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Rev. bras. educ. méd ; 48(1): e012, 2024. tab, graf
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1535557


Resumo Introdução: O assédio sexual é uma realidade que permeia as relações de poder hierárquicas e de gênero. Embora perceptível nos meios médico e acadêmico, é considerado uma violência silenciada que acarreta agravos orgânicos e psíquicos com grandes consequências para a vítima. Objetivo: Este estudo teve como objetivos elaborar e validar um instrumento de identificação da ocorrência de assédio sexual em estudantes de Medicina. Método: Após revisão da literatura sobre o tema, elaborou-se um instrumento, com repostas do tipo Likert em cinco níveis de opção, que possui duas partes: a primeira com informações sobre características sociodemográficas e acadêmicas dos participantes, e a segunda contendo 21 itens agrupados em três dimensões: formas de assédio, fatores facilitadores e identificação do assediador no meio acadêmico e na prática hospitalar. Efetuaram-se as validações semântica e de conteúdo por consenso de especialistas, e a validação FACE realizada por grupo focal de 12 estudantes, sendo dois de cada ano do curso. Para verificação da confiabilidade, o instrumento foi enviado a 1.146 estudantes de Medicina uma vez por semana, por quatro semanas. Obteve-se a resposta de 350 (30,5%) estudantes no teste, seguindo a recomendação para estudos psicométricos. Após 15 dias, iniciou-se o reteste com os 350 respondentes do teste, seguindo a mesma cronologia de envio para a verificação da estabilidade. No reteste, obtiveram-se 69 respostas. Para a elaboração do banco de dados, utilizou-se o programa Excel versão 16, e, para a análise, adotou-se o programa estatístico Stata versão 13. O instrumento foi aplicado on-line pelo software livre LimeSurvey. Resultado: A confiabilidade do instrumento ficou evidenciada pelo alfa de Cronbach de 0,8163 e de 0,7826 para o teste e reteste, respectivamente. Para a constatação da estabilidade, utilizou-se o teste de Stuart-Maxwell que apresentou um valor de p = 0,126. Adotou-se ainda o Kappa ponderado, em que o resultado de todas as 21 assertivas está contido no intervalo de confiança, demonstrando a homogeneidade da distribuição dos escores médios entre o teste e o reteste. Conclusão: Como o instrumento validado se mostrou confiável e estável, pode ser utilizado em escolas médicas para a identificação do assédio sexual em estudantes de Medicina.

Abstract Introduction: Sexual harassment is a reality that permeates hierarchical and gender power relations, and although noticeable in the medical and academic environment, it is considered a silenced violence that causes organic and psychological harm, with great consequences for the victim. Objective: To develop and validate an instrument to identify the occurrence of sexual harassment in medical students. Method: This instrument was developed, after reviewing the literature on the subject, with Likert-type responses at five option levels, which has two parts: the first with information on the participants' sociodemographic and academic characteristics and the second containing 21 items grouped into three dimensions: forms of harassment, facilitating factors and identification of the harasser in the academic environment and in hospital practice. Semantic and content validation was carried out by consensus of experts and FACE validation was carried out by a focal group of 12 students, two from each year of the course. To verify reliability, the instrument was sent to 1,146 medical students once a week for four weeks, with 350 (30.5%) students responding to the Test following the recommendation for psychometric studies. After 15 days, the Retest was started with the 350 Test respondents, following the same submission chronology to verify stability. In the Retest, 69 responses were obtained. The Excel program version 16 was used to create the database and the Stata statistical program version 13 was used for the analysis. The instrument was applied online using the LimeSurvey free software. Results: The reliability of the instrument was evidenced by a Cronbach's Alpha of 0.8163 and 0.7826 for Test and Retest, respectively. For the verification of stability, the Stuart-Maxwell test was used, which showed a value of p = 0.126 and the weighted Kappa, where the result of all 21 assertions are contained in the confidence interval, demonstrating the homogeneity of the distribution of the average scores between the Test and the Retest. Conclusions: The validated instrument proved to be reliable and stable and can be used in medical schools to identify sexual harassment in medical students.

Interface (Botucatu, Online) ; 28: e240182, 2024.
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1569293


O assédio sexual (AS) envolve insinuações, ameaças, intimidações, contatos físicos e chantagens associadas às relações patriarcais e de poder. O presente artigo objetivou analisar os relatos de universitárias que sofreram AS; suas configurações; ações individuais e coletivas; e os relatos sobre a saúde. Trata-se de uma etnografia virtual com análise temática de conteúdo de 24 depoimentos de brasileiras no Facebook, na página #MeuProfessorAbusador. Essa violência perpetrada por professores se configura por toques e elogios indesejáveis, olhares sugestivos, "beijos acidentais", comentários sexistas, piadas sexualizadas e convites persistentes. Elas relatam se sentir ameaçadas e silenciadas nos espaços educativos, com o desejo de desistir dos cursos, autoculpabilizam-se e sofrem com o assédio moral; discriminações raciais e de gênero; e adoecimentos físicos e mentais. As experiências de AS indicam a necessidade de programas de enfrentamento institucional para a proteção dos direitos das mulheres.(AU)

Sexual harassment (SH) includes sexual insinuations, threats, intimidation, physical contact and blackmail associated with patriarchy and power relations. This study analyzed accounts of female university students who experienced SH, focusing on the main characteristics of this type of abuse, individual and collective actions, and health aspects. We conducted a virtual ethnography involving the thematic analysis of the content of 24 accounts of Brazilian women on the Facebook page #MeuProfessorAbusador. The violence perpetrated by teachers consisted of touching and unwanted compliments, suggestive looks, "accidental" kisses, sexist comments, sexual joking and persistent invitations. The women reported feeling threatened and silenced in educational spaces, feeling like giving up the course, and self-blame, and suffered from moral harassment, racial and gender discrimination, and physical and mental illness. The experiences of SH indicate the need for institutional programs to tackle this problem and protect women's rights.(AU)

