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Artículo en Inglés | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1036412


@#Objective: To identify progress and challenges in the national response to tuberculosis (TB) in Solomon Islands through an epidemiological overview of TB in the country. Methods: A descriptive analysis was conducted using the national TB surveillance data for 2016–2022. Case notifications, testing data, treatment outcomes and screening activities were analysed. Results: The number of case notifications was 343 in 2022, with an average annual reduction of the case notification rate between 2016 and 2022 of 4.7%. The highest case notification rate was reported by Honiara City Council (126/100 000 population) in 2022. The number of people with presumptive TB tested by Xpert® rapidly increased from zero in 2016 to 870 in 2022. Treatment success rate remained consistently high between 2016 and 2022, ranging from 92% to 96%. Screening for HIV and diabetes mellitus (DM) among TB patients in 2022 was 14% and 38%, respectively. Most patients (97%) were hospitalized during the intensive phase of treatment in 2022; in contrast, during the continuation phase, the proportion of patients treated at the community level increased from 1% in 2016 to 63% in 2022. Despite an increase in household contact investigations, from 381 in 2016 to 707 in 2021, the uptake of TB preventive treatment (TPT) was minimal (7% among eligible child contacts). Discussion: This epidemiological analysis in Solomon Islands reveals both notable achievements and challenges in the country’s TB programme. One major achievement is a potential actual reduction in TB incidence. Challenges identified were potential underdetection of cases in rural areas, suboptimal community-based care, and insufficient contact tracing and uptake of TPT. It is crucial to address these challenges (e.g. by optimizing resources) to advance the national TB response.

Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1012652


ObjectiveTo evaluate the measles surveillance system (MSS) in Jiading District, Shanghai from 2020 to 2022, and to provide evidence for the elimination of measles. MethodsDescriptive methods were used to analyze the MSS data and confirmed measles cases from 2020 to 2022 and to evaluate MSS performance indicators. ResultsA total of 120 suspected cases were reported through the MSS from 2020 to 2022, of which 12 were classified as measles, 9 as rubella, and 99 as non-measles /rubella. The incidence of reported non-measles /rubella was 1.44 per 100 000 population in 2020, 2.01 per 100 000 population in 2021, and 1.99 per 100 000 population in 2022. The rates of complete investigation within 48 hours, blood samples and etiology collection, timely delivery, and timely reporting were all 100%. Among the 12 confirmed measles cases from 2020 to 2022, seven routine immunization subjects completed the required doses of measles vaccines, while two out five adult cases had a history of measles vaccine-related immunization. The confirmed cases comprised six with fever accompanied by rash, five with rash alone, and one with fever alone. ConclusionThe MSS results in Jiading District, Shanghai are overall satisfactory. However, there is a need to improve sensitivity, especially in detecting and reporting cases with atypical symptoms. It is imperative to maintain high vaccination coverage for age-appropriate children, promote supplementary immunization activities, and elevate the overall immunity of the entire population.

Physis (Rio J.) ; 34: e34SP104, 2024. tab, graf
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1558687


Resumo O artigo analisa a resposta federal dos Sistemas Nacionais de Vigilância em Saúde e de Vigilância Sanitária frente à epidemia do Zika vírus no Brasil, de 2015 a 2018, com foco nos contextos político-institucionais e no conteúdo das medidas governamentais desenvolvidas no período. O estudo ancorou-se na abordagem institucionalista histórica, compreendendo análise documental e entrevistas com atores-chave. A resposta se caracterizou pela priorização inicial da emergência sanitária na agenda política do governo federal, reduzindo-se ao longo do período, influenciada pelas crises financeira e política. Verificou-se multiplicidade de atores e instâncias voltadas à contingência, com certa articulação entre os dois sistemas, a partir de experiências pré-emergência próprias. O controle vetorial teve centralidade, valorizando ações intersetoriais e comunitárias, induzidas sobretudo pela Secretaria de Vigilância em Saúde do Ministério da Saúde e complementarmente pela Agência Nacional de Vigilância Sanitária. Observaram-se expressivas limitações alocativas de recursos financeiros novos e mudanças no aparato organizativo de resposta, com efeitos para a continuidade das políticas no pós-emergência, incluindo o desenvolvimento de medicamentos, vacinas e testes. A Emergência em Saúde Pública do Zika Vírus no Brasil foi marcada por limitada institucionalização de aprendizados e estratégias estruturantes, reduzindo oportunidades para a (re)organização das vigilâncias no Sistema Único de Saúde.

Abstract The article analyzes the federal response of the National Public Health Surveillance and Brazilian Health Regulatory Systems to the Zika virus epidemic in Brazil, from 2015 to 2018, focusing on the political-institutional contexts and the content of government measures developed during the period. The study was anchored in the historical institutionalist approach, comprising documentary analysis and interviews with key actors. The response was characterized by the initial prioritization of the health emergency on the federal government's political agenda, which was reduced over the period, influenced by the financial and political crises. There was a multiplicity of actors and instances focused on contingency, with a certain articulation between the two systems, based on their own pre-emergency experiences. Vector control had centrality, valuing intersectoral and community actions, induced mainly by the Health Surveillance Secretariat of the Ministry of Health and additionally by the National Health Surveillance Agency. Significant allocation limitations of new financial resources and changes in the organizational response apparatus were observed, with effects on the continuity of post-emergency policies, including the development of medicines, vaccines and tests. The Zika Virus Public Health Emergency in Brazil was marked by limited institutionalization of learning and structuring strategies, reducing opportunities for the (re)organization of surveillance in the Unified Health System.

