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Rev. peru. biol. (Impr.) ; 30(3)jul. 2023.
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1530325


The gastropod Pachyoliva columellaris (formerly Olivella columellaris) is particularly common on many sandy beaches in North Peru. In the studied region north of Paita, Piura province, the species reaches densities of over 80,000 individuals per beach meter. The snails perform tidal migrations throughout the lunar cycle although tidal amplitudes differ four-fold between neap and spring tide. Not all animals complete their tidal migrations, and significant numbers remain above the water line at low tide. Throughout the tidal cycle, the proportion of small individuals is increased near the water line whereas large animals dominate in lower beach zones. I conclude that the sandy beaches north of Paita are well-suited for further studies of P. columellaris and the mechanisms underlying tidal migrations in invertebrates.

El gasterópodo Pachyoliva columellaris (antes Olivella columellaris) es particularmente común en las playas arenosas del norte de Perú. En la región estudiada al norte de Paita, provincia de Piura, la especie alcanza densidades de más de 80.000 individuos por metro de playa. Los caracoles realizan migraciones mareales durante todo el ciclo lunar, aunque las amplitudes de marea difieren cuatro veces entre la marea muerta y la marea viva. No todos los animales completan sus migraciones mareales y un número significativo permanece por encima del nivel del agua en marea baja. Durante todo el ciclo de marea, la proporción de individuos pequeños aumenta cerca del nivel del agua, mientras que los animales grandes dominan en las zonas bajas de la playa. Concluyo que las playas arenosas al norte de Paita son apropiadas para estudios adicionales de P. columellaris y los mecanismos de las migraciones de marea en invertebrados.

Pensar prát. (Impr.) ; 21(3): 502-513, jul.-set.2018.
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: biblio-965914


O estudo objetivou compreender o significado do rito na dimensão simbólica da prática da vela. A pesquisa etnográfica multisituada teve a participação de 19 velejadores da cidade de João Pessoa (Paraíba­Brasil), que foram entrevistados e observados antes, durante e após o velejo. Os resultados revelaram que os ritos na prática da vela consistem em três fases: i) passagem da terra para o mar, que caracteriza o afastamento da estrutura social; ii) fase limiar, a ação de velejar, que alcança o estado de comunhão; iii) passagem do mar para a terra, o reingresso à estrutura social, com a sensação de novo status. Conclui-se que os ritos na prática da vela colaboram para o velejador perceber a ressignificação da sua existência no mundo.

The study aimed to understand the meaning of the rite in the symbolic dimension of the practice of sailing. The research, multi-sited and ethnographic, was attended by 19 sailors from João Pessoa (Paraíba, Brazi)l, who were interviewed and observed before, during and after sailing. The results revealed that the rites in the sailing practice consist in three phases: i) transition from land to sea, which features the detachment of the social structure, ii) threshold phase, the action of sailing reaching the state of communion, iii) transition from sea to land, reentering in the social structure with a new sense of status. It was concluded that the sailing rites collaborate in order to make the sailor realize the new meaning of his existence in the world.

El estudio tuvo como objetivo comprender el significado del rito en la dimensión simbólica de la práctica de la vela. La investigación etnográfica multisituada, tuve participación de 19 practicantes de vela de la ciudad de João Pessoa, Paraíba, Brasil, donde fueran entrevistados y observados antes, durante y después de navegar. Los resultados revelaron que los ritos en la práctica de vela se consiste de tres fases: i) la transición de la tierra para el mar, que caracteriza el apartado de la estructura social; ii) fase inicial, la acción de practicar la vela, que alcanza el estado de comunión; iii) pasaje del mar para la tierra, el reingreso en la estructura social, con la sensación de nuevo status. Se concluye que los ritos en la práctica de vela colaboran para que el practicante vela percebe el resignificado de su existencia en el mundo.

