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J Indian Med Assoc ; 2023 Mar; 121(3): 30-34
Artículo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-216702


Background : Assessment of Sexual Maturity Rating and Testicular Volume are indispensable in the routine assessment of puberty in boys. There is paucity of data in Indian population for Testicular Volume particularly in early adolescence. Aims : The aims of the study were to collect data for testicular volume,correlate testicular volume with Sexual Maturity Rating (SMR) and the clinical onset of puberty; and to identify Testicular abnormalities in boys aged 5 to 17 years in an Urban setting in Gujarat, India. Materials and Methods : A prospective observational study was undertaken in boys aged5 to 17years of age from Gujarat from April, 2019 to August, 2019. Mean Testicular Volume was measured with a Prader抯 orchidometer. Parameters like Age, Weight and Height were also measured and Body Mass Index (BMI) was calculated. Pubertal stage was categorized using Tanner staging. Data was statistically analyzed using Microsoft Excel and SPSS software. Results : 977 boys were included in the study. Mean age at SMR stage 2 was 11.22 years. SMR stage 2 was earliest seen at 6 years and latest at 15 years of age. 15% of boys in pre-adolescence, 60% in early adolescence and 94% in middle adolescence showed changes of Puberty. Precocious puberty was detected in 33 boys (3.38%). Delayed Puberty was detected in 4 boys (0.4%) and Undescended Testes in 4 boys (0.4%). Testicular Volume showed positive correlation with Weight, Height and BMI.

Acta biol. colomb ; 26(1): 54-61, ene.-abr. 2021. tab, graf
Artículo en Español | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1152668


RESUMEN Se estudió la biología reproductiva del Bocachico, Prochilodus magdalenae, en el río San Jorge, Colombia. La especie es un pez con proporción sexual hembra: macho de 1,2:1, diferente a lo esperado. Presenta desarrollo ovocitario sincrónico en dos grupos, un desove anual que se extiende de abril a septiembre asociado al ciclo hidrológico del río San Jorge, talla media de madurez sexual estimada en 30,2 cm LT, ovocitos grandes de 950 μm y fecundidad promedio de 109 972 ovocitos, cuya ecuación fue F =7271,6 WO0,60, r =0,93, n =14.

ABSTRACT The reproductive biology of the Bocachico, Prochilodus magdalenae, in the San Jorge River, Colombia, was studied. The species is a fish with sexual proportion female: male of 1.2:1, different than expected. It presents synchronous ovocitary development in two groups, an annual spawning that extends from April to September associated to the hydrological cycle of the San Jorge River, length at first maturity estimated in 30.2 cm TL, large oocytes of 950 μm, and average fecundity of 109 972 oocytes, whose equation was F = 7271,6 OW0,60, r = 0,93, n = 14.

Neotrop. ichthyol ; 19(4): e210105, 2021. tab, graf, mapas
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1351164


Reproductive tactics and strategies contribute to the persistence and maintenance of long-term populations in fish species. Members of the subfamily Goodeinae are a group of small-bodied freshwater fish with specialized reproduction (viviparity-matrotrophy). They are found in the highlands of central Mexico, most of them endemic. The aim of this study was to conduct a comprehensive investigation to evaluate the annual reproductive cycle of seven species of goodeines (splitfins). We carried out our study in the subtropical Lake Zacapu, Mexico, with bi-monthly sampling from May 2019 to March 2020. We obtain the fertility, size at first maturity (L50), sex ratio, and gonadosomatic index. Our result shows that populations of goodeines have high fertility compared to other populations of the same species in other aquatic systems and also to other species of goodein. We found that males mature at smaller sizes than females, the observed proportion of females was greater than males in all the goodeines. Lake Zacapu goodeines have two reproductive peaks, one in spring (April to June) and another in fall (September to November). These tactics (fertility rates, sex ratio, reproductive period) and strategies (viviparity-matrotrophy) favor reproductive success in this environmentally stable subtropical lake in the highlands of Mexico.(AU)

Las tácticas y estrategias reproductivas contribuyen a la persistencia y el mantenimiento de las poblaciones a largo plazo en especies de peces. Miembros de la subfamilia Goodeinae son un grupo de peces de agua dulce con reproducción especializada (viviparidad-matrotrofia). Se encuentran en el centro de México, la mayoría de ellos endémicos. El objetivo de este estudio fue realizar una investigación integral para evaluar el ciclo reproductivo anual de siete especies de goodeines o mexclapiques. Realizamos nuestro estudio en el lago subtropical de Zacapu, México, con muestreo bimestral de mayo de 2019 a marzo de 2020. Nuestros resultados muestran que las poblaciones de goodeines tienen una alta fertilidad en comparación con otras poblaciones de la misma especie en otros sistemas acuáticos y también con otras especies de goodeines. Encontramos que los machos maduran en tamaños más pequeños que las hembras, la proporción observada de hembras fue mayor que los machos en todas las goodeines. Los goodeines del lago Zacapu tienen dos picos reproductivos, uno en primavera (abril a junio) y otro en otoño (septiembre a noviembre). Estas tácticas (fertilidad, proporción de sexos, período reproductivo) y estrategias (viviparidad-matrotrofia) favorecen el éxito reproductivo en este lago subtropical ambientalmente estable en el altiplano de México.(AU)

Animales , Reproducción , Maduración Sexual/genética , Ciprinodontiformes , Fertilidad , Estaciones del Año , Agua Dulce
Artículo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-204168


Background: Adolescence is an important stage in the growth and development of girls. There has been a change in sectorial trend in the onset of puberty menarche. Thus, this study is designed to study the change in sectorial trend. In this background the study has been framed with these objectives, to correlate the attainment of menarche among the subjects in relation to their mothers and to study the sexual maturity rating among the study subjects.Methods: This is a cross sectional observation study involving 70 female adolescent girls. Data was collected from study subjects admitted in the department of Pediatrics, KIMS Hospital and those visiting KIMS OPD during September 2018 to February 2019. Study Subjects were examined by the female investigator and data on anthropometry, Tanner SMR staging, and other examination findings were collected using a pretested standardized questionnaire, after taking the consent. Subjects were divided based on the age into six groups.Results: The mean age of attainment of menarche is 12.36 years and mean age at menarche in mothers was 14.18 years. In this study the earliest age of attainment of menarche is 10 years. In our study most of the subjects attained menarche between 12-13 years, which is earlier than the age of attainment of menarche in the mothers which was 14-15 years. All the subjects who attained menarche were in SMR Breast stages 3, 4 and 5 and pubic hair stages 2, 3, 4 and 5.Conclusions: There is a positive correlation between the ages of attainment of menarche in the mothers and the subjects in this study it is found that there is a positive correlation between age, weight, height and SMR Stages.

