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Rev. Assoc. Med. Bras. (1992, Impr.) ; 69(2): 272-278, Feb. 2023. graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1422634


SUMMARY OBJECTIVE: One of the most important factors that adversely affects the outcome of peripheral nerve surgery is the formation of epineural and extraneural scar tissue after surgery. Many surgical methods and pharmacological and chemical agents have been used to prevent the formation of epineural scar tissue, but satisfactory results have not been achieved in clinical applications. The purpose of this study was to investigate the combined effect of fat graft and platelet-rich fibrin on the formation of epineural scar tissue and on nerve healing in the mature rat model. METHODS: A total of 24 female Sprague-Dawley rats were used. A circumferential segment of epineurium was excised from both bilateral sciatic nerves. The epineurectomized right nerve segment was wrapped with a combination of fat graft and platelet-rich fibrin (experimental group), while the left nerve segment did not receive any surgical procedure other than the epineurectomy (sham group). Notably, 12 randomly selected rats were sacrificed in the fourth week for histopathological examination of early results. The other 12 rats were sacrificed in the eighth week for late results. RESULTS: The formation of fibrosis, inflammation, and myelin degeneration were less common in the experimental group, while nerve regeneration was found to be higher at both 4 and 8 weeks. CONCLUSION: The intraoperative application of a combination of fat graft and platelet-rich fibrin appears to be effective on nerve healing after surgery at both the early and late periods.

Rev. Méd. Clín. Condes ; 31(5/6): 441-447, sept.-dic. 2020. tab
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: biblio-1224137


La estenorraquis lumbar es la disminución del volumen del canal raquídeo en la columna. Es la causa más frecuente de dolor lumbociático y lumbocrural en población mayor de 60 años. Existen múltiples causas. La más común es la degenerativa que consiste en una disminución del canal secundario a varios factores como protrusión del disco intervertebral, hipertrofia y abombamiento del ligamento amarillo, engrosamiento de la capsula articular y por osteofitos. Los síntomas principales son el dolor lumbar irradiado a extremidades inferiores tipo lumbociática o lumbocruralgia y la claudicación neural intermitente. Generalmente no hay déficit motor ni sensitivo. La resonancia magnética es el estudio de elección para el diagnóstico, pero debe complementarse con radiografías y con frecuencia con tac para una mejor valoración de la patología. El tratamiento inicial siempre es conservador, que incluye uso de antiinflamatorios, analgésicos, relajantes musculares, kinesioterapia e infiltraciones de columna (epidurales o radiculares). La mayoría de los pacientes responden satisfactoriamente a este manejo. El tratamiento quirúrgico está indicado a los pacientes que presentan un dolor intenso, que afecta su calidad de vida y que no mejora con el tratamiento conservador. Consiste en la descompresión quirúrgica de las raíces lumbares a través de laminectomía. En ocasiones se recomienda complementar la descompresión con artrodesis específicamente cuando la estenorraquis se asocia a otras condiciones como espondilolistesis degenerativa, escoliosis, desbalance sagital o coronal, inestabilidad segmentaria y en enfermedad del segmento adyacente.

Spinal lumbar stenosis is a narrowing of the spinal canal in the lumbar spine. Is the most frequent cause of sciatic pain or cruralgia in the elderly population over 60 years old. Exist many etiologies. The most common is degenerative caused by many factors including bulging disc, hypertrophy of flavum ligament as well as facet capsule thickening and by osteophytes formation. The main symptoms of spinal stenosis are radicular pain and neurogenic claudication. Lumbar flexion usually improves the symptom and deambulation often worsens the pain. Most of the time neurologic examination is normal. The gold standard study is mri but is necessary to complement with x rays and ct to obtain a better evaluation. Initial treatment is always conservative and consists in nsaid's, muscle relaxants, physical therapy and steroid spinal injections. Most of the patients respond well to this treatment. Surgical treatment is indicated when the patient has a severe pain, quality of life is miserable and conservative treatment fails. Decompression is the gold standard surgical treatment. The addition of an arthrodesis or spinal fusion is recommended in degenerative spondylolisthesis, scoliosis, sagital or coronal imbalance, deformity correction, recurrent spinal stenosis and in cases of adjacent level disease problem.

Humanos , Estenosis Espinal/diagnóstico , Estenosis Espinal/terapia , Estenosis Espinal/clasificación , Estenosis Espinal/patología
Autops. Case Rep ; 10(2): e2020153, Apr.-June 2020. graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: biblio-1131804


Compressive syndromes of peripheral nerves both in the upper and lower limbs are part of daily clinical practice; however, the etiological diagnosis can be challenging and impact on the outcome of the patient. We report five cases with rare etiologies of nerve entrapments: one in the lower limb and four in the upper limbs with the final diagnosis made only during the operation. The patients evolved without post-operative complications and had good outcomes. This series includes the first report of sciatic compression by a lipoma in the popliteal fossa, two lipomas one with compression of infraclavicular brachial plexus and another with compressing the posterior interosseous nerve, and two reports of vascular lesions due to blunt traumas, which are also uncommon. This series adds to the literature more hypotheses of differential diagnoses in nerve entrapments, which is fundamental to surgical decisions and pre-operative planning—and perhaps most importantly prevents wrong diagnosis of idiopathic compressions, which would lead to a completely wrong approach and unfavorable outcomes.

