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Invest. educ. enferm ; 42(2): 163-178, 20240722. ilus, tab, graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS, BDENF, COLNAL | ID: biblio-1570366


Objectives. This work sought to identify the academic communities that have shown interest and participation in the Journal Research and Education in Nursing and analyze the scientific impact generated by said journal. Methods. A bibliometric analysis was carried out, as well as social network analysis and techniques of natural language processing to conduct the research. The data was gathered and analyzed during a specific study period, covering from 2010 - 2020, for articles published in the journal, and 2010 - 2022, for articles that cited the journal within Scopus. These methods permitted performing an exhaustive evaluation of the journal's influence and reach in diverse academic and geographic contexts. Results. During the analysis, it was noted that the journal Research and Education in Nursing has had significant influence in academic and scientific communities, both nationally and internationally. Collaboration networks were detected among diverse institutions and countries, which indicates active interaction in the field of nursing research. In addition, trends and emerging patterns were identified in this field, providing a more complete view of the discipline's evolution. Conclusion. Based on the results obtained, it is concluded that the journal Research and Education in Nursing has played un fundamental role in disseminating knowledge and promoting research in nursing. The combination of Bibliometric metrics, social network analysis, and natural language processing permitted utmost comprehension of its impact in the scientific and academic community globally.

Objetivos. Identificar las comunidades académicas que han mostrado interés y participación en la revista Investigación y Educación en Enfermería y analizar el impacto científico generado por esta publicación. Métodos. Se realizó un análisis bibliométrico, así como análisis de redes sociales y técnicas de procesamiento de lenguaje natural para llevar a cabo la investigación. Los datos se recopilaron y analizaron durante un período de estudio específico, abarcando los años 2010-2020, para los artículos publicados en la revista, y 2010-2022, para los artículos que citaron la revista dentro de Scopus. Estos métodos permitieron realizar una evaluación exhaustiva de la influencia y alcance de la revista en diversos contextos académicos y geográficos. Resultados. Durante el análisis, se observó que la revista Investigación y Educación en Enfermería ha ejercido una influencia significativa en las comunidades académicas y científicas, tanto a nivel nacional como internacional. Se detectaron redes de colaboración entre diversas instituciones y países, lo que indica una interacción activa en el ámbito de la investigación en enfermería. Además, se identificaron tendencias y patrones emergentes en este campo, proporcionando una visión más completa de la evolución de la disciplina. Conclusión. Basándose en los resultados obtenidos, se concluye que la revista Investigación y Educación en Enfermería ha desempeñado un papel fundamental en la difusión del conocimiento y la promoción de la investigación en enfermería. La combinación de métricas bibliométricas, análisis de redes sociales y procesamiento de lenguaje natural permitió una comprensión más completa de su impacto en la comunidad científica y académica a nivel global.

Objetivos. Identificar as comunidades acadêmicas que demonstraram interesse e participação na revista Nursing Research and Education e analisar o impacto científico gerado por esta publicação colombiana. Métodos. Foi realizada análise bibliométrica, análise de redes sociais e técnicas de processamento de linguagem natural para a realização da pesquisa. Os dados foram coletados e analisados durante um período específico de estudo, abrangendo os anos 2010-2020, para artigos publicados na revista, e 2010-2022, para artigos que citaram a revista dentro do Scopus. Esses métodos permitiram uma avaliação abrangente da influência e do alcance da revista em diversos contextos acadêmicos e geográficos. Resultados. Durante a análise, observou-se que a revista Nursing Research and Education tem exercido influência significativa nas comunidades acadêmica e científica, tanto nacional quanto internacionalmente. Foram detectadas redes de colaboração entre diversas instituições e países, o que indica interação ativa no campo da pesquisa em enfermagem. Além disso, foram identificadas tendências e padrões emergentes neste campo, proporcionando uma visão mais completa da evolução da disciplina. Conclusão. Com base nos resultados obtidos, conclui-se que a revista Nursing Research and Education tem desempenhado um papel fundamental na divulgação do conhecimento e na promoção da investigação em enfermagem. A combinação de métricas bibliométricas, análise de redes sociais e processamento de linguagem natural permitiu uma compreensão mais completa do seu impacto na comunidade científica e académica global.

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Investigación , Educación , Análisis de Redes Sociales , Procesamiento de Lenguaje Natural
Chinese Health Economics ; (12): 26-30, 2024.
Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1025217


Objective:To explore the core issues in the implementation of"packaged payment"in China's compact county medi-cal community,in order to provide useful references for the innovative reform of medical insurance payment methods in compact coun-ty medical community.Methods:By constructing the problem system through the macro model of the health system,analyzing the re-lated literature using multidimensional scale analysis and social network analysis,and comprehensively evaluating the results using the entropy-weighted TOPSIS method,it summarizes the core issues of"packaged payment"in compact county medical community.Results:There are core issues in China's compact county medical community,such as inadequate distribution of benefits and incen-tive and constraint mechanisms within the medical community(Ci= 1.000),lack of effective supervision and assessment mechanism for medical communities(Ci= 0.732),suppressed quality and efficiency of medical services(Ci= 0.652),lagging medical informatiza-tion construction(Ci= 0.595),and incomplete supporting policy measures(Ci= 0.579).Conclusion:The"packaged payment"of com-pact county medical community can be optimized from the following three aspects:a multi-level collaborative incentive mechanism should be improved to ensure the service quality and efficiency;optimize the total amount calculation method and improve the de-tailed supporting measures;accelerate information construction and strengthen supervision and assessment management.

Cad. Saúde Pública (Online) ; 40(5): e00064423, 2024. tab, graf
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1557434


Resumo: A dificuldade de acesso aos serviços de atenção ao parto está associada à mortalidade infantil e neonatal e à morbimortalidade materna. Neste estudo, dados do Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS) foram utilizados para mapear a evolução da acessibilidade geográfica ao parto hospitalar de risco habitual no Estado do Rio de Janeiro, Brasil, correspondentes a 418.243 internações nos biênios 2010-2011 e 2018-2019. Foram estimados os fluxos de deslocamento, as distâncias percorridas e o tempo de deslocamento intermunicipal entre o município de residência e de internação das gestantes. Houve um crescimento de 15,9% para 21,5% na proporção de gestantes que precisaram se deslocar. A distância percorrida aumentou de 24,6 para 26km, e o tempo de deslocamento de 76,4 para 96,1 minutos, com grande variação entre as Regiões de Saúde (RS). As gestantes residentes na RS Centro Sul se deslocaram mais frequentemente (37,4-48,9%), e as residentes nas RS Baía da Ilha Grande e Noroeste percorreram as maiores distâncias (90,9-132,1km) e levaram mais tempo para chegar ao hospital no último biênio (96-137 minutos). A identificação dos municípios que receberam gestantes de muitos outros municípios e daqueles que atenderam maior volume de gestantes (núcleos e polos de atração, respectivamente) refletiu a indisponibilidade e as disparidades no acesso aos serviços. As desigualdades regionais e a redução da acessibilidade alertam para a necessidade de adequar a oferta à demanda e de revisar a distribuição dos serviços de atenção ao parto no Rio de Janeiro. O estudo contribui para as pesquisas e o planejamento sobre o acesso a serviços de saúde materno-infantil, além de servir como referência para outros estados do país.