Arq. bras. med. vet. zootec. (Online) ; 71(2): 385-392, mar.-abr. 2019. tab
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1011250


Este estudo teve o objetivo de demonstrar o efeito da idade sobre as características de circunferência escrotal, cor de pelagem e qualidade seminal, desde a puberdade até após a maturidade sexual. Foram utilizados dados de 6607 exames andrológicos de touros da raça Nelore criados a pasto. Os animais eram de diferentes faixas etárias, variando de 12 até 80 meses. O exame andrológico consistiu em exame clínico reprodutivo, perímetro escrotal (PE), avaliação do sêmen e nota para cor do pelame (COR; 1-4). Estabeleceram-se quatro faixas etárias, que foram comparadas pelo teste de Bonferroni. Os parâmetros seminais PE e COR variaram (P<0,05) conforme a faixa etária dos animais: A) 12-18m: COR=1,45±0,64a, PE=31,63±3,51cma, motilidade total (Mot)=67,73±17,99%a, total de defeitos espermáticos (TDE)=16,22±16,95%a; B) 18-24m: COR=1,50±0,57b, PE=32,00±3,47cma, Mot=69,60±29,13%a, TDE=14,49±15,00%b; C) 24-36m: COR=1,51±0,66b, PE=33,56±3,91cmb, Mot=69,46±15,52%a, TDE=12,29±12,92%c; D) 36-48m: COR=1,60±0,57c, PE=36,66±3,50cmc, Mot=71,04±16,19%b, TDE=10,87±12,97%d; E) >48m: COR=1,64±0,72c, PE=38,00±3,22d, Mot=71,54±15,30b, TDE=9,70±16,95d. Concluiu-se que a faixa etária influencia o tamanho testicular, a cor da pelagem e os parâmetros de qualidade seminal. Com o avançar da idade, ocorre escurecimento do pelo, aumento do perímetro escrotal, da motilidade e do vigor, e redução dos defeitos espermáticos de touros Nelores criados a pasto, avaliados a partir de 12 meses de idade.(AU)

This study aimed to demonstrate the effect of age on bull traits such as scrotal circumference, pelage color, and semen quality, from puberty to post sexual maturity. Data from 6607 breeding soundness examinations of pasture raised Nelore bulls were used. The animals presented different age groups ranging from 12 to 80 months. The andrological examination consisted in reproductive clinical evaluation, assessment of scrotal perimeter (PE). In addition, color of pelage (COR; 1-4) was recorded for each animal. Four age groups were established, which were compared by Bonferroni test. Semen parameters, scrotal circumference (PE) and color of the pelage (COR) varied (P< 0.05) according to the age range: A) 12-18m: COR=1.45±0.64 a , PE=31.63±3.51cm a , Total Motility (Mot)=67.73±17.99% a , Total os sperm defects (TDE)=16.22±16.95% a ; B) 18-24m: COR=1.50±0.57 b , PE=32.00±3.47cm a , Mot=69.60±29.13% a , TDE=14.49±15.00% b ; C) 24-36m: COR=1.51±0.66 b , PE=33.56±3.91cm b , Mot=69.46±15.52% a , TDE=12.29±12.92% c ; D) 36-48m: COR=1.60±0.57 c , PE=36.66±3.50cm c , Mot=71.04±16.19% b , TDE=10.87±12.97% d ; E) >48m: COR=1.64±0.72 c , PE=38.00±3.22 d , Mot=71.54±15.30 b , TDE=9.70±16.95 d . It was concluded that age influences testicular size, pelage color, and semen quality parameters. As the age progresses, there is an increase in scrotal perimeter, hair darkening, sperm motility and vigor, and reduction of sperm morphological defects of pasture raised Nelore bulls, assessed as from as 12 months of age.(AU)

Animales , Masculino , Bovinos , Bovinos/crecimiento & desarrollo , Análisis de Semen/veterinaria , Fertilidad , Reproducción , Maduración Sexual
Braz. j. biol ; 79(1): 139-143, Jan.-Mar 2019. tab, graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: biblio-984004


Abstract The southern distribution of the Broad-snouted Caiman (Caiman latirostris Daudin 1802) in Argentina occurs in Santa Fe Province, where its population has been under management by "Proyecto Yacaré" since 1990. From 1997 to 2016, we captured 77 nesting female Broad-snouted Caimans in Santa Fe Province. Our results suggest that previously defined size classes for Broad-snouted Caiman do not adequately describe the reproductively mature female segment of the population. Here we propose to change size ranges for general size classes for Broad-snouted Caiman. In addition, we have observed that reintroduced reproductive females by Proyecto Yacaré represent about 32% of captured females. These results indicate that reintroduced females by the management program are surviving and reproducing in the wild at least up to 20 years.

Resumo Na Argentina, a distribuição mais austral do jacaré-de-papo-amarelo (Caiman latirostris Daudin 1802) ocorre na Provincia de Santa Fe, sendo que suas populações são manejadas pelo "Proyecto Yacaré" desde 1990. Entre os anos de 1997 e 2016, nós capturamos 77 fêmeas nidificantes do jacaré-de-papo-amarelo em Santa Fe. Nossos resultados sugerem que as classes de tamanho definidas para o jacaré-de-papo-amarelo não representam a realidade dos animais capturados no presente estudo. Portanto, propõe-se uma alteração nas classes de tamanho para o jacaré-de-papo-amarelo. Nós também observamos que as fêmeas reintroduzidas pelo "Proyecto Yacaré" representaram 32% das fêmeas capturadas. Estes resultados indicam que fêmeas reintroduzidas pelo programa de manejo estão sobrevivendo e reproduzindo na natureza por, pelo menos, 20 anos.

Animales , Femenino , Tamaño Corporal , Caimanes y Cocodrilos/fisiología , Argentina , Reproducción
Rev. biol. trop ; 66(4): 1629-1648, oct.-dic. 2018. graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: biblio-1003352


Abstract The population and reproductive biology of the commercial sea cucumber Holothuria mexicana (Ludwig, 1875) was studied in Southern Belize (Caribbean Sea), including the sex ratio, size at sexual maturity and reproductive cycle, as well as the size structure among habitats located inside and outside protected areas. Individuals found inside marine protected areas were consistently larger than individuals found outside these boundaries. The male:female sex ratio was 1.1:1.0 with a unimodal size distribution composed mainly of sexually mature individuals (87 %). Size at sexual maturity was established to be ~10 cm based on measures of gamogenetically mature individuals during the peak of the gametogenic maturity period. Juveniles and small adults measuring ≤ 15 cm (13 %), were collected exclusively in sandy and muddy areas of seagrass habitats associated with mangroves. Larger adults were commonly found on hard substrates in both seagrass-associated and coral-reef-associated habitats. Based on histology and gonad indices, the first sign of early gametogenesis was detected in August in both sexes. Gametes developed and matured throughout the colder months between November and February. Decreases in gonad index in both years suggest annual spawning, starting in MarchApril 2014 (single major event) and March-April and July-August 2015 (two smaller events) for both males and females. The spawning periods were correlated with warmer or increasing temperatures, low rainfall and increasing or high chlorophyll-a concentrations. These data will hopefully guide management and protection of the natural populations of H. mexicana, which are already suffering from overfishing in Belize and neighboring countries.(AU)

