± 5.6 mLO2·kg-1·min-1) for AE and NA, respectively. In VT2, the VO2 and HR of the NA showed biases of (0.4 ± 2.9 mLO2·kg-1·min-1) and (4.9 ± 4.2 bpm). The ramp protocol used in this study was inappropriate for NA because it underestimates the values of VO2 and HR at VT1 found in the rectangular load exercise. The HR showed good agreement at VT2 with CPx and may be a good parameter for controlling exercise intensity.

Resumo O treinamento no limiar ventilatório (LV) é um estímulo adequado para melhorar os limiares em indivíduos sedentários, entretanto uma maior intensidade é necessária para indivíduos condicionados. A escolha do protocolo de teste de exercício cardiopulmonar (CPx) tem influência na identificação dos LV e pode reduzir sua confiabilidade na prescrição do exercício. Este estudo testouse o VO2 e a frequência cardíaca (FC) correspondentes ao primeiro (LV1) e segundo limiar ventilatório (LV2) determinados durante um protocolo de rampa foram equivalentes àqueles observados em exercícios de carga retangular nas mesmas intensidades em atletas corredores de elite (AE) e não atletas (NA). Dezoito homens saudáveis foram divididos em dois grupos: AE (n = 9, VOmax 68,6 mL·kg-1·min-1) e NA (n = 9, VO2max 47,2 mL·kg-1·min-1). Eles realizaram CPx e 48h e 96h depois, uma corrida contínua com duração de 1 h para o LV1 e até a exaustão para o LV2. O grupo AE na sessão LV1, apresentou diferenças de delta para VO2(+ 9,1%, p = 0,125) vs. NA (+ 20,5%, p = 0,012). Bland-Altman para LV1 apresentaram vieses de (4,4 ± 6,9) e (5,5 ± 5,6 mLO2·kg-1·min-1) para AE e NA, respectivamente. No LV2, o VO2 e a FC do NA apresentaram vieses de (0,4 ± 2,9) mLO2·kg-1·min-1 e (4,9 ± 4,2) bpm. O protocolo de rampa utilizado foi inadequado para NA pois subestima os valores de VO2 e FC em LV1 encontrados no exercício de carga retangular. A FC exibiu boa concordância no LV2 e pode ser um bom parâmetro para controlar a intensidade do exercício.

Cienc. act. fís. (Talca, En línea) ; 19(2): 1-8, jul. 2018. tab
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: biblio-994802


El presente estudio consistió en identificar las características psicológicas del rendimiento deportivo en atletas Runners de clubes pertenecientes a la ciudad de Concepción, Chile. El estudio fue de diseño no experimental-transversal de alcance descriptivo. Para recolectar los datos se aplicó el cuestionario de características psicológicas relacionadas con el rendimiento deportivo (CPRD). La información que entregó el cuestionario CPRD, señala que los resultados fluctúan sobre los promedios esperados y que son considerados normales según el Baremo estándar: "CPRD" control estrés 80,00%, influencia de evaluación 85,00%, motivación 70,00%, autoconfianza 73,08%, influencia del entrenador 76,80%, habilidad para establecer objetivos 72,12%, cohesión social 86,30% y ansiedad previa competencia 48,32%. De acuerdo a los resultados, su rendimiento deportivo es satisfactorio. Dentro de las características psicológicas mencionadas, se pueden destacar; la ansiedad, atención, autoconfianza, motivación, estrés y cohesión social. Todas ellas son características que afectan Significativamente el rendimiento deportivo.

The following study consisted of identifying the psychological characteristics of the amateur runners belonging to the clubs of Concepcion Chile. The research was quantitative of non-experimental transversal of descriptive scope. To collect data a questionnaire, involving the psychological characteristics associated with sport performance (CPRD) was applied. The information obtained by the CPRD show that the results are in average of the expected results, and are considered normal according to standar scale: "CPRD" stress control 80,00%, influence of evaluation 85,00%, motivation 70,00%, selfconfidence 73,08%, coach influence 76,80%, set goals 72,12%, social cohesion 86,30%, anxiety before competition 48,32%. According to these results, their sports performance is satisfactory. Alongside the psychological characteristics previously mentioned it could be highlighted anxiety, attention, selfconfidence, motivation, stress and social cohesion. These characteristics affect significantly sports performance.

