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Med. leg. Costa Rica ; 40(2)dic. 2023.
Artículo en Español | LILACS, SaludCR | ID: biblio-1514473


El crimen organizado se ha convertido en un flagelo a nivel internacional conformado por grupos al margen de la ley que realizan todo tipo de actividades que involucran desde tráfico de personas, secuestros, extorsiones, narcotráfico y muchos otros delitos. Producto de este fenómeno, la desaparición y ejecución de personas es cada día más frecuente, en muchos casos los cuerpos son quemados o desmembrados para impedir o hacer más difícil la identificación. La odontología forense se ha convertido en una disciplina transcendental en la identificación de cadáveres y restos óseos, además de contar con múltiples métodos para estimar la edad aproximada de una persona. Se presenta el caso de un descuartizamiento múltiple de tres individuos masculinos donde era indispensable identificar si alguno correspondía a una persona menor de 18 años.

Organized crime has become an international scourge made up of outlaw groups that carry out all kinds of activities ranging from human trafficking, kidnapping, extortion, drug trafficking and many more. As a result of this phenomenon, the disappearance and execution of people is becoming more frequent every day, in many cases the bodies are burned or dismembered to prevent or make identification more difficult. Forensic odontology has become a transcendental discipline in the identification of corpses and skeletal remains, in addition to having multiple methods to estimate the approximate age of a person. The case of a multiple dismemberment of three male individuals is presented, where it was essential to identify a person under 18 years of age.

Humanos , Determinación de la Edad por los Dientes/métodos , Víctimas de Crimen , Dentición , Odontología Forense/instrumentación , Calcificación Fisiológica , Costa Rica , Tercer Molar/patología
Rev. cuba. estomatol ; 60(4)dic. 2023.
Artículo en Español | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1550852


Introducción: Las complicaciones, asociadas al brote anormal de los terceros molares, es posible evitarlas con la germenectomía de estos dientes. Objetivo: Caracterizar la evolución de la germenectomía de terceros molares en pacientes con diagnóstico cefalométrico de brote anormal. Métodos: Se realizó un estudio observacional, descriptivo y transversal en el Servicio de Cirugía Maxilofacial del Hospital Provincial "Saturnino Lora Torres", desde febrero de 2019 hasta marzo de 2021. Se estudiaron 32 pacientes de 13 a 15 años de edad, interviniéndose quirúrgicamente 78 terceros molares. Las variables fueron edad, sexo, color de la piel, localización y posición del tercer molar; así como las complicaciones trans y posoperatorias y la evolución. Resultados: Entre los 32 pacientes incluidos en el estudio predominó el sexo femenino (62,5 por ciento) y la edad de 14 años (40,6 por ciento). Las complicaciones ocurridas durante la germenectomía fueron más frecuentes en la arcada inferior. Aunque no fueron detectadas diferencias estadísticamente significativas según localización (valor de p>0,05); con 30 transoperatorias para un 38,4 por ciento y 75 posoperatorias para un 96,2 por ciento. Conclusiones: Se evidencia una evolución marcadamente favorable posterior a la germenectomía de terceros molares en la población de pacientes con diagnóstico cefalométrico de brote anormal. En ellos el sangrado transoperatorio y el dolor posoperatorio constituyen las complicaciones a considerar en este tipo de procedimiento quirúrgico(AU)

Introduction: Complications associated with the abnormal eruption of third molars can be avoided with germenectomy of these teeth. Objective: To characterize the evolution of third molar germenectomy in patients with a cephalometric diagnosis of abnormal bud. Methods: An observational, descriptive and cross-sectional study was carried out in the Maxillofacial Surgery Service at Saturnino Lora Torres Provincial Hospital, from February 2019 to March 2021. Thirty two patients aged 13 to 15 years were studied, with 78 third molars undergoing surgery. The variables were age, sex, skin color, location and position of the third molar; as well as trans and postoperative complications and evolution. Results: Among the 32 patients included in the study, the female sex (62.5 percent) and the age of 14 years (40.6 percent) predominated. Complications that occurred during germenectomy were more frequent in the lower arch. Although no statistically significant differences were perceived according to location (p value > 0.05); with 30 intraoperative for 38.4 percent and 75 postoperative for 96.2 percent. Conclusions: There is evidence of a markedly favorable evolution after germenectomy of third molars in the population of patients with cephalometric diagnosis of abnormal bud. In them, transoperative bleeding and postoperative pain are the complications to consider in this type of surgical procedure(AU)

Humanos , Femenino , Adolescente , Tercer Molar/anomalías , Epidemiología Descriptiva , Estudios Observacionales como Asunto
Rev. inf. cient ; 101(6)dic. 2022.
Artículo en Español | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1441971


Introducción: La posición del tercer molar mandibular durante su erupción puede influir en el resultado del tratamiento de ortodoncia o que se necesita recurrir a este nuevamente. Objetivo: Describir la posición de los terceros molares mandibulares durante su erupción en pacientes que recibieron tratamiento ortodóncico en el consultorio Desing Dental en la ciudad de Santo Domingo de los Tsáchilas, Ecuador. Método: se realizó un estudio descriptivo transversal, el universo lo constituyeron el total de pacientes que recibieron tratamiento ortodóncico en edades comprendidas entre 13 y 33 años¸ el muestreo fue aleatorio simple y la muestra quedó conformado por 23 pacientes, 11 del sexo masculino y 12 del femenino. La recolección de la información se realizó a través de la revisión documental de los informes radiográficos mediante una guía confeccionada para este fin. Los resultados se presentaron en tablas y fueron contrastados con los de otras investigaciones. Se respetaron los principios éticos. Resultados: La posición de los terceros molares más común según edad y sexo fue: para el sexo masculino de 11 pacientes, 2 presentaron la vertical, 8 la mesioangular y 1 la horizontal; mientras que, en el sexo femenino con una muestra de 12 pacientes: 2 pacientes presentaron la posición vertical, 8 la mesioangular y 2 la distoangular. Conclusiones: La posición más frecuente de los terceros molares durante su erupción en los pacientes con tratamiento de ortodoncia fue la posición mesioangular.