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Adulto , Persona de Mediana Edad , Neuropatía Ciática/diagnóstico , Síndromes de Compresión Nerviosa/diagnóstico , Nervio Radial , Nervio Cubital , Aneurisma , Lipoma
Rev. chil. pediatr ; 91(1): 85-93, feb. 2020. tab, graf
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: biblio-1092791


Resumen: Introducción: La neuropatía ciática es una entidad infrecuente y de difícil diagnóstico en Pediatría. Su evolución a largo plazo no ha sido claramente definida. Objetivo: Analizar la presentación clínica y evolución de un grupo de niños con neuropatía ciática. Pacientes y Método: Análisis retrospectivo de las características clínicas de pacientes pediátricos con neuropatía ciática atendidos en 2 hospitales de Santiago, entre 2014-2018. Se evaluó examen motor, trofismo muscular, reflejos osteotendíneos, marcha, sensibilidad y dolor. Se estudió neuroconducción de nervio ciático, electromiografía (EMG) y en 3 pacientes, Resonancia Magnética (RM). Resultados: Se incluyeron 6 pacientes, edad promedio 11,8 años. Hubo 2 causas traumáticas, 2 compresivas, 1 vascular y 1 tumoral. Los 6 pa cientes debutaron con pie caído e hiporreflexia/arreflexia aquiliana; 5 pacientes presentaron dolor neuropático severo. La EMG mostró en todos los casos compromiso en nervios y musculatura de pendientes del nervio ciático. En 2 casos se realizó RM de cintura pélvica y extremidades inferiores, mostrando compromiso muscular selectivo en pierna en territorio ciático. En 1 caso, se realizó RM de plexo lumbosacro, y luego estudio histológico, que concluyeron un tumor neural benigno. En los 3 pacientes que tuvieron seguimiento mayor a un año, se observaron secuelas motoras, con marcha alterada. Conclusión: La neuropatía ciática en este grupo fue secundaria a diversas etiologías, predominando las traumático-compresivas. En los 3 casos que tuvieron seguimiento a largo plazo se observaron secuelas motoras significativas. En la mayoría la lesión se asoció a causas prevenibles como accidentes y posicionamiento en niños con compromiso de conciencia, lo que resulta fundamental en la prevención de una patología con alto grado de secuelas.

Abstract: Introduction: Sciatic neuropathy is rare and difficult to diagnose in pediatrics, and its long-term course has not been completely understood. Objective: To analyze the clinical presentation and evolution of a group of pediatric patients with sciatic neuropathy. Patients and Method: Retrospective anal ysis of the clinical characteristics of pediatric patients with sciatic neuropathy treated in two hospitals of Santiago between 2014 and 2018. Locomotor examination, muscle trophism, deep tendon reflexes, gait, sensation, and pain were assessed. Sciatic nerve conduction study and electromyography (EMG) were performed, and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) in three patients. Results: Six patients were included with an average age of 11.8 years. The etiologies were traumatic (N = 2), by compression (N = 2), vascular (N = 1), and tumor (N = 1). All of the 6 patients presented foot drop and Achilles tendon hyporeflexia/areflexia, and 5 patients presented severe neuropathic pain. The EMG showed involvement of the sciatic nerve rami and dependent muscles. In two patients, a pelvic girdle and lower limbs MRI was performed, showing selective muscle involvement in sciatic territory. One patient underwent a lumbosacral plexus MRI, and subsequently histological study showing a benign neural tumor. Out of the three patients who were followed-up longer than one year presented motor sequelae and gait disorder. Conclusion: Sciatic neuropathy in the study group was secondary to different causes, predominantly traumatic and compressive etiologies. The three patients that were ina long-term follow-up presented significant motor sequelae. In most of the cases, neural injury wasassoci- ated with preventable causes, such as accidents and positioning in unconscious children, which is crucial in the prevention of a pathology with a high sequelae degree.

Humanos , Femenino , Preescolar , Niño , Adolescente , Neuropatía Ciática/diagnóstico , Pronóstico , Imagen por Resonancia Magnética , Estudios Retrospectivos , Factores de Riesgo , Estudios de Seguimiento , Neuropatía Ciática/etiología , Neuropatía Ciática/fisiopatología , Neuropatía Ciática/terapia , Electromiografía
Artículo en Inglés | WPRIM | ID: wpr-777714


@#A 58-year old female patient presented to us with a three months’ old fracture of the neck of femur. She underwent bipolar hemiarthroplasty. In the immediate postoperative period, she developed deep vein thrombosis for which she was started on anticoagulant therapy. Patient had persistent discharge from the wound since then and underwent regular dressings. On the eighth post-op day, she developed sciatic nerve palsy secondary to wound haematoma. The haematoma was decompressed immediately and she had a dramatic improvement in pain but her neurological deficit persisted. The wound healed completely without any complications. At three months follow up, she had recovered completely with grade 5/5 power in ankle and foot and full sensory recovery in the sciatic nerve distribution. She was ambulating comfortably with a walker. At final follow up around 20 months post-operation, she was pain-free and walking without any support. The wound had healed completely.