RECIIS (Online) ; 17(4): 909-923, out.-dez. 2023.
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS, ColecionaSUS | ID: biblio-1532334


O objetivo deste artigo é avaliar, segundo alguns atributos, o sistema de vigilância dos acidentes de trabalho antes e após a implantação do software Sentinela (2018-2021), com base em uma pesquisa descritiva de dados secundários, e efetuar recomendações. Foram analisadas variáveis da ficha de investigação, de acordo com os atributos qualidade dos dados (completitude e consistência), oportunidade e representatividade. Os resultados mostraram que, após o Sentinela, houve aumento da notificação de acidentes (66,16%), maior completitude das variáveis, com importante alteração na 'atividade econômica' (98,9%) e 'evolução' (96,3%), diminuição dos campos ignorados/em branco, com destaque para o campo 'evolução' (3,7%), e melhora na oportunidade de controle dos acidentes fatais (79 dias). Concluímos que a vigilância dos acidentes de trabalho tem excelente qualidade dos dados, é representativa, mas inoportuna. O Sentinela melhorou o sistema, tornando-o mais sensível na captação dos acidentes e permitindo-lhe ter informações de melhor qualidade. É necessária a avaliação rotineira dos atributos, para aprimoramento constante do sistema, assim como rever as rotinas das equipes de saúde, melhorando a oportunidade de controle por meio de suas ações

This article aims to evaluate the occupational health surveillance system before and after the implementa-tion of the Sentinela software (2018-2021), according to some attributes and based on descriptive research using secondary data, and to make recommendations. Variables of the accident investigation report were analysed, according to the attributes of data quality (completeness and consistency), opportunity and rep-resentativeness. The results have revealed that after Sentinela, there was an increase in the notification of accidents (66.16%), greater completeness of the variables, with an important change in 'economic activity' (98.9%) and 'evolution' (96.3%), a decreased in blank fields/information missing, with emphasis on the 'evolution' field (3.7%), and an improvement in the opportunity to control fatal accidents (79 days). We have concluded that the surveillance of the occupational accidents has excellent data quality, is representative, but inopportune. The Sentinela has improved the system, making it more sensitive in capturing accidents, allowing it to provide better quality of information. An evaluation of the attributes is routinely necessary to constantly improve the system, as well as reviewing the routines of health professionals, improving the opportunity to control by their actions

El objetivo de este artículo es evaluar, según algunos atributos, el sistema de vigilancia de los accidentes de trabajo antes y después de la implementación del software Sentinela (2018-2021), por medio de una investigación descriptiva de datos secundarios, y hacer recomendaciones. Fueron analizadas variables de la ficha de investigación de accidentes, de acuerdo con los atributos de calidad de los datos (completitud y consistencia), oportunidad y representatividad. Los resultados demostraron que, después del Sentinela, ha habido un aumento de la notificación de accidentes (66,16 %), una mayor completitud de las variables, con un cambio importante en 'actividad económica' (98,9 %) y 'evolución' (96,3 %), una disminución de campos ignorados/en blanco, con énfasis en el campo 'evolución' (3,7%), y mejora en la probabilidad de control de los accidentes mortales (79 días). Concluimos que la vigilancia de los accidentes de trabajo tiene excelente calidad de datos, es representativa, pero inoportuna. El Sentinela ha mejorado el sistema, haciéndolo más sensible en la captación de los accidentes y permitiéndole tener informaciones de mejor calidad. La evaluación de los atributos con regularidad es necesaria para el perfeccionamiento constante del sistema, así como la revisión de las rutinas de los equipos de salud, mejorando la oportunidad de control a través de sus acciones

Humanos , Accidentes de Trabajo , Salud Laboral , Servicios de Salud del Trabajador , Tecnología , Vigilancia en Salud Pública , Análisis de Datos , Prevención de Accidentes
Rev. colomb. psiquiatr ; 52(3)sept. 2023.
Artículo en Español | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1536151


Introducción: La conducta suicida es la causa de la mitad de las muertes violentas. Se considera un problema de salud pública con un millón de víctimas al año. El intento de suicidio es el factor de riesgo más importante. En Colombia, en 2017 la tasa de intento de suicidio fue de 51,8/100.000 hab. y la letalidad alcanzó 10,0/100.000. El objetivo es identificar factores del intento suicida asociados con la muerte y determinar la supervivencia después del intento durante 2 años. Material y métodos: Estudio de cohorte retrospectiva y análisis de supervivencia. Se cruzaron 42.594 registros del sistema de vigilancia de intento de suicidio con 325 muertes por suicidio del registro único de defunciones de 2016 y 2017. Se examinaron factores de riesgo, y se realizó la prueba de la x2, análisis multivariado y regresión logística. Se calculó la probabilidad de supervivencia acumulada con el método de Kaplan-Meier. Se aplicó un modelo de regresión de Cox para determinar la relación proporcional de las variables del intento suicida que se relacionan con suicidio. Resultados: Por cada muerte de mujer por suicidio, mueren 4,5 varones por esta causa; 1 de cada 4 personas fallecidas reportó al menos un intento previo. Los factores del intento relacionados con la muerte por suicidio fueron: ser varón (HR = 2,99; IC95%, 2,27-3,92), la edad adulta (> 29 años, HR = 2,38; IC95%, 1,90-2,99), vivir en área rural (HR = 2,56; IC95%, 2,04-3,20) y padecer enfermedad crónica (HR = 2,43; IC95%, 1,66-3,57) o trastorno depresivo (HR = 1,94; IC95%, 1,55-2,41). El 50% de las muertes por suicidio ocurren hasta en los 560 días posteriores al intento. Conclusiones: Se evidencia mayor riesgo de suicidio en pacientes varones, con historia de expresión, antecedentes de enfermedades crónicas y exposición a carga laboral.

Background: Suicidal behaviour is the cause of half of all violent deaths. It is considered to be a public health problem with one million victims a year. Suicide attempt is the most important risk factor. In Colombia, in 2017 the suicide attempt rate was 51.8/100,000 inhabitants, and he fatality rate reached 10.0/100,000. The objective is to identify suicide attempt factors associated with death and determine survival after the attempt for 2 years. Material and methods: Retrospective cohort study and survival analysis. A total of 42,594 records of the suicide attempt surveillance system databases and 325 records of death by suicide in 2016 and 2017 were analysed. The risk factors were examined and a X2-test and multivariate analysis and logistic regression were performed. Cumulative survival probability was calculated using the Kaplan-Meier method. A Cox regression model was applied to determine the proportional relationship of the suicide attempt variables that are related to suicide. Results: Men die by suicide 4.5 times more often than women. One in four suicide victims had made at least one prior suicide attempt. The attempt factors related with death by suicide were: male gender (HR = 2.99; 95% CI, 2.27-3.92), adulthood (over 29 years, HR = 2.38; 95% CI, 1.90-2.99), living in a rural area (HR = 2.56; 95% CI, 2.04-3.20), chronic disease history (HR = 2.43; 95% CI, 1.66-3.57) and depression disorder (HR = 1.94; 95% CI, 1.55-2.41). Some 50% of suicide deaths occur up to 560 days after the suicide attempt. Conclusions: The risk of suicide is highest in male patients, with a history of depression, chronic illness and exposure to heavy workloads.

Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-993741


Catheter-associated bloodstream infection(CRBSI) is one of the most common hospital-associated infections, and the incidence of central line-associated blood stream Infections (CLABSI) is the highest in CRBSI. This paper analyzes the current monitoring system of CLABSI in China, and compares the concept and method of National Healthcare Safety Network (NHSN) monitoring system, in order to make suggestions for the CLABSI monitoring system in China, and further improve the quality of medical safety.

Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-998772


In order to promote the development of China's occupational injury surveillance system, this paper presented the legal basis, project overview, reporting procedures, definitions and stati statistical scope, data sources and collection standards, statistical data management and analysis points of the European Statistics on Accidents at Work (ESAW), and combined with existing research and related surveillance management system in China, five key points were proposed for constructing China's occupational injury surveillance system: 1) Establish and improve laws and regulations related to occupational injury surveillance; 2) Promote utilization of nation-level data systems; 3) Establish and optimize a sound national occupational injury surveillance system; 4) Provide standardized protocols for data collection and data application of occupational injury statistics; 5) Strengthen supervision and law enforcement targeting industries and enterprises.

Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-998773


The UK's work-related diseases and occupational injury surveillance system consists of Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations 2013 (RIDDOR), Labour Force Survey (LFS), The Health and Occupation Research network in General Practice (THOR-GP), and Reporting to The Health and Occupation Research network by specialist physicians. This article briefly described the scope, content, and methods of each surveillance programme in the UK work-related diseases and occupational injury surveillance system, and summarized their advantages and disadvantages. Among them, employers are required to report to relevant law enforcement authorities by RIDDOR, data are highly accessible but with a concern of serious underreport, and it is the only data source of fatal occupational injuries; LFS, a representative national household sample survey, covering occupational injuries and work-related diseases, is the primary data source of non-fatal occupational injuries and work-related diseases such as stress, anxiety, and depression, but collects non-clinically proven data based on self-perception; general practitioners report clinically confirmed work-related diseases, which is more scientific in attribution and is a good secondary source of work-related diseases; specialist physicians report clinically confirmed cases of higher severity, which is the primary source of data on conditions such as asthma and dermatitis, but may underestimate morbidity. Each surveillance programme of the system has its own characteristics, intersects, and complements each other, which can provide reference for the construction of occupational injury surveillance system in China.

Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1024060


Objective To understand the distribution of frequently isolated pathogenic bacteria from clinical speci-mens and their antimicrobial resistance changes in Hunan Province from 2012 to 2021,and to provide scientific evi-dence for the formulation and evaluation of antimicrobial clinical administration policies.Methods Species identifi-cation,selection of quality control strains and antimicrobial susceptibility testing agents were conducted according to the technical scheme of the China Antimicrobial Resistance Surveillance System(CARSS).Duplicate strains were excluded based on the principle of counting the first strain in each case.Statistical analysis was performed by WHO-NET 5.6 software.The the variations in constituent ratio and resistance rate of strains were analyzed with linear trend test,and the magnitude of change was described with Pearson correlation coefficient.Results From 2012 to 2021,the number of clinically isolated bacteria in the analysis increased from 82 759 to 312 914,with Gram-negative bacteria accounting for 69.5%-72.4%.The major Gram-positive bacteria were Staphylococcus aureus,Staphylo-coccus epidermidis,Streptococcus pneumoniae,Enterococcus faecalis and Enterococcus faecium,and the major Gram-negative bacteria were Escherichia coli,Klebsiella pneumoniae,Pseudomonas aeruginosa,Acinetobacter baumannii and Enterobacter cloacae.Isolation rate of Gram-positive bacteria increased yearly(r=0.022,P=0.001).Isolation rate of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus(MRSA)decreased from 34.3%to 24.8%.Isolation rates of vancomycin-resistant Enterococcus faecium and Enterococcus faecalis were less than 3%and 2%,respectively,presenting a downward trend.The detection rate of penicillin-resistant Streptococcus pneumoniae(PRSP)decreased from 5.6%to 1.0%.Except cefoperazone sulbactam,resistance rates of Escherichia coli to other tested antimicrobial agents showed decreasing trends(r<0,P=0.001).Isolation rates of third-generation cephalo-sporin-resistant Escherichia coli(CTX/CRO-R-EC)and carbapenem-resistant Escherichia coli(CREC)decreased year by year(from 70.5%to 45.3%,and 12.2%to 2.0%,respectively).Resistance rates of Klebsiella pneumo-niae to imipenem and meropenem have increased year by year,reaching 9.1%and 11.0%respectively in 2021,while isolation rate of carbapenem-resistant Pseudomonas aeruginosa(CRPA)decreased from 28.5%to 15.0%.Resistance rates of Acinetobacter baumannii to most antimicrobial agents were 40%-60%,and remained relatively stable.Isolation rate of carbapenem-resistant Acinetobacter baumannii(CRAB)ranged from 39.5% to 59.6%.Conclusion The clinical isolation rates of most important special antimicrobial-resistant bacteria have been decrea-sing year by year,while the resistance rate of Klebsiella pneumoniae to carbapenem agents gradually increased.Antimicrobial stewardship as well as the prevention and control of healthcare-associated infection on specific antimi-crobial-resistant bacteria should continue to be implemented in the future.The coverage and quality of antimicrobial resistance surveillance in H unan Province should continue to be improved.

Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1024061


Objective To understand the distribution and antimicrobial resistance changes of bacteria isolated from pleural and peritoneal effusion in Hunan Province,and provide reference for correct clinical diagnosis and rational antimicrobial use.Methods Data reported by member units of Hunan Provincial Antimicrobial Resistance Survei-llance System from 2012 to 2021 were collected.Bacteria antimicrobial resistance surveillance method was imple-mented according to technical scheme of China Antimicrobial Resistance Surveillance System(CARSS),and WHO-NET 5.6 software was used to analyze the data of bacteria isolated from pleural and peritoneal effusion as well as antimicrobial susceptibility testing results.Results From 2012 to 2021,a total of 28 934 bacterial strains were iso-lated from specimens of pleural and peritoneal effusions from member units of Hunan Provincial Antimicrobial Re-sistance Surveillance System,with 5 752 strains from pleural effusion and 23 182 from peritoneal effusion.The top five bacteria isolated from pleural effusion were Escherichia coli(n=907,15.8%),Staphylococcus aureus(n=535,9.3%),Klebsiella pneumoniae(n=369,6.4%),Staphylococcus epidermidis(n=452,7.9%),and Staphy-lococcus haemolyticus(n=285,5.0%).The detection rate of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus(MR-SA)from pleural effusion was 24.3%-39.2%,and that of methicillin-resistant coagulase negative Staphylococcus(MRCNS)was 58.8%-77.1%.The top five bacteria isolated from peritoneal effusion were Escherichia coli(n=8 264,35.6%),Klebsiella pneumoniae(n=2 074,9.0%),Enterococcus faecium(n=1 458,6.3%),Staphylo-coccus epidermidis(n=1 383,6.0%),and Pseudomonas aeruginosa(n=1 152,5.0%).The detection rate of MRSA from peritoneal effusion was 22.1%-52.4%,which presented a decreasing trend(P=0.004).The detec-tion rate of MRCNS was 60.4%-79.4%.The resistance rates of Enterobacterales from peritoneal effusion to ce-fazolin,cefuroxime,ceftriaxone and cefepime all showed decreasing trends(all P<0.05).Vancomycin-,linezo-lid-,and teicoplanin-resistant Staphylococcus strains were not found in pleural and peritoneal effusions.The resis-tance rates of Enterococcus faecium to most tested antimicrobial agents were higher than those of Enterococcus fae-calis.The resistance rates of Enterobacterales to imipenem and meropenem were ≤8.5%.The resistance rates of non-fermentative Gram-negative bacilli to imipenem and meropenem were ≤43.3%.Conclusion The data structure of Hunan Antimicrobial Resistance Surveillance System for pleural and peritoneal effusions from 2012 to 2021 is relatively complete.The constituent and antimicrobial susceptibility of isolated pathogenic bacteria vary in different years.

Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1024062


Objective To understand the distribution and changes in antimicrobial resistance of clinically isolated Pseudomonas aeruginosa(P.aeruginosa)in the member hospitals of Hunan Provincial Antimicrobial Resistance Surveillance System from 2012 to 2021.Methods Antimicrobial susceptibility testing by disk diffusion or automa-ted instrument was performed on clinical isolates.Testing results were determined according to the standards of 2022 edition from American Clinical Laboratory Standards Institute(CLSI).Statistical analysis was performed by WHONET 5.6 software.Data were analyzed by trend test(Cochran-armitage)and Chi-square test with SPSS.Results A total of 176 441 strains of P.aeruginosa were surveilled by Hunan Provincial Antimicrobial Resistance Surveillance System from 2012 to 2021.99.4%of the strains were isolated from hospitalized patients,and about 70%of the strains were isolated from respiratory specimens.8.4%of P.aeruginosa were from children(0-17 years old),91.6%were from adults.Antimicrobial susceptibility testing results showed that P.aeruginosa was most sensitive to polymyxin B over 10 years,with a resis-tance rate of less than 6%.Resistance rates to piperacil-lin,piperacillin/tazobactam,ceftazidime,cefepime,aztreonam,imipenem,amikacin,gentamicin,tobramycin,cip-rofloxacin,levofloxacin,and polymyxin B all showed downward trends.A total of 29 920 carbapenem-resistant P.aeruginosa(CRPA)strains were detected.The average isolation rate of CRPA in this province was 18.0%over 10 years.CRPA detection rate from adult was 18.5%,higher than that from children(12.3%),and both showing downward trends.Conclusion The resistance rate of clinically isolated P.aeruginosa in Hunan Province to most commonly used antimicrobial agents is decreasing.

Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1024063


Objective To understand the epidemiology of clinically isolated Acinetobacter baumannii(A.bauma-nnii)in Hunan Province.Methods Bacterial antimicrobial resistance surveillance was carried out according to the requirements of the technical program of National Antimicrobial Resistance Surveillance System.Clinical data of Acinetobacter spp.reported to Hunan Provincial Antimicrobial Resistance Surveillance System by multiple centers in Hunan Province from 2012 to 2021 were summarized and analyzed with reference to the standards of the American Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute.Results A total of 169 438 strains of Acinetobacter spp.were detected during the 10-year period,with the detection rate of A.baumannii being the highest(82.74%).70 923 strains(53.63%)of carbapenem-resistant A.baumannii(CRAB)and 58 149 strains(43.97%)of carbapenem-sensitive A.baumannii(CSAB)were detected respectively.Both CRAB and CSAB were detected most frequently in the age group>70 years,which were 34.44%and 32.02%,respectively.The percentage of CRAB and CSAB detected in the intensive care unit were 34.80%and 11.31%,respectively.CRAB and CSAB were mainly isolated from spu-tum/bronchoalveolar lavage fluid,followed by pus/secretion,urine,and blood.The resistance rates of CRAB to commonly used antimicrobial agents didn't change much during the 10-year period.Resistance rates of CRAB to ceftazidime and cefepime were both>84%,to ampicillin/sulbactam and piperacillin/tazobactam were both>82%,to aminoglycosides and quinolones were both>59%,to minocycline and polymyxin B were 15.9%-25.0%and 1.3%-6.9%,respectively.CSAB were sensitive to commonly used antimicrobial agents.Conclusion The isolation rate of CRAB is high and there is no significant change in resistance to commonly used antimicrobial agents.

