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Rev. Investig. Innov. Cienc. Salud ; 5(1): 127-143, 2023. tab, ilus
Artículo en Español | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: biblio-1510233


Introducción. La recuperación de la marcha es uno de los principales objetivos en rehabilitación después de un ACV. Basados en los principios de aprendizaje motor, se han desarrollado nuevas estrategias en neurorrehabilitación basadas en la práctica repetitiva, orientada a la tarea y la retroalimentación. Esto último ha demostrado ser una de las variables clave para el entrenamiento, por su fácil obtención y manipulación. Sin embargo, aún no existen estudios concluyentes que permitan identificar el efecto real de esta variable y su influencia en la recuperación y el desempeño funcional de la marcha. Objetivo. Determinar el efecto de la retroalimentación visual sobre la velocidad de la marcha después de un accidente cerebrovascular en adultos con estadios subagudos y crónicos. Metodología. Diseño de caso único de línea de base múltiple, aleatorio no concurrente de cuatro participantes. Se evaluó la velocidad de la marcha determinando las diferencias en el nivel, la tendencia, la estabilidad de los datos y la no superposición de datos mediante el análisis visual basado en la documentación técnica para diseños de caso único de la What Works Clearinghouse. Resultados. Cuatro participantes con rango de edad de 19 a 73 años fueron incluidos en el estudio. El cambio en el nivel para todos los participantes demostró un incremento en los valores de la velocidad de la marcha después de la introducción de la intervención (media: 0.76 m/s). El análisis visual de la tendencia estimó aceleración para la línea de intervención para tres participantes. Los datos en la fase de base e intervención cumplieron el criterio de estabilidad medido con el método de banda de dos desviaciones estándar (media: 0.05 m/s); los patrones de cambio demostraron efecto inmediato con mejoría gradual durante la intervención para los participantes 1, 3 y 4. El porcentaje de no superposición de datos mostró efectividad de la intervención para tres de los participantes (PND >91.67%). Conclusiones. Los hallazgos presentados en este estudio representan un aporte científico que respalda la pertinencia del uso y aplicación de los principios de aprendizaje motor para el desarrollo de nuevas estrategias en rehabilitación motora. Sin embargo, este estudio constituye un primer paso para realizar estudios más robustos que incluyan replicación de las fases en el estudio y la evaluación del seguimiento para determinar la permanencia de los efectos a largo plazo.

Introduction. Gait recovery is one of the main goals in post-stroke rehabilitation. Based on the principles of motor learning, new strategies have been developed in neurorehabilitation based on repetitive, task-oriented practice, and feedback. The latter has proven to be one of the most critical variables for training, because it is easy to obtain and manipulate. However, there are still no conclusive studies to identify the real effect of this variable and its influence on recovery and functional gait performance. Objective. To determine the effect of visual feedback on gait speed after stroke in adults with subacute and chronic stages.Methodology. Single-case, multiple baseline, non-concurrent randomized, and four-participant design. Gait velocity was assessed by determining differences in level, trend, data stability, and nonoverlapping data using visual analysis based on technical documentation for single-case designs from the What Works Clearinghouse.Results. Four participants ranging in age from 19 to 73 years were included in the study. The change in level for all participants demonstrated an increase in gait velocity values after the introduction of the intervention (mean: 0.76 m/s). Visual trend analysis estimated acceleration for the intervention line for three participants. The data in the baseline and intervention phase met the stability criterion measured with the two standard deviation band method (mean: 0.05 m/s); patterns of change demonstrated immediate effect with gradual improvement during the intervention for participants 1, 3, and 4. The percentage of nonoverlapping data showed effective-ness of the intervention for three of the participants (PND >91.67%).Conclusions. The findings presented in this study represent a scientific contribution that supports the relevance of the use and application of motor learning principles for the development of new strategies in motor rehabilitation. However, this study constitutes a first step towards more robust studies that include replication of the phases in the study and follow-up evaluation to determine the permanence of long-term effects.

Artículo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-217081


Introduction: Technology has significantly transformed how we live our lives. The Internet has made life easier by making knowledge more accessible to all and connecting individuals all over the world. However, it has also caused many people to spend far too much time in front of the computer, to the point that it has become the center of their existence. Materials and Methods: A case of a 20-year-old male student of Bachelor of Engineering, who belongs to the middle socio-economic status of a rural area, is digitally addicted, and getting treated in a tertiary hospital in Karnataka, India. Discussion and conclusion: Digital addiction can cause various psychological issues, particularly anxiety, depression, insomnia, and behavioral issues. It further creates an economic crisis in the family of a digital addict as well as for the nation. Therefore, to address the implications of digital addiction, the country must devote resources towards awareness, prevention, and intervention in the area of digital addiction.