Introduction: The position of mandibular third molar during its eruption can influence on the outcome of orthodontic treatment or the need to turn to an orthodontic treatment again. Objective: To describe the position of mandibular third molars during eruption in patients who received orthodontic treatment at the dental office Desing Dental, in the city of Santo Domingo de los Tsáchilas, Ecuador. Method: A cross-sectional descriptive study was carried out; the universe was constituted by the total of patients who received orthodontic treatment, patients between 13 and 33 years of age; the sampling applied was simple random and the sample selected gathered 23 patients, 11 male and 12 female. The information collected was obtained throught a documentary review of the radiographic reports, using a guide prepared for this purpose. The outcomes were presented in tables and were contrasted with those of other investigations. Ethical principles were respected. Results: The most common position of the third molars according to age and sex was as follow: From the 11 male patients, in 2 of them the position was vertical, 8 mesioangular and 1 horizontal; whereas in the 12 female patients, in two of them the position was vertical, 8 mesioangular and 2 distoangular. Conclusions: The most frequent position of third molars during eruption in patients undergoing orthodontic treatment was the mesioangular position.

Introdução: A posição do terceiro molar inferior durante sua erupção pode influenciar no resultado do tratamento ortodôntico ou que seja necessário recorrer a ele novamente. Objetivo: Descrever a posição dos terceiros molares inferiores durante sua erupção em pacientes que receberam tratamento ortodôntico no consultório Desing Dental na cidade de Santo Domingo de los Tsáchilas, Equador. Método: Foi realizado um estudo descritivo transversal, o universo foi constituído pelo número total de pacientes que receberam tratamento ortodôntico entre 13 e 33 anos, a amostragem foi aleatória simples e a amostra foi composta por 23 pacientes, 11 masculinos e 12 femininos. A coleta de informações foi realizada por meio da revisão documental dos laudos radiográficos utilizando um roteiro elaborado para esse fim. Os resultados foram apresentados em tabelas e contrastados com os de outras investigações. Os princípios éticos foram respeitados. Resultados: A posição mais comum dos terceiros molares de acordo com idade e sexo foi: para o sexo masculino de 11 pacientes, 2 apresentaram a vertical, 8 a mesioangular e 1 a horizontal; enquanto, no sexo feminino com uma amostra de 12 pacientes: 2 pacientes apresentaram a posição vertical, 8 a mesioangular e 2 a distoangular. Conclusões: A posição mais frequente dos terceiros molares durante sua erupção em pacientes com tratamento ortodôntico foi a posição mesioangular.

Rev. cir. traumatol. buco-maxilo-fac ; 22(2): 32-38, abr.-jun. 2022. ilus, tab
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1399219


Objetivo: Relatar a importância da avaliação e indicação correta de técnicas cirúrgicas para extração de terceiros molares inclusos. Metodologia: Com esta revisão bibliográfica pretende-se conhecer um pouco melhor estas abordagens cirúrgicas, comparando-as, e perceber, através de estudos publicados em bases de dados como a Literatura Latino-Americana e do Caribe em Ciências da Saúde (LILACS), Scientific Eletronic Library Online (SciELO) e PubMed, no recorde temporal de 2015 a 2021. Resultados: O presente estudo demonstrou a importância da técnica cirúrgica bem aplicada na vida profissional do cirurgião dentista, auxiliando no ato operatório para a exodontia de terceiros molares inclusos, diminuindo riscos e otimizando tempo cirúrgico e a resposta pós-operatória do paciente. Conclusão: O cirurgião dentista deve estar apto técnica e cientificamente, a fim de diagnosticar e tratar as inclusões dentárias. Importa enfatizar a importância do conhecimento de todos os critérios de indicação e contraindicação, sinonímia, conduta pré e pós-operatória, técnica e tática cirúrgica que, em conjunto, terão papel fundamental no êxito do caso abordado, atenuando as chances da ocorrência de acidentes e complicações cirúrgicas... (AU)

Objetivo: Informar la importancia de la evaluación e indicación correcta de las técnicas quirúrgicas para la extracción de los terceros molares incluidos. Metodología: Con esta revisión bibliográfica, pretendemos conocer un poco mejor estos abordajes quirúrgicos, comparándolos, y percibirlos, a través de estudios publicados en bases de datos como la Literatura Latinoamericana y del Caribe en Ciencias de la Salud (LILACS), Scientific Electronic Library Online (SciELO) y PubMed, en el registro temporal 2015 a 2021. Resultados: El presente estudio demostró la importancia de la técnica quirúrgica bien aplicada en la vida profesional del odontólogo, asistiendo en la cirugía para la extracción de terceros molares incluidos, reduciendo riesgos y optimizando el tiempo quirúrgico y la respuesta postoperatoria del paciente. Conclusión: El dentista debe ser capaz técnica y científicamente para diagnosticar y tratar las inclusiones dentales. Es importante destacar la importancia de conocer todos los criterios de indicación y contraindicación, sinomesia, conducta pre y postoperatoria, técnica quirúrgica y tácticas que, en conjunto, jugarán un papel fundamental en el éxito del caso abordado, atenuando las posibilidades de accidentes y complicaciones quirúrgicas... (AU)

Objective: To report the importance of the evaluation and correct indication of surgical techniques for the extraction of third molars included. Methodology: With this literature review, we intend to know these surgical approaches a little better by comparing them, and to perceive, through studies published in databases such as the Latin American and Caribbean Literature on Health Sciences (LILACS), Scientific Electronic Library Online (SciELO) and PubMed, in the time record 2015 to 2021. Results: The present study demonstrated the importance of the surgical technique well applied in the professional life of the dentist, assisting in the surgery for the extraction of third molars included, reducing risks and optimizing surgical time and postoperative response of the patient. Conclusion: The dentist should be able technically and scientifically in order to diagnose and treat dental inclusions. It is important to emphasize the importance of knowing all the criteria of indication and contraindication, synomy, pre- and postoperative conduct, surgical technique and tactics that, together, will play a fundamental role in the success of the case addressed, attenuating the chances of accidents and surgical complications... (AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Diente no Erupcionado/cirugía , Tercer Molar/cirugía , Pautas de la Práctica en Odontología , Rehabilitación Bucal
Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-936119


