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Interdisciplinaria ; 40(1): 433-450, abr. 2023. tab
Artículo en Español | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1430609


Resumen Las atribuciones de los niños y las niñas hacia los comportamientos de retraimiento social suelen estar determinadas por el entorno sociocultural particular en el que se desarrollan e influyen en la forma en que reaccionan a las conductas de sus pares durante las interacciones sociales. El objetivo de este trabajo fue comparar dichas atribuciones hacia dos subtipos de retraimiento social (timidez y preferencia por la soledad) referidas por niños y niñas de tres contextos diferentes de Mendoza (Argentina): urbano, urbano-marginado y rural. Se llevó a cabo un estudio con 221 niños y niñas abordando jardines de infantes estatales de cada ámbito (urbano: . = 82, Mmeses= 62.33; urbano-marginado: . = 72, Mmeses= 60.47; rural: . = 67, Mmeses= 63.07). Los escolares fueron entrevistados individualmente con una serie de viñetas gráficas con personajes hipotéticos desplegando conductas sociables, tímidas, solitarias y agresivas frente a las cuales respondieron preguntas sobre sus atribuciones y percepciones en distintos aspectos. Las diferentes pruebas no paramétricas realizadas señalaron que el personaje tímido fue percibido con mayor motivación social y menor intencionalidad en su conducta que el personaje solitario en todos los grupos. No se encontraron diferencias entre los contextos en la atribución de consecuencias sociales negativas para estas conductas, aunque el grupo de escolares rurales reportó mayor preferencia afiliativa y compasión por el personaje tímido en comparación con el grupo urbano. Se discuten estos resultados considerando cómo las expectativas de socialización de cada contexto podrían influir en las percepciones de los escolares hacia el retraimiento social.

Abstract Children's attributions towards withdrawn behaviors are usually determined by the particular social milieu in which they develop and tend to influence their behaviors and reactions. The aim of this work was to compare the attributions towards two subtypes of social withdrawal (shyness and unsociability) referred by children from three different contexts in Mendoza, Argentina: urban, urban-marginalized and rural. Participants were 221 kindergarten children from these contexts (urban: n = 82, Mmonths = 62.33; urban-marginalized: n = 72, Mmonths = 60.47; rural: n = 67, Mmonths = 63.07). Children were individually interviewed with a series of graphic vignettes with hypothetical characters displaying shy and unsociable behaviors, and for comparison purposes were also assessed aggressive and socially competent behaviors. After each vignette, children were asked a series of questions designed to assess their attributions toward each behavior in six dimensions: intentionality, social motivation, affiliative preference, social status, negative impact and sympathy. The results of this study showed that young children in the three contexts were able to distinguish social withdrawal from other types of behaviors (i.e., aggressiveness and sociability). Overall, withdrawn behaviors received more positive attributions (greater affiliative preference, better social position and less negative impact) than aggressive behaviors, although they were also perceived negatively in relation to more socially competent behaviors (the latter were attributed greater affiliative preference and best position within the peer group). Furthermore, it was observed that children from the three contexts made clearly distinctions among the different forms of social withdrawal in terms of intentionality and social motivation. Specifically, they reported that compared with unsociable characters, shy ones are more socially motivated and less intentional in their behavior, evocating greater feelings of compassion. However, some peculiarities can be appreciated in each context. The results indicated that children in the urban group reported greater feelings of sympathy for the shy character in relation to the unsociable, which was not evidenced in the other groups. In addition, children from the rural sample showed a greater preference for interact with the hypothetical shy peer than with the unsociable character and this inclination was also greater when compared with the urban sample. Taken together, these results may suggest that different socialization norms and expectations would evoke different meanings and implications to the socially withdrawn manifestations. It might be possible that in urban contexts children's socialization expectations highlight extraversion and self-affirming behaviors which generate more empathetic reactions in front of passive or fearful manifestations as shyness. On the other hand, rural children may prefer peers who display shy behaviors possibly because it is in line with expectations of social cohesion and modesty that are value in this milieu. Nevertheless, no differences were found between shy and unsociable behaviors in any of the contexts in terms of social position and negative impact that they anticipated for the peer group. These results could provide some support for the idea that social withdrawal tends to be globally perceived as benign at an early age, and especially in the rural context, where it is a frequent and valued behavior. Although it is not possible with the limited variables included in this study to know which are the specific contextual aspects that affect some attributions and through what mechanisms they do so, these findings are an important starting point to continue deepening the socialization processes in urban, urban-marginalized and rural young children. This study is also one of the first to evaluate the knowledge and attributions of Argentinean children from different social context toward social withdrawal and provides new evidence on the differences in the cultural meaning and implications of withdrawn behaviors in early childhood.

CoDAS ; 35(1): e20210225, 2023. tab, graf
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1404343


RESUMO Objetivo comparar a autoavaliação ao falar em público, por meio da Escala para Autoavaliação ao Falar em Público, com a percepção comunicacional e timidez autorreferidos, de estudantes universitários. Método tratou-se de um estudo observacional transversal prospectivo. Foram convidados a participar deste estudo, estudantes universitários do Brasil de diferentes áreas de conhecimento, sendo incluídos os que assentiram em participar. Os participantes receberam convite eletrônico e preencheram um formulário elaborado na plataforma Google Forms que continha questões sociodemográficas, sobre autopercepção como bom falante, sobre facilidade para se expressar, sobre timidez, e a Escala para Autoavaliação ao Falar em Público. Foram comparadas as médias da Escala de Autoavaliação ao Falar em Público com a autopercepção como bom falante, com a facilidade para se expressar e com a timidez. Resultados os participantes que se consideravam bons comunicadores, os que acreditavam ter facilidade para se expressar e os que não eram tímidos apresentaram melhor autopercepção sobre as suas habilidades de fala em público. Conclusão a autopercepção comunicacional positiva, bem como a autopercepção de menor timidez estão relacionadas a uma autoavaliação mais favorável em relação a apresentações em público.