El acoso sexual (AS) envuelve insinuaciones, amenazas, intimidaciones, contactos físicos y chantajes asociados a las relaciones patriarcales y de poder. Análisis de los relatos de universitarias que sufrieron AS, sus configuraciones, las acciones individuales y colectivas y los relatos sobre la salud. Etnografía virtual con análisis temático de contenido de 24 declaraciones de brasileñas en Facebook, en la página #MeuProfessorAbusador. Esa violencia realizada por profesores se configura por los toqueteos y elogios no deseados, miradas sugerentes, "besos accidentales", comentarios sexistas, chistes relacionados al sexo e invitaciones persistentes. Ellas relatan que se sienten amenazadas y silenciadas en los espacios educativos, con el deseo de desistir de los cursos, se autoculpan y sufren con el acoso moral, discriminaciones raciales y de género y enfermedades físicas y mentales. Las experiencias de AS muestran la necesidad de programas de enfrentamiento institucional para la protección de los derechos de las mujeres.(AU)

Med. clín. soc ; 7(3)dic. 2023.
Artículo en Español | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1528989


Introducción: los estudiantes de medicina son propensos a recibir maltratos de sus colegas, personal administrativo y pacientes. Objetivo: determinar las características del maltrato a estudiantes de medicina del Paraguay en 2022. Metodología: se aplicó un diseño observacional, de corte transversal. Se incluyó a estudiantes de medicina, de ambos sexos, que aceptaban participar de la encuesta telemática. El muestreo fue por conveniencia. Se midieron variables demográficas. La percepción del maltrato fue evaluada según cuatro componentes (psicológico, físico, académico y sexual) utilizando el cuestionario de Munayco-Guillén F et al, previamente validado. El estudio contó con la aprobación del Comité de ética de la Universidad Privada del Este, Paraguay. Resultados: el cuestionario fue contestado por 214 estudiantes, siendo 146 mujeres (edad media 24 ± 3 años) y 68 varones (edad media 25 ± 5 años). La mayoría reside en Asunción (29,4%) y asiste a universidades privadas (92%). La media ± DE del maltrato psicológico fue 1,89 ± 1,02, la del físico fue 1,64 ± 0,89, la del académico fue 2,01 ± 1,11 y la del sexual fue 1,4 ± 0,83. Aplicando puntos de corte en los percentiles 60 y 70, el maltrato fue leve en 126 estudiantes (58,9%), moderado en 24 (11,2%) y grave en 64 (29,9%). El motivo principal para no denunciarlo fue el miedo a ser señalado por los demás o recibir represalias (17,3%). Discusión: se detectó maltrato leve en 58,9%, moderado en 11,2% y grave en 29,9% de los estudiantes de medicina. Se requiere aplicar medidas de prevención y contención de los maltratos.

Introduction: medical students are prone to mistreatment from their colleagues, administrative staff, and patients. Objective: to determine the characteristics of the mistreatment of medical students in Paraguay in 2022. Method: an observational, cross-sectional design was applied. Medical students of both sexes who agreed to participate in the online survey were included. Sampling was for convenience. Demographic variables were measured. The perception of abuse was evaluated according to four components (psychological, physical, academic, and sexual) using the previously validated questionnaire by Munayco-Guillén F et al. The study was approved by the Ethics Committee of the Universidad Privada del Este, Paraguay. Results: the questionnaire was answered by 214 students, 146 being women (mean age 24 ± 3 years) and 68 men (mean age 25 ± 5 years). The majority reside in Asunción (29.4%) and attend private universities (92%). The mean ± SD of psychological abuse was 1.89 ± 1.02, physical abuse was 1.64 ± 0.89, academic abuse was 2.01 ± 1.11, and sexual abuse was 1.4 ± 0. 83. Applying cut-off points at the 60th and 70th percentiles, the abuse was mild in 126 students (58.9%), moderate in 24 (11.2%), and severe in 64 (29.9%). The main reason for not reporting it was fear of being singled out by others or receiving reprisals (17.3%). Discussion: mild abuse was detected in 58.9%, moderate in 11.2%, and severe in 29.9% of medical students. It is necessary to apply measures to prevent and contain abuse.

Rev. Bras. Odontol. Leg. RBOL ; 10(2): 29-41, 2023-10-13.
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1525606


Importunação Sexual e Perseguição são práticas configuradas como crime pelo Código Penal Brasileiro - CPB. Sendo o tema pouco explorado na área da saúde, este trabalho teve como objetivo verificar o nível de conhecimento do cirurgião-dentista atuante no estado de Pernambuco (Brasil), sobre estes dois tipos penais, suas experiências no exercício profissional e atitudes tomadas para resolutividade da questão. Para isto foi realizado estudo descritivo de corte transversal, com aplicação de um questionário online semiestruturado, através da plataforma Google Forms®, utilizando a metodologia "bola de neve", sendo coletados dados sociodemográficos, questões relacionadas ao conhecimento de Importunação Sexual e Perseguição, e por fim, questões relacionadas a experiências sofridas no exercício de sua profissão. Foram incluídos neste estudo 69 questionários, 22% respondidos por homens e 78% por mulheres. A maioria dos participantes respondeu que já ouviu falar sobre Importunação Sexual e sobre Perseguição, no entanto, grande parte demonstrou dificuldade em reconhecer a definição de Importunação, estabelecida pelo CPB. Os que informaram ter tido vivência com algum destes tipos penais, relataram que contaram o fato a um amigo, a algum familiar ou não fizeram nada a respeito. Conclui-se sobre existência de situações dentro da prática profissional odontológica que podem configurar, sobretudo, o crime de Importunação sexual. E, contar a um amigo, a um familiar ou mesmo não fazer nada a respeito foram as atitudes mais comumente realizadas por estes profissionais

Sexual Harassment and persecution are acts configured as a crime by the Brazilian Penal Code - CPB. As the subject is little explored in the health area, this work aimed to verify the level of knowledge of the dentists working in the state of Pernambuco (Brazil), about these two criminal types, their experiences in professional practice and attitudes taken to resolve the issue. For this, a descriptive cross-sectional study was carried out, with the application of a semi-structured online questionnaire, through the google forms platform, using the "snowball" methodology, collecting sociodemographic data, questions related to the knowledge of sexual harassment and persecution, and by finally, questions related to the experiences suffered in the exercise of their profession. 69 questionnaires were included in this study, 22% answered by men and 78% by women. Most participants answered that they had already heard about sexual harassment and persecution, however, most of them showed difficulty in recognizing the definition of harassment, established by the CPB. Those who reported having had experience with one of these criminal types, reported that they told the fact to a friend, to a family member or did nothing about it. It concludes on the existence of situations within professional dental practice that can configure, above all, the crime of sexual harassment. And telling a friend, a family member or even doing nothing about it were the attitudes most commonly performed by these professionals