OBJECTIVE@#To evaluate the relevant indicators affecting difficulty in the extraction of impacted mandibular third molars and score difficulty of different operation and risk indicators, so as to build an intuitive and accurate scale to help operators make more accurate analysis and prediction of difficulty before the operation.@*METHODS@#Based on literature and the clinical review, the difficulty indicators of tooth extraction were summarized. Firstly, 10 doctors from Peking University School and Hospital of Stomatology who had been engaged in alveolar surgery for a long time established an expert nominal group, and then rated whether the summarized indicators needed to be retained in the form of face-to-face questionnaires. A level 1 and 2 item frame for evaluating difficulty in the tooth extraction was formed after discussion; Then Delphi method was used to send a questionnaire to 30 experts by e-mail. After two rounds of scoring and modification, the scale of difficulty in the extraction of impacted mandibular third molars was formed.@*RESULTS@#The recycling rate of two rounds of questionnaires was 100.0%, which showed that the experts were very enthusiastic about the study; The authority coefficients (Cr) of the two rounds of Delphi expert consultation were both 0.92, which showed that the results were representative and authoritative. After two rounds of grading and revision, the variable coefficient (CV) decreased and the Kendall's concordance coefficient (W) increased, which were statistically significant: In the first round, the CV was 0.24 and W was 0.56 (P < 0.001), and in the second, the CV was 0.19 and W was 0.72 (P < 0.001), which indicated that there was a good convergence among the expert opinions. Finally, a scale of difficulty in the tooth extraction containing 12 items at level A and 37 items at level B was formed, including operation difficulty indicators, risk difficulty indicators and common difficulty indicators.@*CONCLUSION@#Based on comprehensive literature retrieval, the study has put forward the concept that difficulty in the extraction of impacted mandibular third molars is composed of operation difficulty and risk difficulty. Using Delphi method, the long-term clinical experience and professional knowledge of experts are transformed into quantitative indicators as a scoring scale. The scale has certain representativeness and authority.

Humanos , Técnica Delphi , Mandíbula/cirugía , Tercer Molar/cirugía , Extracción Dental , Diente Impactado/cirugía
Bol. malariol. salud ambient ; 62(3): 508-517, 2022. tab
Artículo en Español | LILACS, LIVECS | ID: biblio-1397151


Las extracciones quirúrgicas de terceros molares pueden, si no son atendidas oportunamente, conllevar infecciones postoperatorias de gravedad. Este estudio se realizó sobre una población de 103 pacientes provenientes de la Provincia de Chimborazo, Ecuador con el fin de estudiar posibles infecciones postoperativa después de la extracción de terceros molares. Para ello, se realizó la estratificación de la población en función de la edad (15 a 25, 26 a 30, 31 a 40, 41 a 50 y 51 a 60 años), sexo, estudios escolares (inicial, básica, bachiller y profesional) y nivel socioecónomico (bajo, medio y alto). A la par, se estudió la presencia de bacterias altamente patógenas como la S. mutans y P. gingivalis en la cavidad bucal de las personas con infección postoperatoria. Los resultados revelaron que las molestias asociadas a la extracción de estos terceros molares son más frecuentes entre la población de 15 a 30 años, y es la población femenina la más proclive a tales inflamaciones. Los pacientes de menores recursos económicos fueron lo que acudieron a estos centros asistencias asociados al bajo costo de los mismos. Al analizar la posición del tercer molar respecto al segundo se observó una mayor frecuencia en la posición B. Asimismo, se determinó la presencia de S. mutans y P. gingivali en más de la mitad de la población tratada que debe ser atendida en el menor tiempo posible a fin de evitar males mayores. Se hace un llamado a los padres de familia y maestros para que sea orientadores de estas enfermedades(AU)

Surgical extractions of third molars can, if not treated promptly, lead to serious postoperative infections. This study was conducted on a population of 103 patients from the Province of Chimborazo, Ecuador in order to study possible postoperative infections after the extraction of third molars. For this, the population was stratified according to age (15 to 25, 26 to 30, 31 to 40, 41 to 50 and 51 to 60 years), sex, school studies (initial, basic, high school and professional) and socioeconomic level (low, medium and high). At the same time, the presence of highly pathogenic bacteria such as S. mutans and P. gingivalis in the oral cavity of people with postoperative infection was studied. The results revealed that the discomfort associated with the extraction of these third molars is more frequent among the population aged 15 to 30 years, and the female population is the most prone to such inflammation. Patients with lower economic resources were the ones who attended these assistance centers associated with their low cost. When analyzing the position of the third molar regard to the second, a higher frequency was observed in position B. Likewise, the presence of S. mutans and P. gingivali was determined in more than half of the treated population that should be treated in the minor time possible in order to avoid greater problems. A call is made to parents and teachers to guide these diseases(AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Adolescente , Adulto , Persona de Mediana Edad , Anciano , Cirugía Bucal , Infección de la Herida Quirúrgica , Extracción Dental , Tercer Molar , Clase Social , Bacterias , Educación Primaria y Secundaria , Infecciones
Braz. dent. sci ; 25(3): 1-9, 2022. ilus
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1373160


Auto-transplantation has been suggested to be a favourable treatment option in comparison to prosthodontic replacements. Studies have shown an average survival rate of 89.1% for auto-transplanted teeth. This article aims to report a successful third molar auto-transplantation, despite delayed endodontic treatment because of movement control order (MCO) imposition following COVID-19 out-break in Malaysia. A 22-year-old female patient's impacted lower left third molar (38) was used as a donor to replace her lower left second molar (37), which was deemed non-restorable due to caries and root resorption as a result of impinging pressure from the impacted adjacent third molar. Successful outcome and uneventful healing were achieved over a period of one year, despite delayed endodontic treatment following auto-transplantation. A favourable auto-transplant can be achieved despite delayed endodontic treatment post-transplantation, if the procedure is performed in a good aseptic environment and bacterial load is controlled at the site (AU)