ABSTRACT Purpose To compare self-assessment when speaking in public, using the Self-Statements During Public Speaking scale, with the communicational perception and self-reported shyness of university students. Methods This was a prospective cross-sectional observational study. University students from different areas of knowledge in Brazil were invited to participate in this study. Those who agreed to participate were included. Participants received an electronic invitation and filled out a form created on the Google Forms platform that contained sociodemographic questions, on self-perception as a good speaker, on ease of expression, on shyness, and the Self-Statements During Public Speaking scale. The means of the Self-Statements During Public Speaking scale were compared with the self-perception as a good speaker, the ease of expressing oneself, and shyness. Results Participants who considered themselves to be good communicators, those who believed they had an ease to express themselves, and those who were not shy had better self-perception of their public speaking skills. Conclusion positive communicational self-perception, as well as less shyness self-perception, are related to a more favorable self-assessment in relation to public presentations.

Psicol. conoc. Soc ; 10(3): 5-18, 2020. tab, graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1143557


Abstract: This research was aimed to study the relationship between the variables of shyness and psychological well-being as the predictors of problematic internet use (PIU). The study was carried out on a sample of 400 students. The sample included 191 men (47.8%) and 209 women (52.2%) from University of Sargodha. The age range of participants in the sample was 18 to 24 years (M= 21,S.D= 4.24). The three variables of the study including shyness, psychological well-being, and problematic internet use were assessed with the shyness questionnaire, flourishing scale, and internet addiction test scale (IAT), respectively. To determine the psychometric soundness of instruments, descriptive and internal consistency levels of all the study variables were measured. The main statistical analyses included correlation, t-test, and regression analysis. The correlational analysis of overall results revealed the significant positive correlation of shyness and a significant negative correlation of psychological well-being with problematic internet use. The t-test revealed that problematic internet use and psychological well-being were significantly different according to gender. Furthermore, the results of linear regression analysis divulged that shyness positively predicts problematic internet use, while psychological well-being negatively predicts problematic internet use. Also, regression analysis on the gender indicated that being male was a predictor of greater PIU. Implications of the study along with its limitations were discussed and recommendations for further research were highly suggested.

Resumen: Esta investigación tuvo como objetivo estudiar la relación entre las variables de timidez y bienestar psicológico como predictores del uso problemático de Internet. El estudio se realizó en una muestra de 400 estudiantes. La muestra incluyó 191 hombres (47,8%) y 209 mujeres (52,2%) de la Universidad de Sargodha. El rango de edad de los participantes de la muestra fue de 18 a 24 años (M = 21, SD = 4,24). Las tres variables del estudio, incluida la timidez, el bienestar psicológico y el uso problemático de Internet, se evaluaron con el cuestionario de timidez, la escala de florecimiento y la escala de prueba de adicción a Internet (IAT), respectivamente. Para determinar la solidez psicométrica de los instrumentos se midieron los niveles de consistencia descriptiva e interna de todas las variables de estudio. Los principales análisis estadísticos incluyeron correlación, prueba t y análisis de regresión. El análisis correlacional de los resultados generales reveló la correlación positiva significativa de la timidez y una correlación negativa significativa del bienestar psicológico con el uso problemático de Internet. La prueba t reveló que el uso problemático de Internet y el bienestar psicológico eran significativamente diferentes según el género. Además, los resultados del análisis de regresión lineal divulgaron que la timidez predice positivamente el uso problemático de Internet, mientras que el bienestar psicológico predice negativamente el uso problemático de Internet. Además, el análisis de regresión sobre el género indicó que ser hombre era un predictor de mayor uso problemático de internet. Se discutieron las implicaciones del estudio junto con sus limitaciones y se sugirieron encarecidamente recomendaciones para futuras investigaciones.

Resumo: Esta pesquisa teve como objetivo estudar a relação entre as variáveis timidez e bem-estar psicológico como preditores do uso problemático da internet. O estudo foi realizado em uma amostra de400) alunos. A amostra incluiu 191 homens (47,8%) e 209 mulheres (52,2%)da Universidade de Sargodha. A faixa etária dos participantes da amostra foi de 18 a 24 anos (M = 21, S.D = 4,24). As três variáveis do estudo, incluindo timidez, bem-estar psicológico e uso problemático da internet, foram avaliadas com o questionário de timidez, escala de florescimento e escala de teste de vício em internet (IAT), respectivamente. Para determinar a solidez psicométrica dos instrumentos, foram medidos os níveis de consistência descritiva e interna de todas as variáveis ​​do estudo. As principais análises estatísticas incluíram correlação, teste t e análise de regressão. A análise correlacional dos resultados gerais revelou a correlação positiva significativa da timidez e uma correlação negativa significativa do bem-estar psicológico com o uso problemático da internet. O teste t revelou que o uso problemático da Internet e o bem-estar psicológico foram significativamente diferentes de acordo com o gênero. Além disso, os resultados da análise de regressão linear divulgaram que a timidez prediz positivamente o uso problemático da Internet, enquanto o bem-estar psicológico prediz negativamente o uso problemático da Internet. Além disso, a análise de regressão sobre o sexo indicou que ser do sexo masculino foi um preditor de maioruso problemático da internet. As implicações do estudo juntamente com suas limitações foram discutidas e recomendações para pesquisas futuras foram altamente sugeridas.