Resumen La población y la biología reproductiva de pepino de mar comercial Holothuria mexicana (Ludwig, 1875) fue estudiado en el sur de Belice (Mar Caribe), incluyendo la proporción de sexo, talla de madurez sexual y el ciclo reproductivo, así como la estructura de tamaño entre hábitats situados dentro y fuera de áreas marinas protegidas. Los individuos dentro de las áreas marinas protegidas fueron siempre mayores que los individuos encontrados fuera de estos límites. La proporcion de machos a hembras fue de 1.1:1.0, con una distribución de tamaño unimodal compuesta principalmente de individuos sexualmente maduros (87 %). La talla de madurez sexual fue ~10 cm basada en medidas de individuos con gametos maduros durante el período del pico de maduracion de gametos. Los juveniles y adultos pequeños de medidas ≤ 15 cm (13.1 %), fueron recogidos exclusivamente en zonas fangosas y arenosas en pastos marinos asociados con los manglares. Los adultos mayores se encontraban comúnmente sobre substratos duros tanto en pastos marinos asociados como en los arrecifes de coral. Basada en la histología y gónada de índices, el primer signo de la gametogénesis temprana fue detectado en Agosto en ambos sexos. Los gametos en desarrollo y maduros se encontraron durante los meses fríos entre Noviembre y Febrero. Las disminuciones en el índice gonadal en ambos años sugieren desove anual, el cual comenzó en Marzo y Abril de 2014 (único gran evento) y en Marzo-Abril y Julio-Agosto de 2015 (dos pequeños eventos) tanto para ambos sexos durante temperaturas más cálidas, escasas precipitaciones y altas concentraciones de clorofila-a. Con estos datos esperamos orientar la gestión y la protección de las poblaciones naturales de H. mexicana, que ya están sufriendo los efectos de la sobrepesca en Belice y países vecinos.(AU)

Pepinos de Mar , Maduración Sexual , Reserva Marina , Belice , Equinodermos
Rev. biol. trop ; 65(3): 1105-1119, Jul.-Sep. 2017. tab, ilus
Artículo en Español | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-897606


Resumen: Los peces pueden modificar características de sus historias de vida a través de mecanismos evolutivos para asegurar el mantenimiento de sus poblaciones en respuesta a los cambios ambientales y/o la presión de la pesca. Se estudió la biología reproductiva de B. henni en los ríos Nare y Guatapé, sistema Río Magdalena, Colombia, y se presentan sugerencias para la conservación de la especie. Se realizaron diez muestreos de campo entre octubre 2007 y febrero 2012, en períodos de lluvia, sequía, transición de lluvia a sequía y transición de seco a lluvia. Se recolectaron 848 especímenes, 360 hembras, 441 machos y 47 indeterminados. Los machos predominaron en las capturas, con una proporción de sexos de 1.00: 0.82 se desvió significativamente de la distribución teórica 1: 1. La talla media de captura para el total de individuos estudiados fue de 121.5 mm de LE (38.5-304.0 mm), siendo para las hembras de 133.1 (53.5-304.0) mm de LE y para los machos de 116.9 mm de LE (38.5-232.5). Con base en la evolución mensual del índice gonadosomático (IGS) y la proporción de individuos maduros, la temporada de desove se produce durante los períodos de incremento del nivel del agua durante la temporada de lluvias. Los menores valores de IHS que coinciden con los valores máximos del IGS sugieren la transferencia de sustancias hepáticas durante la maduración del ovario. La talla media de madurez sexual (L50) para los individuos de B. henni se alcanzó en las hembras a los 171.5 mm de LE y en los machos a los 132.6 mm de LE. La fecundidad fluctuó entre 655 y 8 213 ovocitos/hembra (media= 2 072; DE= 1 648) y la fecundidad relativa fue de 16.13 ovocitos / g de peso total (DS= 5.9). El diámetro de los oocitos fue de 1.24 mm (SD= 0.23). Se observó un desarrollo similar en los ovocitos, lo que sugiere un desove masivo concentrado en cortos períodos de tiempo. La protección de quebradas y hábitats ribereños es prioritaria, y se deben crear áreas protegidas como las reservas naturales fluviales para garantizar la supervivencia de esta especie. Deben desarrollarse actividades de educación ambiental y descontaminación hídrica. Para las poblaciones naturales de B. henni se recomienda establecer una talla mínima de captura de 270 mm de LE (300 mm de LT), combinada con períodos de veda durante los períodos de reproducción de la especie.

Abstract: Fish can modify features of their life histories through evolutionary mechanisms to ensure the maintenance of their populations in response to environmental changes and/or fishing pressure. The reproductive biology of characid fish B. henni, in the Nare and Guatapé Rivers, Magdalena River Basin, Colombia was studied, and suggestions for conservation are presented. Ten field samplings were carried out between October 2007 and February 2012, in periods of rain, dry, transition from rain to dry and transition from dry to rain. A total of 848 specimens were collected, 360 of which were females, 441 males and 47 indeterminate. Males predominated in the catches, and the sex ratio of 1.00: 0.82 deviated significantly from the theoretical distribution 1:1. The average size captured for the total number of individuals studied was 121.5 mm SL (38.5-304.0 mm), with 133.1 mm SL for females (53.5-304.0), and 116.9 mm SL (38.5-232.5) for males. Based on the monthly variation of the gonadosomatic index (GSI) and the proportion of mature specimens, the spawning season occurs during periods of highest water levels in the rainy season. The lower values of hepatosomatic index HSI that coincide with the maximum values of the GSI, suggest that liver substances are transferred during the maturation of the ovary. The mean size at sexual maturity (L50) of B. henni was 171.5 mm SL in females, and 132.6 mm SL in males. The fecundity varied from 655 to 8 213 oocytes/female (mean= 2 072, SD= 1 648) and relative fecundity was 16.1 oocytes / g of total weight (SD= 5.9). The diameter of the oocytes was 1.24 mm (SD= 0.23). A similar development was observed in all oocytes, suggesting massive spawning activity concentrated in short periods of time. The protection of creeks and riparian habitats is a conservation priority, and protected areas such as fluvial nature reserves should be created to guarantee the survival of this species. Environmental education activities, along with water decontamination should be developed. For natural populations of B. henni is recommended to establish a minimum catch size of 270 mm SL (300 mm TL) combined with closed fishing seasons during periods of reproduction. Rev. Biol. Trop. 65 (3): 1105-1119. Epub 2017 September 01.