Indian J Med Ethics ; 2023 Jun; 8(2): 123-127
Artículo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-222702


With the conviction of a US gymnastics coach on criminal sexual conduct and other charges, our attention is inevitably drawn to the sporting world in India. The case points to the imperative need for regulations, mandates and ethical codes to protect athletes, especially elite performers under pressure to win. As is now evident, authoritarian structures that do not allow athletes a voice are perfect locations for abuse. An examination of the state of ethical codes and regulations in sports in India is long due. This short essay looks at the issues that must find space in public discussion and in the deliberations of sporting bodies, with a particular emphasis on the role of the medical profession in sports.

Biomédica (Bogotá) ; 43(2): 252-260, jun. 2023. tab, graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: biblio-1533929


Introduction. Workplace bullying and sexual harassment are concerns among general surgery residents in Colombia. Objective. To explore the prevalence and impact of workplace bullying and sexual harassment incidents among general surgery residents in Colombia. Materials and methods. This nationwide study was conducted in 2020. Residents selfrated their exposure to workplace bullying and to sexual harassment in the forms of gender harassment, unwanted sexual attention, and sexual coercion. We analyzed demographic variables, perpetrator's characteristics, and differences between victims and non-victims. Results. The study included 302 residents. It found that 49% of general surgery residents in Colombia suffered from workplace bullying and 14.9% experienced sexual harassment. The main forms of sexual harassment were gender harassment (47%) and unwanted sexual attention (47%). Women reported significantly higher rates of being sexually harassed. Surgeons were the main perpetrators of sexual harassment. Conclusions. Workplace bullying and sexual harassment are frequent events in general surgery residency in Colombia. These findings suggest the need for interventions to improve the educational culture of surgical departments and decrease the prevalence of these behaviors.

Introducción. El acoso laboral y el acoso sexual son preocupaciones en la formación quirúrgica. Objetivo. Exploramos la magnitud de estos problemas entre los residentes de cirugía general en Colombia. Materiales y métodos. Se realizó un estudio nacional en junio de 2020. Los residentes autoevaluaron su exposición a la intimidación y el acoso sexual en forma de acoso de género, atención sexual no deseada y coerción sexual. Se analizaron variables demográficas y perpetradores entre víctimas y no víctimas. Resultados. Se incluyeron un total de 302 residentes. Las tasas de acoso laboral y sexual fueron del 49% y 14,9%, respectivamente. Las principales formas de acoso sexual correspondieron al acoso de género (47%) y la atención sexual no deseada (47%). El acoso sexual fue significativamente mayor entre las mujeres. Los cirujanos fueron los principales perpetradores. Conclusiones. El acoso laboral y el acoso sexual son frecuentes en la formación quirúrgica en Colombia. Estos hallazgos conducen a intervenciones para mejorar la cultura educativa de los departamentos quirúrgicos para disminuir la prevalencia de estos comportamientos.

Acoso Sexual , Estrés Laboral , Cuerpo Médico de Hospitales , Cirugía General , Estudios Transversales , Discriminación Social
Rev. Eugenio Espejo ; 17(1): 31-42, 20230101.
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: biblio-1411834


El acoso sexual se manifiesta ante la presencia de una serie de conductas de carácter sexual, explícitas o implícitas que resultan invasivas para quien las recibe. El objetivo del presente estudio fue determinar la asociación entre tipo de acoso sexual y género en docentes y personal de apoyo a la academia de una universidad pública ecuatoriana. El estudio tuvo un diseño observacional con alcance asociativo y de corte transversal. Este se desarrolló en un entorno universitario ecuatoriano en 2021 con una población de 1247 docentes y personal de apoyo a la academia, seleccionando una muestra de 484 participantes mediante un muestreo no probabilístico de tipo sujetos voluntarios. Los datos se recolectaron a través de la aplicación de la encuesta ASIES. El 58,3% perteneció al género masculino, predominando las personas autoidentificadas como heterosexuales y la edad promedio fue 41 años. El 14,3% (69) sufrió alguna clase de acoso sexual durante su estadía en la institución, de las que, el 76,8% correspondió al género femenino, esas dos variables se asociaron significativamente (χ²=42,378; p=0,000). La diferencia en la prevalencia entre mujeres y hombres fue estadísticamente significativa (χ²= 42,378; valor p = 0,000). El acoso sexual se asoció significativamente con el género de los participantes autoidentificados como víctimas, observándose que en los hombres predominó en acoso verbal; mientras que, en las mujeres fue el no verbal

Sexual harassment manifests itself in a series of sexual, explicit, or implicit behaviors that are invasive for those who receive them. This study aimed to determine the association between the type of sexual harassment and gender in teachers and academic support staff of an Ecuado-rian public university. The study had an observational design with an associative and cross-sec-tional scope. This research was developed in an Ecuadorian university environment in 2021 with a population of 1,247 teachers and academy support staff, selecting a sample of 484 parti-cipants through a non-probabilistic sampling of voluntary subjects. The data were collected through the ASIES survey application. 58.3% were male, with a predominance of people self-identified as heterosexual, and the average age was 41. 14.3% (69) suffered sexual harass-ment during their stay at the institution, of which 76.8% corresponded to the female gender. These two variables were significantly associated (χ²=42.378; p=0.000). The difference in prevalence between women and men was statistically significant (χ²=42.378; p-value=0.000). Sexual harassment was significantly associated with the gender of the participants who self-identified as victims. It was observed that verbal harassment predominated in men and non-verbal in women.