Psicol. rev. (Belo Horizonte) ; 26(2): 699-720, maio-ago. 2020. tab
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1507221


Problemas internalizantes são frequentes em crianças, mas os ingredientes ativos que tornam uma psicoterapia efetiva são ainda pobremente compreendidos. O objetivo deste estudo foi analisar o processo terapêutico psicodinâmico de um menino em idade escolar que apresentava sintomas internalizantes, cujo tratamento foi interrompido após 22 meses. Os participantes foram o paciente e sua terapeuta. O Child Psychotherapy Q-Set foi utilizado para analisar o processo terapêutico. Os resultados mostraram as características da relação terapeuta-paciente e suas transformações. Fatores como conflitos familiares, aliança terapêutica com os pais, limitação da capacidade de mentalização do menino, contratransferência, habilidades e ajustamento da terapeuta ao paciente tiveram impacto no processo terapêutico, contribuindo para o desfecho observado. Para elucidar questões em aberto acerca da efetividade e mecanismos de mudança da psicoterapia psicodinâmica, e para estabelecimento de uma base de evidências consistente, é imprescindível que se conheça, de fato, o que ocorre e como ocorre no setting clínico.

Internalizing problems are frequent in children, but the active ingredients that make a psychotherapy effective are still poorly understood. This study aimed to analyze the psychodynamic therapeutic process of a school-age boy who presented internalizing symptoms, whose treatment was interrupted after 22 months. Participants were the patient and the therapist. The Child Psychotherapy Q-Set was used to analyze the therapeutic process. The results showed the characteristics of the therapist-patient relationship and its transformations. Factors such as family conflicts, therapeutic alliance with the parents, limitation to the ability to mentor the boy, countertransference, skills, and adjustment of the therapist to the patient impacted the therapeutic process, contributing to the observed outcome. In order to clarify the questions about the effectiveness and mechanisms of change in psychodynamic psychotherapy, and for the establishment of a consistent base of evidence, it is essential to know, in fact, what happens and how it happens in the clinical setting.

Problemas de internalización son frecuentes en niños, pero los ingredientes activos que hacen que una psicoterapia sea efectiva todavía son pobremente comprendidos. El objetivo de este estudio fue analizar el proceso terapéutico psicodinámico de un niño en edad escolar que presentaba síntomas de internalización y cuyo tratamiento fue interrumpido después de 22 meses. Los participantes fueron el paciente y su terapeuta. El Child Psychotherapy Q-Set fue utilizado para analizar el proceso terapéutico. Los resultados mostraron las características de la relación terapeuta-paciente y sus transformaciones. Factores como conflictos familiares, alianza terapéutica con los padres, limitación de la capacidad de mentalización del niño, contratransferencia, habilidades y ajustamiento de la terapeuta al paciente tuvieron impacto en el proceso terapéutico, contribuyendo para el desenlace observado. Para elucidar cuestiones en abierto acerca de la efectividad y de los mecanismos de cambio de la psicoterapia psicodinámica, y para el establecimiento de una base de evidencias consistente, es imprescindible que se sepa, de hecho, qué ocurre y cómo ocurre el setting clínico.

Psicoanálisis , Niño , Procesos Psicoterapéuticos
Trends Psychol ; 26(2): 703-734, abr.-jun. 2018. tab, graf
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: biblio-963061


Resumo A literatura científica aponta a necessidade de estudos com foco no processo e nos resultados da psicoterapia psicodinâmica de crianças. Além disso, o relacionamento e as estruturas de interação entre terapeuta e paciente têm sido enfatizadas como importante fator de mudança terapêutica. O objetivo desse estudo foi analisar as estruturas de interação na psicoterapia psicodinâmica de uma criança com transtorno de adaptação. Realizou-se um estudo descritivo, longitudinal, baseado no procedimento de estudo de caso sistemático. Os participantes foram uma menina de oito anos e sua terapeuta. As 40 sessões de psicoterapia foram analisadas através do Child Psychotherapy Q-Set (CPQ). Foram identificadas cinco estruturas de interação, com base na análise fatorial de componentes principais com rotação Varimax. Elas descrevem diferentes padrões de interação, com utilização de abordagens suportivas, diretivas e interpretativas. A importância das estruturas de interação como vetor de mudança, variáveis do terapeuta e uma tendência de abordagens integrativas na psicoterapia de crianças foram discutidas.

