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Rev. cuba. invest. bioméd ; 40(2): e733, 2021. tab
Artículo en Español | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1347460


Introducción: Desde sus inicios, las guías alimentarias han recomendado que el consumo de grasa saturada en la dieta no sobrepase el 10 por ciento, con la finalidad de disminuir las enfermedades cardiovasculares. En aquel entonces, la evidencia sobre la cual se tomó dicha recomendación fue sobreestimada. Aún hoy en día se sigue recomendando dicha reducción a pesar de la gran cantidad de estudios que recomiendan que se reconsidere este límite. Objetivo: Demostrar que el consumo de grasas saturadas en la dieta no representa problemas para la salud humana y que las recomendaciones alimentarias respecto a su limitación deben ser reconsideradas. Métodos: Se realizó una búsqueda de artículos en Pubmed y Google Académico, con las palabras clave: grasas saturadas, recomendaciones dietéticas, enfermedades cardiovasculares, colesterol, evolución humana. Conclusiones: Los metaanálisis y revisiones sistemáticas presentados en este trabajo evidencian que las grasas saturadas no tienen relación con la enfermedad cardiovascular. Su reducción o sustitución con grasas poliinsaturadas omega 6 no previenen los riesgos de desarrollar enfermedades cardiovasculares(AU)

Introduction: Ever since they first appeared, food guides have recommended that saturated fat intake should not exceed 10 percent, with the purpose of reducing the occurrence of cardiovascular disease. At that time the evidence upon which the recommendation was based was overestimated. Even today such reduction continues to be recommended despite the large number of studies advising reconsideration of that limit. Objective: Demonstrate that saturated fat consumption does not affect human health and dietary recommendations about its limitation should be reconsidered. Methods: A search was conducted for papers about the topic published in the databases PubMed and Google Scholar. The search words used were saturated fats, dietary recommendations, cardiovascular diseases, cholesterol and human evolution. Conclusions: The meta-analyses and systematic reviews presented in the paper make evident that saturated fat intake bears no relationship to cardiovascular disease. Its reduction or replacement with omega-6 polyunsaturated fats does not prevent the risk of developing cardiovascular disease(AU)

Grasas de la Dieta , Enfermedades Cardiovasculares , Colesterol , Guías Alimentarias
rev. udca actual. divulg. cient ; 23(1): e1149, ene.-jun. 2020. tab
Artículo en Español | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1127543


RESUMEN La disminución del consumo de grasas saturadas aportadas por los alimentos de origen animal y la búsqueda de alimentos más sanos es una tendencia, a nivel mundial. La producción de tilapia en Colombia ha venido en franco crecimiento en las últimas décadas, lo cual, plantea la necesidad de búsqueda de alternativas para su procesamiento. Se evaluó la sustitución de grasas por una mezcla de piel de cerdo, agua y fibra de quinua (PCFQ) en salchichas de filete de tilapia. Se determinó la composición química de las salchichas elaboradas, el contenido calórico, el pH, las coordenadas de color CIELab, las pérdidas de humedad por cocción, la estabilidad de la emulsión, el perfil de textura y se estableció la apreciación sensorial. La adición de PCFQ conllevó a un aumento en la humedad y en las proteínas totales, gracias a la capacidad de retención de agua de la fibra de quinua. La salchicha con mayor adición de PCFQ (20%) obtuvo un 48,2% menos de grasas, un 32,3% menos de calorías y un 31,1% de pérdida de humedad por cocción, con relación a la salchicha control. Se obtuvieron emulsiones cárnicas más estables, con buenos parámetros de perfil de textura - TPA. Con relación a los parámetros sensoriales, no se apreciaron diferencias significativas entre las salchichas elaboradas y la salchicha control. Por lo anterior, se concluye que, la mezcla, se puede usar como sustituto de grasas en la elaboración de salchichas de filete de tilapia, sin afectar sus propiedades fisicoquímicas y sensoriales.

