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Salus ; 20(3): 41-46, dic. 2016. tab
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: biblio-846112


El incremento en los mecanismos de resistencia bacteriana, ha planteado a la comunidad científica la necesidad en la búsqueda de principios activos para producir nuevos antibióticos, donde el Aloe vera se proyecta como una fuente de obtención de los mismos. El objetivo de esta investigación fue evaluar el comportamiento de dos tipos de extractos; uno de gel fresco procesado con DMSO, y otro obtenido del mesofilo por un proceso de extracción con etanol que luego fue filtrado, concentrado y liofilizado. Ambos extractos fueron evaluados con la prueba de susceptibilidad antimicrobiana por difusión en disco contra Helicobacter pylori, Escherichia coli, Enterococcus faecalis, Staphylococcus aureus y Streptococcus mutans. El extracto etanólico del mesófilo liofilizado se ensayó en concentraciones de 0,5; 1,0; 1,5; 2,0 y 2,5 mg/ mL, con cada una de las bacterias de referencia, evidenciándose ausencia de inhibición sobre el crecimiento bacteriano en todas las concentraciones. El extracto Gel-DMSO se ensayó con las cepas H. pylori, E. coli y S. aureus; obteniendo halos de inhibición de 14, 8,5 y 8,5 mm respectivamente. La evidencia científica de la actividad antibacteriana de esta planta suele ser contradictoria, donde el procesamiento del extracto, es un factor importante en esta variabilidad. Según nuestros resultados se puede concluir que H. pylori, fue la bacteria más sensible al extracto Gel-DMSO en comparación con E. coli y S. aureus; asimismo, para futuras investigaciones, se debería desestimar el uso de extractos liofilizados diluidos y considerar otros procesos de extracción.

The increase of bacterial resistance mechanisms has created special interest in the scientific community to search for active principles for the production of new antibiotics, and the Aloe Vera plant has been considered as a potential source to obtain them. The objective of this research was to evaluate the behavior of two types of Aloe Vera extracts, one fresh gel processed with DMSO and other obtained by the mesophyll by ethanol extraction process that was filtered, concentrated and lyophilized. Both extracts were evaluated with antimicrobial susceptibility testing by disc diffusion against Helicobacter pylori, Escherichia coli, Enterococcus faecalis, Staphylococcus aureus and Streptococcus mutans. The ethanolic extract of lyophilized mesophyll was tested in concentrations of 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 and 2.5 mg / ml, with each of the reference bacteria, showing no inhibition on bacterial growth in all concentrations tested. Gel-DMSO extract was tested with strains H. pylori, E. coli and S. aureus, obtaining inhibition halos of 14, 8.5 and 8.5 mm respectively. Scientific evidence of the antibacterial activity of this plant can be contradictory, and the processing of the extract is a determining factor in such variability. According to our results, we conclude that H. pylori was the bacteria most sensitive to Gel- DMSO extract compared with E. coli and S. aureus bacteria; also, we advise against the use of diluted and lyophilised extracts is in future research; rather, other alternative extraction process should be considered.

Rev. cuba. plantas med ; 14(4)oct.-dic. 2009.
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: lil-575623


INTRODUCCIÓN: Aloe vera L. (sin. A. barbadensis L.) (aloe o sábila) es una planta con vastas propiedades medicinales. Los estudios preclínicos demostraron la acción antiulcerosa, sin efectos tóxicos, de extractos acuosos de hoja fresca. No se encontró ningún ensayo clínico en la literatura similar al del presente estudio. OBJETIVO: comparar el efecto de la formulación Aloe gel viscoso® (Aloe) y amoxicilina administrados a pacientes ambulatorios con úlcera duodenal y Helicobacter pylori positivo, por la prueba de ureasa, sobre la evolución endoscópica de la úlcera y sobre el comportamiento del Helicobacter pylori frente a un grupo control. MÉTODOS: los 2 grupos de Aloe recibieron 2 dosis diferentes (1,5 o 3,0 mg/kg de peso corporal) durante 6 semanas y amoxicilina (1 500 mg/d) durante10 d. Al grupo control se le administró ranitidina 300 mg/d por 6 semanas y amoxicilina de igual forma que a los grupos con Aloe.RESULTADOS: finalizaron el tratamiento 76 pacientes distribuidos en los 3 grupos; los síntomas principales (dolor y acidez) de los pacientes desaparecieron antes de las 2 semanas de tratamiento en 94 % de estos. Aunque en el grupo control tratado con ranitidina + amoxicilina, las úlceras duodenales cicatrizaron en mayor número y se obtuvo un mayor porcentaje de negativización de H. pylori, no resultó significativo respecto al grupo con mayor dosis de Aloe. CONCLUSIONES: los efectos obtenidos con el Aloe a mayor dosis más la amoxicilina, dado que es un producto de origen vegetal, el cual se utiliza por primera vez, se consideró aceptable y se sugiere hacer un ensayo controlado de este producto unido a 2 antibióticos y en un mayor número de pacientes.