Resumen La literatura científica indica la necesidad de estudios con foco en el proceso y en los resultados de psicoterapia psicodinámica de niños. Además, la relación y las estructuras de interacción entre terapeuta y paciente se han enfatizado como un importante factor de cambio terapéutico. El objetivo de este estudio fue analizar las estructuras de interacción en la psicoterapia psicodinámica de una niña con trastorno de adaptación. Se realizó un estudio descriptivo, longitudinal basado en lo método de estudio sistemático de casos. Los participantes fueron una niña de ocho años y su terapeuta. Las Cuarenta sesiones de psicoterapia fueran analizadas mediante el Child Psychotherapy Q-Set (CPQ). Fueran identificadas cinco estructuras de interacción, con base en el análisis factorial de componentes principales con rotación Varimax. Estas describen diferentes patrones de interacción, con utilización de enfoques suportivos, directivos e interpretativos. La importancia de las estructuras de interacción como un vector de cambio, las variables del terapeuta y la tendencia de los enfoques de integración en psicoterapia de niños fueron discutidos.

Abstract The scientific literature indicates the need for studies focusing on the process and outcomes of child psychodynamic psychotherapy. In addition, the relationship and the interaction structures between therapist and patient have been emphasized as an important factor of therapeutic change. The aim of this study was to analyze interaction structures in the psychodynamic psychotherapy of a child with adjustment disorder. We conducted a descriptive, longitudinal study based on the systematic case study procedure. The participants were an 8-year-old girl and her therapist. Forty psychotherapy sessions were analyzed using the Child Psychotherapy Q-Set (CPQ). Five interaction structures were identified on the basis of factor analysis of main components with varimax rotation. They describe different patterns of interaction, using supportive, directive, and interpretive approaches. The importance of interaction structures as a vector of change, therapist variables, and the trend toward integrative approaches in child psychotherapy are discussed.

Temas psicol. (Online) ; 24(4): 1205-1215, dez. 2016. ilus, tab
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: biblio-846301


Entre os fatores que contribuem para o êxito das psicoterapias estão associados aspectos do psicoterapeuta, do paciente e da qualidade da relação entre ambos. Esta pesquisa objetivou avaliar um processo breve psicodinâmico relacionando dois destes aspectos, as intervenções verbais da psicoterapeuta e a aliança terapêutica estabelecida entre paciente e psicoterapeuta. Empregou-se estudo de caso único e instrumentos clínicos para avaliar as variáveis propostas: Classificação das Intervenções Terapêuticas (IT) e Inventário de Aliança de Trabalho - versão do observador (Working Alliance Inventory Short - observer version - WAI-S-O). Os resultados revelaram que a estratégia interventiva adotada pela psicoterapeuta foi predominantemente expressiva e houve aumento nas médias da aliança terapêutica da fase inicial para as demais. Pode-se perceber, também, que as intervenções foram modeladas segundo as características inerentes às diferentes fases do processo terapêutico, em especial a etapa de término, onde o conflito central de relacionamento da paciente, o medo de ser abandonada, pode ser reeditado e elaborado. Limitações do estudo são apontadas.

Variables relating to the therapist, the patient and the quality of their relationship are associated with factors that contribute to the success of the psychotherapy. The main goal of this study was to evaluate a brief psychodynamic psychotherapy process and to establish a relation between two of these aspects: the therapist's verbal interventions and the therapeutic alliance. A single-subject case study was used as well as clinical instruments to evaluate the proposed variables: Therapeutic Interventions Classification (TI) and the Working Alliance Inventory Short - Observer version (WAI-S-O). The results pointed to the therapist's intervention strategy, predominantly expressive, and an increase in the average of the therapeutic alliance from the initial phase through the other phases. Moreover, the interventions were also modulated by the inherent characteristics of the different phases of the therapeutic process, in particular the final stage, where the central conflict of the patient relationship, the fear of being abandoned, could be reedited and elaborated. Limitations of the study are indicated.

