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Rev. latinoam. enferm. (Online) ; 31: e3989, Jan.-Dec. 2023. tab, graf
Artículo en Español | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-1515334


Objetivo: analizar las características de barrera física y biológica de los campos de algodón utilizados como sistema de barrera estéril después de ser sometidos a múltiples usos y procesos en la práctica clínica. Método: estudio observacional longitudinal de seguimiento y evaluación de tela 100% algodón, utilizada como sistema de barrera estéril en un hospital de mediano porte. Se recolectaron muestras antes del uso (después de tres lavados) y después de tres, seis, nueve, 12 y 15 meses de uso y se evaluaron el número, grosor e integridad de los hilos, peso, absorción de agua y penetración húmeda de microorganismos. Resultados: después de 85 lavados, no cambió el número de hilos, aumentó el número de fibras deshilachadas y el volumen de agua absorbida. La prueba microbiológica mediante la metodología estándar alemana obtuvo un resultado negativo y la de penetración húmeda de microorganismos no mostró cambios significativos con el tiempo, a pesar de que una fracción de células microbianas pasó a través de las muestras de doble capa. Conclusión: las propiedades físicas de la tela 100% algodón utilizada como sistema de barrera estéril cambiaron con el uso/procesamiento; sin embargo, no interfirieron significativamente con los resultados obtenidos en las pruebas realizadas a la barrera microbiológica hasta los 85 lavados.

Objective: to analyze the physical and biological barrier characteristics of cotton fields used as a sterile barrier system after multiple use and processing cycles in the clinical practice. Method: an observational and longitudinal study to monitor and evaluate 100% cotton fabric used as a sterile barrier system in a medium-sized hospital. Samples were collected before use (after three washes) and at three, six, nine, 12 and 15 months of use and evaluated for the number, thickness and integrity of threads, weight, water absorption and wet penetration by microorganisms. Results: after 85 washes, the number of threads remained unchanged, and the shredded fibers and the water volume absorbed were increased. The microbiological test using the German standard methodology obtained a negative result and wet penetration by microorganisms did not show significant changes over time, although a percentage of the microbial cells passed through the double-layer samples. Conclusion: the physical properties of 100% cotton used as a sterile barrier system changed with use/processing cycles; however, these alterations did not significantly interfere with the results obtained by the tests performed on the microbiological barrier up to 85 washes.

Objetivo: analisar as características de barreira física e biológica de campos de algodão, que são utilizados como sistema de barreira estéril, após múltiplos usos e processamentos na prática clínica. Método: estudo longitudinal observacional de acompanhamento e de avaliação de tecido 100% algodão que foi utilizado como sistema de barreira estéril em um hospital de médio porte. Amostras foram coletadas antes do uso (após três lavagens) e com três, seis, nove, 12 e 15 meses de uso e avaliadas quanto ao número, à espessura e à integridade dos fios, peso, absorção de água e penetração úmida de micro-organismos. Resultados: após 85 lavagens, o número de fios permaneceu inalterado, porém aumentaram-se as fibras desfiadas e o volume de água absorvido. O teste microbiológico utilizando metodologia padrão alemão obteve resultado negativo; já o de penetração de úmida de micro-organismos não apresentou mudanças significativas ao longo do tempo, embora uma fração das células microbianas tenham passado pelas amostras de dupla camada. Conclusão: as propriedades físicas do tecido 100% algodão, utilizado como sistema de barreira estéril, alteraram com usos/processamentos; entretanto essas não interferiram significativamente nos resultados obtidos pelos testes realizados na barreira microbiológica até 85 lavagens.