Radiol. bras ; 50(3): 190-196, May-June 2017. graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: biblio-896083


Abstract Injuries of the sciatic nerve are common causes of pain and limitation in the lower limbs. Due to its particular anatomy and its long course, the sciatic nerve is often involved in diseases of the pelvis or leg. In recent years, magnetic resonance neurography has become established as an important tool for the study of peripheral nerves and can be widely applied to the study of the sciatic nerve. Therefore, detailed knowledge of its anatomy and of the most prevalent diseases affecting it is essential to maximizing the accuracy of diagnostic imaging.

Resumo Lesões do nervo ciático são causas comuns de dor e de limitação no membro inferior. Em razão da sua anatomia particular e do seu longo trajeto, o nervo ciático é frequentemente envolvido em doenças da pelve e do membro inferior. Nos últimos anos, a neurografia por ressonância magnética tem se firmado como ferramenta importante para o estudo de nervos periféricos, podendo ser amplamente empregada para o estudo do nervo ciático. Para este fim, o conhecimento detalhado de sua anatomia e das principais doenças envolvidas é fundamental para maximizar o desempenho diagnóstico por imagem.

Conscientiae saúde (Impr.) ; 16(1): 20173341, 31 mar. 2017.
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: biblio-868440


Objetivo: avaliar histomorfometrica e morfologicamente o músculo tibial anterior de ratos submetidos à axonotmese e tratados com exercício. Métodos: foram randomizados 28 ratos Wistar nos grupos controle (GC), exercício (GE), lesão (GL) e lesão+exercício (GLE). No terceiro dia após compressão, GE e GLE realizaram exercício de subida em escada, com duas séries de dez repetições. Após 21 dias, o músculo tibial anterior foi processado para microscopia de luz. Resultados: Na análise morfológica GC apresentou morfologia com aspecto característico, GE hipertrofia muscular, GL alterações morfológicas, como fibras polimórficas e núcleos centrais, e GLE aspecto semelhante ao controle, porém com algumas alterações. Na área de secção transversa e menor diâmetro das fibras GC e GE apresentaram valores maiores, o inverso da análise de vasos sanguíneos. Para o tecido conjuntivo, GE apresentou-se menor que o GL. Conclusão: O protocolo de exercício promoveu melhora nos aspectos histomorfológicos, mas não reverteu totalmente os efeitos deletérios. (AU)

Objective: to evaluate morphologically the tibialis anterior muscle of rats submitted to axonotmosis and treated with exercise. Methods: 28 Wistar rats were used in groups control (CG), exercise (GE), injury (GL) and injury + exercise (GLE). On the third day after compression, GE and GLE performed climb exercise staircase, with two sets of ten repetitions. After 21 days, the muscle was processed for light microscopy. Results: In the morphological analysis GC presented with morphology characteristic appearance, GE muscle hypertrophy, GL morphological changes like polymorphic fibers and central nucleo, and GLE look similar to the control, but with some changes morphological. In the cross-sectional area and smaller diameter of the GC and GE fiber showed higher values, inversed analysis of blood vessels. For the connective tissue, GE was lower than the GL. Conclusion: Summing up, the exercise promoted improvement in morphological aspects, but not totally reversed the deleterious effects of denervation. (AU)

Animales , Masculino , Ratas , Traumatismos del Sistema Nervioso/rehabilitación , Terapia por Ejercicio , Resistencia Física , Músculo Esquelético/anatomía & histología , Neuropatía Ciática/rehabilitación
Hip & Pelvis ; : 204-209, 2017.
Artículo en Inglés | WPRIM | ID: wpr-140088


Rhabdomyolysis is most frequently caused by soft tissue injury with trauma to the extremities. Non-traumatic rhabdomyolysis may be caused by alcohol or drug abuse, infection, collagen disease, or intensive exercise, but incidence is low. In particular, rhabdomyolysis resulting from carbon monoxide poisoning is especially rare. If caught before death, carbon monoxide poisoning has been shown to cause severe muscle necrosis and severe muscle damage leading to acute renal failure. In cases of carbon-monoxide-induced rhabdomyolsis leading to acute compartment syndrome in the buttocks and sciatic nerve injury are rare. We have experience treating patients with acute compartment syndrome due to rhabdomyolysis following carbon monoxide poisoning. We report the characteristic features of muscle necrosis observed during a decompression operation and magnetic resonance imaging findings with a one-year follow-up in addition to a review of the literature.

Humanos , Lesión Renal Aguda , Nalgas , Intoxicación por Monóxido de Carbono , Monóxido de Carbono , Carbono , Enfermedades del Colágeno , Síndromes Compartimentales , Descompresión , Extremidades , Estudios de Seguimiento , Incidencia , Imagen por Resonancia Magnética , Necrosis , Rabdomiólisis , Nervio Ciático , Neuropatía Ciática , Traumatismos de los Tejidos Blandos , Trastornos Relacionados con Sustancias
Hip & Pelvis ; : 204-209, 2017.
Artículo en Inglés | WPRIM | ID: wpr-140089


Rhabdomyolysis is most frequently caused by soft tissue injury with trauma to the extremities. Non-traumatic rhabdomyolysis may be caused by alcohol or drug abuse, infection, collagen disease, or intensive exercise, but incidence is low. In particular, rhabdomyolysis resulting from carbon monoxide poisoning is especially rare. If caught before death, carbon monoxide poisoning has been shown to cause severe muscle necrosis and severe muscle damage leading to acute renal failure. In cases of carbon-monoxide-induced rhabdomyolsis leading to acute compartment syndrome in the buttocks and sciatic nerve injury are rare. We have experience treating patients with acute compartment syndrome due to rhabdomyolysis following carbon monoxide poisoning. We report the characteristic features of muscle necrosis observed during a decompression operation and magnetic resonance imaging findings with a one-year follow-up in addition to a review of the literature.

