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Med. clín. soc ; 8(1)abr. 2024.
Artículo en Español | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1550537


Introducción: El Patient Health Questionnaire for Depression and Anxiety (PHQ-4) es una medida de autoinforme ultrabreve de síntomas depresivos y ansiosos. El PHQ-4 no ha sido adaptado ni validado en la población quechua hablante. Objetivo: Este estudio tuvo como objetivo adaptar y validar el PHQ-4 en una muestra de población peruana quechua hablante en su variante Collao de Puno-Perú. Metodología: Participaron 221 personas hablantes de quechua variante collao (promedio de edad de 31,2 años, SD = 11,7, 47,1 % hombres y 52,9 % mujeres). Se evaluó la evidencia de validez basada en la estructura interna, mediante el análisis factorial confirmatorio (CFA), la fiabilidad con el método de consistencia interna y las características de dificultad y discriminación de los ítems en base a la Teoría de Respuesta al Ítem (IRT). Resultados: Los resultados indicaron que todos los ítems del PHQ-4 son relevantes, coherentes y claros para representar adecuadamente los síntomas de ansiedad y depresión. El resultado del AFC apoyó un modelo unifactorial, donde los ítems de ansiedad y depresión conforman una sola variable latente con una fiabilidad alta. Todos los ítems del PHQ-4 presentas buenos parámetros de discriminación y los parámetros de dificultad indican que los ítems son comparativamente difíciles. Por lo tanto, se necesita una mayor presencia del rasgo latente (ansiedad y depresión) para responder las categorías de respuesta más altas. Discusión: En conclusión, la PHQ-4 presentó buenas propiedades psicométricas como una medida de detección primaria rápida, confiable y válida para personas quechuahablantes que necesitan una evaluación profunda, monitoreo de los síntomas para diagnóstico y tratamiento para la ansiedad o depresión.

Introduction: The Patient Health Questionnaire for Depression and Anxiety (PHQ-4) is an ultra-brief self-report measure of depression and anxiety symptoms. The PHQ-4 has not been adapted or validated in the Quechua-speaking population. Objective: This study aimed to adapt and validate the PHQ-4 in a sample of the Peruvian Quechua-speaking population with its Collao variant from Puno-Peru. Methods: A total of 221 Quechua speakers of the Collao variant (mean age 31.2 years, SD = 11.7, 47.1% male and 52.9% female) participated. Evidence of validity based on internal structure was evaluated using confirmatory factor analysis (CFA), reliability using the internal consistency method, and item difficulty and discrimination characteristics based on Item Response Theory (IRT). Results: The results indicated that all items of the PHQ-4 were relevant, consistent, and clear enough to adequately represent anxiety and depressive symptoms. The CFA results supported a one-factorial model, in which anxiety and depression items form a single latent variable with high reliability. All items of the PHQ-4 had good discrimination parameters, and the difficulty parameters indicated that the items were comparatively difficult. Therefore, a higher presence of the latent trait (anxiety and depression) is needed to answer higher response categories. Discussion: In conclusion, the PHQ-4 presented good psychometric properties as a rapid, reliable, and valid primary screening measure for Quechua speakers in need of in-depth assessment and symptom monitoring for the diagnosis and treatment of anxiety and depression.

Artículo en Inglés | WPRIM | ID: wpr-974022


Objective@#To describe the use of a laryngophone to aid in verbal communication when wearing elastomeric respirator masks. @*Methods@#Design: Instrumentation Innovation. Setting: Tertiary Private Training Hospital.@*Participants@#Five volunteers using elastomeric respirator masks rated laryngophone use, afterwhich they individually rated an additional volunteer on speech intelligibility before and after laryngophone use. @*Results@#On a scale of 1-10, the average score of the five volunteers for the laryngophone was 8.8 for ease of use, 8.0 for comfort, and 8.0 for ease of communication. Their average speech intelligibility score for the additional volunteer using the respirator mask alone was 2.0, and for use of the respirator mask with laryngophone was 3.6 on a scale of 1-4. @*Conclusion@#This portable laryngophone speaker may be useful in aiding otolaryngologists and health care providers using elastomeric respirator masks in verbal communication by amplifying speech without needing an external microphone, preventing vocal strain.

COVID-19 , Pandemias
Aval. psicol ; 19(1): 18-28, jan.-abr. 2020. tab
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1089019


The aim of this study was to expand the (perceived) emotional intelligence scientific assessment domain and to validate the Schutte Emotional Intelligence Scale (SEIS) with Portuguese speaking adults. The research sample was composed of 2,380 subjects, all Portuguese speakers, with a mean age of 34.91 years. The factorial validity analysis produced four factors, similar to the international reference studies with this scale, which explained 45.56% of the total variance. In accordance with the theoretical and instrumental background, the four factors were named: Recognition of others' emotions; Recognition and communication of one's own emotions; Management of one's own emotions and Use of emotions. The adapted instrument presented valid psychometric characteristics for the assessment of perceived emotional intelligence, suggesting that the Portuguese version of the SEIS maintains the content validity and a regular structure, when compared to previously adapted and explored versions.(AU)