Textiles , Esterilización , Asepsia , Embalaje de Productos , Equipos y Suministros de Hospitales , Monitoreo Biológico
Rev. bras. enferm ; 75(4): e20210508, 2022. tab, graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS-Express | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-1376588


ABSTRACT Objectives: to report the implementation of a monitoring system of the operative field, surgical gown, and utilized fields as sterile barrier system of products for health, manufactured from cotton fabrics. Methods: technological innovation report of a monitoring system of the use and processing of surgical textiles in a medium-size hospital. Results: steps: planning, confection, exchange of the surgical textiles, monitoring, and 12 months of supervision. The new pieces were silkscreened with a black indelible marker. Final Considerations: the implemented system is practical, low cost, and easily manageable for the team, it favored the work process management, contributing to the quality and security of the textile used in health care, and being able to be implemented in other health services.

RESUMEN Objetivos: informar sobre la aplicación de un sistema de monitoreo de campos operatorios, delantales y campos quirúrgicos utilizados como sistema de barrera estéril para productos sanitarios fabricados con tejidos de algodón Métodos: se trata de un informe de innovación tecnológica de un sistema de monitoreo de uso y procesamiento de tejidos quirúrgicos de un hospital de porte medio. Resultados: etapas realizadas: planificación, confección, cambio de los tejidos quirúrgicos, control y seguimiento durante 12 meses. Las nuevas prendas fueron serigrafiadas con un marco de control, en el que después de cada ciclo de lavado se pintaba, con un rotulador negro indeleble, un espacio del marco. Consideraciones Finales: el sistema implantado demostró ser práctico, de bajo costo y de fácil ejecución, además de facilitar la gestión del proceso de trabajo y contribuir con la calidad y la seguridad del uso de textiles en el cuidado de la salud, con la posibilidad de reproducirse en otros servicios sanitarios.

RESUMO Objetivos: relatar a implementação de um sistema de monitoramento de campos operatórios, aventais cirúrgicos e campos utilizados como sistema de barreira estéril de produtos para a saúde confeccionados de tecidos de algodão. Métodos: relato de inovação tecnológica de um sistema de monitoramento do uso e processamento de têxteis cirúrgicos em um hospital de médio porte. Resultados: etapas percorridas: planejamento, confecção, troca dos têxteis cirúrgicos, monitoramento e acompanhamento por 12 meses. As novas peças foram serigrafadas com um quadro para o controle, no qual após cada ciclo de lavagem um espaço do quadro era pintado com um marcador indelével preto. Considerações Finais: o sistema implantado mostrou-se prático, de baixo custo e de fácil execução pela equipe, além de favorecer a gestão do processo de trabalho, contribuindo para a qualidade e segurança do uso dos têxteis na assistência à saúde, podendo ser reproduzido em outros serviços de saúde.

Rev. latinoam. enferm. (Online) ; 29: e3416, 2021. tab, graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-1289771


Objective: to analyze evidence concerning the feasibility of antimicrobial-impregnated fabrics in preventing and controlling microbial transmission in health services. Method: an integrative review using the following databases: MEDLINE (via PubMed), Web of Science, Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature (CINAHL), Scopus, and Latin American and Caribbean Health Sciences Literature (LILACS), regardless of language and date of publication. Seven studies were included in the analysis to verify the types of fabrics and substances used to impregnate the fabrics, applicability in health services, and decrease in microbial load. Results: silver nanoparticles and copper oxide are the main antimicrobial substances used to impregnate the fabrics. The patients' use of these fabrics, such as in bed and bath linens and clothing, was more effective in reducing antimicrobial load than in health workers' uniforms. Conclusion: the use of these antimicrobial-impregnated textiles, especially by patients, is a viable alternative to prevent and control microbial transmission in health services. Implementing these fabrics in health workers' uniforms requires further studies, however, to verify its effectiveness in decreasing microbial load in clinical practice.

