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Movimento (Porto Alegre) ; 28: e28020, 2022.
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: biblio-1375947


Resumo Embora novos aportes midiáticos e tecnológicos subsidiem os processos de ensino e de aprendizagem na Educação Física Escolar desde a virada deste século, houve ampliação abrupta mais recentemente no uso de tecnologias interativas pela necessidade de distanciamento social em escala global, como decorrência da pandemia da covid-19 (SARS-CoV-2). No contexto brasileiro, as relações pedagógicas têm sido mediadas por ações síncronas e assíncronas em plataformas online. Essa reconfiguração restringiu as vivências no âmbito da Educação Física, que afetam a diversidade dos saberes incorporados e das relações com os saberes dos(as) alunos(as) como "corpos-sujeitos". Entendemos que há uma fundamentação antropológica na teoria da relação com o saber - apontada por Charlot (2020) - que se aproxima das demandas antropológicas explicitadas por Daolio (2001) na Educação Física.

Resumen Aunque nuevos aportes mediáticos y tecnológicos han subsidiado los procesos de enseñanza y aprendizaje en la Educación Física escolar desde principios de este siglo, más recientemente se ha producido un aumento abrupto del uso de tecnologías interactivas debido a la necesidad de distancia social a escala global, como consecuencia de la pandemia del Covid-19 (SARS-CoV-2). En el contexto brasileño, las relaciones pedagógicas han sido mediadas por acciones sincrónicas y asincrónicas en plataformas online. Esa reconfiguración restringió las experiencias en el ámbito de la Educación Física, lo que incide en la diversidad de los saberes incorporados y de las relaciones con los saberes de los/as estudiantes como "cuerpos-sujetos". Entendemos que existe un fundamento antropológico en la teoría de la relación con el saber -señalado por Charlot (2020)- que se acerca a las demandas antropológicas explicitadas por Daolio (2001) en la Educación Física.

Abstract Although new forms of media and technology have contributed to teaching and learning in Physical Education Teacher Education (PETE) since the turn of this century, an abrupt expansion in the use of interactive technologies occurred more recently due to the need for social distancing on a global scale because of the covid-19 (SARS-CoV-2) pandemic. In the Brazilian context, pedagogical relationships became mediated synchronously and asynchronously via online platforms. This reconfiguration restricted movement-related experiences in Physical Education, which affected the diversity of students' embodiment of knowledge and their relationships to knowledge as "subject-bodies". We understand that there is an anthropological foundation in the theory of the relationship to knowledge - pointed out by Charlot (2020) - that comes close to the anthropological demands explained by Daolio (2001) in Physical Education.

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Niño , Adolescente , Educación y Entrenamiento Físico , Justicia Social , Enseñanza , Tecnología , Docentes , Aprendizaje , Distanciamiento Físico , COVID-19
Movimento (Porto Alegre) ; 28: e28021, 2022.
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: biblio-1375948


Resumo Este artigo relata a primeira fase de um projeto de três anos em que exploramos formas de adaptar e desenvolver nossas práticas pedagógicas em relação ao uso de novas e emergentes tecnologias digitais. Neste artigo, nos concentramos em nossas experiências de ensino remoto de emergência (ERT). Essa experiência aconteceu no meio do semestre, onde tivemos que migrar do ensino presencial, em sala de aula, para o ensino remoto. Através de uma abordagem dialética, possibilitada pelo autoestudo, tivemos a oportunidade de apoiar uns aos outros, descrever os principais desafios que enfrentamos e identificar os principais pressupostos que sustentam nossas práticas como professores em contextos de aprendizagem a distância, ensino digital. Os temas encontrados nessa relação dialética foram nomeados como: a visibilidade dos alunos, as restrições da tecnologia e o fato de voltarmos a ser professores universitários novatos novamente.