ABSTRACT The decrease in the consumption of saturated fats provided by animal foods and the search for healthier foods is a worldwide trend. Tilapia production in Colombia has been growing rapidly in recent decades, which raises the need to find alternatives for processing. The substitution of fats for a mixture of pork skin, water and quinoa fiber (PCFQ) in tilapia fillet sausages was evaluated. The chemical composition of the processed sausages, the caloric content, the pH, the CIELab color coordinates, the cooking moisture losses, the emulsion stability, the texture profile and the sensory assessment were determined. The addition of PCFQ led to an increase in moisture and total proteins, thanks to the water retention capacity of quinoa fiber. The sausage with the highest PCFQ addition (20%), obtained 48.2% less fat, 32.3% less calories and 31.1% loss of moisture from cooking compared to the control sausage. More stable meat emulsions were obtained with good texture profile parameters -TPA. Regarding sensory parameters, no significant differences were observed between processed sausages and control sausage. Therefore, it is concluded that the mixture can be used as a fat substitute in the preparation of tilapia fillet sausages, without affecting its physicochemical and sensory properties.

Rev. chil. nutr ; 47(2): 200-208, abr. 2020. tab
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: biblio-1115489


ANTECEDENTES: Se desconoce el contenido de grasas saturada (GS) y trans (Gtrans) en panes sin etiqueta y sin vigilancia por entidad regulatoria de Colombia. PROPÓSITO: Comparar el contenido de GS y Gtrans en panes de algunas panaderías de Medellín con lo reglamentado: 0,5 g/50 g de pan, para ambos tipos de grasa según resolución 2508 de 2012 del Ministerio de Salud. MATERIALES Y MÉTODOS: Se muestrearon 45 panes de tres tipos (aliñado, leche y croissant) en tres niveles socioeconómicos (NSE) según ubicación de la panadería. Se cuantificó grasa total gravimétricamente y GS y Gtrans por cromatografía de gases. RESULTADOS: El porcentaje de GS y Gtrans con respecto a la grasa total extraíble fue 43,8% y 0,6% en pan aliñado, 37,4% y 0,6% en pan leche y 32,2% y 0,9% en pan croissant, sin diferencia significativa entre ellos (p= 0,155 y 0,184, respectivamente). CONCLUSIONES: Comparado con la resolución 2508, el contenido de GS fue mayor al límite establecido en resolución y el contenido de Gtrans fue menor en pan aliñado, leche o croissant. Los panes evaluados en las panaderías del NSE bajo contenían mayor Gtrans que los otros.

BACKGROUND: The content of saturated (GS) and trans (Gtrans) fats in unlabeled and breads that are not regulated by the Colombian government is unknown. PURPOSE: To compare the content of GS and Gtrans in breads of bakeries in Medellín with the following regulation: 0.5 g/50 g of bread, for both types of fat according to the 2012 Ministry of Health resolution #2508. MATERIALS AND METHODS: 45 breads of three types (seasoned, milk and croissant) were sampled at bakeries from three socioeconomic levels (NSE) according to the location. Total fat was quantified gravimetrically and GS and Gtrans by gas chromatography. RESULTS: The percentage of GS and Gtrans with respect to the total extractable fat was 43.8% and 0.6% in seasoned bread, 37.4% and 0.6% in milk bread and 32.2% and 0.9% in croissant bread, with no significant difference by bread type (p= 0.155 and 0.184, respectively). CONCLUSIONS: GS content of sampled breadswas greater than the limit established in the resolution. Gtrans content was lower in seasoned bread andmilk bread compared to croissant. The breads evaluated in the bakeries of lower NSE contained higher Gtrans than the others.

Pan/análisis , Grasas de la Dieta/análisis , Ácidos Grasos trans/análisis , Ácidos Grasos/análisis , Cromatografía de Gases/métodos , Colombia , Ionización de Llama/métodos
CienciaUAT ; 14(1): 121-132, jul.-dic. 2019. tab, graf
Artículo en Español | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1124375


Resumen La estructuración de aceites comestibles, a través de la organogelación, tiene un potencial prometedor en aplicaciones alimenticias, al ser utilizadas como sustitutos de grasa saturada en algunos productos cárnicos y lácteos de alta demanda de consumo, con la finalidad de mejorar su perfil lipídico, el cual está relacionado con la mejora nutricional que demanda el consumidor actual, por el efecto negativo que tienen las grasas saturadas en la salud. El objetivo de este trabajo fue analizar diferentes formulaciones de organogeles, aplicados en matrices cárnicas-lácteas, y su impacto en las propiedades finales de tales productos alimentarios, implementados como sustituto de grasa saturada. Se encontró que la sustitución de grasa saturada, por este tipo de materiales, afecta principalmente las propiedades fisicoquímicas, modifica el sabor original de los alimentos y mejora su perfil lipídico; sin embargo, aún no permiten cumplir las expectativas del consumidor final, por las cualidades únicas que ofrece la grasa sólida, lo que representa la principal barrera a superar para su uso en una producción a escala industrial y venta al mercado. Es necesario desarrollar nuevas formulaciones, que asemejen dichas cualidades, para alcanzar la aceptación de los consumidores.