O objetivo deste estudo foi expandir o domínio de avaliação científica da inteligência emocional (percebida) e validar a Escala de Inteligência Emocional de Schutte (SEIS) para adultos falantes de língua portuguesa. A amostra pesquisada foi formada por 2.380 indivíduos, todos falantes de português, com idade média de 34,91 anos. A análise da validade fatorial mostrou quatro fatores, semelhante aos estudos internacionais de referência com essa escala, que explicaram 45,56% da variância total. Em consonância com os antecedentes teóricos e instrumentais, os quatro fatores foram denominados: Reconhecimento das emoções dos outros; Reconhecimento e comunicação de suas próprias emoções; Gerenciamento de suas próprias emoções e Uso de emoções. O instrumento adaptado demonstrou características psicométricas válidas para avaliação da inteligência emocional percebida, sugerindo que a versão em português da SEIS mantém a validade do conteúdo e uma estrutura regular, em comparação com versões previamente adaptadas e exploradas.(AU)

El objetivo de este artículo fue expandir el dominio de evaluación científica de la inteligencia emocional (percibida) y validar la Escala de Inteligencia Emocional de Schutte (SEIS) para adultos hablantes de lengua portuguesa. La muestra investigada fue formada por 2380 individuos con una edad media de 34.91 años. El análisis de la validez factorial presentó cuatro factores, equiparable a los estudios internacionales de referencia con esta escala, que resultó el 45.56% de la varianza total. En conformidad con los antecedentes teóricos e instrumentales, los cuatro factores fueron denominados: Percepción emocional de los demás; Reconocimiento y comunicación de sus propias emociones; Gestión de sus propias emociones; y Utilización de emociones. El instrumento adaptado mostró características psicométricas válidas para evaluar la inteligencia emocional percibida, sugiriendo que la versión en portugués de la SEIS mantiene la validez del contenido y una estructura regular, en comparación con versiones previamente adaptadas y exploradas.(AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Adulto , Inteligencia Emocional , Reproducibilidad de los Resultados , Análisis Factorial
Medisan ; 19(4)abr.-abr. 2015.
Artículo en Español | LILACS, CUMED | ID: lil-745152


En la oratoria se han ido difundiendo e incluso consolidando ciertos vicios del lenguaje que restan brillo y seriedad a las expresiones verbales, entre los que figuran las muletillas y palabras comodines, capaces de atentar contra una disertación muy bien preparada, pero muchas veces no ensayada ante otros o grabada para escuchar las repeticiones innecesarias de vocablos u otras incorrecciones lingüísticas. En el artículo se ejemplifican ambos defectos idiomáticos y se recomiendan algunas soluciones para corregirlos; pero como toda adicción, resultan vitales el interés y la voluntad de quienes los poseen para poder minimizarlos o eliminarlos de su caudal léxico...

Certain bad habits of the language which reduce shine and seriousness to the verbal expressions have been diffused and even consolidated in the oratory, among which there are the tags and joker words, which are able to attempt against a very well prepared dissertation, but many times unrehearsed in front of others or recorded to listen the unnecessary repetitions of words or other linguistic incorrectness. Both idiomatic defects are exemplified in the work and some solutions are recommended to correct them; but as all addiction, interest and will of those who possess them are vital to be able to minimize them or to eliminate them of their lexical flow...

Exposiciones Científicas , Exposiciones como Asunto , Discurso
Medisan ; 19(2)feb.-feb. 2015.
Artículo en Español | LILACS, CUMED | ID: lil-735275


Cuando una persona se comunica con seguridad y transmite sus conocimientos con fluidez, la audiencia tiende a conferirle mayor confianza y credibilidad. La sencillez es una cualidad moral necesaria para la expresión oral, que incluye entre sus componentes: la modestia, el sentido del humor y la naturalidad, cada uno de ellos comentado en este artículo.

When a person communicates with confidence and expresses his knowledge with fluency, the audience tends to confer him greater trust and credibility. Simplicity is a necessary moral quality for the oral expression that includes among its components: modesty, sense of humour and natural manner, each of them is commented in this work.

Exposiciones Científicas
Medisan ; 16(12): 1954-1977, dic. 2012.
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: lil-662282


Los accesorios son sumamente importantes, pues combinados con acierto permiten realzar la figura humana en su conjunto, transmiten una valiosa información acerca de quien los porta y constituyen un recurso ideal para cambiar la apariencia en muy pocos minutos. En el artículo se abordan, fundamentalmente, diversos aspectos relacionados con los complementos femeninos y masculinos, en aras de combatir la vulgaridad, el mal gusto y el erróneo concepto de modernidad en algunas mentes y posturas, pues la exposición oral de un trabajo científico es una circunstancia especial que exige de oradoras y oradores una conducta e imagen personal igualmente distintivas, a fin de evitar que puedan ser descalificados por el auditorio antes de comenzar a hablar por haber descuidado este básico elemento en su atavío