INTRODUCTION: Aloe vera (sin. A. barbadensis) (aloe or sábila) is a plant with numerous medicinal properties. Preclinical studies have showed the antiulcerous action without toxic effects of the aqueous extracts from fresh leaves. In literature there was not a clinical trial similar to present study.OBJECTIVE: to compare the effect of viscous gel Aloe® formulation and amoxicillin administered to ambulatory patients presenting with duodenal ulcer and positive Helicobacter pylori, according to urease test on ulcer endoscopic course and on behavior of Helicobacter pylori in a control group.METHODS: the two Aloe groups received two different dose (1.5 or 3.0 mg/kg of body weight) during six weeks and amoxicillin (1 500 mg/d) during 10 days. Control group received ranitidine (300 mg/d) for sis weeks and amoxillin in similar way that Aloe groups. RESULTS: seventy six patients completed the treatment distributed into three groups; leading symptoms (pain and heartburn) in patients disappearing before two weeks of treatment in the 94 %. Although in control group treated with ranitidine + amoxicillin, duodenal ulcers healed in a higher proportion and there was a higher percentage of negativity of H. pylori, it was not significant regarding the group with higher dose of Aloe. CONCLUSIONS: effects obtained with Aloe use at a higher dose plus the amoxicillin, since it is a product of vegetal origin, which is used for the first time, it was considered as acceptable. Authors propose a controlled trial of this product combined with two antibiotics in a greater number of patients.

Humanos , Aloe , Amoxicilina , Úlcera Duodenal , Helicobacter pylori
Journal of the Philippine Medical Association ; : 0-2.
Artículo en Inglés | WPRIM | ID: wpr-964022


Objective: To investigate the hypoglycemic properties of Ampalaya and Sabila compared to Insulin and to determine which of them has a greater blood glucose-lowering effectDesign: Baseline blood sugar levels (BSL) were determined for all test animals (40 Swiss mice) after 12 hours of fasting and were recorded as the FBS. Hyperglycemia was induced by subcutaneous injection of Alloxan monohydrate (125 mg/100 gm BW) followed by intraperitoneal injection of 50% Glucose solution, after another 12 hours. Blood sugar levels recorded after 1 hour were taken as the hyperglycemic state. The animals were given the test plants; aqueous solution of Ampalaya fruit (1.5 mg/kg) PO, and decoction of dried sap of Aloe vera (500 mg/kg) PO, and the standard drug insulin SC (2 U/kg) for the positive and distilled water PO for the negative control groups respectively. Blood sugar levels were determined 1 hr., 2 hrs., 3 hrs., and 4 hrs. after induction of hyperglycemia. Descriptive statistics was used to determine if the test plants have blood glucose-lowering capacity comparable to insulin, and if such, which of the two has a more significant hypoglycemic effectSubjects: 40 healthy Swiss mice (20 males and 20 females), 6-8 weeks old, weighing 22-28 grams, purchased one week prior to the start of the experimentResults: There was a significant drop in blood glucose levels for those treated with Ampalaya decoction from the first to the fourth hour, though comparable to Insulin effect only on the first and second hours. Aloe vera did not lower down the blood sugar level on the first hour. But there was a significant decrease from the second to the fourth hour, though comparable to Insulin effect only on the third hour. There was no significant difference in the maximum change in blood sugar levels from the hypoglycemic state for both test plantsConclusion: Both ampalaya and aloe vera has blood glucose-lowering effects comparable to Insulin and are both promising antidiabetic agents in the futureStatement of Problem Under Investigation: Do the Ampalaya and Sabila exhibit hypoglycemic properties comparable to a standard antidiabetic drug (insulin)? And if such, which of the two has a greater blood sugar-lowering effect? (Author)