O autotransplante tem sido sugerido como uma opção de tratamento favorável em comparação com as substituições protéticas. Estudos mostraram uma taxa de sobrevivência média de 89,1% para dentes autotransplantados. Este artigo tem como objetivo relatar um autotransplante de terceiro molar bem-sucedido, apesar do atraso no tratamento endodôntico devido à imposição da ordem de controle de movimento (MCO) após o surto de COVID-19 na Malásia. O terceiro molar inferior esquerdo impactado de uma paciente de 22 anos (38) foi usado como doador para substituir seu segundo molar inferior esquerdo (37), que foi considerado não restaurável devido à cárie e reabsorção radicular como resultado da pressão de impacto do terceiro molar adjacente impactado. Resultado bem sucedido e cicatrização sem intercorrências foram alcançados ao longo de um período de um ano, apesar do atraso no tratamento endodôntico após o autotransplante. Um autotransplante favorável pode ser alcançado apesar do atraso no tratamento endodôntico pós-transplante, se o procedimento for realizado em um ambiente asséptico e com carga bacteriana controlada no local.(AU)

Humanos , Femenino , Adulto , Confinamiento Controlado , Pulpa Dental , Cavidad Pulpar , Endodoncia , COVID-19 , Tercer Molar
Rev. cir. traumatol. buco-maxilo-fac ; 21(4): 14-19, out.-dez. 2021. ilus
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1391245


A importância da permanência dos dentes naturais na cavidade bucal vem sendo cada dia mais reconhecida e almejada, seja pelo fator estético ou pelo funcional. Uma alternativa para a reabilitação de indivíduos com perdas dentárias ou exodontias indicadas é o transplante dental. Esta modalidade de tratamento corresponde à transferência de um órgão dental, para um alvéolo receptor. O presente trabalho relata e discute um caso de triplo transplante autógeno, utilizando terceiros molares, enfatizando as etapas cirúrgicas e demonstrando que após dois anos de preservação os resultados confirmam o sucesso deste tratamento. Anamnese, exames clínicos e radiográficos foram analisados de forma criteriosa, antes e após a cirurgia, sendo a radiografia panorâmica utilizada antes e após o ato cirúrgico e radiografias periapicais após, para acompanhamento individual das unidades transplantadas. Houve sucesso na realização dos transplantes dentários, obtendo regeneração pulpar e adaptação ao alvéolo receptor, mantendo o espaço dental com vitalidade e oclusão dentaria satisfatória. O procedimento apresentou sucesso significativo, obtendo êxito nas três unidades transplantadas, devolvendo o equilíbrio ao desenvolvimento crânio facial, comprovando sua eficácia na reabilitação oral em jovens com perdas prematuras de unidades dentárias... (AU)

The importance of the maintenance of natural teeth in the oral cavity has been increasingly recognized and desired, for the aesthetic and also the functional factor. An alternative for the rehabilitation of individuals with indicated tooth loss or extractions is dental transplantation. This type of treatment corresponds to the transfer of a dental organ to a recipient alveolar socket. The present work reports and discusses a case of triple autogenous transplantation, using third molars, emphasizing the surgical stages and demonstrating that after two years of preservation the results confirm the success of this treatment. Anamnesis, clinical and radiographic examinations were carefully analyzed, before and after surgery, with panoramic radiography used before and after surgery and periapical radiographs afterwards, for individual monitoring of transplanted units. Dental transplants were successful in achieving pulp regeneration and adaptation to the recipient alveolus, maintaining the dental space with vitality and satisfactory dental occlusion. The procedure was significantly successful, achieving success in the three transplanted units, restoring balance to the facial skull development, proving its effectiveness in oral rehabilitation in young people with premature loss of dental units... (AU)

La importancia de la permanencia de los dientes naturales en la cavidad bucal ha sido cada vez más reconocida y buscada, ya sea por motivos estéticos o funcionales. Una alternativa para la rehabilitación de personas con pérdida de dientes o extracciones recomendadas es el trasplante dental. Esta modalidad de tratamiento corresponde a la transferencia de un órgano dentario a un alvéolo receptor. Este trabajo reporta y discute un caso de triple trasplante autógeno, utilizando terceros molares, enfatizando los pasos quirúrgicos y demostrando que luego de dos años de preservación, los resultados confirman el éxito de este tratamiento. Se analizó cuidadosamente la anamnesis, los exámenes clínicos y radiográficos, antes y después de la cirugía, con radiografía panorámica antes y después de la cirugía y radiografías periapicales después, para el seguimiento individual de las unidades trasplantadas. Los trasplantes dentales fueron exitosos, logrando la regeneración pulpar y la adaptación al alvéolo receptor, manteniendo el espacio dentario con una oclusión y vitalidad dentarias satisfactorias. El procedimiento fue significativamente exitoso, teniendo éxito en las tres unidades trasplantadas, devolviendo el equilibrio al desarrollo craneofacial, demostrando su efectividad en la rehabilitación oral en jóvenes con pérdida prematura de unidades dentales... (AU)

Humanos , Femenino , Adolescente , Trasplante Autólogo , Tercer Molar , Tercer Molar/cirugía , Rehabilitación Bucal , Radiografía Panorámica , Cuidados Posteriores , Oclusión Dental
Rev. cuba. estomatol ; 58(4)dic. 2021.
Artículo en Español | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1408357