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Adulto , Persona de Mediana Edad , Anciano , Universidades , Acoso Sexual , Docentes , Mujeres , Conducta , Hombres
Yenagoa med. j. (Bayelsa) ; 5(2): 40-50, 2023. tables
Artículo en Inglés | AIM | ID: biblio-1516538


Background: Every day females experience different types of sexual harassment while using public transportation worldwide. Objective: This study aims to determine the prevalence of sexual harassment amongst female students who travel by public transportation at the Federal University of Technology Akure (FUTA) Nigeria. Materials and Methods: A cross-sectional descriptive study. Data was collected using electronic questionnaires and analyzed with IBM SPSS Statistics version 21. Frequencies and percentages were used for data summary. Association between variables was determined using Chi Square test. Statistical significance was a p-value < 0.05. Results: Ninety-three percent of female students in FUTA had experienced sexual harassment. Among those who had experienced sexual harassment, 98.4% were single, 81.5% lived off campus, 79.0% used public bus, 45.4% commuted daily, 84.7% was in an overcrowded vehicle and 52.9% was in the evening. There was a significant association between sexual harassment and marital status (p = 0.033), place of residence (p = 0.019), mode of public transportation (p = 0.014), time of travel (p = 0.018). Verbal sexual harassment was most prevalent (91.1%), followed by physical sexual harassment (87.6%) and non-verbal sexual harassment (82%). Conclusion: This study found a high prevalence of sexual harassment among female university students in FUTA using public transportation, which occurs in a variety of scenarios, particularly in crowded vehicles during rush hour

Encuestas y Cuestionarios , Acoso Sexual
Rev. bras. educ. méd ; 47(3): e106, 2023. tab
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1514984


Resumo: Introdução: No mundo todo, a violência sexual é um evento prevalente contra mulheres estudantes de Medicina. A exposição ao toque, o contato físico e as incitações sexuais inoportunas podem ocorrer em vários ambientes da educação e da prática médica. Objetivo: Este estudo teve como objetivo analisar a violência sexual contra mulheres estudantes em escolas médicas. Método: Trata-se de estudo transversal realizado com 211 alunas de oito escolas médicas do Piauí, entrevistadas entre maio e novembro de 2021. Utilizou-se questionário on-line com perguntas sobre características sociodemográficas, informações da instituição e do curso, e aspectos relacionados à violência sexual no âmbito universitário. Realizou-se análise multivariada por regressão logística múltipla, com cálculo de odds ratios ajustadas (ORaj) e intervalos de confiança de 95% (IC95%). Resultado: Mais da metade (55%) das estudantes relatou algum tipo de violência sexual durante o curso de Medicina, mais frequentemente como evento único (69,3%). Comentários sexistas ou sexualmente degradantes (87,8%), ocorridos em ambientes de prática (55,3%), no primeiro e segundo anos do curso (65,8%) e em disciplinas do ciclo básico (63,0%) foram mais frequentes. O perfil majoritário dos agressores é representado por homens (99,0%), com mais de 40 anos (60,4%) e professores (59,3%). A violência sexual resultou em sofrimento emocional (47,3%) e queda da produtividade/qualidade do estudo (25%), porém a maioria não realizou denúncia (92,9%). Houve maior chance de violência sexual contra estudantes que se autodeclararam bissexuais (ORaj =3,87; IC95% 1,20-12,48) e de instituições de ensino públicas (ORaj = 3,12; IC95% 1,67-5,82). Conclusão: A prevalência de violência sexual durante o ensino médico foi elevada, revelada principalmente sob a forma de assédio sexual. Orientação sexual e características da instituição de ensino se associaram com a violência sexual. Os achados estimulam ações para prevenir e mitigar essa grave questão durante o ensino médico.

Abstract: Introduction: Sexual violence is a prevalent event against female medical students around the world. Exposure to touch, physical contact, and unwelcome sexual incitements can occur in a variety of educational and medical practice settings. Objective: To analyze sexual violence against female students in medical schools. Method: Cross-sectional study with 211 students from 8 medical schools in Piauí, interviewed between May and November 2021. An online questionnaire was used with questions about sociodemographic characteristics, information about the institution and the course, and aspects related to sexual violence at the university level. Multivariate analysis was performed using multiple logistic regression, with calculation of adjusted odds ratios (AOR) and 95% confidence intervals (95%CI). Result: More than half (55.0%) of the students reported some type of sexual violence during the medical course, more often as a single event (69.3%). Sexist or sexually degrading comments (87.8%), occurring in practice environments (55.3%), in the 1st and 2nd years of the course (65.8%) and in basic cycle subjects (63.0%) were more frequently. The profile of the majority of aggressors is represented by men (99.0%), over 40 years old (60.4%) and teachers (59.3%). Sexual violence resulted in emotional distress (47.3%) and reduced productivity/quality of study (25%), but the majority failed to report it (92.9%). There was a greater chance of sexual violence against students who self-reported as bisexual (AOR=3.87; 95%CI 1.20-12.48) and at public educational institutions (AOR=3.12; 95%CI 1.67-5.82). Conclusion: The prevalence of sexual violence during medical education was high, mainly revealed in the form of sexual harassment. Sexual orientation and educational institution characteristics were associated with sexual violence. The findings stimulate actions to prevent and mitigate this serious issue during medical education.

Biomédica (Bogotá) ; 42(3): 492-507, jul.-set. 2022. tab, graf
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: biblio-1403601


Introducción. La violencia sexual es un problema de salud pública inscrito en las agendas sociales y políticas a nivel global. Representa una urgencia médica que se atiende en los servicios de salud, lo que los convierte en la principal fuente de su registro en los sistemas de vigilancia en salud pública. Objetivo. Analizar las características sociodemográficas de las víctimas de violencia sexual y de sus victimarios en el municipio de Envigado, Antioquia, entre el 2011 y el 2020. Materiales y métodos. Se hizo un estudio transversal descriptivo a partir de todos los registros de violencia sexual notificados en el Sistema de Vigilancia en Salud Pública de la violencia de género e intrafamiliar de Envigado (código de ficha INS-875), durante el periodo 2011-2020. Resultados. Se registraron 807 casos de violencia sexual entre 2011 y 2020; el 62,0 % correspondió a casos de abuso sexual a personas menores de 18 años; el 82,3 % de las víctimas estaba constituido por mujeres adolescentes agredidas por familiares; los principales agresores fueron hombres (99,1 %), con una mediana de edad 26 años. Conclusión. La violencia sexual es un problema en aumento; en el 2020, año del confinamiento poblacional por la Covid-19, las tasas en mujeres y durante la primera infancia, la adolescencia y la juventud, fueron las más altas del periodo de estudio.