Abstract: Difficult access to birth care services is associated with infant and neonatal mortality and maternal morbidity and mortality. In this study, data from the Brazilian Unified National Health System (SUS) were used to map the evolution of geographic accessibility to hospital birth of usual risk in the state of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, corresponding to 418,243 admissions in 2010-2011 and 2018-2019. Travel flows, distances traveled, and intermunicipal travel time between the pregnant women's municipality and hospital location were estimated. An increase from 15.9% to 21.5% was observed in the number of pregnant women who needed to travel. The distance traveled increased from 24.6 to 26km, and the travel time from 76.4 to 96.1 minutes, with high variation between Health Regions (HR). Pregnant women living in HR Central-South traveled more frequently (37.4-48.9%), and those living in the HRs Baía da Ilha Grande and Northwest traveled the largest distances (90.9-132.1km) and took more time to get to the hospital in 2018-2019 (96-137 minutes). The identification of municipalities that received pregnant women from many other municipalities and municipalities that treated a higher number of pregnant women (hubs and attraction poles, respectively) reflected the unavailability and disparities in access to services. Regional inequalities and reduced accessibility highlight the need to adapt supply to demand and review the distribution of birth care services in the state of Rio de Janeiro. This study contributes to research and planning on access to maternal and child health services and can be used as a reference study for other states in the country.

Resumen: La dificultad para acceder a los servicios de atención al parto está asociada con la mortalidad infantil y neonatal, y con la morbimortalidad materna. En este estudio, se utilizaron datos del Sistema Único de Salud (SUS) para mapear la evolución de la accesibilidad geográfica al parto hospitalario de riesgo habitual en el estado de Río de Janeiro, Brasil, correspondiente a 418.243 hospitalizaciones en los bienios 2010-2011 y 2018-2019. Se estimaron los flujos de desplazamiento, las distancias recorridas y el tiempo de desplazamiento intermunicipal entre el municipio de residencia y la hospitalización de las mujeres embarazadas. Hubo un aumento del 15,9% al 21,5% en la proporción de mujeres embarazadas que necesitaron desplazarse. La distancia recorrida aumentó de 24,6 a 26km y el tiempo de desplazamiento de 76,4 a 96,1 minutos, con gran variación entre las Regiones de Salud (RS). Las mujeres embarazadas residentes en la RS Centro Sul se desplazaron con mayor frecuencia (37,4-48,9%), y las residentes en las RS Baía da Ilha Grande y Noroeste recorrieron las mayores distancias (90,9-132,1km) y tardaron más en llegar al hospital en el últimos bienio (96-137 minutos). La identificación de los municipios que recibieron mujeres embarazadas de muchos otros municipios y de aquellos que atendieron a un mayor volumen de mujeres embarazadas (núcleos y polos de atracción, respectivamente) reflejó la indisponibilidad y las disparidades en el acceso a los servicios. Las desigualdades regionales y la reducida accesibilidad alertan sobre la necesidad de adaptar la oferta a la demanda, y de revisar la distribución de los servicios de atención al parto en el estado de Rio de Janeiro. El estudio contribuye a las investigaciones y a la planificación sobre el acceso a los servicios de salud materno-infantil, y puede servir como referencia para otros estados del país.

Interdisciplinaria ; 40(2): 517-541, ago. 2023. tab, graf
Artículo en Español | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1448508


Resumen Este estudio analiza los cambios estructurales experimentados por un equipo interprofesional que implementa un programa de intervención psicosocial dirigido a víctimas de la guerra en Colombia. Los equipos están compuestos por psicólogos, trabajadores sociales y facilitadores comunitarios que proporcionan atención a nivel individual, familiar y comunitario. Se aplicaron métodos de evaluación estructural para identificar cambios en la cohesión de las redes de reconocimiento entre profesionales, así como la preferencia para colaborar y el intercambio de información enviada y recibida. La recogida de información se produjo en dos series temporales -tiempo 1 (T1) y tiempo 2 (T2)- con un intervalo de tres meses. Se utilizó una estadística aplicada al análisis de datos relacionales para determinar los cambios en las redes en T1 y T2. En el período de referencia se incrementó la densidad en las redes de reconocimiento [. = 1.7105, (IC 95 %: -.0123 - .185), . < .0444] y de preferencia para trabajar [. = 2.0942, (IC 95 %: .005 - .1521), . < .0218]. Las redes de intercambio de información no experimentaron cambios significativos. Las regresiones múltiples a nivel diádico indican que la preferencia para trabajar e intercambiar información en T1, predicen el intercambio de información relativo tanto a peticiones de información recibidas como enviadas en T2. Se discuten los resultados para optimizar la implementación de programas de intervención psicosocial desarrolladas por equipos interprofesionales.