Résumé Cet article rend compte de la première phase d'un projet de trois ans dans lequel nous explorons les moyens d'adapter et de développer nos pratiques pédagogiques par rapport à l'utilisation des technologies numériques nouvelles et émergentes. Dans cet article, nous nous concentrons sur nos expériences d'enseignement à distance d'urgence (ERT). Cette expérience s'est déroulée en milieu de semestre, où nous avons dû migrer d'un enseignement en présentiel, en classe, vers un enseignement à distance. Grâce à une approche dialectique, permise par l'auto-apprentissage, nous avons eu l'occasion de nous soutenir mutuellement, de décrire les principaux défis auxquels nous sommes confrontés et d'identifier les principales hypothèses qui soutiennent nos pratiques d'enseignants dans des contextes d'apprentissage à distance, l'enseignement numérique. Les thèmes trouvés dans cette relation dialectique ont été nommés comme suit: la visibilité des étudiants, les restrictions de la technologie et le fait que nous redevenons des professeurs d'université novices.

Abstract This paper reports on the first phase of a three-year project in which we explored ways to adapt and evolve our pedagogies in relation to the use of new and emerging digital technologies. Our aim is to develop a shared understanding and resourcefulness for teaching in an age where pedagogy in a university setting is an increasingly complex and novel problem. We focus specifically on our experiences of emergency remote teaching (ERT) where we pivoted mid semester from on-campus classroom-based teaching to exclusively online delivery and assessment. Through a dialogical approach enabled by the self-study, we support each other, describe the key challenges we have experienced, and identify the key assumptions that underpin our practices as teachers in digital learning contexts. The themes found in this dialectical relationship were named as: the visibility of students, the constraints of technology, and the fact that we are neophyte lecturers again.

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Niño , Adolescente , Enseñanza , Alfabetización Digital , Educación a Distancia , Tecnología Digital , Aprendizaje , Estudiantes , COVID-19
Movimento (Porto Alegre) ; 28: e28019, 2022. tab, graf
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: biblio-1375951


Resumo A covid-19 resultou na implementação de medidas de distanciamento social e fechamento de escolas no mundo. Este estudo explora alguns dos impactos, tais como escolhas pedagógicas, reflexões e barreiras do professor quando ele repentinamente mudou para um ambiente de ensino online e teve que ministrar aulas de Educação Física (EF) com o uso da tecnologia (Google Sites). A metodologia do autoestudo com análise temática foi utilizada para investigar as experiências do autor principal. Achados destacam como o professor teve que encontrar novas formas de ensino online, fazendo com que os alunos não estivessem exclusivamente em frente à tela, e atendesse as características sociais e dinâmicas da EF. Finalmente, as experiências e o processo de reflexão demonstraram a necessidade de ser coerente com as escolhas pedagógicas e abordagens teóricas e práticas como professor. Este artigo contribui para futuras formas de ensino de EF online, ao compreender a práxis de um professor.

Resumen El Covid-19 ha llevado a la implementación de medidas de distancia social y al cierre de escuelas en todo el mundo. Este estudio explora algunos de los impactos, como opciones pedagógicas, reflexiones y barreras del profesor cuando este cambia repentinamente a un entorno de enseñanza online, con el uso de la tecnología (Google Sites). La metodología de self-study con análisis temático se utilizó para investigar las experiencias del autor principal. Los resultados destacan que el profesor tuvo que encontrar nuevas formas de enseñanza online, logrando que los alumnos no estuvieran exclusivamente frente a la pantalla, y cumplir con las características sociales y dinámicas de la Educación Física. Finalmente, las experiencias y la reflexión demostraron la necesidad de ser coherente, como profesor, con las elecciones pedagógicas y los enfoques teóricos y prácticos. Este artículo contribuye con las futuras formas de enseñanza de la Educación Física online mediante la comprensión de la praxis de un profesor.