Humanos , Lesión Renal Aguda , Nalgas , Intoxicación por Monóxido de Carbono , Monóxido de Carbono , Carbono , Enfermedades del Colágeno , Síndromes Compartimentales , Descompresión , Extremidades , Estudios de Seguimiento , Incidencia , Imagen por Resonancia Magnética , Necrosis , Rabdomiólisis , Nervio Ciático , Neuropatía Ciática , Traumatismos de los Tejidos Blandos , Trastornos Relacionados con Sustancias
Artículo en Coreano | WPRIM | ID: wpr-765872


BACKGROUND: Various etiologies are the causative agents for sciatic neuropathy. We present here a case of ischemic sciatic neuropathy in a patient with liposarcoma. CASE REPORT: A 55-year-old woman presented with severe pain and weakness of the left leg. She had a history of recurred retroperitoneal liposarcoma, and was being administered chemotherapy. Examination revealed weakness in ankle dorsiflexion, plantar flexion and hamstring. Complaints also included dysesthesia, and numbness in the sole and dorsum of the foot. Nerve conduction study showed low compound muscle action potentials and slow motor conduction velocity of left peroneal and tibial nerves, with indiscernible sensory nerve action potentials of the left superficial peroneal and sural nerves. Computed tomography angiography revealed occlusion of the left common iliac artery. Commencement of intravenous infusion of heparin resulted in skin color change and progression of the weakness. Hence, the patient underwent an emergency thrombectomy. CONCLUSIONS: Ischemia should be considered as a cause of sciatic neuropathy in cancer patients, which requires management with timely treatment.

Femenino , Humanos , Persona de Mediana Edad , Potenciales de Acción , Angiografía , Tobillo , Quimioterapia , Urgencias Médicas , Pie , Heparina , Hipoestesia , Arteria Ilíaca , Infusiones Intravenosas , Isquemia , Pierna , Liposarcoma , Conducción Nerviosa , Parestesia , Neuropatía Ciática , Pigmentación de la Piel , Nervio Sural , Trombectomía , Nervio Tibial
Sci. med. (Porto Alegre, Online) ; 26(3): ID23711, jul-set 2016.
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: biblio-846917


OBJETIVOS: Analisar os efeitos do exercício físico resistido de subida em escada, sobre o edema, nocicepção e regeneração nervosa de ratos Wistar, submetidos à compressão do nervo isquiático. MÉTODOS: Foram estudados 24 ratos Wistar, divididos igualmente entre quatro grupos: Grupo Controle, Grupo Exercício, Grupo Lesão e Grupo Tratado ­ Lesão e Exercício. O Grupo Lesão e o Grupo Tratado foram submetidos à compressão do nervo isquiático com pinça hemostática por 30 segundos. A partir do terceiro dia após a lesão, iniciou-se o tratamento com exercício resistido de subida em escada para o Grupo Exercício e o Grupo Tratado. O tratamento consistiu em realizar duas séries de 10 subidas na escada, com sobrecarga de 100 gramas e intervalo de um minuto entre uma série e outra. O estudo foi conduzido por 22 dias e nesse tempo os animais foram avaliados quanto ao edema e à nocicepção. No 22º dia de pós-operatório, os animais foram anestesiados para retirada de um fragmento do nervo isquiático para análise do número de axônios e da densidade de fibras. Em seguida, ainda sob efeito da anestesia, os animais foram eutanasiados. Os nervos coletados seguiram protocolo de processamento histológico de rotina. As expressões do Fator de Crescimento Neural e do Fator de Crescimento Derivado do Cérebro foram avaliadas por Western blotting. RESULTADOS: Não houve diferença significativa entre os grupos no tamanho do edema. O Grupo Controle apresentou maior limiar nociceptivo comparado aos demais grupos. A análise morfométrica não revelou diferença significativa entre os grupos, quanto à quantidade de axônios e à densidade de fibras. A expressão do Fator de Crescimento Derivado do Cérebro foi maior no Grupo Lesão e no Grupo Tratado quando comparados ao Grupo Controle. CONCLUSÕES: O exercício físico resistido de subida em escada, nos parâmetros propostos, não foi eficaz para reduzir o edema, a nocicepção ou aumentar o número de axônios e a densidade de fibras nervosas após lesão do nervo isquiático.