Introducción: La intervención temprana en el brote anormal de los terceros molares podría reducir la proporción de pacientes con las molestias asociadas y la aparición de alteraciones producto a la retención dentaria. Objetivo: Validar el modelo cefalométrico predictivo para el brote de los terceros molares desarrollado González Espangler. Métodos: Se realizó un estudio longitudinal, descriptivo, de corte transversal, en adolescentes del Instituto Preuniversitario "Rafael María de Mendive" de Santiago de Cuba durante el periodo comprendido entre enero del 2017 y marzo del 2020. Fueron empleadas dos muestras aleatorias de 21 estudiantes de 15-18 años y 29 profesionales de las ciencias de la salud. Se estudiaron variables como el sexo, color de la piel, localización, etapa de formación, espacio óseo posterior, angulación, diámetro mesiodistal, factores predictivos y tipo de brote de los terceros molares. Resultados: Predominó el tipo de brote anormal: 19,0 por ciento para la localización 1.8; 17,9 por ciento para la 2.8; 21,4 por ciento en la 3.8 y 20,2 por ciento en la posición 4.8. No existieron diferencias significativas entre las medidas promedios del espacio óseo posterior, angulación y diámetro mesiodistal con el estudio de referencia. La validación de modelo por criterio de expertos obtuvo una calificación global de concordancia entre ellos del 100 por ciento. Conclusiones: El modelo cefalométrico predictivo validado es viable en el proceso de predicción del brote de los terceros molares en la población(AU)

Introduction: Early intervention in the abnormal eruption of third molars could reduce the number of patients with associated discomfort and the appearance of alterations caused by dental retention. Objective: Validate the cephalometric prediction model for third molar eruption developed by González Espangler. Methods: A cross-sectional longitudinal descriptive study was conducted of adolescents from Rafael María de Mendive Senior High School in Santiago de Cuba from January 2017 to March 2020. The two random samples examined consisted of 21 students aged 15-18 years and 29 health sciences professionals. The variables considered were sex, skin color, location, training stage, posterior bony space, angulation, mesiodistal diameter, predictive factors and type of third molar eruption. Results: Abnormal eruption prevailed: 19.0 percent in location 1.8; 17.9 percent in 2.8; 21.4 percent in 3.8 and 20.2 percent in 4.8. Significant differences were not observed between average values for posterior bony space, angulation and mesiodistal diameter, and the study reference. Validation of the model by expert criteria obtained a global agreement score of 100 percent. Conclusions: The cephalometric prediction model validated in the study is viable for the prediction of third molar eruptions in the population(AU)

Humanos , Adolescente , Predicción , Tercer Molar/crecimiento & desarrollo , Cefalometría/métodos , Epidemiología Descriptiva , Estudios Transversales , Estudios Longitudinales
Rev. habanera cienc. méd ; 20(6)dic. 2021.
Artículo en Español | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1409429


Introducción: El conocimiento del desarrollo dentario desde su génesis hasta su aparición en la boca, es de gran utilidad para la práctica clínica estomatológica. Objetivo: Validar un esquema de formación y desarrollo para los terceros molares. Material y Métodos: Se realizó un estudio observacional, descriptivo y transversal en el Policlínico José Martí Pérez de Santiago de Cuba, en el período comprendido desde mayo de 2016 hasta febrero de 2017. El universo estuvo constituido por 2 421 terceros molares, encontrados en 618 radiografías panorámicas de pacientes ortodóncicos de 8 a 18 años de edad. Se diseñó un esquema de formación y desarrollo el cual se validó por aspecto, contenido y criterio. Resultados: Se destaca, según el esquema propuesto, la aparición de la cripta (etapa I) a los 9,0 años como intervalo medio (etapa I), así como el inicio de los movimientos eruptivos (etapa IV) a los 9,9, para dar paso al inicio de la formación de la raíz a los 10,3 (etapa V). La validez del contenido del esquema diseñado se logró con la opinión de los 15 expertos (6 estomatólogos con categoría de doctores en ciencias y 9 especialistas de Segundo Grado en Ortodoncia), la cual fue muy buena. Conclusiones: Fue posible validar el esquema de formación y desarrollo para los terceros molares, de modo que está disponible un instrumento válido y confiable, cuyo uso y adecuada aplicación se justifican en el ámbito investigativo(AU)

Introduction: Knowledge of dental development from its genesis to its appearance in the mouth is very useful for the dental clinical practice. Objective: To validate a training and development scheme for third molars. Material and Methods: An observational, descriptive, and cross-sectional study was carried out at "José Martí Pérez" Polyclinic from Santiago de Cuba in the period from May 2016 to February 2017. The universe consisted of 2 421 third molars, found in 618 panoramic radiographs of orthodontic patients 8 to 18 years of age. A training and development scheme was designed and validated by aspect, content and criteria. Results: According to the proposed scheme, the appearance of the crypt (stage I) at 9.0 years as a medium interval (stage I), as well as the onset of eruptive movements (stage IV) at 9.9 years, stand out to give way to the beginning of root formation at 10.3 (stage V). The content validity of the designed scheme was achieved by considering the opinion of 15 experts (6 dentists with Doctors of Science degree, and 9 second-degree specialists in Orthodontics), which was very good. Conclusions: It was possible to validate the training and development scheme for third molars, so a valid and reliable instrument, whose use and adequate application are justified in the research field, is available(AU)

Humanos , Odontólogos , Tercer Molar , Epidemiología Descriptiva , Estudios Transversales
Dental press j. orthod. (Impr.) ; 26(1): e21ins1, 2021. graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1154067


ABSTRACT Introduction: The third molars are forgotten because they are the last in the dental arch, they do not directly influence the smile and they appear only in adolescence, when they do. Objectives: 1) to provide the clinician with a "checklist" to assess and diagnose changes to be screened in the third molar region in new patients; 2) to reveal the importance of not discharging the patient submitted to any dental treatment without first analyzing the third molars region clinically and on imaging examinations, since many diseases are associated to them. Result: A list of 10 situations that cover all diagnostic possibilities involving the third molars is presented. Conclusion: Adopting this protocol is a matter of habit, since the need is fundamental. The next professional assisting your patient may ask: "Did he not request examinations for the third molars?".