Abstract Covid-19 has resulted in the implementation of social distancing measures and school closures worldwide. This study explores some of the impacts, such as pedagogies, teaching strategies, reflections, and barriers of the teacher as he suddenly moved to an online teaching environment and taught PE lessons with the use of technology (Google Sites). A self-study methodology with thematic analysis was used to investigate the lead author's experiences. Findings and discussions highlight how the teacher had to find new forms of teaching online, ways of making the students not be exclusively in front of the screen, and simultaneously be concordant with the social and dynamic characteristics of PE. Ultimately, the experiences and the process of reflection demonstrated the need to be coherent with teaching beliefs, assumptions, theoretical approaches and practices as a teacher. This article foregrounds and contributes to future ways of teaching PE online by understanding one teacher's praxis.

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Educación y Entrenamiento Físico , Enseñanza , Educación a Distancia , Distanciamiento Físico , Tecnología , COVID-19
Movimento (Porto Alegre) ; 28: e28018, 2022.
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: biblio-1375954


Resumo Neste artigo, discutimos descobertas de um autoestudo colaborativo que realizamos sobre a adoção de uma abordagem combinada (ou seja, composta por componentes online e presenciais) para um curso de formação de professores(as) de Educação Física. Os dados consistiram em diários reflexivos e conversas gravadas. Examinamos assunções sobre estrutura, conteúdo e pedagogias de abordagens "combinadas" usando a metáfora da miscibilidade, na qual os líquidos se misturam para formar uma solução homogênea. O curso de formação de professores(as) não foi conceituado ou fomentado de uma forma que o tornasse miscível (ou seja, era imiscível), na medida em que os componentes presencial e online eram vistos como modalidades separadas. Isso significava que havia oportunidades perdidas de oferecer experiências formativas em uma modalidade para estruturar as experiências na outra. Após a pandemia, será importante considerar os pontos fortes dos formatos presencial e online para que alunos(as) experimentem as maneiras como um pode beneficiar o outro.

Resumen En este artículo, discutimos los hallazgos de un self-study colaborativo que hemos realizado sobre la adopción de enfoque combinado (es decir, compuesto por componentes online y presenciales) para un curso de formación de profesores/as de Educación Física. Los datos consistieron en diarios reflexivos y conversaciones grabadas. Examinamos asunciones sobre estructura, contenido y pedagogías de enfoques "combinados" utilizando la metáfora de la miscibilidad, donde los líquidos se mezclan para formar una solución homogénea. El curso de formación de profesores/as no fue conceptualizado ni fomentado de manera a volverlo miscible (es decir, era inmiscible), ya que los componentes presencial y online eran vistos como modalidades separadas. Esto significó que se perdieron oportunidades de ofrecer experiencias formativas en una modalidad para estructurar experiencias en la otra. Después de la pandemia, será importante considerar los puntos fuertes de los formatos presencial y online para que los alumnos/as puedan experimentar formas de que uno pueda beneficiar al otro.

Abstract In this paper, we discuss findings from a collaborative self-study we conducted on enacting a blended approach (i.e. consisting of online and in-person components) to a Physical Education Teacher Education (PETE) course. Data consisted of reflective journals and recorded conversations. We examine assumptions about the structure, content, and pedagogies of "blended" approaches using the metaphor of miscibility, where liquids mix to form a homogeneous solution. The blended PETE course was not conceptualized or enacted in a way that made it miscible (i.e. it was immiscible), in that the in-person and online components were viewed as separate entities. This meant there were missed opportunities to offer formative experiences from one format to shape experiences in the other. Following the pandemic it will be important to consider the strengths of both in-person and online formats so that students experience the ways one can benefit the other.

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Educación y Entrenamiento Físico , Enseñanza , Metáfora , Educación a Distancia , Docentes , Formación del Profesorado , Apoyo a la Formación Profesional
Rev. chil. ter. ocup ; 15(2): 11-23, dic.2015. graf
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: lil-790584


