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Biota Neotrop. (Online, Ed. ingl.) ; 20(2): e20190867, 2020. graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1089120


Abstract Populations that breed along steep elevation gradients show diverse physiological and morphological changes in response to the different environmental conditions. The latter has been discussed by Bergmann's and Allen's ecogeographic rules about body and appendage sizes and environmental temperature. We compared morphometric measures (mass, bill width, tarsus, wing, and tail length) of a Zonotrichia capensis population in two localities at different elevations with similar latitudes and photoperiods on the western slope of the Colombian Central Andes. We compared a Low Elevation locality (LE) at 1800 m a.s.l. and a High Elevation locality (HE) at 3853 m a.s.l. that have approximate wind speeds of 1.3 m/s and 8.4 m/s, respectively. During 12 months of sampling, we captured 46 adults using mist-nets; 26 in the LE and 20 in the HE. Each individual was sexed using molecular techniques at the Laboratory of Genetics of the Department of Biological Sciences of Universidad de Caldas. Individuals (males + females) from the HE had longer wings and tails than those from the LE (F1,44 = 5.93; P = 0.019). Also, wings of males in the HE were longer than those of females in both localities and tails of males in the HE were longer than those of LE males. Our results did not agree with what was expected according to Allen's and Bergmann's ecogeographic rules. Longer wings and tails increase sustainment, maneuverability, and balance in low atmospheric pressures and strong air currents and these conditions are found at high elevation habitats. Most likely, the longer wings found for HE males allow greater movement during territorial behavior. Further, these differences in morphological traits along elevational gradients could result from micro-evolutionary changes between localities or phenotypic plasticity of individuals exposed to different environmental conditions.

Resumen Las poblaciones que se reproducen en gradientes altitudinales, adoptan diversos cambios morfológicos para afrontar las condiciones ambientales. En el presente estudio se compararon las medidas morfológicas (peso corporal, longitud del tarso, ala, cola y culmen) de una población de Zonotrichia capensis, a diferente altitud en los Andes colombianos. Las localidades de tierra baja (TB) y alta (TA) se encuentran a 1800 m.s.n.m. y 3853 m.s.n.m., con velocidad aproximada del viento de 1.3 m/s y 8.4 m/s, respectivamente. Durante 12 meses se realizó la captura de 46 individuos (TB n=26, TA n=20) para la medición de los rasgos morfológicos. La longitud del ala de los individuos de TA fue mayor que en TB. Así mismo, en machos de TA la longitud del ala fue mayor que en hembras en general. Es posible que a las más grandes incrementen la eficiencia del vuelo en zonas ventosas y con baja presión atmosférica, como ocurre en TA. Probablemente la diferencia del tamaño del ala entre los machos de TA y las hembras, se deba a un mayor desplazamiento dentro de la conducta territorial. Estas diferencias podrían ser el resultado de cambios microevolutivos entre localidades o la plasticidad fenotípica de individuos expuestos a diferentes condiciones ambientales.

Braz. arch. biol. technol ; 58(5): 773-780, tab, graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: lil-764478


ABSTRACTThe aim of this work was to assess the damage of DNA in human blood cell and spermin vitro under the influence of furan. These cells were administered 0-600 μM of furan at 37 and 32oC for 30 and 60 min, respectively. A significant increase in tail DNA%, tail length and moment indicating DNA damage was observed at increasing doses when compared to the controls. The treatment with 300 and 600 μM of furan showed a maximum increase of 86.74 ± 2.43 and 93.29 ± 8.68 compared to the control tail DNA% in lymphocytes. However, only 600 μM of furan showed a maximum increase of 94.71 ± 6.24 compared to the control tail DNA% in sperm. The results suggested that furan caused DNA damage in lymphocytes at increasing doses, but appeared to have not the same effect on human sperm at the low doses. Genotoxic activity had an impact on the risk assessment of furan formed on the food for human cells. Therefore, it would be important to further investigate these properties of furan as the food mutagen.

Rev. cienc. med. Pinar Rio ; 19(4): 652-659, jul.-ago. 2015.
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: lil-754912


Introducción: el consumo de ácido fólico representa un problema de salud a nivel mundial, diversos son los defectos congénitos que se pueden prevenir si existiera un suficiente nivel materno de ácido fólico. Objetivo: demostrar los efectos del ácido fólico sobre algunas variables morfométricas en ratas Wistar recién nacidas. Material y método: se realizó un estudio experimental analítico en 116 ratas Wistar recién nacidas. Se utilizaron como variables: longitud de la cola, diámetro biparietal y masa corporal. Se formaron cinco grupos de dos ratas cada uno: un grupo control y cuatro grupos tratados con ácido fólico teniendo en cuenta, dosis y tiempo de gestación, las mediciones se tomaron al primer y tercer día de nacidas las ratas. Se aplicaron como análisis de variables: la media y desviaciones estándar y para la comparación de los promedios se utilizó un nivel de significación α ≤ 0,05. Resultados: las mediciones de la longitud de la cola arrojaron significación estadística( P < 0.05) al comparar el grupo control respecto a los grupos tratados, las variables diámetro biparietal y masa corporal no presentaron significación estadística a pesar de que la medias en la variable masa corporal de los grupos tratados fueron superiores con respecto al grupo control. Conclusiones: se demostró la necesidad del suministro de ácido fólico antes y durante la gestación en ratas Wistar, por la influencia que ejerce como cofactor durante la vida fetal estimulando la secreción de alguno de los factores de crecimiento presentes durante la vida posnatal.