Objetivo: analisar as evidências existentes sobre a viabilidade de utilizar têxteis impregnados com substâncias antimicrobianas na prevenção e no controle da transmissão microbiana em serviços de saúde. Método: revisão integrativa, utilizando as bases de dados MEDLINE (via PubMed), Web of Science, Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature (CINAHL), Scopus e Literatura Latino-Americana em Ciências da Saúde (LILACS), sem restrição de idioma e período de publicação. Após a busca na literatura científica, foram selecionados sete estudos para análise quanto ao tipo de têxtil e substância utilizada para a impregnação, a aplicabilidade no serviço de saúde e a redução da carga microbiana. Resultados: nanopartículas de prata e óxido de cobre foram as principais substâncias antimicrobianas utilizadas para a impregnação de têxteis. A utilização desses têxteis pelos pacientes, como roupas de hotelaria e vestuário, mostrou maior eficácia na redução da carga microbiana em comparação ao uso como uniforme por profissionais de saúde. Conclusão: a utilização de têxteis impregnados com substâncias antimicrobianas, sobretudo pelos pacientes, pode ser considerada uma alternativa viável na prevenção e no controle da transmissão microbiana nos serviços de saúde. Todavia, a implementação destes têxteis, como uniforme para profissionais de saúde, ainda necessita de maiores investigações quanto à redução da carga microbiana na prática clínica.

Objetivo: analizar las evidencias existentes sobre la viabilidad de utilizar textiles impregnados con sustancias antimicrobianas en la prevención y control de la transmisión microbiana en servicios sanitarios. Método: revisión integradora, utilizando las bases de dados MEDLINE (vía PubMed), Web of Science, Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature (CINAHL), Scopus y Literatura Latino-Americana em Ciências da Saúde (LILACS), sin restricción de idioma y período de publicación. Después de la búsqueda en la literatura científica, fueron seleccionados siete estudios para análisis en cuanto al tipo de textil y sustancia utilizada para impregnación, aplicabilidad en el servicio sanitario y reducción de la carga microbiana. Resultados: nanopartículas de plata y óxido de cobre fueron las principales sustancias antimicrobianas utilizadas para la impregnación de textiles. La utilización de esos textiles por los pacientes, como ropa de hotel y ropa, demostró mayor eficacia en la reducción de la carga microbiana en comparación al uso como uniforme por profesionales sanitarios. Conclusión: la utilización de textiles impregnados con sustancias antimicrobianas, sobre todo por los pacientes, puede ser considerada una alternativa viable en la prevención y control de la transmisión microbiana en los servicios sanitarios. Sin embargo, la implementación de estos textiles como uniforme para profesionales de la salud todavía necesita de mayores investigaciones en cuanto a la reducción de la carga microbiana en la práctica clínica.

Humanos , Ropa de Protección , Plata , Textiles , Región del Caribe , Contención de Riesgos Biológicos , Nanopartículas del Metal , Servicios de Salud , Antiinfecciosos
Einstein (Säo Paulo) ; 16(1): eAO3997, 2018. tab, graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: biblio-891459


ABSTRACT Objective To test performance of SurgiSafe®, a radiofrequency electronic device to detect surgical textiles during operations as compared to manual counting. Methods Surgical sponges with radiofrequency TAGs were placed in the abdominal cavity of a pig submitted to laparotomy, in randomly distributed sites. The TAGs were counted manually and also using SurgiSafe®. Positive and negative predictive values, sensitivity, specificity and time required for counting were analyzed for both methods. Results Through the analysis of 35 surgical cycles, SurgiSafe® immediately identified all sponges, with specificity, sensitivity, positive and negative predictive values of 100%. Although not statistically significant, the manual count had sensitivity of 99.72% and specificity of 99.90%. Conclusion SurgiSafe® proved to be an effective device to identify surgical sponges in vivo, in real time; and its use as an adjuvant to manual counting is very helpful to increase patient's safety.