Rev. panam. salud pública ; 47: e90, 2023. graf
Artículo en Español | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1450298


RESUMEN HEARTS en las Américas es el programa insignia de la Organización Panamericana de la Salud para acelerar la reducción de la carga de enfermedades cardiovasculares (ECV) mediante la mejora del control de la hipertensión y la prevención secundaria de las ECV en la atención primaria de salud. Es necesaria una plataforma de monitoreo y evaluación (M&E) para ejecutar el programa, establecer puntos de referencia y notificar a los responsables de las políticas. En este artículo se describen las bases conceptuales de la plataforma de M&E de HEARTS, como los principios de diseño del software, la contextualización de los módulos de recopilación de datos, la estructura de los datos, la presentación de información y la visualización. Se escogió la plataforma web District Health Information Software 2 (DHIS2) para ejecutar el ingreso de los datos agregados de los indicadores de resultados, procesos y factores de riesgo estructurales de las ECV. Además, se eligió PowerBI para la visualización de datos y la elaboración del panel de control para el análisis del desempeño y las tendencias más allá del nivel de los centros de atención médica. El desarrollo de esta nueva plataforma de información se centró en el ingreso de datos de los centros de atención primaria de salud, la presentación oportuna de datos, las visualizaciones y, en última instancia, el uso activo de los datos para impulsar la toma de decisiones en la ejecución del programa con equidad y la mejora de calidad de la atención. Además, se evaluaron las enseñanzas extraídas y las consideraciones programáticas con la experiencia del desarrollo de software de M&E. Lograr el apoyo y la voluntad política es esencial para desarrollar y poner en marcha una plataforma flexible en múltiples países que sea contextualmente específica según las necesidades de las diversas partes interesadas y los niveles del sistema de atención de la salud. La plataforma de M&E de HEARTS brinda apoyo para la ejecución del programa y muestra las limitaciones estructurales y gerenciales, así como las brechas en la atención. Esta plataforma será fundamental para monitorear e impulsar nuevas mejoras a nivel de la población en lo que respecta a las ECV y otras enfermedades no transmisibles relacionadas.

ABSTRACT HEARTS in the Americas is the Pan American Health Organization flagship program to accelerate the reduction of the cardiovascular disease (CVD) burden by improving hypertension control and CVD secondary prevention in primary health care. A monitoring and evaluation (M&E) platform is needed for program implementation, benchmarking, and informing policy-makers. This paper describes the conceptual bases of the HEARTS M&E platform including software design principles, contextualization of data collection modules, data structure, reporting, and visualization. The District Health Information Software 2 (DHIS2) web-based platform was chosen to implement aggregate data entry of CVD outcome, process, and structural risk factor indicators. In addition, PowerBI was chosen for data visualization and dashboarding for the analysis of performance and trends above the health care facility level. The development of this new information platform was focused on primary health care facility data entry, timely data reporting, visualizations, and ultimately active use of data to drive decision-making for equitable program implementation and improved quality of care. Additionally, lessons learnt and programmatic considerations were assessed through the experience of the M&E software development. Building political will and support is essential to developing and deploying a flexible platform in multiple countries which is contextually specific to the needs of various stakeholders and levels of the health care system. The HEARTS M&E platform supports program implementation and reveals structural and managerial limitations and care gaps. The HEARTS M&E platform will be central to monitoring and driving further population-level improvements in CVD and other noncommunicable disease-related health.

RESUMO A iniciativa HEARTS nas Américas é o principal programa da Organização Pan-Americana da Saúde para acelerar a redução da carga de doenças cardiovasculares (DCV) por meio do melhoramento do controle da hipertensão e da prevenção secundária de DCV na atenção primária à saúde. Uma plataforma de monitoramento e avaliação (M&E, na sigla em inglês) é necessária para a implementação do programa, para fazer a avaliação comparativa e para informar os formuladores de políticas. Este documento descreve as bases conceituais da plataforma de M&E do HEARTS, incluindo princípios de design de software, contextualização dos módulos de coleta de dados, estrutura de dados, relatórios e visualização. A plataforma baseada na web do District Health Information Software 2 (DHIS2) foi escolhida para implementar a inserção de dados agregados de indicadores de fatores de risco estruturais, processos e desfechos de DCV. Além disso, o PowerBI foi escolhido para a visualização de dados e para fazer o dashboard da análise de desempenho e tendências para além do nível da unidade de saúde. O desenvolvimento desta nova plataforma de informações teve como foco a inserção de dados da unidade de atenção primária à saúde, a notificação oportuna de dados, visualizações e o uso ativo dos dados para orientar a tomada de decisões para a implementação equitativa do programa e a melhoria da qualidade do atendimento. Além disso, as lições aprendidas e as considerações programáticas foram avaliadas por meio da experiência do desenvolvimento do software de M&E. Fomentar vontade política e apoio é essencial para desenvolver e implantar uma plataforma flexível em vários países, que seja contextualmente específica para as necessidades das diferentes partes interessadas e níveis do sistema de saúde. A plataforma de M&E do HEARTS ampara a implementação do programa e revela limitações estruturais e gerenciais, bem como lacunas na atenção à saúde. A plataforma de M&E do HEARTS será central para monitorar e impulsionar mais melhorias no nível populacional em DCV e outras doenças não transmissíveis.