CoDAS ; 32(5): e20190097, 2020. tab
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: biblio-1133526


RESUMO Objetivo: Determinar a prevalência da timidez em estudantes universitários e analisar dentre os fatores sociodemográficos e da comunicação em público, aqueles que mais se relacionam com sua presença. Método: estudo transversal analítico realizado com 1124 universitários com idade entre 17 e 63 anos. Utilizou-se um questionário com perguntas referentes às características sociodemográficas; frequência de participação em atividades de fala em público, autorrelato do medo de falar, autopercepção dos aspectos não verbais da comunicação oral: tom de voz, velocidade de fala, intensidade de voz, projeção vocal, contato visual com a plateia durante o discurso, uso das mãos nas apresentações em público; autoavaliação da fala em público (Escala para Auto Avaliação ao Falar em Público) e autopercepção da timidez (Escala Revisada de Timidez). A análise dos fatores associados à timidez com as demais variáveis foi realizada por meio do teste Qui-quadrado de Pearson e regressão logística uni e multivariada. O nível de significância adotado foi de 5%. Resultados: a maioria da população universitária autorreferiu traços de timidez e medo de falar em público. Houve associação da timidez com a idade de 17 a 30 anos, medo de falar em público, pouca participação em atividades de fala em público, autopercepção negativa da fala e com aspectos não verbais da comunicação. Conclusão: A timidez é prevalente em estudantes universitários jovens, que participam de poucas atividades de fala em público, que apresentam medo de falar em público, autorrelatam falar em intensidade baixa e apresentam inabilidade de usar as mãos com naturalidade durante apresentações em público.

ABSTRACT Purpose: To determine the prevalence of shyness in university students and to analyze among the sociodemographic and public communication factors, those that are most related to their presence. Method: A cross-sectional analytical study was carried out with 1124 university students aged between 17 and 63 years old. It was used a questionnaire with questions related to sociodemographic characteristics; frequency of participation in public speaking activities; self-report of fear of speaking; self-perception of non-verbal aspects of oral communication: tone of voice, speed of speech, voice intensity, vocal projection, eye contact with the audience during the speech, use hands in public presentations; self-assessment of public speaking (Scale for Self-Assessment in Public Speaking) and self-perception of shyness (Revised Shyness Scale). The analysis of factors associated with shyness and with the other variables was performed by Pearson's chi-square test and univariate and multivariate logistic regression. The level of significance adopted was 5%. Results: The majority of the university population self-reported traces of shyness and fear of speaking in public. There was an association of shyness with the age of 17 to 30 years, fear of speaking in public, little participation in public speaking activities, negative self-perception of speech and with non-verbal communication aspects. Conclusion: Shyness is prevalent in young university students, who participate in few public speaking activities, who are afraid to speak in public, self-report speaking at low intensity and who are unable to use their hands naturally during public presentations.

Humanos , Adolescente , Adulto , Adulto Joven , Habla , Voz , Autoimagen , Timidez , Estudios Transversales , Persona de Mediana Edad
Audiol., Commun. res ; 25: e2304, 2020. tab, graf
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: biblio-1131776


RESUMO Objetivo investigar a influência da timidez autorreferida na desvantagem vocal percebida, de acordo com a presença ou ausência de queixa vocal, em profissionais da voz. Métodos duzentos e oito profissionais da voz (média de 36 anos, desvio padrão: 11,5), entre cantores, atores, advogados, locutores, telejornalistas, palestrantes, professores e vendedores, com ou sem queixa vocal, responderam a um questionário on-line que continha uma ficha de identificação pessoal, o Índice de Desvantagem Vocal - IDV-10 e a Escala de Timidez Cheek & Buss. Resultados dos 208 profissionais da voz, 28% apresentaram desvantagem vocal, sendo que cerca de 60% destes eram tímidos; mais de 70% não apresentaram desvantagem vocal e destes, apenas 26% eram tímidos. Sendo assim, profissionais da voz tímidos falharam mais no IDV-10 do que os não tímidos. Entre os profissionais da voz que apresentaram desvantagem vocal, 66% tinham queixa vocal, enquanto 34% não apresentaram queixa. Dos sujeitos com desvantagem e queixa vocal, 54% eram tímidos e 46% não tímidos, sem diferença estatística entre estes dois grupos. Já entre os sujeitos com desvantagem, porém sem queixa vocal, 70% eram tímidos, e 30% não tímidos, havendo diferença entre eles. Conclusão a timidez pode ser um fator de confundimento para percepção de desvantagem vocal, o que indica que profissionais da voz podem falhar em um teste de autoavaliação vocal em decorrência da timidez e não de um distúrbio de voz, propriamente dito.