AIMS: To analyze the effects of ladder-climbing resistance training exercise on edema, nociception, and regeneration of the sciatic nerve in Wistar rats subjected to sciatic nerve compression. METHODS: Twenty-four Wistar rats were divided into four groups: Control Group, Exercise Group, Injury Group, and Treated Group (injury and exercise). Injury Group and Treated Group were subjected to sciatic nerve compression with a hemostat for 30 seconds. On the third day after injury, Exercise Group and Treated Group began treatment with ladder-climbing resistance exercise. The treatment consisted in performing two series of 10 ladder climbs with a 100-gram overload and a one-minute interval between the series. The study was conducted for 22 days, during which time the animals were evaluated for edema and nociception. Twenty-two days after surgery, the animals were anesthetized for removal of a sciatic nerve fragment and analysis of the number of axons and fiber density. Thereafter, still under anesthesia, the animals were euthanized. Nerve sampling followed the routine histological processing protocol. Expressions of Neural Growth Factor and Brain-derived Neurotrophic Factor were evaluated by Western blotting. RESULTS: There was no significant difference in edema size between groups. Control Group showed the highest nociceptive threshold compared to the other groups. The morphometric analysis showed no significant difference in number of axons and fiber density between groups. The expression of Brain-derived Neurotrophic Factor was greater in the Injury Group and the Treated Group compared to the Control Group. CONCLUSIONS: The proposed ladder-climbing resistance training was not effective in reducing edema and nociception or in increasing the number of axons and fiber density after sciatic nerve injury.

Animales , Actividad Motora , Regeneración Nerviosa , Nervio Ciático , Dimensión del Dolor , Neuropatía Ciática
Artículo en Inglés | WPRIM | ID: wpr-82809


Carbon monoxide (CO) intoxication is a leading cause of the variable neuropsychiatric impairment. Despite of widely known central nerve system complications after CO intoxication, peripheral neuropathy due to CO poisoning is rare and has been under-recognized. We report interesting case of a 29-year-old male who suffered from motor weakness and sensory abnormalities in his lower extremity following acute CO intoxication. The patient revealed direct and indirect signs of peripheral neuropathy of the left inferior gluteal and sciatic nerve on magnetic resonance imaging.

Adulto , Humanos , Masculino , Monóxido de Carbono , Carbono , Extremidad Inferior , Imagen por Resonancia Magnética , Enfermedades del Sistema Nervioso Periférico , Intoxicación , Nervio Ciático , Neuropatía Ciática
Artículo en Inglés | WPRIM | ID: wpr-48654


The syndrome of aortoiliac occlusive disease, also known as Leriche syndrome, is characterized by claudication, pain, and diminished femoral pulse. We highlight an unusual case of right sciatic neuropathy caused by Leriche syndrome, which was initially misdiagnosed. A 52-year-old male, with a past medical history of hypertension and bony fusion of the thoracolumbar spine, visited our hospital complaining of right leg pain and claudication, and was initially diagnosed with spinal stenosis. The following electrophysiologic findings showed right sciatic neuropathy; but his symptom was not relieved, despite medications for neuropathy. A computed tomography angiography of the lower extremities revealed the occlusion of the infrarenal abdominal aorta, and bilateral common iliac and right external iliac arteries. All these findings suggested omitted sciatic neuropathy associated with Leriche syndrome, and the patient underwent a bilateral axillo-femoral and femoro-femoral bypass graft.

Humanos , Masculino , Persona de Mediana Edad , Angiografía , Aorta Abdominal , Hipertensión , Arteria Ilíaca , Pierna , Síndrome de Leriche , Extremidad Inferior , Neuropatía Ciática , Estenosis Espinal , Columna Vertebral , Trasplantes
Rev. bras. ciênc. esporte ; 34(4): 1035-1046, out.-dez. 2012. ilus
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: lil-663986


OBJETIVO: avaliar a corrente de alta voltagem sobre o trofismo de sóleos de ratos com compressão de nervo isquiático. Dezoito ratos distribuídos em: GS - compressão nervosa e simulacro; GP+ - compressão e tratado com corrente anódica; GP- - compressão e catódica. Ao final, os sóleos foram dissecados e pesados em balança analítica. Em seguida foram montadas lâminas de cortes transversais, observadas em microscópio óptico de luz comum e digitalizadas, para análise do menor diâmetro de 100 fibras por músculo. RESULTADOS: todos os grupos apresentaram menor trofismo pelas duas formas de avaliação (p<0,05), mas na comparação entre grupos, não houve diferença significativa (p>0,05). CONCLUSÃO: a corrente de alta voltagem não inibiu a hipotrofia em sóleos submetidos à compressão nervosa.

AIM: to evaluate the high voltage current on the tropism of rats soleus with sciatic nerve compression. Eighteen rats were divided into: GS - nerve compression and sham; GP + - compression and treated with anodic current; GP - compression and cathode. Finally, the soleus were dissected and weighed on an analytical balance. Then slides were mounted cross sections observed in light microscope and digitized for analysis of smaller diameter of 100 fibers per muscle. RESULTS: All groups showed lower tropism, the two forms of assessment (p <0.05), but the comparison between groups, there was no significant difference (p> 0.05). CONCLUSION: The high voltage current did not inhibit atrophy in soleus underwent nerve compression.

OBJETIVO: Evaluar la corriente de alto voltaje en el tropismo del sóleo de ratas con la compresión del nervio ciático. Dieciocho ratas se dividieron en: GS - compresión del nervio y la falsa; GP+ - compresión y tratados con corriente anódica; GP- - compresión y el cátodo. Por último, fueron los sóleos disecados y pesados ​​en una balanza analítica. Luego diapositivas de secciones transversales fueron montadas para la observación al microscopio de luz común y digitalizadas para el análisis de menor diámetro de 100 fibras por músculo. RESULTADOS: Todos los grupos mostraron menor tropismo, las dos formas de evaluación (p <0,05), pero la comparación entre los grupos, no hubo diferencias significativas (p> 0,05). CONCLUSIÓN: La corriente de alto voltaje no inhibe la atrofia en el músculo sóleo se sometieron a la compresión del nervio.