Cad. Saúde Pública (Online) ; 39(8): e00013923, 2023.
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1447798


A Organização Mundial da Saúde (OMS) recomenda a análise dos casos de morbidade materna severa/near miss materno como complemento às análises das mortes de mães, dado que a incidência é mais elevada e os fatores preditivos dos dois desfechos são semelhantes. Tendo em vista que as razões de mortalidade materna, no Brasil, têm se mantido constantes apesar do compromisso firmado durante a Assembleia Geral da Organização das Nações Unidas (ONU), em 2015, o objetivo deste artigo é propor um sistema nacional de vigilância de near miss materno. Propõe-se a inclusão dos eventos near miss materno na Lista Nacional de Notificação Compulsória de Doenças, Agravos e Eventos de Saúde Pública, por meio da compatibilização dos critérios diagnósticos de near miss materno, informados pela OMS, com os códigos da Classificação Internacional de Doenças (CID) para identificação dos casos. Tendo em vista que a vigilância em saúde se faz baseada em diversas fontes de informações, a notificação poderia ser feita pelos profissionais dos serviços de saúde tão logo fosse identificado um caso confirmado ou suspeito. A partir do estudo dos fatores associados aos desfechos, espera-se a avaliação mais qualificada dos serviços voltados à assistência obstétrica e consequente implementação de políticas mais eficientes de prevenção não apenas do óbito materno, mas de eventos que podem tanto causar sequelas irreversíveis à saúde da mulher quanto aumento do risco de óbito fetal e neonatal.

The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends the analysis of severe maternal morbidity/maternal near miss cases as complementary to the analysis of maternal deaths since the incidence is higher and the predictive factors of the two outcomes are similar. Considering that the reasons for maternal mortality in Brazil have remained constant despite the commitment made during the General Assembly of the United Nations in 2015, this article aims to propose a nationwide maternal near miss surveillance system. We propose the inclusion of maternal near miss events in the National List of Compulsory Notification of Diseases, Injuries, and Public Health Events, via the compatibility of the diagnostic criteria of maternal near miss, informed by the WHO, with the codes of the International Classification of Diseases for the identification of cases. Considering that health surveillance is based on several sources of information, notification could be made by health service professionals as soon as a confirmed or suspected case is identified. With the study of the factors associated with the outcomes, we expect a qualified evaluation of the services focused on obstetric care and consequent implementation of more efficient policies to prevent not only maternal death but also events that can both cause irreversible sequelae to women's health and increase the risk of fetal and neonatal death.

La Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS) recomienda el análisis de los casos de morbilidad materna grave/near miss materno como complemento a los análisis de las muertes maternas, dado que la incidencia es más elevada y los factores predictivos de los dos resultados son similares. Teniendo en vista que las razones de mortalidad materna, en Brasil, se han mantenido constantes a pesar del compromiso firmado durante la Asamblea General de la Organización de las Naciones Unidas, en el año 2015, el objetivo de este artículo es proponer un sistema de vigilancia de near miss materno de alcance nacional. Se propone la inclusión de los eventos de near miss materno en la Lista Nacional de Notificación Obligatoria de Enfermedades, Agravios y Eventos de Salud Pública, por medio de la compatibilización de los criterios diagnósticos de near miss materno; informados por la OMS, con los códigos de la Clasificación Internacional de Enfermedades para identificación de los casos. Teniendo en vista que la vigilancia en salud se basa en diversas fuentes de Informaciones, la notificación podría ser hecha por los profesionales de los servicios de salud, tan pronto fuese identificado un caso confirmado o sospechoso. Se espera que el estudio de los factores asociados a los resultados conduzca a una evaluación más calificada de los servicios de atención obstétrica y a la consecuente implementación de políticas más eficientes de prevención no solo de la muerte materna; sino de eventos que pueden tanto causar secuelas irreversibles a la salud de la mujer como aumento del riesgo de muerte fetal y neonatal.

Rev. panam. salud pública ; 47: e16, 2023. tab, graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: biblio-1424272


ABSTRACT The objective of this manuscript is to provide selective examples of the work of the Pan American Health Organization/World Health Organization (PAHO/WHO) Collaborating Centre for Research and Training in Parasite Epidemiology and Control which contribute to the WHO goal of eliminating neglected tropical diseases by 2030. This PAHO/WHO CC specifically aligns its activities with the Sustainable Development Goals and with the goals outlined in the WHO Road Map for Neglected Tropical Diseases 2021-2030. Its role is to contribute to advancing global action on NTDs, primarily through policy development and knowledge translation. Three important projects have recently been completed: 1. Finalizing the Monitoring and Evaluation Framework for the NTD Road Map (published May 2021; this PAHO/WHO CC was a member of the working group); 2. Developing new guidelines for the preventive chemotherapy of Taenia solium taeniasis (published September 2021; this PAHO/WHO CC was co-Chair; and 3. Formulating a policy brief on deworming for adolescent girls and women of reproductive age (published January 2022; this PAHO/WHO CC is co-lead). These projects are the result of the integration of expertise and experience from multiple partners, including from PAHO and WHO (where both organizations provided key leadership), this PAHO/WHO CC, government ministries, civil society organizations and universities, among others. In conclusion, this PAHO/WHO CC contributes timely guidance to country-led evidence-informed public health policy, to cost-effective program implementation and to the identification of priority research topics - all focused, ultimately, on eliminating NTD-attributable morbidity by 2030.

RESUMEN El objetivo de este artículo es proporcionar ejemplos seleccionados de la labor del centro colaborador de investigación y capacitación en epidemiología y control de parásitos de la Organización Panamericana de la Salud/Organización Mundial de la Salud (OPS/OMS), que contribuye al objetivo de la OMS de eliminar las enfermedades tropicales desatendidas para el 2030. Este centro colaborador de la OPS/OMS alinea sus actividades específicamente con los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible y con los objetivos descritos en la Hoja de ruta sobre enfermedades tropicales desatendidas 2021-2030 de la OMS. Su función es contribuir al avance de las medidas mundiales sobre las enfermedades tropicales desatendidas, principalmente mediante la elaboración de políticas y la traducción de conocimiento. Recientemente se han completado tres proyectos importantes: 1) finalización del marco de seguimiento y evaluación de la Hoja de ruta sobre enfermedades tropicales desatendidas (publicado en mayo del 2021; este centro colaborador de la OPS/OMS formó parte del grupo de trabajo); 2) elaboración de nuevas directrices para la quimioterapia preventiva de la teniasis por Taenia solium (publicado en septiembre del 2021; este centro colaborador fue copresidente); y 3) formulación de un informe de políticas sobre la desparasitación de las adolescentes y las mujeres en edad reproductiva (publicado en enero del 2022; este centro colaborador fue coautor). Estos proyectos son el resultado de la integración del conocimiento y la experiencia de múltiples asociados, como la OPS y la OMS (ambas organizaciones ofrecieron un liderazgo clave), este centro colaborador de la OPS/OMS, así como varios ministerios gubernamentales, organizaciones de la sociedad civil y universidades, entre otros. En conclusión, este centro colaborador de la OPS/OMS ofrece orientaciones oportunas para las políticas de salud pública basadas en la evidencia lideradas por los países, la ejecución de programas costo-efectivos y la determinación de los temas de investigación prioritarios, todo ello destinado, en última instancia, a eliminar la morbilidad atribuible a las enfermedades tropicales desatendidas para el 2030.