ABSTRACT Purpose to investigate the influence of self-reported shyness on the noticed vocal handicap, according to the presence or absence of a vocal complaint, in professional voice users. Methods two hundred and eight professional voice users (mean age 36 years), among them: singers, actors, lawyers, announcers, newscasters, speakers, teachers and salespeople, with or without vocal complaint, answered an online questionnaire, which had a personal identification card, the Vocal Handicap Index - VHI-10, and the Shyness Scale. Results of the 208 voice professionals, 28% presented vocal handicap, which about 60% of that are shy; more than 70% had no vocal handicap, and of these, only 26% were shy. From that, it is concluded that shy professional voice users failed more in VHI-10 than non-shy. Among professional voice users who presented vocal handicap, 66% had vocal complaints, while 34% did not complain. Of the participants with vocal handicaps and complaints, 54% were shy and 46% were not shy, with no statistical difference between these two groups. Among those with a vocal handicap, however without vocal complaints, 70% were shy and 30% were not shy, having a statistical difference between them. Conclusion shyness may be a confounding factor for the perception of vocal handicap, which shows that professional voice users may fail in a self-reported voice assessment test because of shyness rather than a voice disorder itself.

Humanos , Adulto , Percepción del Habla , Calidad de la Voz , Timidez , Disfonía/diagnóstico , Disfonía/psicología , Autoimagen , Estudios Transversales , Encuestas y Cuestionarios , Enfermedades Profesionales
CoDAS ; 31(3): e20180149, 2019. tab, graf
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: biblio-1011933


RESUMO Objetivo Verificar a relação entre a timidez autorreferida e a desvantagem vocal percebida em professores da Educação Infantil e Fundamental I e II. Método 200 professores (média de 41,8 anos), sem queixa vocal atual, preencheram 3 protocolos: uma ficha de identificação pessoal e caracterização do trabalho, composta por 11 questões, elaborada pelo Programa de Saúde Vocal do SinproSP; o Índice de Desvantagem Vocal, instrumento de autoavaliação que investiga a autopercepção do impacto de um problema vocal; e a Escala de Timidez, com 14 itens sobre sentimentos e comportamentos comunicativos relacionados ao cotidiano organizacional. Resultados Do total da amostra, 142 (71%) professores não apresentaram desvantagem vocal, sendo 42% (n=59) professores tímidos e 58% (n=83) não tímidos. Para os 58 (29%) professores que apresentaram desvantagem vocal, houve um maior número de tímidos (64%) do que não tímidos (26%). Entre o total de professores tímidos, houve uma proporção maior destes entre os professores que atuam exclusivamente na Educação Infantil, com faixa etária entre 20-30 anos, formados em até 10 anos e com queixa da presença de ruído na sala de aula. A presença de afecções de vias aéreas superiores foi o único aspecto que diferenciou tímidos com e sem desvantagem vocal, sendo mais frequente nos professores tímidos sem desvantagem vocal. Conclusão Professores tímidos percebem mais desvantagem vocal quando comparados aos não tímidos. Os docentes com faixa etária entre 20 e 30 anos, com até 10 anos de formados e que lecionam para Educação Infantil relatam timidez, porém sem associação com a desvantagem vocal.

ABSTRACT Purpose To verify the relation between the self-reported shyness and perceived vocal handicap in teachers from Early childhood and Primary education (elementary and middle school). Methods 200 teachers (mean age 41.8 years old) without vocal complaint answered to personal identification protocol, work characterization information, the Vocal Handcap Index and the Shyness Scale. Results From the total sample, 142 (71%) teachers had no vocal disadvantage, 42% (n = 59) were shy and 58% (n = 83) were non-shy. Among the 58 (29%) teachers with vocal disadvantage, most of them were shy (64%) instead of non-shy (26%). Considering the shy teachers, most of them worked in Early Childhood Education, were aged between 20-30 years old, had from 1 to 10 years of teaching experience and were working in a noisy classroom. The presence of upper airway affections was more frequent in shy teachers without vocal disadvantage and this was the only aspect that differentiated shy and non-shy teachers. Conclusion Shy teachers showed higher frequency of vocal disadvantage when compared to non-shy teachers. Teachers between 20 and 30 years old, with up to 10 years of teaching experience and who teach in Early Childhood Education reported shyness, but there was no relation with vocal disadvantage.

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Adulto , Adulto Joven , Fonación , Calidad de la Voz , Timidez , Trastornos de la Voz/psicología , Autoimagen , Percepción del Habla , Brasil , Trastornos de la Voz/diagnóstico , Estudios Transversales , Encuestas y Cuestionarios , Maestros , Persona de Mediana Edad , Enfermedades Profesionales/diagnóstico , Enfermedades Profesionales/psicología
Artículo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-195381


Background: Our personal life is highly dependent on the technology that has been developed. It haschanged the way one lives, communicates and interacts with other people. As people’s demands and lifestyle have changed, the demand for advancing of the technology has also increased. One type oftechnological advancement which has become an integral part of everyday life are mobile phones. Thepresent study intends to examine the relationship between Facebook addiction, depression and shynessamong college students in Mumbai.Methods: This study was conducted in various areas of Mumbai, focusing on Facebook users among collegestudents The participants were given a form for demographic details, a consent form, and a copy of theBergen Facebook Addiction Scale (BFAS) Becks Depression Inventory II (BDI II) and Revised Cheek andBuss Shyness Scale (RCBSS) Codes were assigned to each participant to maintain their anonymity. The datacollection was done in person.Results: Facebook addiction showed significant positive correlation with shyness with the r value was 0.199which was significant at 0.01 level, i.e. (r= 0.199 ,p<.05) Also Facebook addiction showed positivecorrelation with depression with the r value was 0.334 which was significant at 0.01 level, i.e.(r=0.334,p<.01).Conclusion: A significant positive correlation has been found between Facebook addiction and shyness andFacebook addiction and depression among the sample of study