Accessories are extremely important, because combined with success they allow to enhance the human figure as a whole, they transmit a valuable information about their carriers and they constitute an ideal resource to change the appearance in very few minutes. In the article different aspects related to the female and male complements are approached, fundamentally aimed at combating vulgarity, the bad taste and the erroneous concept of modernity in some minds and positions, because the oral presentation of a scientific work is a special circumstance that demands from speakers a equally distinctive behavior and personal image, in order to avoid that they can be disqualified by the auditory before beginning to speak to have neglected this basic element in their attire

Humanos , Vestuario , Ética , Exposiciones Científicas
Psicol. reflex. crit ; 25(3): 568-577, 2012. ilus, tab
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: lil-653628


The aim of the present work - which was divided into two studies - was to investigate if, from teaching selection tasks, naming responses would be emitted without direct teaching. Nine children aged between 7 and 12 participated in the study. In each study, 12 abstract pictures and 12 pseudo words were utilized. The procedures were comprised of six sessions that encompassed selection tasks (name-picture relations) and naming tests (picture-name relations). When a participant met 100% correct responses in selection tasks, (s)he was exposed to a naming test. The difference among the studies was the presentation of an echoic behavior pre-test of the pseudo words. The results indicated variability in the participants' naming performance.

O presente trabalho, dividido em dois estudos, teve como objetivo verificar se a partir de tarefas de seleção, respostas de nomeação seriam emitidas sem ensino direto. Participaram ao todo nove crianças com idades entre 7 e 12 anos. Em cada estudo foram utilizadas 12 figuras abstratas e 12 pseudopalavras. Os procedimentos continham seis sessões compostas de tarefas de seleção (relações nome-figura) e de testes de nomeação (relações figura-nome). Alcançado desempenho de 100% de acerto nas tarefas de seleção, o participante era exposto ao teste de nomeação. A diferença entre os estudos foi a apresentação de um préteste de comportamento ecóico das pseudopalavras. Os resultados indicaram variabilidade no desempenho de nomeação dos participantes.

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Niño , Desarrollo del Lenguaje
Subj. procesos cogn ; 14(2): 284-292, dic. 2010. tab
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: lil-576364


Presentamos en este trabajo un método completamente automatizado para la tarea de clasificación de actos del habla en discurso árabe. La clasificación de actos del habla involucra la asignación de una categoría, obtenida a partir de una serie de categorías de actos del habla, a una oración para indicar la intención del hablante. Nuestra aproximación a la clasificación de actos del habla está basada en la hipótesis de que las palabras iniciales de una oración y/o sus partes-de-discurso son muy útiles para el diagnóstico del acto del habla expresado en la oración. Consideramos además la categorización semántica de estas palabras en términos de entidades nombradas y combinamos este enfoque con algoritmos de aprendizaje mecánicos para derivar automáticamente los parámetros de los modelos que utilizamos para implementar el enfoque. Presentamos experimentos y resultados obtenidos con varios modelos y algoritmos de aprendizaje automático en un corpus de 408 oraciones árabes.

We present in this paper a fully-automated method for the task of speech act classification for Arabic discourse. Speech act classification involves assigning a category from aset of predefined speech act categories to a sentence to indicate speaker’s intention. Our approach to speech act classification is based on the hypothesis that the initial words in a sentence and/or their parts-of-speech are very diagnostic of the particular speech act expressed in the sentence. We also consider semantic categorization ofthese words in terms of named entities and combine this approach with machinelearning algorithms to automatically derive the parameters of the models we used to implement the approach. Experiments and results obtained with several models and machine learning algorithms on a corpus of 408 Arabic sentences are presented.

Automatización , Habla , Psicología
Journal of Rhinology ; : 92-97, 1998.
Artículo en Inglés | WPRIM | ID: wpr-212349


Knowledge about the mechanism and factors that influence olfaction in laryngectomees remains unclear. The aims of this study were to determine the effect of nasal airflow on olfactory ability, as measured by sniff alone and laryngeal bypass with sniff ; to evaluate varying olfactory abilities according to the status of the speech mechanisms in esophageal speakers (ES) and tracheoesophageal shunt speakers (TES) ; and to assess the relationship between speech acceptability and olfactory ability in laryngectomees. Two laryngectomee groups, consisting of ES and TES, and age-matched controls were analyzed through questionnaires, tests applying a Japanese T&T olfactometer to measure thresholds of odor detection and recognition, intravenous alinamin injection tests, and measures of speech acceptability. The findings that laryngeal bypass with sniff and the TES group demonstrated lower olfactory thresholds and shorter latent times than sniff alone and the ES group was informative about the importance of nasal airflow to the olfactory ability in laryngectomees. Furthermore, the close relationship found between olfactory threshold and speech acceptability showed that the ability to transport airflow through the nasal cavity during speech had a strong influence on olfactory ability in laryngectomees.

Humanos , Pueblo Asiatico , Cavidad Nasal , Odorantes , Olfato , Encuestas y Cuestionarios