RESUMO Objetivo Testar o desempenho do SurgiSafe®, dispositivo eletrônico de detecção de têxteis cirúrgicos por radiofrequência no intraoperatório, comparado à contagem manual. Métodos Gazes com etiquetas de radiofrequência (TAGs) foram alocadas na cavidade abdominal de um suíno submetido à laparotomia, em locais distribuídos aleatoriamente. As TAGs foram contadas manualmente e com uso do SurgiSafe®. Valores preditivos positivos e negativos, sensibilidade, especificidade e tempo de contagem foram analisados para ambos os métodos. Resultados Por meio da análise de 35 ciclos cirúrgicos, o SurgiSafe® fez a identificação instantânea de todas as gazes, com especificidade, sensibilidade, valores preditivos negativo e positivo de 100%. Apesar de não apresentar significância estatística, a contagem manual apresentou sensibilidade de 99,72% e especificidade de 99,90%. Conclusão O SurgiSafe® mostrou-se eficaz para contabilização de têxteis cirúrgicos em tempo real in vivo, e seu uso como adjuvante na contagem manual é de grande valor para o aumento de segurança do paciente.

Animales , Ondas de Radio , Mallas Quirúrgicas , Monitoreo Intraoperatorio/métodos , Cuerpos Extraños/diagnóstico , Laparotomía/métodos , Porcinos , Valor Predictivo de las Pruebas , Sensibilidad y Especificidad
Rev. ing. bioméd ; 11(22): 13-19, jul.-dic. 2017. tab, graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: biblio-901821


Abstract In hospital environments, there are several problems related to Healthcare-Associated Infections (HAIs), contaminated hospital textiles, can contribute to the spread and transmission of (HAIs), due to retention of viruses and bacteria. The antibacterial metallic nanoparticles immersed in hospital textiles can allow reduction of microorganisms. This paper presents a technological surveillance of the principal properties of antibacterial nanotextiles to be used in hospital environments, based on international standards. Initially, the search equation was determined for "antibacterial" AND "nanoparticle." Subsequently, the main properties were selected, by means of a multiple authors' review. Afterwards, the properties were related to international standards. Finally, we present the results found associated to the materials used to develop nonwoven textiles, and their properties for hospital environments, the sizes of samples and also the equipment required for characterization.

Resumen En los ambientes hospitalarios, existen varios problemas relacionados con las infecciones asociadas a la atención de la salud (HAI, por sus siglas en inglés), los tejidos hospitalarios contaminados, pueden contribuir a la propagación y transmisión de los HAIs, debido a la retención de virus y bacterias. Las nanopartículas metálicas antibacterianas sumergidas en tejidos hospitalarios permiten reducir los microorganismos. Este documento presenta una vigilancia tecnológica de las principales propiedades del nanotextil antibacteriano para uso en ambientes hospitalarios, basados en estándares internacionales. Inicialmente, la ecuación de búsqueda se determinó "antibacteriano" Y "nanopartícula". Posteriormente, se seleccionaron las principales propiedades, mediante la revisión de diferentes autores. Luego, las propiedades se relacionaron con los estándares internacionales. Finalmente, se presentan los resultados encontrados asociados a los materiales utilizados para el desarrollo de materiales no tejidos y sus propiedades para ambientes hospitalarios, tamaños de muestras y también el equipo necesario para la caracterización.

Resumo Nos ambientes hospitaleiros, existem vários problemas relacionados com as infecções associadas à atenção da saúde (HAI), os tecidos hospitalários contaminados, podem contribuir à propagação e transmissão dos HAIs, devido à retenção de vírus e bactérias. As nano partículas metálicas antibacterianas submergidas em tecidos hospitalários permitem reduzir os microorganismos. Este documento apresenta uma vigilância tecnológica das principais propriedades do nano têxtil antibacteriano para uso em ambientes hospitalários, baseados em padrões internacionais. Inicialmente, a equação de busca determinou-se "antibacteriano" e "nano partícula". Posteriormente, selecionaram-se as principais propriedades, mediante a revisão de diferentes autores. Posteriormente, as propriedades relacionaram-se com os padrões internacionais. Finalmente, apresentam-se os resultados encontrados associados aos materiais utilizados para o desenvolvimento de tecidos não tecidos e suas propriedades para ambientes hospitaleiros, tamanhos de amostras e também a equipe necessária para a caracterização.