Rev. chil. pediatr ; 88(2): 223-229, abr. 2017. ilus, tab
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: biblio-844603


Determinar los factores sociofamiliares asociados a la calidad del ambiente en niños de los colegios de Piura, Perú. SUJETOS Y MÉTODOS: Estudio analítico transversal en una muestra por conveniencia de niños entre 3 y 6 años de los colegios de la ciudad de Piura. Se midió la calidad de vida mediante el test HOME, ajustado a los datos del test de Machover y Koppitz; se asociaron otras variables sociofamiliares. Se obtuvieron los valores p mediante modelos lineales generalizados, ajustados por la sede de cada encuestado. RESULTADOS: De los 431 encuestados, el 64% (275) fueron hombres, con una mediana de edad de 4 años. La mala calidad de vida en los niños fue de 50%. Los rasgos de violencia (p < 0,001) y agresividad (p < 0,001) estuvieron asociados con una mayor frecuencia a mala calidad de vida, ajustado por la timidez, dependencia e inmadurez. La percepción que sus papás le quieren (p = 0,005), el vivir con ambos padres (p < 0,001), el que se juegue con alguien en casa (p = 0,036), que la persona con quien más juegue sea la madre (p = 0,003) o ambos padres (p = 0,004) estuvieron asociados a la calidad de vida en los niños encuestados. CONCLUSIONES: Se encontró un gran porcentaje de niños con mala calidad de vida. Los factores sociofamiliares protectores de la calidad de vida son la convivencia con ambos padres, la demostración de que ambos padres se quieren y el juego con ambos.

To determine the socio-familial factors associated with quality of life within the family in children of schools in Piura, Peru. SUBJECTS AND METHOD: A cross-sectional study in a convenience sample of children between 3 to 6 years in schools in the city of Piura, Perú. The quality of life was measured by the HOME test, with data adjusted to the Machover and Koppitz test, and were also associated with other social and family variables. P values were obtained by generalised linear models, adjusting for the residence of each subject. RESULTS: Of the 431 respondents, 64% (275) were male. The median age was 4 years old. A poor quality of life was observed in 50% of children. Traits of violence (p < .001) and aggression (p < .001) were associated to higher frequencies of poor quality of life, adjusted for shyness, dependence, and immaturity. The perception of parent's love (p = .005), living with both parents (p < .001), playing with someone at home (p = .036), the person with whom plays most is the mother (p = .003) or both parents (p = .004) were associated with the quality of life in the survey. CONCLUSIONS: A large percentage of children who had a poor quality of life was found. The social and family protective factors were to live with both parents, and the demonstration of affection between both parents and play with both.

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Preescolar , Niño , Relaciones Padres-Hijo , Calidad de Vida , Instituciones Académicas , Padres/psicología , Perú , Timidez , Modelos Lineales , Estudios Transversales , Encuestas y Cuestionarios
Cuestiones infanc ; 18: 85-96, 2016.
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: biblio-868841


Paula, la terapeuta, nos presenta un niño, llamado Lucas, cuyo tratamiento comenzó a sus dos años y medio porque no tenía lenguaje. No se trataba de una historia a develar sino de una historia a construir. Es así como la intervención de la analista fue posibilitando otros sentidos al devenir mortífero, construyendo y posibilitando que Lucas empezara a hablar, asistir con regularidad al jardín y a disminuir sus enfermedades.Luego de cuatro años de tratamiento comienzan las resistencias, Lucas no quiere venir solo a sus sesiones. El niño ahora hablaba, se enojaba, exigía, no se conformaba. Ya tenía voz, su retracción había quedado atrás. Se hizo indispensable la inclusión de entrevistas familiares.Fue en esos momentos que la terapeuta comienza a pensar en un posible fin de análisis o quizás que se había cumplido una etapa en este tratamiento. En la última entrevista familiar que nos presenta la terapeuta está la clave de por qué es el momento de dejar ir al niño. Ha sido un niño retenido en su desarrollo, quizás no permitírselo hubiese sido repetir aquello retentivo familiar. ¿Será que el fin del análisis con el niño abrió un nuevo espacio para los padres?.

Paula, the therapist, presents us a boy called Lucas, whose treatment beganwhen he was two and a half years old since he lacked language skills. Thisstory was not meant to be revealed but to be unfolded. Therefore, the therapist’sintervention began to allow other senses to the deadly evolution by movingforward and making it possible for Lucas to start talking, attending kindergartenon a regular basis and reducing the amount of illnesses he might have.Lucas starts to resist after undergoing treatment for four years; he refusesto attend sessions alone. By this time he talked, annoyed himself, made demands and was dissatisfied. He already had a voice and his shyness hadbeen left behind. The inclusion of family interviews became essential.By this time the therapist started to consider the possibility of putting an endto the analysis or that a stage in the treatment had already been reached.The therapist presents us the last family interview, which includes the keythat indicates the reason why the child should be released. He has beenrestrained in his development. Were he not released, his family’s withholdingwould be repeated. Is it possible that the end of the child’s analysis led to anew space for his parents?.