RESUMO O objetivo deste manuscrito é fornecer exemplos seletivos do trabalho do Centro Colaborador de Pesquisa e Treinamento em Epidemiologia e Controle de Parasitos da Organização Pan-Americana da Saúde/Organização Mundial da Saúde (OPAS/OMS) que contribuem para a meta da OMS de eliminar até 2030 as doenças tropicais negligenciadas. Este CC da OPAS/OMS alinha especificamente suas atividades com os Objetivos de Desenvolvimento Sustentável e com as metas delineadas no Roteiro da OMS para Doenças Tropicais Negligenciadas 2021-2030. Seu papel é contribuir para o avanço da ação global contra doenças tropicais negligenciadas, principalmente por meio do desenvolvimento de políticas e da tradução de conhecimentos. Três importantes projetos foram concluídos recentemente: 1. Finalização da Estrutura de Monitoramento e Avaliação do Roteiro para as DTN (publicada em maio de 2021 - este CC da OPAS/OMS foi membro do grupo de trabalho); 2. Desenvolvimento de novas diretrizes para a quimioprofilaxia da teníase por Taenia solium (publicado em setembro de 2021 - este CC da OPAS/OMS foi copresidente); e 3. Formulação de orientação para políticas de desparasitação para adolescentes e mulheres em idade reprodutiva (publicado em janeiro de 2022 - este CC da OPAS/OMS foi cogestor). Esses projetos são o resultado da integração de conhecimentos e experiência de múltiplos parceiros, incluindo a OPAS e a OMS (onde ambas as organizações forneceram liderança essencial), este CC da OPAS/OMS, ministérios governamentais, organizações da sociedade civil e universidades, entre outros. Em suma, este CC da OPAS/OMS contribui com orientações oportunas para uma política de saúde pública liderada pelos países e informada com base em evidências, para a implementação de programas com boa relação custo-benefício e para a identificação de tópicos prioritários de pesquisa - todos focados, em última análise, na eliminação da morbidade atribuível às DTN até 2030.

Humanos , Morbilidad/tendencias , Enfermedades Desatendidas/prevención & control , Erradicación de la Enfermedad/tendencias
Vigil. sanit. debate ; 10(4): 3-9, novembro 2022.
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1509840


Este debate, resultado de um breve estudo sobre o periódico Vigilância Sanitária em Debate: Sociedade, Ciência & Tecnologia (Visa em Debate) em sua primeira década, teve como objetivo apresentar uma visão panorâmica das publicações, que foram classificadas em categorias previamente definidas; também foram identificadas as instituições às quais os autores das publicações estavam vinculados. A categoria Objetos sob Controle Sanitário abriga o maior quantitativo de publicações, com 72,0% do total, entre as quais predominam alimentos, medicamentos, e serviços de saúde e de interesse da saúde. As categorias Sistema Nacional de Vigilância Sanitária; Regulação e Vigilância Sanitária; Doenças, Agentes, Epidemiologia; e Tecnologias Analíticas apresentam quantitativos semelhantes, em torno de 7,0%. Entre as instituições de vínculos dos autores, as universidades e outras instituições de ensino superior são aquelas com maior número de vínculos, em todas as regiões. A Região Sudeste concentra o maior número de referências, seguida do Nordeste, Sul, Centro-Oeste e, por último, a Região Norte. Também foram referidos vínculos a universidades de outros países, como Canadá, França, Portugal e Colômbia. Observou-se uma grande diversidade de temáticas em todas as categorias de classificação das publicações, também lacunas e/ou poucos trabalhos em certos temas relevantes para a área. Este estudo denota que o periódico vem se constituindo um relevante veículo de disseminação do conhecimento em saúde em geral e vigilância sanitária em especial. Neste pouco tempo já foi indexada em importantes bases de dados científicos e conta com uma boa classificação Qualis/Capes na área interdisciplinar da saúde, o que contribui para um número crescente de publicações oriundas de renomadas universidades.

This debate is the result of a brief study in the journal Health Surveillance in Debate: Society, Science & Technology (Visa em Debate) in its first decade. The objective is to present a panoramic view of the publications of this journal. The articles were classified into previously defined categories and the institutions to which the authors of the publications were linked were also identified. The category "Objects Under Sanitary Control" contains the largest number of publications, with 72.0% of the total, among which food, medicines and health services predominated. The categories "National Health Surveillance System", "Health Regulation and Surveillance", "Diseases, Agents, Epidemiology", and "Analytical Technologies" presented similar amounts of around 7.0%. Among the authors' affiliation institutions, universities and other higher education institutions are the ones with the highest number, in all regions. The Southeast region possesses the largest number of references, followed by the Northeast, South, Midwest, and finally the North region. In addition, links to universities in other countries, such as Canada, France, Portugal, and Colombia, were mentioned. A great diversity of themes was observed in all categories of classification and there are still gaps and/or few works in certain themes that are relevant to the area. This study shows that the journal has become a relevant vehicle for the dissemination of knowledge in health in general, and sanitary surveillance, in particular. In this short time, this journal has already been indexed in relevant scientific databases and has a good Qualis/Capes classification in the interdisciplinary area of health, which contributes to a growing number of publications from renowned universities.