Variables del terapeuta, del paciente y de la cualidad de la relación entre ambos están asociadas con los factores que contribuyen para el éxito de las psicoterapias. Esta investigación tuvo como objetivo evaluar un proceso breve psicodinámico y establecer una relación entre las intervenciones verbales de la psicoterapeuta y la alianza entre psicoterapeuta y paciente. Se utilizó estudio de caso único y instrumentos clínicos para evaluar las variables propuestas: Clasificación de las Intervenciones Terapéuticas (IT); Tema Central de Conflictos en los Relacionamientos (Core Conflictual Relationship Theme - CCRT); y Inventario de la Alianza de Trabajo - versión del observador (Working Alliance Inventory Short - observer version - WAI-S-O). Los resultados demonstran que la estrategia de las intervenciones usadas por la psicoterapeuta, en su mayor parte expresivas, contr ibuyó para el desarrollo de la alianza terapéutica, mejora del patrón relacional y disminución de los problemas relacionados a la queja. Sin embargo, es posible percibir que las intervenciones también fueron moduladas por las características inherentes a las distintas fases del proceso terapéutico, en particular la etapa de finalización, en que el conflicto central de la relación la paciente, el miedo a ser abandonada, pudo ser vivido y elaborado. Limitaciones del estudio son apuntadas.

Psicopedagogia ; 33(100): 5-18, 2016. ilus, tab
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: lil-781313


Este estudo teve como objetivo investigar os significados de um Programa de Educação Integral para crianças utilizando o desenho do Par Educativo. Os programas de Educação Integral oferecem atividades esportivas, culturais e de ampliação do currículo, supostamente em situações favorecedoras da qualidade de ensino e de formação. Foram avaliados, por meio da técnica gráfica do Par Educativo, os desenhos de três alunos com idades entre 10 e 11 anos, com e sem dificuldades de aprendizagem de escolas públicas de um município paulista. Foi solicitado aos alunos que desenhassem uma situação de aprendizagem em oficinas oferecidas no contra turno da aula e outra situação de aprendizagem em sala de aula. Como critérios de avaliação dos desenhos elegeram-se indicadores de conflito na relação de aprendizagem. Os resultados sugerem maior incidência de indicadores de conflito nos dois alunos com dificuldades de aprendizagem, quando comparados ao aluno sem dificuldades, em qualquer das situações; no entanto, na comparação dos desenhos de situações de aprendizagem nas oficinas com os das situações em sala de aula, não se obteve resultados consistentes. Embora se trate de uma amostra pequena para conclusões, pode-se afirmar que o Par Educativo é uma boa técnica para avaliar representações de relação vincular com a aprendizagem, sendo necessária a continuidade de estudos visando à validação de critérios para sua interpretação. Quanto à vivência em situações de aprendizagem em oficinas de ampliação da jornada escolar, sugerem-se mais estudos para avaliar o impacto desses programas na educação de crianças nas escolas públicas.

This study aimed to investigate the meanings of full-time education program for children using the Educational Pair Drawing. The proposal of full-time education is to offer cultural and sporting activities as well as activities to expand the scholar curriculum, supposedly in situations that could improve quality of teaching and training. Throughout the graphical technique of educational pair drawing were evaluated designs of three students aged 10 and 11 years old, with and without learning disabilities, of public schools in a municipality of Sao Paulo. Students were asked to draw a situation of learning in workshops offered in extra-curricular shifts and another situation of learning in-school. Conflict indicators related to learning were chosen as evaluation criteria of the drawings. The results suggest higher incidence of conflict indicators in both students with learning disabilities, compared to the one without difficulty, in every kind of situation. However, comparing the drawings about learning situations of extra-curricular workshops with those related to learning situation in-school, no significant result could be found. Even though the sampling was considerable small, we assume that the Educational Pair Drawing is a good technique for evaluating the relationship to learning, even though further studies will be necessary to validate the criteria for its interpretation. Considering experiencing situations of learning in after-school workshops, there is a need for future studies in order to evaluate the impact of these programs on the education of children in public schools.