Abstract The study analyzes the structural changes experienced by an interprofessional team implementing a psychosocial intervention program for victims of war in Colombia. The program is called "PAPSIVI" (Programa de Atención Psicosocial y Salud Integral a Víctimas), which has been operating in Colombia since 2013, thanks to Law 1448 of 2011 to improve the quality of life and repair the damage of the victims of the armed conflict in Colombia. It only served people registered in the Single Registry of Victims (RUV), which had 9'165,126 records throughout the country until September 2021. This program follows a comprehensive and restorative approach that defines victims as protagonists of their own process of empowerment and positive change (Laplante and Holguin, 2006; Thompson, 1996). For this purpose, a multilevel intervention is carried out at the individual, family and community levels. The program is implemented by teams of professionals (psychologists, social workers and community facilitators) of varying sizes depending on the number of victims served in the municipalities. Psychologists provide individual psychological care and, to a lesser extent, family therapy is also offered to try to repair psychosocial damage from exposure to situations of violence (Oficina de Promoción Social, 2017). Social workers carry out community interventions to promote the associative fabric and social capital. Community promoters are facilitators and connect professionals with the potential beneficiaries of the intervention. The latter are very important, having themselves the status of victims, which increases the ecological validity of the intervention. Due to the characteristics of the implementation of this initiative, which takes into account the difficulties of the context (with situations of deprivation and vulnerability), as well as the particularities of the participants, it is valid to ask in this research what are the structural changes experienced by the teams of professionals who implement PAPSIVI. For this, structural evaluation methods were applied to identify changes in the cohesion of recognition networks among professionals, the preference to collaborate and the exchange of information sent and received. Data collection took place in two time series (T1 before - T2 after) with an interval of three months. Statistics applied to relational data analysis were used to determine changes in the networks at time T2. In the results it was found that in the baseline period the density in the recognition [t = 1.7105, (95 % CI: -.0123 - .185), p < .0444] and work preference [t = 2.0942, (95 % CI: .005 - .1521), p < .0218] networks increased. Information exchange networks did not experience significant changes. Multiple regressions at the dyadic level indicate that the preference for working and exchanging information at T1 predicts information exchange relative to both information requests received and sent at T2. It is concluded that the results shed light for: (a) optimize the design of psychosocial intervention teams; (b) improve their functioning by introducing horizontal organizational communication tools (among the members of each team), transversal (among the members of the teams implementing the program in different municipalities), and vertical (by promoting communication between professionals and program managers/responsible persons), and (c) achieve that changes in the structure of the teams serve as a diagnostic tool for functional problems of the team associated with the exchange of professional information and the referral of users. Ultimately, better integration of the teams leads to better psychosocial profiles of the users of programs such as PAPSIVI and allows them to better adapt their activities to the needs of the users, which improves the effectiveness of the intervention (Virto, 2021).

Rev. bras. ativ. fís. saúde ; 28: 1-10, mar. 2023. tab, fig, quad
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: biblio-1551617


O presente estudo verificou a associação entre variáveis sociodemográficas, características da esco-la, nível de atividade física (AF) e comportamento sedentário (CS) em adolescentes brasileiros. A amostra foi composta por 71.903 adolescentes entre 13 e 16 anos (52,8% meninas), matriculados no último ano do ensino fundamental, em escolas públicas e privadas do Brasil, participantes da terceira edição da Pesquisa Nacional da Saúde do Escolar (PeNSE). As informações foram recolhidas através de questionário. O tempo de AF na aula de Educação Física e extra aula de Educação Física, o tempo em deslocamento ativo e o tempo em CS foram associados às variáveis sociodemográficas (tipo de município, local da escola, escolaridade da mãe, percepção de insegurança, idade e sexo) e características da escola (tipo de escola e quadra disponível para uso). Utilizou-se a análise de rede. Quanto ao comportamento ativo, a topologia de rede mostrou que os meninos são mais ativos do que as meninas, principalmente na AF extra aula de Educação Física. Além disso, os resultados revelaram um maior tempo de AF na aula de Educação Física para os meninos, estudantes cujas mães apresentavam maior escolaridade, matriculados em escolas privadas e com quadra disponível para uso. Os estudantes matriculados em escolas públicas apresentaram maior tempo de AF em deslocamento ativo. Quanto ao CS, jovens do contexto urbano apresentaram maior exposição quando comparados aos pares do contexto rural. Conclui-se que as características sociodemográficas e da escola estão relacionadas com os comportamentos dos adolescentes brasileiros em todos os domínios da AF e no CS

The present study aimed to verify the association of sociodemographic correlates and school characteristics with levels of physical activity (PA) and sedentary behavior (SB) of Brazilian adolescents. The sample consisted of 71,903 adolescents between 13 and 16 years old (52.8% girls), enrolled in the last year in public and pri-vate elementary schools of Brazil, participants of the third edition of the National Survey of School Health (PeNSE). The time of PA in Physical Education class and extra Physical Education class, time in active commuting and time in SB were related to sociodemographic variables (type of municipality, place where the school is located, mother's schooling, perception of insecurity, age and gender) and school characteristics (type of school, block available for use). Data were analyzed using network analysis. The network topology showed that boys are more active than girls, especially in extra Physical Education`s PA. In addition, boys, students whose mothers have higher education, enrolled in private schools, which have a court available for use, have a positive association with longer time spent in PA in physical education classes. Students enrolled in public schools had a positive association with time spent in active commuting PA. As for SB, young people from the urban context are more exposed to SB than rural context. It was concluded that sociodemographic correlates and characteristics of the school were associated with all domains of the physical activity and sedentary behavior

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Adolescente , Conducta Sedentaria , Análisis de Redes Sociales , Brasil , Ejercicio Físico
Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-988763


Objective To explore the technology frontiers for neuroblastoma treatment from the perspective of patent citation network. Methods Through patent analysis for neuroblastoma treatment, highly cited patents and highly cited papers in the citation network were taken as the research objects. The title and abstract of the citing patents were analyzed by text clustering to identify the technology frontiers. Through social network analysis, the core patents were identified from the indices of degree centrality, betweenness centrality, closeness centrality, and eigenvector centrality. Results A total of 6240 patent applications for neuroblastoma treatment were found, including 71304 patent citations and 88698 journal-article citations. Four technology frontiers were identified based on patent citation network, namely, drug target, drug design, tumor-indication expansion, and gene-expression regulation. Three technology frontiers were identified based on journal-article citation network. They were drug target, drug design, and tumor-indication expansion. Conclusion The development of technology for neuroblastoma treatment continues to be active. Drug target and drug design are the most important technology frontiers. This study could provide certain reference for neuroblastoma treatment from the perspective of information science.

Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-996043


Objective:To analyze the experiences and practice in the reform of public hospital salary system in Sichuan province, summarize the typical modes of such reform in the province, and provide references for further reform.Methods:As of October 29, 2021, the research group received 77 sets of typical experience materials submitted by the health commissions and public hospitals in Sichuan province on enforcing the reform of the public hospital salary system. The analysis framework was based on the five main elements proposed in the Guidance to Deepening the Reform of the Salary System of Public Hospitals for the purpose of furthering the reform. These five elements refer to " reasonably determining the level of salary in public hospitals" " fully implementing the autonomy of internal distribution in public hospitals " " establishing and improving the incentive and restraint mechanism for the remuneration of public hospital leaders" " improving the assessment and evaluation mechanism oriented to public welfare" and " funding sources ". A quantitative analysis was made on the typical experience materials using the social network analysis method, while a qualitative analysis was made on the typical experience materials using the content analysis method. Results:The results of social network analysis showed that the network density was 0.272; the highest point centrality was " fully implement the autonomy of internal distribution in public hospitals" (0.935), and the highest intermediary centrality was " improving the assessment and evaluation mechanism oriented to public welfare" (0.870), while the closeness to centrality of " establishing and improving the incentive and constraint mechanism for the salary of public hospital leaders" (0.434) and " funding sources" (0.421) were relatively low. The results of content analysis showed that the ones with higher frequency among all the typical experience materials were " fully implementing the autonomy of internal distribution of hospitals" (72 times) and " improving the assessment and evaluation mechanism oriented to public welfare" (67 times), while the ones with lower frequency were " establishing and improving the salary incentive and constraint mechanism for public hospital leaders" (17 times) and " funding sources" (14 times). In terms of unity and synergy, the typical models of public hospital salary system reform in the province could be categorized as the fine standard mode, the fair value mode, the autonomous synergy mode and the circular symbiosis mode.Conclusions:Deepening the reform of the salary system of public hospitals should unify the standards and improve the fair and refined assessment and evaluation mechanism; explore various forms of distribution and build an internal autonomous and synergistic incentive mechanism; pay attention to the weak remuneration incentive mechanism for hospital leaders and the problem of a relatively single source of funding.

Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1023155


Objective To describe the research hotspots and authors'cooperative relationships in the field of pharmacoepidemiology mentioned in the 2022 International Conference on Pharmacoepidemiology and Therapeutic Risk Management(ICPE),and compare with those result of ICPE 2021.Methods Taking the 2021-2022 ICPE abstracts as the data source,we used Python to extract literature information.R software networkD3 package was used to draw network diagrams of cooperative relationships among authors and organizations.Term frequency-inverse document frequency technology in tidytext package was used to conduct weighted statistics on the frequency of tokens to identify hotspot diseases,drugs,databases,etc.Results 2 086 ICPE abstracts were included.Between 2021 and 2022,the number of abstracts,authors,and organizations increased by 58.8%,42.3%,and 24.9%respectively.In 2022,there were a total of 387 core authors(including 14 from China,all from Hong Kong and Taiwan district),forming 26 close cooperation groups(including 2 Chinese groups).161 core organizations(including 8 in China),constituted 18 close cooperation groups(including 1 Chinese-foreign group and 1 Chinese domestic group).The topic of COVID-19,type 2 diabetes,and rheumatoid arthritis have always been deeply discussed,meanwhile,the discussion popularity of breast cancer,Parkinson's disease and dementia have increased significantly.Opioids,sodium-glucose transporters 2 inhibitors,and antipsychotics have always been popular drugs,and the popularity of antidepressants,COVID-19 vaccines and antihypertensive drugs have increased markedly.The hotspot databases included Clinical Practice Research Datalink,IBM MarketScan Commercial Claims and Encounters,and Food and Drug Administration Adverse Event Reporting System,etc.Conclusion From 2021 to 2022,the scale of ICPE has expanded,and academic cooperation has become more extensive and in-depth.However,there is still a big gap between the participation and cooperation scale of scholars from Chinese mainland and foreign countries.Breast cancer,Parkinson's disease,dementia,antidepressants,and COVID-19 vaccines are new hot topics at ICPE 2022.The research hotspots and cooperation networks displayed in this article have certain reference values for Chinese pharmacoepidemiologists in selecting future research topics and partners.

Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1027949


Objective:To analyze the characteristics of smoking network among smokers in Kunming smoking cessation outpatient service.Methods:A multicenter, cross-sectional study was carried out, and smoking cessation outpatients from 8 tertiary hospitals (the Second Affiliated Hospital of Kunming Medical University, the First Affiliated Hospital of Kunming Medical University, Yan′an Hospital, Ganmei Hospital, the 920 Hospital of the Chinese People′s Liberation Army Joint Logistic Support Force, Kunming First People′s Hospital, the First People′s Hospital of Yunnan Province and the Second People′s Hospital of Yunnan Province) in Kunming, Yunnan Province were included to receive a questionnaire survey. The questionnaire mainly consisted of four parts: (1) demographic characteristics of smokers; (2) the specific situation of smoking; (3) social support network; (4) smoking network. A total of 360 questionnaires were distributed in this survey, 351 were recovered, and 351 were valid, the collected data from valid questionnaire were statistically analyzed to analyze the social demographic characteristics, smoking status and smoking network characteristics of smokers.Results:In this survey, the demographic characteristics of the 351 patients in the smoking cessation clinic were as follows: there were 342 male cases (97.4%), 249 cases (70.9%) were Han, 233 patients (66.4%) were non-religious, there were 236 cases (67.2%) with college degree or above, and 51 cases (14.5%) were unemployed. The analysis of smoking status showed that 167 patients (47.6%) maintained daily smoking, 247 patients (70.4%) had plans to quit smoking, at least one parent of 258 patients (73.5%) had a history of smoking, 188 patients (53.6 %) smoked at home. In the smoking network of the surveyed patients, there were 304 patients (86.6%) who smoked together with two or more people, and more than 90 percent of the patients smoked with the same sex.Conclusions:The smoking network of patients in Kunming smoking cessation clinic is small, and a third of smokers are friends. It is suggested to use the characteristics of smoking network to carry out smoking cessation intervention activities, so as to improve the success rate of smoking cessation.

Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1030089


Objective:To explore the problems of medical and preventive integration at primary healthcare institutions in China, for references for promoting the development of medical and preventive integration in China.Methods:This study searched for literatures covering the integration of medical and preventive at primary healthcare institutions on CNKI, Wanfang, and VIP databases(from the establishment of the database until March 1, 2023), and extracted text mentioning problems of the medical and preventive integration in primary healthcare institutions. The macro model of the health system was used for problem classification analysis, while the social network analysis method was used to measure the network density, point centrality, and intermediary centrality of the problem, and determine the key issues.Results:A total of 25 papers were included, and 28 problems of medical and preventive integration at primary medical and health institutions were extracted, including 6 problems at the external environment level, 15 problems at the structural level, 6 problems at the process level, and 1 problem at the result level. The results of social network analysis showed that the network density of these problems was 0.71. The point centrality and intermediary centrality of key problems were both high, including the lack of incentive mechanisms for medical and prevention integration (point centrality=69, intermediary centrality=21.44), fragmentation of health information systems(68, 15.70), insufficient awareness of medical and prevention integration among grassroots personnel(65, 17.47), shortage of talent at primary medical and health institutions(64, 11.69), weak service capabilities of primary medical institutions(50, 19.23), and insufficient information sharing(48, 15.80).Conclusions:A variety of problems were found in the integration of medical and preventive at primary medical and health institutions in China, which were closely interrelated. It was urgent to solve six key problems, including the lack of incentive mechanisms, talent shortage, and information system fragmentation, etc. It was suggested that primary medical and health institutions should further improve the incentive mechanism for medical and preventive integration, strengthen the construction of grassroots health talent teams, promote health information exchange and sharing, and enhance the awareness of medical and preventive integration.