Indian J Public Health ; 2022 Jun; 66(2): 196-199
Artículo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-223818


Kasurdi Health and Demographic Surveillance System (Kasurdi HDSS) was established at Rural Health Training Center Kasurdi on February 16, 2018. Kasurdi HDSS has been established to increase the research potential of medical colleges and develop real?time data for research purposes to study the changes in population demography, health, and health?care utilization. Kasurdi HDSS currently follows 2755 individuals living in 549 households. The system collects the data from the population through annual rounds conducted by postgraduate residents of the department of community medicine. The data are collected in the digital format with the help of android-based tablets. HDSS has collected demographic data, reproductive data, data on diseases such as tuberculosis and noncommunicable diseases, and socioeconomic data. The HDSS is in the process to upgrade its data management system to a more integrated platform, coordinated and guided by national/international standards, and data sharing policy.

Medwave ; 22(5): e8741, jun.-2022.
Artículo en Inglés, Español | LILACS | ID: biblio-1378544


En marzo 2020 se despliega la primera versión de EPIVIGILA en un ambiente productivo, plataforma de integración tecnológica de vigilancia epidemiológica nacional para enfermedades de notificación obligatoria (a pocos días del caso 1 de COVID- 19 local). Anteriormente, Chile usaba un proceso manual que probablemente hubiese fracasado ante un volumen máximo superior a 38 000 notificaciones diarias, en un país con 18 millones de habitantes, de geografía larga y angosta y gobernanza centralizada. El objetivo del trabajo es relevar la importancia que tiene en el manejo de la pandemia el sistema nacional de vigilancia electrónico EPIVIGILA. La principal fortaleza del sistema es su capacidad de adaptación a las necesidades de información fidedigna, precisa, oportuna y en tiempo real. EPIVIGILA fue capaz de incluir, en el curso de las circunstancias, distintos flujos, actores, datos y funcionalidades con altas expectativas de exactitud. Ello permitió que las autoridades pudieran evaluar el impacto de las medidas implementadas para el manejo y control de la pandemia. Su versatilidad posiciona a esta plataforma entre las pocas en el mundo que opera datos nacionales en una pandemia con un alto nivel de granularidad en un único sistema. En Chile, EPIVIGILA es la principal fuente de información para los reportes diarios, informes epidemiológicos y datos publicados en sitios web gubernamentales sobre COVID- 19. Así, el uso de sistemas electrónicos muestran ser un soporte fundamental para la salud pública, porque el registro y procesamiento de los datos genera información clara, confiable y oportuna, contribuyendo a que las autoridades puedan tomar decisiones orientadas a disminuir la propagación de enfermedades transmisibles, evitar muertes y mejorar la calidad de vida de la población.

In March 2020, the first version of EPIVIGILA was deployed in a productive environment a few days after the first local case of COVID- 19. This system is a technological integration plat-form for national epidemiological surveillance of notifiable diseases. Previously, Chile used a manual process that would probably have failed with a peak volume of more than 38 000 daily notifications; in a country with 18 million inhabitants, long and narrow geography, and centralized governance. This work highlights the importance of the national electronic surveillance system ­ EPIVIGILA ­ in managing the pandemic. The system's main strength is its ability to adapt to the needs of reliable, precise, timely, and real- time information. EPIVIGILA was able to include, under the circumstances, different flows, actors, data, and functionalities with high expectations of accuracy. This valuable information allowed the authorities to assess the impact of the measures to manage and control the pandemic. Its versatility positions this platform among the few globally that operates national data with a high level of granularity in a single system through a pandemic. In Chile, EPIVIGILA is the primary source of information for daily reports, epidemiological reports, and data published on government websites about COVID- 19. Thus, electronic systems prove fundamental for public health because the recording and processing of data generate clear, reliable, and timely information, helping authorities make decisions to reduce the spread of infectious diseases, prevent deaths, and improve the population's quality of life.

Humanos , COVID-19/epidemiología , Calidad de Vida , Salud Pública , Pandemias/prevención & control , SARS-CoV-2
Indian Pediatr ; 2022 Mar; 59(3): 210-213
Artículo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-225305


Objective: To observe and compare breastfeeding practices in villages and tea-gardens. Methods: Analytical cross-sectional study among mothers of infants in a health and demographic surveillance site in Dibrugarh, Assam. Results: 1435 mothers (855 from teagardens, 580 from villages); and 1437 infants (857 from tea-gardens, 580 from villages), were included in study. Mean maternal age was 25.1 (4.4) years in tea-gardens and 25.8 (4.9) years in villages. Timely initiation of breastfeeding was higher in villages (82.6%) than teagardens (76.4%). Feeding colostrum was higher in villages (71.2%) than tea-gardens (60.8%). Discussion: Factors affecting breastfeeding were different in villages and teagardens. Timely initiation of breastfeeding was associated with nuclear family in villages and joint family in tea-gardens. Hence, interventions promoting breastfeeding practices should be tailored instead of one-size-fits-all approach.

China Pharmacy ; (12): 1799-1805, 2022.
Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-936481


OBJECTIVE To provide reference for developing pharmacovigilance and constructing an active surveillance system with extensive participation of pharmaceutical enterprises in China. METHODS Retrieving the literature and data from databases such as CNKI ,PubMed,and the official website of observational medical outcomes partnership (OMOP),the mechanism of pharmaceutical enterprises ’participation and its operation mode were investigated ,while specific path and code of conduct for pharmaceutical enterprises to participate in active surveillance system were analyzed. Finally ,the corresponding suggestions were put forward according to the actual situation of China. RESULTS & CONCLUSIONS Pharmaceutical enterprises in OMOP participated in project construction and operation through public private partnership (PPP)mechanism,and played the role of project funding ,project governance and project research. Pharmaceutical enterprises participating in OMOP need to carry out activities in accordance with the code of conduct of extensive cooperation ,transparency and openness and the protection of patient privacy. In the future practice of active surveillance system in China ,it is necessary to promote the relevant legislation of active monitoring system ,emphasize the responsibility of active surveillance of pharmaceutical enterprises ,establish a PPP mechanism of industry-university-research integration ,form a good governance ecology and strengthen the protection of patients ’privacy.