Humanos , Masculino , Niño , Informes de Casos , Aprendizaje , Apego a Objetos
Artículo en Japonés | WPRIM | ID: wpr-374544


[Objective] Although allergic rhinitis is the most common allergic inflammatory disease, and many sufferers seek acupuncture and moxibustion treatments, the evidence that acupuncture therapy alleviates allergic rhinitis is uncertain. Symptoms of rhinorrhea, sneezing and nasal obstruction are cardinal signs of chronic allergic rhinitis. Through a series of individual case studies, we investigated the clinical effects of acupuncture treatment on patients with chronic allergic rhinitis.<BR>[Method] Three patients with moderate to severe persistent allergic rhinitis eachreceived 8 sessions of acupuncture treatments (two times per week for 4 weeks). Evaluations were performed during each treatment period (`period B`) and before and after each treatment period (‘period A’) (ABA design). Acupuncture treatment was performed on GV23, LI20, LI4, ST36, GB20, BL13, and BL23. The effects of the acupuncture treatments were assessed by the degree of allergic rhinitis severity, according to nasal mucosa observation, subjective nasal obstruction, and allergic rhinitis indicators in the blood (eosinophilis and non specific immunoglobulion E). <BR>[Results] During period B, one patient showed a general improvement of allergic rhinitis severity, and all three patients showed an improvement of allergic rhinitis symptom severities, especially nasal obstruction. The improvement of severity wasconfirmed by observation of nasal mucosae and the grade of subjective nasal obstruction. But blood indicators did not show a significant change.<BR>[Conclusion] This study indicated that acupuncture treatment was effective for alleviating allergic rhinitis symptoms, especially nasal obstruction.

Artículo en Japonés | WPRIM | ID: wpr-371108


[Aim] Acupuncture has traditionally been used in Japan in the treatment of bronchial asthma and is being increasingly applied. However, although there are many published studies on acupuncture and asthma, few meet the scientific criteria necessary to prove the effectiveness of acupuncture. Therefore, this study presents the clinical results of acupuncture treatment for adult bronchial asthma.<BR>[Design] Single-subject research design (N-of-1 method).<BR>[Setting] Department of Internal Medicine, Acupuncture and Moxibustion Center, Meiji University of Oriental Medicine, Japan.<BR>[Participants] Six patients of both genders (mean age, 49.0 years old) with moderate-to-severe persistent bronchial asthma.<BR>[Intervention] Six patients received 10 sessions of acupuncture treatment (once per week) for 10 weeks. The basic combination of meridian points for the treatment of the patients were LU 1 (Zhongfu), LU 5 (Chize), LU 9 (Taiyan), CV4 (Guanyuan), CV 12 (Zhongwan), BL 13 (Feishu), BL20 (Pishu) and BL23 (Shenshu).<BR>[Measurements] Primary outcome was the symptom of asthma at the end of the 10 treatment sessions. Secondary outcomes were the Dyspnea Visual Analogue Scale (DVAS), respiratory function, Peak Expiratory Flow Rate (PEFR), blood, the use of asthma drugs. The effect of the intervention on eosinophils in blood was assessed.<BR>[Main results] Late effects of asthma patients showed significantly better results compared with the base line on outcome measures after the 10 weeks. In this study, symptoms of asthma and dyspnea VAS in patients with asthma were significantly improved by acupuncture.<BR>[Conclusion] This study indicated that acupuncture was effective in asthma symptoms and respiratory functions.

Artículo en Japonés | WPRIM | ID: wpr-371062


[Background/aim] Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is one of the most common gastrointestinal disorders, affecting more than 15 % of Western populations. It is characterized by a wide variety of persistent symptoms (abdominal pain or discomfort, bloating, transit disorders) without any clear organic causes. Because medical treatments are sometimes ineffective, some patients with IBS seek alternative therapies to manage the condition. The aim of the present study was to investigate the clinical effect of acupuncture treatment in patients with IBS.<BR>[Method] Four patients with IBS were treated with acupuncture according to the way of Traditional Chinese Medicine. We employed reversal single-case study design in which an acupuncture treatment period (“period B”) was alternated with no treatment period (“period A”). Ten or twenty times acupuncture therapies were performed during the “period B” and the length of the “period A” was comparable with the “period B” GSRS, frequency of defecation, softness of the stool, intensity of abdominal pain or abdominal fullness, and POMS were recorded over the periods.<BR>[Results] During the “period B”, three patients showed a remarkable improvement in lower abdominal pain, abdominal fullness and QOL evaluated with GSRS, while the psychological condition evaluated with POMS showed inconsistent changes without a remarkable improvement.<BR>[Conclusion] The result of our study indicated that acupuncture might be useful for the management of IBS.