Mycobiology ; : 178-183, 2017.
Artículo en Inglés | WPRIM | ID: wpr-729297


Diabetes mellitus is a chronic disorder which affects millions of population worldwide. Global estimates published in 2010 reported the world diabetic prevalence as 6.4%, affecting 285 million adults. Foot ulceration and wound infection are major forms of disabilities arising from diabetic diseases. This study was aimed to develop a natural antimicrobial finishing on medical grade textile that meets American Association of Textiles Chemists and Colorists (AATCC) standard. The textile samples were finished with the ethanolic extract of Penicillium amestolkiae elv609, an endophytic fungus isolated from Orthosiphon stamineus Benth (common name: cat's whiskers). Endophyte is defined as microorganism that reside in the living plant tissue, without causing apparent disease symptom to the host. The antimicrobial efficacy of the ethanolic extract of P. minioluteum was tested on clinical pathogens isolated from diabetic wound. The extract exhibited significant inhibitory activity against 4 bacteria and 1 yeast with the minimal inhibitory concentration ranged from 6.25 to 12.5 mg/mL. The results indicate different susceptibility levels of the test microorganism to the ethanolic extract. However, the killing activity of the extract was concentration-dependent. The finished medical textile showed excellent antimicrobial efficacy on AATCC test assays. All the microbial cultures treated with the textile sample displayed a growth reduction of 99.9% on Hoheinstein Challenge Test. The wash durability of the finished textile was found good even after 50 washes with commercial detergent. Besides, the gas chromatography mass spectrometry analysis showed that 6-octadecenoic acid and diethyl phthalate were the main bioactive constituents of the extract. In conclusion, the developed medical textile showed good antimicrobial efficacy on laboratory tests. This work can be extended to in vivo trials for developing healthcare textile products for antimicrobial applications.

Adulto , Humanos , Bacterias , Atención a la Salud , Detergentes , Diabetes Mellitus , Etanol , Úlcera del Pie , Hongos , Cromatografía de Gases y Espectrometría de Masas , Homicidio , Orthosiphon , Penicillium , Plantas , Prevalencia , Textiles , Infección de Heridas , Heridas y Lesiones , Levaduras
Artículo en Inglés | IMSEAR | ID: sea-177045


One pot synthesis of silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) with well-defined size using polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) as stabilizing agent and sodium borohydride (NaBH4) as reducing agent was successfully performed. Preparation of AgNPs was carried out under a variety of conditions including concentrations of AgNPs, PVA and NaBH4. UV-vis spectra and TEM images were employed to characterize AgNPs obtained under the said different conditions. Physical and mechanical properties of cotton/polyester fabric treated with the synthesized silver nanoparticles were measured. SEM and EDX were used to scanning and observe the morphology and elemental change pertaining to fabric surface. Antibacterial activity against E. coli (Gm –ve bacteria) and Staphylococcus aureus (Gm +ve bacteria) were successfully examined against the treated and untreated fabrics.

Artículo en Inglés | WPRIM | ID: wpr-93262


Nipples are protected by nipple splints after reconstructing or reshaping them using various materials. We have devised a nipple splint using textile-like thermoplastic tape, which is made out of knitted hybrid fabric, is latex-free, and keeps its position well beneath a brassiere with simple taping. Its conformation is readily modifiable according to each patient's breast shape, if it is soaked into hot water. A patient who underwent nipple reconstructive surgery had this thermoplastic cast applied for a month, and the contour of the nipple was well preserved without reports of skin irritation or pressure sores developing on the areola.