Introduction: Sexual violence is a public health problem included in political and social agendas worldwide. It is a medical emergency seen in health services, which are the main source of record-keeping by means of public health surveillance systems. Objective: To analyze the sociodemographic characteristics of victims of sex offenses and their offenders in the municipality of Envigado, Antioquia, between 2011 and 2020. Materials and methods: This was a descriptive cross-sectional study that analyzed all the sexual violence records reported in the Envigado Public Health Surveillance System for gender and intrafamilial violence (file code INS-875) during the 2011-2020 period. Results: A total of 807 cases of sexual violence were recorded between 2011 and 2020; 62.0% were cases of sexual abuse against persons under 18 years of age, and 82.3% of the victims were adolescent women suffering sexual violence exerted by relatives. The main aggressors were men (99.1%) with a median age of 26 years. Conclusion: Sexual violence has increased over time and in 2020, the year of population confinement due to COVID-19, the rates in women and in the life courses of early childhood, adolescence, and youth were the highest during the study period.

Delitos Sexuales , Violación , Acoso Sexual , Violencia Doméstica , Violencia contra la Mujer , Violencia de Género
Rev. Bras. Odontol. Leg. RBOL ; 9(1): 114-124, 2022-05-04.
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1524608


Assédio e importunação sexual são tipos de violência configurados como crime pelo Código Penal Brasileiro. Situações como estas são frequentemente vivenciadas pela população, sendo as mulheres as principais vítimas. Na Odontologia, tais comportamentos tem trazido bastante preocupação, e promovido experiências negativas seja aos Cirurgiões-dentistas, Auxiliares de Saúde Bucal ou Técnicos de Saúde Bucal. Assim, por meio de uma revisão integrativa da literatura, este estudo objetivou analisar se o Cirurgião-dentista se sente preparado em lidar com este problema, as atitudes tomadas pelos Cirurgiões-Dentistas quando diante de situações em que se sinta assediado ou importunado sexualmente durante sua atividade profissional, bem como os sentimentos gerados pela experiência vivida. Para seleção dos artigos utilizou-se as bases de dados PubMed, Biblioteca Virtual de Saúde (BVS) e periódicos CAPES, e a amostra desta revisão constituiu-se em sete artigos. Após análise destas publicações, os resultados dos estudos apontaram prejuízos aos profissionais que vão desde o trabalho à vida pessoal. Foram relatados sentimentos de ansiedade, medo, perda de ânimo para realização das atividades profissionais, além de pesadelos e recordações angustiantes do momento vivido. Constatou-se que os Cirurgiões-dentistas de ambos os sexos não se sentem preparados profissionalmente para lidar com situações de assédio e importunação sexual, e que estes consideram de extrema relevância a inclusão da temática nos currículos dos cursos de graduação em Odontologia

Sexual harassment is a type of violence configured as a crime under the Brazilian Penal Code. Situations like these are frequently experienced by the population, with women being the main victims. In Dentistry, such behaviors have brought a lot of concern, and promoted negative experiences either for Dentist, Oral Dental Assistant or Dental Hygienists. Then, through an integrative literature review, this study aimed to analyze whether the dentist feels prepared to deal with this problem, the attitudes taken by dentists when faced with situations in which they feel sexually harassed during their professional activity, as well as the feelings generated by the lived experience. For selection of articles, the databases PubMed, Virtual Health Library (VHL) and CAPES periodicals were used, and the sample of this review consisted of seven articles. After evaluating these studies, the results pointed to several harms for professionals that happen from work to personal life. Feelings of anxiety, fear, and discouragement to do their job were reported, as well as nightmares and distressing memories of the lived moment. It was also found that Dentists do not feel professionally prepared to deal with situations of sexual harassment, and that they consider the inclusion of the subject in undergraduate dentistry curricula extremely relevant

Medisur ; 20(2)abr. 2022.
Artículo en Español | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1405916


RESUMEN Fundamento Los espacios públicos deberían ser lugares seguros para el libre tránsito de las personas, sobre todo para las mujeres, y más aún si son menores de edad. En el caso de las adolescentes, muchas veces son víctimas de acoso sexual en las calles u otros sitios, situación que podría afectar de manera significativa su desarrollo integral. Objetivo caracterizar el acoso sexual en espacios públicos hacia adolescentes peruanas. Métodos estudio descriptivo comparativo, que incluyó a 372 escolares de dos instituciones educativas (una pública y otra privada) de la provincia del Santa (Perú). Se aplicó el cuestionario de acoso sexual callejero, instrumento de 13 ítems. La estadística descriptiva fue empleada para determinar los niveles de acoso sexual; mientras que la estadística inferencial identificó diferencia estadística del acoso respecto a ambas instituciones educativas. En base a la normalidad de los datos, la prueba utilizada fue T de Student. Resultados el acoso sexual fue de nivel medio en ambas escuelas, 52,4 % en la privada y 45 % en la pública. Se evidenció diferencia estadística significativa entre las participantes de uno y otro centro educativo, con respecto a las dimensiones comportamientos de interacción social, componente verbal y componente físico; así como al acoso sexual en general. Conclusión El acoso sexual en espacios públicos fue, en la mayoría de los casos, de nivel medio. Los comportamientos de interacción social, así como el componente verbal resultaron las dimensiones más prevalentes del acoso hacia las adolescentes de ambas instituciones educativas de la provincia del Santa (Perú).

ABSTRACT Background Public spaces should be safe places for the free movement of people, especially for women, and even more so if they are minors. In the case of adolescent girls, they are often victims of sexual harassment in the streets or other places, a situation that could significantly affect their comprehensive development. Objective to characterize sexual harassment in public spaces towards Peruvian adolescents. Methods comparative descriptive study, which included 372 schoolchildren from two educational institutions (one public and one private) in the province of Santa (Peru). The street sexual harassment questionnaire, a 13-item instrument, was applied. Descriptive statistics were used to determine the levels of sexual harassment; while the inferential statistics identified a statistical difference in bullying with respect to both educational institutions. Based on the normality of the data, the Student´s t-test was used. Results sexual harassment was at a medium level in both schools, 52.4 % in the private one and 45% in the public one. A significant statistical difference was evidenced between the participants of one and another educational center, with respect to the behavioral dimensions of social interaction, verbal component and physical component; as well as sexual harassment in general. Conclusion Sexual harassment in public spaces was, in most cases, medium level. Social interaction behaviors, as well as the verbal component, were the most prevalent dimensions of bullying towards adolescents from both educational institutions in the province of Santa (Peru).