Paula, la thérapeute, nous présente un enfant, Lucas. Son traitement acommencé quand il avait deux ans et demi parce qu’il n’avait pas de langage.Ce ne fut pas une histoire à dévêler, mais une histoire à construire.Ainsi, l’intervention de l’analyste a permis de développer d’autres sensdifférents au devenir mortel, permettant de construire et possibiliter Lucasde commencer à parler, à assister régulièrement au jardin d’enfants, et àdiminuer ses maladies.Après quatre ans de traitement, les résistances commencent. Lucas ne veutpas rester seul dans ses sessions. Maintenant, l’enfant parle, se met en colère,exige, n’est pas satisfait.Il a une voix. Sa rétraction a été laissée en arrière. L’inclusion des entretiensfamiliales est devenu indispensable.C’est à ce moment-là que la thérapeute commence à penser à la finalisationde l’analyse, ou à la possibilité d’avoir accompli une étape dans ce traitement.Dans le dernier entretien familial présenté par la thérapeute, on peut trouverla clé depourquoi il est temps de laisser partir l’enfant. Il est un enfant qui aété retenu dans son développement. Peut-être ne pas lui permettre de partir,ce serait une répétition d’aspects retenus de la famille. Est-ce que la fin del’analyse avec l’enfant ouvre un nouvel espace pour les parents?.

Humanos , Niño , Diagnóstico Precoz , Trastornos del Desarrollo del Lenguaje , Relaciones Madre-Hijo , Psicoanálisis
Agora (Rio J.) ; 17(spe): 127-140, ago. 2014.
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: lil-728923


Pretende-se discutir os impasses experimentados pelo sujeito caracterizado como tímido na sua relação com o olhar. Formulou-se a hipótese de que a vergonha - emoção central do tipo de subjetividade de que iremos tratar - é neste contexto vivida como embaraço, humilhação ou transparência psíquica. Sugerimos que a incidência do olhar exporá certas fragilidades narcísicas quanto à construção de barreiras que protejam o campo da interioridade. Apresentaremos ao longo do texto os principais aspectos do embaraço, da humilhação e da transparência psíquica, utilizando vinhetas clínicas retiradas de uma pesquisa clínica.

Embarrassment, humiliation and transparency: The shy subject and his/her dependence on the gaze. The main goal of this article is to examine shy individuals and their troublesome experiences concerning gaze. A clinic psychoanalytical research on social anxiety disordered patients (social phobia) revealed that shame in this context is also endured as embarrassment, humiliation and psychic transparency. This work suggests that they carry a frail narcissistic development and therefore are unable to protect their psychological inner selves. Features of embarrassment, humiliation and psychic transparency can be found through various clinical examples. Additionally, the recent analysis on shame implies a new individual scope in contemporary society.

Humanos , Adulto , Narcisismo , Vergüenza , Timidez , Percepción Visual
Psychol. av. discip ; 7(2): 13-24, jul.-dic. 2013. ilus, tab
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: lil-704586


Resumen El artículo describe un análisis psicométrico de la Escala de Timidez Revisada de Check, y Buss, integrada por 11 ítems de tipo likert con cinco alternativas. La escala se administró a 385 estudiantes, hombres y mujeres, de 16 a 25 años de edad de universidades privadas y nacionales de Lima. El análisis de correlación ítem-test encontró asociaciones altamente significativas (p<.001) para cada uno de los reactivos, indicando que los reactivos evalúan indicadores de un mismo constructo. La Escala de Timidez presenta elevada consistencia interna (a de Cronbach=.842). La validez de constructo se estableció mediante Análisis Factorial, en donde mediante el análisis de componentes principales y la rotación ortogonal (Varimax) extrajeron dos factores identificados como: 1. Inadecuación de relaciones interpersonales y 2. Evitación de contacto social.

Abstract The article describes the psychometric analysis of the Revised Shyness Scale of Check and Buss, composed of 11 Likert items with five alternatives. The scale was administered to 385 students, men and women, 16-25 years of age and national private universities in Lima. Correlation analysis-test item associations found highly significant (p<0.001) for each of the reagents, the reagents evaluated indicating that a single construct indicators. Shyness Scale has high internal consistency (Cronbach's a = .842). The validity of construct was established by means of Analysis Factorial, where the analysis of principal components and the orthogonal rotation (Varimax) they extracted two factors identified like: Inadequacy of interpersonal relations and Avoidance of social contact.

Psicometría , Timidez , Análisis Factorial , Adolescente , Relaciones Interpersonales , Asociación , Estudiantes , Universidades
Psychol. neurosci. (Impr.) ; 6(1): 57-65, Jan.-June 2013. ilus, tab
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: lil-687852


Recent behavioral and electrocortical studies have found that shy and socially anxious adults are hypersensitive to the processing of negative and ambiguous facial emotions. We attempted to extend these findings by examining the neural correlates of affective face processing in shy adults using an event-related fMRI design. We presented pairs of faces that varied in affective valence and intensity. The faces were morphed to alter the degree of intensity of the emotional expressive faces. Twenty-four (12 shy and 12 non-shy) young adult participants then made same/different judgments to these faces while in an MR scanner. We found that shy adults exhibited greater neural activation across a distinct range of brain regions to pairs of faces expressing negative emotions, moderate levels of emotional intensity, and emotional faces that were incongruent with one another. In contrast, non-shy individuals exhibited greater neural activation across a distinct range of brain regions to pairs of faces expressing positive emotions, low levels of emotional intensity, and emotional faces that were congruent with one another. Findings suggest that there are differences in neural responses between shy and non-shy adults when viewing affective faces that vary in valence, intensity, and discrepancy.