La formación de profesionales ha sido una preocupación ampliamente estudiada y cambiante a lo largo de la historia, en correspondencia con las transformaciones sociales y económicas a nivel mundial. En este escenario, la formación de terapeutas ocupacionales se ve tensionada a reflexionar en torno a los curriculum existentes, enfrentándonos a la dualidad entre la racionalidad técnica, el saber científico y la complejización de los actuales desafíos que encara la profesión. En este artículo, problematizo la formación de terapeutas ocupacionales a partir de la metodología de self-study, la cual busca indagar sobre el proceso de reflexividad de la propia práctica. Para ello, empleo la perspectiva de pensamiento reflexivo, en un contexto de formación de estudiantes de terapia ocupacional y su inmersión en el campo práctico. Desde la posición de formadora, analizo las condicionantes claves que tensionan el pensamiento reflexivo, las prácticas y metodologías de enseñanza implementadas para el desarrollo de la reflexión en y sobre la práctica. Finalmente, a partir de la nueva epistemología de Schõn (2010), propongo un modelo integrado entre la propuesta de Smith (1991) y Korthagen (2010) como contribución a la enseñanza de la profesión...

Career training has been a widely studied challenge throughout history, in line with social and economic transformations worldwide. In this scenario, the formation of occupational therapists face the challenge to reflect on existing curricula, confronting the duality between technical rationality, scientific knowledge and the complexity of the current challenges that the profession confronts. In this article, I problematize the formation of occupational therapists through the self-study methodology, which seeks to investigate the reflexivity process of the practice itself. To do this, I use the reflective thought perspective, in the context of training of occupational therapists students and their immersion in the practical field. From the trainer position, I analyze the key constraints that stress reflective thinking, practice and teaching methodologies implemented for the development of reflection in and on practice. Finally, from the model of Schõn new epistemology (2010), I propose an integrated approach between what Smith (1991) and Korthagen (2010) proposed as a contribution to the teaching of profession...

Humanos , Universidades , Pensamiento , Terapia Ocupacional/educación , Educación Vocacional
Chinese Journal of Medical Education Research ; (12): 672-675, 2015.
Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-476451


According to the theory of microscopic system reform in higher education, a total of 927 college students of different majors from Beijing University of Chinese Medicine were investigated by using SIMPP method. It indicated that through promoting the study of self-prepared, learning state and learning effect, students can enhance their learning ability of the admission acceptance. From the perspective of teachers, the students' self-study ability can be fully mobilized using individual person-alized teaching method. Then, the initiative of university education in the teaching and learning can be improved. Ultimately, the efficiency of student learning can be improved.

Artículo en Inglés | IMSEAR | ID: sea-152501


Background: With educational shift, towards active, reflective, student led learning, the outcome of traditional, teacher centred and outcome oriented approach needs to be studied. Feedback questionnaire is a useful tool in this context. Objectives: This paper reports first year MBBS student’s experiences and preferences regarding teaching, learning and assessment methods as well as the desirable qualities of a good teacher, with the objective of using these for effective teaching. Method : Structured validated questionnaire was administered to first year students (n=90) and pertained to the various aspects of teaching and evaluation in the Department of Physiology. Results : Medical student’s favoured interactive lectures(80%), shorter duration (65%), self study (46%), and clinical orientation (54%).They appreciated audiovisual aids (90%), applied physiology (83%), frequent evaluation (46%), the preferred mode of assessment was Short questions(SAQ) and Multiple choice questions(MCQ) (74%). Qualities highly rated in a teacher were teaching skills, knowledge and approachability. Absenteeism was largely attributed to tiring schedule and priority to self study (56%). Conclusion :Short interactive sessions, use of multimedia, clinically oriented preclinical years, MCQs and SAQs are preferred by students. Hence optimum utilization of teaching hours with a learner oriented approach involving various strategies of teaching and evaluation can enhance its effectiveness.

Chinese Journal of Medical Education Research ; (12): 559-562, 2014.
Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-669615


It remains a common problem that the evaluation model of course learning for stu-dents is so simple in the higher education of China. Moreover, the teachers are usually used to evalu-ating student's course learning by summative appraisal and ignore process appraisal, so that the stu-dents are usually lack of learning enthusiasm for self study. Besides, the course learning evaluation of students generally lacks the uniform and detail standard in the country. To resolve these problems, a comprehensive evaluation model of course learning based on the principle of talent evaluation has been practiced and improved since 2007 in some basic medical courses at our university. This model is composed of four parts:the evaluation of mastering basic knowledge, the evaluation of the ability to resolve problems through applied knowledge, the evaluation of practical study and the evaluation of learning initiatives. The model has showed in the practice the characteristics of powerful operability, pluralistic evaluating indicators, combining summative appraisal and process one, reflecting objectively the mastering degree of expertise of students and promoting the self-study of students.