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Adulto , Carrera/fisiología , Rendimiento Atlético/psicología , Atletas/psicología , Estudios Transversales , Encuestas y Cuestionarios
Japanese Journal of Physical Fitness and Sports Medicine ; : 227-235, 2018.
Artículo en Japonés | WPRIM | ID: wpr-688704


The purpose of this study is to considerate the prediction formula for marathon time based on 20-m shuttle run test and training indexes in recreational runners. 100 male and 111 female recreational runners who have experienced one or more marathon races were measured. Each participant was measured with regard to physical characteristics, 20-m shuttle run test, and answered questionnaires about his/her training (monthly running distance, frequency of training, and years of experience of running training). Moreover, participants self-reported their best marathon time. Additionally, to examine the validity of the prediction formula, 14 male and 13 female recreational runners were measured using the 20-m shuttle run test and they answered the questionnaires about his/her training. The marathon time was significantly correlated with the participant’s BMI, the times of 20-m shuttle run test, the monthly running distance, the frequency of training and the years of experience of running training for both male and female runners. Subsequently, multiple regression analysis generated the prediction model for marathon time by the measurement items. Furthermore, in the examination of the validity of the prediction formula, predicted marathon time was significantly highly correlated with measured marathon time. This study suggested that the marathon time can be predicted by the 20-m shuttle run test, the monthly running distance, and the years of experience of running training and the predicted marathon time may be useful for the marathon race and training in recreational runners.

CienciaUAT ; 11(2): 46-53, ene.-jun. 2017. tab
Artículo en Español | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1001706


RESUMEN El creciente interés en la corrida como ejercicio, y particularmente como deporte de competición, demanda estudiar la eficiencia metabólica que presentan los corredores. La estimación de la velocidad crítica (VC) ha sido utilizada en diferentes estudios por ser de fácil aplicabilidad para determinar el umbral anaeróbico del corredor, considerando la intensidad del esfuerzo y el tiempo en que se ejecuta. El objetivo del presente trabajo fue identificar y comparar la eficiencia de los métodos que están siendo utilizados en la actualidad para la estimación de la VC en corredores. Se realizó una revisión bibliográfica de artículos científicos publicados durante el periodo 2011 a 2016. El análisis de literatura mostró que en la estimación de la VC se emplean diferentes estrategias: test máximos y submáximos, continuos e intermitentes, en pista de atle tismo, trotadora y asfalto; con distintos grupos de corredores. La velocidad crítica permitió establecer eficazmente el umbral anaeróbico de las personas que practican la corrida, independientemente del grupo de individuos analizados, de forma simple, menos costosa, e igual de confiable que otros métodos de estimación del umbral anaeróbico más sofisticados, que requieren pruebas de laboratorio.

ABSTRACT The growing interest in running as an exercise, and particularly as a sport of competition, demands the study of runner's metabolic efficiency. The estimate of the critical velocity (CV) has been used in different studies to since it is a method of simple applicability to determine the anaerobic threshold of runners, taking into consideration the intensity of effort and the execution time. The objective of the present work was to identify and compare the efficiency of methods that are currently being used for the estimation of runner's CV. A bibliographic review of scientific articles published during the period 2011 to 2016 was carried out. The analysis of the literature showed the estimation of CV is determined by different strategies such as: maximal and submaximal tests, continuous and intermittent, in athletics track, tradmill and asphalt; with different groups of runners. The determination of critical velocity enabled an efficient establishment of the anaerobic threshold of runners, regardless of the group of individuals analyzed in a simpler, less costly, and equally reliable as other more sophisticated methods of anaerobic threshold estimation that require laboratory tests.