Chinese Medical Ethics ; (6): 271-276, 2023.
Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1005543


【Objective:】 To deeply understand the current situation and hotspots of drug clinical trials risk management in China. 【Methods:】 Co-word analysis and social network analysis were used to sort out the study results of risk management in drug clinical trials in China. 【Results:】 The trend of risk research of drug clinical trials in China was generally on the rise. The research hotspots focused on four areas: drug supervision and pharmacovigilance, risk management of drug clinical trial institutions, ethical review of drug clinical trials, and risk management of drug clinical trials. 【Conclusion:】 In the future, China should gradually improve the risk management system and supervision system of drug clinical trials, explore to establish a risk-based quality management and ethical review system of drug clinical trials, and enhance the risk assessment and coping ability of institutions.

Arq. neuropsiquiatr ; 81(2): 164-172, 2023. tab, graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1439434


Abstract Objective To measure the cranial volume differences from 15 different parts in the follow-up of relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis (RRMS) patients and correlate them with clinical parameters. Methods Forty-seven patients with RRMS were included in the study. Patients were grouped into two categories; low Expanded Disability Status Scale (EDSS) (< 3; group 1), and moderate-high EDSS (≥ 3; group 2). Patients were evaluated with Beck Depression Inventory (BDI), Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MOCA), Symbol Digit Modalities Test(SDMT), Fatigue Severity Scale (FSS), and calculated Annualized Relapse Rate (ARR) scores. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) was performed with a 1.5T MRI device (Magnetom AERA, Siemens, Erlangen, Germany) twice in a 1-year period. Volumetric analysis was performed by a free, automated, online MRI brain volumetry software. The differences in volumetric values between the two MRI scans were calculated and correlated with the demographic and clinical parameters of the patients. Results The number of attacks, disease duration, BDI, and FSS scores were higher in group 2; SDMT was higher in group 1. As expected, volumetric analyses have shown volume loss in total cerebral white matter in follow-up patients (p < 0.001). In addition, putaminal volume loss was related to a higher number of attacks. Besides, a negative relation between FSS with total amygdala volumes, a link between atrophy of globus pallidus and ARR, and BDI scores was found with the aid of network analysis. Conclusions Apart from a visual demonstration of volume loss, cranial MRI with volumetric analysis has a great potential for revealing covert links between segmental volume changes and clinical parameters.

Resumo Objetivo Medir as diferenças de dominância craniana de 15 regiões diferentes no seguimento de pacientes com esclerose múltipla recorrente-remitente (EMRR) e correlacioná-las com parâmetros clínicos. Métodos Quarenta e sete pacientes com EMRR foram incluídos no estudo. Os pacientes foram agrupados em duas categorias; EDSS baixo (< 3; grupo 1) e EDSS médio-alto (≥ 3; grupo 2). Os pacientes foram avaliados com o Inventário de Depressão de Beck (BDI, na sigla em inglês), Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MOCA, na sigla em inglês), Symbol Digit Modality Tests (SDMT, na sigla em inglês), Fatigue Severity Scale (FSS, na sigla em inglês) e taxa de ataque anual (ARR, na sigla em inglês). Duas ressonâncias magnéticas (RMs) foram feitas em um ano com um aparelho de imagem de 1,5 T MR (Magnetom AERA, Siemens, Erlangen, Alemanha). A análise de volume foi realizada com um software de medição mestre cerebral de RM gratuito e automatizado. As diferenças volumétricas entre os dois exames de RM foram calculadas e correlacionadas com os parâmetros demográficos e clínicos dos pacientes. Resultados Número de crises, duração da doença, escores BDI e FSS foram mais elevados no grupo 2; as pontuações do SDMT foram maiores no grupo 1. Como esperado, as análises volumétricas mostraram perda total de volume de substância branca no seguimento (p < 0,001). Além disso, a perda da dominância putaminal foi associada ao maior número de ataques. Além disso, uma relação negativa entre FSS e volume total da amígdala, e uma correlação entre ARR e BDI e atrofia do globo pálido foi determinada com a ajuda da análise de rede. Conclusões Além da demonstração visual da perda de volume, a RM com análise volumétrica tem grande potencial para revelar alterações segmentares dominantes e conexões ocultas entre parâmetros clínicos.

Artículo en Portugués | LILACS-Express | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-1439799


Objetivo: Conhecer a rede de apoio das mães de recém-nascidos internados na Unidade de Terapia Intensiva Neonatal. Material e Método: Estudo com métodos mistos, orientado pelo quadro do Interacionismo Simbólico, realizado por meio de uma entrevista e da aplicação de uma escala para avaliar o nível de apoio social recebido. O estudo incluiu 11 mães de recém-nascidos prematuros internados em uma unidade de Terapia Intensiva Neonatal. Os dados foram submetidos à análise de conteúdo temático. Resultados: A análise evidenciou três categorias temáticas: a necessidade de apoio das mães de bebês internados em uma unidade de terapia intensiva; a rede de apoio das mães de bebês internados em uma unidade de terapia intensiva; a alta hospitalar e a demanda de apoio para o cuidado do recém-nascido -a perspectiva da mãe. Conclusões: A rede de apoio das mães participantes é composta pela família, por outras mães que estão vivenciando o mesmo processo, pelos profissionais e por instituições religiosas. O apoio considerado necessário deveria incluir a informação, a atenção e o apoio emocional.