Chinese Journal of Practical Nursing ; (36): 64-68, 2013.
Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-439140


Objective To analyze the subject frequency and score proportion of the national unified examination papers of Nursing Research according to the topic content,in order to offer proposals for the reformation and optimization of the examination,and provide self-test-takers with references of improving learning methods and results.Methods The papers of the subject of Nursing Research during October 2008 to January 2013 had been statistically analyzed following the syllabus.Results Comprehensive coverage of knowledge point existed in the papers of the recent five years.The theme of measurement of research tools (5.8%) and basic procedures of nursing research (7.0%) took a smaller proportion compared with nursing research design (16.0%) and nursing papers writing(16.3%).Conclusions The contents of the 10 papers of the past 5 years concentrate high attentions and emphasis on the comprehension and application of the basic theory and methods,which accord with the goals and requirements of this subject in the training of the research ability.

Chinese Journal of Practical Nursing ; (36): 5-8, 2013.
Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-438192


graduate from self-study examination of nursing,the quality evaluation scale for graduation thesis of undergraduate from serf-study examination of nursing was developed.Methods The quality evaluation scales,which involving the scale using for faculty advisers,the scale using for reviewing teachers and the scale using for thesis defense teachers,for graduation thesis of undergraduate from self-study examination of nursing were constructed by adopting literature method,and so on.The scales were evaluated by reliability analysis,validity analysis,correlation analysis and factor analysis.Results The scale using for faculty advisers included 5 first-level indicators and 16 second-level indicators.The scale using for reviewingteachers included 4 first-level indicators and 14 second-level indicators.The scale using for thesis defense teachers included 5 first-level indicators and 14 second-level indicators.Their content validity indexes were respectively 0.909,0.952 and 0.864.Their construct validity cumulative contribution rates of the dimensions factors were respectively 72.77%,66.19% and 63.79%.Their internal consistency reliability coefficients Cronbach α were respectively 0.953,0.810 and 0.926.The correlations between each factor and total score were significant.Conclusions three evaluation scales have good reliability and validity,which could be used to evaluate graduation thesis quality of undergraduate from self-study examination of nursing.

Microbiology ; (12)2008.
Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-686442


At the present time, training student to have innovative and applied ability has become the object of higher education in China. In this paper, it was proposed that teacher was obligated to create certain atmospheres in classroom to achieve this goal, including friendliness, harmoniousness, encouragement, happiness, discussion, exploration, etc. At the same time, student-centered study should be encouraged. Through these measures, the spirit of innovation will be inspired, the applied ability will be trained, the capability of self-study will be enhanced.

Chinese Journal of Medical Education Research ; (12)2003.
Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-623264


The abilities of self-study,thinking and communication are much more emphasized in the problem based learning(PBL)than in the conventional curriculum.From the view of the inherent relationship between the ability training and PBL,this paper probes into the characteristics of PBL to find the way of fitting the situation of our country.It is essential to the successful teaching and training more high quality students.