Abstract The structuring of edible oils, through organogelation, has a promising potential in food applications, when used as substitutes for saturated fat in some meat and dairy products of high consumption demand, in order to improve their lipid profile. Organogels are viable for this substitution, which is related to the nutritional improvement demanded by the current consumer, due to the negative effect of saturated fats on health. The objective of this review was to analyze different formulations of organogels, applied in meat-dairy matrices and their impact on the final properties of such food products, implemented as a substitute for saturated fat. The findings indicate that the replacement of saturated fat, by this type of materials, mainly affects the physicochemical properties, modifies the original flavor of the food and improves its lipid profile; However, they still do not meet the expectations of the final consumer due to the unique qualities of solid fat, which represents the main barrier to overcome for its application in an industrial scale production and sale to the market. It is necessary to develop new formulations, similar to those qualities, to achieve consumer acceptance.

Artículo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-189589


Aim: To collate and analyse label information on nutrients for meat products (used as sandwich fillings) in the Netherlands, using a standardised methodology established by the Global Food Monitoring Group. The objective was to compare levels of saturated fat (in g/100 grams) and sodium (in mg/100 grams) from 2011-2015 and to evaluate reformulation targets for sodium and saturated fat levels that were due to be met by January 1, 2015. Study Design: Data collection study. Place and Duration: Data collection in two supermarkets in the Netherlands for one month. Methodology: Data were collected by photographing the Nutrition Information Panels (NIPs), front-of-pack communications (Guideline Daily Amounts, health logos) and other back-of-pack information from product labels of processed foods in-store using smartphone technology. Photos were uploaded to a central database where data were entered and checked and cleaned manually. Levels of sodium and saturated fat were calculated and compared with data available from reformulation monitoring reports and with the reformulation targets of the meat sector. Results: Data were collected for 911 processed meat products, with data available for 863 meat products after data cleaning, and 86% (n=745) displaying a NIP. Sodium levels in 2015 were similar compared to concentrations observed in previous years for all subcategories of meat products. For saturated fat, combined heated meat products' saturated fat content was 8 g/100g (SD=3) based on label information in 2015 compared with 10 g/100g (SD=3) based on the label and chemical analyses information of 2014: P<0.001. The percentages of products (2015) which complied with the reformulation targets ranged per product category from 14%-93% for sodium levels and 25%-88% for saturated fat levels. Only a small percentage of meats displayed a health logo (2%) or Guideline Daily Amounts (15%) on the label. Conclusion: Based on the comparison we observed no progress with sodium reductions and little progress with saturated fat reductions in the Netherlands between 2011 and 2015 in processed meat products. In light of the Netherlands’ reformulation covenant of 2014, focus on nutrient levels of meat products could contribute to help meet the national commitment to reduce sodium and saturated fat levels. This method of evaluation could also be used for other product categories to monitor progress and to ultimately decrease the burden of nutrition-associated diseases in the country.

Hig. aliment ; 30(258/259): 59-63, 30/08/2016. ilus, graf
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: biblio-2547


Uma Unidade de Alimentação e Nutrição (UAN) tem o objetivo de fornecer refeições equilibradas nutricionalmente e com qualidade higienicossanitária adequada. O Programa de Alimentação ao Trabalhador tem como objetivo melhorar a alimentação dos trabalhadores. O presente trabalho teve como objetivo analisar se o valor energético, valor de gordura saturada, fibras e sódio do cardápio do almoço de uma Unidade de Alimentação e Nutrição, seguem os valores preconizados pelo Programa de Alimentação do Trabalhador (PAT). Foram analisados 5 cardápios, do turno do almoço, de uma UAN terceirizada que presta serviço a uma empresa na cidade de Estrela, Rio Grande do Sul. Após foram comparados os valores encontrados de calorias, gordura saturada, fibras e sódio com os valores recomendados pelo PAT. Pode-se verificar que os valores de calorias, gordura saturada, fibras e sódio analisados não estavam de acordo com os valores preconizados pelo PAT.