Humanos , Conducta Ceremonial , Naturaleza , Riesgo Natural , Deportes Acuáticos/psicología , Actividades Recreativas
Academic Journal of Second Military Medical University ; (12): 102-105, 2017.
Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-838339


Objective To analyze the difference in sustained attention and vigilance level between male and female crews during long-term sailing, so as to provide reference for reasonable assignment of operators on duty and improving the comprehensive management ability of warships. Methods A self-made demographic survey questionnaire was adapted with continuous performance lest (CPT) on computers to investigate the attention and vigilance abilities of 95 crews (70 males and 25 females), and the obtained data were analyzed statistically. Results The response ability and accuracy rate of the 95 crews were decreased at the beginning stage and then increased, with the lowest points seen at the mid-term stage. The average response time of the male crews was significantly longer than those of the female crews at the beginning and late stage of the sailing, while it was significantly shorter at the mid-term stage(P<0.05). The response accuracy rate of male crews was significantly lower than that of the female crews at the beginning and later stages of sailing while it was significantly higher at the mid-term stage (P<0.05). Conclusion There is difference between male and female crews in the sustained attention and vigilance level during long-term sailing. The attention stability of male crews is better than that of the female crews, while the attention level of female crews is superior, but it is easier to be affected by negative factors.

Academic Journal of Second Military Medical University ; (12): 506-510, 2017.
Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-838401


Objective To analyze the mental health status and its influencing factors of navy crews during long-term sailing. Methods Totally 172 crews with long-term sailing were collected by random sampling method. The mental health status of the crews was assessed by Eysenck Personality Questionnaire (EPQ) and Symptom Checklist-90 (SCL-90) at 1 week before the long-term sailing (first assessment). The psychological measurement and investigation of crews was conducted by SCL-90, Fatigue Scale-14 (FS-14) and Assens Insomnia Scale (AIS) after 4-month long-term sailing (second assessment). The differences in the total score of SCL-90 and each factor scores of crews between the first assessment, the second assessment and the military norm were analyzed to determine the influence of long-term sailing on the mental health status of crews. The relationship between the total score of SCL-90 and each factor scores (second assessment) and AIS, FS-14, and EPQ were used to analyze the correlation of the mental health status of crew with sleep, fatigue and personality traits. The major factors influencing the mental health status of crews during long-time sailing were explored by multivariate linear regression analysis with the SCL-90 score as the dependent variable. Results The mental health status of crews after 4-month long-term sailing was significantly lower than that before the sailing, with significant difference in SCL-90 scores (P0.4, P<0.01). Multivariate linear regression analysis showed that neuroticism, seasickness, total score of sleep, total score of fatigue, working pressure, mental quality and ship adaptability were the major factors influencing the total score of SCL-90. Conclusion The long-time sailing on the sea has a bad influence on the mental health of navy crews. The seasickness, personality traits, working pressure, sleep, fatigue, and ship adaptability are the major factors influencing the mental health of crews.

Rev. bras. ciênc. mov ; 18(1): 100-104, jan.-mar. 2010. tab
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: lil-731499


No Kitesurfing, o indivíduo utiliza o vento para deslizar com uma prancha sobre a água por meio de um kite, que pode ser preso ao praticante pelos equipamentos: trapézio (posicionado em volta da cintura) ou cadeirinha (posicionada em volta do quadril). A diferença entre eles consiste no ponto em que o kite exerce força sobre o indivíduo. O objetivo do presente estudo foi medir a força das linhas do kite (FLK) exercida sobre um praticante em terra, utilizando o trapézio e a cadeirinha em diferentes posições angulares entre o tronco do indivíduo e as linhas do kite. Um praticante foi preso às cordas de um kite, que foram fixadas à parede e ao teto de uma sala. Ele foi solicitado a manter por 8 s o corpo com certa inclinação em relação ao solo de modo a formar ângulos próximos de 35, 45, 60 e 90° entre a linha de ação da FLK e o seu corpo (medidos com um goniômetro manual), utilizando a cadeirinha e o trapézio. Com uma célula de carga foi registrado a FLK exercida sobre o indivíduo (normalizada pelo seu peso) e com uma câmera de vídeo foram verificadas a sua posição angular. Com o trapézio, a força avaliada foi 43,4±0,2%, 48,5±0,5%, 57,1±0,3% e 25,4±0,11% para os ângulos avaliados em ordem crescente; com a cadeirinha, a força foi 51,9±0,2%, 62,1±1,5%, 57,9±0,2% e 28,3±0,1% para os mesmos ângulos. A FLK sobre o praticante variou de 25 a 60% do peso corporal.

