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Biosci. j. (Online) ; 39: e39015, 2023. ilus, tab
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: biblio-1415902


The usage of spatial tools might be helpful in the optimization of decision-making regarding soil management, with technologies that assist in the interpretation of information related to soil fertility. Therefore, the present study evaluated the spatial variability of chemical attributes of the soil under an agroforestry system compared to a native forest in the municipality of Tomé-açu, Eastern Amazon, Brazil. Soil samples were performed at 36 points arranged in a 55 x 55 m grid. The soils were prepared and submitted to analysis in order to determine pH in H2O, exchangeable calcium, magnesium, potassium and aluminium, available phosphorus, potential acidity, organic matter, bases saturation and aluminium saturation. For each soil attribute, the spherical, gaussian and exponential models were adjusted. After the semivariograms fitting, data interpolation for assessment of spatial variability of the variables was performed through ordinary kriging. The spherical and gaussian models were the most efficient models in estimation of soil attributes spatial variability, in most cases. Most of variables presented a regular spatial variability in their respective kriging maps, with some exceptions. In general, the kriging maps can be used, and we can take them as logistical maps for management and intervention practices in order to improve the soil fertility in the study areas. The results principal components indicate the need for integrated management of soil chemical attributes, with localized application of acidity correctors, fertilizers and other types of incomes, using the spatial variability of these fertility variables.

Química del Suelo , Agricultura Forestal
Acta biol. colomb ; 21(1): 39-50, Jan.-Apr. 2016. ilus, tab
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: lil-769031


Mangrove forests have a simple architecture. They shelter a few number of arboreal species that grow in a saline environment subject to tidal activity. The research objective was to evaluate possible interactions between physical-chemical soil attributes and plant-leaf nutrient concentrations of different mangrove species. Different mangrove species growing in the same soil, and the same mangrove species growing in two different soil classes were evaluated as to their leaf nutrient concentration patterns. The study was carried out in mangrove areas of the State of Paraná, southern Brazil, in two distinct soil classes: HISTOSOL THIOMORPHIC Salic sodic and GLEYSOL THIOMORPHIC Salic sodic; and three different species: Avicennia schaueriana, Laguncularia racemosa and Rhizophora mangle. Two subareas were delimited within each area from which soil and leaf samples were collected. Samplings from five individuals of each dominant mangrove species were taken from the soil (0-10 cm deep) under each tree crown projection. The data was submitted to statistical analysis using a set of simple and multivariate analysis in order to determine possible differences among mangrove species leaf nutrient concentrations, and whether these differences might be correlated with the soil attributes or not. The results exposed that the nutritional state of the mangrove species is different and independent form the soil attributes in which they grow. Few correlations were found among leaf nutrient concentrations and soil attributes, suggesting differential selective nutrient uptake among species.

Los manglares son bosques de arquitectura simple que albergan pocas especies arbóreas, creciendo en un ambiente salino sometido a la influencia de las mareas. El objetivo de este trabajo fue evaluar las posibles interacciones entre las propiedades fisicoquímicas del suelo y la concentración de nutrientes en hojas de diferentes especies de mangle. Se investigó si las diferentes especies que se desarrollan en la misma clase de suelo tienen concentraciones de nutrientes foliares similares, y si las plantas de mangles de la misma especie que se desarrollan en diferentes tipos de suelos tienen concentraciones foliares similares. El estudio se desarrolló en manglares del Estado de Paraná, sur de Brasil, en dos tipos de suelos diferentes (HISTOSOL TIÓNICO Salino sódico y GLEYSOL TIÓNICO Salino sódico). Se analizaron tres especies vegetales diferentes (Avicennia schaueriana, Laguncularia racemosa y Rhizophora mangle). En cada área se delimitaron dos subáreas para recolectar el suelo y las hojas de cada una de las especies. Se tomaron cinco individuos de cada especie del dosel dominante para recoger hojas y muestras de suelo de 0-10 cm, en la proyección de la copa de los árboles seleccionados. Se realizaron análisis univariados y multivariados para probar si las especies de mangle tienen perfiles nutricionales diferentes, y si existe alguna correlación entre las propiedades del suelo con la composición química de las hojas. Los resultados mostraron que el estado nutricional de las especies de mangle es distinto e independiente de los atributos de los suelos en los que se encuentran. Las concentraciones de elementos en las hojas presentan poca correlación con los nutrientes del suelo, lo que sugiere que la absorción de nutrientes por las plantas es selectiva.

Manguezais são florestas de arquitetura simples, abrigando poucas espécies arbóreas, vegetando em ambiente salino e sujeito ao regime de marés. O objetivo desta pesquisa foi avaliar as possíveis interações entre os atributos físico-químicos do solo e a concentração de nutrientes nas folhas de diferentes espécies de mangue. Assim, foi investigado se as diferentes espécies que se desenvolvem sobre a mesma classe de solo apresentam concentrações de nutrientes foliares similares, e se plantas de mangue da mesma espécie que ocorrem sobre diferentes classes de solo apresentam concentrações de nutrientes foliares similares. O estudo foi desenvolvido em manguezais no Estado do Paraná, Sul do Brasil, em duas classes distintas de solo (ORGANOSSOLO TIOMÓRFICO Sálico sódico e GLEISSOLO TIOMÓRFICO Sálico sódico), e três espécies diferentes de plantas (Avicennia schaueriana, Laguncularia racemosa and Rhizophora mangle). Em cada área foram delimitadas duas subáreas para coleta de solo e folhas das espécies. Cinco indivíduos do dossel dominante de cada espécie para coleta de folhas, na projeção da copa das árvores, e amostras de solo de 0-10 cm foram selecionados. Para testar se espécies de mangue apresentam perfis nutricionais distintos e se há correlação entre os atributos do solo com a composição química foliar um conjunto de análises univariadas multivariadas foram realizadas. Os resultados demonstraram que o estado nutricional das plantas é distinto e individualizado, independente dos atributos do solo em que se encontram as espécies. As concentrações dos elementos nas folhas pouco se correlacionaram com os nutrientes do solo, sugerindo absorção seletiva dos nutrientes pelas plantas.