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Eng. sanit. ambient ; Eng. sanit. ambient;24(1): 1-11, jan.-fev. 2019. tab, graf
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1001950


RESUMO O descarte incorreto de resíduos, mesmo após tratamento, pode causar impactos negativos nos corpos d'água receptores. Em especial, substâncias como nitrogênio e fósforo podem se tornar, em função de suas concentrações, tóxicas para os organismos aquáticos ou produzir condições favoráveis à proliferação de vegetação, que podem iniciar os processos de eutrofização. Leitos cultivados são sistemas de tratamento de esgoto construídos com a finalidade de imitar a estrutura das wetlands naturais, promovendo mecanismos de fitorremediação. Apesar de a Eichhornia crassipes ser uma planta invasiva causadora de problemas em rios e lagos eutrofizados, seu uso pode ser interessante em leitos cultivados, pois é uma planta ornamental, o que aumentará a aceitação do sistema de tratamento de águas residuárias, além de poder ser reutilizada no artesanato, na produção de biocombustível e na alimentação animal. Nesse contexto, o presente trabalho objetivou avaliar a eficiência de retenção/remoção de fósforo total e nitrogênio total Kjeldahl (NTK) presentes em águas residuárias a partir de dois leitos de fluxo subsuperficial horizontal cultivados com Eichhornia crassipes, com diferença de 43 dias de cultivo entre eles, fixados a um meio suporte. As concentrações de fósforo total variaram de 4,5 a 5,1 mg.L-1 no afluente e de 3,2 a 4,4 mg.L-1 no efluente dos leitos cultivados, enquanto as concentrações de NTK variaram de 95,9 a 104,7 mg.L-1 no afluente e de 77,5 a 85,3 mg.L-1 no efluente.

ABSTRACT Improper disposal, even after treatment, of wastewater can cause negative impacts on receiving water bodies. Particularly, substances such as nitrogen and phosphorus can become, depending on their concentrations, toxic to aquatic organisms or produce favorable conditions for the proliferation of a vegetation that can start the process of eutrophication. Constructed wetlands are a wastewater treatment built to mimic the structure of natural wetlands, promoting mechanisms of phytoremediation. Despite E. crassipes be an invasive plant which causes problems in eutrophic lakes and rivers, its use may be interesting in wetlands because it is an ornamental plant, which will increase wastewater treatment system's acceptance, and it can be reused in crafts, in biofuel production and in animal feed. In this context, the present study aimed to evaluate the efficiency of the retention/removal of total phosphorus and Kjeldahl nitrogen (TKN) present in wastewater by two subsurface horizontal flow constructed wetland system cultivated with Eichhornia crassipes, with a difference of 43 days of cultivation, fixed to a support medium. The concentrations of total phosphorus ranged from 4.5 to 5.1 mg.L-1 in the affluent and from 3.2 to 4.4 mg.L-1 in the effluent of constructed wetlands, whereas NTK concentrations ranged from 95.9 to 104.7 mg.L-1 in the effluent, and from 77.5 to 85.3 mg.L-1 in the effluent.

Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-576105


Objective To reduce information loss in the refining processing of photoplethysmographic (PPG) pulse waveform. Method A novel PPG pulse waveform refining processing technique, named truncation/extrapolation technique was proposed. The key point of the proposed technique was to preserve the shape pattern of the most significant parts of the waveform at the expense of the distortion of the insignificant part. Thus, as compared with the conventional time-normalization method, the proposed technique ensured the accumulation coherent of the signal energy could be. Result Waveform analysis and comparison of experimental data between two methods verified the effectiveness of the proposed method in maintaining the most significant time domain features of the pulse waveform over a relatively wide range of the heart rate change, especially the shape and width of the dominant peak and the position of the dicrotic notch of the first derivative of PPG(dPPG). Conclusion The proposed method reduces the information loss in PPG pulse waveform refining processing, thus helps further processing of the PPG signal using some advanced signal processing techniques, such as waveform modeling and pattern recognition.