Rev. MVZ Córdoba ; 22(1): 5728-5737, Jan.-Apr. 2017. tab, graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: biblio-896920


ABSTRACT Objective. The reproductive biology of Liseta Leporinus muyscorum (Steindachner, 1901) in the Sinu river, Colombia, was studied. Materials and methods. Individuals were collected between March 2006 and February 2007, with lengths and weights ranging 20.5-41.0 (30.0 ± 3.7) cm of total length and 97.6-728.0 (320.9±117.9) g, respectively. The gonads were placed in Gilson solution, the Vazzoler scale was applicated and sexual proportion, sexual maturity index, spawning season, the length at first maturity, ovocites's diameter and fecundity were estimated. Results. 344 individuals were collected, of which 249 were females and 95 were males, with sexual proportion female: male of 2.6:1, different from expected. The length at first maturity was estimated in 28.9, 28.1 y 28.8 cm TL for females, males and combined sexes, respectively, ovocites's diameter was 977 µ and fecundity was estimated in 30793 oocytes. Conclusions. The Liseta is a fish with synchronous oocyte development in two groups, whose spawning season extends from February to September, with large oocytes and high fecundity, strongly associated with ovarian weight.

RESUMEN Objetivo . Se estudió la biología reproductiva de la Liseta Leporinus muyscorum (Steindachner, 1901) en el río Sinú, Colombia. Materiales y métodos. Los individuos fueron colectados entre marzo 2006 y febrero 2007, con tallas y pesos entre 20.5-41.0 (30.0±3.7) cm de longitud total y 97.6-728.0 (320.9±117.9) g, respectivamente. Las gónadas se conservaron en solución Gilson, se utilizó la escala de Vazzoler y se estimaron proporción sexual, índices de madurez sexual, época de desove, talla media de madurez sexual, diámetro de ovocitos y fecundidad. Resultados. Se colectaron 344 individuos, de los cuales 249 fueron hembras y 95 machos, con proporción sexual hembra: macho de 2.6:1, diferente a lo esperado. La talla media de madurez fue estimada en 28.9, 28.1 y 28.8 cm LT para hembras, machos y sexos combinados, respectivamente, el diámetro de los ovocitos fue 977 µ y la fecundidad promedio fue estimada en 30793 ovocitos. Conclusiones. La Liseta es un pez con desarrollo ovocitario sincrónico en dos grupos, cuya época o período de reproducción se extiende de febrero a septiembre, con ovocitos grandes y alta fecundidad, fuertemente asociada al peso de los ovarios.

Rev. biol. trop ; 65(1): 239-253, Jan.-Mar. 2017. tab, ilus
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: biblio-897538


ResumenPseudocurimata lineopunctata representa un importante aporte nutricional para las comunidades locales en Colombia y Ecuador. A pesar que su captura anual es baja (590 kg/año), no hay restricciones sobre el tamaño mínimo, y esta especie está catalogada como vulnerable en riesgo de extinción moderada por la Corporación Autónoma Regional del Valle del Cauca (Colombia). Para apoyar los programas de conservación, se requiere de datos biológicos de las especie. Por lo tanto, los objetivos de este estudio fueron describir la proporción de sexos, la distribución, el tamaño en relación al peso, las fases macroscópicas de la madurez reproductiva, fecundidad y talla de primera madurez sexual para P. lineopunctata. Las muestras de peces fueron capturados con redes por nueve meses (Febrero-Octubre) en 2007. La longitud total (Lt) de los peces capturados varió entre 10.7 y 16.5 cm, con peso total (Pt) entre 25.0 y 67.5 g. Las hembras representaron el 52.6 % del grupo de muestra mientras que los machos el 47.4 %, y se observaron diferencias en la proporción de sexos en relación con el tamaño del pez. Durante todos los meses muestreados se capturaron ejemplares en estado de madurez avanzado. Con base en el análisis de los índices gonadosómatico, (IGS), gonádico (IG) y de condición (K), se postula que habría dos máximos de desove, uno de junio-julio y otro en septiembre-octubre. La talla de primera madurez sexual para las hembras fue determinada en 9.2 cm y para los machos en 10.1 cm de Lt. La fecundidad absoluta fue estimada en 3 598 ovocitos/♀, con una fecundidad relativa de 84 ovocitos/g♀. Se hace necesario realizar investigaciones adicionales que aumenten la información sobre la reproducción de esta especie, con la finalidad de apoyar futuros programas de repoblamiento.

Abstract:Pseudocurimata lineopunctata represents an important nutritional source for local human communities in Colombia and Ecuador. Although the yearly catch of this fish is low (590 kg/year), there are no restrictions on minimum size, and this species is categorized as vulnerable with moderate extinction risk by the Regional Autonomous Corporation of the Cauca Valley (Colombia). To support conservation programs, biological data of the target species are required. Therefore, the aims of this study were to describe the sex ratio, distribution, size to weight ratio, macroscopic stages of reproductive maturity, fecundity, and size at first sexual maturity for P. lineopunctata. For this, fish samples were captured with nets over nine months (February-October) in 2007. The total length (Lt) of the captured fish ranged between 10.7 and 16.5 cm, with total weight (Pt) between 25.0 and 67.5 g. Females represented 52.6 % of the sample group while males represented 47.4 %, and differences in sex ratio were observed in relation to fish size. For all sampled months, the fish captured showed an advanced maturity state. Based on analyses of the gonadosomatic index (IGS), gonadic index (IG), and Fulton's condition factor (K), and two spawning peaks were determined, one in June-July, and the other in September-October. The size at first sexual maturity was 9.2 cm for females and 10.1 cm for males. Absolute fecundity was estimated as 3 598 oocytes/ g♀. It is necessary to carry out additional investigations on the reproduction of this species, to support future repopulation programs. Rev. Biol. Trop. 65 (1): 239-253. Epub 2017 March 01.

Animales , Masculino , Femenino , Conservación de los Recursos Naturales/métodos , Ríos , Characiformes/fisiología , Oocitos/fisiología , Reproducción/fisiología , Maduración Sexual/fisiología , Razón de Masculinidad , Factores de Tiempo , Colombia , Tamaño Corporal , Fertilidad/fisiología , Distribución Animal , Gónadas/fisiología
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS-Express | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1467153


Abstract The southern distribution of the Broad-snouted Caiman (Caiman latirostris Daudin 1802) in Argentina occurs in Santa Fe Province, where its population has been under management by Proyecto Yacaré since 1990. From 1997 to 2016, we captured 77 nesting female Broad-snouted Caimans in Santa Fe Province. Our results suggest that previously defined size classes for Broad-snouted Caiman do not adequately describe the reproductively mature female segment of the population. Here we propose to change size ranges for general size classes for Broad-snouted Caiman. In addition, we have observed that reintroduced reproductive females by Proyecto Yacaré represent about 32% of captured females. These results indicate that reintroduced females by the management program are surviving and reproducing in the wild at least up to 20 years.

Resumo Na Argentina, a distribuição mais austral do jacaré-de-papo-amarelo (Caiman latirostris Daudin 1802) ocorre na Provincia de Santa Fe, sendo que suas populações são manejadas pelo Proyecto Yacaré desde 1990. Entre os anos de 1997 e 2016, nós capturamos 77 fêmeas nidificantes do jacaré-de-papo-amarelo em Santa Fe. Nossos resultados sugerem que as classes de tamanho definidas para o jacaré-de-papo-amarelo não representam a realidade dos animais capturados no presente estudo. Portanto, propõe-se uma alteração nas classes de tamanho para o jacaré-de-papo-amarelo. Nós também observamos que as fêmeas reintroduzidas pelo Proyecto Yacaré representaram 32% das fêmeas capturadas. Estes resultados indicam que fêmeas reintroduzidas pelo programa de manejo estão sobrevivendo e reproduzindo na natureza por, pelo menos, 20 anos.