Artículo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-221143


The street garments vendors are one of the constituent pillars of the giant unorganised workforce. They are the selfemployed category contributing a significant share to the economy of each country. The street garments vendors face many problems in the daily chores of their vending activities. The present study is conducted to examine the problems of street garments vendors in Chittoor District of Andhra Pradesh. Four hundred and fifty samples were drawn from the universe under simple random sampling method. The results show that women are dominating the street vending trades. The major problems include sexual harassment, physical evictions by the enforcement authorities. There is a significant relationship between the problems faced by the respondents and their overall perception about the street garments vendors. The study concludes that the Government of Andhra Pradesh has implemented more than 75 per cent of the provisions of the street garments vendors Act. The study ends with the concluding note that the Street garments vendors Act is to be implemented in letter and spirit to minimise the problems and issues against the street garments vendors in Chittoor District

Artículo en Portugués | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1410746


O estudo teve como objetivo analisar as narrativas de mulheres praticantes de musculação sobre assédio sexual. Trata-se de uma pesquisa de abordagem qualitativa, descritiva. Utilizou-se dois instrumentos: questionário sociodemográfico estruturado e entrevista semiestruturada. Os dados foram analisados através da análise de conteúdo. Foram significativos os comentários sobre o olhar malicioso como uma das formas de assédio predominante nos episódios relatados, tornando-se inoportuno durante a execução dos exercícios físicos. As participantes do estudo perceberam como uma invasão da sua intimidade e do seu espaço de treino, assim como consideraram que o olhar invasivo não é uma forma de assédio sexual.

The study aimed to analyze the narratives of women practitioners of bodybuilding on sexual harassment. It is a research with a qualitative approach, descriptive. Two instruments were used: a structured sociodemographic questionnaire and a semi-structured interview. The data were analyzed through content analysis. There was a significant comment on the malicious look as one of the ways of predominant harassment in the reported episodes, becoming inopportune during the performing physical exercises. The study participants conceived it as an invasion of your intimacy and your training space, as well as, considering the gaze invasive that was not accepted as a form of sexual harassment.

El estudio tuvo como objetivo analisar las narrativas de mujeres practicantes de musculación acerca del acoso sexual. Se trata de una encuesta de abordaje cualitativo, descriptivo. Se utilizaron dos instrumentos: cuestionario sociodemográfico estructurado y entrevista semiestructurada. Los datos fueron analizados a través del análisis del contenido. Fueron significativos los comentarios acerca de miradas maliciosas como una de las formas de acoso predominantes en los episodios relatados, tornándose inconvenientes durante la práctica de ejercicios físicos. Las participantes de la encuesta han visto eso como una invasión de su privacidad y de su espacio de entrenamiento, así como, consideraron una mirada invasiva que no fue acogida como una forma de acoso sexual.

Pensar Prát. (Online) ; 25Fev. 2022. Tab
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: biblio-1392206


O estudo teve como objetivo analisar as narrativas de mulhe-res praticantes de musculação sobre assédio sexual. Trata-se de uma pesquisa de abordagem qualitativa, descritiva. Utilizou-se dois instrumentos: questionário sociodemográfico estruturado e entrevista se-miestruturada. Os dados foram analisados através da análise de conteúdo. Foram significativos os comentários sobre o olhar malicioso como uma das formas de assédio predominante nos episódios relatados, tornando-se inoportuno durante a execução dos exercícios físicos. As participantes do estudo perceberam como uma invasão da sua intimidade e do seu espaço de treino, assim como consideraram que o olhar invasivo não é uma forma de assédio sexual (AU).

The study aimed to analyze the narratives of women practitioners of bodybuilding on sexual harassment. It is a research with a qualitative approach, descriptive. Two instruments were used: a structured sociodemographic questionnaire and a semi-structured interview. The data were analyzed through content analysis. There was a significant comment on the malicious look as one of the ways of predominant harassment in the reported episodes, becoming inopportune during the performing physical exercises. The study participants conceived it as an invasion of your intimacy and your training space, as well as, considering the gaze invasive that was not accepted as a form of sexual harassment (AU).

El estudio tuvo como objetivo analisar las narrativas de mujeres practicantes de musculación acerca del acoso sexual. Se trata de una encuesta de abordaje cualitativo, descriptivo. Se utilizaron dos instrumentos: cuestionario sociodemográfico estructurado y entrevista semiestructurada. Los datos fueron analizados a través del análisis del contenido. Fueron significativos los comentarios acerca de miradas maliciosas como una de las formas de acoso predominantes en los episodios relatados, tornándose inconvenientes durante la práctica de ejercicios físicos. Las participantes de la encuesta han visto eso como una invasión de su privacidad y de su espacio de entrenamiento, así como, consideraron una mirada invasiva que no fue acogida como una forma de acoso sexual (AU).

Humanos , Mujeres , Acoso Sexual , Entrenamiento de Fuerza , Ejercicio Físico , Encuestas y Cuestionarios , Privacidad
Afr. J. reprod. Health (online) ; 26(11): 56-66, 2022. figures, tables
Artículo en Inglés | AIM | ID: biblio-1411896


Family is the microcosm of a larger society that provides care that shapes the behavior of children. However, the different levels of attention children receive from their parents may affect their behaviour and self-esteem, which can lead to them being more vulnerable to sexual harassment. An institutional-based cross-sectional survey was conducted from March ­ August 2021, to assess the relationship between family birth order and prevalence of sexual harassment. The multistage sampling procedure was used to draw 1070 participants. The data was analyzed using percentages, mean, and multivariate logistic regression statistics. The multivariate logistic regression was used to estimate adjusted odds ratios (AOR) along with 95% confidence intervals (CIs). The level of significance was set at P < 0.05. The findings revealed prevalence (73.6%) of sexual harassment, and the two forms such as verbal (x= 2.63) and non-verbal sexual harassment (x= 2.56) were high. The multivariate logistic regression odds ratios adjusted shows that the middle born were approximately 2 folds (AOR = 1.62; CI = 1.14 ­ 2.30; P = 0.008 0.05) more likely to predict sexual harassment. The study recommended amongst others that parents in South Eastern Nigeria should refrain from given special attention to a particular child as this may predispose the unfavoured child to sexual harassment