Objective: To analyze the support network of mothers of newborns hospitalized in a Neonatal Intensive Care Unit. Materials and Methods: Mixed methods study, oriented to the symbolic interactionism framework, carried out through an interview and the application of a scale to assess the level of social support received. The study included 11 mothers of premature newborns hospitalized in a neonatal intensive care unit. The data were subjected to a thematic content analysis. Results: The analysis resulted in three thematic categories: the need for supporting mothers of babies hospitalized in an intensive care unit; the support network for mothers of babies hospitalized in an intensive care unit; hospital discharge and the demand for help in caring for the newborn -the mother's perspective. Conclusions: The support network of the participating mothers consists of the family, other mothers experiencing the same process, professionals, and religious institutions. The necessary support should include information, attention, and emotional support.

Objetivo: Conocer la red de apoyo a las madres de recién nacidos internados en la Unidad de Terapia Intensiva Neonatal. Material y Método: Estudio con métodos mixtos, orientado al referencial del interaccionismo simbólico, realizado mediante entrevista y aplicación de escala para la valoración del apoyo social recibido. Estudio dirigido a 11 madres de recién nacidos prematuros internados en la Unidad de Terapia Intensiva Neonatal. Los datos se sometieron a un análisis de contenido temático. Resultados: El análisis evidenció tres categorías temáticas: la necesidad de ayuda de las madres de los bebés internados en una unidad de terapia intensiva; la red de ayuda de las madres de los bebés internados en una unidad de terapia intensiva; el alta hospitalaria y la demanda de ayuda para el cuidado del recién nacido -la perspectiva de la madre. Conclusiones: La red de apoyo de las madres participantes está conformada por la familia, otras madres que viven el mismos proceso, profesionales e instituciones religiosas. El apoyo que se considera necesario es el de información, atención y apoyo emocional.

Mem. Inst. Oswaldo Cruz ; 118: e230116, 2023. tab, graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1521241


BACKGROUND The Global Virome Project (GVP) was proposed in 2018 as an evolution of the USAID PREDICT project and was presented as a "collaborative scientific initiative to discover zoonotic viral threats and stop future pandemics". The immediate response was mixed, with public health and scientific communities representatives showing skepticism, if not direct opposition. OBJECTIVES The economic, social, and health consequences of the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic demonstrated how unprepared the world was in the face of new pandemics. This paper analyses the impact of the GVP on the scientific and public health communities. METHODS Published scientific articles that cited the two 2018 seminal publications proposing the project were analysed using social network analysis methods. FINDINGS Encompassing the periods before and after the onset of the Covid-19 pandemic, the results indicate that (i) the concepts of the GVP have received more support than opposition in the scientific literature; (ii) its foundations should be updated to address the specific criticisms. MAIN CONCLUSIONS Shifting focus to national virome projects can provide tangible, regional benefits that can positively contribute towards a consensus on achieving a high level of preparedness for the ever-present possibility of the following global viral pandemic.

Interface (Botucatu, Online) ; 27: e220163, 2023. ilus
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1440371


Resumo Objetivou-se analisar as características estruturais, as funções e os atributos dos vínculos, nas redes sociais, de usuários de um Centro de Atenção Psicossocial (Caps). Para isso, desenvolveu-se um estudo qualitativo em que participaram 16 usuários de um Caps. Foram realizadas entrevistas em profundidade e semiestruturadas com base no diagrama do Mapa de Redes. Identificaram-se redes sociais extensas e com concentração de relações íntimas, circunscritas aos familiares e aos serviços de saúde. Após o adoecimento, os participantes relataram relações familiares fragilizadas. A apropriação dos espaços na comunidade e nas relações de amizade favoreceu a estruturação das redes. A análise do Mapa de Redes compreende uma ferramenta analisadora indicando, à produção do cuidado em Saúde Mental, os rumos para a Atenção Psicossocial. (AU)

Resumen El objetivo fue analizar las características estructurales, las funciones y los atributos de los vínculos en las redes sociales de usuarios de un Centro de Atención Psicosocial. Para ello, se desarrolló un estudio cualitativo en el que participaron 16 usuarios de un Centro de Atención Psicosocial. Se realizaron entrevistas en profundidad y semiestructuradas con base en el diagrama del mapa de Red. Se identificaron redes sociales extensas y con concentración de relaciones íntimas, circunscritas a los familiares y a los servicios de salud. Después de la enfermedad, los participantes relataron relaciones familiares fragilizadas. La apropiación de los espacios en la comunidad y en las redes incluye una herramienta de análisis, indicando a la producción del cuidado de salud mental los rumbos para la atención psicosocial. (AU)

Abstract The objective was to analyze the structural characteristics, functions and attributes of bonds in the social networks of users of a Psychosocial Care Center. For this purpose, a qualitative study was developed in which 16 users of a Psychosocial Care Center participated. In-depth and semi-structured interviews were carried out based on the Network Map diagram. Extensive social networks were identified, with a concentration of intimate relationships, limited to family members and health services. After the illness, the participants reported fragile family relationships. The appropriation of spaces in the community and in friendship relationships favored the structuring of networks. The analysis of the network map comprises an analysis tool indicating the pathways for psychosocial care to reach the production of mental health care. (AU)

Rev. bras. enferm ; 76(supl.2): e20220790, 2023. graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS-Express | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-1565279


ABSTRACT Objective: To understand the structures of social networks of interiorized Venezuelan immigrant families and the life cycle stage they are in. Methods: Qualitative multiple-case study with families from the Interiorization Program residing in the Greater Florianópolis, Brazil. Screening occurred through social networks and key informants. For data collection, the photovoice technique and semi-structured interviews were used, categorized with the help of the Atlas.ti software. Genograms and ecomaps were elaborated. Results: Of the 4 families interviewed, totaling 7 members with young children, the nuclear family was identified as the main informal support network. Formal networks included schools, churches, and civil society. Conclusion: Families rely heavily on their nuclear structure for support, with formal institutions acting as secondary resources. The predominant life cycle stage is focused on families with young children. More efforts are needed to strengthen formal support networks.

RESUMEN Objetivo: Comprender las estructuras de las redes sociales de familias inmigrantes venezolanas interiorizadas y la fase del ciclo de vida en la que se encuentran. Métodos: Estudio cualitativo de múltiples casos con familias del Programa de Interiorización residentes en la Gran Florianópolis, Brasil. La selección se realizó a través de redes sociales e informantes clave. Para la recopilación de datos, se utilizó la técnica de fotovoz y entrevistas semiestructuradas, categorizadas con la ayuda del software Atlas.ti. Se elaboraron genogramas y ecomapas. Resultados: De las 4 familias entrevistadas, totalizando 7 miembros con hijos pequeños, se identificó a la familia nuclear como principal red de apoyo informal. Las redes formales incluyeron escuelas, iglesias y sociedad civil. Conclusiones: Las familias dependen en gran medida de su estructura nuclear para el apoyo, con las instituciones formales actuando como recursos secundarios. La fase predominante del ciclo de vida se centra en familias con hijos pequeños. Se requieren más esfuerzos para fortalecer las redes de apoyo formales.