Rev. biol. trop ; 64(2): 635-653, abr.-jun. 2016. tab, ilus
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: biblio-843303


ResumenColombia posee una alta diversidad de peces de montaña dentro de la región Andina, con alto número de endemismos, por lo que el conocimiento de su biología reproductiva es necesario para su protección y conservación. Se estudió la biología reproductiva de Saccodon dariensis en las quebradas Peñoles y El Cardal, parte media del río Guatapé, cuenca del río Magdalena, Colombia, para determinar si existen diferencias reproductivas entre individuos con diferente polimorfismo bucal (morfo i vs morfo iv, definidos por Roberts, 1974) que permitan definir un posible aislamiento reproductivo espacial o temporal. Se realizaron diez muestreos de campo entre octubre 2007 y febrero 2012, en períodos de lluvia (octubre y noviembre 2007, mayo 2008 y noviembre 2011) seco (enero y marzo 2010, febrero 2012), transición de lluvia a seca (junio 2011) y transición de seca a lluvia (marzo 2008 y septiembre 2011). Se efectuaron capturas de individuos por medio de equipo de electropesca y de atarraya con ojo de malla de 1 cm. Se analizaron 468 especímenes, de los cuales 268 fueron hembras y 200 machos. La talla media de captura para el total de individuos estudiados fue de 109.6 mm de LE (65.5-174.0 mm), siendo para las hembras de 108.0 (67.7-174.0) mm de LE y para los machos de 111.9 mm de LE (65.5-149.4). Las hembras predominaron en las capturas, y la proporción de sexos de 1.0:1.34 se desvió significativamente de la distribución teórica 1:1. Igualmente el morfotipo iv predominó en las capturas y la proporción de morfotipos fue de 1.0:1.48. Con base en la evolución mensual del índice gonadosomático (IGS) y la proporción de individuos maduros, la temporada de desove se produce durante los períodos de transición de temporada seca a lluvia cuando empieza a subir el nivel de las aguas. Los menores valores del factor de condición que coinciden con los valores máximos del iGS indican que esta especie acumula reservas de energía corporal que son utilizadas durante la maduración gonadal y el desove. La talla media de madurez sexual (L50) para los individuos de S dariensis se alcanzó en las hembras a los 88.8 mm de LE y en los machos a los 109.3 mm de LE. La fecundidad fluctuó entre 1 137 y 39 303 ovocitos (media= 8309; DE= 9 021) y la fecundidad relativa osciló entre 144 y 1 131 ovocitos / g de peso total (media= 439 ± 212). El diámetro de los oocitos fue de 0.54 mm (SD= 0.07). No se observó desarrollo diferente en ovocitos, lo que sugiere un desove masivo. La coexistencia de los dos morfotipos, la reproducción externa y la ocurrencia simultánea de los picos reproductivos encontrada en este estudio, no proporcionan apoyo a un posible aislamiento reproductivo espacial o temporal de los morfotipos.

AbstractThe Andean mountain region of Colombia has a high diversity of fish, with high number of endemic species. To promote their protection and conservation, the knowledge of their general and reproductive biology is necessary. With this aim, the reproductive biology of Saccodon dariensis, in the Peñoles and El Cardal creeks, Guatape River mid-basin, Magdalena River Basin, was studied, to determine reproductive differences between individuals with different oral polymorphism (morpho i vs. morpho iv, according to Roberts, 1974), and to define a possible spatial or temporal reproductive isolation. Ten field samplings were carried out between October 2007 and February 2012, in periods of rain (October and November 2007, May 2008 and November 2011), dry (January and March 2010, February 2012), transition from rain to dry (June 2011) and transition from dry to rain (March 2008 and September 2011). Samples were caught using electrofishing equipment and cast nets (10 mm between knots). A total of 468 specimens were analyzed, 268 of which were females and 200 males. The average catch size for the total number of individuals studied was 109.6 mm SL (65.5-174.0 mm), with 108.0 mm SL for females (67.7-174.0) and 111.9 mm SL (65.5-149.4) for males. Females predominated in the catches, and the sex ratio of 1.0:1.34 significantly deviated from the theoretical distribution 1:1. Similarly, morpho iv predominated in the catches, and morphs ratio was 1.00:1.48. Based on the monthly evolution of the gonadosomatic index (GSI) and the proportion of mature specimens, the spawning season occurs during periods of transition from dry to rainy season when water level begins to raise. The lowest values of the condition factor that match the maximum values of GSi, indicates that this species accumulated body energy reserves that are used during the gonadal maturation and spawning. The mean size at sexual maturity (L50) was 88.8 mm SL in females and 109.3 mm SL in males. The fecundity of S. dariensis fluctuated between 1 137 and 39 303 (mean = 8 309, SD = 9 021) and the relative fecundity between 144 and 1 131 oocytes/g of total weight (mean = 439 ± 212). The diameter of the oocytes was 0.54 mm (SD = 0.07). Different development in oocytes was not observed, suggesting massive spawning. The coexistence of the two morphs, external fertilization and simultaneous occurrence of reproductive peaks found in this study did not provide support for a possible spatial or temporal reproductive isolation of morphotypes. Rev. Biol. Trop. 64 (2): 635-653. Epub 2016 June 01.

Animales , Masculino , Femenino , Reproducción/fisiología , Maduración Sexual/fisiología , Characiformes/fisiología , Estaciones del Año , Colombia , Ríos , Characiformes/clasificación
Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-492123


Objective The purpose of this study was to investigate the reproductive characteristics of indoor-housed Meriones meridianus.Methods According to the data of Meriones meridianus from 1996 to 2002 in the Center for Laboratory Animal research of Xinjiang, the sexual maturity period of male and female animals, the gestation period of female animals, the litter size, weaning rate, survival rate, sex ratio per month and different fetal times were statistically analyzed.Results Sexual maturity period of male and female animals was 109.3 ±21.0 days and 106.3 ±21.7 days, and gestation period of female animals was 21.3 ±1.4 days.The litter size, weaning rate of different fetal times showed no significant difference compared between those of the first to seventh litter ( P>0.05) , and the survival rate of fourth and sixth litter were lower than that of the average offspring per litter, but the difference was no significant (P>0.05).The sex ratio of from first to sixth litter indicated no significant difference ( P>0.05 ) , and the average proportion of male and female was 1.4:1.0.During a year, the animals almost stopped to reproduce from September to November, however, the differences of litter size between the other months were statistically not significant ( P >0.05 ) , the weaning rate and survival rate per month suggested a significant difference ( P <0.05 ) between some of the months.Conclusions Compared with the background data of wild Meriones meridianus, the laboratory reproduction of Meriones meridianus show some differences, mainly, the season of breeding is shifted to December, and the number of reproduction increased by one or two litters.Our results provide useful reference for laboratory animalization of Meriones meridianus.