Rev. bras. educ. fís. esp ; 30(3): 553-563, jul.-set. 2016. tab, graf
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: biblio-829792


Resumo O objetivo deste estudo foi determinar o modo e o grau com que variáveis aeróbias e anaeróbias influenciam o desempenho e a fadiga em "sprints" repetidos (RS) na corrida. Para este fim, participaram do estudo 24 homens, sendo oito corredores velocistas, oito corredores fundistas e oito sujeitos ativos. Em uma pista sintética de atletismo estes sujeitos foram submetidos aos seguintes testes: 1) teste incremental para determinação do VO2max e da velocidade aeróbia máxima (VAM); 2) teste de velocidade constante realizado a 110%VAM para determinar a cinética do VO2 durante exercício e o máximo déficit acumulado de oxigênio (MAOD); 3) teste de "sprints" repetidos (10 "sprints" de 35 m, intercalados com 20 s de recuperação) para determinar o tempo total dos "sprints" (TT), tempo do melhor sprint (TM) e a queda do desempenho em percentual (Sdec). Para analisar a diferença entre os grupos e as relações entre as variáveis foram utilizadas a análise de variância ANOVA "one-way", complementada pelo teste de Tukey, e a correlação de Pearson, respectivamente. O TT em RS foi diferente significativamente entre todos os grupos (velocistas, 49,5 ± 0,8 s; fundistas, 52,6 ± 3,1 s; ativos, 55,5 ± 2,6 s) e Sdec foi significativamente inferior em fundistas comparado aos outros grupos (velocistas, 8,9 ± 2,1%; fundistas, 4,0 ± 2,0%; ativos, 8,4 ± 4,4%). O TT foi correlacionado significativamente com o TM (r = 0,85, p < 0,01) e com o MAOD (r = - 0,54, p < 0,01). Além disso, Sdec foi correlacionado significativamente com variáveis aeróbias (VO2max, r = - 0,58, < 0,01; VAM, r = - 0,59, p < 0,01; constante de tempo "tau", r = 0,45, p = 0,03). Portanto, conclui-se que apesar de índices aeróbios influenciarem na redução da fadiga em RS, o desempenho em RS é principalmente influenciado por características anaeróbias.(AU)

Abstract This study aimed to determine the manner and degree to which aerobic and anaerobic variables influence repeated running sprint performance and ability. Twenty four males (sprinters = 8, endurance runners = 8 and physical active subjects = 8) performed in a synthetic track the following tests: 1) incremental test to determine the VO2max and the maximum aerobic velocity (MAV); 2) constant velocity test performed at 110% of MAV to determine the VO2 kinetics and the maximum accumulated oxygen deficit (MAOD); 3) repeated sprint test (10 sprints of 35-m interspersed by 20s) to determine sprint total time (TT), best sprint time (BT) and score decrement (Sdec). Between-groups comparisons and the correlations between variables were analyzed by one-way ANOVA with a Tukey post-hoc tests and Pearson correlation, respectively. TT was significantly different among all groups (sprinters = 49.5 ± 0.8 s; endurance = 52.6 ± 3.1 s; active = 55.5 ± 2.6 s) and Sdec was significantly lower in endurance runners as compared with sprinters and physical active subjects (sprinters = 8.9 ± 2.1%; endurance = 4.0 ± 2.0%; active = 8.4 ± 4.4%). TT correlated significantly with BT (r = 0.85, p < 0.01) and MAOD (r = - 0.54, p < 0.01). Moreover, Sdec was significantly correlated with aerobic parameters (VO2max, r = - 0.58, p < 0.01; MAV, r = - 0.59, p < 0.01; time constant tau, r = 0.45, p = 0.03). In conclusion, although the aerobic parameters have an important contribution to RS ability, RS performance is mainly influenced by anaerobic parameters.(AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Adulto , Rendimiento Atlético , Consumo de Oxígeno , Educación y Entrenamiento Físico , Carrera