A Feeding and Nutrition Unit (FNU) has the purpose to provide nutritionally balanced meals and with hygienic-sanitary quality. The Worker Feeding Program (WFP) has the purpose to improve the workers nourishment. The aim of the present work was to analyze if the caloric energy content, saturated fat, fiber and sodium of the lunch menu in a Feeding and Nutrition Unit are in accordance with the values recommended by the Worker Feeding Program. Five meals were analyzed, of lunch shift, from an outsourced FNU that provides service to a company in the city of Estrela, Rio Grande do Sul. After the values of calories, saturated fat, fibers and sodium were found, they were compared with the ones recommended by WFP. It was observed that the analyzed value of calories, saturated fat, fibers and sodium were not in accordance with the values established by WFP.

Programas de Nutrición , Salud Laboral , Servicios de Alimentación/organización & administración , Planificación de Menú/normas , Valor Nutritivo , Sodio en la Dieta/administración & dosificación , Grasas de la Dieta/administración & dosificación , Fibras de la Dieta/administración & dosificación , Composición de Alimentos
Military Medical Sciences ; (12): 769-772,786, 2015.
Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-602724


Objective To explore the effect of dietary fat acids on incretin and islet function in healthy adults .Methods Before each test, healthy subjects received a 1-week pre-experiment eucaloric diet .Fifteen subjects consumed two meals containing different fat acids , including high saturated fat acid ( HSF) and high monounsaturated fat acid ( HMF) .On two separate occasions,they underwent a minimum of 1-week washout between meals .At 0,30,60,120,180 and 240 min following meal intake, the plasma concentrations of gastric inhibitory polypeptide (GIP), glucagon-like peptide-1(GLP-1) and serum concentrations of glucose, insulin, triglycerides ( TG) and free fatty acid ( FFA) were measured.Results Postprandial glucose did not increase significantly following HSF and HMF meals (P>0.05).Compared with HMF meal, significant increase in AUCins240min,AUCTG240min and AUCFFA240minwas observed following HSF meal (P0.05). AUCI/AUCG was significantly lower following HMF meal as compared with HSF meal (P<0.05).Conclusion This study demonstrates that the function of GIP ,GLP-1 andβcell is affected by the dietary fat acids in healthy adults .The HMF meal may stimulate GIP and GLP-1 secretion to a greater extent than HSF meal .

Hig. aliment ; 27(226/227): 161-165, 30/12/2013. tab
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: biblio-964256


Considerando que o aumento da prevalência de excesso de peso, bem como o surgimento de outras doenças crônicas não transmissíveis, configuram um problema de saúde pública, uma Unidade de Alimentação e Nutrição (UAN) deve buscar adequação das refeições, além de promover educação nutricional. Este estudo foi desenvolvido com os funcionários de uma indústria de Caxias do Sul ­ RS, com objetivo de estimar a prevalência de sobrepeso e obesidade, sua associação com o consumo de gordura saturada proveniente do óleo utilizado para as preparações, na perspectiva de subsidiar estratégias que visam a qualidade da saúde do trabalhador. Através de uma avaliação antropométrica foram obtidas as variáveis de Índice de Massa Corporal (IMC) e Circunferência da Cintura. Também foi analisado o grau de saturação do óleo utilizado na preparação das refeições. O excesso de peso foi observado na maior parte dos trabalhadores (49,3%), já para a obesidade abdominal verificou-se um percentual de 31,3%. A análise do grau de saturação do óleo mostrou valores elevados (5,5%), impróprios para a utilização, contribuindo desta forma para o consumo indireto de gordura saturada e como consequência o sobrepeso nesta população.

Considering that the increasing prevalence of overweight, as well as the appearance of other not transmissible chronic disease, configure a public health problem, a Food and Nutrition Unit (FNU) should seek to appropriate meals, as well as promoting nutrition education. This study was developed with employees of an industry from Caxias do Sul - RS with the objective of estimate the prevalence of overweight and obesity association with the consumption of saturated fat from the oil used for preparations in the perspective of developing strategies aimed at the quality of health worker. Through an anthropometric evaluation variables were obtained from Mass Index (BMI) and waist circumference. Also examined was the degree of saturation of the oil used in the preparation of meals. The excess of weight was observed in most workers (49.3%), while for abdominal obesity there was a percentage of 31.3%. The analysis of the degree of oil saturation showed high values (5.5%), unfit for use, thus contributing to the indirect consumption of saturated fat and overweight as a consequence this population.