During kitesurfing, the athlete propels himself and his board across the water by transferring the energy of the wind into speed by a large controllable kite, which can be attached to the athlete by 2 equipment: the trapeze harness (placed around the waist) or the seat harness (placed around the hip). The difference between them consist on the point where the kite apply force on the athlete, changing the sailing conditions. However, measuring this force is not easy, due to the environment in which the sport is practiced, therefore to evaluate this force on earth is the first step towards the development of a methodology. To measure the Kite’s lines forces (KLF), applied on the athlete in land, using a trapeze harness and a seat harness in different angular positions between his trunk and the kite’s lines. One practitioner (22years old; 76kg; 1,79m) was attached to the kite’s lines, which were linked to the wall and to the ceiling of a room. The practitioner was asked to keep during 8 s the body with determined inclination in relation to the ground to form angles close to 35, 45, 60 and 90 ° between the line of action of KLF and his body (measured by a manual goniometer and similar to the angles that occur in the sport) using a trapeze harness and a seat harness. The KLF was recorded with a dinamometer. Later this force was normalized by the practitioner weight. And with a video camera the body position and angles desired were checked. With the trapeze harness, the forces evaluated were 43,4±0,2%, 48,5±0,5%, 57,1±0,3% e 25,4±0,11% for the angles measured in ascending range; with the seat harness the forces were 51,9±0,2%, 62,1±1,5%, 57,9±0,2% e 28,3±0,1% for the same angles. The KLF on the practitioner ranged from 25 to 60% of the practitioners weight. The next step will be evaluate the forces and practitioner’s the body position in land with the kite, to later perform measurements in terms of the sport.

Humanos , Masculino , Adulto Joven , Músculo Esquelético , Deportes , Estrés Mecánico , Ambiente Acuático , Fuerza Muscular , Naturaleza , Viento , Heridas y Lesiones
Rev. bras. educ. fís. esp ; 24(1): 27-35, jan.-mar. 2010. ilus, tab
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: lil-605987


Este estudo tem como objetivo propor e validar um método de medição da distância de escora ("De") e do momento de escora ("Me"), através do uso de plataformas de força para barcos tipo Catamaran. O novo método propõe a medição por dinamometria, com o posicionamento de plataformas de força abaixo de cada casco, e a mensuração das Forças de Reação do Solo (FRS). Com base nas equações clássicas da estática são determinadas as variáveis "De" e "Me". Para validar o método proposto, foi utilizada a validação concorrente, através da comparação com os valores obtidos por cinemetria através do sistema "Peak Motus". Para correlação entre os dois métodos optou-se pelo coeficiente de correlação intraclasse (ICC). Foram analisadas diferentes posturas em duas diferentes inclinações do barco, simulando o adernamento do barco. Os resultados encontrados apontaram alta correlação (ICC > 0,99) e pequeno erro médio (1,00 por cento para "De" e 0,96 por cento para "Me") entre os métodos. Com isto, o método proposto se mostrou válido e eficiente, pois mensurou as variáveis de maneira rápida e precisa e se torna importante à medida que facilita a análise e auxilia a velejadores e técnicos na tomada de decisões.

This study aimed to propose and to validate a method for the measurement of hiking distance (Hd) and hiking moment (Hm) in Catamaran boats, through the use of force plates. This new method proposes the measurement by dynamometry, with the positioning of a force plate below each boat hoof to measure the Ground Reaction Forces (GRF). Based on the classic static equations Hd and Hm were determined. In order to validate the method a validation of competing was carried out through the comparison with kinematic values measured through the Peak Motus system. Intraclass correlation coeficient was used. Different positions in two different inclinations of the boat, simulating the boat heeling, had been analyzed. The results showed a high correlation (ICC > 0.99) and a small average error (1.00 percent for Hd and 0.96 percent for Hm) between the methods. Thus, the new method seems to be valid and efficient since it measured the variables in a fast and precise way, facilitating the analysis and assisting sailors and coaches on decision taking.