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Adulto Joven , Expresión Facial , Imagen por Resonancia Magnética , Timidez
Braz. J. Psychiatry (São Paulo, 1999, Impr.) ; Braz. J. Psychiatry (São Paulo, 1999, Impr.);30(supl. 2): S88-S95, out. 2008. ilus, tab
Artículo en Inglés, Portugués | LILACS | ID: lil-497207


OBJETIVO: Entre os diversos tipos de tratamentos aos quais as terapias cognitiva e comportamental têm sido aplicadas com sucesso encontra-se o uso em problemas de adicção. Este artigo, em parte, revê modelos de adicção como os de prevenção de recaídas de Marlatt e Gordon, o de Prochaska, DiClemente e Norcross sobre os estágios de mudança, com a derivação da entrevista motivacional, desenvolvida por Miller e Rollnick, bem como os modelos cognitivos de Beck et al. MÉTODO: Com base em evidências da literatura para o desenvolvimento de programas de tratamento efetivos, é descrito um modelo de tratamento em grupo que foi usado com grupos de alcoolistas encaminhados pela Divisão de Vigilância da Saúde do Trabalhador da Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro para o Centro de Pesquisa e Reabilitação do Alcoolismo. RESULTADOS: Os resultados são apresentados indicando que este tipo de tratamento poderia ser uma alternativa a outros tratamentos em uso. CONCLUSÕES: Novas pesquisas são necessárias para validar melhor a abordagem cognitivo-comportamental para os problemas de abuso de álcool e drogas.

OBJECTIVE: Cognitive-behavioral therapies have been successfully used to treat addiction. This article is in part a review on addiction models such as relapse prevention by Marlatt & Gordon, stages of change by Prochaska, DiClemente & Norcross, deriving from motivational interview, developed by Miller & Rollnick, as well as the cognitive models by Beck et al. METHOD: Based on literature evidence for the development of effective treatment programs, we report on a group treatment model used in a group of alcoholics referred by the Department of Worker's Health Surveillance at Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro to the Alcoholism Rehabilitation and Research Center. RESULTS: Results are presented indicating that this type of treatment could be one alternative to others treatments in use. CONCLUSIONS: New research is needed to better validate cognitive-behavioral approach to alcohol and drug problems.

Humanos , Terapia Cognitivo-Conductual/métodos , Trastornos Relacionados con Sustancias/terapia , Alcoholismo/psicología , Alcoholismo/terapia , Conducta Adictiva/psicología , Manual Diagnóstico y Estadístico de los Trastornos Mentales , Recurrencia/prevención & control , Autocuidado/métodos , Autoeficacia , Trastornos Relacionados con Sustancias/psicología , Resultado del Tratamiento
Braz. J. Psychiatry (São Paulo, 1999, Impr.) ; Braz. J. Psychiatry (São Paulo, 1999, Impr.);30(supl. 2): S96-S101, out. 2008. tab
Artículo en Inglés, Portugués | LILACS | ID: lil-497208


OBJETIVO: Este artigo revisa aspectos relevantes da fobia social e os estágios de tratamento através da terapia cognitivo-comportamental em crianças, adolescentes e adultos. MÉTODO: A partir do banco de dados Medline, realizou-se revisão da literatura publicada a respeito do tratamento da fobia social por meio da terapia cognitivo-comportamental. RESULTADOS: Revisão da literatura sugere que a fobia social é uma condição prevalente e crônica, caracterizada por inibição social e timidez excessiva. Tanto o diagnóstico como o tratamento desse transtorno são comumente determinados pelo nível de incômodo e pelo prejuízo funcional. Estudos populacionais indicam taxas de prevalência ao longo da vida para a fobia social entre 2,5 e 13,3 por cento. As principais técnicas utilizadas na terapia cognitivo-comportamental para a fobia social são descritas e exemplificadas em um relato de caso. CONCLUSÕES: Há consenso geral na literatura de que a terapia cognitivo-comportamental é eficaz tanto para o tratamento de jovens como de adultos com fobia social. Uma vez que a fobia social com freqüência tem início precoce, a identificação de crianças com risco acentuado para o desenvolvimento de fobia social deve ser priorizada em investigações futuras.

OBJECTIVE: This article reviews relevant aspects of social phobia and the stages of treatment within cognitive-behavioral therapy in children and adolescents, as well as in adults. METHOD: A review of the literature published on the treatment of social phobia using cognitive-behavioral treatments was performed using the Medline database. RESULTS: A review of the literature suggests that social phobia is a chronic and prevalent condition, characterized by social inhibition and excessive shyness. Diagnosis and treatment of the disorder are usually determined by distress level and functional impairment. Population studies indicate that lifetime prevalence rates for social phobia range from 2.5 to 13.3 percent. The main techniques used in cognitive-behavioral therapy for social phobia are described and exemplified in a case report. CONCLUSIONS: There is a general consensus in the literature that cognitive-behavioral therapy is efficacious in the treatment of youth and adults with social phobia. Because of the early onset associated with social phobia, the identification of children at high risk for the development of social phobia should be prioritized in future investigations.