Arq. bras. neurocir ; 31(3)set. 2012. ilus, tab
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: lil-668412


Objetivo: Relatar nossa experiência com varizes do nervo ciático e indicar que tipo de paciente é mais provável de ser acometido por essa patologia. Método: A amostra foi constituída de 2.400 pacientes, selecionando-se 80 deles (3,3%) como possíveis portadores de varizes do nervo ciático. Foram considerados pacientes suspeitos: pacientes portadores de varizes na face lateral da perna, coxa e oco poplíteo; pacientes com recidiva anárquica de varizes após safenectomia; pacientes com sintomas e exames positivos para varizes pélvicas; pacientes com história prévia de trombose venosa profunda; pacientes com queixas de dores ciáticas e aumento do diâmetro de um membro com relação ao outro. Esses pacientes foram submetidos a exames detalhados e rigorosos do losango poplíteo com objetivo de identificar varizes dentro da bainha do nervo ciático e na face lateral da perna. Desses, 10 foram submetidos à angiografia venosa para detalhar a relação anatômica com o nervo ciático. Resultados: De 80 pacientes previamente selecionados, encontramos 21 (26,3%) casos positivos para varizes do nervo ciático ao exame ecográfico. Dez pacientes tinham varizes do nervo ciático associadas a recidiva anárquica de varizes após safenectomia e outros 10 associadas a varizes pélvicas. A dor ciática esteve presente em 100% dos pacientes positivos para VNC. Conclusão: Varizes do nervo ciático são pouco conhecidas pela medicina. Se o médico fizer uma seleção prévia conforme descrito em ?pacientes e métodos? e concentrar-se no exame ecográfico do losango poplíteo e face lateral da perna, irá se surpreender com o elevado número de casos de varizes do nervo ciático que diagnosticará.

Objective: To report our experience with patients with sciatic nerve varices (SNV) and to indicate which type of patient is more likely to be afflicted with this particular pathology. Method: The sample consisted of 2,400 patients, selecting 80 (3.3%) as possible sufferers of SNV. Patients with the following conditions were highly suspected: patients with varices on the lateral aspect of the leg, the thigh, and oco politeo; patients with uncontrolled variceal recurrence after a safenectomy; patients with symptoms of and who tested positive for pelvic varices; patients with a history of deep vein thrombosis; and patients complaining of sciatic pain along with an increase in the diameter of one limb in relation to the other. These patients underwent detailed and rigorous examination of the ?losango popliteo? with the objective of identifying varices inside the sheath of the sciatic nerve and on the lateral aspect of the leg. Of these, 10 underwent venous angiography to detail the anatomical relationship with the sciatic nerve. Results: Of the 80 patients previously selected, we found 21 (26.3%) cases that were positive for SNV through ultrasound. Ten patients had SNV associated with uncontrolled variceal recurrence after safenectomy, while the other 10 were associated with pelvic varices. Sciatic pain was present in 100% of the patients who tested positive for SNV. Conclusion: SNV are not well known in Medicine. If the doctor makes a examination as described in the ?patients and methods? section and concentrates on the ultrasound scan of the ?diamond popliteal? and lateral aspect of the leg, he or she will be surprised by the high number of cases of SNV that will be diagnosed.

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Adulto , Persona de Mediana Edad , Anciano de 80 o más Años , Síndromes de Compresión Nerviosa , Neuropatía Ciática , Várices/diagnóstico , Várices/patología
Rev. bras. reumatol ; 52(2): 214-220, mar.-abr. 2012. ilus, tab
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: lil-618376


OBJETIVO: Avaliar o efeito da corrente catódica de alta voltagem sobre a dor em um modelo experimental de ciatalgia. MÉTODOS: Foram utilizados 16 ratos Wistar, machos, submetidos a um modelo de ciatalgia experimental no membro pélvico direito. Os sujeitos foram divididos em grupo simulacro (GS) e grupo tratado com corrente catódica (GP-) por 20 min diários durante 10 dias. O modelo de compressão foi realizado com amarria por fio catgut 4.0 cromado, em quatro pontos ao longo do nervo isquiático. A avaliação da nocicepção foi realizada, de forma funcional, com o tempo de elevação da pata (TEP), e à pressão, pelo limiar de retirada, via analgesímetro eletrônico. Os dados foram coletados antes do modelo de ciatalgia (AV1), três dias depois da compressão (antes, AV2, e após o tratamento, AV3), após o quinto dia de tratamento (AV4) e em seguida ao décimo dia de tratamento (AV5). RESULTADOS: Pela avaliação funcional, em ambos os grupos houve aumento da nocicepção, sem redução da mesma em qualquer momento da avaliação. À pressão, no entanto, o GS mostrou redução do limiar de retirada em todos os momentos, enquanto o GP- apresentou redução do limiar apenas inicialmente - em AV5 o limiar foi restaurado. CONCLUSÃO: Não houve alteração na nocicepção pela avaliação funcional; porém, à pressão, o tratamento com corrente catódica mostrou efeito com a somatória de terapias.