RESUMO Introdução: Os terceiros molares são esquecidos por serem os últimos dentes na arcada dentária, por não influenciarem diretamente no sorriso e por aparecerem apenas na adolescência - quando aparecem. Objetivos: 1) Fornecer ao clínico um checklist de conferência e diagnóstico de alterações a serem checadas na região dos terceiros molares em novos pacientes; e 2) Destacar a importância de não dar alta ao paciente submetido a qualquer tratamento odontológico sem antes analisar, clínica e imagiologicamente, a região dos terceiros molares, pois muitas doenças estão a eles associadas. Resultado: Criou-se uma lista de 10 situações que englobam todas as possibilidades diagnósticas envolvendo os terceiros molares. Conclusão: Adotar esse protocolo é uma questão de hábito, pois a necessidade é imperiosa. O próximo profissional a atender o seu paciente vai perguntar: "Ele não solicitou exames para os terceiros molares?".

Humanos , Masculino , Adolescente , Mandíbula , Tercer Molar , Pericoronitis , Resorción Dentaria , Diente no Erupcionado , Quiste Dentígero , Tercer Molar/diagnóstico por imagen
Int. j. med. surg. sci. (Print) ; 7(4): 1-11, dic. 2020. graf
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: biblio-1151702


Los terceros molares tienen un patrón de erupción inusual. Estudios sugieren que, debido a la posición y angulación de estos, se pueden presentar diversas patologías en los molares adyacentes, tales como problemas periodontales y aparición de caries distales. El objetivo de este trabajo es describir el estado periodontal de los segundos molares mandibulares adyacentes a terceros molares mandibulares. Para ello se realizó un estudio descriptivo transversal. Se trabajó con una muestra de 277 pacientes que acudieron a la clínica odontológica de la UCSG para realizarse extracciones de terceros molares en el período A-2018. Se realizó un examen clínico intraoral en donde se observaron las siguientes variables: profundidad de sondaje, estado gingival y presencia de caries en segundos molares mandibulares. Además, se revisó las radiografías panorámicas de los pacientes para determinar la posición del tercer molar mandibular y el nivel de la cresta ósea distal de los segundos molares. Los resultados mostraron que la profundidad del sondaje por distal de los segundos molares mandibulares revisados fue normal (de 1 a 3mm) en el 31% de los casos, en tanto que en el 69% se encontraron profundidades mayores a 3mm. Con respecto a la presencia de pérdida ósea en estas piezas, en el 43% de los casos no hubo pérdida, en el 35% de los casos hubo pérdida leve, el 22% presentó pérdida moderada y solo un 1% tuvo pérdida severa. La presencia de terceros molares mandibulares afecta de forma significativa el estado periodontal del segundo molar adyacente, pudiendo generar bolsas periodontales, pérdidas óseas y caries en la zona distal de estos.

Third molars have an unusual eruption pattern. Studies suggest that, due to the positionand angulation of these, various pathologies could occur in the adjacent molars, such as periodontal problems and the appearance of distal caries. The objective of this work is to describe the periodontal status of mandibular second molars adjacent to mandibular third molars. For this, a descriptive transversal study was carried out. We worked with a sample of 277 patients that went to the Dental UCSG Clinic to have their third molars extracted in the period A-2018. An intraoral clinical examination was performed, and the following variables were observed: probing depth, gingival state, and presence of caries in mandibular second molars. In addition, panoramic x-rays of the patients were reviewed to determine the position of the third mandibular molar and the level of the distal bone crest of the second molars. The results showed that the depth of distal probing of the mandibular second molars were normal (from 1 to 3mm) in 31% of the cases, while in 69% depths greater than 3mm were found. Regarding the presence of bone loss, in 43% of the cases there was no loss, in 35% of the cases there was a slight loss, 22% presented moderate loss and only 1% had severe loss. The presence of mandibular third molars significantly affects the periodontal status of theadjacent second molar, which can lead to periodontal pockets, bone loss and caries in their distal area.

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Adolescente , Adulto , Persona de Mediana Edad , Enfermedades Periodontales , Diente Molar , Tercer Molar , Epidemiología Descriptiva , Estudios Transversales
Medwave ; 20(6): e7956, 31-07-2020.
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: biblio-1119722


INTRODUCCIÓN: La coronectomía se considera una alternativa a la extracción total en los casos donde las raíces de los terceros molares inferiores están en íntimo contacto con el nervio alveolar inferior. Existe incertidumbre sobre si la coronectomía disminuye la incidencia de parestesia en comparación a la extracción total. MÉTODOS: Realizamos una búsqueda en Epistemonikos, la mayor base de datos de revisiones sistemáticas en salud, la cual es mantenida mediante el cribado de múltiples fuentes de información, incluyendo MEDLINE, EMBASE, Cochrane, entre otras. Extrajimos los datos desde las revisiones identificadas, analizamos los datos de los estudios primarios, realizamos un meta análisis y preparamos una tabla de resumen de los resultados utilizando el método GRADE. RESULTADOS Y CONCLUSIONES: Identificamos seis revisiones sistemáticas que en conjunto incluyeron 17 estudios primarios, de los cuales, dos corresponden a ensayos clínicos aleatorizados. Concluímos que la coronectomía en comparación a la extracción total de los terceros molares inferiores probablemente se asocia a un menor riesgo de parestesia. Además, no está claro si la coronectomía en comparación a la extracción total de terceros molares inferiores podría aumentar el riesgo de infección (certeza de la evidencia es muy baja).