Neotrop. ichthyol ; 14(4): e150152, 2016. tab, graf, mapas
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-829288


Relationship between length and weight (LWR) is used to describe aspects concerning the life cycle of fish, but does not considers possible changes during the lifetime mainly due to the sexual maturation. Thus, this study aims to identify the size at first maturity of Auchenipterichthys longimanus (Siluriformes: Auchenipteridae) and infer if the reproductive engagement could change growth pattern, concerning the LWR. Estimates of the size at first maturity (L 50 ) were made by visual identification of gonadal development and through the gonadosomatic index (G SI ). L 50 was estimated as 12.5 cm for males and 13.0 cm for females when applied visual identification of gonads development. L 50 estimates increased to 13.05 cm for males and 13.7 cm for females when estimated from G SI values. LWR was adjusted by using a regular power function and through the polyphasic growth model, with proportionality and allometric coefficients changing in a two phases. The results indicate differences in the growth pattern concerning males and females, as well as polyphasic growth. The change in the growth pattern of the polyphasic LWR was estimated at 11.42 cm for males and 12.53 cm for females, suggesting that changes in the growth pattern can sign-out the attainment maturity in this catfish.(AU)

O estudo da relação entre peso e comprimento é usado para investigar muitos aspectos do ciclo de vida dos peixes, mas não considera que o padrão de crescimento pode mudar durante o tempo vida, principalmente devido à maturação sexual. Desta forma, este estudo objetivou identificar o tamanho de primeira maturação do bagre Auchenipterichthys longimanus (Siluriformes: Auchenipteridae) e testar se início do engajamento reprodutivo pode ser responsável por mudanças no padrão de crescimento da espécie, concernindo à relação peso/comprimento. Estimativas de tamanho de primeira maturação sexual (L50) foram realizadas por meio da identificação visual dos estágios de maturação e pelos valores do Índice Gonadossomático (IGS). O L50 foi estimado em 12,5 cm para machos e 13,0 cm para fêmeas quando aplicados a identificação visual dos estágios de maturação. A estimativa do L50 aumentou para 13,05 cm para machos e 13,7 cm para fêmeas quando aplicados os valores de IGS. A relação peso/comprimento foi ajustada utilizando uma função potência e pelo modelo de crescimento polifásico, com coeficientes de proporcionalidade e alométrico diferentes para duas fases. Os resultados indicam diferenças no padrão de crescimento de machos e fêmeas, além de um crescimento polifásico para ambos os sexos. A mudança no padrão de crescimento foi estimada em 11,42 cm para machos e 12,53 cm para fêmeas, sugerindo que essas mudanças podem estar associadas ao início da vida reprodutiva desse bagre.(AU)

Animales , Bagres/anatomía & histología , Bagres/crecimiento & desarrollo , Maduración Sexual
Neotrop. ichthyol ; 14(2): e140127, 2016. graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: lil-785078


Poecilia sphenops es una especie nativa registrada recientemente en la cuenca del Balsas y el río Amacuzac en Morelos (México), en el cual es abundante y ampliamente distribuida. En este estudio se analizaron algunos aspectos de la biología reproductiva de Poecilia sphenops de la presa Emiliano Zapata, ubicada en el centro de México. Los especímenes fueron recolectados de Enero a diciembre de 2006, utilizando una red de 20 m de largo con una luz de malla de 5 mm. Se recolectaron un total de 581 especímenes: 407 hembras (70.0%), 83 machos (14.3%) y 91 individuos indiferenciados (15.7%). El tamaño de los peces osciló de 2 a 96 mm de longitud total y de 0.01 a 13.07 g de peso corporal. La proporción sexual de las hembras con respecto a los machos (4.9:1) se desvió significativamente de la unidad (2= 214.2, p 0.05). La variación mensual de los índices gonadosomático, hepatosomático y del desarrollo de los estadios de los ovarios, mostraron que la época de desove de P. sphenops se llevó a cabo entre julio y octubre, durante la época de lluvias. Otro pico de reproducción fue registrado en Febrero. La talla más grande registrada para los machos y para las hembras fue de 96 mm y 83 mm, respectivamente.

Poecilia sphenops is a native species recently recorded in the Balsas basin and the Amacuzac River in Morelos (Mexico), in which it is abundant and widely distributed. This study analyzed some aspects of the reproductive biology of Poecilia sphenops from the Emiliano Zapata Reservoir, in Central Mexico. Specimens were collected using a 20 m-long seine with a 5 mm mesh size, from January to December 2006. A total of 581 specimens were collected: 407 females (70.0%), 83 males (14.3%) and 91 individuals with no differentiated sex (15.7%). Fish ranged from 20 to 96 mm in total length and 0.01 to 13.07 g in body weight. The female to male sex ratio (4.9:1) deviated significantly from the unity (2= 214.2, p 0.05). Monthly variations in gonadosomatic (GSI) and hepatosomatic (HSI) indexes and ovarian development stages showed that P. sphenops spawning season occurred between July and October, concurring with the rainy season. Another reproduction peak was registered in February. The largest length registered for males and females was 96 mm and 83 mm, respectively.

Animales , Masculino , Femenino , Maduración Sexual/fisiología , Peces/anatomía & histología , Peces/clasificación , Fertilidad
Braz. j. biol ; 75(3): 692-702, Aug. 2015. tab, ilus
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: lil-761586


AbstractThe life cycle of the crab Callinectes danae is estuarine-dependent, and studies on aspects of their biology should also cover marine areas. The present study investigated the sexual maturity, as well as habitat preference by adults in different gonadal stages, and the crabs’ reproductive periodicity outside the estuary. Three bays on the subtropical southeastern coast of Brazil were sampled monthly for two years. For each bay, six transects were established, four of them parallel to the beach line (5, 10, 15 and 20 m depth), as well as one transect in an exposed area, and another sheltered from the action of waves. The results showed that the pattern of spatio-temporal distribution of adults C. danae was similar in three bays, although the highest abundance was found in Ubatumirim. Females with developed gonads/ovigerous females were found in greater abundance than females with rudimentary/developing gonads, mainly in deeper transects. Although the areas sampled have different environmental characteristics, the reproductive pattern of the species did not change, showing continuous reproduction throughout, with more abundance of reproductive females on spring and summer. Males reached maturity at larger sizes than females in all three bays.

