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rev. psicogente ; 20(37): 55-69, ene.-jun. 2017.
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: biblio-963545


Resumen El presente artículo de resultados es producto de una investigación que buscó conocer la coheren cia entre el discurso y el actuar de una docente con respecto a las relaciones docente-estudiantes en preescolar. Se realizó a partir del enfoque cualitativo con un estudio de caso único. Se trabajó con una docente y sus 35 estudiantes de preescolar. Los niños tenían entre 4 y 5 años de edad, pertenecientes a una institución educativa de la ciudad de San Juan de Pasto (Colombia). Se ob servaron tres clases a lo largo del periodo escolar: inicio, mitad y final de año, para mirar los cam bios de la docente en sus relaciones con los niños. Se filmaron 20 minutos por cada clase. Adicio nalmente, se realizó una entrevista semi-estructurada con la docente a medio año, para comparar con las clases observadas. Los datos fueron analizados por medio de los dominios, dimensiones y características del instrumento CLASS de Pianta. La investigación evidenció incoherencias entre el discurso y el actuar de la docente con referencia a lo afectivo y cognitivo; igualmente, con los lazos relacionales en la formación en el ambiente del aula de clases. Es decir, la docente tiene claro que el afecto es un factor importante en la formación del estudiante, sin embargo, no logra actuar en sus clases acorde a esta concepción.

Abstract The present article is the result of a research that sought to know the coherence between the speech and the performance of a teacher in regards to the teacher-student relationships in pre school. It was conducted through the qualitative approach with a study of a single case. The par ticipants were 1 teacher and her 35 pre-school students. The children were between 4 and 5 years of age and attended an Educational Institution of the city of San Juan of Pasto (Colombia). Three classes were observed during the school period: the beginning, the half and the end of the year in order to study the changes in the interactions of the teacher with the children. Also, 20 minutes of each class were films and a semi-structured interview was done to the teacher to compare her opinions regarding the observed classes. The information was analyzed throughf the domains, dimensions and characteristics of the Pianta's CLASS instrument. The research revealed inco herencies between the speech and the teacher's performance in reference to the affective and the cognitive; the same happened with the relational ties in the ambientation of the environment of the classroom. That is to say, the teacher is clear on the importance of affection as a factor in the formation of the student. Nevertheless, she does not act in accordance to this concept.

Psico USF ; 16(3): 307-315, set.-dez. 2011.
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: lil-611177


O artigo descreve o estado da arte de pesquisas inspiradas na Teoria das Atribuições Interpessoais de Weiner. Professores desenvolvem percepções causais de fatores de sucesso ou fracasso de seus alunos e têm emoções correspondentes. Tais percepções e emoções, baseadas na controlabilidade da causa atribuída, são comunicadas, e os alunos podem ter percepções diferentes e até tentar manipular as de seus professores. A comunicação resulta em consequências emocionais, expectativas e motivação. Quando desadaptadoras, as inferências causais dos professores podem ser modificadas mediante procedimentos de intervenção. As descobertas das pesquisas foram discutidas e foram dadas sugestões para novos estudos e refinamento metodológico.

This paper describes the state of the art of studies inspired in Weiner’s Interpersonal Attribution Theory. Teachers develop causal perceptions about students’ success or failure, and exhibit related emotions. These perceptions and emotions are based on controllability of the cause and are communicated and students may disclose different perceptions and they even try to manipulate their teachers’ perceptions. Communication engenders emotional consequences, expectations and motivation. Teachers’ maladaptive causal beliefs can be modified through intervention. Findings were discussed and suggestions for new studies and methodological advances were proposed.

Emociones , Docentes , Relaciones Interpersonales , Motivación , Estudiantes , Rendimiento Escolar Bajo , Psicología Educacional