RESUMO Objetivo: Compreender as estruturas das redes sociais de famílias imigrantes venezuelanas interiorizadas e a fase do ciclo vital em que se encontram. Métodos: Estudo qualitativo de múltiplos casos com famílias do Programa de Interiorização residentes na Grande Florianópolis, Brasil. A triagem ocorreu por meio de redes sociais e informantes-chave. Para a coleta de dados, utilizou-se a técnica de photovoice e entrevistas semiestruturadas, categorizadas com a ajuda do software Atlas.ti. Foram elaborados genogramas e ecomapas. Resultados: Das 4 famílias entrevistadas, totalizando 7 membros com filhos pequenos, identificou-se a família nuclear como principal rede de apoio informal. As redes formais incluíram escolas, igrejas e sociedade civil. Considerações finais: As famílias dependem fortemente de sua estrutura nuclear para apoio, com instituições formais atuando como recursos secundários. A fase do ciclo vital predominante está focada em famílias com filhos pequenos. Mais esforços são necessários para fortalecer as redes de apoio formais.

Movimento (Porto Alegre) ; 29: e29063, 2023. tab, graf
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1558577


Resumo O objetivo foi descrever o que se tem publicado sobre a utilização do método de análise de redes sociais (social network analysis) no contexto esportivo. Para tal, foi realizada uma revisão integrativa. O retorno foi de 32 artigos científicos. O instrumento mais utilizado nos artigos retornados foi o SocNetV em 11 estudos (34,4%), seguido pelo Gephi em sete estudos (21,9%) e o pacote Igraph do R em quatro (12,5%). Conclui-se que analisar as interações entre os jogadores e identificar as estruturas e padrões, torna-se o foco para o grupo social (equipe) e não somente no sujeito isolado (atleta). Devido à baixa exploração e nula para alguns esportes, recomenda-se a realização de estudos para o público feminino.

Abstract This paper aims to describe what has been published on the use of the social network analysis method in the sports context. To this end, an integrative review was carried out. With the following terms: network analysis and team sports. In English, Spanish and Portuguese. A total of 32 articles were returned. The most used tool in the returned articles was SocNetV in 11 studies (34.4%), followed by Gephi in seven studies (21.9%) and the R's Igraph package in four (12.5%). It is concluded that analyzing player interactions and identifying structures and patterns, becomes the focus for the social group (team) and not only on the isolated subject (athlete). Due to the low exploration and null for some sports, it is recommended to conduct studies for the female audience.

Resumen Este estudio pretende describir lo que se ha publicado sobre el uso del método de análisis de redes sociales (social network analysis) en el contexto deportivo. Para ello, se realizó una revisión integradora. Con los siguientes términos: análisis de redes y deportes colectivos. En inglés, español y portugués. El retorno fue de 32. El instrumento más utilizado en los artículos devueltos fue SocNetV en 11 estudios (34,4%), seguido de Gephi en siete estudios (21,9%) y el paquete Igraph de R en cuatro (12,5%). Se concluye que el análisis de las interacciones entre los jugadores y la identificación de estructuras y patrones se convierte en el foco de atención para el grupo social (equipo) y no sólo en el sujeto aislado (atleta). Debido a la escasa exploración y nula para algunos deportes, se recomienda realizar estudios para el público femenino.

E-Cienc. inf ; 12(2)dic. 2022.
Artículo en Español | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1448130


Este artículo presenta un análisis bibliométrico de la producción científica de la Corporación de Estudios para Latinoamérica (CIEPLAN), el centro de estudios más importante durante la dictadura y transición democrática en Chile. El análisis se realiza sobre un conjunto de registros bibliográficos (n = 145), referencias (n = 4.055) e información biográfica de los autores, durante 1979-1989. Se analizan tres dimensiones: producción científica y áreas temáticas; colaboración y coautoría; y referencias o consumo de información. Se utiliza estadística descriptiva, modelamiento temático no supervisado y Análisis de Redes Sociales (SNA, por sus siglas en inglés). Los resultados muestran una tendencia constante en la producción científica y temas centrados en tópicos clásicos de la economía asociados con temas de desigualdad y política. Además, los análisis de colaboración y referencias muestran la existencia de una comunidad compuesta por reconocidos académicos y miembros de la élite política chilena centrales en la producción intelectual y en la red de referencias. Estos hallazgos permiten denominar a CIEPLAN como una de las principales comunidades epistémicas durante la recuperación y transición democrática chilena, en específico, durante los primeros gobiernos democráticos dónde varios miembros fueron reclutados para asumir importantes cargos en el ejecutivo. Hasta hoy, estos actores siguen influenciando el proceso de formulación de políticas públicas en Chile.

This paper presents a bibliometric analysis of the Corporación de Estudios para Latinoamérica (CIEPLAN in Spanish) scientific production. This was the most important think tank during the dictatorship and democratisation in Chile. The analysis is carried out based on bibliographic entries (n = 145), references (n = 4,055), and biographical information of the authors from 1979 to 1989. Three dimensions are analysed: scientific production and topics, collaboration and co-authorship, and references or information consumption. We use descriptive statistics, unsupervised topic modelling, and Social Network Analysis (SNA). The results reveal a constant trend in the scientific production and classic topics of the economy associated with inequality and political issues. Moreover, the collaboration and citation analyses show the existence of a community composed of recognised academics and members of the Chilean political elite who were central in the intellectual production and the references' network. These findings allow us to name CIEPLAN as one of the central epistemic communities during Chile's democratic recovery and transition, specifically during the first democratic governments, where a number of members were recruited to assume important positions in the executive. To this day, these actors continue influencing the policy-making process in Chile.