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Adolescente , Modelos Logísticos , Orden de Nacimiento , Acoso Sexual , Afecto , Relaciones Familiares , Prevalencia
Rev. bras. educ. méd ; 46(1): e016, 2022.
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1360856


Abstract: Introduction: The university is an instrument of social change, capable of bringing new thoughts and critical analyses to the community. With the expansion of the feminist movement in Brazil, the discussion about gender relations has increased, with demands for symmetrical relations, juxtaposing university spaces to such demands. In this context, in the university games between medical schools (Intermed), violence against women has become evident, with the need for a center able to provide protection to students and promote changes in the accomplishment of such events. Based on this reality, the idea of the "Count on Me" project has emerged. Experience report: At the organization of "Intermed" 2017, a group of women proposed to construct an environment where the participants could find safeguard in an oppressor context. A support tent was created, in which complaints of transgressions that occurred during the event would be heard. To optimize the approach to specific complaints, training was carried out together with the Special Police Force for Women's Assistance for the project volunteers, in addition to the creation of a network of which function during the event was: to provide an emergency care shift in the tent; Minute Book for the recording of complaints and ornaments to identify the volunteers. In 2018, the participants of "Count on Me" project helped in the drafting of the statute that regulates the organization of "Intermed", assigning punishments to some types of violence. Additionally, this document formalized the requirement for a physical space for the project in all editions. Discussion: In a few years, the "Count on Me" project established itself as an apparatus for the safety and well-being of the female participants. As violence against women is a public health problem, this innovative measure showed to be effective in confronting sexism. Conclusion: Even though the implementation of "Count on Me" project can be considered a success, multiple efforts are still necessary to make the university environment a fair one for all students, which depends on the volunteers' engagement with frequent trainings, the education of male students regarding the cause, to the coordination of Medical Schools that have the obligation to provide the best possible environment for all students.

Resumo: Introdução: A universidade é instrumento de mudança social capaz de levar à comunidade novos pensamentos e análises críticas. Com a expansão do movimento feminista no Brasil, a discussão a respeito das relações de gênero se expandiu, com reivindicações por relações simétricas, justapondo os espaços universitários a tais demandas. Nesse contexto, nos jogos universitários entre Faculdades de Medicina (Intermed), evidenciou-se a violência contra as mulheres, havendo necessidade de um núcleo capaz de prover proteção às estudantes e promover mudanças na condução de tais eventos. A partir dessa realidade, surgiu a ideia do projeto "Conte Comigo". Relato de experiência: Na organização do "Intermed" de 2017, um grupo de mulheres se propôs a estruturar um ambiente em que as participantes conseguissem salvaguarda em um contexto opressor. Foi criada uma tenda de apoio na qual seriam acolhidas queixas de transgressões que ocorressem durante o evento. Para otimizar a abordagem de queixas específicas, promoveu-se capacitação na Delegacia Especial de Atendimento à Mulher para as voluntárias do projeto, além da elaboração de uma rede para atuar durante o evento com: escala de pronto atendimento na tenda; livro-ata para registro das queixas e dos adornos para identificação das voluntárias. Em 2018, as participantes do "Conte Comigo" ajudaram na redação do estatuto que rege a organização do "Intermed", atribuindo punições a alguns tipos de violência. Além disso, nesse documento, foi formalizada a obrigatoriedade de um espaço físico para o projeto em todas as edições. Discussão: Em poucos anos, o "Conte Comigo" se estabeleceu como aparelho para a segurança e o bem-estar das participantes. Como a violência contra a mulher é um problema de saúde pública, essa medida inovadora se contrapôs a comportamentos machistas. Conclusão: Mesmo com a implementação do "Conte Comigo" podendo ser considerada um sucesso, múltiplas ações ainda são necessárias para tornar o ambiente universitário justo para todos os estudantes, o que depende de engajamento das voluntárias com capacitações frequentes, educação dos estudantes homens quanto à causa e coordenação das escolas médicas que têm o dever de prover o melhor ambiente possível a todos os estudantes.

Rev. latinoam. psicol ; 53: 1-9, jul.-dic. 2021. tab
Artículo en Español | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1347625


Resumen Introducción/objetivo: El acoso sexual es una de las violencias que más debe preocupar a la comunidad educativa, por ello, el objetivo de este estudio consiste en analizar los conocimientos, las percepciones y las actitudes de los y las estudiantes universitarios hacia el acoso sexual. Método: Desde un enfoque cualitativo se han realizado diez entrevistas individuales a estudiantes (seis alumnas y cuatro alumnos) y ocho grupos de discusión heterogéneos formados por 67 estudiantes. Todos pertenecientes a una universidad de carácter público situada en el noroeste de España. Resultados: El alumnado tiene pocos conocimientos sobre el acoso sexual y, además, no recibe formación que le otorgue las herramientas que le permitan identificarlo y combatirlo. Asimismo, la mayoría de los/as participantes expresa que el acoso sexual es habitual en el entorno académico, pero que está invisibilizado. A través de sus propias palabras se identifica que perciben actitudes permisivas hacia el acoso sexual por parte de los/as docentes y de la universidad, considerando que no hay una verdadera implicación para intervenir en las situaciones de acoso. Conclusiones: Es necesario que la universidad se comprometa a implementar estrategias de prevención e intervención, con el propósito de identificar, sancionar y erradicar todas y cada una de las formas de violencia, incluido el acoso sexual.