ResumoO siri Callinectes danae é estuarino dependente em seu ciclo de vida, sendo que os estudos que levantam informações sobre os aspectos da sua biologia devem também abranger regiões marinhas. Assim, o presente estudo teve como objetivo investigar a maturidade sexual, bem como a preferência ocupacional por adultos em diferentes estágios gonadais e sua periodicidade reprodutiva fora da região estuarina. Para tanto, três enseadas da porção subtropical do litoral sudeste brasileiro foram amostradas mensalmente, durante dois anos. Para cada enseada, seis transectos foram estabelecidos, quatro deles paralelos à linha de praia (5, 10, 15 e 20m de profundidade), um transecto exposto e outro abrigado à ação de ondas. Os resultados mostraram que o padrão de distribuição espaço-temporal de adultos de C. danae foi similar nas três enseadas, embora uma maior abundância tenha sido encontrada em Ubatumirim. Fêmeas ovígeras e com gônadas desenvolvidas foram encontradas em maior abundância que fêmeas com gônadas rudimentares e em desenvolvimento, principalmente nos transectos mais profundos. Apesar das regiões amostradas possuírem características ambientais diferenciadas, o padrão reprodutivo da espécie não sofreu alterações, apresentando reprodução contínua, com maior abundância de fêmeas reprodutivas na primavera e verão. Machos atingiram maturidade em tamanhos maiores que as fêmeas nas três enseadas.

Animales , Femenino , Masculino , Braquiuros/fisiología , Brasil , Braquiuros/crecimiento & desarrollo , Reproducción , Estaciones del Año , Maduración Sexual
Acta sci., Biol. sci ; 37(1): 1-8, jan.- mar. 2015. ilus, tab
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: biblio-848016


The Brazilian prawn fishery, as other bottom trawling fisheries, is considered quite efficient in catching the target species but with low selectivity and high rates of bycatch. The family Sciaenidae prevails among fish species caught. The study was conducted in the Pernambuco State (Barra de Sirihaém), northeastern Brazil. From August 2011 to July 2012, 3,278 sciaenid specimens were caught, distributed into 16 species, 34.2% males and 41.5% females. Larimus breviceps, Isopisthus parvipinnis, Paralonchurus brasiliensis and Stellifer microps were the most abundant species. The area was considered a recruitment and reproduction area with the highest reproductive activity between December 2011 and July 2012. The constant frequency of mature I. parvipinnis and S. microps in catches throughout the year suggests that these species are multiple spawners and use the area during their reproductive period. Since most individuals caught as bycatch have not reached sexual maturity, evidencing the need for a better monitoring of the area and the Sciaenidae caught as bycatch, once this incidental caught can cause fluctuations in the recruitment, increasing the proportion of immature individuals in the population and negatively affecting the reproductive success of the species.

As pescarias de arrasto são consideradas bastante eficientes na captura das espécies-alvo, porém apresentam baixa seletividade, capturando grande quantidade de fauna acompanhante. Entre as espécies capturadas, a família Sciaenidae é quase sempre dominante. A área de estudo está localizada no Estado de Pernambuco (Barra de Sirinhaém), região Nordeste do Brasil. Durante o período de agosto/11 a julho/12 foi capturado um total de 3.278 cianídeos, divididos entre 16 espécies, sendo 34,2% machos e 41,5% fêmeas. Larimus breviceps, Isopisthus parvipinnis, Paralonchurus brasiliensis e Stellifer microps foram as espécies mais abundantes. A área estudada foi considerada zona de recrutamento e reprodução, com os maiores índices de atividade reprodutiva entre os meses de dezembro/11 e julho/12. A constante captura de indivíduos maduros de I. parvipinnis e S. microps, durante todo o período de amostragem, sugere que estas espécies possuem desova múltipla e utilizam a área durante seu período reprodutivo. Devido a maioria dos indivíduos capturados como fauna acompanhante não terem alcançado sua maturidade sexual, é necessário melhor monitoramento da área estudada, assim como dos cianídeos capturados, uma vez que essa captura acidental pode causar flutuações nos processos de recrutamento, aumentando a proporção de imaturos, prejudicando, o processo reprodutivo das espécies.

Biología , Reproducción , Peces
Rev. biol. trop ; 62(4): 1343-1352, oct.-dic. 2014. graf, tab
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: lil-753694


The queen conch Strombus gigas represents one of the most important fishery resources of the Caribbean but heavy fishing pressure has led to the depletion of stocks throughout the region, causing the inclusion of this species into CITES Appendix II and IUCN’s Red-List. In Mexico, the queen conch is managed through a minimum fishing size of 200mm shell length and a fishing quota which usually represents 50% of the adult biomass. The objectives of this study were to determine the intrinsic population growth rate of the queen conch population of Xel-Ha, Quintana Roo, Mexico, and to assess the effects of a regulated fishing impact, simulating the extraction of 50% adult biomass on the population density. We used three different minimum size criteria to demonstrate the effects of minimum catch size on the population density and discuss biological implications. Demographic data was obtained through capture-mark-recapture sampling, collecting all animals encountered during three hours, by three divers, at four different sampling sites of the Xel-Ha inlet. The conch population was sampled each month between 2005 and 2006, and bimonthly between 2006 and 2011, tagging a total of 8 292 animals. Shell length and lip thickness were determined for each individual. The average shell length for conch with formed lip in Xel-Ha was 209.39±14.18mm and the median 210mm. Half of the sampled conch with lip ranged between 200mm and 219mm shell length. Assuming that the presence of the lip is an indicator for sexual maturity, it can be concluded that many animals may form their lip at greater shell lengths than 200mm and ought to be considered immature. Estimation of relative adult abundance and densities varied greatly depending on the criteria employed for adult classification. When using a minimum fishing size of 200mm shell length, between 26.2% and up to 54.8% of the population qualified as adults, which represented a simulated fishing impact of almost one third of the population. When conch extraction was simulated using a classification criteria based on lip thickness, it had a much smaller impact on the population density. We concluded that the best management strategy for S. gigas is a minimum fishing size based on a lip thickness, since it has lower impact on the population density, and given that selective fishing pressure based on size may lead to the appearance of small adult individuals with reduced fecundity. Furthermore, based on the reproductive biology and the results of the simulated fishing, we suggest a minimum lip thickness of ≥15mm, which ensures the protection of reproductive stages, reduces the risk of overfishing, leading to non-viable density reduction. Rev. Biol. Trop. 62 (4): 1343-1352. Epub 2014 December 01.