Humanos , Extracción Dental/métodos , Corona del Diente/cirugía , Tercer Molar/cirugía , Ensayos Clínicos Controlados Aleatorios como Asunto , Bases de Datos Factuales
CES odontol ; 33(1): 22-29, ene.-jun. 2020. graf
Artículo en Español | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1149167


Resumen Introducción y Objetivo: La impactación de terceros molares es una situación clínica muy común en la población mundial; Pell & Gregory han sugerido una clasificación para la impactación basados en la posición horizontal y vertical. Identificar la frecuencia de posiciones de terceros molares impactados en pacientes atendidos en la clínica CES-Sabaneta entre los años 2006-2016. Materiales y métodos: De acuerdo a la base de datos del servicio de cirugía oral, dos examinadores durante 3 meses revisaron 626 historias clínicas en pacientes entre 17 a 28 años de edad que tuvieran formula dental completa, con radiografía panorámica y que fueron remitidos por motivos ortodónticos, restaurativos o quirúrgicos. Resultados: Un total de 515 terceros molares fueron evaluados, el tercer molar más impactado fue el 28 (25,6%), seguido del 18 (25,4%), el 48 con 24,6% y el 38 con 24,2%. Prevaleció el género femenino con 58,6%, el diente más impactado fue el 28 (87.8%), a nivel vertical la posición C fue la que más se impactó, mientras que en los hombres el diente más impactado es el 18 con un 79.7%, la posición B fue la más impactada y a nivel horizontal la clase II fue la más común en ambos sexos. Conclusión: A nivel vertical la posición B, fue la más frecuente en los terceros molares del género femenino, sin embargo, en el género masculino hubo una variación, en el maxilar predomino la posición C; a nivel horizontal la clase II fue las posiciones más frecuentes en ambos géneros.

Abstract Introduction and objective: The Impaction of third molars is a very common clinical situation in the world population; Pell & Gregory have suggested a classification for impaction based on horizontal and vertical position. To identify the frequency of impacted third molar positions in patients treated at the CES-Sabaneta clinic between the years 2006-2016. Materials and methods: According to the oral surgery service database, two examiners during 3 months reviewed 626 clinical histories in patients between 17 and 28 years of ages who had complete dental formula, with panoramic radiography and who were remitted for reasons orthodontic, restorative or surgical. Results: A total of 515 third molars were evaluated, the third most impacted molar was 28 (25.6%), followed by 18 (25.4%), 48 with 24.6% and 38 with 24.2%. %. The female gender prevailed with 58.6%. The most impacted tooth was 28 (87.8%). At the vertical level, position C was the most impacted, while in men the most impacted tooth is 18 with a 79.7. %, position B was the most impacted and at the horizontal level class II was the most common in both sex. Conclusions: At the vertical level, position B was the most frequent in the third molars of the female gender, however in the male gender there was a variation, in the maxillary the position C predominated; A horizontal level class II was the most frequent positions in both sex.

Sumário Introdução e Objetivo: O impacto dos terceiros molares é uma situação clínica muito comum na população mundial; Pell & Gregory sugeriram uma classificação para o impacto com base na posição horizontal e vertical. Identifique a frequência de comprometimento das posições dos terceiros molares em pacientes tratados na clínica CES-Sabaneta entre 2006-2016. Materiais e métodos: Segundo o banco de dados do serviço de cirurgia oral, dois examinadores, durante 3 meses, revisaram 626 prontuários em pacientes entre 17 e 28 anos de idade que possuíam fórmula dental completa, com radiografia panorâmica e foram encaminhados por motivos ortodôntico, restaurador ou cirúrgico. Resultados: Foram avaliados 515 terceiros molares, o terceiro molar mais impactado foi 28 (25,6%), seguido por 18 (25,4%), 48 com 24,6% e 38 com 24,2 % O sexo feminino prevaleceu com 58,6%, o dente mais impactado foi 28 (87,8%), no nível vertical a posição C foi a mais impactada, enquanto nos homens o dente mais impactado é 18 com 79,7%. %, posição B foi a mais impactada e horizontalmente a classe II foi a mais comum em ambos os sexos. Conclusão: No nível vertical, a posição B foi a mais frequente nos terceiros molares do sexo feminino, no entanto, no sexo masculino houve variação, na posição maxilar C predominou; horizontalmente, a classe II foi a posição mais frequente em ambos os sexos.

Rev. cuba. estomatol ; 56(2): e1722, abr.-jun. 2019. tab
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: biblio-1093216


RESUMEN Introducción: Las retenciones dentarias afectan al 17 % de los pacientes a nivel mundial y están consideradas actualmente como un síndrome, en que los terceros molares ocupan el primer lugar y cuya extirpación quirúrgica deviene la intervención más comúnmente practicada por los cirujanos maxilofaciales. Objetivo: Describir las características anatomorradiográficas de los terceros molares, así como su posible relación con variables epidemiológicas de interés. Métodos: Se realizó un estudio observacional, descriptivo y transversal en escolares del Instituto Preuniversitario "Antonio Alomá Serrano", perteneciente al área de salud del Policlínico Docente Asistencial "José Martí" de Santiago de Cuba, durante el período comprendido desde mayo de 2016 hasta febrero de 2017. Se utilizaron radiografías panorámicas indicadas a estos pacientes, en las que se efectuaron el análisis y la clasificación. Resultados: La mayoría de los dientes se encontraban en clase I (52,6 por ciento), clase C (51,9 por ciento), posición C (82,2 por ciento), verticales (47,7 por ciento) y sin aproximación sinusal (89,5 por ciento). Además se observaron relaciones significativas entre la edad y el color de la piel con respecto al espacio retromolar y la inclinación dentaria de este grupo molar, y entre el sexo y la inclinación. Conclusiones: Los terceros molares son los dientes con mayor variabilidad en cuanto a posición e inclinación intraósea y en edades avanzadas se logra suficiente espacio retromolar y verticalización en la mayoría de ellos(AU)