Navíos/normas , Fenómenos Biomecánicos , Equipos de Medición de Riesgos , Deportes Acuáticos
Rev. bras. ciênc. mov ; 16(4): 1-19, jan.-mar. 2008. graf
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: lil-727505


Objetivo: Analisar a postura de jovens velejadores e relacionar com fatores que podem gerar alterações posturais. Métodos: Foi avaliada a postura de nove velejadores da classe Optimist, com idade entre 10 e 15 anos. Realizou-se um questionamento prévio para conhecimentos gerais sobre tempo e freqüência de prática na Vela, prática de outros esportes, dominância e preparo para os treinos. Então, em trajes de banho, o velejador foi fotografado na posição ortostática em vistas anterior, posterior e laterais, e na posição em flexão anterior em vista anterior e lateral. Na flexão anterior, o atleta era solicitado a realizar a posição de modo confortável, sem exigir alongamento da musculatura ou alcançar objetivos como tocar os membros superiores no chão. A avaliação postural ocorreu por fotogrametria no posturograma FISIOMETER 3.0. Resultados: Foi observado que todos os velejadores apresentaram alterações posturais, como gibosidades dorsais (55%), concavidades de tronco (88%), desnivelamento de pelve (66%), elevação de ombros (66%), desalinhamento de cabeça (77%), anteriorização de cabeça (100%), desalinhamento de joelhos (66%), desalinhamento de pés (77%) e hiperlordose lombar (44%). Conclusão: A incidência de deformidades encontrada é preocupante, visto que as alterações podem gerar incapacidades físicas a curto e longo prazo. Porém, deve-se ressaltar o fator estudantil, que influencia nestas alterações e pode contribuir para lesões osteomusculares. Observou-se a carência de estudos pregressos para confronto dos resultados e há indicação para estudos futuros com maior número amostral podendo tornar mais evidente as alterações características da prática da Vela.

Objective: To analyze the posture of young sailors and to relate with factors that can lead postural patterns. Methods: The study subjects were nine Optimist class sailors, aged between 10 and 15 years. The young sailors were questioned previously about characteristics of your practice, like time and frequency of practice in sailing, practice of other sports, dominance and preparation for the training. Then, wearing bath clothes, the sailors were photographed in orthostatic position and trunk flexion position in frontal and saggital planes. In the trunk flexion, the athlete was asked to hold the position so comfortable, without requiring stretching of muscles or achieve goals as touch in the ground. They carried out postural evaluation through photogrammetry using the FlSlOMETER 3.0 posturogram. Results: We observed that all athletes had postural changes, as dorsal scoliosis (55%), trunk kiphosis (88%), pelvis inclination (66%), shoulders elevation (66%), head misalignment (77%), head anteriorization (100%), knees misalignment (66%), feet misalignment (77%) and lumbar hyperlordosis (44%). Conclusion: The number of deformities found is worrying and could generate physical disabilities in a short or long term. However, should be considered the fact of these athletes be students. This factor may influence these changes and contribute to musculoskeletal injuries. Were observed the absence of anterior studies to discussion and future studies are indicated with a larger sample.

