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Rev. bras. entomol ; 67(2): e20230010, 2023. tab, graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1449671


ABSTRACT For a long time, the provenance of the specimens used by Frederick Smith to describe the species of stingless bees from Brazil remained a mystery. The recent digitalization of 19th century publications has made possible to trace the origin of the material brought to the London International Exhibition of 1862 by the Brazilian delegation. We document that the bee specimens showed at the International Exhibition, and that served as type material of the species described by Smith, were collected by Manuel Ferreira Lagos, head of the Zoology section of the Comissão Científica de Exploração, during their stay in Ceará, from 1859 to 1861. Even if late, it is important to give due credit to the Comissão Científica de Exploração, and more specifically to Lagos, for the contribution to the knowledge of the stingless bee fauna from Brazil.

Acta biol. colomb ; 22(3): 370-378, sep.-dic. 2017. tab, graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: biblio-886074


ABSTRACT Neotropical Piper species have bisexual flowers. Such reproductive trait is considered basal in this pantropical genus. However, neotropical species having unisexual (staminate) flowers along with bisexual ones have also been reported. Dichogamy is common in the genus, associated with either self-compatibility or -incompatibility, as well as with entomophily. We analyzed a natural population of Piper caldense in a Atlantic Forest area (Viçosa municipality, Minas Gerais state, southeastern Brazil). Preliminary observations indicated that the species produces two flower types. We analyzed flower sex in spikes of 50 plants. We obtained additional information through morphological and anatomical studies and scanning electron microscopy analyses. The longevity and exposure dynamics of stigmatic papillae and the pollen release sequence of all four stamens were investigated to verify the degree of dichogamy. Pollination tests were performed, pollinators were identified and their visitation frequency was recorded. Piper caldense has both bisexual and staminate flowers, each flower type being located on separate spikes. These spikes occurred on the same plant, thus indicating andromonoecy; furthermore, plants having only spikes with staminate flowers were also observed. This gender had not yet been reported to the genus. Gradual and sequential exposure of stigmatic papillae associated with asynchronous pollen release (one stamen a day) resulted in incomplete protogyny. Hand pollination tests showed that the species is self-incompatible. Social bees, mainly Apis mellifera and Melipona spp., were the major pollinator group. Our study reinforces the need to associate morphological analysis with floral biology and indicates future changes in studies addressing reproductive traits associated with the phylogeny of the Piper genus.

RESUMEN Las especies neotropicales de Piper presentan flores bisexuales, condición considerada basal al interior de este género pantropical. Sin embargo, fueron observadas especies neotropicales con flores unisexuales (estaminadas), además de las bisexuales. La dicogamia es común en el género y se encuentra asociada a la autocompatibilidad o incompatibilidad, al igual que la entomofilia. Fue analizada una población natural de Piper caldense en un área de bosque Atlántico (municipio de Viçosa, Minas Gerais, sureste de Brasil). Las observaciones preliminares indicaron que esta especie produce dos tipos florales, para lo cual fue analizada la sexualidad de las flores en 50 espigas a través de estudios morfológicos, anatómicos y análisis con microscopia electrónica de barrido. La longevidad y dinámica de exposición de las papilas estigmáticas y la secuencia de liberación de los granos de polen en los cuatro estambres fueron observados para verificar el grado de dicogamia. El sistema reproductivo se evaluó mediante el test de autopolinización espontánea y polinización abierta. Los visitantes florales fueron identificados y se registró su frecuencia de visita. Piper caldense presenta flores bisexuales y estaminadas, cada tipo floral se encuentra en espigas separadas. Estas espigas se encuentran en la misma planta, lo que indica que es andromonoica; adicionalmente, fueron observadas plantas que solo presentaban espigas con flores estaminadas, lo que se constituye en una combinación sexual inédita para el género. La exposición gradual y secuencial de las papilas estigmáticas asociada con la liberación asincrónica de los granos de polen (un estambre por día) indica una protoginia incompleta. Los test de polinización mostraron que la especie es autoincompatible. Las abejas sociales, principalmente Apis mellifera y Melipona spp., fueron los polinizadores principales. Este estudio refuerza la necesidad de asociar los analisis morfológicos con la funcionalidad de las estructuras florales, además indica los cambios futuros en estudios que abordan características reproductivas asociadas a la filogenia de las especies de Piper.

Genet. mol. biol ; 40(1): 61-68, Jan.-Mar. 2017. graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: biblio-892362


Abstract Stingless bees of the genus Melipona, have long been considered an enigmatic case among social insects for their mode of caste determination, where in addition to larval food type and quantity, the genotype also has a saying, as proposed over 50 years ago by Warwick E. Kerr. Several attempts have since tried to test his Mendelian two-loci/two-alleles segregation hypothesis, but only recently a single gene crucial for sex determination in bees was evidenced to be sex-specifically spliced and also caste-specifically expressed in a Melipona species. Since alternative splicing is frequently associated with epigenetic marks, and the epigenetic status plays a major role in setting the caste phenotype in the honey bee, we investigated here epigenetic chromatin modification in the stingless bee Melipona scutellaris. We used an ELISA-based methodology to quantify global methylation status and western blot assays to reveal histone modifications. The results evidenced DNA methylation/demethylation events in larvae and pupae, and significant differences in histone methylation and phosphorylation between newly emerged adult queens and workers. The epigenetic dynamics seen in this stingless bee species represent a new facet in the caste determination process in Melipona bees and suggest a possible mechanism that is likely to link a genotype component to the larval diet and adult social behavior of these bees.