Adolescente , Adulto , Niño , Humanos , Masculino , Terapia Cognitivo-Conductual/métodos , Trastornos Fóbicos/terapia , Trastornos de Ansiedad/psicología , Trastornos de Ansiedad/terapia , Asertividad , Trastornos Fóbicos/psicología , Timidez , Resultado del Tratamiento
Psicol. reflex. crit ; 21(3): 430-436, 2008. tab
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: lil-504833


Este artigo descreve os efeitos de uma intervenção em habilidades sociais sobre comportamentos pró-sociais, autoconceito e aceitação pelos pares, em três crianças: P.1, comportamento agressivo e dificuldade de aprendizagem, gênero feminino, 9 anos; P.2, agressividade, gênero masculino, 7 anos; P.3, timidez excessiva, dificuldade de aprendizagem, gênero masculino, 13 anos. O programa foi baseado em técnicas cognitivo-comportamentais e foi feito em grupo, em 20 sessões. A avaliação de resultados, feita a partir do relato das crianças, de seus pais e pares, evidenciou um aumento em comportamentos pró-sociais e mudanças positivas no autoconceito e no julgamento dos pares. Recomenda-se que programas futuros voltados para crianças com dificuldades de aprendizagem estendam o treinamento em habilidades sociais para o contexto escolar.

This article describes the effects of a social skills training on prosocial behavior, self concept, and peers acceptance, in three children: P.1, female, 9 years old, aggressive behavior and difficulty of learning; P.2, male, 7 years old, aggressive behavior; P.3, male, 13 years old, extremely shy, difficulty in learning, The program was cognitive behavioral based and was conducted in group, in 20 sessions. The evaluation of the results done through children, peers and parents' reports showed an increase in prosocial behavior and positive changes in self concept and peers judgment. Future programs to children with learning difficulties should expand the social skills training to the school environment.

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Niño , Relaciones Interpersonales , Conducta Social
Rev. bras. cineantropom. desempenho hum ; 10(4): 360-366, 2008. tab
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: lil-492603


O objetivo deste estudo foi analisar a fobia social e possíveis relações entre a prática de atividades físicas e o autoconceito em adolescentes de 14 a 20 anos. Participaram do estudo 191 alunos das redes de ensino privada e pública. Foram utilizados, nesse estudo, um teste de fobia social, um teste de autoconceito e um questionário de atividade física. Os resultados indicam que alunos do ensino privado são mais tímidos do que os do ensino público. Em relação ao autoconceito, evidenciou-se diferença significativa no fator de segurança nos rapazes e no fator ético-moral nas moças, o que indica que rapazes são mais estáveis, corajosos e seguros, enquanto as moças são mais influenciadas pelas regras ético-morais. Os resultados indicam também que ambos os sexos são pouco ativos. Não se observou relação entre a fobia social e a atividade física, porém encontraram-se relações da fobia social e atividade física com alguns fatores do autoconceito. Conclui-se que o alto nível de fobia social pode interferir negativamente em fatores de receptividade e segurança entre rapazes e moças, contatando-se a necessidade de maiores estudos na área, os quais poderão auxiliar na prevenção e no tratamento da fobia social, que pode se agravar com o decorrer dos anos e prejudicar a inserção social desses jovens.

The objective of this study was to analyze social phobia in teenagers aged 14 to 20 years and its possible relationship with regular practice of physical activity and their self-concept. This study enrolled 191 students from private and public schools and the measurement instruments used were a test of social phobia, a test of self-concept and a physical activity questionnaire. The results indicate that students from private schools are shyer than students from public schools. In relation to self-concept, there were significant differences in security factor for boys and moral factor for girls. This indicates that boys are more stable, brave and secure, while girls are more influenced by moral and ethical rules. These results demonstrate that no relationship was detected between social phobia and physical activity, but it was possible to observe a relationship between social phobia and some of the self-concept factors, and a relationship between physical activity and some of the self-concept factors. It is therefore concluded that the negative influence of high levels of social phobia on the receptivity and security factors of men and women suggests a need for further studies in the area, which could help in the prevention and treatment of social phobia, which could worsen over the years and compromise these young people’s ability to socialize.

Rev. bras. ter. comport. cogn ; 8(1): 25-37, jan.-jun. 2006. tab
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: lil-457240


O presente trabalho descreve o estudo de caso clínico de uma criança com Déficit em Habilidades Sociais (DHS), aplicado por uma terapeuta estagiária em formação, de acordo com o modelo da Terapia Comportamental Infantil (TCI). O manejo terapêutico baseou-se fundamentalmente no relato de contingências, utilizando técnicas direcionadas ao Treinamento em Habilidades Sociais (TSH). Ao final de 20 sessões, progressos comportamentais significativos foram relatados, especialmente em relação ao ajustamento do paciente em seu contexto ambiental. Apesar dos progressos identificados, o cliente manteve o padrão de comportamento governado por regras imprecisas, sendo então recomendada a continuação da terapia

The present work describes a study of clinical case of a child with Deficit in Social Skills (DSS),developed by a therapist under formation, in accordance with the model of Child BehaviorTherapy (CBT). The therapeutical handling relied basically on the report of contingencies, usingtechniques directed towards the Training in Social Skills (TSS). At the end of 20 sessions, somesignificant progress was reported, especially referred to the adjustment of the patient inside hisenvironmental context. Despite the identified progress, the client maintained the standard ofbehavior governed by dysfunctional beliefs, and for this reason, the continuation of the therapywas recommended

Humanos , Masculino , Niño , Psicología Infantil , Terapia Conductista , Timidez , Trastornos Fóbicos/psicología
Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-623154


To study the Internet addiction disorder,262 college students were investigated by IAD Scale,Internet Usage Inventory,IAS Scale and Shyness Scale.The results showed:(1)Significant difference existed in IAD between freshman and Sophomore,between science and arts student.(2)Significant difference existed in the age of Internet use,on-line place,on-line time and the type of playing games.(3)College students'IAD is closely related to interaction anxiousness and shyness.