OBJECTIVE: To assess the effect of high-voltage cathodic current on pain from a sciatica experimental model. METHODS: A total of 16 male Wistar rats were submitted to the sciatica experimental model in the right hind paw. They were divided into sham group (GS) and group treated with cathodic current (GP-) for 20 min/daily, for 10 days). The model of sciatic compression was performed with a 4.0-chromic catgut thread tie in four points of the sciatic nerve. Assessment of nociception was performed by measuring the time during which the animal held its hind paw in a guarded position (THHP) and the pressure withdrawal threshold, by use of a digital electronic analgesymeter. Data collection was carried out before the sciatica experimental model (AS1), three days after compression (before, AS2, and after treatment, AS3), and five and 10 days after treatment (AS4 and AS5, respectively). RESULTS: According to the functional disability test, both groups showed an increase in nociception, with no reduction at any assessment time. Submitted to pressure, however, GS showed a reduction in the hind paw withdrawal threshold at all assessment times, while GP- showed a reduction in the hind paw withdrawal threshold only initially - at AS5, the threshold was restored. CONCLUSION: No change in nociception was observed on functional assessment; however, on pressure hind paw withdrawal assessment, the treatment with cathodic current showed to be effective with the summation of therapies.

Animales , Masculino , Ratas , Terapia por Estimulación Eléctrica/métodos , Manejo del Dolor/métodos , Ciática/terapia , Modelos Animales de Enfermedad , Síndromes de Compresión Nerviosa/complicaciones , Dolor/etiología , Ratas Wistar
J. vasc. bras ; 10(3): 256-260, jul.-set. 2011. ilus
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: lil-604472


A persistência da artéria isquiática é uma rara variação anatômica, com poucos casos descritos na literatura, manifestando-se por formação de aneurisma, massa pulsátil em glúteo, isquemia aguda ou crônica de membro inferior e compressão de nervo isquiático. O diagnóstico é confirmado com exames de imagem: mapeamento duplex, angiotomografia e angiorressonância magnética. O tratamento é indicado nos casos sintomáticos ou quando há formação de aneurisma, realizado através de ligadura ou embolização por via endovascular, sendo necessário a revascularização do membro nos casos em que a artéria isquiática é a principal responsável pelo suprimento sangüíneo do membro. Apresentamos o caso de uma paciente do sexo feminino, 43 anos, com pseudoaneurisma de artéria isquiática confirmada por mapeamento duplex e angiorressonância magnética, com quadro de neuropatia isquiática por compressão nervosa e dor local. A paciente foi submetida à exploração cirúrgica com ligadura da artéria isquiática e remoção dos trombos. No seguimento de 12 meses, apresentou importante melhora da dor e realizou fisioterapia motora para recuperação das funções neurológicas do membro.

The persistent sciatic artery is a rare anatomical variation, with few cases described on the literature. It presents clinically as aneurysm formation, pulsate gluteal mass, acute or chronic limb ischemia and sciatic nerve compression. Diagnosis is confirmed by imaging methods: duplex scan, CT angiographt and magnetic resonance angiography. Treatment is indicated in symptomatic cases and when there is aneurysm formation and it is performed by ligation of the sciatic artery or endovascular embolization, associated with limb revascularization in the cases the sciatic artery is the main blood supply to the limb. We report the case of a 43 year-old female patient, ,with a false aneurysm of the sciatic artery confirmed by duplex scan and magnetic resonance angiography who had local pain and sciatic neuropathy due to neural compression. Surgical exploration was performed, with ligation of sciatic artery and thrombus removal. At the 12 months follow up there was significant pain relief and she was performing motor physical therapy to recover the neurological functions of the limb.

Humanos , Femenino , Adulto , Arteria Ilíaca , Aneurisma Falso/cirugía , Neuropatía Ciática/cirugía , Angiografía/enfermería , Extremidad Inferior , Factores de Tiempo , Tomografía/métodos
Rev. Soc. Bras. Clín. Méd ; 9(2)mar.-abr. 2011.
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: lil-583354


JUSTIFICATIVA E OBJETIVOS: A ciatalgia produz grande morbidade, com implicações individuais e sociais, uma das possibilidades terapêuticas é a corrente de alta voltagem, mas possui resultados controversos na literatura devendo ser mais explorada. Assim, o objetivo do estudo foi analisar o quadro álgico de ratos submetidos a um modelo de ciatalgia, tratados com corrente de alta voltagem anódica. MÉTODO: Foram utilizados 12 ratos Wistar, divididos em 2 grupos, simulacro (GS) e tratado com corrente de alta voltagem anódica (GP+). Todos foram submetidos a um modelo de ciatalgia experimental, e 3 dias após iniciou-se o tratamento para GP+, diários, durante 10 dias. As avaliações ocorreram antes da compressão, ao 3º dia (antes e após o 1º tratamento), após o 5º e 10º dias de tratamento. Os métodos utilizados foram o teste de incapacidade funcional e o limiar de retirada, com uso do filamento de Von Frey digital. RESULTADOS: Para o teste de incapacidade funcional, ambos os grupos apresentaram aumento do tempo de elevação da pata,sem redução em nenhum momento. Para o limiar de retirada, foi possível observar apenas para o GP+ aumento do limiar após o 5º e 10º dias de terapia, ocorrendo também aumento significativo ao comparar pós-lesão com após a 5ª terapia. CONCLUSÃO: O uso da corrente anódica de alta voltagem produziu aumento do limiar doloroso à pressão, mas não produziu diminuição na dor que pudesse intervir na claudicação.

BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: The sciatica produces high morbidity, with individual and social implications, one of the therapeutic is the high-voltage current, but has the same controversial results in literature and should be explored further. Thus,the aim of the study was to analyze the pain in rats subjected to a sciatica model treated with the anode high-voltage current. METHOD: A total of 12 Wistar rats were divided into two groups, sham (SG) and treated with the high-voltage anode(PG+). All animals underwent to a sciatica experimental model,and 3 days after treatment began for PG+, daily for 10 days.Assessments occurred prior to compression, the 3rd day (before and after the 1st treatment), after the 5th and 10th treatment days.The methods used were the functional incapacitation test and the withdrawal threshold, using the digital Von Frey filament. RESULTS: for functional incapacitation test, both groups showed increased paw elevation time, without reduction in anytime. For the withdrawal threshold, was observed only for the PG+ threshold increase after the 5th and 10th days of therapy, occurring also increased significantly when compared with postinjury after the 5th treatment. CONCLUSION: the use of anode high-voltage current produced a pain threshold increase to pressure, but produced no reduction in pain that could intervene in claudication.

Animales , Masculino , Ratas , Estimulación Eléctrica Transcutánea del Nervio/métodos , Neuropatía Ciática/inducido químicamente , Dimensión del Dolor , Ratas Wistar
Artículo en Inglés | WPRIM | ID: wpr-67650


STUDY DESIGN: A case report. OBJECTIVE: We wanted to present the clinical manifestation and imaging findings of a rare case of acute sciatic nerve palsy with a foot drop similar to lumbar disc herniation developed after sleeping for 8 hours in a sitting position in inebriated condition. SUMMARY OF LITERATURE REVIEW: Sciatic nerve palsy as a complication from being operated in a sitting position have been reported, but here have not been any reported cases of after-sleep sciatic nerve palsy. STUDY SUBJECT AND METHODS: Sixty eight year old male admitted to hospital due to acute onset of right foot drop, subsequent walking difficulty, and numbness of the right calf and foot. Symptoms began after 8 hours of sleeping in a sitting position. Pelvic MRI exam revealed sciatic neuropathy, and also electrophysiological exam revealed sciatic nerve palsy. RESULTS: The subject patient's conditions started improving after 6 weeks and he was able to walk again on his own. CONCLUSION: Sciatic nerve injury by prolonged pressure around the buttocks or posterior thighs, albeit rare, can develop and may cause foot drop, parethesia and sciatica.

Humanos , Masculino , Nalgas , Pie , Hipoestesia , Nervio Ciático , Neuropatía Ciática , Ciática , Muslo , Caminata
Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-413787


Objective To investigate the effect of anti-inflammation-analgesic injection (AIAI) combined with extract from rabbit skin inflamed by vaccinia virus (ERSVV) on repair of the damaged sciatic nerve in rats.Methods Fifty adult SD rats of both sexes weighing 260-300 g were randomly divided into 5 gronps ( n = 10each): sham operation group (group S); sciatic nerve chronic constriction injury group (group CCI); CCI + AIAI group (group A); CCI + ERSVV group (group E) and CCI + AIAI + ERSVV group (group A + E). Right sciatic nerve was exposed and 4 loose ligatures were placed on the sciatic nerve at 1 mm intervals with 4/0 catgut in CCI,A,E and A + E groups. A catheter was placed around sciatic nerve, and fixed to the nearby muscle and kept unclogged by injecting 0.2 nl distilled water daily. AIAI and/or ERSVV 0.2 ml were injected via the catheter starting from the 14th day after operation. AIAI 0.2 ml contained dexamethasone palmitate (4 mg/ml) 0.05 ml, 2% lidocaine 0.05 ml and vitamin B12 (0.5 mg/ml) 0.05 ml in distilled water. Dexamethasone palmitate was omitted in AIAI starting from the 2nd of drug administration in group A and A + E. Paw withdrawal threshold to mechanical stimulation (MWT) was measured before (baseline) and at 1, 5, 7, 14, 21 and 28 days after operation. Sciatic nerves were exposed at 14 and 28 days after operation in 5 rats in each group. Conduction velocity of motor nerve (NCV) and action potential (AP) of gastrocnemius muscle were measured. Sciatic nerve at the site of CCI was examined for pathologic changes, the number of axons (NA) and thickness of myelin sheath (TMS) with light microscope. Results CCI significantly decreased MWT, AP, NA, TMS and NCV in group CCI as compared with group S (P <0.01). AIAI and/or ERSVV significantly attenuated CCI-induced decrease in MWT, AP, NA, TMS and NCV in A,E and A + E groups as compared with CCI group ( P < 0.05). Their curative effects were potentiated by combined use. Conclusions Both AIAI and ERSVV have curative effects against CCI-induced sciatic nerve injury and their actions are potentiated by combined used.