Biomédica (Bogotá) ; 42(4): 665-678, oct.-dic. 2022. tab, graf
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: biblio-1420314


Introducción. La malaria, o paludismo, es una enfermedad de gran impacto en la población colombiana, que debe ser abordada desde el punto de vista del trabajo en equipo de instituciones para el intercambio de conocimiento. Objetivo. Analizar las interacciones de la Red de Gestión del Conocimiento, Investigación e Innovación en Malaria de Colombia. Materiales y métodos. Se hizo un análisis de redes sociales que permitió identificar la proximidad entre los actores y el grado de conocimiento entre ellos; se observaron indicadores de densidad, diámetro, distancia media y centralidad de grado. El corpus documental para el estudio estuvo constituido por 193 documentos técnicos publicados entre el 2016 y el 2021, que fueron analizados empleando técnicas de procesamiento de texto mediante el lenguaje de programación R. La categorización de la red se realizó a partir de cinco variables: atención integral a pacientes, diagnóstico, epidemiología y sistemas de análisis de información en salud, política pública, y promoción y prevención. Resultados. El análisis de las interacciones indicó que la red la conformaban 99 actores, de los cuales 97 (98 %), mostraron más interés en la producción de conocimientos en epidemiología y sistemas de análisis de información en salud, seguido de la categoría de atención integral a pacientes con 79 (80 %). El 54 % de los actores llevó a cabo estudios de promoción y prevención, siendo esta la categoría de menor abordaje. Conclusiones. Este estudio contribuye al fortalecimiento de estrategias clave en la divulgación del conocimiento sobre la malaria en Colombia.

Introduction: Malaria is a disease with a high impact on Colombian population, which must be approached from the point of view of teamwork of institutions for knowledge exchange. Objective: To analyze the interactions of the Red de Gestión del Conocimiento, Investigación e Innovación en Malaria de Colombia. Materials and methods: An analysis of social networks was applied that allowed identifying the proximity between actors and the degree of knowledge between them. Indicators of density, diameter, average distance, and degree of centrality were observed. The documentary corpus for the study consisted of 193 technical documents published between 2016 and 2021, which were analyzed using text mining using the R programming language. The network was categorized based on five variables: comprehensive patient care, diagnosis, epidemiology and health information analysis systems, public policy and promotion and prevention. Results: The analysis of interactions indicated that the network was made up by 99 actors. The main interest in knowledge production was on epidemiology and health information analysis systems (98 % of the actors), followed by the integral patient care (80 % of the actors). On the contrary, the least approached category was malaria promotion and prevention practices (54 % of the actors). Conclusions: In general, this study contributes to the strengthening of key strategies in the dissemination of knowledge about malaria in Colombia.

Análisis de Redes Sociales , Malaria , Procesamiento de Texto , Epidemiología , Gestión del Conocimiento , Intercambio de Información en Salud
Interdisciplinaria ; 39(3): 185-203, oct. 2022. tab, graf
Artículo en Español | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1430576


Resumen Aunque las emociones básicas son consideradas universales, su significado varía según las culturas y los grupos sociales. En el marco de la construcción social de los significados, aquí se analizan y comparan las representaciones semánticas de seis emociones básicas (alegría, tristeza, enojo, miedo, sorpresa, asco) activadas por 78 niños (9 a 11 años) y 78 adultos (20 a 40 años). En base a una tarea de producción de atributos semánticos, se construyó la representación semántica asociada a cada emoción para cada rango etario. Luego, utilizando la metodología provista por el análisis de redes sociales (ARS), se analizó la calidad intrínseca y las diferencias en cantidad y tipos de atributos, estructura de las redes, densidad y nivel de entropía, y el uso de la definición por negación. Los resultados indicaron que los mapas semánticos de niños y mayores demuestran que los adultos producen mayor cantidad y diversidad de atributos que los niños, pero que ambas poblaciones comparten el núcleo del significado de los conceptos evaluados. Asimismo, muestra que la escolarización conduce a la generación de más atributos taxonómicos, que en los niños prevalecen los atributos introspectivos, que la densidad y la entropía revelan cómo los conceptos se vinculan entre sí diferencialmente en ambas poblaciones y finalmente que, frente a la dificultad para encontrar definidoras de pertenencia a una clase, los niños recurren a operaciones de contraste categorial. Entre las redes semánticas de adultos y de niños se encuentran continuidades y divergencias. En ambos grupos se encuentran separadas las emociones positivas de las negativas, lo cual es consistente con las teorías que sostienen la importancia de la valencia hedónica en la comprensión de las emociones.

Abstract Although basic emotions are considered universal, their representation, associations and meaning vary among cultures and social groups. Within the framework of the socio-constructivist theory, where the meanings develop in the social context, this paper analyzes and compares the semantic representations of six basic emotions (Joy, Sadness, Anger, Fear, Surprise and Disgust), evoked by 78 children between 9 and 11 years old and 78 adults between 20 and 40 years old. Participants had to list a series of properties/features for each concept in a Property Listing Task (PLT). With the lists produced by the participants, their frequencies and other statistical properties were calculated, and the matrix of distances between concepts was obtained from the vectors defined by each of them. Thus, using the six aforementioned emotions as stimuli, the semantic representation associated with each emotion was elaborated for each age range. Once these were obtained, an analysis was carried out to evaluate the intrinsic quality and the differences in: (1) quantity and types of features produced; (2) structure of each of the semantic networks obtained, both by means of quadratic assignment procedure (QAP) and hierarchical clustering algorithms; (3) network density (that describes the portion of the potential connections in a network that are actual connections) and entropy level (that describe the level of randomness and the amount of information encoded in a network); (4) comparative use of definition by negation; (5) qualitative analysis of the features associated with each emotional concept. To carry out the bulk of these activities and analysis, we used the tools and procedures provided by Social Network Analysis (SNA). As a result: (1) regarding the number of features, adults produced significantly more associations. A chi-square analysis found significant differences between groups in the type of features evoked, with a primacy of taxonomic for adults and introspective for children; (2) the quadratic assignment procedure found a significant level of association of .59 between the two age groups. The groupings performed at the lowest level of demand for linkage between cluster members distinguish positive emotions from negative ones; higher levels of demand begin to disaggregate the groupings: first fear and sadness are separated, then anger, then the dyad constituted by both versions of disgust. The emotion of greater commonality between children and adults is joy; (3) the density of the total network is higher in children than in adults, and the concepts of joy, disgust and sadness present a lower entropy in children than in adults; (4) Children produce considerably more definitions by the negative than adults; (5) the most similar emotion between both groups is joy and the most dissimilar is disgust. In children, disgust responds to gustatory stimuli, in adults it is used with social metaphorical value. The results obtained show the semantic representation of basic emotions in children and adults, finding both continuities (e. g. joy) and divergences (e. g. disgust) associated with the context and life experience. In both age groups, positive and negative emotions are found to be separated, which is consistent with theories on the importance of hedonic valence in the understanding of emotions. There are also differences in categorization, either more thematically or taxonomically oriented.