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Textos contextos (Porto Alegre) ; 12(2): 281-291, jul.-dez. 2013.
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: lil-742375


Neste artigo pretendemos analisar a condição da deficiência numa abordagem que não centralize no sujeito a patologia social. Existem inúmeras barreiras arquitetônicas e do preconceito nas instâncias da sociedade que se constituem como interdição social, tornando difícil o acesso das diferenças singulares aos bens sociais. Trabalhamos com o conceito de reconhecimento político das diferenças como um fundamento para dar base a todas as políticas voltadas para a área da deficiência e para a construção de uma política de acessibilidade universal. Estes princípios encontram eco na Convenção Sobre os Direitos da Pessoa com Deficiência (ONU, 2006), que hoje balizam internacionalmente às políticas na área.

This article aims to present the analysis of the condition of disability by an approach does not centralize in the subject but to social pathology. There are numerous architectural barriers and prejudice in society bodies that are constituted as social interdiction making it difficult to access the unique differences to social goods. We work with the concept of political recognition of differences as a foundation to underpin all policies that work in the disability field and the construction of a policy of universal accessibility. These principles are echoed in the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (UNO, 2006) which today internationally guiding policies in the area.

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Personas con Discapacidad , Política Pública
Investig. psicol ; 5(1): 133-149, 2000.
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: biblio-905504


Vivir en sociedad comporta por sus variaciones, un proceso continuo de modificaciones la realidad subjetiva. Los fenómenos de las culturas se aprehenden simultáneamente en dos niveles: el nivel material de los comportamientos y de los productos de la actividad humana y el nivel simbólico y subjetivo de las representaciones sociales. El surgimiento de transformaciones sociales más radicalizadas lleva a un proceso de desmantelamiento de la estructura de representaciones simbólicas referenciales. En el registro simbólico todo movimiento que descalifique lo que es asumido subjetivamente como origen, causa o garantía de lo que se es, desequilibra el mundo interno y afecta particularmente los aspectos identificatorios. El mundo social otorga espacios donde el proceso identificatorio se amplía sobre los recursos colectivos, confirmando, debilitando, reforzando o transformando las identificaciones a las figuras parentales. Estos procesos son los que tuvieron lugar durante los tiempos de constitución psíquica y representan la base de los recursos con los que cada sujeto sale al mundo. Que pueda proseguir los procesos de subjetivación depende no solamente de su estructura de base sino también de la disponibilidad de los espacios sociales en los que le sea posible desplegar tales recursos. Referencia que también abre a interrogarse sobre las nuevas modalidades del malestar en la cultura.

Interdiction taken under the view of social intercourse, sets the entry to social link under the regulation of juridical order. Interdiction performed by the simbolic fatherly function in the stucturing of subjectivity, works as a lever for the access to simbolic life. Both orders are crossed by the logical presuption of prohibition, which is the general mechanism that allows the formulation of law as simbolic order. In times in which the juridical construction of interdiction in the social world becomes destabilized and simbolic references are this wise attacked, safety, protection and preservation of life in comunity tturn into problematic issues. The repercussion of these deeds on the symbolic scaffold inwards the families questions the fatherly transmissions as holders of identification for the next generation. The upraising of more radicalised social transformations, break the continuity of projects aiming to support or improve the quality of family life, leaving these fathers mostly with little psychological or material means to put up with requirements of life, in a different manner to those according to the models they were brought up and enables them to donate their children identification symbols which can be received as such in full weight.The frailty in the placing of the symbolic father points out one of the ways in which the uneasiness in culture shows up in our days.

Humanos , Responsabilidad Parental , Simbolismo , Identificación Psicológica