Educación Alimentaria y Nutricional , Aceites , Índice de Masa Corporal , Antropometría/métodos , Salud Laboral , Sobrepeso , Comidas , Dieta Saludable , Enfermedades Cardiovasculares/prevención & control , Estado Nutricional , Alimentación Colectiva , Grasas , Enfermedades no Transmisibles , Industrias , Obesidad
São Paulo; s.n; 2010. [102] p. tab, graf, ilus.
Tesis en Portugués | LILACS | ID: lil-554445


A lipoproteína de alta densidade (HDL) tem várias ações protetoras contra o desenvolvimento de doenças cardiovasculares, como remover o excesso de colesterol dos tecidos periféricos. No entanto, outros aspectos do metabolismo da HDL, como o transporte de colesterol das outras classes de lipoproteínas para a HDL devem ser avaliados para verificar a sua ação protetora. Sendo assim, nosso objetivo foi verificar, em hamsters, se a dieta hiperlipídica altera fatores relacionados ao metabolismo da HDL, tais como a composição da fração HDL e a transferência simultânea de lípides para a HDL. Trinta e nove hamsters Golden Syrian adultos machos receberam uma dieta hiperlipídica contendo 0,5% colesterol e 10% de óleo de coco (n=20, grupo dieta hiperlipídica) ou uma ração comercial usual (n=19, grupo controle) por 15 semanas. Os animais foram sacrificados e amostras de sangue foram coletadas para determinação do perfil lipídico, atividade da paroxonase 1 (PON1), da proteína de transferência de éster de colesterol (CETP) e da proteína de transferência de fosfolípides (PLTP), bem como a composição em lipídes da fração HDL. A transferência simultânea de colesterol livre (CL), éster de colesterol (EC), triglicérides (TG) e fosfolípides (FL) é baseada na troca de lípides ocorrida entre uma nanoemulsão lipídica artificial, marcada radioativamente com 14C-CL e 3H-TG ou 14C-FL e 3H-EC, e a HDL. Após precipitação química da nanoemulsão e das demais lipoproteínas, a capacidade da HDL em receber lípides foi quantificada pela medida da radioatividade presente na HDL. Além disso, a aorta e o fígado dos hamsters foram coletados para a determinação da composição em lípides e para análise histológica. Em relação ao perfil lipídico o colesterol total, HDL-C, n-HDL-C, FL, CL e EC foram maiores no grupo dieta hiperlipídica comparado ao grupo controle, já a concentração de TG não diferiu entre os grupos. A concentração de CL e EC da fração HDL foram maior no grupo dieta hiperlipídica. ...

High density lipoprotein (HDL) is known to protect against cardiovascular disease by removing the excess of cholesterol from peripheral tissues. However, other aspects of the HDL metabolism, as the transport of cholesterol of the other classes of lipoproteínas for the HDL should be sought to evaluate its protective action. Here, we tested the hypothesis whether a hyperlipidemic diet, in hamsters, alters the composition of the HDL fraction and ability of HDL to simultaneously receive lipids. Thirty-nine adult male Golden Syrian hamsters were fed hyperlipidemic diet containing 0.5% cholesterol and 10% coconut oil (n=20, hyperlipidemic diet group) or a regular chow diet (n=19, control group) for 15 wk. Then the animals were sacrificed and blood samples were collected for determination of plasma lipids, paraoxonase 1 (PON1), cholesteryl ester transfer protein (CETP) and phospholipid transfer protein (PLTP) activities, and lipids composition of the HDL fraction. Simultaneous transfer of phospholipids (PL), free cholesterol (FC), cholesteryl esters (CE) and triglycerides (TG) from an artificial lipidic nanoemulsion to HDL was performed in an in vitro assay, in which a nanoemulsion doubled labeled with either 14C-FC and 3H-TG or 14C-PL and 3H-CE was incubated with plasma and the radioactivity was counted in the HDL fraction after chemical precipitation. The aorta and the liver of the hamsters were collected for determination of the lipids composition and histological analysis. Plasma total cholesterol, HDL-C, n-HDL-C, CE, FC and PL were greater in the hyperlipidemic diet group than in the control group. However, TG levels were similar between the groups. Compared with the control group, the hyperlipidemic diet group had higher FC and CE in the HDL plasma fraction. Also, the transfer rates of 14C-FC, 3H-TG, 14C-PL and 3H-CE, CETP and PLTP were greater in the hyperlipidemic diet group compared with control group. PON1 activity was equal in both groups. ...

Animales , Cobayas , Colesterol , Cricetinae , Dieta , Grasas , Lipoproteínas HDL , Lipoproteínas/metabolismo