ABSTRACT Introduction: Tooth impaction affects 17 % of patients worldwide. It is currently considered to be a syndrome in which third molars occupy the first place. Surgical removal is the most common intervention performed by maxillofacial surgeons. Objective: Describe the anatomo-radiographic characteristics of third molars and their possible relationship to epidemiological variables of interest. Methods: A cross-sectional observational descriptive study was conducted of students from Antonio Alomá Serrano Senior High School, from the health area of José Martí University Polyclinic in Santiago de Cuba, from May 2016 to February 2017. The study was based on panoramic radiographs, which were analyzed and classified. Results: Most teeth were class I (52.6 percent), class C (51.9 percent), position C (82.2 percent), vertical (47.7 percent) and without sinus approach (89.5 percent). Significant relationships were found between age and skin color with respect to retromolar space and tooth inclination of this molar group, and between sex and inclination. Conclusions: Third molars are the teeth showing the greatest variability in terms of intraosseous inclination and position. In advanced ages most of them achieve enough retromolar space and verticalization(AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Adolescente , Radiografía Panorámica/métodos , Tercer Molar/cirugía , Epidemiología Descriptiva , Estudios Transversales , Estudio Observacional
Artículo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-202368


Introduction: Dental follicle arises from odontogenicmesenchyme which result in tooth formation. Study aimed toestimate pathological alteration in follicle of impacted thirdmolar(ITM) in cone beam computer tomography (CBCT)and correlation with patient’s age, gender, site and angularposition.Material and Methods: Dental follicle (DF) from 80 ITMwere collected from 68 patients with follicular space ≤ 1.5 mmas measured from the CBCT. dental follicle associated withimpacted teeth were extracted and sent for histopatholicalexamination. statistical analysis was performed.Results: In 80 follicles which were evaluated for patholocalchanges were taken from patients ranging from age of 18to 50 years with a mean age of 37.5 years out if which 21were females and 19 were males. Pathological alterationwere found associated with 10 (35%) follicles which wasstatistically significant (p < 0.001). Incidence of pathologywas slightly more in females and in mandibular jaw. Lesionswere most commonly seen in jaws which were distoangularlyand horizontally impacted.Conclusion: it was concluded that radiographically normalappearing impacted teeth may be associated with variouspathology. So histopatholoic evaluation of all impacted teethis mandatory

Artículo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-192217


Objectives: The aim of this retrospective study was to investigate the prevalence and pattern of third molar impaction and missing third molars in patients over 18 years in different anteroposterior skeletal patterns among central Indian populations. Materials and Methods: The study reviewed 357 orthopantomograms of patients attending the Government College of Dentistry, Indore, Madhya Pradesh. Patients were evaluated to determine the prevalence of third molar impaction, angulation, and level of eruption in Class I, Class II, and Class III patients using Winter's classification to determine angulation of third molars and Pell and Gregory classification for level of impaction. Results: Out of 357 patients, 187 (52.3%) were present with at least one impacted teeth. The third molar impaction was most commonly present in Class II malocclusion (60.65%). Overall, the most common angulation of impaction in both genders was the mesioangular (39%), and the most common level of impaction in both arches was Level B. In Class I, Class II and Class III malocclusion vertical angulation was the most common finding in the maxillary arch and mesioangular angulation in the mandibular arch. No significant association was observed between different types of malocclusion and third molar impaction (P > 0.4648). Conclusion: This study found that almost half of the adult patients above 18 years had at least one impacted third molar. The anteroposterior relationship does not have any significant role for the third molar impaction.

Artículo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-188738


The aim of this study was to investigate development of third molars in 18 year old North Indian male population by means of CT scans and 3D software imaging. Methods: A retrospective analysis of CT scans of 50 patients aged 18 years at the time of their scan was conducted, and the developmental stages of the left third molars were evaluated using Demirjian's classification. Demirjian's classification system distinguished eight stages of crown and root development (Stages A-H). Results: The percentile distributions were recorded for each stage of development and variations for different stages were noted. The developmental and physiological changes of the tooth can be correlated to chronological age. Conclusion: The present investigation could provide reference data for third molar development in the North Indian population and maybe used in wider studies of tooth development and age prediction using dental radiographs for forensic and medico- legal purposes.

Artículo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-203651


Aim: Dentin graft has been recently used as a bone substitute in implant surgery. After third molar extraction a distal ridgedefect may result. This study aimed to evaluate the effectiveness and complications of using autogenous dentin graft afterlower third molars extraction. Materials and methods: The inclusion criteria included patients with mirror-image impactedlower third molars, at least 18 years old, non-smokers, and without any medical disease. Outcomes assessed included pocketdepth (PD) at the lower second molars, Recession (MG), Clinical Attachment level (CAL), Pain using visual analogue score(VAS), Swelling, and Healing. PD, MG and CAL were assessed at three time points (point 1: pre-surgery, point 2: onemonth post extraction, point 3: three months post extraction). The follow up visits were at 7 days (T1), 42 days (T2), and 92days (T3) postoperatively. Hypothesis testing was performed using a significance level of 0.05. Results: Ten patients wereenrolled in the study but 3 of them failed to follow up and were excluded. Pocket depth was not significantly differentbetween the intervention and control groups at T2 and T3. Gingival recession was significantly lower in the treatment groupat T2 (P 0.048) but was not significantly different at T3. The odds of being in a higher category in the dentin graft group attime 3 was 14% the odds in the control arm at time 3 (OR = 0.14, p = 0.09). There was no significant difference between theintervention and control groups for pain VAS, healing, and swelling. Conclusion: Dentin graft is a viable material for bonegrafting after extraction of third molar sockets. Although there was no statistically significant difference between tested andcontrol sites, this maybe a result of the small sample size and the nature of the included cases. Clinical significance:Autogenous dentin graft can be used as a cost-effective, safe, and biocompatible bone-substitute after third molarextractions.

Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-781355


Double-root mandibular third molars are the common types of mandibular third molars that are prone to impac-tion. Based on the summary of clinical cases and experience, the commonly used crown-root separation technique is improved as diagonal root separation technique that divides the roots by the line connecting the distal axis angle to the root furcation. This new method improves the efficiency of the operation and reduces surgical trauma. This paper details the surgical method, minimally invasive mechanics, and key points of this technique, compares the technique with the crown-root separation tech-nique, and discusses their joint applications.

Humanos , Mandíbula , Diente Molar , Tercer Molar , Raíz del Diente , Diente Impactado