Korean Journal of Physical Anthropology ; : 169-174, 2002.
Artículo en Coreano | WPRIM | ID: wpr-94849


The authors have made an anatomy CD titled Human Anatomy (Ministry of Culture & Tourism registration number 980052) for the self study by students and have used it in anatomy classes. For better student -centered and individual education, the introduction of remote education or interactive tutorial site was inevitable. In this study, amelioration report will be presented on the development and trials of this interactive tutorial site. Total hits for attending classes were 337.5 times, making 4.1 hits per student. About 76 messages were posted on the Q&A board, less than one per student. One assignment was given per lecture and all 82 students have submitted their report. Without delay after test, all students were able to check their grades and ranks between other students. Professors were able to evaluate the percentage of correct answers per question and the average of the score. An online discussion was held for 30 minutes after each lecture. On average, 37 students were participated in the discussion. After the term, evaluation survey in the remote education or interactive tutorial on the internet was made. Eighteen students (26%) have chosen 'good', 'bad' 13 students (19%), 'not much different' 38 students (55%). One the other side, 8 (12%)-'good', 19 (28%)-'not much different', 32 (46%)-'bad' figures were shown for remote examination. From this result, it is guessed that students who are not used to using computers have shown negative feeling from the burden that they had to use a computer to take exams, not demonstrating their full ability. To see all the results of this study, you can log in at http://anatomy. as guest ID '000' and password '000'.

Humanos , Educación , Tutorial Interactivo , Internet
Journal of Korean Academy of Fundamental Nursing ; : 532-543, 1999.
Artículo en Coreano | WPRIM | ID: wpr-644110


This study was conducted to provide the basic data necessary for the improvement of the teaching method for basic nursing practice as well as the effectiveness of the practice by examining the students' competency in cleansing enema after doing the self study instead of the traditional education. To examine the competency in cleansing enema after the self study, this study is an one group pretest-posttest design that subjects did the enema practice through the self study. The subjects were 89 sophomore students at Y University, College of Nursing. In basic nursing lab practice class, cleansing enema self study module was given to the students which was developed by the researcher based on the literature review and asked them to finish doing the pre study and checking the self study evaluation criteria after reading the goal, learning activities and theoretical guideline. After watching the video tape, students practiced the process in the module by themselves. For the competency in cleansing enema, repeated autonomous practices were done during the open lab other than the regular class. Whenever the practice was done, the frequency and time were measured and documented. When the student felt confident through repeated practices, the competency was evaluated by the researcher and two assistants based on the evaluation criteria. And the process was repeated till the student could perform all the items on evaluation criteria completely. The data were collected for 42 days from Oct. 15 to Nov. 26 in 1996. Collected data were analyzed by frequency, percentage, Pearson correlation coefficient and variance analysis. The results are summarized as follows; 1. 43.2% of the students were favorable to nursing and 63.6% like lecture, but 71.6% like practice. So they were more interested in practice than in lecture. 2. 62.3% of the students scored high in written test, 97.8% scored high in practice. So the practice score was better. 3. The frequency of repeated practice to pass the test ranged from 1 to 4 and the average is 2.2. 4. The average time needed in preparation and the performance was nearly the same regardless of the frequency. It took 5 to 38 minutes for those who passed the test after practicing once and the average was 16 minutes. 5 to 60 minutes were taken for those who practiced twice to pass the test and the average was 21 minutes. Those who passed the test after three practices needed 8 to 30 minutes and the average was 15 minutes, which was similar to the time that the students who passed the test for the first trial. Only one student passed the test after 4 practices and it took 10 minutes. 5. 64% of the students agreed that the context and the content of the module were appropriate for the self study and 68.2% were satisfied. And 71.9% said that the module helped them to practice the enema self study. 6. Though only 42% of the students were satisfied with the video, 50.6% said that it was helpful for the self study. 7. 52.3% of the students were satisfied with the self study method, and 86.6% obtained self-confidence when performing the enema. 8. The lower the student's practice score was, the more practices were needed for them to pass the test(r=-0.213, p<0.05). As a result, for performing the enema practice competently, two or more practice opportunities were needed to be given. And it is possible to obtain the less complex nursing skills through the self study, when enough learning resources and assistance such as learning guidance or video tapes are provided. Based on this study, I want to suggest that, 1. There must be college policy that can support the new method instead of the traditional learning method for the students to attain the proficiency in basic nursing skills. 2. The assistant materials should be developed as soon as possible to promote the self study of basic nursing skills.

Humanos , Educación , Enema , Aprendizaje , Enfermería , Enseñanza