Introduction: folic acid consumption represents a health problem worldwide, while several congenital defects are considerable as preventable with enough level of folic acid in mothers. Objective: to show the effects of acid folic over some morphometrical variables in newborn Wistar rats. Material and method: an experimental analytic study was carried out in 116 newborn Wistar rats. The variables used are: tail length, biparietal diameter, and body mass. Five groups of two rat each were made up: one target group and four groups treated with folic acid, taking into account dosis and gestation time; the measuring were made on the first and third day after the rats’ birth. The variable analysis were carried out by the calculation of the mean and stadard deviations, and for comparisson of the average numbers a level of significance α ≤0,05 were used. Results: the measuring of the tail length showed statistical significance (P<0.05) when the target group and the treated groups were compared, the variables biparietal diameter and body mass did not present any statistical significance despite the fact that the measures of the variable body mass in the treated groups were higher than in the target group. Conclusions: the need for acid folic supply before and during gestation in Wistar rats was proved, due to its influence as cofactor during the fetal life, stimulating the secretion of any of the growing factors during the postnatal life.

Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Medicine ; (12): S137-S142, 2014.
Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-951746


Objective: To evaluate a) heart place and tail length, b) their correlations with other biometrics, c) sexual differences in those features, in regard to cardiovascular system in a number of snakes from Iran, about which there is little information. Methods: We studied the fresh mortalities of snakes including 14 Naja oxiana (N. oxiana), 23 Macrovipera lebetina, and one male Montivipera latifii acquired from the Serpentatium of Pasteur Institute of Iran. In this respect, each specimen first was weighted, and then its ventral side of the integument was incised, and heart place was measured. Subsequently, other biometrical features such as total length, TAL, and snout-vent length were measured. Results: The results showed that heart place in N. oxiana, Macrovipera lebetina and Montivipera latifii was about 18%, 32% and 30%, and also TAL constituted about 16%, 11% and 7% of total body length, respectively. Moreover, females indicated anterior heart place and shorter tail than males. Furthermore, the measures and correlations indicated few differences between N. oxiana and typical terrestrial species. Conclusions: The results denoted that in order to overcome hemocirculatory perturbations in vertical orientation while hooding and head raising behavior, N. oxiana need to have more important features than short heart to head distance and long tail. In addition, it gave the sexual differences in heart place and tail length between males and females. It is suggested that in ophidian cardiovascular studies the animals be grouped based upon their sex.

Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Medicine ; (12): S137-42, 2014.
Artículo en Inglés | WPRIM | ID: wpr-820625


OBJECTIVE@#To evaluate a) heart place and tail length, b) their correlations with other biometrics, c) sexual differences in those features, in regard to cardiovascular system in a number of snakes from Iran, about which there is little information.@*METHODS@#We studied the fresh mortalities of snakes including 14 Naja oxiana (N. oxiana), 23 Macrovipera lebetina, and one male Montivipera latifii acquired from the Serpentatium of Pasteur Institute of Iran. In this respect, each specimen first was weighted, and then its ventral side of the integument was incised, and heart place was measured. Subsequently, other biometrical features such as total length, TAL, and snout-vent length were measured.@*RESULTS@#The results showed that heart place in N. oxiana, Macrovipera lebetina and Montivipera latifii was about 18%, 32% and 30%, and also TAL constituted about 16%, 11% and 7% of total body length, respectively. Moreover, females indicated anterior heart place and shorter tail than males. Furthermore, the measures and correlations indicated few differences between N. oxiana and typical terrestrial species.@*CONCLUSIONS@#The results denoted that in order to overcome hemocirculatory perturbations in vertical orientation while hooding and head raising behavior, N. oxiana need to have more important features than short heart to head distance and long tail. In addition, it gave the sexual differences in heart place and tail length between males and females. It is suggested that in ophidian cardiovascular studies the animals be grouped based upon their sex.

The Korean Journal of Nutrition ; : 794-800, 2004.
Artículo en Coreano | WPRIM | ID: wpr-645854


Deer Antler has been known for its traditional oriental medicinal properties and has been widely used to promote growth, boost immune function, treat blood loss and chronic joint pain. Recent study showed imported (New Zealand) Deer Antler was beneficial in reducing the side effects of cancer treatments. However, there was no intervention study conducted on the effect of Korean Deer Antler on reducing the oxidative stress to patients with diabetes. One of the sensitive ways to measure endogenous oxidative stress is by measuring cellular DNA damage using single cell gel electrophoresis (COMET assay). This study was conducted to investigate the possible beneficial effect of commercial Deer Antler drink (provided by Chung-yang Deer Farm) on lymphocyte DNA damage and blood glucose of diabetic patients. Ten patients (4 men, 6 women) participated in the study and consumed 2 pouches of Deer Antler drink every day for 20 days. Blood was collected on the morning before and after the intervention for lymphocyte isolation and blood glucose analysis. Both systolic and diastolic blood pressure showed a tendency to decrease but did not reach statistical significance after the trial. Blood glucose level was not affected by the supplementation. After the intervention, over 50% reduction were noted in the cellular DNA damage, expressed as tail length (TL) and tail moment (TM; tail length x percent tail DNA). Although we did not obtain beneficial effect on lowering blood glucose levels in the patients, this results suggest that Deer Antler may initially act in protecting endogenous DNA damage in short-term experiment.

Animales , Humanos , Masculino , Cuernos de Venado , Artralgia , Glucemia , Presión Sanguínea , Ensayo Clínico , Ciervos , Daño del ADN , ADN , Electroforesis , Linfocitos , Estrés Oxidativo