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Niño , Adolescente , Adolescente , Esfuerzo Físico , Postura , Deportes
Rev. AMRIGS ; 51(4): 70-74, out.-dez. 2007. tab
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: biblio-859915


Introdução: O início precoce em esporte de competição vem produzindo um aumento de traumas em atletas jovens. Poucos estudos avaliaram a segurança entre velejadores iniciantes. Portanto, o objetivo deste estudo é determinar as taxas, características, causas e os fatores de risco para as lesões por causas externas entre velejadores adolescentes. Métodos: É um estudo transversal realizado no sul do Brasil durante o Campeonato Brasileiro da Classe Optimist. As variáveis e o padrão de treinamento foram obtidos por meio de um questionário padronizado. A taxa das lesões foi obtida após cada regata por meio do questionário e exame físico. O nível da gravidade foi classificado como grave, médio e leve. Após uma análise descritiva (IC 95%), uma análise multivariada por regressão logística foi utilizada para determinar os fatores de risco para lesões. Resultados: 118 velejadores foram avaliados durante sete dias. O número médio da idade e prática de vela era 12,74 e 3,2 anos respectivamente. Em 51 (43,2%) dos velejadores foram detectados 67 injúrias físicas, média de 0,56 eventos por velejador. De acordo com o grau da gravidade do trauma, 88,06% foram classificados como leves, 10,45% médio e 1,49% como grave. A cabeça (53,4%) foi a porção corporal mais atingida. A prática de outro esporte, além do iatismo, comportou-se como fator de proteção OR=0,39 (IC95% 0,17-0,89). Conclusão: Demonstrou-se uma taxa elevada de traumas durante a competição, principalmente na cabeça, embora em sua maioria fossem considerados leves. A prática de atividade física pode desenvolver habilidades gerais que contribuiriam para a redução de traumas em esportes de competição (AU)

Introduction: The early involvement of young athletes in sport competition has been leading to an increase in sport-related injuries. Few studies have evaluated the level of safety issues among young skippers. The objective of this study is to determine risk factors for injuries among young skippers during the Brazilian Championship. Methods: This is a cross-sectional study carried out during during the Brazilian Championship of the Optimist Class, in southern Brazil. Variables and pattern of training activities were obtained by means of a standardized questionnaire. The rate of injuries during the National Championship was obtained after each regatta by means of a questionnaire and physical examination. Level of severity was classified as severe, medium severe, low severe. After a descriptive analysis (CI 95%), a multivariate analysis was performed by a logistic regression model in order to determine the risk factors for injury. Results: 118 skippers were evaluated during the seven days consecutively, the median of age and sailing practice were 12.74 and 3.2 years respectively. In 51 of the skippers (43.2%) reported 67 injuries, with a mean of 0.56 injury per skipper. As to the level of severity, 88.06% were classified as light, 10.45% as medium severe and 1,49% as severe. The most often injured part of the body was the head (53.4%). The practice of another sport activity besides sailing was a protector factor for injury, OR=0.39 (IC95% 0.17-0.89). Conclusion: This study showed a high injury rate during competition, mainly to the head, although most cases were light. The practice of physical activity may lead to development of general skills that could contribute to reduce injuries in competition sports (AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Niño , Adolescente , Traumatismos en Atletas/epidemiología , Deportes/estadística & datos numéricos , Traumatismos en Atletas/prevención & control , Prevalencia , Factores de Riesgo
Journal of the Japan Society of Acupuncture and Moxibustion ; : 166-174, 2006.
Artículo en Japonés | WPRIM | ID: wpr-371099


[Purpose] This report examines the immediate effect of acupuncture treatment for subjective symptoms in competitive sailors.<BR>[Method] The investigation was performed in the conditioning room at the national sports festival. Acupuncture treatment was performed for lumbago (n=108), dorsal pain (n=72). Acupuncture treatment was performed only on the area where players complained of pain. The variety of chief complaints, number of chief com-plaints, and visual analog scale (VAS) score were used for the investigation. Significance of differences in VAS score was compared by t-test.<BR>[Result] There were numerous chief complaints involving lumbago, followed in orderby dorsal pain, and othercomplaints. Acupuncture treatment decreased the VAS score fbr lumbago (n=108) from 52.3±215mm to 21. 5±16.4mm. Dorsal pain (n=72) was also decreased from 48.0±18.7mm to 18.5±15.2mm. These values were both significantly different at p<0.01.<BR>[Discussion] Acupuncture treatment was effective for lumbago, and dorsal pain of competitive sailors. As a result, it was suggested that the acupuncture treatment is an effective condition adjustment methods.