El caracol rosa Strombus gigas representa una de las especies de mayor importancia pesquera en el Caribe, pero la creciente presión pesquera ha llevado al deterioro de las poblaciones en toda la región, llevando a la inclusión de esta especie en el apéndice II de CITES y la lista roja de UICN. En México, el caracol rosa se maneja con una talla mínima de pesca de 200mm longitud de heliconcha y una cuota pesquera que generalmente representa el 50% de la biomasa adulta. Este estudio tuvo como objetivos determinar la tasa intrínseca de crecimiento poblacional del caracol rosa en Xel-Ha, Quintana Roo, México, y evaluar el efecto de un esfuerzo pesquero regulado, simulando la extracción del 50% de la biomasa adulta. Utilizamos tres diferentes criterios de talla mínima para la pesca, para evaluar el efecto de ésta sobre la densidad de la población y discutimos las implicaciones bilógicas asociadas. Los datos demográficos se obtuvieron mediante un muestreo de marcaje-recaptura, recolectando todos los animales presentes, durante tres horas, con tres buzos, en cuatro sitios diferentes de la caleta. En 2005 los muestreos fueron mensuales, y de 2006 a 2011 bimensuales, marcándose un total de 8 292 caracoles. Se obtuvo la longitud de heliconcha y grosor de labio de cada individuo. La talla media de caracoles con labio formado fue de 209.39±14.18mm y la mediana de 210mm. La mitad de los caracoles con un labio formado presentaban tallas de 200mm a 219mm longitud de heliconcha. Suponiendo que la presencia del labio es un indicador de madurez sexual, se puede concluir que muchos animales alcanzan la madurez sexual a tallas mayores de 200mm longitud de heliconcha y deberían ser considerados inmaduros. La estimación de la abundancia relativa y densidad de adultos varía ampliamente según el criterio de clasificación utilizado. Cuando se aplicó una talla mínima de 200mm longitud, el 26.2% a 54.8% de la población calificó como adulta, correspondiendo a un impacto pesquero simulado de casi un tercio de la población. El impacto fue menor simulando la extracción de adultos, utilizando un criterio de clasificación basado en grosor de labio. Se concluyó que la mejor estrategia de manejo para S. gigas es una talla mínima basada en el grosor de labio, ya que esta medida reduce el impacto sobre la densidad poblacional, y por el otro lado disminuye la presión selectiva sobre la talla, lo cual conduce a la aparición de individuos pequeños con fecundidad inferior. Más allá, basado en la biología reproductiva y los resultados de las simulaciones, recomendamos un grosor de labio mínimo de ≥15mm para la pesca, ya que esta medida asegura la protección de las etapas reproductivas y reduce el riesgo de sobrepesca, el cual llevaría a reducciones no viables de la densidad poblacional.

Animales , Femenino , Masculino , Biomasa , Conservación de los Recursos Naturales , Gastrópodos/anatomía & histología , Maduración Sexual/fisiología , Tamaño Corporal , Gastrópodos/clasificación , Gastrópodos/crecimiento & desarrollo , México , Densidad de Población , Dinámica Poblacional , Estaciones del Año
Rev. paul. pediatr ; 32(3): 229-235, 09/2014. tab, graf
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: lil-724087


Objetivo: Identificar a contribuição de variáveis antropométricas para a predição do estádio maturacional em jovens do sexo masculino. Métodos: Estudo transversal, sendo investigados 190 sujeitos do sexo masculino, com idades entre 8 e 18 anos, selecionados aleatoriamente em escolas públicas e privadas de Natal. Foram selecionadas 32 variáveis antropométricas, todas avaliadas de acordo com as recomendações da International Society for the Advancement of Kineanthropometry (ISAK). A avaliação da maturação sexual se baseou na observação de dois especialistas experientes, que identificaram o desenvolvimento da genitália, segundo as recomendações propostas por Tanner (1962). Resultados: As variáveis antropométricas apresentaram um aumento significativo no decorrer do avanço do desenvolvimento puberal (p<0,05). As variáveis de altura troncocefálica, diâmetro biepicôndilo femural, perímetro de antebraço, dobra cutânea de tríceps, alturas ósseas tibial e acrômio-radial apresentaram a melhor relação para predição dos grupos maturacionais, sendo responsáveis por estimar os estádios puberais com índice de 76,3% de chance de acerto. Conclusão: As características antropométricas apresentaram diferenças significativas entre os momentos dos estádios maturacionais, sendo encontradas, de forma representativa, sete variáveis que melhor predizem os estádios de maturação sexual...

Objective: To identify the contribution of anthropometric variables to predict the maturational stage in young males. Methods: Cross-sectional study that enrolled 190 male subjects aged between eight and 18 years, randomly selected from public and private schools in Natal, Northeast Brazil. Thirtytwo anthropometric variables were measured following the recommendations of the International Society for the Advancement of Kineanthropometry (ISAK). The assessment of sexual maturation was based on the observation of two experienced experts, who identified the pubertal development according to Tanner guidelines (1962). Results: The anthropometric variables showed a significant increase of their values during the advancement of pubertal development (p<0.05). The following variables showed the best value for prediction of maturational groups: sitting height, femoral biepicondylar diameter, forearm girth, triceps skinfold, tibiale laterale and acromiale-radiale bonelenghts. These variables were able to estimate the pubertal stages in 76.3% of the sujects. Conclusion: The anthropometric characteristics showed significant differences between the moments of maturational stages, being found, representatively, seven variables that best predict the stages of sexual maturation...

Humanos , Masculino , Niño , Adolescente , Antropometría , Análisis Discriminante , Maduración Sexual
Braz. j. biol ; 74(3,supl.1): S154-S163, 8/2014. graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: lil-732273


This work provides information about the sexual commitment and the folliculogenesis of the gatuzo, Mustelus schmitti. A total of 112 females of all maturity stages were fished in the Bahía Blanca estuary, between 2009 and 2010. The oogonia were present throughout the life cycle of the animals. The folliculogenesis follows a pattern similar to other elasmobranchs. The granulosa layer keeps monolayered throughout the folliculogenesis, but with two cell types in the vitellogenic follicle. The zona pellucida forms in the primordial follicles. The thecal system shows a connective inner layer and a glandular outer sheath. The microscopic beginning of the sexual commitment, indicated by the vitello hoarding, takes place in follicles from 500 micrometres, while the macroscopic evidence appears in follicles of 2500-3000 micrometres. The results presented in this study suggest that the fishery pressure may affect a susceptible range of sizes of the species, not previously considered and provides a biological framework for the development of fisheries policy.

Este trabalho provê informações sobre o compromisso sexual e da foliculogênese do gatuzo, Mustelus schmitti. Um total de 112 fêmeas de todas as fases de maturidade foram pescados no estuário Bahía Blanca, entre 2009 e 2010. O oogônias foi presentes durante todo do ciclo de vida dos animais. A foliculogênese segue um padrão semelhante a outros elasmobrânquios. A capa granulosa mantém-se simples durante toda a foliculogénese, mas com dois tipos de células no folículo vitelogênico. A zona pelúcida forma-se nos folículos primordiais. O sistema mostra uma capa tecal interior de tecido conjuntivo e uma bainha exterior glandular. O início microscópico do compromisso sexual, indicado pela acumulação do vitello, realiza-se em folículos de 500 micrómetros, enquanto que a evidência macroscópica aparece em folículos de 2500-3000 micrómetros. Os resultados apresentados neste estudo sugerem que a pressão da pesca pode afetar um amplo intervalo de tamanho das espécies não considerado anteriormente, e fornece uma base biológica para o desenvolvimento de política comum da pesca.

Animales , Femenino , Peces/fisiología , Oocitos/citología , Folículo Ovárico/citología , Ovario/citología , Reproducción/fisiología , Maduración Sexual/fisiología , Peces/anatomía & histología , Peces/clasificación , Estadios del Ciclo de Vida , Ovario/anatomía & histología , Estaciones del Año