Abstract Introduction/objective: Sexual harassment is one of the types of violence that should most concern the educational community, consequently, the objective of this study is to analyze the knowledge, perceptions and attitudes of university students towards sexual harassment. Method: From a qualitative approach, ten individual interviews were carried out with students (six female students and four male students) and eight heterogeneous discussion groups made up of 67 students. All of them belong to a public university located in the northwest of Spain. Results: The students have little knowledge about sexual harassment and, in addition, they do not receive training that gives them the tools that allow them to identify and combat it. Likewise, most of the participants express that sexual harassment is common in the academic environment, but that it is invisible. Through their own words, it is identified that they perceive permissive attitudes towards sexual harassment on the part of teachers and the university, considering that there is no real implication to intervene in harassment situations. Conclusions: It is necessary for the university to commit to implement prevention and intervention strategies, in order to identify, punish and eradicate each and every one of the forms of violence, including sexual harassment.

Rev. psicol. (Fortaleza, Online) ; 12(2): 161-172, 20210701. 296KB
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1337601


Os sites de redes sociais vêm impulsionando protestos antissexistas, nos quais mulheres narram suas experiências de violência sexual e também apoiam outras mulheres com histórias semelhantes. No protesto #PrimeiroAssédio, milhares de mulheres aceitaram o convite para contar suas primeiras histórias de assédio sexual. Este artigo reflete sobre os desafios da pesquisa social crítica e ética com vítimas de assédio sexual que narram suas experiências em plataformas digitais. Tal pesquisa implica desenlear uma trama que envolve as narrativas dominantes acerca dos corpos, papéis, direitos e deveres das mulheres; as contranarrativas das mulheres que contestam as narrativas dominantes; e as narrativas construídas pelas pesquisadoras sobre as histórias contadas. O artigo discute o que está em jogo ao se escolher como narrar, incluindo a narração acadêmico-científica que se debruça sobre essas histórias. Em conclusão, as autoras entendem sua escrita como um ato político voltado para a transformação social e contra a condição subalterna feminina. As pesquisadoras trabalham para fortalecer as vozes das mulheres que denunciam a violência sexual, operando em aliança com elas, enquanto também contestam as narrativas hegemônicas de base patriarcal.

This article reflects on the challenges of critical social research with victims of sexual harassment who narrate their experiences on digital platforms. It draws from a selection of stories told by women in the #FirstHarassment protest (2015) in which they recount, in a tone of denunciation, these first experiences. Inspired by critical discourse analysis and culturally oriented narrative analysis, in dialogue with feminist theorizing, the study distinguishes a plot that involves dominant narratives about women's bodies, roles, rights, and duties; women's counter-narratives that contest dominant narratives; and the narratives constructed by women researchers about the stories told. It discusses how the participants' testimonies undertake efforts to denaturalize sexual harassment and deconstruct the logic of female culpability for sexual violence suffered. The stories create alliances and convey new narratives for gender relations and women's rights advocacy. The article also discusses how the academic-scientific narration that addresses these stories constitutes an ethical-political positioning. The authors conclude that their writing is a political act aimed at social transformation and against the subaltern condition of women. The researchers work to strengthen the voices of women who report sexual violence, operating in alliance with them, while also contesting patriarchally-based hegemonic narratives.

Acoso Sexual , Mujeres , Red Social
Acta méd. peru ; 38(1): 17-26, ene.-mar 2021. tab, graf
Artículo en Español | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1278188


RESUMEN Objetivo: Determinar las características y factores asociados a la percepción de maltrato en internos de medicina del Perú. Materiales y métodos : Estudio multicéntrico, transversal y analítico. Se encuestaron a internos de medicina de dieciocho hospitales del Perú. Se aplicó una encuesta entre marzo y abril del 2016 que incluían características sociodemográficas y una escala que media la percepción de maltrato psicológico, físico y sexual. Se realizaron modelos lineales generalizados y se estimaron razones de prevalencia crudas y ajustadas (RPa) con intervalos de confianza al 95%. Resultados : Participaron 418 internos de medicina. El maltrato psicológico, físico y sexual percibido fue de 91,9%; 55,5% y 34%, respectivamente. Los factores asociados con el maltrato psicológico fueron proceder de una universidad privada (RPa:1,07; IC95%:1,01- 1,13), respecto al maltrato físico fueron la edad (RPa: 1,08; IC95%: 1,05-1,12), realizar internado en un hospital de la selva (RPa: 1,27; IC95%: 1,03-1,56) y en un hospital del Seguro Social (RPa:0,66; IC95%:0,44-0,94) y para el maltrato sexual el ser mujer (RPa:1,52; IC95%:1,15-2,01). Conclusiones : Existe una alta percepción de maltrato reportado por los internos de medicina siendo el psicológico el más frecuente. Existen diferencias en la percepción de maltrato psicológico y físico según el tipo de financiamiento de la universidad de procedencia y del hospital donde se realiza el internado. Una alta frecuencia de maltrato sexual fue reportada por mujeres luego de los tres primeros meses del internado hospitalario.

ABSTRACT Objective: To determine the characteristics and factors associated with the perception of abuse in medicine interns of Peru. Material and Methods : This is a cross-sectional multicenter and analytical study. Medicine interns from eighteen Peruvian hospitals were interviewed. A survey was administered between March and April 2016, which included socio-demographic characteristics and a scale measuring psychological and physical abuse, as well as sexual harassment perception. Generalized linear models were used and crude and adjusted prevalence rates (aPR) were estimated, with 95% confidence intervals (CI). Results: 418 medical interns participated in the study. Psychological and physical abuses were perceived by 91,9% and 55,5% of the studied population. Sexual harassment was perceived by 34% of all interviewed interns. Associated factors with psychological abuse were studied in a private university (aPR: 1.07; 95% CI: 1.01-1.13). Factors associated with physical abuse were age (aPR: 1.08; 95% IC: 1.05-1.12), performing internship in an Amazonian area hospital (aPR: 1,27; 95% CI: 1,03-1,56), and in a Social Security Hospital (aPR: 0,66; 95% CI: 0,44-0,94); and for sexual harassment, being female was the main associated factor (aPR: 1,52; 95% CI: 1,15-2,01). Conclusions: There is a high perception of abuse experienced by medicine interns, being psychological abuse the most frequent condition. There are some differences in the perception of psychological and physical abuse, according to the medical school the interns come from, as well as with respect to the healthcare facility where internship is performed. A high frequency of sexual harassment was reported by female interns after three months of having started their training period.