Humanos , Mama , Pezones , Úlcera por Presión , Piel , Férulas (Fijadores) , Textiles , Agua
Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-481851


A rapid method was developed for the determination of 9 organophosphorous flame retardants ( OPFRs) in textiles by ultra high performance liquid chromatography tandem electrospray ionization mass spectrometry ( UHPLC-MS/MS ) . Analytes in textile samples were extracted in a closed bottle at 50℃ with methanol by ultrasonic extraction for 30 min. And then, the extracted solution was injected after filtration and determined by UHPLC-MS/MS. Target analytes were separated by C18 column and methanol/water containing 5. 0 mmol/L NH4 COOH. The positive electrospray ionization and multiple reaction monitoring mode ( MRM) was utilized. The matrix effect (ME) could be compensated by adjusting the concentration of NH4COOH and the composition of the mobile phase after careful investigation with blank samples. An external standard calibration method was chosen to the quantitative analysis. Under the optimized conditions, method precision represent with relative standard deviations (RSDs) was 5. 2% (TOCP) -12. 5% (TRIS) for cotton, 6. 4%(TBEP)-13. 8% (TRIS) for polyester, and 6. 9% (TDCP) -14. 5% (TEPA) for wool samples. The recoveries for standard addition were in the range of 52 . 5% ( TEPA ) -116 . 4% ( TPP ) . The limits of quantification (LOQ, S/N=10) were between 1. 0 (TBP) and 10. 0 (TRIS) μg/kg.

Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-403818


A comprehensive analytical method based on liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry has been developed for the determination of nonylphenol, octylphenol and bisphenol A in textiles and food packaging) materials. Various textile and food packaging material samples were extracted under the conditions of 10.3 MPa and 120 ℃ by accelerated solvent extraction method with two static cycles using ethanol as the extraction) solvent. The extract was cleaned up by Supelclean Envi-Carb solid phase extraction cartridge. Qualitative) and quantitative analyses were carried out for the analytes under the multiple reaction monitoring(MRM) mode after the chromatographic separation on Waters XBridge C_(18))(150 mm×2.1 mm, 3.5 μm) column) with methanol-0.1% NH_4OH gradient elution. The limits of detection(LODs) for alkylphenol, octyphenol and bisphenol A were 0.5 μg/kg. The mean recoveries for textile samples at the spiked level of 0.5-10 μg/kg were 86.9%-92.5%, with the relative standard deviation less than 9.1%. The mean recoveries for food packaging material samples at the spiked level of 0.5-10 μg/kg were 87.8%-93.0%, with the relative standard deviation less than 8.8%. The method is accurate, simple, rapid, and adapts to the inspection of nonylphenol, octylphenol and bisphenol A in textiles and food packaging materials.

Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-588629


OBJECTIVE To improve capability of nosocomial infection(NI) prevention and control in reusable textiles management.METHODS In an investigation to previous reused textiles handled procedure,care to keep from creation of potential infectious aerosols should not be taken in contaminated textiles collection,transportation of clean and soiled textile was done in undistinguished uncovered vehicles,sorting room shared a common space with dressing room and washing room,and personal protection was not performed in handling contaminated textiles.RESULTS A series of NI management as follows effectively were adopted in hospital laundry.Appropriate bags were adopted for collecting used textiles or fabrics at the point of generation and subsequently closed securely for transportation of them to the laundry.An independent sorting area with exclusive ventilation system was separated from other parts of the laundry.Hand hygiene facilities and products and appropriate personal protective equipments were available.Transportation and storage of clean from soiled textiles were separated.CONCLUSIONS Appropriate handling and processing textiles in infectious disease hospital plays key role in NI management.

Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-539594


Objective To establish a discoloring kinetic analysis method for determination of trace formaldehyde in textiles. Methods Based on the catalysis of formaldehyde on the discoloring reaction of bromophenol blue oxidized by potassium bromated in phosphoric acid medium,the contents of formaldehyde in textiles were determinated by spectrophotometry. The optimum condition and kinetic parammeters of the reaction were studied in detail. Results The optimum required volumes of reagents were 2.0,3.0,1.0 ml for H3PO4,KBrO3 and bromophenol blue respectively.The reaction was optimized at 85 ℃ for10 min.At working wave length of 430 nm,the linear range was 0.05-0.40 ?g/ml,the detection limit was 0.006 9 ?g/ml ,the recovery rate and RSD were 96%-106% and 2.9%-3.2% respectively. Conclusion This method was easy ,rapid and sensitive for the determination of trace formaldehyde in textiles.